DHD Sticky Roll-Up Thread **Check this thread BEFORE posting** - Desire HD General

Please Note:
Besides this thread, there will be absolutely no stickies created in the HTC DHD General forum.
This thread will list and link to all threads worthy of being "stickied", it will be the only sticky in the forum (bar one) so please dont ask.
Please leave your suggestions for new threads [with the thread link please] to be added to this list below and a moderator will attend to this as and when necessary.
This thread will be cleaned once the suggestions have been added, so please dont be offended if your post disappears.
On a second note...any thread that start with [Q]..will be deleted. Please post your questions on the brand spanking new Q&A section . You've been warned!
+Attention!! Read this before starting a new thread with questions about this device!
+Advanced Ace Hack Kit (To Root your DHD)
+[READ before asking!] Compilation of DHD ISSUES
+Summary of Desire HD ship/release dates
+Battery Life
+New system update for DHD!
+[GUIDE] [DIY] Tweaking Voltages and Governors Using init.d Scripts
+[GUIDE] Desire HD Camera guide
+[GUIDE][IN-PROGRESS] Ripping the thing open: A guide to disassembling your DHD
+Actually make your speaker sound good!
+ DHD in the Philippines
+[INFO] WaccoPedia - Sharing is Caring
Your Friendly Mod....M_T_M

my camera guide doesn't deserve to be in the list? it saved a lot of questions about the camera and solves most issues

hamdir said:
my camera guide doesn't deserve to be in the list? it saved a lot of questions about the camera and solves most issues
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Thanks for the suggestion

Thanks man.,,,,

I think jkoljo's stickys should be there!

Yup concept looks good to me, gives you more real estate for the posts you have come to read in the first place and you SHOULD know to read stickies for better info when you need them.

Nice job....

Thanks mate....will try to keep it updated with ya'll requests

Thanks for job!

Thank you.

This guide to opening the DHD deserves a place here. (seeing as there is no equivalent)

Done and done!!
a33a said:
This guide to opening the DHD deserves a place here. (seeing as there is no equivalent)
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a better way to deal with the problems

Is there an "idiots guide to rooting" about, that might be added to this thread?

Please be more specific on your request. PM me if necessary
hisheeraz said:
a better way to deal with the problems
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If the person is that much of an idiot maybe he/she should refrain from flashing his/her phone
I do believe the current guides are as foolproof as possible. Feel free to PM the guide creators for help on any type of moding
tonyhedges said:
Is there an "idiots guide to rooting" about, that might be added to this thread?
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thanks I have been helpful this thread

I agree!!!

thx a lot!

Desire HD and ARHD
Love the desire HD and loving mike1986s' ROMs.
Anyone else find it ridiculous about the 10 posts thing.....having to do 10 posts before being able to post on certain threads?
I totally understand why and the reasoning behind it. But telling me to "get your posts up by engaging with the forum" is counter-productive, as all the threads i wish to engage in require I have 10 posts!!!
But anyway..

tonyhedges said:
Is there an "idiots guide to rooting" about, that might be added to this thread?
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Sure thing, I followed this one to the letter and have had no problems http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=11557769
Just take your time, read it through carefully and download everything first so you're all set up and ready to go.
Good idea is to print it out and tick off things as you go.
As I mentioned, I am really new to this and followed the guide to the letter and had no problems. It was the first time I've ever rooted an Android device and it was a breeze (well, it took a few hours....).


Hello! New Legend Moderator!

I'm TheDeadCPU. I'm the new forum Moderator for the HTC Legend forum!
I thought I'd make this post to introduce you guys to me.
I'm just here to keep it clean here.
Anything you'd like stickied and such please just tell me in this thread!
Though this thread will be cleaned from such things after it's been fixed.
I hope you guys will like me!
Hey TheDeadCpu,
Nice to have you around.
I think it would be most beneficial to have a sticky with the content of *something* along the lines of: "Beginners Guide: Rooting a HTC Legend".
This type of stickied thread is common in most other sub forums
Indeed is but there isn't a such thread. Though I might make such a thread.
Oh no, Just saw your signature in another thread. Our new moderator doesnt even use Legend. Desire user you be....
I won't hold that against you, good to have you around.
welcome, sir. We promise not to make your work difficult Ive gained a lot from my times here and look forward to better times.
maxonite said:
Oh no, Just saw your signature in another thread. Our new moderator doesnt even use Legend.
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I did have a Legend for a short time so I know the device a bit. And I'm mostly here to make sure the forum is clean and that the people here are happy.
But I do understand your concern! Lol.
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
Please PLEASE sticky the downgrading thread. The copypasta thread on rooting from Modaco is mostly useless without it.
ch33syguy said:
Please PLEASE sticky the downgrading thread. The copypasta thread on rooting from Modaco is mostly useless without it.
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Done. Thanks for telling me that!
good to meet you mate. Hope we don't make your job too hard.
Request to stickie the thread about debranding the legend - I'm still getting PM's about it lol.
Good to have you around.
it would be good to see a summary of reported OTA releases? I'm finding it hard to figure out what is the latest as some of these only quote the last part of the version
ie perhaps the sticky could show this in the top part of the thread.

