[Q] Clockwork Mod Recovery - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I had the Clockwork Mod flashed and was running CM7. But when I tried to go back to complete stock, I flashed back to CM 2.5 or whichever one was the latest official CM. I then restored my nand backup of the original rom. Now I'm trying to flash back CM via terminal emulator, but it keeps spitting out an error of flash_image not found. I have the CM labeled as recovery.img, and thru terminal I typed in the following:
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
but it keeps spitting out the same error over and over again. Is there another way how I can flash to

Kid Poker said:
I had the Clockwork Mod flashed and was running CM7. But when I tried to go back to complete stock, I flashed back to CM 2.5 or whichever one was the latest official CM. I then restored my nand backup of the original rom. Now I'm trying to flash back CM via terminal emulator, but it keeps spitting out an error of flash_image not found. I have the CM labeled as recovery.img, and thru terminal I typed in the following:
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
but it keeps spitting out the same error over and over again. Is there another way how I can flash to
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you can use this threadhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=918275
or if you so please you can also use this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=919332
simple searching in the dev section finds these answers

Kid Poker said:
I had the Clockwork Mod flashed and was running CM7. But when I tried to go back to complete stock, I flashed back to CM 2.5 or whichever one was the latest official CM. I then restored my nand backup of the original rom. Now I'm trying to flash back CM via terminal emulator, but it keeps spitting out an error of flash_image not found. I have the CM labeled as recovery.img, and thru terminal I typed in the following:
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
but it keeps spitting out the same error over and over again. Is there another way how I can flash to
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Just go to this link and follow the instructions and you can flash back and forth with no issues. http://goo.gl/K0xTy and next time search a little.

I got the ClockworkMod Recovery awhile ago and I am trying to backup current rom and it says E:Can't mount/sd/


GRH78 borked clockwork and root

So as many of you are now finding out is that clockwork is borked and so is root with the new update. The root method on cyanogenmod wont work. The rootboot.img breaks wifi and you still cannot get into clockwork recovery ... well at least I can't. Anyone else seeing this and possibly have a solution?
zeiroe said:
So as many of you are now finding out is that clockwork is borked and so is root with the new update. The root method on cyanogenmod wont work. The rootboot.img breaks wifi and you still cannot get into clockwork recovery ... well at least I can't. Anyone else seeing this and possibly have a solution?
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ya the OTA breaks root and CWM,,,thats why in roms the ability to OTA is removed
Reflash koush's clockwork recovery via fastboot.
After the successful flash, you can get into CWM recovery by selecting Recovery while still in fastboot.
Once in CWM, go to mount options menu and mount /system.
Then use adb shell to navigate to /system/bin.
Once in /system/bin type chmod 6775 su
Root functionality should now be restored when you're in normal boot mode.
Getting permanent CWM recovery back is proving more problematic for me. Once you reboot the phone after that first install, selecting Recovery gives you the Android and "!" screen. Battery pull required.
You can however, get back into CWM recovery by either fastboot flashing the image again as above, or from the ROM Manager app where you flash the recovery and then select boot into recovery.
Pain in the butt, but not totally lost.
Just a minor issue that comes from running custom recoveries and roms. Koush already is working on a flashable update that will work with CWR. Just gotta be patient. Chances are that if you have been keeping up with the tweaks and new apk's in the dev forum, this update won't really mean that much anyway. I am a sucker for wanting the latest version number in my "about phone" though
distortedloop said:
Reflash koush's clockwork recovery via fastboot.
After the successful flash, you can get into CWM recovery by selecting Recovery while still in fastboot.
Once in CWM, go to mount options menu and mount /system.
Then use adb shell to navigate to /system/bin.
Once in /system/bin type chmod 6775 su
Root functionality should now be restored when you're in normal boot mode.
Getting permanent CWM recovery back is proving more problematic for me. Once you reboot the phone after that first install, selecting Recovery gives you the Android and "!" screen. Battery pull required.
You can however, get back into CWM recovery by either fastboot flashing the image again as above, or from the ROM Manager app where you flash the recovery and then select boot into recovery.
Pain in the butt, but not totally lost.
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Bah im a douche up arrow and didnt read the line and I was flashing the stock boot.img over and over lol ... Thanks
zeiroe said:
Bah im a douche up arrow and didnt read the line and I was flashing the stock boot.img over and over lol ... Thanks
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LOL, don't you hate when that happens.
Glad it worked out for ya in the end!

