temporary brick from reverting from froyo - Fascinate General

Heres my situation:
I installed the froyo rom without installing the new CWM first. So i tried renaming the new cwm and replacing it with update.zip to no success, and never reverted back to the old one. Now i decided to revert back to stock, install the new CWM, and than flash the froyo rom. But something went wrong.
I flashed odin stock-i500-vzw-system.tar.md5, and upon reboot it sounds the vzw sound, but stays in the samsung bootup screen, and it won't go into recovery because my update.zip is broken.
My odin for some reason fails every time i try to flash the old recovery, or the old kernels, it only wants to flash system.tar.
Thats as detailed as i can get it for now, any help would be great.

look around for some different stock odin files. i had a hard time with flashing cwm files as my phone just wouldnt accept them for some reason.

i'm gonna try adrenalyn's system.tar, kernel and CWM DI01 package, see if this works. keep fingers crossed


[SOLVED]Can't install custom ROM's anymore!!!

Okay so last night I was putting on a new theme on my phone(MT3G/32B/T-MO Branded).
After applying the update, rebooted and it started to hang. Tried running one of the nandroid backups that I have saved and it booted backup but all sorts of processes kept force closing, not allowing me to do anything.
Tried a few more nandroid backups, with same results, so I decided to flash the stock firmware back on. So I put the sappimg.nbh file on sdcard and updated it with that.
Now the stock image ALWAYS works with no problem. It lets me flash a new recovery image with Recovery Flasher(Tried Rav 1.2 and CM-1.4). Both recovery images work but when trying to update with a new rooted rom it sits at the first splash screen forever. I've tried a few roms like CM-4.0.4 and
By this time i thought maybe the roms were corrupt so I downloaded a new CM- and it took a while but it did boot up, but once i put in my log in info it just froze on the home screen. Rebooted and stuck at the first splash again.
Remember how I said I reverted back to stock firmware? well once I did that and after all this trouble, I tried running a nandroid backup and no matter which one I run, it being and old one or if i just make a new backup they all come out with the same error: "Nandroid failed:run "nandroid-mobile.sh restore" from adb.
Any ideas??? At the moment i'm downloading CM-4.0.4 to try that because i've had problems with and flashing that without having 4.0.4 already flashed. So i will try 4.0.4 right now, hopefully it works and if it does I will update to
Thanks guys, first post so don't be too rough...
my experience with that is solvet by booting recovery ROM from say raon and choose wipe data, then reboot
lupascu.marius said:
Okay so last night I was putting on a new theme on my phone(MT3G/32B/T-MO Branded).
After applying the update, rebooted and it started to hang. Tried running one of the nandroid backups that I have saved and it booted backup but all sorts of processes kept force closing, not allowing me to do anything.
Tried a few more nandroid backups, with same results, so I decided to flash the stock firmware back on. So I put the sappimg.nbh file on sdcard and updated it with that.
Now the stock image ALWAYS works with no problem. It lets me flash a new recovery image with Recovery Flasher(Tried Rav 1.2 and CM-1.4). Both recovery images work but when trying to update with a new rooted rom it sits at the first splash screen forever. I've tried a few roms like CM-4.0.4 and
By this time i thought maybe the roms were corrupt so I downloaded a new CM- and it took a while but it did boot up, but once i put in my log in info it just froze on the home screen. Rebooted and stuck at the first splash again.
Remember how I said I reverted back to stock firmware? well once I did that and after all this trouble, I tried running a nandroid backup and no matter which one I run, it being and old one or if i just make a new backup they all come out with the same error: "Nandroid failed:run "nandroid-mobile.sh restore" from adb.
Any ideas??? At the moment i'm downloading CM-4.0.4 to try that because i've had problems with and flashing that without having 4.0.4 already flashed. So i will try 4.0.4 right now, hopefully it works and if it does I will update to
Thanks guys, first post so don't be too rough...
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I've wiped so many times i can't even remember. Before and after each thing i said that i did a wipe...so no go on that, but it doesn't matter anymore. i've updated to rooted Donut 1.6 now. Thanks anyways tho

[Q] why do i always have to reflash a recovery image after reboot

so yes my phone is rooted and all. i've always been flashing roms over and over. but ever since i flashed the AOSP 2.2 OTA my recovery image goes back to stock after reboot. so i have to use ROM manager to keep reflashing a recovery for me. This is the first rom i have that is doing this. Is there a way to fix it or just make it permanent?
fixed it. i just flashed another rom.

Restoreing ROM w/ CWM - What am I missing?

