ROM List? - Desire HD General

I do realise that one of the moderators have requested not to ask questions or they will be deleted, however, I was wondering if someone (and yes, this is mainly aimed at a moderator) could make a thread with listing all the ROMs with links to the respective threads and Sticky it.
I have seen this done for other devices I have owned in subforums of this site and has made ROM tracking and selection easier, especially for newbies (although this is one of my first posts, I have been with the site for several years now).
Regards and apologies for the request/question.

Without sounding l*ke a ****...
I understand you want it stickied here but You should just search google, there's a list compiled of nearly all the DHD ROMs.
You're probably just gonna' get flamed for this post, you need to search properly (On and off XDA) before starting a thread.

why dont you make it?
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

Ya that would be a nice contribution, if you went and created such a list and kept it updated. good idea! But i agree, if its something you want, do it and youll probably see good responses to that. Asking someone to do easy but tedious work for you, thats lazy and probably not going to happen.

You are right wrong section for questions.
But I'll hopefully answer you.
In other phones sub forums members with some extra time on their hands have created a thread...then if it's suitable mods will sticky it.
Trouble is builds are changed and or updated often and after a while the op of the sticky struggles to keep it upto date.
Most of the best builds are found on the first or second page. Which acts like a sticky in its self! Obviously takes a little more time to navigate the info on each build as some peoples ops are huge! But at least the info is as current as it could possibly be.
At first Rom lists were just what I wanted too but after seeing other stickys for other phones dwindle to being unusable just subscribing to my top threads for each style of Rom I use is more convenient and personal to me.
I hope I finish writing this before this thread is closed!
Peace people
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium

Firstly, I would make one more than happily, however, without garauntee that it would get Stickied (which I cannot control for obvious reasons :S) it would be a waste of my time.
Yes I realise I will probably be flamed for this thread. And no offence taken.
After posting this (and then getting the second reply) I realised that I should not have bothered, not for the responses I may (and most probably will) get, but the site does not allow for a non-moderator to delete a thread, not even the original poster (from my knowledge), although I do still stand by my belief that what I have requested/suggested would benefit a lot of people, save a lot of questions/remarks (generally rude and un-necessary) and yes, I would still be happy to compile it, if it were garaunteed to be Stickied.
Regards again

I was feelin kind so i made you a list
dont forget to thank me

lol you didnt get flamed at all taken in account that the thread exists, even better two of them.
one of 3 stickys in this forum:
and inside that there are at least two links with list of roms:
which to be honest are quite outdated but never the less are exactly what you are asking for. and the best list is the development forum itself. i am amazed to be able to even post this meaning the thread is still open

Ok, thank you everyone for your comments, help and assistance, I do not believe my point was 100% clear to everyone.
I do not have a problem 'myself' finding what I am after, twas a thought for others.
However, I especially thank those of you who clearly could point out exactly how stupid I am for even thinking of such a thing and for proving to me that people cannot read and understand a simple clear post.
Point made, my (seemingly good at the time to reduce rubbish posts, questions and requests (like this)) idea has been misconstruded and misunderstood by those whom I had the belief would be those that would understand simple context the best.
Please can a MOD delete this thread before it gets rediculously out of control.
Regards and appreciation

user.unknown said:
Ok, thank you everyone for your comments, help and assistance, I do not believe my point was 100% clear to everyone.
I do not have a problem 'myself' finding what I am after, twas a thought for others.
However, I especially thank those of you who clearly could point out exactly how stupid I am for even thinking of such a thing and for proving to me that people cannot read and understand a simple clear post.
Point made, my (seemingly good at the time to reduce rubbish posts, questions and requests (like this)) idea has been misconstruded and misunderstood by those whom I had the belief would be those that would understand simple context the best.
Please can a MOD delete this thread before it gets rediculously out of control.
Regards and appreciation
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? did you get lots of pm's asking for a Rom list sticky from noobs? I thought your point was 'why isn't there a Rom list in the stickys?' What kind of answer were you looking for?
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium

for user.unknown:
I suppose this'd answer the best to your initial question.