Recovery doesn't want to change, im stuck at

I want to flash CM7, but everytime I try flashing Clockwork recovery 3, it ends up staying at What am I doing wrong? I tried flashing it from ROM Manager and that didn't help, and I don't know if I can flash it with the fastboot method since I'm using CWR already. What can I do?
Additional notes: Right now, I'm running CM6 RC2. And my phone looks sexy.
Like you I also came across that issue but trying to install kernel in Ice Glacier. Now what you want to do is install it manually via console. Check my other thread all you need is the flash image and clockworkmod recovery. I myself flashed ClockworkMod as other howoto failed and True's didn't stick.
OptLynx said:
Like you I also came across that issue but trying to install kernel in Ice Glacier. Now what you want to do is install it manually via console. Check my other thread all you need is the flash image and clockworkmod recovery. I myself flashed ClockworkMod as other howoto failed and True's didn't stick.
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true's method seems to be broken for now, but he has posted that he will be looking into the issue as soon as he get home.
GazaIan said:
I want to flash CM7, but everytime I try flashing Clockwork recovery 3, it ends up staying at What am I doing wrong? I tried flashing it from ROM Manager and that didn't help, and I don't know if I can flash it with the fastboot method since I'm using CWR already. What can I do?
Additional notes: Right now, I'm running CM6 RC2. And my phone looks sexy.
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Go here,
And hit on the link to download the cwm 3.xxxx
Once the file is downloaded use root explorer, navigate to /sdcard/downloads/ and find the recovery. Make sure that it shows as .img and not as .zip. if it is a zip then unzip to get the .img file
Select the recovery and change the name to some easier name like f.e cwmrec3 (nnow u will have a cwmrec3.img file).
Move it to /sdcard (root) for ease of method
Open terminal emulator and do
Su (enter) (# will change for $)
flash_image recovery /sdcard cwmrec3.img
Wait for it to go to the next line.
Reboot to recovery and ur text will now be orange. You now haz recovery 3.xxxx
Also, note that if u enter rom manager it will still say that you have cwm 2.xxx that does not matter though as long as ur recovery txt is orange and not green
Sent from my rooted glacier running CM7
Flashing via terminal worked, thanks!
GazaIan said:
Flashing via terminal worked, thanks!
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You are welcome my friend enjoy cm7
Sent from my rooted glacier running CM7
GazaIan said:
I want to flash CM7, but everytime I try flashing Clockwork recovery 3, it ends up staying at What am I doing wrong? I tried flashing it from ROM Manager and that didn't help, and I don't know if I can flash it with the fastboot method since I'm using CWR already. What can I do?
Additional notes: Right now, I'm running CM6 RC2. And my phone looks sexy.
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the fastboot method will work if you have CWM already. I did that this morning, and it worked like a charm.
so I was able to do the easy cw method installing the zip from recovery then choosing, but after a few runs with the latest builds of CM7 i was having major issues with my mobile data connection jumping from H to 3G, each time lagging out my connection and making streaming videos, etc impossible to play. So I reflashed to stock, and my H returned to normal. So i thought I'd give it another shot, rooted, downloaded ROM Manager, flashed to smooth, then tried the above method. When I tried to load the in ROM manager, it said "An error occurred while flashing your recovery." So I tried the terminal, and no matter how I rename the file, and I know I followed the instructions flawlessly, it says flash_image: not found. So while ROM Manager seems completely capable of flashing to the version, nothing seems to work to get me past it. What could I be missing?
darinmc said:
so I was able to do the easy cw method installing the zip from recovery then choosing, but after a few runs with the latest builds of CM7 i was having major issues with my mobile data connection jumping from H to 3G, each time lagging out my connection and making streaming videos, etc impossible to play. So I reflashed to stock, and my H returned to normal. So i thought I'd give it another shot, rooted, downloaded ROM Manager, flashed to smooth, then tried the above method. When I tried to load the in ROM manager, it said "An error occurred while flashing your recovery." So I tried the terminal, and no matter how I rename the file, and I know I followed the instructions flawlessly, it says #flash_image not found. So while ROM Manager seems completely capable of flashing to the version, nothing seems to work to get me past it. What could I be missing?
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Thats because you flashed back to stock and stock roms do not have "flash_image" on /system/bin
Download this
Use root explorer and paste it to /system/bin
Try terminal again
Sent from my rooted glacier running CM7
worked like a charm, thanks.
darinmc said:
worked like a charm, thanks.
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You can hit thanks
glad i could help
Sent from my rooted glacier running CM7

