[SOLVED] HD2 Gets Warm - Very Warm With Some ROMs - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

First - If there is thread like this already, I missed it, and please close this one.
Does anyone else experience your HD2 getting very warm when running NAND roms? I dont have it with all builds so that leads me to believe its not magldr. When using GB or CM builds the phone does not get too warm but it usually happens when running an app, like a game for to long. With Sense builds the phone gets even warmer when running apps to long and sometimes when charging the phone. Maybe it is just me, maybe my phone is jacked up, maybe others have this issue??
Any thoughts???

Some devs overclock their kernel/builds by default, that's probably why. Underclock it w/ setCPU and it should be fixed.
Edit: charging always heats it up more by the way, that's normal but can be dangerous in combination with high, overclocked activity and other stuff such as tethering.

i have setcpu running and keeping 998max. you think this should be set lower?

Lowering will probably decrease temperature, but less than 1Ghz shouldn't be a problem actually. Are you talking about a lot of heat? CPU's produce heat, and Sense is generally more resource intensive, it's not unusual to feel some heat production, it's oniy bad when it becomes too much.

its not a burn my hand kind of hot. but its not something im used to with this phone. its pretty warm sometimes, i get concerned to the point i will turn off the phone for a bit.

Sense roms tend to produce a lot of heat... I use Cyanogenmod7 and it doesn't get as hot
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk

If normal usage doesn't produce any really noticeable heat, your phone is probably doing just fine. Switch to a non-Sense build if you don't feel comfortable (less heat also means less battery waste by the way), the new Gingerbread UI beats the rather cliché and plastic-looking Sense UI any day imo. Combined with the extra features and speed of GB/CM, I know what I'd go for.
If you're just keen on the Sense apps and widgets, they all have their alternative. A little googling will certainly help you out on that part.

The radio was causing the heat issue. Had 2.15 and changed to 2.12. I even getter better signal....go figure.

how do you set cpu lower than 1ghz?

with setcpu or any other clocking tool.


high battery heat !

when i listen music for about 30 mins + and running some programs such as adobe reader or opera, i can feel a warm in my hands from the battery. actually its more like to be said a relatively high heat felt by my hands !?
is this high battery heat normal? i mean for an everyday usage.
tnx in advance
Note: i did search but didnt find anything about LEO battery heating.
The battery can sometimes get quite warm, but it should never be hot. If it heats up to much you should probably get it looked at.
The battery in the HD was a lot worse than this. I think there may have been some issues, but HTC have worked on it. Thankfully, I don't know of any HTC phones exploding anywhere yet! lol
mine gets hot as well some times especially when I use igo in my car and charge the phone at the same time but also when playing a game etc.. but I read in the manual that this is normal... although I believe heat to an extent that can burn your hand its not normal.... mine never got that hold
just my 2 cents
karaern said:
...... i can feel a warm feeling when I have it in my hands.......
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If you are using something like Opera, coupled with a number of applications that are cpu intensive, then you are going to get high battery drain which equals high heat output. Some of the heat will be coming off the cpu as well but the end result is the same.
The problem is worse if you are using wifi and/or gprs and you are in a low signal area, which means that the device and the battery need to work even harder to serve your needs.
If this happens again then check your location relative to wifi and gprs and/or reduce the number of intensive applications you have running at the same time.
If this fails then you may have a fault; however I think one or all of the factors mentioned above are linked to your issue.
ok tnx for replay guys...i accept this as normal situation, and yes i definety like to use igo8...and really its soo nice to have pda such LEO that can easily open and run several such programs!

