[q] evo4g rookie - EVO 4G General

hey guys, im new to this website thanks to a good friend of mine (he doesnt have an xda account but he has knowledge of it). I'm basically interested in XDA because i wanted more to do with my phone (EVO4G) and i have heard the best source of help would be XDA. i've had the phone since its release date and havent done much with it since i've gotten it. Now im convinced to "root" it and see how fun it is. i'm having trouble doing anything i've seen on youtube and i dont want to do anything stupid to damage it, but i'd love to know everything on rooting and the likes of it...anyone willing to help a brother out? LOL

1. welcome newbie..
2. yes you are in the right place...
3. what the hell took you so long?
4. did you see the sticky : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=881747
5. yes, there are a lot of members that will help you...but remember .. it is best to do a quick search first.
6. what is your question?
7.. because its lucky!

You want to start on the unrevoke website,than download the software and hboot drivers,you need them to root your phone,without them it will not work.
Sent from my evil evo!!

Yeah man I'll help you out... Rooted my evo before I even made a phone call... You're going to be amazed at how much better your phone is rooted/customized...
The best advice I can give you is to READ... try the stuff out, if you have issues or questions, like dan330 said, search first cuz more than likely whatever you run into has already been figured out. I've been here a long time so I know what will get you help from the people that know what they are doing.
Check out this thread when you get done with the other... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=701245
come back and tell us what you'd like to get started with and I'll walk you thru it if need be.

First of all make a backup of your rsa keys and wiimax.img that is your 4g keys ..just in case you loose them in the process of flashing stuff.....


anyone want to help me?

I have a 8525 and I need some help.
two things, I'd like to get WM6 and keep all the stuff I have put on it. second, I have no clue how to set the WiFi.
Now here is my question;
would anyone in Brooklyn, NY care to help me out and do this for me? I'll bring the beer! Just one catch... I don't have a computer.
I hate to make this my first post, but kinda had to.
pretty please with a cherry on top!
Read HERE. It will help you alot.
You're welcome in Holland........
i've done so much reading...
but to be honest, I need someone to show me in person so I can understand.
But thanks for the links, I have already used the search.
my offer for beer still stands for help, I'm willing to meet up within NYC.
I get it... does anyone want money to help me instead of beer?
or is it a trust issue because of I'm new guy here?
I'm sure if you were a blond with a couple of nice boobs you had 20 offers already. But hey sometimes things aren't always as we want it
WDawn said:
I'm sure if you were a blond with a couple of nice boobs you had 20 offers already. But hey sometimes things aren't always as we want it
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Wait a minute - no one mentioned boobs before. I'll fly in from Michigan if you need help... oh wait... damn. Misread that. Oh well.
Actually, you may want to PM austnsync - I think he is an NY guy. He may be available or know someone.
You guys crack me up!
sorry but yes i'm a man, although i'm blonde with a shaved/bald head I don't go that way. If you want some boobies I'll gladly put some pictures up
hopefully there will be someone will see this cry for help and offer some.
As for credentials, check out itrca.com's forums. I'm a mod and member there for a long time.
So beer and money is not attractive enough and I can't find any hood rats for you... What will it take to get some help?
(watched ''40 year old virgin'' last night)
You want someone to go to your house and set your phone up with WM6 and whatever else you may want? What if after they have left, you run into some huge problem? Are you then going to ask for someone else to come help fix it? I don't mean to sound like an ass but the stuff you want done is really easy. If not having a computer is a problem, then surely you must have at least one good friend with a computer who will let you set your phone up. If so, here are 3 links that should help a lot.
^ This link is a "how to" install WM6
^ There are newer and better roms in this link here.
Last but certainly not least.. the holy grail of information about anything you could ever want to do to your phone is here:
Basically Yes,
I just got myself a new laptop and now I deffinately need help.
I'd be willing to meet up with anyone who knows how to upgrade my 8525 and get the sync working.
I'm not going to hold anyone responsible for messing up as long as it was unintentional
What I'm looking for is some instructional help, show me what to do and walk away.
I really suck at computer stuff, Really suck!
I have looked through those links and to be honest, it's like a different language
Beer, Coffee, money, whatever is needed to get me some honest help.
Or should I just go to GeekSquad and let them have a shot at this?
So not one person needs some extras cash?