too many stickies?

Anyone else thinking there's some use-less stickies here??
General section specifically.
There's the Nero v4 add on's and what-not.
Why not organize them and put them all into 1 sticky like they did on some other sections?
im pretty sure the "understanding samsung's firmware numbers" doesn't need to be stickied, yes it super interesting, but it doesn't need to be stickied.
Half the first page is with stickies....
I agree, we should erase the Nero v4 addons thread, the tmobile whine thread, the thread deletion thread, and the Samsung's version numbers thread.
Kills me too, like half the first page in general is stickies. I wish they could do tabs like how the xda app is set up.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
This should be stickied. :-D
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Yes way too many.
Only the guides for new users should be stickies in my opinion.
I don't understand why samsungs verision numbers and the gps hardware mod thread are stickies, but whatever.
iynfynity said:
This should be stickied. :-D
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I lul'd
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I'll gladly add links to most of these threads to the General Sticky, I don't want to insult/upset anyone though.
If you search through the nexus one forums (I had before I traded it), nothing except for noob guides and posting guidelines are stickied.
Samsung Version Numbers?: This is XDA!
Tmobile whine threads: We got froyo already.
GPS hardware fix: use the search bar
Why threads are deleted: again how to post thread
Nero v4 addons: themes and apps and search bar, and Nero v4 is outdated
Why not make 1 thread called STICKIES and put all of these in there?
As someone who TRIES to keep his sticky updated, I would hate to have to go to a stick thread, click a link and then edit mine because the General Sticky (mine) would go to the bottom since it's not posted in too much.
Good idea, but I would not prefer that personally.
I offered to link to some of these, but until a mod tells me their going to be un-stickied, no real point. And again, I am not trying to insult/annoy someone.
Ugh god the stickies truly are annoying, especially when you are using the browser on your phone to visit xda and half the first page is all stickies.
why the heck are samsung version numbers posted as a sticky?
TJBunch1228 said:
Kills me too, like half the first page in general is stickies. I wish they could do tabs like how the xda app is set up.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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half the first page in general is 15 (total= 30) thread; stickies is 8 thread's.
But, I promise, with your help and this thread, reshape not only generally, but the developers section.
First, I'll edit my thread sticked to:
This section's main thread!
And I'll put the link of the thread's that are sticky
Amended ....
please put your suggestion here of threads and formatting of this topic:
Main discussion lists in the General section
Removed other sticky threads!
While I appreciate and agree there were too many stickies, I am a bit upset that mine is now in a link nobody is going to click on....
Perhaps there are not many new people who need my general sticky, but I know if there are, they certainly are going to have a harder time finding it.
thank you. great idea and execution.
s15274n said:
While I appreciate and agree there were too many stickies, I am a bit upset that mine is now in a link nobody is going to click on....
Perhaps there are not many new people who need my general sticky, but I know if there are, they certainly are going to have a harder time finding it.
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I think not ....
Any suggestions to change the title of the thread with the list?
rename: **Vibrant General - Sticky Roll-Up thread**
mmelo76 said:
I think not ....
Any suggestions to change the title of the thread with the list?
rename: **Vibrant General - Sticky Roll-Up thread**
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I think you will get a lot of different answers. My thought are this is more or less plain for noobs. My idea is **Vibrant-General - How to and Info- Sticky Thead**
What ever you do or what you call it I think is a good idea Will you be doing this with the other sections as well aka Development,Themes etc?
nomadrider123 said:
I think you will get a lot of different answers. My thought are this is more or less plain for noobs. My idea is **Vibrant-General - How to and Info- Sticky Thead**
What ever you do or what you call it I think is a good idea Will you be doing this with the other sections as well aka Development,Themes etc?
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I'll wait for more suggestions, thanks
Also, can you edit the names (your links) and change the order? I mean should the GPS hardware fix really be the first thing people see?
Still disagree, but hey whatever makes the most happy. Would prefer a lof of the "stickies" NOT be stickies... and not have the others lumped into one.
mmelo76 said:
I'll wait for more suggestions, thanks
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Do u think you could put the guides thread back as sticky? That thread is the most informative and useful in all of vibrant section, and has helped many newbies me included.