Overclockable cpu... pro and cons?

hi my wildpuzzle version is 8.0, but i'm waiting a bit before upgrading to one of the latest.
I'm waiting also because i'd like to know a bit more about overclocking the cpu.
On one hand, i'm sure the phone will be smoother and faster, but on the other hand? Are there any problems, or effect i should be aware of?
One more thing, there is a list with 6 different kernels with oc enabled. How do i choose which one to flash? Which is the best?
thanks in advance
your phone will be faster
battery usage during idle is potentially decreased
your phone might become unstable as the hardware will be running outside of tested specs
battery usage during active usage is increased
The different kernels all have different levels of overclocking. If you try one and your phone becomes unstable (random Force Closes or restart) try and flash it with a slower kernel (lower maximum frequency).
There is no danger of directly harming the hardware in the phone from overclocking. However if the phone is pushed so far it is becoming unstable data corruption might occur.
ok that's what i was afraid of.
is this (damaging the hardware) a real possibility? Or is it just in theory?
Than is the phone really faster? I mean, is it worth to overclock the cpu (considering the possible damage of the processor and the various improvement)?
Sorry about that...
I missed a "no" in there. I meant to say that your phone will not explode into a ball of fire or otherwise become unusable from overclocking.
If it is pushed to far it will simply hang or crash and need to be rebooted.
I can notice a rather big difference. I mean going from 528Mhz -> 768Mhz. That's almost a 50% speed increase.
If you require a rock solid telephone and do not want to mess with stability then don't over clock. If you on the other hand like experimenting just go ahead and try it.
just remember to make a nandroid backup that you can go back to in case your phone doesn't work properly after installing the new kernel.
if we overlocking the wildfire , can i play divs with rockplayer or auther?
If I have WPR 8.06 installed and the 0050kernel, is it ok to try installing new kernels to test? And if its unstable, just test a new one? (have a previous nanbackup that I done directly after rooting the phon).
* Do I have to wipe everything, installing the wpr everytime, or just update the kernel without having to do anything else? cheers!
The Wildfire temperature will increase greatly in theory.
If the Wildfire hasn't got it in its design to cool that amount then it will damage the phone, same with computers.
Akerhage said:
* Do I have to wipe everything, installing the wpr everytime, or just update the kernel without having to do anything else? cheers!
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You can flash kernels back and forth. You don't have to reflash the entire ROM for that. Just make sure you have a working nandroid backup first in case your phone doesn't want to boot.
Skye Menjou said:
The Wildfire temperature will increase greatly in theory.
If the Wildfire hasn't got it in its design to cool that amount then it will damage the phone, same with computers.
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Yes, in Theory. In practice computer CPUs have temperature monitors that will limit CPU speed to prevent it from rising to high.
In the context of a phone it will be to hot to handle before the temperature becomes high enough to do any critical damage.
Yes, the life time of the electrical circuits will be shortened but a mobile phone will become outdated. Besides the phone is only active for very short periods of time compared to computer.
Skye Menjou said:
The Wildfire temperature will increase greatly in theory.
If the Wildfire hasn't got it in its design to cool that amount then it will damage the phone, same with computers.
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with a 768mhz speed?.. i dont think it will result to an intense heat that makes the device unusable.. it will make more heat than usual but its tolerable enough..
Please post in the appropriate sections. This thread belongs in the General Section not Android Development.

Anyone else's HD2 getting really warm when running WP7?