2.1 leak OFFICIAL root status thread.

Since nobody else has created this thread, thought it might be a good idea to have this 1 around.
Lets get this thing rooted
Edit:: Devs working on the 2.1 Leak root, please contact me via PM. It would be great to know who all is working hard on this
I believe the individual responsible for rooting the Legend is coming back from vacation tomorrow (IF the big ass ash cloud permits flying again), and there might be a chance it can be replicated onto the ERIS. So yeah, it's a good idea to put it all in one area.
I hope it can but im not holding my breath.
Sent from my Eris using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Wonderful! Hopefully this will encourage more users to post progress of the rooting.
Perhaps a mod can sticky this thread?
Please sticky this thread
anom69 said:
Please sticky this thread
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And please, please, please can we keep it clean and on topic! Hope to see some stuff happening here. Go root!
Bump...waiting for the root of the 2.1 leak also...I will donate to the guy or team who does..
Well its good to know they overlooked us.
anom69 said:
Well its good to know they overlooked us.
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If they did its because of ungrateful people like you.
Most of the devs dont have Eris' anymore let alone an Eris with leaked 2.1 to test with. Te guy who rooted the desire/legend in one fell swoop was notified and has shown interest in helping. So keep your pants on, if you have 2.1 leak its your own fault for jumping the gun.
For the record I jumped the gun too, but acquired a new Eris which is now rooted.
Sometimes minor frustration sounds ungrateful. I'm pretty sure what was being commented on was the fact that no devs addressed the subject. And, I bet the OP'er was really just trying to get the subject back up in the first page.
My conscience won't let me turn in my Eris for a mistake I made. The rest of the folks who can't or won't turn their phones in for replacement are having to hope for the best, same as me and the OP'er.
Nothing personal, meant here (more like an implied question) but I find myself curious about why someone who's already rooted, and is not apparently a dev is even reading this thread..
Nothing personal, meant here (more like an implied question) but I find myself curious about why someone who's already rooted, and is not apparently a dev is even reading this thread..
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I try and stay current with all things eris. just tired of reading the same.old bump complaints
Sent from my Evil Eris v1.1 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
*sigh* I hear ya. Your gripe is totally valid. Sorry if I sounded like a jerk.
As someone in the same position as anom69, I was glad to see this thread started.. if nothing else, then to toss out a line and see whether anybody was still plying at it.. I keep picturing the "real" hackers not bothering with the cheap/free/not-so-impressively-spec'd Eris and getting, instead, (what they might term) "real" phones.. basically echoing what you stated earlier..
The story of Legend-rooter dude sounds promising. It'd be awesome of it turns into something.
It's more like "geez i can't stand to hear these people whine, maybe I will get an iphone instead".
or a motodroid.
It was kinda annoying seeing a signature that says I have root, but I'm not going to share it too. Like, why be a d!ck if you figured it out? If you don't want to share it or be bugged, don't say anything.
I do tutorials and write-ups for a truck forum. If I didn't want people PM'ing me, emailing me, or asking questions in forums all the time I wouldn't have done them in the first place. Seems simple enough: don't want attention then keep your head down.
If someone is running leak version one and doesnt mind taking a chance, come hit me up on irc.wastate.net #droideris
piercedtiger said:
If I didn't want people PM'ing me, emailing me, or asking questions in forums all the time I wouldn't have done them in the first place. Seems simple enough: don't want attention then keep your head down.
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Good advice.
Scratch my last request, I will keep my head out of it. Let someone else figure it out.
Awaiting piercedtiger's how to on leak rooting.
jcase said:
Good advice.
Scratch my last request, I will keep my head out of it. Let someone else figure it out.
Awaiting piercedtiger's how to on leak rooting.
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Okay, so your going to let one dude ruin the work that would help loads of people like me???? Personally, I'm amazed at the work all the devs put into these forums and thankful.
since I have started coming here for all my information on rooting and whatnot I have noticed one major theme that pops up over and over, there are a few devs here with a holier than thou attitude, if you are doing this for fun and nonprofit as you claim to, then deal with us noobs who can't do this stuff on our own, you cry and whine when someone asks a question, like we are intruding on your personal space, we only ask because we don't know how to do this ourselves and are kinda stuck sitting watching and waiting, and when all we see are threads about new roms and such for rooted users, it kinda leaves us wondering, what about me, yes you are right we jumped the gun with installing the leak, but who told us it was ok, it was you guys, we aces our trust in you devs because we trust what you have to say, leaving is now high and dry because everyone jumped ship and got a replacement phone or a Droid or whatever, so doors that make us the bad guys because we want to know, what about us?
and a second thing, I've read a couple threads where devs are kinda claiming responsibility for obtaining root, but when in reality, while it was "obtained", it was not done so in a legal, nor reproducable manner, as I heard someone hacked HTC and found a prerooted file, so while we do hold the devs in high reguard for being able to do what we cannot, please do not be so full of yourselves and forget that you are human just like us
sorry for the rant, but getting tired of some things around here
and also, not everything here applies to all the devs, but I won't name names here
jcase said:
Good advice.
Scratch my last request, I will keep my head out of it. Let someone else figure it out.
Awaiting piercedtiger's how to on leak rooting.
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Honestly, after the way you acted last time someone "bothered" you about this I never expected to hear from you again about this let alone a solution.
So forgive me if I don't get upset about you bowing out again when someone speaks up.

