Dev's take a look!!! - Vibrant General

Watched this on youtube, would be awesome as a boot animation! Would make my android complete!
Samsung vibrant nero 5 w/voodoo and dOw

That is totally awesome I want that !!!!

Hahaha that's some cool stuff.
*** Sent from my Samsing Vibrant (Axura using xda app

Send the link to @Tonic_Acid, he can do it.

s15274n said:
Send the link to @Tonic_Acid, he can do it.
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I guess I will have to wait for Tonic. I was trying to make it myself, but I can't get it to actually play during startup. Does anyone know if there is an upper limit to the number of images the boot animation will support?
This video is 560 frames played at about 25 fps. I can try removing some of them that are nearly identical in the beginning to cut it down some, and maybe from other areas.

Testing attachment
There ya go

in action here,
with download link in the description

I'm wanting to get it so it is larger and rotated 90° to the right. I think it would look better.

Did not work for me im running :-( vibrant nero 5 with voodoo

You can extract ANY rom and replace the boot animation files with these.
Re-zip the sucker and flash as normal.
The files are in \system\media as "" (surprise!)

Will give it a shoot and will let you know!

Give it a shot instead and lemme know :þ

If you clicked through to the example youtube showing it booting up on a Motorola device and scrolled would have found this...

Its that damn predictive text haha

masterotaku said:
If you clicked through to the example youtube showing it booting up on a Motorola device and scrolled would have found this...
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If you read the whole thread you'd see I posted it here
You're welcome, and thanks for playing :þ

it is awesome!!! thanks for the suggestion on packing it in to the rom worked like a charm! i do agree i think it should be turned 90 degrees and blown up a little and should slow the animation down just a little bit! over all this is the sickest boot screen!

I tried extracting and rezipping didnt work can some one pls flash it with nero 5 thanks

Djnasty18 said:
I tried extracting and rezipping didnt work can some one pls flash it with nero 5 thanks
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here you go bro

ionballer said:
it is awesome!!! thanks for the suggestion on packing it in to the rom worked like a charm! i do agree i think it should be turned 90 degrees and blown up a little and should slow the animation down just a little bit! over all this is the sickest boot screen!
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I've been working on just this, but for some reason it only plays 1/2 of it and then goes blank. Been really frustrating as I have been following Tonic's directions to the letter. Gonna start from scratch and see if I can get it.

Flak_Munky said:
I've been working on just this, but for some reason it only plays 1/2 of it and then goes blank. Been really frustrating as I have been following Tonic's directions to the letter. Gonna start from scratch and see if I can get it.
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How many frames are you using?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App


