Helping a starter do some cool stuff - Desire HD General

Hello guys,
I know XDA for a long time now, not been very active because didnt had the time for it and motivation to explore all the new things, because if you want to do something, first you have to do this, and in then post you read that you have to other the other thing, etc. etc. My first smartphone was the MDA vario 1 (from tmobile) and later had some other phones.
From last Friday im the proud owner of a Desire HD! And offcourse was trilled with it, since then playing with it, and know ready for other stuff, like tweaking it for the best experience.
I came across a nice ROM with a small overclock and thought, what the hell, lets give it a try. But what i've mentioned here above, offcourse on purporse, i cant get any further with it.
A question from being a starter, are there somewhere threads when i can learn the basics of installing a new ROM, the things I need to give attention to to now screw up my phone..
And then in wich steps to do something?
Perhaps links to threads? or wich keywords I have to search?
I realise that this kind of questions are perhaps stupid or you dont have time for it to explain, but everyone was once a starter.
Edit: I forget to define where I get stuck. I used VISIONary+ but know it only says "rooting" device and cant switch it off. And with the Desire HD Easy Radio Tool V2_2 i cant get radio S-OFF and furter I've read that i have to downgrade the Radio and later I've read that from some version it isnt recommendend.
At least sorry for my bad English

excellent guides in the development section - be prepared for a lot of reading!

Please help
Make my day!
But where to start? Wich order off topics I have to read? I guess the sticky topics?
Can you point a few out so I can start reading
Guys thanks both of you. Been reading for a time right nog, got a few questions.
I've managed to root my DHD! YEAH!
- Using the One Click Radio Tool but getting this message: Unknown error
- Trying to install HBOOT with this:how to but when following the instructions further in the Terminal Emulator, the SUM5 or something else (a big line of numbers/letters), and that it isnt instaleld.
After a big time of reading, got few questions.
I have version 1.32 (1.32.405.6, got this version out-of-the-box) and rooted my DHD! yeah
- Used the One Click Radio Tool but got this error message: Unknown error, probably connection.
- Tried with this How-to but got stuck trying to install HBOOT. At some point (after doing “sh /sdcard/DHD/hboot”) you should get a line of numbers/letters (MD5 sum), and that the first and second should be the same. But in mine case, the first and last (third) are the same and the second is different. The error message was: Exec format error and it should be Function not implemented".
Could someone help me? I would be really greathfull!!
Eventually I want to try first the Pays-ROM HD SPARTA v1.0 because I want to try make my DHD fast astpossible but having all my favorit stuff on it. Perhaps want to try later Android Revolution HD 2.0.9 or Core Droid DHD V2.2.
Guys anyone can give me some help?
Just trying to get started and get on my way to enjoy this part of my life.......
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

I started with this: [REF] Ivo's Introductory Guide to this forum

There are many how to guides in the android development section, if you have 1.72 version the first thing to do is downgrading to 1.32
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

You could start by reading this thread
And then posting your questions on the thread that has the ROM you might be interesting on downloading.
PS: Do not over post (spam) the thread with many patient and someone will assist you

@OP: I wasnt able to use the one click radio tool either; same error.
So used the one click Soff tool by the same dev.
Am running MIUI Room...its good...but guess Revolution HD will be good...happy flashing


[Q] i have an android build, what should i do to make it run on hd2?