help with android/rom?

hey guys, i think i am trying to to install a new rom. what i am trying to do is dual boot wm 6.5 and android, if thats possible, i have tried searching for stuff, but i get not enough info in some places, and too much in others, here are some links to stuff i have found so far:
can anyone help me out with this? its a lot of info for me, and i dont know what to do/ look at
i have read all the newbie and noob posts out there, so dont tell me to go read them
id like someone to tell me exactly what to download and how to run it to effectivly get android running on my device, dual boot if possible, id like to keep wm 6.5 but also have android. id also like to have a back up rom that is completly "stock" unless a hard reset will erase everything and put it back to "stock" incase i need to sell the device, or just go back.
im sure i am missing a few things, so any help would be greatly appreciated, i really need to get this done, because as of right now, i am not to happy with my device with just wm 6.5 and i cant afford to take a loss and sell it back...
i also may be wrong with some of my terminology, so what i understand is with dual booting i can run wm 6.5 just like i have now and use CHT and stuff, or i can run an android UI like the real android devices?
like i said, any help would be greatly appreciated, and i really need to get this accomplished,
come on, now one knows how to get android running on their device?
please, i need help with this!
also, how or where can i get a registry editor? preferably a .cab file?
dont worry i got it working. thanks for all the help from those that posted! (obviously being sarcastic as no one posted anything)
if any one wants to know, i used max energy Co0kie Energy ROM
with the latest froyo stone android file thing
and a dual booter, ran into a few issues, but got it working
pbleonidus said:
dont worry i got it working. thanks for all the help from those that posted! (obviously being sarcastic as no one posted anything)
if any one wants to know, i used max energy Co0kie Energy ROM
with the latest froyo stone android file thing
and a dual booter, ran into a few issues, but got it working
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wow, you expect us to solve all your problems in 24 hours, on the weekend no less? How much do you think we are getting paid for this?
Glad you got it figured out. Next time, you could try posting in the regular hd2 section as well, seems to be more traffic there.
pbleonidus said:
dont worry i got it working. thanks for all the help from those that posted! (obviously being sarcastic as no one posted anything)
if any one wants to know, i used max energy Co0kie Energy ROM
with the latest froyo stone android file thing
and a dual booter, ran into a few issues, but got it working
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So you're bothered by the fact we didn't give you the answers quick enough, to something that you obviously had the ability to work out on your own? That points to the fact you didn't do enough to help yourself, before posting your question...something the rules here specifically address.
sirphunkee said:
So you're bothered by the fact we didn't give you the answers quick enough, to something that you obviously had the ability to work out on your own? That points to the fact you didn't do enough to help yourself, before posting your question...something the rules here specifically address.
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i did several hours of searching before i posted this, and after a lot of dead ends and frustration, i posted the question, but i continued to search after i posted, which led me to my answer.
and i dont think you guys get paid anything, i just would have expected at least one person to post something, helpfull or not, i just found it weird that no one said anything, not even "i am interested in this as well" or something like "good luck" that i see in other posts....
There's nothing weird you just don't have enough patience to wait for replies. Anyways, good to see that you actually utilized the search function. There's a dedicated android on hd2 forum here on xda. You should have posted your question there.
