[Q] HTC HD2 or HTC Mozart? - HD2 Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting an

I have searched and found no relevant results with regards to my question.
Sorry if I am unacceptability opening a new thread...
Just would really like some advice on a purchasing decision.
I am a student and therefore on a strictly limited income, despite this, I was able to save £230 and now have the option of buying a brand new HD2 or saving up another £30 or so and buying a HTC Mozart.
On the HD2 I will probably primarily use Windows Phone 7 but the possible option of using Android is very attractive.
I guess im asking is the usability of the HD2's Windows Phone 7 good enough to come close to the Mozart's?
I am obviously not expecting 100% smoothness but I was thinking more about things like Zune and the playback of music and general syncing with the software, which is very important to me.
Is the device generally usable for most tasks or should I forget the Android option and go for the smaller Mozart option?
Many thanks.

I currently have a HD2 and a test Mozart. No difference in performance at all. Of course the Mozart has a much better camera but that's all. I would not trade my HD2 for a Mozart for sure

I have HD2. Android on HD2 is almost perfect and Win7 runs well enough on the HD2 for me. I haven't used win 6.5 for 6 months. It really depends on what you need the phone to do. Go to this address: http://android.hd2roms.com/
The link above will take you to a page dedicated to Android for HD2. You can read about each build and the small problems that some still have.
ROM cooking for Win7 has just begun but the ROMS available are already very good. Go to the link below to read about the Win7 builds available for the HD2.
Is the device generally usable for most tasks ? YES!

Just a second thought on this. The HD2 is the better toy for sure and I wouldn't trade my own for any existing device, but you must be prepared for much reading and maybe some problems. If you want a phone that just works and makes no trouble than maybe the Mozart is the better solution.

HTC HD2 or HTC Mozart
Hi there,
This thread is little bit older, but my issue is the same.
Having in mind that there are a lot of progress porting Mango to HD2, I want to hear from you which is the best now: HTC HD2 with Mango or HTC Mozart?
I will use it for development (I meant developing apps for Mango) and as my primary phone. Is Mango fully functional in HD2 and is there any HD7 official stock ROM that is ported for HD2.
Any suggestions?

r3xha said:
Hi there,
This thread is little bit older, but my issue is the same.
Having in mind that there are a lot of progress porting Mango to HD2, I want to hear from you which is the best now: HTC HD2 with Mango or HTC Mozart?
I will use it for development (I meant developing apps for Mango) and as my primary phone. Is Mango fully functional in HD2 and is there any HD7 official stock ROM that is ported for HD2.
Any suggestions?
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If you're serious about development you should stick to one of the official WP7 devices. With the HD2 you'll never know how long it will take before it's possible to install the latest updates. Debugging/Performance Analysis wasn't possible on HD2 running Mango until ultrasound/xboxmod released an update a few days ago (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1241932&page=2). So right now it's like any other WP7 device, but this may change in the future.