i have an android build, what should i do to make it run on hd2?
tomar5e said:
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You've walked into a trap.
You should READ. Or, since you didnt... prepare to burn.
tomar5e said:
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+1 on that!
ha ha the craziest reply I can READ... today
+10 for the reply
Just take the phone outside,put it in the pocket,and after that RUN,so android runs to lol.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Are you kidding?
What kind of a joke is this come on is this your first time on xda? are you a virgin? YOU need to read as everything has pretty much been answered. Let this be a lesson the guys here like to have fun sometimes with a little gas and a Dont post without reading you are lucky you got soo many responses. READ EVERY STICKY!!!!!!!!!!!
some help
Not wanting to invite flames but I kind of understand why people ask this, I think this forum is excellent but organisation is not 100% and it is not always straight forward or easy to find information. I had to do a lot of hunting to find that the answer was far simpler than suggested on any of these stickies etc.
All I did to get android on my phone was:
Install HardSPL onto my PC then install Hard SPL 2.08 onto my phone.
Next I updated the radio to 2.12
The above can be found through:
Next I installed excellers multi boot loader and copied an android build to my phone.
Now I agree there is some reading and learning to do and you have to work out things if they don't work but this should help you narrow down what you have to do and what you don't have to do. You don't have to change the windows mobile rom, I am still running the vodafone 1.6 version, the important parts are hardspl and the radio being a high version.
I can well recommend the shubcraft build, use the rmnet version if uk.
ready for the flames now
Burn baby burn
HSPL3. get HSPL3.
Are you kidding?????? There is a complete step by step guide right at the top and it was even linked for the OP, but yet you people still need to reply with a VERY short version of the guide ??????????
ok guys, thread closed...
op please read the threads that are open already...

Gave up waiting and installed Cyanogen

Well guys I gave up waiting for Froyo from HTC and have spent the morning doing the rather tricky task of rooting my Legend and installing Cyanogen.. it was a bit of a nightmare and I wouldn't recommend beginners try it but its installed now and I like it a lot.. and hey its froyo... no more running out of space!
Why wouldn't you advice beginners to try it?
It wasn't that hard for me and I'm really glad I did it.
Didn't had any experience with the adb but I liked it a lot it wasn't super easy but I was glad I pulled it off.
JonasDroid said:
Why wouldn't you advice beginners to try it?
It wasn't that hard for me and I'm really glad I did it.
Didn't had any experience with the adb but I liked it a lot it wasn't super easy but I was glad I pulled it off.
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What I meant was if you don't even know how to unzip stuff for example or you don't know what a command prompt is... I wouldn't bother trying to do it!
It was a pain in the behind for me during the first attempts as i needed to use the hack to be able to downgrade wich took me quite some time lookin into , once done that the only thing that actualy got in my way was the port remaining open , had no idea why it couldnt connect my device , but if you copy any error from just about anything into google , most likely within 30mins of that your problems are solved.
Either way it isnt really that hard just need some common sence and patience, read things completely and dont rush tru it and yer done in a jiffy.
Have fun for those trying
Also, the learning curve is invaluable. My first experience on these forums was downgrading and rooting. I'm no expert, but I know a lot more than I did in 3(ish) short months.
I think the main thing is follow the how-to's STEP by STEP and you and your phone will just be fine.
And reading posts from the beginning to the end helps 2
over and out !
Step by Step instructions for noobs?
Can someone then point me to step by step instructions from a vanilla 2.1 vodafone legend to use the azure mod?
The only reason why I ask is Ive read a bunch of postings and gotten totally confused.. I know I need to create a gold SD card, boot, patch then downgrade to 1.3 and then Im kinda stuck..
Oh for the record I am technical (java programmer now architect) but its a case of cant see the trees caus. of the forest!!!
thanks all
ps if we could make this a sticky that would be fab
Did you read the sticky in the developers thread? It trells you exactly how to do it.
Sent from my Legend using XDA App
I did the same... It took me some time to get through everything (mostly due to my Internet connection here in Afghanistan), but I got it done, and I'm so glad I did. I wasn't unhappy with RUU 2.03, but I really needed to have PIN security instead of the silly pattern thing. I will definitely go back to RUU once it's available.
liltbrockie said:
What I meant was if you don't even know how to unzip stuff for example or you don't know what a command prompt is... I wouldn't bother trying to do it!
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i consider myself as a begginer,and i understand what u meant...i also just rooted my legend but now im still figuring out what is the best ROM for legend for users that want the best performance for their legend..any suggestion??and,can i use other phone ROM for my legend?? THANX
xfidox said:
i consider myself as a begginer,and i understand what u meant...i also just rooted my legend but now im still figuring out what is the best ROM for legend for users that want the best performance for their legend..any suggestion??and,can i use other phone ROM for my legend?? THANX
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Look around and you will find. No you cannot.
rajasyaitan said:
Look around and you will find. No you cannot.
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okay..other than xda, where can i find ROM for my legend ah??trima kasih rajasyaitan!!