Is anyone else ending up with a very warm device after a little heavy usage? I've not had the phone many days to determine if this is the way the phone is in general, so if this is the way the HD2 is, just tell me lol.
Noticed that also wenn downloading lots of apps from market with wifi on. The backside is getting pretty warm then. But it cools down as soon as you finished your stuff and do usual things like texting or something. Thats my experience.
Its funny people bring up phones getting Hot. Cause We got a Gig processor, and 576mb ram. If you feel like ur phones getting hot, you know ITs a BEAST. also keeps ur pocket warm in winter.
Yes! Comparing with WM 6.5, when running WM 7 phone is getting warm even just scrolling in menu for a while. Battery usage is HUGE! 10 minutes playing game (Jewels) consumpted a half of fully charged battery. Battery life worse then android have.
Yep defo gets hot, when screen is off its fine but when in use it gradually warms up
This is usually the sign of high battery drainage
i used to get it in android
Am I right in saying that magldr could have something to do with the battery drain? Been reading some comments that suggest its possible
Sent from my DL DesireZ v2.1 using XDA App
DJGurth said:
Am I right in saying that magldr could have something to do with the battery drain? Been reading some comments that suggest its possible
Sent from my DL DesireZ v2.1 using XDA App
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you are right, but this only happened to me when i installed andoird via nand way, i don't have any problems with wm7 on my htc hd2 tmobile leo 1024.
i'm happy
my HD2 gets hot when android runs ... WP7 is no load at current bulid
Must agree, my one got realy warm after me sitting 20 min on the train sorting/linking contacts. got more warm that it should.
It just seems like a gradual warming on mine, it can get quite warm though, it happens even if I leave the screen on while magldr boot options are on and nothing else, I think my problem is that, and I'm looking forward to a update
nah just when i'm charging.
EDIT: I did notice bottom of my HD2 getting warm now that you mentioned it. But nothing toworry.
JC_Agga said:
nah just when i'm charging.
EDIT: I did notice bottom of my HD2 getting warm now that you mentioned it. But nothing toworry.
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Yea that's your processor, and it is something to worry about, if you care about your phone.
is it possible related to sdcard?
if I use sdcard class 2 or class 6 will it got any different?
Ya mine too becomes ho....if i use internet...otherwise it stays cool...
God knows ...its harming the processor or its just usual thing.
M-SD Class 10 better
Try to M-SD Class 10
It's work well.
When i used to run WP7 and 7.8 the most heat generated was from 3g/2g mobile internet. That thing just fried the HD2's bottom, i couldn't chat on whatsapp more than 5 minutes before the phone's bottom got too warm to even hold. I figured its the combo of SD-card usage, mobile internet (a bit less heat when on WiFi) and screen-on effect that strained cpu and other phone parts to its limits. Eventually moved away from WP (sadly) due to lack of certain things i needed, but i remember that was something that really bothered me alot (aside from no wifi on standby).

Really hot. And kinda cold. :p

My hd2 has been getting "really hot" recently. I have hyperdroid cm7 running on NAND. And alot of other things running to make it fast, battery efficient etc etc. My phone has also been "freezing" (haha). Is this just NAND in general? Is it the heat? It never goes over 105-110 degrees. Idk.
Any suggestions are more than welcome.
eyeisdasteve said:
My hd2 has been getting "really hot" recently. I have hyperdroid cm7 running on NAND. And alot of other things running to make it fast, battery efficient etc etc. My phone has also been "freezing" (haha). Is this just NAND in general? Is it the heat? It never goes over 105-110 degrees. Idk.
Any suggestions are more than welcome.
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The two most popular causes of freezes / reset loops on overheating, are bent battery pins (check and try to delicately strengthen them if so), or defective mainboard (requires replacement). Check this post for more details and references (sorry too lazy to write it all over again)
eyeisdasteve said:
My hd2 has been getting "really hot" recently. I have hyperdroid cm7 running on NAND. And alot of other things running to make it fast, battery efficient etc etc. My phone has also been "freezing" (haha). Is this just NAND in general? Is it the heat? It never goes over 105-110 degrees. Idk.
Any suggestions are more than welcome.
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What clock freq settings do you have? Perhaps too much or too low OC? I got some FC and freezes when I tried to max OC...
If you undervolted your CPU it may be potential reason.
I had freezes when using CPU undervolting script from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1148578 .
As for heat, yeah it can get warm sometimes. I wouldn't worry myself over it as long as you can hold it without getting burned.
I have CPU set at 1190. That could possibly be it. Should I bring it down to stock?
Of course overclocking can cause instability...
Heat will be also produced by using computationally intensive apps like 3D games.
Just check out non-oc.
I brought it back down to 998. It's not getting hot anymore. But it's still freezing. -.-
I've brought mine down as low as 500mhz - still freezes.
THOUSANDS of people with the hd2 heat problem.
i'm gonna say same as i always say...aint ever gonna be solved on hd2.
cant wait to get some cash and get rid of this phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
matthew33 said:
I've brought mine down as low as 500mhz - still freezes.
THOUSANDS of people with the hd2 heat problem.
i'm gonna say same as i always say...aint ever gonna be solved on hd2.
cant wait to get some cash and get rid of this phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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what helped with my device was mainboard replacement, no problems since, but then I was lucky to still have valid warranty

Reason for bad Battery life, sticky 1026MHz?!