Make a dev tread clearer..

Hi, I'm trying something done for the topicstarters in a dev tread. Please read and tell me your thought.
streamnlnl said:
Is it possible for a topic starter in a dev tread to clean his own tread in the futere?
Mayby it's a idea to ad that option if a topic starter asked that.
And that they can only clean his/her tread?
I think it make yours and theirs live a lot relaxer.
You don't need to watch every tread. And the dev can keep his tread cleen without spamming and the same question over en over again.
Sorry for my typo.....
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The response.
12aon said:
Do you really think this is a good idea. Members get into fights, even topic starters. This could easily be misused, and I'm certain it will lead to more aggravation than it will solve.
Sent from the future using a surfboard
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My answer.
streamnlnl said:
Yes, I really think this is a good idea.
You can make rules before you ad the option. Like new members.
The dev need (for example) a least 100 post* before they can ask you for the option. Then you can screen the past of that person . And if they misbehaving. Then we (the not dev people) have many options to contact you. And after you warning a dev. The next time he goose across the line, he lost that option for good ...
But this is just my opinion. And again, I thinks this good really worked.
Thanks for answer me.
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Please tell your thought about this if you think this is a good idea. And please don't quote this message compete in this tread (Most of the time I read the forums trough the xda app)
streamnlnl said:
Hi, I'm trying something done for the topicstarters in a dev tread. Please read and tell me your thought.
The response.
My answer.
Please tell your thought about this if you think this is a good idea. And please don't quote this message compete in this tread (Most of the time I read the forums trough the xda app)
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No, rules are fine as is. And this is in the wrong section
Yeah I think this is a good idea
I think the idea is good in theory, however I don't see it being as good in practice. First, the devs rarely post anyway. I don't think they also want the responsibility of cleaning their own threads. To be honest, it is usually not the devs complaining about off topic. It's the senior members who have self assigned themselves forum police. I can definitely see something like this getting out of hand or misused.
I think the 10 posts minimum to post in the dev threads is both part of the problem and solution. Now we have noobs posting new threads wherever they can just so they can get a question answered or get their post count up. The problem is that they didn't LEARN anything by that rule. At the end of 10 forced posts they are still wanting an answer to their dev questions, so they post it in a dev thread anyway.
With xRecovery and the increasing ease of modifying your phone, more and more less experienced people are hacking their phones. Those people are inevitably going to have more questions, and the current "devs only" approach leaves them no option but to post in the devs thread.
I think the recent trend of linking a discussion thread to the dev thread is a more feasible and fair way to go. It would be better if somehow xda could link the discussion thread, rather than having a link hidden amongst the posts.
Something such like this isn't possible, only if you would create in the Admin Control Panel a special usergroup to move devs to it. Just to much work for such a little thing.
this is not a good idea
and this would be apparent if people have been here for a length of time
im gonna give a scenario here
ok developers can mod their own threads. what if that same dev then does something bad and underhanded, and then a member in the threads knows and posts it in the thread (this has actually happened before). the dev then goes and deleted all traces of this from the thread so the moderators never know of the developers wrongdoing
in a perfect world this maybe a good idea
however at the minute no. this would allow a developers too many tools to cover up any moment of ill judgement
Not a good ideal for me. I'm sorry
Sent from my X10 using XDA App

ROM List?