danton11 said:
? did you get lots of pm's asking for a Rom list sticky from noobs? I thought your point was 'why isn't there a Rom list in the stickys?' What kind of answer were you looking for?
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using xda premium
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Nevermind, I thought I was being helpful and even offering to do this work on the basis of it being stickied 'somewhere' clearly. My opinion hasn't been changed by your 'personal opinion' and that is also respected.
Comment was not directed at any individual specifically.
Again, MOD please delete and apologies for the offer

Working on it
It may not be something necessary but as a user i dont give much to the xda community and since I have long weekend without school Im in the process of creating a list with: Roms, Kernels. tweaks, scripts and recovery will upload asap hope a moderator will stick it once done. Will update this post with link when available.
Even if we have Grant Barker list [BTW thanks for that] i will continue my list specially for kernels, tweaks and scripts.
On the link below you can have a view at the format that im going to use [ unless mayority prefers another] its still under construction and features only the first development pages as it is intended to see if i will continue with it depending on replies.

For an up-to-date rom list for the HTC Desire HD, you can use mine.. I update it daily..
It's been quite popular for about a year, now.

Grant Barker said:
For an up-to-date rom list for the HTC Desire HD, you can use mine.. I update it daily..
It's been quite popular for about a year, now.
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I've used your list quite a few times, although i havn't looked at it for a little while. It's by far the most up-to-date list i've seen and it's good to see that you still keep it up-to-date. A lot of these lists get real old real quick.

Thanks lrm537.

user.unknown said:
Please can a MOD delete this thread before it gets rediculously out of control.
Regards and appreciation
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user.unknown said:
Again, MOD please delete and apologies for the offer
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Just because you said the word "MOD", doesn't mean I'll find your post or thread.
Please use the "Report Post" button found on every post. It will then notify me or the other assigned moderators to your post.
Thread Closed.
EDIT: Grant Barkers ROM list will be added to the Sticky Post in the Development Section
Cheers Grant


Simple solution for [ROM] threads to not grow to 98697615897834 pages...