[Q] WINDOWS PHONE 7 release on nov 8 on HTC HD7

I have confirmed that Windows Phone 7 is being released on several devices on November 8th. The tmobile version has two devices, the one that interests me is the HTC HD7 (and dell venue pro). Nice looking phone 4.3 inch screen, but major difference is it has three buttons (touch like the HD).
here is the link...
does anyone know how they plan to give the hd2 owners the OS? and what about the people who dont know anything about flashing?
WHo has reliable information on how they plan to do this.
Hd2 will not be getting wp7.... that was announced a long time ago. No official upgrade.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
YES an excuse to tell myself to buy a new device!!!
zarathustrax said:
Hd2 will not be getting wp7.... that was announced a long time ago. No official upgrade.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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Thank you for the bad/good news!!!
I actually just signed up to get a HD7 as soon as it's released. I keep seeing that there are too many driver/hardware compatibility issues to make wp7 work on the hd2...
A little f'd up because HTC hinted that anyone who bought the HD2 would be able to upgrade when wp7 came out...it's a good thing that we have great chef's otherwise the HD2 would be a waste
android on htc hd7 same as htc hd2??
now that this phone is coming out will it be the same process to run android on this new phone hd7, or is it more complicated then the htc hd2. are these the same phone basically spec wise except for touch buttons and a kickstand. lets strat the comparison, as i just ordered a hd2 to put android on it but not sure if the hd7 will run android better.
hd7 is not out yet how do we know if you can even run android on windows phone 7! we will all have to wait and see!
Hopefully our great devs here will be able to port wp7 over. Cotulla already got it to boot up on the hd2, which is a great sign. Considering the hd7 has the exact same hardware as our hd2, wp7 has the possibility to run great on our phones. We can only hope and support our devs. Time will tell.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
xxfirerican said:
now that this phone is coming out will it be the same process to run android on this new phone hd7, or is it more complicated then the htc hd2. are these the same phone basically spec wise except for touch buttons and a kickstand. lets strat the comparison, as i just ordered a hd2 to put android on it but not sure if the hd7 will run android better.
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You should get a native android phone if you just want to run android. Android on the hd2 will probably never run as well as native android phone... its always gonna be a hacked on version of android.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
android on hd7 risky move
xxfirerican said:
now that this phone is coming out will it be the same process to run android on this new phone hd7, .
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I'd be a little skeptical about trying the same process on the HD7, will an uploader work or will it brick the phone. we know what happened with the the hd2 hspl was neccessary. And, if the drivers are so different that the wm7 is incompatible with the hd2's hardware...i would assume just throwing the android we have now onto a diffent device is asking for trouble (althoug from everything I'm seeing, the hd7 is almost the same thing... i dont like the fact that the 16gb of memory is on board...will it have an sd slot?)
I'd wait until someone successfully does it
When I looked at the spec it look like it the same processor as my HD2 except for the button. So it can be program to use Windows Mobile 7 without programming the other buttong? Just curious. Can someone check it out? Thanks.
Oh you dear, sweet, uninitiated. Allow me to clarify some points:
A-Officially, no. This was announced some months ago that the HD2 will NOT be getting an upgrade to WP7 from MS or HTC.
A-Maybe. As it has been stated, Cotulla has booted WP7 successfully on HD2 hardware, but it is uncertain as to wether it will work in day to day use. His team is currently VERY secretive about what is/isn't working.
A-I have always said, if you wan't Android, buy and Android device. WP7 will almost certainly NOT work with current Android builds. Different hardware, different drivers etc. Oh and WP7 is not compatable with CE applications...which means HaRET...and pretty much any program written for WinMo.
I hope that clears some things up!

Can't decide between WP7 or Desire HD. What would you do?