I do realise that one of the moderators have requested not to ask questions or they will be deleted, however, I was wondering if someone (and yes, this is mainly aimed at a moderator) could make a thread with listing all the ROMs with links to the respective threads and Sticky it.
I have seen this done for other devices I have owned in subforums of this site and has made ROM tracking and selection easier, especially for newbies (although this is one of my first posts, I have been with the site for several years now).
Regards and apologies for the request/question.
Without sounding l*ke a ****...
I understand you want it stickied here but You should just search google, there's a list compiled of nearly all the DHD ROMs.
You're probably just gonna' get flamed for this post, you need to search properly (On and off XDA) before starting a thread.
why dont you make it?
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
Ya that would be a nice contribution, if you went and created such a list and kept it updated. good idea! But i agree, if its something you want, do it and youll probably see good responses to that. Asking someone to do easy but tedious work for you, thats lazy and probably not going to happen.
You are right wrong section for questions.
But I'll hopefully answer you.
In other phones sub forums members with some extra time on their hands have created a thread...then if it's suitable mods will sticky it.
Trouble is builds are changed and or updated often and after a while the op of the sticky struggles to keep it upto date.
Most of the best builds are found on the first or second page. Which acts like a sticky in its self! Obviously takes a little more time to navigate the info on each build as some peoples ops are huge! But at least the info is as current as it could possibly be.
At first Rom lists were just what I wanted too but after seeing other stickys for other phones dwindle to being unusable just subscribing to my top threads for each style of Rom I use is more convenient and personal to me.
I hope I finish writing this before this thread is closed!
Peace people
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
Firstly, I would make one more than happily, however, without garauntee that it would get Stickied (which I cannot control for obvious reasons :S) it would be a waste of my time.
Yes I realise I will probably be flamed for this thread. And no offence taken.
After posting this (and then getting the second reply) I realised that I should not have bothered, not for the responses I may (and most probably will) get, but the site does not allow for a non-moderator to delete a thread, not even the original poster (from my knowledge), although I do still stand by my belief that what I have requested/suggested would benefit a lot of people, save a lot of questions/remarks (generally rude and un-necessary) and yes, I would still be happy to compile it, if it were garaunteed to be Stickied.
Regards again
I was feelin kind so i made you a list http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=765
dont forget to thank me
lol you didnt get flamed at all taken in account that the thread exists, even better two of them.
one of 3 stickys in this forum:
and inside that there are at least two links with list of roms:
which to be honest are quite outdated but never the less are exactly what you are asking for. and the best list is the development forum itself. i am amazed to be able to even post this meaning the thread is still open
Ok, thank you everyone for your comments, help and assistance, I do not believe my point was 100% clear to everyone.
I do not have a problem 'myself' finding what I am after, twas a thought for others.
However, I especially thank those of you who clearly could point out exactly how stupid I am for even thinking of such a thing and for proving to me that people cannot read and understand a simple clear post.
Point made, my (seemingly good at the time to reduce rubbish posts, questions and requests (like this)) idea has been misconstruded and misunderstood by those whom I had the belief would be those that would understand simple context the best.
Please can a MOD delete this thread before it gets rediculously out of control.
Regards and appreciation
user.unknown said:
Ok, thank you everyone for your comments, help and assistance, I do not believe my point was 100% clear to everyone.
I do not have a problem 'myself' finding what I am after, twas a thought for others.
However, I especially thank those of you who clearly could point out exactly how stupid I am for even thinking of such a thing and for proving to me that people cannot read and understand a simple clear post.
Point made, my (seemingly good at the time to reduce rubbish posts, questions and requests (like this)) idea has been misconstruded and misunderstood by those whom I had the belief would be those that would understand simple context the best.
Please can a MOD delete this thread before it gets rediculously out of control.
Regards and appreciation
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? did you get lots of pm's asking for a Rom list sticky from noobs? I thought your point was 'why isn't there a Rom list in the stickys?' What kind of answer were you looking for?
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
for user.unknown: http://alchemistar.blogspot.com/2010/12/htc-desire-hd-custom-rom-list.html
I suppose this'd answer the best to your initial question.
danton11 said:
? did you get lots of pm's asking for a Rom list sticky from noobs? I thought your point was 'why isn't there a Rom list in the stickys?' What kind of answer were you looking for?
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
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Nevermind, I thought I was being helpful and even offering to do this work on the basis of it being stickied 'somewhere' clearly. My opinion hasn't been changed by your 'personal opinion' and that is also respected.
Comment was not directed at any individual specifically.
Again, MOD please delete and apologies for the offer
Working on it
It may not be something necessary but as a user i dont give much to the xda community and since I have long weekend without school Im in the process of creating a list with: Roms, Kernels. tweaks, scripts and recovery will upload asap hope a moderator will stick it once done. Will update this post with link when available.
Even if we have Grant Barker list [BTW thanks for that] i will continue my list specially for kernels, tweaks and scripts.
On the link below you can have a view at the format that im going to use [ unless mayority prefers another] its still under construction and features only the first development pages as it is intended to see if i will continue with it depending on replies.
For an up-to-date rom list for the HTC Desire HD, you can use mine.. I update it daily.. http://www.grantbarker.com/#roms
It's been quite popular for about a year, now.
Grant Barker said:
For an up-to-date rom list for the HTC Desire HD, you can use mine.. I update it daily.. http://www.grantbarker.com/#roms
It's been quite popular for about a year, now.
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I've used your list quite a few times, although i havn't looked at it for a little while. It's by far the most up-to-date list i've seen and it's good to see that you still keep it up-to-date. A lot of these lists get real old real quick.
Thanks lrm537.
user.unknown said:
Please can a MOD delete this thread before it gets rediculously out of control.
Regards and appreciation
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user.unknown said:
Again, MOD please delete and apologies for the offer
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Just because you said the word "MOD", doesn't mean I'll find your post or thread.
Please use the "Report Post" button found on every post. It will then notify me or the other assigned moderators to your post.
Thread Closed.
EDIT: Grant Barkers ROM list will be added to the Sticky Post in the Development Section
Cheers Grant