Ok, so as I was reading though the DC 2.06 thread trying to gain some knowledge and figure out any bugs/workarounds/tips/tricks I got to page 30 something and just had to post this.
I'm not trying to be hostile or anything but posts like....
"booting it now!" and "waiting for files to copy back to my sd card." and "I'm only 50% downloaded, can't wait!!"
While yes... it's good you are excited, but honestly, 99% of us don't give a damn. It makes it freakin' IMPOSSIBLE to navigate through this forum!!! And I don't want to hear anybody cry "Search" either. vBulletin search is NOT the best out there. I think yahoo Boolean searches from 1997 were better. And you have to search with the most basic of keywords, and those keywords (like apps2sd) are used in so many POINTLESS posts that its again, USELESS.
I mean, there is basically NO moderation here. It's like XDA Hero CDMA forums isn't even here. Things just run amock.
Sorry if this post came off as a bit hard, but come on. I mean, COME ON. Let's ALL work together to make this forum a little easier to find information. Is your post asking a question or adding anything to the community? No? Then think twice about posting in a [ROM] thread. I know the Devs appreciate the positive re-inforcement of their ROMs and they deserve it! However I dont think ROM threads are the place for that, NOT ONLY THAT, but when threads such as DC's start as a 2.0 and then are updated to 2.1 then 2.2 then 2.3 etc etc etc and the original post of the thread is changed instead of creating a new thread, so therefor the first 200 pages aren't even remotely relevant to 2.3 they're still from 2.0!
Ok, I'm sorry...
i'm not trying to be hostile or anything, and i don't have anything against this or you, but really.
there have been so many threads JUST like this before. they all say the same thing.
in the end, they become one of those 'useless' posts, because no matter how many times you say this, its probably not going to stop people from making useless posts. sorry
AGREED! And it didn't come of hard to me!
Plus, those posts are more useful than this one. At least they give the dev, who worked for hours or days or months on the ROM, the satisfaction of knowing people appreciate it.
This post, on the other hand, accomplishes nothing.
justinisyoung said:
i'm not trying to be hostile or anything, and i don't have anything against this or you, but really.
there have been so many threads JUST like this before. they all say the same thing.
in the end, they become one of those 'useless' posts, because no matter how many times you say this, its probably not going to stop people from making useless posts. sorry
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Then somebody give me some damn moderation powers and I'll click that delete button all day long.
I moderate 3 other vBulletin forums. Mainly car forums, with 50,000+ members. I have no problem keeping them clean, and would not mind spending some of that time over here too. Hell even if I'm the only one doing it that's better than nothing!
thats definitely the worst thing about this forum. we don't have any active mods on this one. most other forums do. not us.
doojer said:
Plus, those posts are more useful than this one. At least they give the dev, who worked for hours or days or months on the ROM, the satisfaction of knowing people appreciate it.
This post, on the other hand, accomplishes nothing.
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awesome visited the forums at exactly the right time it seems..downloading now
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downloading now. this is my crack
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Downloading now. Thanks!!!
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You get my point?
Ok, you said your thanks.... time for CONSOLIDATION!
Yeah although u are correct in ur intent. The best way to get these issues taken care of is for our forum to get a mod that actually spends time here and doesn't mind being hated. I personally have tried to get them to make me a mod. But I guess u gotta be someone special to get that privilege. As I always do what they ask of me then never here a reply ontheir decision. Our forum is held down by the fact we don't have subforums like general, themes and apps, q&a and so on. But yeah the only way to get are issues resolved is to contact the mods and ask them to help us.
poor_red_neck said:
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You get my point?
Ok, you said your thanks.... time for CONSOLIDATION!
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ROFL This post made me laugh. Its so true, those posts are useless and offer nothing to the Rom maker.
I like the idea of the developers having something like a discuss thread where the good jobs and such can continue be posted for the roms. It becomes pretty difficult looking through the thread to find useful tidbits when it gets to be over 50 pages or so.
I do agree that having a moderator would be of great benefit too. +1 for toast becoming a mod.
U cant fix stupid :-/ people think posts counts make them cool. Posting one word replies followed by 10chars. Itll never be fixed, too many idiots. Just be happy we dont have that gay rep system.
Personally I like treasure hunts, so I am pretty happy the way things are. Lol.
Joking aside, I think that this is one of the strongest online communities/forum that I have joined and cared about. I think that the slack the moderators allow has allot to do with how I feel about this community. People are allowed to have a personality, a opinion, and a sense of humor here. It is very nice to come to a forum like this.
The way I read the long ROM threads is read the first page then go to last page and work my way backwards... works well for me. I see the updates the ROM creator posted and then the latest information being passed along that way.
Thinking about what i read now........ can't wait to finish..
LOL no really i do wish we could kindly ask the Devs to start a new thread upon each major revision and maybe put a link in the new thread to the previous version's tread. then post like mine about may not become as frustrating to read do to the lower volume of them.
doojer said:
Plus, those posts are more useful than this one. At least they give the dev, who worked for hours or days or months on the ROM, the satisfaction of knowing people appreciate it.
This post, on the other hand, accomplishes nothing.
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Actually he is trying to make this forum more manageable. Which IMO you would have to be blind not to realiese. Seriously 300+ pages are really hard to go though. And sometimes in threads ill see a theme or something cool and ill feel like good thing I read every post in that thread or I wouldnt have that. It feels like some really cool stuff gets barried in the threads.
bob2300nx said:
Actually he is trying to make this forum more manageable. Which IMO you would have to be blind not to realiese. Seriously 300+ pages are really hard to go though. And sometimes in threads ill see a theme or something cool and ill feel like good thing I read every post in that thread or I wouldnt have that. It feels like some really cool stuff gets barried in the threads.
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Damageless is trying to fix finding updates and themes with his updater tool. The updates will come to you! How cool is that? He is also going to try to help other devs to include a updater on their ROMs. Although this will not fix how cluttered the threads are in this forum it will assist you in finding the latest and greatest ways to trick out your Hero.
the only thing that should change is just every time a fix is found the OP should just take the fix and put it in the first post. People should be able to flash a rom and have the fixes all in the first post, this way people dont ask repeat questions. Whether or not everyone likes it people are always going to post "useless" stuff, which can be viewed as appreciative thanks or just people showing their excitement. I personally like xda a lot because people have personality its not all just straight discussion about a rom or anything like that.
Maybe we just could have a separate subforum for each major ROM? that way there could be the threads for people rambling and such, and separate threads for bug fixes, releases, etc.
I'm new 'round here (obviously), and I have to agree, finding the information I need has been difficult with every thread being hundreds pages. Finding that one post of someone with the same problem as me (and a solution) is a monumental task.
Just give each rom author a thread for people to leave their thanks, and keep the rom threads to discussing the rom.
+frickin1 for this thread. I think we should just start a poll to vote for someone here to be a mod, and just make the current XDA moderators accept that we have that mod... it's just ridiculous how it is right now.
what about in-thread stickies...there has to be a plugin for it somewhere...where you can nominate posts as thread stickies and all of the thread stickies, once approved by the OP, move to the beginning of the thread, so it would go
1st Post: OP
2nd Post: First approved helpful post
3rd Post: 2nd approved.... etc
that way all of the useful stuff will be right on that first page. If it's not already a should be.