I hae had WinMo for years now with various handsets. Time for me to move on. I have played with the Desire HD rom on my HD2 and I like it. Now WP7 looks really good too.
I want to get one or the other in terms of handset.
They both have similar but also diff specs.
HD7 5mpx cam - DHD 8mpx cam
HD7 No radio - DHD has radio
HD7 No flash support - DHD has flash support
Both have great UIs
Both have Dolby Sound
I can't decide.
I don't have the attention to give you "the" answer; but maybe this can help you.
Make a list of what you need. (important)
make a list on what you will (les important)
Think on your experience and think on the problems you have got in the past and you certainly dont will again.
Think on the future (I mean next mouth you will have need something GPS...?)
So now you have a list and you can start to look witch device gives you the most of your needs.
okay this was based on needs now you can compare with taste.
in it's current state wp7 devices are NOT an upgrade to the HD2. I am going to wait this one out as I believe that my HD2 will last me at least another 2 years and then we'll see if the WP7 platform has things that I want in my phone
1. copy paste
2. tethering
3. expandable storage
4. 3rd part app multi-tasking
4. displays better than the sub 1280*800 displays we have now
If I were you, I would just wait till Cotulla finishes the work on WP7 so we can all try it on our HD2 devices. Then if you're interested in it go for the WP7 otherwise go for the Desire which you said you've played with it and liked it.
tboy2000 said:
I hae had WinMo for years now with various handsets. Time for me to move on. I have played with the Desire HD rom on my HD2 and I like it. Now WP7 looks really good too.
I want to get one or the other in terms of handset.
They both have similar but also diff specs.
HD7 5mpx cam - DHD 8mpx cam
HD7 No radio - DHD has radio
HD7 No flash support - DHD has flash support
Both have great UIs
Both have Dolby Sound
I can't decide.
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Hi Tboy2000,
Havent you answered your own question with the pros/cons list above? I would take the Desire HD. WP7 needs time to develop, and the HD7 seems to offer less than the HD2.
I was soo wanting the desire HD when it was announced, but since trying it on my hd2 its great and all, but my hd2 can do so much more, the only advantage i see over the hd2 is the camera other than that for me the hd2 wins hands down. WP7 is the same (as much) hardware as the hd2, so for me im sticking with the hd2 until a better processor/camera/build.
Wait at least month after both devices are released. But I don't hold any hopes for WP7. I don't see why anyone should want it.
Thanks for the comments guys. I guess I wanted to make a decision soon because I would want to sell my HD2 and put the money to a new handset and if I wait and wait, the value of the HD2 will drop further. They go for around 220 pounds on ebay. I want a HD7 because the OS is NEW and will flourish and develop further over time and developers are supporting it well. However Desire HD is so much better than Desire and the new HTC OS tweaks make it an excellent phone. I just can't decide lol!
if my HD2 would stop working , i think i would buy the Desire HD.
But since my HD2 still works i'll stick to that since i can run Desire HD Android aswell as windows 6.5
HD2. Hands down. It almost has the same features as Desire HD except Desire HD has more RAM, and a better camera. So, HD2.
I had a HD2, but unfortunately 'she' died last Sunday. I read ALOT about the new HTC Windows 7 and Android devices. I also talked with some professional developers and they advised me to go for Android. Why? It's a well developed OS with lots of applications and games. Most application- and game developers are investing in IOS and Android. Windows 7 is a good looking OS, but it lacks many applications and games.It needs time to grow up...I don't want to wait, I want to enjoy my phone.
tboy2000 said:
I hae had WinMo for years now with various handsets. Time for me to move on. I have played with the Desire HD rom on my HD2 and I like it. Now WP7 looks really good too.
I want to get one or the other in terms of handset.
They both have similar but also diff specs.
HD7 5mpx cam - DHD 8mpx cam
HD7 No radio - DHD has radio
HD7 No flash support - DHD has flash support
Both have great UIs
Both have Dolby Sound
I can't decide.
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With the list you have there, seems like a pretty lop sided comparison if you ask me...
Since you have an HD2 right now, just wait until you can play with an HD7 a bit before you make a decision.
This all comes down to personal taste and there have been some good comments and tipps for you to decide what phone would be better for you.
In my opinion, I have tried Android long enough to know that I won't buy any Android-phone until the OS would be completely changed from scratch.
Android is ugly, complicated, unstable and fragmented. My 2.5year-old Diamond with WM6.1 is running more reliable than the Desire.
I will stay with my HD2 with WM6.5.3 for the time being and will step to WindowsPhone7 once the hardware is getting better.