ATX84 ~~ NRGZ28 energyrom custom boot animation ~~ Updated July 8th

I have made a new boot animation for NRGZ28, it's still in its early stages, and can only hope I have time for more. I'm a huge fan with what he has done to my phone, and he has compelled me to give back to the community.
My goal here was simple. Sometimes I forget(as im sure some of you do to) what it was like owning a stock Rhodium, and i cant even remember what the GUI even looked like. NRGZ28's ROMS, although amazing, does not change dramatically enough for me to be mesmerized everytime i pick my phone up as it used to. Although I'm sure this wont entirely do it either, it will at least remind you of what you hold in your hand! Or something like that anyways, i was never really good at public speeches
This should work for any of his ROMS
P.S.~~if anyone could post some feedback on how far the animation goes on your devices that would be great! that means the leo, rhodium, Raphael... and any other devices that have a screen of that size, on both energyrom and stock roms.. or any roms for those devices. and if you know a way to change the length given for the animations let me know pronto!! I recieved a new warranty phone and the animation isnt playing the same length anymore. not sure if this is due to newer updated roms or the fact that the energyroms tp2 splash screen isnt on there anymore, just shows the ATT splash screen. thanks
Follow me on
Buy me a beer!
Updated July 8th!
Cabbed/Shortened/Resized---No more BS work for you!!
Additional Notes:
1) At least on my Rhodium, the last second or 2 wont play. (the fade out) It will simply hang on the image for a few seconds. (which works just as good) The orginal was 14 seconds long and i had to speed it up as i am unaware of a way to customize the time wm gives for the boot animation. So if anyone knows of a registry setting or a program that will do this. let me know ASAP!
2) I will also work on getting a sound file for it as well if this becomes popular enough.
1) Download .cab
2) Installs it directly to windows
3) It will ask you to restart
1) Go to settings->system->remove programs
2) Will automatically put back the default animation
Please be patient as doing 3d animations takes a long time, as well as tweaking issues just to have more arise. And don't even get me started on getting a decent gif animator, and then trying to get it to do what its designed to do
NRGZ28-Thinking outside the box
hotfile download
Video Preview
Screenshots taken at different intervals(for those of you on outdated phones)
Reserved post 5
That looks really cool from the screenshots, the bouncing and then the electric explosion looking thing... haha. Cool work.
Any chance of having it just say HTC there instead of NRG? I think you would get quite a few more downloads/donations.
Also, a short video or gif would be cool so we can see what we're getting!
Idea for Startup Animation
Hi There,
I am a huge fan of energy Roms as well!
I thought the following would be cool!
X-mens wolverine blades comming through a screen shot making the famous-x and the at the bottom Energy ROM...
Wish I knew how to but maybe you can do this for us??
venomshot629 said:
That looks really cool from the screenshots, the bouncing and then the electric explosion looking thing... haha. Cool work.
Any chance of having it just say HTC there instead of NRG? I think you would get quite a few more downloads/donations.
Also, a short video or gif would be cool so we can see what we're getting!
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Hmm.. that sounds like a fantastic idea! so the problem is.. start up a new thread for more generic animations, or just change the name and make categories in this one?
Will most likely be uploading a youtube video of it today.
Bad Boi HTC said:
Hi There,
I am a huge fan of energy Roms as well!
I thought the following would be cool!
X-mens wolverine blades comming through a screen shot making the famous-x and the at the bottom Energy ROM...
Wish I knew how to but maybe you can do this for us??
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Yes, this was my first concept design.. but depending on where the X goes, it might require that i make hands and wrist at least(which is a little bit of work ) unless it slashes with the blades coming through the background..i forget.
i don't know the legality of putting the original wolverine slash in there, (and wheres the fun in that? ) but i will see what i can do
If anyone knows of some good x slash video's, post them up! as i seem to be having a ridiculously hard time finding any. people need to make tags better! you would think there would be hundreds popping up! but no, with the game out all i find is gameplays for origins-wolverine
i like it alot
i think its awsome. wish i had skill like that !
I agree, this is a stunning job!!
gplock said:
i think its awsome. wish i had skill like that !
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well i went to school for it.. its now my $30,000 hobby YAY ITT-Tech
GREAT work man, i installed it,and it turns out that the XBOX360 startup sound lines up nicely with the animation, thats what i use now, if anyone wants the sound i'll link it up
what course man
i want some ! get some Comp on the table. better then heating and AC
thesyntax said:
GREAT work man, i installed it,and it turns out that the XBOX360 startup sound lines up nicely with the animation, thats what i use now, if anyone wants the sound i'll link it up
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yea it sounds pretty good. maybe i could add a separate cab file that has both in it. its not copy write infringement if i dont sell it right? haha
gplock said:
i want some ! get some Comp on the table. better then heating and AC
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maybe its the lack of sleep.. but could you rephrase that? lol
i graduated in Information Technology-Multimedia
nice ..... i like jokes
just googled the closet one from me Bennsalem Pa not that bad.! how long did you go for ?
I liKE it too
venomshot629 said:
That looks really cool from the screenshots, the bouncing and then the electric explosion looking thing... haha. Cool work.
Any chance of having it just say HTC there instead of NRG? I think you would get quite a few more downloads/donations.
Also, a short video or gif would be cool so we can see what we're getting!
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...But alas I am not using energy rom. Please consider making it for HTC.
gplock said:
just googled the closet one from me Bennsalem Pa not that bad.! how long did you go for ?
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I went for 2 years. I got 2 weeks off for winter break, and 1 week off for summer break. if you want your summer off you can have them add another 3 months for each summer. thats just for the associates degree. its another year for the bachelor degree and that gets you ready for making video games.
[email protected] said:
...But alas I am not using energy rom. Please consider making it for HTC.
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I will work on it as soon as i get a chance. Hopefully tomorrow or the next day. I will also try and do this for every boot screen I make. There will of course be a few that are only for energyrom