WinADB: A Frontend for “adb” Command for Google Android Mobile Phones

I have had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the creation of this app, but I follow this guy on Deviant Art, he is constantly coming up with useful things for windows, I had a look today and I found this and though people may find this useful:
WinADB: A Frontend for “adb” Command for Google Android Mobile Phones
This quote is taken from: HERE
If you have a Google Android mobile phone, you might be already knowing about "adb" command which is used to flash mobile phones, installing applications, copying files, etc.
This command is provided using a command-line and doesn't have any GUI.
Our friend "Solo-Dev" @ DA has created a frontend for this command so that you can take all advantages of "adb" command easily and quickly.
"WinADB" is a frontend for "adb" command used for Google Android mobile phones. All the required files you will need are included in the ZIP file. It also includes the required usb drivers for your PC.
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Solo-Dev on Deviant Art
WinADB on Deviant Art
I have attached the files below also.
Good find for users of this forum!
Droid Explorer from does exactly this and much more with GUI.
Thank you Mystic for the find ...
and thanks to memin for his suggestion as well.....some people appreciate it
Christ88 said:
This site is about sharing information not a competition of who posted the best information,
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thats my point...i was posting an alternative and got shot down
As it CLEARLY says in the first post i had nothing to do with this app i was just posting it for everyone enjoyment as i knew the dev is very good and his previous apps that i have used reflect this.
so no my response was fine.
MysticGenius said:
thats my point...i was posting an alternative and got shot down
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where and by what did you got shot down?
hebbe said:
where and by what did you got shot down?
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i think you're exaggerating it a bit. memin respectfully shared what he knows. if anything, you did that with your comments about his contribution to the community. i saw on several occasions he helped people with providing feedback and instructions etc.
looks like somebody found something cool the 'adb app' then some one post a alternative app , then the op gets offended , the op ...i understand what you are saying , but i dont think he really meant to show you up , and isee you do what i do ...look up people stats to see who your dealing with ..but dont be so harsh on the boy
calm down mobilebuddha thats not the way to do it , i promise ....let it go
Cookies anyone?
Sent from Android using XDA App
I have 300 (three hundred) posts helping people. Search my username for POSTS, not threads. You have no idea who you are blaming.
As always my intentions were helping out the community. Both apps do similar things and people may use whatever suits them best. The other app may have better functions and simplicity. In the end, the goal is to share our knowledge so everbody gets benefit. The response by the OP is VERY wrong.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
memin1857 said:
I have 300 (three hundred) posts helping people. Search my username for POSTS, not threads. You have no idea who you are blaming.
As always my intentions were helping out the community. Both apps do similar things and people may use whatever suits them best. The other app may have better functions and simplicity. In the end, the goal is to share our knowledge so everbody gets benefit. The response by the OP is VERY wrong.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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I think that maybe if you wouldn't have used the caps, you may have come out a little less strong.
I agree with Thatruth here, I don't think memin meant anything bad, just posted with emphasis that the post shouldn't have had in the first place. I edited his comment (removed the caps) and deleted your post so that this thread can get back on topic. Please guys, keep it that way... there is no reason to be fighting over something like this.
While alternatives are always welcome, you nearly hijacked Mystic's thread here. Next time, if you need to share something, please do it in your own thread. You will not be flamed as long as you post in the right section
Now, guys... play nice.
egzthunder1 said:
I think that maybe if you wouldn't have used the caps, you may have come out a little less strong.
I agree with Thatruth here, I don't think memin meant anything bad, just posted with emphasis that the post shouldn't have had in the first place. I edited his comment (removed the caps) and deleted your post so that this thread can get back on topic. Please guys, keep it that way... there is no reason to be fighting over something like this.
While alternatives are always welcome, you nearly hijacked Mystic's thread here. Next time, if you need to share something, please do it in your own thread. You will not be flamed as long as you post in the right section
Now, guys... play nice.
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This thinking seems to be common on XDA from what I can tell and it seems flawed. Lets say for example someone is searching for ADB interface apps or by name for either of these apps it would greatly be helpful to read this post and see there is a better option available and that the general opinion is one app may be better then the other. If we can't respond to a thread with facts or opinions you end up seriously crippling the information sharing ability and quality of information on this site.
Sorry to carry this on further in this thread but I really think this is something for you to consider changing your mind about and maybe others who have posted might feel the same way.