[Q] Thinking about buying a HD2

I’ve currently got a HTC Touch Pro and I’m thinking about maybe buying a HD2 which I can get on eBay for about £170 - £200 and that’s quite a lot of money so I want to be sure before I buy it. What has mainly gotten me interested in this phone is the fact it can run Windows Phone 7 which looks lovely. A few things I’m unsure about is the size and the fact this phone doesn’t have a hardware keyboard, I’ve used a friend’s HD2 before but only for a few minutes. Anybody here upgrade to the HD2 from a phone with a hardware QWERTY keyboard how did you find getting use to the onscreen one, was it better?
It can run WP7, but it's a bit of a hack, you basically can't "activate" it to get apps from the marketplace or other xbox live services without calling Microsoft and getting a gullible representative on the line, which are hard to come by because by now they've mostly been briefed on this.
Also, who knows when nodo comes out in March if the old ROMs will still function indefinitely, nodo itself will have to be hacked in order for it to accept sideloading which Microsoft has stated they'd close. Also half the reason why the closed-source WP7 works so well on the HD2 is because it was prototyped on the HD2, the ROMs available now are based on those prototypes, after nodo, that also won't be the case, necessitating the making of drivers for a closed-source OS with no native SDK.
I don't want to sound negative, but my experience with WP7 is that it's not a "daily driver" on the HD2, and unlike Android on the HD2 is very much an unfinished work with an uncertain future due to Microsoft locking up the platform. It is fun to play with though, and I think you'd enjoy the HD2 in general, but if what you want is a WP7 phone, you probably should buy a WP7 phone.
I bought the HD2 for use as a student/scientist to be able to communicate with work effectively through email along with mobile office and all the great features it has. The lack of qwerty keyboard is made up for by the large screen. It gives a touch screen keyboard a lot of real estate to work with. But I just recently decided to install android on it instead of upgrading to WM7. That has made me love this phone. You can keep WM6.5 on the phone as well as install android for all the fun quirkiness you need. It has made this phone perfect for me. This phone is like a mullet: Business in the front (windows), party in the back (android, and by back I mean SD card).
I had a Desire and moved on to the HD2 about a month ago - the larger screen makes using the touch keyboard easier.
A side effect of booting Android off an SD card (as I do) is that a *full* backup of the installation can be made by simply copying the contents of the relevant directories on the SD card. Also, the data.img file (equivalent to the data partition on a phone where the O/S is installed in EEPROM) can be resized (with some care) to a larger size if needed.
Should you buy an HD2?
Firstly WP7 works properly and is EASY to activate via MS helpline.(1 phone call approx. 2 mins). There is a ton of support for you and any questions or problems you have, right here on this site.
A bit of a hack?... Yes, well this is XDA and I'm pretty sure you know that and are comfortable with it already.
WP7 on the HD2 works better (faster) than on the HD7!!!!
Secondly if you don't like WP7 as an everyday OS (are you ill?) then you can have WM6.5, Android, Ubuntu, Meego and even Win 95/98 or I think I read somewhere XP????
Why would you even ask if you should buy one?
£200 is cheap (£400+ rrp) compared to anything else on the market especially when you look at the specs and performance of those devices compared with the HD2.
I've had to upgrade my SD Card for £30, but I didn't have to fork out £300 for HD7, and I was going to upgrade anyway to fit more music on.
As for the soft keyboard...what can I say? It's bigger than the hard keys you've got at the minute and the Touch Screen works great.
The only question you should be asking is;
Why hasn't everyone got an HD2?
No matter what you prefer as an OS, the HD2 has got you covered thanks to the hard work of some great people on XDA, Cotulla and Bepe @ DFT and lots of others, too many to name here.
Essentially the HD2 will do what you want it to do when you want it to do it. And if what you want to do is sell it, for a new iPhone or HD7 (seriously, you may want to book some time with your GP), then plenty of people on here will want to buy it.
BUY... BUY... BUY....
PloniAlmoni said:
It can run WP7, but it's a bit of a hack, you basically can't "activate" it to get apps from the marketplace or other xbox live services without calling Microsoft and getting a gullible representative on the line, which are hard to come by because by now they've mostly been briefed on this.
Also, who knows when nodo comes out in March if the old ROMs will still function indefinitely, nodo itself will have to be hacked in order for it to accept sideloading which Microsoft has stated they'd close. Also half the reason why the closed-source WP7 works so well on the HD2 is because it was prototyped on the HD2, the ROMs available now are based on those prototypes, after nodo, that also won't be the case, necessitating the making of drivers for a closed-source OS with no native SDK.
I don't want to sound negative, but my experience with WP7 is that it's not a "daily driver" on the HD2, and unlike Android on the HD2 is very much an unfinished work with an uncertain future due to Microsoft locking up the platform. It is fun to play with though, and I think you'd enjoy the HD2 in general, but if what you want is a WP7 phone, you probably should buy a WP7 phone.