So since I had my nexus 4, I had to complain about its terrible battery life.
I would never get more than 3h of screen on time, despite my best efforts in conserving battery. Even with the phone in flight mode and on Wifi, I could not cross 3h give or take a few minutes. I even tried disabling location, google now, sync and everything else.
It was deep-sleeping nice, while the screen was off, standby time was awesome for me. If I turned it on though, it started to burn through battery insanely quick. So I started monitoring the frequency states with battery spy, and noticed that as if there was a little load, it spiked to 1026MHz and then stayed there for about three seconds every time before falling back to 386 MHz. So I tried setting the max cpufreq to 916Mhz with CPU tuner, and was astonished to find out, that immediately after the load was done, it went back to the lowest frequency. Like it should be, not hanging for multiple seconds on the high step.
Also, If I start CPU tuner, the min freq is always shown as 1026MHz. So I changed min to 386 and max to 916. Afterwards, this stays until I swipe cpu tuner away from the recent apps list. If I start it again, the settings revert. Strange...
With my cpu limited to 916MHz, I get about 5h and 50 min of screen on time without any other measures. Location on, Wifi on, Google now and sync all active. If I just go one step higher and set my max frequency to 1026, the old behavior starts again, and screen time drops to 3h because it seems to be stuck on that freq. Therefore I would like everybody who also has bad screen time to try that out and report back.
I don't really understand why it would take so long to drop back from the 1GHz step, and drop back immediately from the 0,9GHz step?
Of course, this is with normal surfing via chrome, or using normal apps that are not that much CPU intensive. Also, you hardly notice the performance limitation without playing games. There probably is an easy way to fix this?
Feedback would be appreciated. Maybe I see this wrong...
tl;dr : if screen on, for me only 1026mhz is used, if max freq is set to anything lower, the phone spends most of the time at the lowest step 386mhz, greatly increasing screen time for me.
Flash Franco Kernel and buy the app and you'll be set.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
NoLunchBox_ said:
Flash Franco Kernel and buy the app and you'll be set.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Maybe, but I really first wanted to examine out of the box behavior
This is caused by qualcoms Mpdecision which ramps up the cpu to 1ghz on screen on and touches. All in the name of speed. It's basically a hot plugging technique such that smoothness is guaranteed under loaded gui transitions and scrolling. Before this you would have to wait for the cpu to be loaded for it to ramp up speed. Now the OS can demand speed.
You can see in Franco kernel he replaced Mpdecision with an open source alternative and swapped the lowest cpu speed to 368mhz. Then added a load step of 768mhz (for 60% loads). This actually added a bit of lag but should be better in the battery department. Some more tweaking to be done though.
Qualcoms thermald is what is causing thermal throttling.
Edit: this could be wrong. But I think I'm in the general area of what's going on...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
This does sound logical, but why the hell waste nearly half of the possible screen time on "perfect smoothness" when even if limited to 0,9ghz everything runs pretty amazing... I will look into francos kernel, even though I dont like to buy an app to tune it,
ArRaY92 said:
This does sound logical, but why the hell waste nearly half of the possible screen time on "perfect smoothness" when even if limited to 0,9ghz everything runs pretty amazing... I will look into francos kernel, even though I dont like to buy an app to tune it,
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You don't have to buy an app, everything can be set through scripts. The app just automates the process, allows you to back up kernels, download the latest nightly and milestone (when one becomes available). It's really worth the investment, plus you're helping out a great Dev who has shared his awesome work with us for a long time.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
I like my phone to sleep. I bumped it down to 384!
No need to keep it @ the 1.026, it will pretty much kill battery! Makes no sense to me.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
You can set the max to 384 mhz.. and still everything is smooth