pbleonidus said:
i did several hours of searching before i posted this, and after a lot of dead ends and frustration, i posted the question, but i continued to search after i posted, which led me to my answer.
and i dont think you guys get paid anything, i just would have expected at least one person to post something, helpfull or not, i just found it weird that no one said anything, not even "i am interested in this as well" or something like "good luck" that i see in other posts....
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sent from android on hd2 using xda app
pbleonidus said:
and i dont think you guys get paid anything, i just would have expected at least one person to post something, helpfull or not, i just found it weird that no one said anything, not even "i am interested in this as well" or something like "good luck" that i see in other posts....
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We dont. It was sarcasm. Hes saying hes not getting paid to help you, so dont get upset when you dont get an answer... This is the internet. Dont expect things from anyone. Just relax and wait. Sometimes, depending on the question, it can take days, weeks to get an answer. If you need people to hold your hand and wish you luck, try the Disney forum.
donkeypunch85 said:
We dont. It was sarcasm. Hes saying hes not getting paid to help you, so dont get upset when you dont get an answer... This is the internet. Dont expect things from anyone. Just relax and wait. Sometimes, depending on the question, it can take days, weeks to get an answer. If you need people to hold your hand and wish you luck, try the Disney forum.
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haha, very funny, i know it was sarcasm, i just gave a serious answer...
i didnt expect anyone to hold my hand or give me an answer, i just would have thought some one would have something about something, like i said before, a lot of times people say good luck, or id be intersted in this too... i found it weird that no one said anything. i know you guys are mad because you couldnt understand my sarcasm, and that i was able to figure it out for myself. how come when i needed help no one said anything, but now that i have it figured out, you guys rant about me wanting everything handed to me, when thats not the case?
mods, please close thread, i got the problem fixed, and there is no need for this thread anymore...
pbleonidus said:
dont worry i got it working. thanks for all the help from those that posted! (obviously being sarcastic as no one posted anything)
if any one wants to know, i used max energy Co0kie Energy ROM
with the latest froyo stone android file thing
and a dual booter, ran into a few issues, but got it working
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and i didnt mean anything negative by this, i wasnt mad at anyone, i was just trying to be a little funny by throwing some sarcasm in there...
i am terribly sorry that you guys have no sense of humor and couldnt understand that... i though forums where supposed to be friendly, and people were supposed to be able to say funny and or sarcastic things without somone jumping on their back...
once again, please close thread.
it's all good in here man. We all just get a little bit of newbieitis where the only cure is to lash out at the newbs.
There is a lot to learn on this forum and by the time you learn it all, your device is out of date.
It seems you wanted to figure it all out in a night. Been using WinMo for about 2-3years now and I still don't have a clue most of the time.
pbleonidus, if that comment was just tongue-in-cheek, then it's all good, no harm no foul. Those types of comments are near-impossible to tell the difference between light-hearted and just disrespectful....and believe me, we get FAR more of the latter type in here...and that does tend to strike a bit of a raw nerve with those here who go to a lot of effort to help others.
So, a lesson in this for all of us: you're apparently not the type of snarky jerk that we run across so often, and we're not always able to generate answers as quickly as you might expect. Cool? Cool.
I'll get this thread closed for you.
Thread closed as requested.