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WP7 on HD2 is a hack, yes, but this is the XDA site, and if you're here, you're probably already comfortable with that fact.
WP7 works properly and is EASY to activate via MS helpline.(1 phone call approx. 2 mins). There is a ton of support for you and any questions or problems you have, right here on this site.
HD2 was the test bed for WP7 on HTC devices, and HD7 is a slightly worse re-worked version of the HD2, so any future HD7 updates will be portable to HD2 which, if experience is an indicator, will run them better than HD7.
The Chevron7 unlock guys have been talking with MS about their sideload app, and although MS are going to close the loophole, Windows is Windows...infinitely hackable.
You may not be trying to sound negative, but you're not doing a very good job.
Definitely buy a HD2 and run Android (NAND) and you'll never look back.
Hi! I'd like to buy an hd2 too. My questions (in part you have already answered) are the following: i would buy an used hd2 to run above all android (and maybe occasionally i could try wp7 or the original wm6.5). But worth buying an hd2 for an unofficial rom? and android on hd2 is stable as the official one? has it problems (maybe it freezes...)? thank you very much!!!
jackal992 said:
Hi! I'd like to buy an hd2 too. My questions (in part you have already answered) are the following: i would buy an used hd2 to run above all android (and maybe occasionally i could try wp7 or the original wm6.5). But worth buying an hd2 for an unofficial rom? and android on hd2 is stable as the official one? has it problems (maybe it freezes...)? thank you very much!!!
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Running WM6.5 I stuck with HTC ROMs, but WP7 means Custom is the new Standard. I don't know about Android, there is a seperate forum, I've never used it, too happy with WP7 (WM6.5 is also very good functionally), which works perfectly if you do it properly. See the posts on this forum about SD Cards.
In short, if you've thought about buying an HD2 you've made a mistake. JUST DO IT, you (probably) wont regret it.
I offer no guarantees on your experience when you decide to purchase. My experience has been awesome.
I am not paid by HTC to advertise their product, however if they offered to pay me, I would gladly advertise the HD2.
I have a Touch Pro & bought the HD2 about a month ago. It is a good device. In my opinion Android is not that special & WM7 is not worth the hassle.
I find Energy WM6.5.x build ROMs superb, rock solid with great GUI of sense & CHT.
The only thing better in Android is available games, Android platform itself is far from ground breaking & graphically dull as dull can get.
On screen keyboard options are good with WM although I still prefer a hard keyboard but the HD2 is good becuase of the huge screen & of course the SnapDragon.
Viewing websites is also far easier with the large screen & Opera 10 or 9.7.
You won't go far wrong with a HD2 if you are up to speed on modding WM, W7 & Android will leave you with problems (W7) or dull OS (Android).
Everyone is different but at least with the HD2 you can have many platforms in one device if you so wish.
ok. thanks a lot!! last question: i already tried to change bootloaders and roms in previuos winmo phones, luckily always all was ok. But in the hd2 is enough simple change bootloader/radio? i know that there are always risks but i've seen a lot of threads about "bricked" and "dead"/no more usable hd2. My question then is: if you follow carefully instructions of cookers is enough improbable that you brick your phone?? is this true? sorry for my bad english!
ps: can i trust buying used hd2 that already have android or however unofficial roms? This doesn't mean that these phones are "bricked", is this correct? even better then i may not have to change radio, correct? thank you very much!!
First Time
I only found out about Custom ROMs, flashing and Bootloaders 3 weeks ago, the first time I flashed everything worked. The HD2 is very stable, the ROMs on this site can be very stable.
Read the instructions carefully, make sure you have everything you need and a few hours spare to do the work. If you do this everything will be fine.
The Radio, MAGLDR and HSPL are as easy to install as a stock ROM, once you've read the instructions available.
Thank you all for the replies and your be happy to know that I brought a HD2 yesterday on eBay for £177 I can't wait to get my hands on it =-D
jackal992 said:
ok. thanks a lot!! last question: i already tried to change bootloaders and roms in previuos winmo phones, luckily always all was ok. But in the hd2 is enough simple change bootloader/radio? i know that there are always risks but i've seen a lot of threads about "bricked" and "dead"/no more usable hd2. My question then is: if you follow carefully instructions of cookers is enough improbable that you brick your phone?? is this true? sorry for my bad english!
ps: can i trust buying used hd2 that already have android or however unofficial roms? This doesn't mean that these phones are "bricked", is this correct? even better then i may not have to change radio, correct? thank you very much!!
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I would prefer to buy a stock device rather than one that could of been subject to a lot of flashing ect.
Also try to buy the revision model identified by having yellow reset button rather than red.
These are reported to have better motherboards & screen assemblies (HTC revised model due to large amount of motherboard & screen fault warranty returns)
If buying used don't buy anything that sounds a bit iffy, HD2 is not a cheap or simple device to fix.