Can I use SetCPU or is that app defunt now? And to change my CPU speeds can that be done on a phone that's simply rooted or do I need a custom kernel?
EDIT: I downloaded CPU tuner, but I'm not sure if it's working or not. Does it work w/ stock kernel or no?
Faux's Intellidemand fixes pretty much what you're describing. Since mpdecision is not used instead of fauxs alternative.
Sent from my Nexus 4
What is max frequency by default?
Have to say firstly, that the perfect smoothness of this phone is what has sold me on it as the camera is well below average, it has some bugs and the output quality and volume of the audio is shocking, but it is the single smoothest phone out there.
Get rid of what I came to know as Touchboost (feature brought in in jelly bean to introduce the lag free experience of project butter I imagine) from my Sgs3 days, and the phone becomes as laggy as every other android phone out there.
Secondly, I get around 3.5 hours screen on time, without messing about, wifi on constant, depending on whether i'm on the net or not, I can get more.
I find AOKP perfect as its super fast and battery is excellent.
Franko kernel works, but the phone then feels choppy. Setting the cores to 1ghz makes the phone laggy also.
All I can say is, get lots of chargers, I have two at home, two at work, one in the car, one at the other halfs, and it's trickle charging when and if I can and I never worry about battery anyway. I find it wastes far too much life.
Good luck.
biffsmash said:
Have to say firstly, that the perfect smoothness of this phone is what has sold me on it as the camera is well below average, it has some bugs and the output quality and volume of the audio is shocking, but it is the single smoothest phone out there.
Get rid of what I came to know as Touchboost (feature brought in in jelly bean to introduce the lag free experience of project butter I imagine) from my Sgs3 days, and the phone becomes as laggy as every other android phone out there.
Secondly, I get around 3.5 hours screen on time, without messing about, wifi on constant, depending on whether i'm on the net or not, I can get more.
I find AOKP perfect as its super fast and battery is excellent.
Franko kernel works, but the phone then feels choppy. Setting the cores to 1ghz makes the phone laggy also.
All I can say is, get lots of chargers, I have two at home, two at work, one in the car, one at the other halfs, and it's trickle charging when and if I can and I never worry about battery anyway. I find it wastes far too much life.
Good luck.
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Thank you for not contributing to this thread with that useless comment. The rest of us may not want to charge the phone 1500 times a day (or are even able to), and are looking for ways to help battery discharge go slower while using the phone. If you're fine with charging your phone nonstop, then what are you doing in this thread? Everyone knows you can buy many chargers, that's not a solution.
ksc6000 said:
Thank you for not contributing to this thread with that useless comment. The rest of us may not want to charge the phone 1500 times a day (or are even able to), and are looking for ways to help battery discharge go slower while using the phone. If you're fine with charging your phone nonstop, then what are you doing in this thread? Everyone knows you can buy many chargers, that's not a solution.
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Welcome to Project Butter. If you want to do something different than Google's goals for UI smoothness and responsiveness, which is what everyone has been complaining about in Android vs iOS, then you'll have to go the custom ROM/kernel route. Thankfully that is easily available to you on this hardware and software platform. Me? I like the N4 just fine the way it is stock.
[hfm] said:
Welcome to Project Butter. If you want to do something different than Google's goals for UI smoothness and responsiveness, which is what everyone has been complaining about in Android vs iOS, then you'll have to go the custom ROM/kernel route. Thankfully that is easily available to you on this hardware and software platform. Me? I like the N4 just fine the way it is stock.