[Q] Help With ClockworkMod Recovery Downgrading

I am currently running Rom Manager with ClockworkMod Recovery version I'm trying to install GorillaSense DHD-MT4G Revolution theme on my phone but, I can't seem to install the update due to the ClockworkMod version. I need to downgrade to When I do this through the Rom Manager it states that I have successfully flashed ClockworkMod Recovery but when I reboot into recovery, it doesn't load.
The versions available to me is and Is there any way I can get access to again?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
clone132 said:
I am currently running Rom Manager with ClockworkMod Recovery version I'm trying to install GorillaSense DHD-MT4G Revolution theme on my phone but, I can't seem to install the update due to the ClockworkMod version. I need to downgrade to When I do this through the Rom Manager it states that I have successfully flashed ClockworkMod Recovery but when I reboot into recovery, it doesn't load.
The versions available to me is and Is there any way I can get access to again?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Well if you have Rom Manager then yes you can flash Recovery by going to Rom Manager and go down to the last option "All clockworkmod recoveries". Find from the list and it will flash it for you.
Thank you for your quick reply. My problem lies in the fact that Rom Manager states that I have successfully flashed but when I try load boot into recovery the recovery does not load.
clone132 said:
Thank you for your quick reply. My problem lies in the fact that Rom Manager states that I have successfully flashed but when I try load boot into recovery the recovery does not load.
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Well in that case manually flash it via terminal. Just put the recovery.img in SDCard and flash it.
HKM said:
su [hit enter]
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system [hit enter]
cp /sdcard/flash_image /system/bin [hit enter]
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img [hit enter]
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You will need flash_recovery file which you can find by using search function along with this meth works as I did it always.
EDIT: Sorry if you can't find it but here is the atth as I keep backup of almost everything on mSD.BkP so download it and unzip them in root of your /sdcard so you will have standalone flash_recovery and recovery.img in it.
Thanks for all your help. That worked perfectly.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
clone132 said:
Thanks for all your help. That worked perfectly.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
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No problem glad could help, thats why I love console(terminal) once you understand SC and basic *nix arc you can virtually rip apart anything without any GUI frame.
Sent from my HTC Glacier
BlackSHELF said:
Well in that case manually flash it via terminal. Just put the recovery.img in SDCard and flash it.
You will need flash_recovery file which you can find by using search function along with this meth works as I did it always.
EDIT: Sorry if you can't find it but here is the atth as I keep backup of almost everything on mSD.BkP so download it and unzip them in root of your /sdcard so you will have standalone flash_recovery and recovery.img in it.
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Had a similar issue and followed your directions above in terminal. After I enter in the last line and hit enter, is it supposed to show something going on because it just goes to the next line. I downloaded your attached clockwork file and put it on the root of my SD card. Thanks for any help.
boroarke said:
Had a similar issue and followed your directions above in terminal. After I enter in the last line and hit enter, is it supposed to show something going on because it just goes to the next line. I downloaded your attached clockwork file and put it on the root of my SD card. Thanks for any help.
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I don't quite remember what happens after you enter the last command on the terminal but, the only command I entered when I downloaded the files and extracted it to the root was "su[enter]
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img[enter]"
After that I was able to boot into recovery.
Another option is deleting the copy of the recovery in your SD card and redownloading it with ROM Manager. Just go to: /sdcard/clockworkmod/download/mirror1.kanged.net/recoveries. Delete recovery-clockwork-, redownload and try loading it with Rom Manager again.
Hopes this helps.

Cant get into recovery

Ok I have no idea what happened but I can not get into recovery mode. Rom manager takes me straight to bootloader and selecting recovery in bootloader takes me back to bootloader...! I've tried reflashing recovery via clockwork but no go, and flashing old 2.X.X versions gives me an error...
ROM Manager seems to be the least reliable way to flash the recovery. Try flashing it through terminal emulator or better yet, if you have the engineering SPL, do it through fastboot.
If you don't know how though you could try a reinstall of rom manager and if your running a custom rom boot straight into recovery from there to see what happens
TeeJay3800 said:
ROM Manager seems to be the least reliable way to flash the recovery. Try flashing it through terminal emulator or better yet, if you have the engineering SPL, do it through fastboot.
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The thing is that is how I have always done it and how I did it with this phone originally but something got messed up somehow. Anyhow how do I flash that with Terminal? I have never done that before. Do you have a link to a totorial and a download for clock work that can be flashed that way?
dcwiker05 said:
The thing is that is how I have always done it and how I did it with this phone originally but something got messed up somehow. Anyhow how do I flash that with Terminal? I have never done that before. Do you have a link to a totorial and a download for clock work that can be flashed that way?
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First download CWM from here and put the file in the root of your SD.
Then open terminal emulator and enter these commands:
#flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img