Youtube FAIL

Thought i'd share this, maybe get some suggestions on a fix. I was trying to watch a youtube video with some friends but luckily my nexus s would not play it. So, someone pulls out their vibrant and within seconds we are watching the video. It was a youtube fail from Google's awesome phone. I just upgraded to the rooted 2.3.3 with voodoo colors, could that have anything to do with it? I had 4 bars 3g.
ruben8448 said:
Thought i'd share this, maybe get some suggestions on a fix. I was trying to watch a youtube video with some friends but luckily my nexus s would not play it. So, someone pulls out their vibrant and within seconds we are watching the video. It was a youtube fail from Google's awesome phone. I just upgraded to the rooted 2.3.3 with voodoo colors, could that have anything to do with it? I had 4 bars 3g.
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What exactly do you mean by "would not play it"? I've sometimes had Youtube crap out on me for no reason and it sucks. Its possible that you just got hit by the random-embarrassing-**** bomb.
kenvan19 said:
What exactly do you mean by "would not play it"? I've sometimes had Youtube crap out on me for no reason and it sucks. Its possible that you just got hit by the random-embarrassing-**** bomb.
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Well first it would be stuck on that spinning loading wheel, so i went back and then back to the video and then it just video could not load, click to try again, and then back to the spinning wheel. I think it was just an embarrassing moment, i had to lie that the phone is under heavy development to make it better so not everything works yet. They bought it
ruben8448 said:
Well first it would be stuck on that spinning loading wheel, so i went back and then back to the video and then it just video could not load, click to try again, and then back to the spinning wheel. I think it was just an embarrassing moment, i had to lie that the phone is under heavy development to make it better so not everything works yet. They bought it
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Ya it sounds like it was just one of those moments where the most embarrassing thing that could happen, happens lol
kenvan19 said:
Ya it sounds like it was just one of those moments where the most embarrassing thing that could happen, happens lol
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The worst part was a vibrant showed me up, maybe if it were an evo or something.
ruben8448 said:
The worst part was a vibrant showed me up, maybe if it were an evo or something.
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Haha I definitely know the feeling. Back when I had my Epic 4G and my wife had the Samsung Instinct (a few year old feature phone) we had to use her GPS to get directions because my GPS didn't work. Ever. I felt quite pathetic rofl