[Q] Hello all! Please welcome my brother by helping me :-D

Hey all!
As you can see in my signature, i'm a HD2 user and i'm currently porting android, it's now been 3 months since i last used winmo!!!
To cut down to the important; my brother recently bought HTC Magic!
Since i like modding a lot, and since i have felt the beauty of android 2.2 (Froyo) on my HD2, knowing that Magic is android 1.5 by default, i want to port the latest ROM/android to his cell phone!
It's a PVT32A i guess (its written on the box 288MB RAM)
Is there is any froyo ROM for magic now?!
Or eclair?!
Stock or custom?!
I prefer stock roms if possible with froyo or eclair!
If not, what is the latest/fastest/best ROM for magic right now?! Please point me to it!
In htc site i found this;
did anyone tried it?! Is that android 1.5 or more?!
Please help me guys!
I know i should be reading but HD2 has got many bugs still in android to keep me completely busy in reading there besides that my brother doesn't like to read.
Simple.... follow my guide to root and get custom recovery...(check my signature)... then apply stock magic 2.1 with sense found in development section... or the stock 2.2 without sense also found in development!
Good luck!
mumilover said:
Simple.... follow my guide to root and get custom recovery...(check my signature)... then apply stock magic 2.1 with sense found in development section... or the stock 2.2 without sense also found in development!
Good luck!
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Excuse me mumilover but i have many concerns, if you or anyone can help me:
1-i've read that there is a "check for system update" in the settings/about phone but i don't have it!!! that is weird!!! I was thinking of updating the system first to see where that leads me!
2-in your root guide you use adb installing method; well i have never used it yet, is it that simple by only opening a command prompt in windows and writing "adb install C:\roottools\App\UniversalAndroot_1.6.1.apk" for example i can install this app if this is its location on pc?!?
Excuse my ignorance, but does this work simply by connecting the cell to the pc va usb (with debugging mode on) or it does need anything extra to make it work?!?
3-the biggest difficulty is that, by default, there are no file manager included and no market application!!!! which means one can not install any app!!! No way to download it and no way to install it if one can't access the SDcard!!!
Is that why we need adb?!?
4-How can i know my radio version and Hboot?! (in winmo it used to be displayed on booting)
5-Do you mean by "and get custom recovery" that i should do also steps 6, 7 and 8?! or only 7?! or maybe 7 and 8?! (coz 6 seems a bit freaky "Using this spl will cut your ram in half and make the 3.5mm jack useless!"... )
Thanks a lot
I can only say, that you have to read the guide 1-3 times more...
Many of your questions is answered there...
It very simple to follow, and i have written all the steps need.
Just do it and revert back if you get any problems.
Please, if you get problems, then write them in the guide thread and not here... to make things organized :0)
mumilover said:
I can only say, that you have to read the guide 1-3 times more...
Many of your questions is answered there...
It very simple to follow, and i have written all the steps need.
Just do it and revert back if you get any problems.
Please, if you get problems, then write them in the guide thread and not here... to make things organized :0)
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Ok no problem mumilover! But beware and be ready to answer all my questions after i try your guide step by step if i have any...
Good luck habibi...
In kaan fee mashakill, ana rah s3dak.... :0)
mumilover said:
...Please, if you get problems, then write them in the guide thread and not here... to make things organized :0)
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Please and thank you!