[Guideline] Behaviour on XDA

Ok, basically this thread is meant to inform the DOs and DON'Ts on XDA, and also how to do certain things. I started this thread as I have noticed that there has recently been an influx of posts that fail to serve their intended purpose well (e.g. asking for help, bug reporting etc.) Also I hope that this thread will serve to at least provide a general guideline.
1. No stealing of ROMs.
Ok, this is quite obvious but I thought it would do well to just explain what this is so that some of you don't accidentally steal someone else's ROM. What this means is:
You are not allowed to publish a ROM that you didn't create yourself. What this means is simple -- you are not allowed to publish on the web any ROM that you:
a. have not compiled from sources yourself AND that you haven't added in your own code to
b. have ported from another device WITHOUT permission from the original ROM developer
c. have cobbled together from already-published work (take parts from different ROMs and combine them for a hybrid ROM without adding in your own original code)
The following kind(s) of ROM(s) are exempt from this rule:
a. Stock ROMs with/without modifications
If you contravene the above rule, it will mean that you have stolen a ROM. If you wish to publish a ROM that breaks the above rule, you have to OBTAIN THE PERMISSION of the developers of the parts (be it scripts, ROMs, mods etc.) that you used in your ROM. Furthermore, in your ROM thread, you must give proper credits to the devs whose work you used and also link back to the original ROM.
If your ROM is simply someone's ROM with cosmetic changes (e.g. different theme and/or a few scripts added in), you must do the above and also post it in the Themes and Apps section as an update.zip that only changes the parts of the ROM as needed.
Lesson is simple: If you want fame on XDA, learn how to compile your own ROM sources and don't simply soft-mod -- usually many people inadvertently steal someone else's ROM this way.
1. Don't post any non-development related stuff (bug-reports ARE development-related so feel free to post them though) -- it only serves to spam up the thread and hinder development. Posts like "This ROM is great", "this ROM is fast and the best I've used" and "Thanks for this awesome ROM" or, god-forbid, "This ROM sucks" etc are hardly informative, development-supportive, and have no purpose. You might feel good after posting this, but honestly it just serves to annoy others that are trying to locate something in the thread. So don't post this, PLEASE .
2. No ETAs. Please, do not post stuff like "When will the next release come along... can't wait!", "When will you fix XXX bug" and similar questions AT ALL. The ROM will be released when ready, and as above this only spams up the thread. If you are that impatient, I suggest you flash back to stock 2.1, no disappointments and is definitely the most stable .
3. Provide as much detail about your bug as possible. This is by far one of the most common problems. Posts like "my WiFi isn't working", "there's xxx when I yyy, please fix!" are really useless. There !re 1001 possible reasons why your WiFi isn't working, and why blahblahblah happens. To be actually helpful and have a greater chance of having your problem rectified, provide the following:
ROM you are on
Kernel you are using
Paraphernalia you have installed (e.g. Scripts like Supercharger, swap, OC frequency etc)
(If possible) How to replicate your issue
What steps you took to rectify the problem (if any)
Your logcat and dmesg
How to get logcat output saved as a file called logcat.txt on your sdcard:
cat /dev/log/system > /sdcard/logcat.txt
And for dmesg to be saved as a file named dmesg.txt on your sdcard
cat /proc/kmsg > /sdcard/dmesg.txt
or for last dmesg after odd shutdown
cat /proc/last_kmsg > /sdcard/lastdmesg.txt
Flaming and trolling:
1. Refrainkfrom using personal insults as much as possible like "you are dumb", "how stupid can you get", "you are a noob" etc. This is the precursor to an unnecessary flame war. Try and be polite instead like, " you are new, so you may not know this, but blahblahblah". You were a noob once, so try and treat noobs as you would have wanted others to treat you when you were a noob.
2. Don't continue flaming. If someone posted something that flames something, don't flame back. Just report the post and sit back and relax. Continuing the post will just feed the troll and make things worse. You might get punished too.
3. Mind your language. Use English on XDA always, if you can't, include an English translated version of your original text and post it along with your original text. Also, never ever use vulgarities on XDA -- it's a surefire way to get infracted. Don't post any racist/political posts either. XDA is for mobile phone discussion and development, not for expressing your extremist/whatever views about...