[BOOTANIMATION] Playstation 1 boot + sound

My first post here so i'll try to be as good of an OP as possible!
So, i looked around and i couldn't find one i liked so i made my own with some help of course! And i finaly decided i want to share it with you all ^^
Since i first noticed that if you make a 1 loop bootanimation you can't make it big so even though the screen is 480x800 i scaled down the images to 360x600(75%) which made it VERY fluent when scaled up to 480x800. No chopping like it otherwise did and i could have higher fps+more frames.
This is my first bootanimation and the only thing i did was taking frames from this remastered/recreated(but slightly non-cannon *Look at where the TM is placed in the first half*) version of the PS1 boot:
"Link 1"
And i used this sound:
"Link 2"
Which i normalized so it wouldn't destroy my speaker!
links.rar has the two credit links as well as the example link(youtube) in a txt file til i get more posts
PS: Filenames in the bootanimation have their original vlc snapshot names. I will fix this in a later version now i just want oppinions and to share the beauty i've created ^^
Any ideas for a splashscreen or what to have as an ending for the animation is appriciated. Im new to all of this so!
Pettingson said:
This is my first bootanimation and the only thing i did was taking frames from this remastered/recreated(but slightly non-cannon *Look at where the TM is placed in the first half*) version of the PS1 boot:
And i used this sound:
Which i normalized so it wouldn't destroy my speaker!
example link(youtube)
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Thanks for sharing your efforts, nice first attempt Have linked to your sources/ sample video for you.
fisha21 said:
Thanks for sharing your efforts, nice first attempt Have linked to your sources/ sample video for you.
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And thank you for that ^^ Very helpfull! Thanked
Nice work man I love the boot sound on the ps1
could someone make this flashable?
nice share, thank you
Great job, thank you!
Beautiful mate, thank you.
Funny on the xperia play
daksha303 said:
Funny on the xperia play
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Man I'm so lost I've been trying to do this for hours I've got a Samsung Galaxy S 2 I recently rooted it and put a custom rom on it I've managed to get the boot animation on it but I cannot find the sound I have to rename or anything Where am I meant to put the sound ?
interesting boot animation tnx for that
This is cool, thx
Holy smokes this is cool. Can you upscale that for the Galaxy Nexus?
Is anyone able to resize for sensation? I love this. Reminds me of the good old days Would love to be able to have it on my sensation with boot sound. Running Ordroid 8.0.0 atm. If it is easy enough to do, someone kindly point me to a guide and I will have a crack at it
---------- Post added at 09:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:49 PM ----------
Don Brachino said:
Man I'm so lost I've been trying to do this for hours I've got a Samsung Galaxy S 2 I recently rooted it and put a custom rom on it I've managed to get the boot animation on it but I cannot find the sound I have to rename or anything Where am I meant to put the sound ?
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I know it has been a while since you asked this question but to find out where and what name the bootanimation is meant to be named and kept, simply use root explorer (available on play store to buy or similar alternative)
Navigate to /system/customize/CID and open the file 'default.xml'
Now scroll all the way to the bottom and look for <BootConfiguration> should be about 30-40 lines up from bottom. There you will find the locations for bootanimation and audio. simply rename your bootanimation and/or audio to the name it says there. In my case they are
Hope it helps somone atleast if not you
thank you
animation is so good however the boot sound is more wonderful
very nice but how do I flash it?
Good share dude..
How bout a transformers one???
Sent from my HTC Desire CDMA using xda premium
thank you