[Q] HTC HD2 - Android Porting

Getting ready for brickbats, I send in this query.
I have an HD2. I want to try Android OS on it. However, the information in the forums is quite overwhelming for someone like me, who only knows the front end of the phone. I have searched the forums for methods and which version to use, but end up getting lost.
All I know till now is that I need to download the Android file and save it on the phone and then run it. But which version(there are so many!)? What are things that work, and do not work? What all do I need to do for a functional phone after I port it?
My apologies if the answer to this has already been posted somewhere; please point me to it and I shall be grateful.
Please help!
Sorry mate, but all the answers to your questions are in the threads in the development section.
Just pick one and read the first post (realistically, read the first few pages). That gives you all the info you need on running Android.
Just go from ROM to ROM and read what's already been written about them, in order to decide which to use.
Thank you John! I will do that!
Seasons Greetings!
rovanv said:
Thank you John! I will do that!
Seasons Greetings!
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The MDJ Froyo Sense HD version 4.6 on my signature works and i have had no problems with it.
For instructions on installing Android please follow the link on the signature
Hope it helps and happy androiding.................

Radio's and SLPL

Hi, the title says it all, i just want to know what a radio & a SLPL is? Yes i'm a n00b, and there i have no shame in calling myself that becuase everyone starts from somewhere. Looking forward to learning, so hopefully someone can help me.
I've made this thread because i'm looking to put the 'Ginger Yoshi' rom on the HTC Magic, and it says you will need the new radio,and some SLPL? Also how do you put these on the phone, & where you download it from? Thanks
Droidzz said:
Hi, the title says it all, i just want to know what a radio & a SLPL is? Yes i'm a n00b, and there i have no shame in calling myself that becuase everyone starts from somewhere. Looking forward to learning, so hopefully someone can help me.
I've made this thread because i'm looking to put the 'Ginger Yoshi' rom on the HTC Magic, and it says you will need the new radio,and some SLPL? Also how do you put these on the phone, & where you download it from? Thanks
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Welcome to XDA forums! I'm just a fellow member, but I still want to welcome you here
First, do you know if you have a 32A or 32B device? You have posted that you have a Desire S - do you have both that and Magic? Be sure to read everything you can about rooting and Android in general before trying to install new software on it. You see, I managed to brick my Magic without learning enough before action!
Secondly, CyanogenMod Wiki is a great resource for checking out what all these things mean. See it here:
For example, answers to your question:
Second Program Loader, in conjunction with the IPL comprise a device's bootloader. Aside from bootstrapping Android, the bootloader also fulfills various diagnostic functions. One of these functions is the manipulation of data in the device's internal flash ram. Depending on the SPL installed, the user might be able to flash signed NBH files, flash nand images, and more. Note that the SPL is installed and operates independently of the Android build that runs atop it. Generally speaking, there are two variants of the SPL: Stock, which is 'locked' and is installed on most devices from the factory, and Engineering, which is 'unlocked' and has to be manually flashed - usually after 'rooting'.
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The cellular radio on the device which needs control software called firmware to control it.
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Hi thanks for the reply. I've just recently bought the HTC Magic, but is £37 for it a good price or not? Also, i bought the desire s but sold it off, i need to update my profile xD. Thanks for the welcome
Droidzz said:
Hi thanks for the reply. I've just recently bought the HTC Magic, but is £37 for it a good price or not? Also, i bought the desire s but sold it off, i need to update my profile xD. Thanks for the welcome
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That's an AWESOME price! I bought mine for £150 last summer!
But to the point - have you gotten any useful information out of the CM wiki? XDA Wiki has great articles, too, but it isn't as fulfilling. With ambition and good resources, you'll learn what you need fast and possibly in a week or a few days you can be able to take care of ROM flashing, customizing your phone a lot more deeply than changing a few settings, getting full access (that people should always have) to your phone's all capabilities and even using it as a WiFi box!