DL30 froyo rom Samsung Widgets disappearing?

Anybody have any ideas. I am aware that devs are not supporting the original leak. But im just looking for info more than anything. Every once in a while i will hit the home button and as soon as i return to the home screen the calendar clock, and the feeds and updates widget are no longer there.
I think I know what you're talking about. If you wait a little bit they come back... think it's the launcher resetting. Did it to me a lot too, switched to super clean, haven't seen it since *knock on wood*.
This belongs in general. Read Me
But it happens to me to with beautiful widgets. Time and again. i just deal with it since this is not the final build.
I understand what your guys are saying but thats not my problem. im fully aware that if you use adobe flash, or apps that use a lot of resources that if you hit home sometimes it will refresh the home screen (happened all the time on the Original droid). My problem is the widgets disappear all together meaning they dont reappear. Ohh and this isnt a general question this question refers to an unofficial rom aka ROM DEVELOPMENT!!!
Also its not all the widgets that disappear it just the Samsung widgets (i only use calendar clock, and feeds and updates widget)
If you read that link you would see that your question should have gone in the leak thread. Or your thread should have been started in general. Why must people try to justify their mistakes?
good day. From the Fascinate sporting the XDA app.
Here are few key excerpts so you don't have to read the whole thing:
If you have developed a ROM, or are working with others to do so, the development forum is somewhere to discuss and share ideas, post useful feedback and logs or crash dumps, and to discuss a common goal developers are trying to achieve.
Once you have identified what you need help with go to the device Q&A forum (general if device lacks one), and make a clear, informative thread that explains the issue, and what you have tried doing to fix it. Did you re-download the ROM? Did you ask a friend to flash it for you, to reduce chance of user error? What steps (exactly) did you follow? What errors did you see (exact wording)? Did you double check all the steps? Did you do a wipe or hard reset?
So remember… before you start a thread in development, ask yourself what you are developing. If you can’t answer, then stop, step away from the post button, and think about where you are posting. Would it be better in General or Q&A, or is some more time with your best friend, search, required?
There are way to many people on this forum that obviously don't get any ass.
But to op yes mine disappear aswell like sammy facebook widget is allways disappearing.
bL33d said:
There are way to many people on this forum that obviously don't get any ass.
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I lol'd. Agreed.
And same here op. It bothered me for awhile cause I really like the program monitor widget and that blue digital clock. I ended up just getting another widget from the market but touchwiz seems to make it all shaky every time I went to another screen. Wish there was a fix, but I just deal with it.
bL33d said:
There are way to many people on this forum that obviously don't get any ass.
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If that's the case then consider it their sacrifice so YOU can have a nicely running phone. So stfu and listen to them when they tell you what you should have been doing in the first place.
bL33d said:
There are way to many people on this forum that obviously don't get any ass.
But to op yes mine disappear aswell like sammy facebook widget is allways disappearing.
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First of all, I'm married, so of course I don't. And second, I don't see how sexual frustration = desire for the development board to remain uncluttered with stuff that belongs elsewhere. Can you explain that?
Lol its all in fun.
I switched to the official leak useing the official kernel and widgets are not disappearing now....
bL33d said:
There are way to many people on this forum that obviously don't get any ass.
But to op yes mine disappear aswell like sammy facebook widget is allways disappearing.
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It must be our proper grammar, correct spelling, and common sense.
Stop being such a troll.
Seriously? He just wanted to know why his Widgets are disappearing. If you seriously expect anyone new to this forum to read through a big list of rules, it sucks all the fun out of being an android user. He posted in the wrong section, we get it. It's now dead and done. Let's try and help with an explanation as opposed to making him feel stupid for posting in the wrong section. If it's as simple as telling them once to not post such things in here again and move the thread, why doesn't that just happen?
stereoblind said:
Seriously? He just wanted to know why his Widgets are disappearing. If you seriously expect anyone new to this forum to read through a big list of rules, it sucks all the fun out of being an android user. He posted in the wrong section, we get it. It's now dead and done. Let's try and help with an explanation as opposed to making him feel stupid for posting in the wrong section. If it's as simple as telling them once to not post such things in here again and move the thread, why doesn't that just happen?
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^I agree with you wholeheartedly, and I dont think they were trying to attack him personally, but...
it's a matter of frustration that established users have here with people completely disregarding the rules (and this is coming from someone with low post count). To my understanding the development fora are supposed to be FOR devs, not end-users. I think our role as end-users (in this development forum) is to provide support in terms of bug reporting (or whatever the dev might need) and such WITHIN specific dev threads. By not adhering to the rules, new users are unintentionally changing the dynamic of how these fora are supposed to operate.