1. Use the search tool first. You are just one of over 4 million members on XDA, and it is very likely that your question has been asked and answered already. Search before posting any question to avoid spamming the forums. Remember, you are likely to get an answer faster this way, and this also prevents you from being flamed if your question has been asked before
2. Don't be demanding. People do not have an obligation to do things for you, hence don't demand quick answers, insta-fixes, or a detailed step-by-step guide. It just shows how much you actually bothered to search for answers first and also people will be less likely to answer to you.
3. Post questions in the Q&A forums. Just because the DEV and General forums get more traffic doesn't mean that you should post them there. Again, your question will most likely be answered faster in the Q&A forums and you won't get flamed either.
4. Don't revive old threads and answer them. Recently I have seen users who answer threads 2 days+ old that have been resolved already. Their answer is usually a paraphrase of one of the answer posts above. Then they put in a "Please hit Thanks if I helped". Thanks for answering, but no thanks for spamming and trying to get thanks for free.
1. Hit the Thanks button whenever you feel like posting Thanks instead. This reduces the amount of spam on the forums and is a good way of showing your appreciation for the person that helped you. Generally XDAers have a thanks limit of 8 per day, so use them wisely! (Unlimited on Tapatalk/XDA app apparently). At the same time, don't be a Thanks hunter -- someone who actively posts only for Thanks. Please, it is not some sort of "prestige meter", and anyway people can clearly see that you are a thanks hunter and will treat you as such.
2. Use the Report feature. If you see a post that breaks the XDA rules, report the post. Many people that I see just flame the rulebreaker on the thread instead of reporting and allowing a moderator to deal with things. Remember, moderators are not Gods that know whenever some person breaks a rule, so Report posts to help them along.
3. Think, search, then discuss, not the other way round. Only then will a constructive discussion start. Unfortunately, many people just post without thinking, resulting in flaming and general unpleasantness on the forums. XDA is a place where individuals from around the world gather to discuss and develop on mobile phones, so let's keep it that way :highfive::victory:.
If I have stated something wrongly, please correct me! Feel free to add on to what I have posted .
Just a Q. There are times when i encounter and have to search to get a answer. More often than not there is a thread that answers part of my Q but which can be considered an old thread. As i may have a few other questions, which would be the best course of action? To ask my Q in that thread (thereby reviving it) or simply start a new thread in, say, Q&A?
Sent from me to you
cascabel said:
Just a Q. There are times when i encounter and have to search to get a answer. More often than not there is a thread that answers part of my Q but which can be considered an old thread. As i may have a few other questions, which would be the best course of action? To ask my Q in that thread (thereby reviving it) or simply start a new thread in, say, Q&A?
Sent from me to you
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It is up to you actually, but I'd say revive the old thread -- one less thread and people will probably see and answer your question. Plus there might be new info, so the old thread gets "updated" in a sense.
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SpyderX said:
It is up to you actually, but I'd say revive the old thread -- one less thread and people will probably see and answer your question. Plus there might be new info, so the old thread gets "updated" in a sense.
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Yeah, but if the thread was made prior to 2010 I wouldn't revive it.
- Swift -, formerly known as IrishStuff09
SpyderX said:
2. Use the Report feature. If you see a post that breaks the XDA rules, report the post. Many people that I see just flame the rulebreaker on the thread instead of reporting and allowing a moderator to deal with things. Remember, moderators are not Gods that know whenever some person breaks a rule, so Report posts to help them along.
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I agree with you on this specific point. You are absolutely right, as I see lots of users flamming and spamming the thread instead of reporting it. I also see a lot of 'inb4l' posts which also spam the thread.
So, I 101% agree with this
Sent from my fingers to your face
If anyone has any doubts, please post them here and we'll try to sort it out. Please take time to read this first as I still see lots of spam on dev threads.
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wilbso said:
I agree with you on this specific point. You are absolutely right, as I see lots of users flamming and spamming the thread instead of reporting it. I also see a lot of 'inb4l' posts which also spam the thread.
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You do realise you've done the same in the past, right ?
@SpyderX : you might wanna check the spelling in the OP bro :S
RohinZaraki said:
You do realise you've done the same in the past, right ?
@SpyderX : you might wanna check the spelling in the OP bro :S
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Yes, I realise that, but I have changed now
Sent from my fingers to your face
cascabel said:
Just a Q. There are times when i encounter and have to search to get a answer. More often than not there is a thread that answers part of my Q but which can be considered an old thread. As i may have a few other questions, which would be the best course of action? To ask my Q in that thread (thereby reviving it) or simply start a new thread in, say, Q&A?
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As long if you don't ask the Questions in the dev-forum, use the Q&A section
Is your question partially answered in the Q&A, I do prefer to revive the thread instead of using a new one. But if you do make a new one, I'm not going mad
2 words: Well Said!
Good job with this guidelines. I imagine after a person reads this, it will do him a LOT of good.
Sent To Your Eyes Using My Amazing W8
android development section is place for placing theme rom start for last few day ago? original android development section is place to real developer... the moderator also change already....
many of them add some self tweak(which actually take some file from other rom), free apk form market , + some theme, supercharges etc combined to become 1 rom.
i respect some of them very work hard for doing theme to make rom with nice look which take long time , but some of them is copy paste which can be done at less then 10 min with replace original apk. since the original android development announce , the development section come out with multiple of this kind of rom....
Hey Spidey!
May I suggest to enforce the rule of strictly no "BEST ROMs" question threads?
Never Look Back & Keep Going... - Lucas
Sent With My Fingernails To Your Eyeballs
lucastan96 said:
Hey Spidey!
May I suggest to enforce the rule of strictly no "BEST ROMs" question threads?
Never Look Back & Keep Going... - Lucas
Sent With My Fingernails To Your Eyeballs
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"Best rom" or "Best kernel" threads are something I personally take a dim view of, as pointless, those kind of threads also often turn into flamefests when people start defending or heavily promoting their favorite developer!
Also this is as good a place as any to say "Hello" as one of the new moderators for this section
veyka said:
"Best rom" or "Best kernel" threads are something I personally take a dim view of, as pointless, those kind of threads also often turn into flamefests when people start defending or heavily promoting their favorite developer!
Also this is as good a place as any to say "Hello" as one of the new moderators for this section
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Agreed. There's no point in them..
And welcome to x8 forums.
Sent from my rooted tomato using xda app
veyka said:
"Best rom" or "Best kernel" threads are something I personally take a dim view of, as pointless, those kind of threads also often turn into flamefests when people start defending or heavily promoting their favorite developer!
Also this is as good a place as any to say "Hello" as one of the new moderators for this section
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Welcome, now where have I seen you before ? Well anyway, have fun knocking some sense into us morons
I'll add that in when I get to a PC, maybe I should create a "frowned-upon" section.
Sent from my X8 using Tapatalk 2
veyka said:
"Best rom" or "Best kernel" threads are something I personally take a dim view of, as pointless, those kind of threads also often turn into flamefests when people start defending or heavily promoting their favorite developer!
Also this is as good a place as any to say "Hello" as one of the new moderators for this section
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Aye. I hear you.
got it......
mm-hm.....got dis...........
---------- Post added at 01:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:17 PM ----------
i have posted 12 posts...bt y stll i cant posting to rom or kernel posts!!!
CynDaQuiL said:
mm-hm.....got dis...........
---------- Post added at 01:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:17 PM ----------
i have posted 12 posts...bt y stll i cant posting to rom or kernel posts!!!
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post development stuff not questions in rom kernel thread....
Thanks for this post.
Sweet Devil >_<
GT-P3100 | Android 4.0.4 ICS | Sun Cellular
PM me if you need help