Mango update

After today's press conference it looks like there are many cool new features coming with the Mango update. I guess we'll have to wait some time to see it fully functional at our HD2
I can't wait!
I really can't wait either! God, I love my WP7 cell now! Can't stand using Android with all the bugs! MANGOOOO!
Moved your non developmental thread over to the general section.
great stuff!
antaed said:
great stuff!
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Thanks for the link! I was looking for it.
Any estimation of when this Mango will be avail in our beloved HD2?
n_m619 said:
Thanks for the link! I was looking for it.
Any estimation of when this Mango will be avail in our beloved HD2?
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We must wait for DFT Sir
We should have a bet going. Over or under.
Over = Mango on our HD2 on or sometime after Windows official release.
Under = Mango on our HD2 before Windows official release.
What do you guys think? Can we get a line at one of the casinos lulz!?!?!
My bet: Under, as I hope so because I don't know if I can wait more than three more months!
pharmeceutikle said:
We should have a bet going. Over or under.
Over = Mango on our HD2 on or sometime after Windows official release.
Under = Mango on our HD2 before Windows official release.
What do you guys think? Can we get a line at one of the casinos lulz!?!?!
My bet: Under, as I hope so because I don't know if I can wait more than three more months!
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i would bet for "under" too, but if i had to pick a month it would probably be september.
i find it's very improbable for us to have it waaaay before the official release.
... just a gut feeling
then again, i might be wrong
That's great! If MS releases Mango to devs as soon as 4 weeks time, then hopefully someone or DFT can port it to our HD2 shortly after. But the thing is, i've heard rumors that DFT has Mango already on our phone. I haven't heard anything that is definite though.
So from what I gather, when MS releases Mango it will not include HD2 but we have to wait until someone port a rom for HD2?
I own a HD7 right now and unhappy with the phone because of no visible SD slot (unless I risk voiding warranty and mod it), no custom ringtone , no flash support, no bluetooth sync with my PC for file transfer... all of which Ballmer promises will be fixed in Mango. Oh and also no Android rom for HD7.
All of those reason make me wanna downgrade to a HD2 that has a SD slot and Android rom but my concern is it will take too long for HD2 to get Mango port.
Also, how stable is the Android rom for HD2? Particularly with Market apps. I once owned a Chinese clone of Diamond II dual boot with WM6.5 and Android 2.2, but Android on that phone can't use most Market apps.
What should I do? Keep my HD7 and have faith in M$ and Balmer to fix the issues or downgrade to HD2 now?
Project999 said:
So from what I gather, when MS releases Mango it will not include HD2 but we have to wait until someone port a rom for HD2?
I own a HD7 right now and unhappy with the phone because of no visible SD slot (unless I risk voiding warranty and mod it), no custom ringtone , no flash support, no bluetooth sync with my PC for file transfer... all of which Ballmer promises will be fixed in Mango. Oh and also no Android rom for HD7.
All of those reason make me wanna downgrade to a HD2 that has a SD slot and Android rom but my concern is it will take too long for HD2 to get Mango port.
Also, how stable is the Android rom for HD2? Particularly with Market apps. I once owned a Chinese clone of Diamond II dual boot with WM6.5 and Android 2.2, but Android on that phone can't use most Market apps.