So they're not trying to be d*cks, they're just trying to maintain the integrity of this forum.
stereoblind said:
Seriously? He just wanted to know why his Widgets are disappearing. If you seriously expect anyone new to this forum to read through a big list of rules, it sucks all the fun out of being an android user. He posted in the wrong section, we get it. It's now dead and done. Let's try and help with an explanation as opposed to making him feel stupid for posting in the wrong section. If it's as simple as telling them once to not post such things in here again and move the thread, why doesn't that just happen?
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Let me put it into context for you:
Here is the third post of the thread. It contains a simple reminder to please post in the correct section, and an answer to the original question. Exactly as you suggest, telling him once.
jselden said:
This belongs in general. Read Me
But it happens to me to with beautiful widgets. Time and again. i just deal with it since this is not the final build.
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Here is the very next post. It shows the original poster, who obviously didn't read the provided readme in the above post, attempting to justify his posting in the wrong section. This is where it became an issue, when the OP, instead of admitting his mistake and avoiding misplaced topics in the future (which would be perfectly forgivable, and not a problem) defends his uninformed postition with his own flawed logic.
wroder84 said:
I understand what your guys are saying but thats not my problem. im fully aware that if you use adobe flash, or apps that use a lot of resources that if you hit home sometimes it will refresh the home screen (happened all the time on the Original droid). My problem is the widgets disappear all together meaning they dont reappear. Ohh and this isnt a general question this question refers to an unofficial rom aka ROM DEVELOPMENT!!!
Also its not all the widgets that disappear it just the Samsung widgets (i only use calendar clock, and feeds and updates widget)
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Easy solution: Read the rules, and when you're corrected by someone with 10 times your post count, who provides verification, just admit you were wrong.
How about a solution to this problem,, in the sub forum section page change the expalnation of the 4 sub forums to capatilazation and place it before the actual sub forum link and change the sub forum link to un capitalized font . I think this might help force people to rerad first before clicking the link.
BrwnSuperman said:
It must be our proper grammar, correct spelling, and common sense.
Stop being such a troll.
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OMG u got me man u got me good im just gonna go now since i've been owned.
kipnukmals said:
How about a solution to this problem,, in the sub forum section page change the expalnation of the 4 sub forums to capatilazation and place it before the actual sub forum link and change the sub forum link to un capitalized font . I think this might help force people to rerad first before clicking the link.
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Better idea just password protect this section so only devs can post here. FYI there will be about 4 posts a month in this forum then lol.
bL33d said:
Better idea just password protect this section so only devs can post here. FYI there will be about 4 posts a month in this forum then lol.
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No one has a problem with everyone being able to post in the development forum, Just people cluttering it up with things that belong in the general forum. I will never understand how people can argue so hard for anarchy. If developers and veterans are complaining about the state of the site, then maybe you ought to get your act together or we'll just leave. Then who's going to help you with your issues? Other noobs who have won the right to post wherever the hell they want by driving off the people who actually make roms and mods and fixes. If the op wanted a topic for his specific issue, he should have posted it in general. If he wanted to post in development he should have done so in the thread for the rom he is using, not created a new thread. It's clearly stated in the rules. Why is that such a problem to some people?
sonofskywalker3 said:
Let me put it into context for you:
Here is the third post of the thread. It contains a simple reminder to please post in the correct section, and an answer to the original question. Exactly as you suggest, telling him once.
Here is the very next post. It shows the original poster, who obviously didn't read the provided readme in the above post, attempting to justify his posting in the wrong section. This is where it became an issue, when the OP, instead of admitting his mistake and avoiding misplaced topics in the future (which would be perfectly forgivable, and not a problem) defends his uninformed postition with his own flawed logic.
Easy solution: Read the rules, and when you're corrected by someone with 10 times your post count, who provides verification, just admit you were wrong.
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I'm sorry dev, but the number of people who are dumb and being asses gonna to out strip you by more than 100 to 1. You should learn to tolerate that as being the norm, to have common sense is pretty much a crime to humanity and the norm.
beray5 said:
I'm sorry dev, but the number of people who are dumb and being asses gonna to out strip you by more than 100 to 1. You should learn to tolerate that as being the norm, to have common sense is pretty much a crime to humanity and the norm.
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He's a troll, just ignore him. This thread should be locked since the OP has been helped and it's just going downhill.
Thanks for all your work sonofskywalker, I keep alternating between Blackhole and Superclean still trying to figure out which is a better fit.