[I WISH THIS CAN BE DONE] Boot Animation

I hope some genius artist can come up with a way to combine...
YouTube Link
YouTube Link
So that it would look like CM7 just burst out of the Nook Color just like that. That would be the perfect boot animation for the NookColor, wouldnt y'all agree?
OH! How I wish I had the talent to perform such a task! To anyone who can do this, I'll be happy to DONATE!
Thanks to Suteru for creating the "Nook Boot Ver. 0.8" custom boot animation and to the CyanogenMod devs for the stock CyanogenMod7 boot animation!
I made one, it kinda sucks though.
liam.lah said:
I made one, it kinda sucks though.
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Can I see how it looks like, kind sir?
A number of problems with it
I flattened down the cyanogen before getting rid of the black halo
Part1 misaligns with part 2
for some reason the bootanimation i pulled from my nook seems to be lower than the quality it should be. No idea on that one.
I would have just redone it, but the black halo is a big problem, and making or editing these things takes forever.
liam.lah said:
A number of problems with it
I flattened down the cyanogen before getting rid of the black halo
Part1 misaligns with part 2
for some reason the bootanimation i pulled from my nook seems to be lower than the quality it should be. No idea on that one.
I would have just redone it, but the black halo is a big problem, and making or editing these things takes forever.
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Trying it out now. Thanks!
This is definitely what I wanted! Kind of rough, but it works! Thanks, liam.lah! I hope you can work on polishing it though. Just a thought. No pressure. ^_^
I'd definitely be able to help you, but I think I lost my files in a dead hard drive. I'll look it up, though.
edit: I think I still have the original files for the first animation! I should be able to have the version you want shortly.
We'll let KitF give it a shot, if not ill try and work on a cleaned up version.
What are you using to edit these? I originally created it in AfterEffects, but I can't remember half the stuff I needed to do since it's been so long since I made it. If you know AE I can just send you the project files.
edit: I've been busy lately, so here are the after effects files if anyone wants:
You guys are awesome! Thanks for doing this for me!
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
KitF said:
What are you using to edit these? I originally created it in AfterEffects, but I can't remember half the stuff I needed to do since it's been so long since I made it. If you know AE I can just send you the project files.
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I was just using GIMP to edit the individual images then zipping it with 7zip.
I'm still waiting for this one... Thanks for all your efforts!
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
I hope this won't get abandoned! I'm waiting on this...
This request has definitely fallen down to the cracks. :'(. Everyone's been busy with ICS I guess.
I could try... I'm good at AE (have a look at the latest video on but i'm not sure about a boot animation... I'll try soon.
les02jen17 said:
Trying it out now. Thanks!
This is definitely what I wanted! Kind of rough, but it works! Thanks, liam.lah! I hope you can work on polishing it though. Just a thought. No pressure. ^_^
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What do you want to change?
bcvictory said:
What do you want to change?
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Nothing, really. I just want to make it feel that CM7 is just a ROM, and that the NookColor is THE device that runs it, if you know what I mean. And combining the two I reckon is the perfect way to do that. Although if you have like more creative ideas, and want to customize/improve it a little bit, I'm not gonna stop you. As long as the bootanimation states CM7 and NookColor, I'm happy.
...on second thought, I guess you can make the bootanimation in LANDSCAPE. The reason behind this is because I primarily use my NookColor in that orientation. So basically if you're going to edit those two bootanimations, just rotate all of them clockwise once. Thanks for doing this!
Tapatalkin' it from my rooted NookColor running CM7 MiRaGe [KANG] [7.2 RC] overclocked @ 1.2 GHz
les02jen17 said:
Nothing, really. I just want to make it feel that CM7 is just a ROM, and that the NookColor is THE device that runs it, if you know what I mean. And combining the two I reckon is the perfect way to do that. Although if you have like more creative ideas, and want to customize/improve it a little bit, I'm not gonna stop you. As long as the bootanimation states CM7 and NookColor, I'm happy.
...on second thought, I guess you can make the bootanimation in LANDSCAPE. The reason behind this is because I primarily use my NookColor in that orientation. So basically if you're going to edit those two bootanimations, just rotate all of them clockwise once. Thanks for doing this!
Tapatalkin' it from my rooted NookColor running CM7 MiRaGe [KANG] [7.2 RC] overclocked @ 1.2 GHz
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Well, I'm going away for a week but when I get back I'll give it a shot. I personally like it in portrait but I might try landscape as well.
EDIT: Almost done!
les02jen17 said:
Nothing, really. I just want to make it feel that CM7 is just a ROM, and that the NookColor is THE device that runs it, if you know what I mean. And combining the two I reckon is the perfect way to do that. Although if you have like more creative ideas, and want to customize/improve it a little bit, I'm not gonna stop you. As long as the bootanimation states CM7 and NookColor, I'm happy.
...on second thought, I guess you can make the bootanimation in LANDSCAPE. The reason behind this is because I primarily use my NookColor in that orientation. So basically if you're going to edit those two bootanimations, just rotate all of them clockwise once. Thanks for doing this!
Tapatalkin' it from my rooted NookColor running CM7 MiRaGe [KANG] [7.2 RC] overclocked @ 1.2 GHz
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bcvictory said:
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Downloading it now...
Tapatalkin' it from my rooted NookColor running CM7 MiRaGe [KANG] [7.2 RC] overclocked @ 1.2 GHz
les02jen17 said:
Downloading it now...
Tapatalkin' it from my rooted NookColor running CM7 MiRaGe [KANG] [7.2 RC] overclocked @ 1.2 GHz
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Is it good?