[Q] Any news of rooting 2.2.1 update besides that chineese way ?

is tharrr any newwwssss, im kinda bored with this update
Kinda some promising stuff.
I got temp root working using the peneuter (Original version cpu instructions was wrong so use http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=905183 )
I managed to downgrade by re flashing the misc partition and dropping the PC49img on. So back to tmo stock rom 2.1. Unrevoked now attempts to root and see the success message then the nand error happens as hboot is the same. Still poking about so will update if i progress...
x-member said:
is tharrr any newwwssss, im kinda bored with this update
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Not trying be a wise ass, but why didn't you root before, instead of whining now... I seriously don't get you guys. Maybe not being able to ever root your phone would be a valuable lesson in studying a little before jumping right in like a .....(I was going to type something here, but I would offend you, not that I care about that).
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
Alex_GP said:
Not trying be a wise ass, but why didn't you root before, instead of whining now... I seriously don't get you guys. Maybe not being able to ever root your phone would be a valuable lesson in studying a little before jumping right in like a .....(I was going to type something here, but I would offend you, not that I care about that).
You have already offended some. Please note that not all who asks to root Froyo updated their phone from OTA or RUU, some got their phone with the Froyo firmware already in it. So please watch before you speak. Also, not all people knows about how this things works. Most doesn't even care what their phones are and will update should an update is available believing their device will make it super. Then they'll just stumble on a forum unintentionally and started knowing stuffs like these and start loving and craving to try, but may be too late. People asking these questions should only be answered Yes or No, no side comments if it's bad to hear. Anyways, they are not pushing you, as in you to do it for them. If you say NO, then they won't bother you, will they?
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The problem appears when you say"no" to someone, they get it, but during the next week you see the board filled with topics from various people asking about rooting 2.2, because they can't be bothered in reading a measly 2 page topic where the problem is explained.
I agree that the people that bought the phone with 2.2 are not to blame about no knowing about it, but they are to be blamed about not reading before whining on the forum
So remember kids, google stuff before crying on the forums, this way you won't be insulted by bad people like me, that are only stating the obvious .
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
Alex_GP said:
The problem appears when you say"no" to someone, they get it, but during the next week you see the board filled with topics from various people asking about rooting 2.2, because they can't be bothered in reading a measly 2 page topic where the problem is explained.
I agree that the people that bought the phone with 2.2 are not to blame about no knowing about it, but they are to be blamed about not reading before whining on the forum
So remember kids, google stuff before crying on the forums, this way you won't be insulted by bad people like me, that are only stating the obvious .
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
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There shold be no one to blame in the first place because nobody committed a mistake for asking to root their phone after update. It's not a mistake, it's just that people tend to play with their phone, get more features after root, but it's not a mistake. Mistake here is to insult poor ignorant people.
yzac said:
There shold be no one to blame in the first place because nobody committed a mistake for asking to root their phone after update. It's not a mistake, it's just that people tend to play with their phone, get more features after root, but it's not a mistake. Mistake here is to insult poor ignorant people.
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No, the fact that you do something (like updating 2.2.1) without knowing the implications is a mistake, and you deserve what`s coming to you.
If you go around in life like "hurr durr a buttonz, lets push it" you are eventually gonna get burned. It doesn't take long to go around asking on Google or reading on a forum, or asking a friend what happens when you press that button. Maybe you will not find out exactly what happens when you push the button, maybe you`ll only know that starts a flame, you are responsible for getting burned. And you shouldn`t cry afterward if the injuries hurt. This example can be extended in every aspect of life and can be summarized like this THINK before you act! Some obviously don`t.
I`m not going to argue anymore, this is my final post about this subject.
Alex_GP said:
The problem appears when you say"no" to someone, they get it, but during the next week you see the board filled with topics from various people asking about rooting 2.2, because they can't be bothered in reading a measly 2 page topic where the problem is explained.
I agree that the people that bought the phone with 2.2 are not to blame about no knowing about it, but they are to be blamed about not reading before whining on the forum
So remember kids, google stuff before crying on the forums, this way you won't be insulted by bad people like me, that are only stating the obvious .
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
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if you dont want to read abount people stuck with the 2.2.1 froyo on the wildfire. Why are you visiting this tread????
matt99t said:
I got temp root working using the peneuter (Original version cpu instructions was wrong so use http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=905183 )
I managed to downgrade by re flashing the misc partition and dropping the PC49img on. So back to tmo stock rom 2.1. Unrevoked now attempts to root and see the success message then the nand error happens as hboot is the same. Still poking about so will update if i progress...
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How do you use the file? I downloaded the file but i dont know how to use it? instructions please
Can you please provide us with some kind of tutorial if you successed?
Thank you