Development stickies

Hello! Recently, as many of us have noticed, the moderator of the Vibrant forums here on XDA has decided to consolidate all of the sticky threads in to a single thread. I, and several other members of XDA, have some major concerns with this including:
Former stickies are mixed in with development threads
Stickies are more difficult to find
Stickies receive less attention, and therefore there is less incentive to update them
Since having easy to access information reduces the number of off-topic and question posts over in development I put forth a suggestion to our moderator, that the users of XDA decide if the stickies are returned or an alternative solution is devised! If there is a majority in favor of changing the presence of the stickies mmelo has stated that he will abide by the will of the users.
If anyone has any alternative solutions besides the ones I have posted in the poll please come forward with them!
Being someone who has two of these stickies, the ones geared for those who need the most help... And the amount of time I spent... And for all those who post questions in them that I answer...
I'm a little offended and upset. I mean first there were stickies that had absolutely no business being stickied and now lumping them all together (now I have no clue if someone posts a question).. Whatever, I've taken a break from it for a few days and it's been nice. Perhaps this is my sign to just quit trying to help so much.
Perhaps we just need a new bibrant moderator too though.
Edit: I guess my suggestion is:
How it was before (before meaning not including threads that should not be stickies)
a new mod, someone who has a pulse on the vibrant and speaks English (isn't that a guideline for being a mod)... I mean absolutely no disrespect, just being honest.
My suggestion was to remove threads like the Nero fixes and stuff and the Samsung numbers.
Not your threads but I guess he didn't exactly understand,but this being a mobile website and all the stickies were filling up most of the screen.
There's plenty positives about this and negatives, but the statement its harder to find is BS.
U guys tell newbies to search anyways and searching will only lead to the same thread.
Find a post where I said search, AND didn't provide an answer.
It is harder. If someone posts a question, I have no clue now unless my thread happens to be on page 1.
The only positive I see is that you don't have to scroll down as much...
You know if you guys don't like what he is doing to the vibrant forum you can always go above him and let the administrators know.
A mod is just an employee and they aren't perfect, some even abuse their powers at times.
Ultimately if the forum members aren't happy then let the people above the mods know.
I personally think there were too many stickies to begin with, but sticking them all in one, including the bible and noob guide was a bad idea. Just my opinion that is all.
As someone who searched first and asked later. I miss the previous setup.
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I liked it the way it was tbh. Was very helpful to have all the info in one area, now i have to search for everything than bookmark it.
ZachLL88 said:
I liked it the way it was tbh. Was very helpful to have all the info in one area, now i have to search for everything than bookmark it.
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Search for everything? You guys are over exaggerating it.
Its all in 1 sticky.
At the TOP of the page.
S15,you want to answer questions on it thread? Bookmark your thread and check it once in a while. Your not going to get 500 questions at a time and lose answering questions.
s15274n said:
Being someone who has two of these stickies, the ones geared for those who need the most help... And the amount of time I spent... And for all those who post questions in them that I answer...
I'm a little offended and upset. I mean first there were stickies that had absolutely no business being stickied and now lumping them all together (now I have no clue if someone posts a question).. Whatever, I've taken a break from it for a few days and it's been nice. Perhaps this is my sign to just quit trying to help so much.
Perhaps we just need a new bibrant moderator too though.
Edit: I guess my suggestion is:
How it was before (before meaning not including threads that should not be stickies)
a new mod, someone who has a pulse on the vibrant and speaks English (isn't that a guideline for being a mod)... I mean absolutely no disrespect, just being honest.
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s15 did put a lot of work into his thread. I tried searching for something and IT IS harder to get an answer. I say we put it how it was. Especially for the new people here.
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HG! said:
s15 did put a lot of work into his thread. I tried searching for something and IT IS harder to get an answer. I say we put it how it was. Especially for the new people here.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Why are you saying search???
Its the first thing up there. WHY ARE YOU SEARCHING?
clicking 1thing to get info on 5 other threads isn't that hard.