[VIDEO] Mods & Apps Setup

NOTE: This quick video just shows my modifications and applications on my Nexus 5. If you want me to go into detail about each of them let me know as this is not a 'tutorial' video, but more like a 'teaser'. I hope you enjoy the video XD.
Any feedback?
ill be honest, not to hurt your feelings or anything, because that's not what im trying to do.. but why does it matter to me what apps and mods that you decided to use?
simms22 said:
ill be honest, not to hurt your feelings or anything, because that's not what im trying to do.. but why does it matter to me what apps and mods that you decided to use?
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haha ouch you hurt me bad :'(....haha not at all XD
-well first off I did this as I like making videos and had no idea what to do so just did this as I am not getting feedback on specific things..
-people can discover new 'mods' xposed framework to download
-to see how AWESOME the NEXUS is
-because my videos are awesome?
is there any other type of video you would like to see?
nabil alami said:
haha ouch you hurt me bad :'(....haha not at all XD
-well first off I did this as I like making videos and had no idea what to do so just did this as I am not getting feedback on specific things..
-people can discover new 'mods' xposed framework to download
-to see how AWESOME the NEXUS is
-because my videos are awesome?
is there any other type of video you would like to see?
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i think your vids can help more, if they got out more into the public, not really much help on xda though. more of the public is uninformed, as it would help there.
simms22 said:
i think your vids can help more, if they got out more into the public, not really much help on xda though. more of the public is uninformed, as it would help there.
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thats the problem :/ how will they reach if no one is giving feedback sharing or anything lol
I like the video. Music is good for the type of video, +1 to the wallpaper because turbos, intro is cool, +1 to the themes, I like the Settings tiling up animation (not sure if that makes sense).
Only thing I would say is smoother camera handling (e.g. min. 55, min. 2:13-2:15) and the angle you have your phone is good but at some points it's hard to tell what app, or what setting you're doing/using because the very top left is blurry.
Also I can tell I'm bored right now waiting for the wifey because I just spent a lot of time reviewing a 3 minute video lol
What's the purpose of the video?
Why not link apps and mods properly with descriptions and instructions.
Why not a step-by-step or how-to?
A 3 minute video I'm forced to watch is useless.
Why spend 3 minutes looking at something?
Now you have to pause, rewind, fast forward parts if you missed something.
Everything written out would save time and not waste everyone else's.
All I see is a video to generate views.
JJsevol said:
I like the video. Music is good for the type of video, +1 to the wallpaper because turbos, intro is cool, +1 to the themes, I like the Settings tiling up animation (not sure if that makes sense).
Only thing I would say is smoother camera handling (e.g. min. 55, min. 2:13-2:15) and the angle you have your phone is good but at some points it's hard to tell what app, or what setting you're doing/using because the very top left is blurry.
Also I can tell I'm bored right now waiting for the wifey because I just spent a lot of time reviewing a 3 minute video lol
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Thanks for the feedback dude XD. So bout the camera movement I know bout it but the problem is the tripod am using is ****. So I would need to get new equipment for better filming.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
jayRokk said:
What's the purpose of the video?
Why not link apps and mods properly with descriptions and instructions.
Why not a step-by-step or how-to?
A 3 minute video I'm forced to watch is useless.
Why spend 3 minutes looking at something?
Now you have to pause, rewind, fast forward parts if you missed something.
Everything written out would save time and not waste everyone else's.
All I see is a video to generate views.
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As stated above...I purposely made it without all that because it would be a waste of time. As I have asked what kind of videos people would like to see with no feedback, so I created this for fun. And you are forced? I don't see anyone holding a gun to your head...I mean go dislike, knock yourself out XD
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