Stuck at CWM

I seem to be stuck. I have tried checking "Erase Recover" in settings, and have tried updating ROM Manager, then "Flash ClockworkMod Recovery" It says it was successful, but it doesn't update CWM. I have tried rebooting, I have tried flashing back to stock CM7 RC4.
I want to try RoyalGinger 2.5, but it needs at least CWM
ditchmagnet said:
I seem to be stuck. I have tried checking "Erase Recover" in settings, and have tried updating ROM Manager, then "Flash ClockworkMod Recovery" It says it was successful, but it doesn't update CWM. I have tried rebooting, I have tried flashing back to stock CM7 RC4.
I want to try RoyalGinger 2.5, but it needs at least CWM
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What did you do to lead to this point. we need some more information.
Followed the guide to install CM 7 RC4 - which installed at the time.
Flashed to a nightly build - the colorized version
Flashed back to CM 7 RC4
Flashed kernel to Faux123's kernel
Flashed back to stock CM7 RC4
Flashed kernel to Faux123's enthusiast kernel - tried updating CWM
Flashed back to stock CM7 RC4 - still trying to update CWM
(^^^ is that what you mean?)
ditchmagnet said:
Followed the guide to install CM 7 RC4 - which installed at the time.
Flashed to a nightly build - the colorized version
Flashed back to CM 7 RC4
Flashed kernel to Faux123's kernel
Flashed back to stock CM7 RC4
Flashed kernel to Faux123's enthusiast kernel - tried updating CWM
Flashed back to stock CM7 RC4 - still trying to update CWM
(^^^ is that what you mean?)
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Try redownloading Cyanogen's CM7RC with the gapps and store it on the phone's SD card. and make sure to verify the MD5SUM of the download.
Boot into recovery.
Wipe the handset
flash the ROM then Flash the Gapps
Then reboot
do not attempt to flash the kernel.
see if it boots.
Ok, I will try that. Just to clarify, my phone boots fine and works fine, just wont update CWM.
ditchmagnet said:
Ok, I will try that. Just to clarify, my phone boots fine and works fine, just wont update CWM.
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are you wanting to update to is that what you are trying to do?
download the attached file and store just the .img on the SDcard of your phone
From your command terminal type
adb shell
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
or if you have the Engineering HBoot
1) Download the attached file and store just the .img to your folder from which you preform all of your ADB commands
2) plug the phone into the computer
3) boot the phone into HBoot
4) from the ADB commands change the drive to the folder where you stored the recovery image.
5) type these commands
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
the screen should say something to the degree of
sending 'recovery' (3426 KB)... OKAY [ 1.172s]
writing 'recovery'... OKAY [ 0.797s]
finished. total time: 1.969s
Yes, I want to update CWM so that I can install RoyalGinger 2.5
ditchmagnet said:
Yes, I want to update CWM so that I can install RoyalGinger 2.5
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The method i posted above will get you
ditchmagnet said:
Yes, I want to update CWM so that I can install RoyalGinger 2.5
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Or go here:
and follow TrueBlue_Drew's guide
Dont mean to hijack your thread but I dont see a point in making a new thread from the same issue. I accidentally tried to flash RoyalGlacier with recovery and now I can only get into CwR and hboot. Is there a ROM compatible with that I can flash so I can get the phone booted and install the correct recovery?
regP said:
Dont mean to hijack your thread but I dont see a point in making a new thread from the same issue. I accidentally tried to flash RoyalGlacier with recovery and now I can only get into CwR and hboot. Is there a ROM compatible with that I can flash so I can get the phone booted and install the correct recovery?
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This may help you out.
Worked perfect, thanks. Booting into recovery shows - though ROM manger says - thats not a problem is it?
ditchmagnet said:
Worked perfect, thanks. Booting into recovery shows - though ROM manger says - thats not a problem is it?
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since is not official it will only show when in the app. but if you boot into recovery it should show
neidlinger said:
This may help you out.
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Thanks for the link. I had already flashed MIUI and it worked. Thanks again!
regP said:
Thanks for the link. I had already flashed MIUI and it worked. Thanks again!
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no problem glad it worked out.