Make a dev tread clearer..

Hi, I'm trying something done for the topicstarters in a dev tread. Please read and tell me your thought.
streamnlnl said:
Is it possible for a topic starter in a dev tread to clean his own tread in the futere?
Mayby it's a idea to ad that option if a topic starter asked that.
And that they can only clean his/her tread?
I think it make yours and theirs live a lot relaxer.
You don't need to watch every tread. And the dev can keep his tread cleen without spamming and the same question over en over again.
Sorry for my typo.....
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The response.
12aon said:
Do you really think this is a good idea. Members get into fights, even topic starters. This could easily be misused, and I'm certain it will lead to more aggravation than it will solve.
Sent from the future using a surfboard
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My answer.
streamnlnl said:
Yes, I really think this is a good idea.
You can make rules before you ad the option. Like new members.
The dev need (for example) a least 100 post* before they can ask you for the option. Then you can screen the past of that person . And if they misbehaving. Then we (the not dev people) have many options to contact you. And after you warning a dev. The next time he goose across the line, he lost that option for good ...
But this is just my opinion. And again, I thinks this good really worked.
Thanks for answer me.
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Please tell your thought about this if you think this is a good idea. And please don't quote this message compete in this tread (Most of the time I read the forums trough the xda app)
streamnlnl said:
Hi, I'm trying something done for the topicstarters in a dev tread. Please read and tell me your thought.
The response.
My answer.
Please tell your thought about this if you think this is a good idea. And please don't quote this message compete in this tread (Most of the time I read the forums trough the xda app)
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No, rules are fine as is. And this is in the wrong section
Yeah I think this is a good idea
I think the idea is good in theory, however I don't see it being as good in practice. First, the devs rarely post anyway. I don't think they also want the responsibility of cleaning their own threads. To be honest, it is usually not the devs complaining about off topic. It's the senior members who have self assigned themselves forum police. I can definitely see something like this getting out of hand or misused.
I think the 10 posts minimum to post in the dev threads is both part of the problem and solution. Now we have noobs posting new threads wherever they can just so they can get a question answered or get their post count up. The problem is that they didn't LEARN anything by that rule. At the end of 10 forced posts they are still wanting an answer to their dev questions, so they post it in a dev thread anyway.
With xRecovery and the increasing ease of modifying your phone, more and more less experienced people are hacking their phones. Those people are inevitably going to have more questions, and the current "devs only" approach leaves them no option but to post in the devs thread.
I think the recent trend of linking a discussion thread to the dev thread is a more feasible and fair way to go. It would be better if somehow xda could link the discussion thread, rather than having a link hidden amongst the posts.
Something such like this isn't possible, only if you would create in the Admin Control Panel a special usergroup to move devs to it. Just to much work for such a little thing.
this is not a good idea
and this would be apparent if people have been here for a length of time
im gonna give a scenario here
ok developers can mod their own threads. what if that same dev then does something bad and underhanded, and then a member in the threads knows and posts it in the thread (this has actually happened before). the dev then goes and deleted all traces of this from the thread so the moderators never know of the developers wrongdoing
in a perfect world this maybe a good idea
however at the minute no. this would allow a developers too many tools to cover up any moment of ill judgement
Not a good ideal for me. I'm sorry
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