Oh, and if you find anything here on the forums useful or good, press the thanks button. You have 5 clicks a day for it. That's a good way to show the poster appreciation so they can see their work worthful
You've got to take into account it's 2 years old now, plus i got it used of ebay ;( - Oh and CyanogenMod have stopped supporting it.
SO do you think it's worth £37, or should i just say no, or sell it off when it comes? I'm confused at the moment, because CyanogenMod have stopped supporting it so i don't know what to do, and also don't know if it's worth the money i paid for it.
Droidzz said:
Hi, the title says it all, i just want to know what a radio & a SLPL is? Yes i'm a n00b, and there i have no shame in calling myself that becuase everyone starts from somewhere. Looking forward to learning, so hopefully someone can help me.
I've made this thread because i'm looking to put the 'Ginger Yoshi' rom on the HTC Magic, and it says you will need the new radio,and some SLPL? Also how do you put these on the phone, & where you download it from? Thanks
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I think all your answers may well be here:
Once you've got past root and recovery, you then can change spl/radio according to your desired rom.
Droidzz said:
SO do you think it's worth £37, or should i just say no, or sell it off when it comes? I'm confused at the moment, because CyanogenMod have stopped supporting it so i don't know what to do, and also don't know if it's worth the money i paid for it.
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IMO it very well is. A good device with decent hardware, especially for the price.
They've stopped supporting it only OFFICIALLY, but there are still many development working on it for Magic, and there are a few good ROMs - like Ginger Yoshi, Carz12's CyanogenMod 7.1 and of course SebastianFM's HTC Sense ROM.
Read, read, read. Mdacompactuser posted a good link
Cheers everyone. Hopefully we can all think that's it a 'mission' & work together on this . Right i've learnt that i can root the phoen via superoneclick, and get the superuser access. Ok next i was going to do everything via rom manager, however now that option is basically gone for me, as CM are not supporting it, but i can flash the recovery from there. I have chosen clockwork recovery, so flashing it via rom manager should be good. I'll have a look at the link you sent me, and hopefully we can regenerate interest in this device again, and make it gain popularity, so we can be on the official forum boards, instead of the low activity devices. That's the plan, everyone up for it? xD>
Droidzz said:
Cheers everyone. Hopefully we can all think that's it a 'mission' & work together on this . Right i've learnt that i can root the phoen via superoneclick, and get the superuser access. Ok next i was going to do everything via rom manager, however now that option is basically gone for me, as CM are not supporting it, but i can flash the recovery from there. I have chosen clockwork recovery, so flashing it via rom manager should be good. I'll have a look at the link you sent me, and hopefully we can regenerate interest in this device again, and make it gain popularity, so we can be on the official forum boards, instead of the low activity devices. That's the plan, everyone up for it? xD>
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If you look in this forum alone, you'll find everything you need to carry out a rom update. As Kanttii pointed out its crucial you know what your phone is before you do anything. I'd stick to guides found on this forum as opposed to ones found elsewhere on the web, simply because the people who wrote the guides on here are more likely to respond to specific queries you may have.
I have to say I found mumilovers posts very complete and useful, so personally I'd start here:
and then go here:
Obviously there are other methods, but like I said before, a guide is much better when the author is around to help when you get something wrong or something doesn't make sense to you.
Thanks the phone will probably come today through the post, so i'll read the threads you sent me links to, and hopefully i'll be able to understand most of it . Thanks again .
Wow i managed to also root my phone without bricking it, and installed clockwork mod recovery. I downloaded set cpu, but i'm on default android 2.2 so i can't overclock it. Now i'm confused about how to put a custom rom on it.
EDIT: Right now i'm a bit scared to install custom rom on it, but i got a question:
In rom manager, when i go to the download section, i see a rom called Roalex, is that a good one?
The top one on that is called: COS-DS-071822011_I1? SO if i click install on that will it be a good one?