[Q] Continuum 2.2 Update for Beginners?

I'm a noob when it comes to smartphones and android. My wife got this Continuum for free for me, and well I wish I would of known about it. I got this Friday and not knowing anything about Android, I thought I got a good deal, but soon realized after reading several forums up here there isn't going to be an official 2.2 release, but thanks to the kind folks here, there is a leaked version.
To my question, and I guess it's just me not being use to it, and trying to learn everything in a day, it's just not sticking. I would definitely want to upgrade to 2.2, but I'm lost. I understand the concept of it all, but like I said I'm lost. I haven't tried it yet, but do you have to root your phone first? Before you even attempt the update. I understand the concept of rooting a phone it basically gives you complete control over it, but is their a beginners guide?I guess I'm just lost although the leak was posted with great instructions it seems like a foreign language to a noob like me. Any help would be appreciated.
Odin image for 2.2 update
Froyo Update
How to root
There is several instructions in these threads as well as useful links to the files you shall need. if you need further help you can either pm me or check out the irc
heres the irc info
I was like you a week ago, lost, afraid, overwhelmed with information. But then, I found the search bar and now my phone has 2.2 on it. I don't really remember what happened, musta blacked out. Oh well... good luck!
Check out www.addictivetips.com/mobile and search rooting continuum. For that matter, read a lot from that site. It helped me a ton, and they put it in layman's terms
Sent from my SCH-I400 using XDA App
I got it running on my first try. It really isn't too hard once you grasp it. Thanks for all the help offered. And especially a big thanks to the people who brought 2.2 to the Continuum. At least it's not so dead after all. My Rom from pastorbennett runs perfect. I do have another question...would it be safe to download the My Verizon app. Even though it's a little aggravating, I do like being able to keep up with my usage, but if it's not advised I'll stay away from it.
I've been reading through a lot of the threads for loading Froyo onto my continuum, but am running into an issue that I have not been able to get past (or maybe I am being impatient).
I have the phone in debugging mode (only way Odin seems to pick it up)
I click the PDA button
Load the tar file
Click start
The process seems to begin, but gets hung up on SetupConnection and does not proceed from there.
Is there something I am missing? Not doing right?
This is my first Android phone and am still learning the terminology and so on. Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT - Figured out how to put the phone in download mode, everything moved right along. /facepalm
Tarheel487 said:
I do have another question...would it be safe to download the My Verizon app. Even though it's a little aggravating, I do like being able to keep up with my usage, but if it's not advised I'll stay away from it.
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I use the My Verizon app with no issues. Knock on wood...
jldroidfan79 said:
EDIT - Figured out how to put the phone in download mode, everything moved right along. /facepalm
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Hey, it's good to see users answering their own questions! I have done that I can't guess how many times... I look in the mirror and tell myself. Did you REALLY RTFM?
I'm glad you posted your fix. That might help others that read the thread. I guess it's a pet peeve of mine when I see a post that says, "Nevermind, I figured it out." And doesn't explain what they figured out, and how they did it... I'm just sayin'... Ya know!
Agreed, Moon Shadow.I've done several dozen searches, and clicked on promising links to someone who is having the same issue. The only resolution I see is "I got it". Which makes the search useless.
Sent from my SCH-I400 using XDA App