What should I do? Keep my HD7 and have faith in M$ and Balmer to fix the issues or downgrade to HD2 now?
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I think u should stick with the HD7! WP7 Mango update will be sweeeeet! I've personally tried everything from WM6.5, Android and WP7 on the HD2, and I think Android is the worst OS of them. It's slow and ugly looking.. I will stick with WP7 for now couse it has all the main features I need and it looks cool and it's FAST!
Project999 said:
So from what I gather, when MS releases Mango it will not include HD2 but we have to wait until someone port a rom for HD2?
I own a HD7 right now and unhappy with the phone because of no visible SD slot (unless I risk voiding warranty and mod it), no custom ringtone , no flash support, no bluetooth sync with my PC for file transfer... all of which Ballmer promises will be fixed in Mango. Oh and also no Android rom for HD7.
All of those reason make me wanna downgrade to a HD2 that has a SD slot and Android rom but my concern is it will take too long for HD2 to get Mango port.
Also, how stable is the Android rom for HD2? Particularly with Market apps. I once owned a Chinese clone of Diamond II dual boot with WM6.5 and Android 2.2, but Android on that phone can't use most Market apps.
What should I do? Keep my HD7 and have faith in M$ and Balmer to fix the issues or downgrade to HD2 now?
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I've never owned an HD7, but I played around with it a few times. To be frank, there wasn't much to play with! WP7 fun is potential and not actual. I'd take actual over potential any day of the week. So, we'll need something in the meantime while WP7 can go from potential fun to actual fun. The solution for that would be Android. It's a no risk if on SD. Don't like a particular rom just erase it and get another one. Best yet, lets get 2-3 builds at the same time! What's great about that is your WP7 is waiting patiently for you with a simple reboot. Can your HD7 do that? No? Get an HD2 my friend! You may even venture onto Linux if you care to.
Very well put. Just a few questions:
1. HD2 WP7 rom is not offical MS release right? So when MS release Mango, HD2 will have to wait until someone cooks the rom?
2. Is there a likelihood or some project in progress to create English Android rom for HD7? Is it even possible to do this without a SD slot? I saw some youtube video of Chinese version of Android rom for HD7 but it's hard to tell whether it's a HD7 clone phone or a real one.
If it wasn't for Ballmer's promise of 500 new features and all the hype floating around, I'd have got rid of this HD7 long ago.
Project999 said:
Very well put. Just a few questions:
1. HD2 WP7 rom is not offical MS release right? So when MS release Mango, HD2 will have to wait until someone cooks the rom?
2. Is there a likelihood or some project in progress to create English Android rom for HD7? Is it even possible to do this without a SD slot? I saw some youtube video of Chinese version of Android rom for HD7 but it's hard to tell whether it's a HD7 clone phone or a real one.
If it wasn't for Ballmer's promise of 500 new features and all the hype floating around, I'd have got rid of this HD7 long ago.
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1. Correct, as WP7 for HD2 is not official, there might be some waiting time. NoDo was pretty fast, though.
2. Maybe there is a project, but afaik, nothing available yet.
Check it out!!!
Check this link out!! Finally the whole scoop on MANGO!!! Thought I should share with everyone else whose's waiting for this update. CAN"T WAIT FOR MANGO!!!!!