When I first got my epic back in November, and I started playing around with CWM, Odin and different ROMs, I found that when I tried a different ROM, (DK18 at the time), when I tried to restore my original ROM, after restore, the phone wouldn't boot. I had never been able to restore my origial build without first ODINing the original build version back (DI18), root/CWM the load and THEN restore the backup, at which time it would work fine. After that, a friend told me that CWM doesn't wipe the phone whe way ODIN does, and that I needed to wipe everything first. I hadn't done any "playing around" since then.
Fast forward to today, I decided to try Cyanogen's 6.1 pre-beta 11.1. Copied the zip to my SD card, booted into recovery, wiped everything 3x, flashed the Cyanogen ROM and rebooted. It booted fine, but turns out it was totally unusable on my phone, although it looks like it will be really nice once complete and stable. I poked around a bit, looked at what was in the various menus, then decided to go back. Booted into recovery, wiped everything 3x, did full restore, and...... No boot. Hung at "Samsung" screen. Tried it again with the same results.
In the end, I had to do the same thing I had to do in the past: ODIN DI18 back in, One-Click v2.5.5, reboot into recovery, did full restore and now phone is back to "perfect health" right where it was before I flashed the Cyanogen ROM.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I would think it would be possible to backup and restore in the fashion I was trying.
The kernel and modem dont get backed up with cwm so its not a complete restore.
Sent from my Epic4g using the Inernet
When your flashing a new rom, usually it includes a different kernel. In the case of flashing a froyo rom (assuming you meant DK17 instead of DK18) or Cyanogen, I doubt the kernel is compatible with stock DI18.
When restoring a nandroid backup via CWM, it restores everything but the original kernel (modem only flashable from Odin), which is why your having issues after a restore. You have a froyo kernel + Eclair rom = no boot/bootloop. If you had a flashable zip of the stock kernel on your sdcard, you could flash that before/after the restore (but before rebooting) and it might work then.
Another issue you may have had with Cyanogen, from what I have read, is that you should have updated the modem.bin via Odin (to DK28) before flashing the rom.
Thanks, that would explain a few things. I guess the Cyanogen probably went bonkers due to the DI18 modem. Yes, I meant DK17, not DK18 . I'll dig up a flashable DI18 kernel and give it another go.
Are there any recoveries that will get everything? I'm told Amon Ra does, but it's not available for the Epic, and from reading, probably never will be. IMO, a FULL A to Z backup of the flash would be far better then the way CWM works at this time. Or is it a hardware limitation that prevents anything from getting 100% of the flash?
I'm having similar issues. It's not just the modem as I was on ACS deodexed DK28 with DK28 modem prior to trying Cyanogen. I can restore to any backups I made prior to mods, but anything that includes the Gingerbread theme doesn't work. I'm told it has something to do with the kernel, but even reflashing the ACS stock DK28 ROM prior to restore didn't work. So it looks like a complete flash via Odin is going to be required in many cases prior to restoring from CWM. That's my last hope.
I may try the cyanogen again tonight (and this time, flash the DK28 modem lol) and see what happens... before I do, I'll grab a flashable DI18 kernel, and see if I can restore withou odin (except for the modem). Worst case, can always use odin to recover. Kind of a pain, but it works.
Sent from my Epic 4G
I have a related stupid question, I'm on cm6 but I'm starting to miss being able to use wifi so can I just flash another dk28 rom or do I have to odin it back?
If your sticking with a rom that uses the same modem (DK28) then you should be able to just flash the new rom after wiping the data and cache (assuming the new rom includes a kernel, which I would think it would)
I have a similar question. I've been playing with a whole slew of ROM's (had the epic for about three weeks or so) I keep coming back to Quantom, but my quesiton is, I'm getting really fed up of having to reconfigure all my apps after a reflash of a new ROM (upgrade, tryain a different product, etc) Yeah the google syncing works nice, but configuring mail accounts, signatures, etc, gets old quick. Can you do an advanced restore of just the apps or use a similar method to restore your settings?
Can anyone suggest a good flashable DI18 kernel? The one I found here appears to be an update from DI07, so when I tried to flash it, it errored. Had to ODIN the stock back in again...

I keep having to ODIN my Fascinate (Now can't flash CWMR!!!)

I have been running AOKP on my Fascinate for a while now, but something wierd is going on with the device. After about a week of running AOKP (I tried the Hacksung ICS builds as well), the Fascinate begins to bootloop, so I have to go through and ODIN (cannot wipe and reflash because it continues to bootloop after wipe and reflash) then flash AOKP again. The process repeats itself after roughly a week of use.
I went back and Odin'ed to 2.3.5, but ever since then, I have been unable to install a working recovery on my device. I can flash the recovery fine (Voodoo, and CWM fixed for CM7), but when it boots up, and I try to flash a file, the screen goes black for a minute, then goes back to the recovery menu, like it is rebooting recovery. I've tried Heimdall and Odin.
Anyone got any tips? Am I just forgetting something?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2
in odin did you use the atlas.pit repartition file when you flashed back to stock?
if not then try that. also, which CWM are you trying to flash?
I know my fassy had problems with certain versions, but a 2.5.x version always worked for me no matter what happened to my phone.
This guide always worked for me.... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1238070

How do i install teamwin ?

I have a i9000 and i would like to install twrp so i can install a 7.0 rom but i dont know how to install twrp can someone tell me how?
I would also like to know this as well. I've tried CWM through odn but it's a zip so wont flash. I've tried it in stock recovery but obviously get the signature fail msg.
TWRP comes with the kernel and hence the ROM.
It gets automatically installed if you're on older BML/MTD device..
In which case you should have rebooted after acceptign wipe..
Ahh right, so I flash a new kernel to it and that comes with the recovery built in.
Do I flash the kernel from odin or stock recovery. Got the stuff to unbrick the phone if that happens, just wanted to know the right way before flashing stock rom back and starting again.
MrGRiMv2 said:
Ahh right, so I flash a new kernel to it and that comes with the recovery built in.
Do I flash the kernel from odin or stock recovery. Got the stuff to unbrick the phone if that happens, just wanted to know the right way before flashing stock rom back and starting again.
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The kernel is flashed by the ROM zip... I dont remember if it automatically reboots to recovery or not..
However it does create a file in cache that makes it boot to recovery.. Since the /system is not yet installed.
You should flash the ROM after it boots to new recovery.. then install the zip file again..
All this is described in https://github.com/xc-racer99/android_device_samsung_aries-common/blob/aosp-7.1/updater.sh
I got there in the end.
I flashed CF-Root-XX_OXA_JW4-v4.4-CWM3RFS.tar with odin, then installed cm-10.2.0-galaxysmtd.zip which also updated my older CWM. It had a spam, so I wiped/factory/dalvik etc from the updated CWM and then reinstalled cm-10.2.0-galaxysmtd.zip - now running the rom just fine.
Will be trying out some more over next few days now I have a nandroid of CM10.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