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Dude, this has nothing to do with googles project, but instead with Qualcomms responsivness "fix". Please read the answer to my inital post, and you will understand. Also, the phone does in no way feel choppy if you restict it to .9ghz. Except if you load it so much, that it cant cope with this max frequency. But then again, this is not the issue, but the issue is, that 1026 stays active for to long, so that it burns through your battery. There would be only a small change needed to change this behavior, and "possibly" loosing about a fraction of a second of responsivness, that most of the time you wouldnt even notice... Everybody who tells me he is happy with barely 3h of screen time or even less is just the android equivalent of an isheep, because this is in no way acceptable.
ArRaY92 said:
Dude, this has nothing to do with googles project, but instead with Qualcomms responsivness "fix". Please read the answer to my inital post, and you will understand. Also, the phone does in no way feel choppy if you restict it to .9ghz. Except if you load it so much, that it cant cope with this max frequency. But then again, this is not the issue, but the issue is, that 1026 stays active for to long, so that it burns through your battery. There would be only a small change needed to change this behavior, and "possibly" loosing about a fraction of a second of responsivness, that most of the time you wouldnt even notice... Everybody who tells me he is happy with barely 3h of screen time or even less is just the android equivalent of an isheep, because this is in no way acceptable.
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I'm getting around 4-5. Auto brightness, 1 Gmail push, 1 touchdown push, Google now on, HD widgets weather, greader pro syncing, falcon pro syncing, all location services on (I like the monthly reports). Wi-Fi when I can.
[hfm] said:
I'm getting around 4-5. Auto brightness, 1 Gmail push, 1 touchdown push, Google now on, HD widgets weather, greader pro syncing, falcon pro syncing, all location services on (I like the monthly reports). Wi-Fi when I can.
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What kernel are u using? Im using franco kernel + latest CM 10.1 nightly.
My min CPU speed is 1 GHz and in still getting 4 hours on screen time though. I don't think setting my min at 384 MHz even made much difference in my battery, will try it again soon.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
droyd4life said:
What kernel are u using? Im using franco kernel + latest CM 10.1 nightly.
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Stock never rooted bootloader still locked.
If you are getting bad battery... simply flash a custom kernel. You get to keep your stock ROM or whatever but you will get substantial benefits. I prefer Trinity Kernel. Only the second or third update on this kernel and now the phone has made huge gains in battery life. Like hfm, I good on screen time... usually 5-5.5. I have auto brightness on, mobile on 100% of the time, and all Google services synced including books, gmail, currents, google now, etc etc. I have locations on, gps on... everything. Sometimes I turn off NFC because I rarely am somewhere where I can use those cool RFID card scanners. What sucks battery is probably a problem in Android 4.2. The phone does not sleep as much as it should. Go ahead and turn all your sync stuff off and keep the screen on static and let the battery die at stock clock speeds. Probably will get at least 5 hours with auto-brightness on. My phone probably sleeps 60% of the time now according to CPU spy when it sits idle in my car for my 8-10 hour work day. I usually get to the car with a bunch of emails, a text or two waiting for me, and the phone has only been asleep the aforementioned 60% and around 90-91% battery life. On a new phone, starting from full charge, this should be at least 95%. My N10 that doesn't have mobile data, only loses about 1% overnight. Apples to oranges but still. I'm convinced that stock voltages on this device are too high, and that Qualcomm did not give Google the latest drivers... maybe because it's not releasable to AOSP as of yet. I really don't know, but it's gotta be something buggy. This SoC is capable of doing better... and it does in the Optimus G and even with sense, 1080p screen, and a 100mah smaller battery the HTC Droid DNA/Butterfly gets 3.5-4 hours stock screen time. None of the other phones using the S4 Pro are running 4.2. I'm hoping either Qualcomm pulls a Samsung and releases some updated drivers/firmware that Google can incorporate or that Google fixes whatever bugs they may have not worked out. In the next calendar year other phones will be out that use the S4 Pro and 4.2 and I doubt Qualcomm wants to lose the luster it earned with the regular S4 Kraits performance/efficiency. When 4.2 comes to other devices we will probably know whether or not Google is to blame for this or that the Nexus 4 is just a poor performer.