help needed to choose between HD2 and HD7

Hello guys,
I am going to University of Waterloo, Canada, to study software engineering this fall. I currently own a xperia x10i but i have found out that it wont be able to work in Canada due to network band compatibility issues.
Hence i am gonna switch over to WIND telecom and purchase the 29CAD/mo student plan.
I basically now want to use a windows phone. Would you recommend me to get the HD7 or the HD2?
if Windows 8 ever comes out, then will it run on the HD2 or HD7? I intend to keep this phone for a minimum 3 years.
One more thing that should be kept in mind is that the normal hd2 WONT work with WIND network bands. Only the T mobile version works on WIND.
The same case is valid for the T-mobile version of HD7.
I also like customizing and flashing different ROMs etc, HD2 is undoubtedly the best HACKER friendly phone in current times, since android,ubuntu, wm7,meegoo etc have been ported to it. Will the HD7 also be like HD2 in the near future?
To summarize my requirements, i would like to use Windows mobile, preferably windows 7 (fully functioning or important things working like marketplace, browser, wifi, xbox) for a span of 3 years.
Also the device should not lag much.
Please help me choose between the HD2 and HD7.
If you want windows phone take an hd7. But it won‘t get all the developement the hd2 has. You also have to remember that the hd2 is already 2 years old. Developement decreases and many devs already switched to a newer phone. But if you‘re into flashing the hd2 is king.
I would take the hd7 if you want to use wp and the hd2 if you want android or an outdated winmo.
rauschkugl said:
If you want windows phone take an hd7. But it won‘t get all the developement the hd2 has. You also have to remember that the hd2 is already 2 years old. Developement decreases and many devs already switched to a newer phone. But if you‘re into flashing the hd2 is king.
I would take the hd7 if you want to use wp and the hd2 if you want android or an outdated winmo.
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well yes i would sometimes like to use android, but will the hd2 have full windows 7 capabilites?
Vito Andolini Corleone said:
well yes i would sometimes like to use android, but will the hd2 have full windows 7 capabilites?
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It already does, we're just waiting for a cleaned-up working Mango build.
Well that's awesome! Is it true that the hd2 is faster than hd7?
Will the cleaned up hd2 perform better than hd7? Btw from your point of view by seeing the pros and cons if both phones which one do you recommend?
orangekid said:
It already does, we're just waiting for a cleaned-up working Mango build.
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Vito Andolini Corleone said:
Well that's awesome! Is it true that the hd2 is faster than hd7?
Will the cleaned up hd2 perform better than hd7? Btw from your point of view by seeing the pros and cons if both phones which one do you recommend?
Sent from my X10 using XDA Premium App
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HD7 will perform WP7 better than the HD2 always.
HD2 has the "multi-touch bug" (where if you don't put both fingers at exactly the same time, multi-touch won't work).
HD7 also has better battery life.
If you really want perfect WP7, get an HD7. For me, I want Android too much to ever get a WP7-only device. I use and like Android more, but I do reboot into WP7 sometimes, and it's a good experience when I do.
Vito Andolini Corleone said:
Hello guys,
I am going to University of Waterloo, Canada, to study software engineering this fall. I currently own a xperia x10i but i have found out that it wont be able to work in Canada due to network band compatibility issues.
Hence i am gonna switch over to WIND telecom and purchase the 29CAD/mo student plan.
I basically now want to use a windows phone. Would you recommend me to get the HD7 or the HD2?
if Windows 8 ever comes out, then will it run on the HD2 or HD7? I intend to keep this phone for a minimum 3 years.
One more thing that should be kept in mind is that the normal hd2 WONT work with WIND network bands. Only the T mobile version works on WIND.
The same case is valid for the T-mobile version of HD7.
I also like customizing and flashing different ROMs etc, HD2 is undoubtedly the best HACKER friendly phone in current times, since android,ubuntu, wm7,meegoo etc have been ported to it. Will the HD7 also be like HD2 in the near future?
To summarize my requirements, i would like to use Windows mobile, preferably windows 7 (fully functioning or important things working like marketplace, browser, wifi, xbox) for a span of 3 years.
Also the device should not lag much.
Please help me choose between the HD2 and HD7.
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you choose HD2 (windows mobile - android - windows phone - ubuntu)
Vito Andolini Corleone said:
To summarize my requirements, i would like to use Windows mobile, preferably windows 7 (fully functioning or important things working like marketplace, browser, wifi, xbox) for a span of 3 years.
Also the device should not lag much.
Please help me choose between the HD2 and HD7.
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You will never be able to run Windows 7 or 8 on any current phone.
If you want to use Windows Mobile, then you need to choose the HD2 or another Windows Mobile device.
If you want to use Windows Phone, then you should choose a native WP7 device to avoid the touchscreen bug and unlock lag.
android is also beeing portet for the hd7. there were vids around ages ago and now rspl for windows phones was released. so you will also get custom roms.
i think if you want to use wp7 as your main os you should take the hd7.
rauschkugl said:
android is also beeing portet for the hd7. there were vids around ages ago and now rspl for windows phones was released. so you will also get custom roms.
i think if you want to use wp7 as your main os you should take the hd7.
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I wouldn't be so sure...
Cotulla said:
for LEO - yes. about WP7F, we have some experiments and runnning some MAGLDR version on Gold and Mozart, but not sure how deep it will go.
because this devices are not so lucky as LEO, some things make stuffs difficult, like external audio codec and other ril interface. Last thing can stop porting for a long time. time will show truth but I can't promise anything.
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Dude you won't believe I'm going to Waterloo this year and I'm in the same dilemma as you!
Btw, I'm going in Computer Engineering, and I probably going for the HD2 cause it gives me more time to play around, reason it's so widely hacked..

