Hello everyone,
I have a vm intercept that i use as my primary mp3 player and for car audio through aux input. Lately the music has started freezing/skipping atleast 5 times per song. Even tho the music freezes for fraction of a second, it is still annoying the heck out of me.
I asked dr. google for help and apparently many other people on some other phones also have the same issue. Can anybody suggest what to do to get rid of this issue please? Thanks
Sent from my SPH-M910 using Tapatalk
I have the same problem while riding the subway. I finally realized that it happens every time I gain or lose a signal. This happens frequently when riding the subway. The only fix I know of is to turn on airplane mode. Obviously not a good solution if you need to have your phone working while listening, but it works for me in the subways since I can't realistically use my phone anyway (I just get flickers of signal).
I just got my Virgin Mobile Intercept last weekend. Used it yesterday w/ the audible.com app and the aux port in my car, no problems. Plugged the phone into the wall last night (in a power strip) and had the stutter issue today.
Only thing I've done to the phone is inxane's recovery (Android ver: 2.1-update 1). Tried 4 microsd cards (2 8gb sdhc, the 2gb sd that came with it and another 2gb I had), mp3 & tunein radio have the same problem. Calls are fine though.
Tried uninstalling audible and deleting folder from sd card, rebooted phone twice. Yesterday evening I did notice that the Notifications bar wouldn't pull down, but after the first restart this morning everything but playback was fine. Second restart I left the phone off for 10 minutes.
The lady I was talking with at audible heard what it was doing and was on the line while I tried mp3 & tunein, her suggestion, which is what I'm probably going to have to do, was to return the phone and get it exchanged.
Just did the factory reset in inxane recovery, tried the mp3 from my sdcard, same issue.
Try flashing a new kernel. I had inxane's from one of the rooting tutorials. From irc I found that the newest version of his recovery is much better, and that vampirefo's kernel w/ /system as ext2 and /data /cache as ext4 is really nice.
I did those things and my playback is fixed.
I thought I would start a thread for those experiencing music play-back issues.
I get 'skipping' when playing back music, but the really annoying thing is that sometimes it does not occur at all. This means I cannot, by process of elimination, determine what the cause is. Today I listened to an album with no problems at all, but last night the same album was skipping very badly - so file type cannot be to blame (it was AAC anyway).
If anyone else is having similar problems, please post and detail your phone model and network.
I have the graphite model on Orange. I have alerted HTC tech support to this problem and am awaiting a response.
Well, I still get intermittant skipping during the beginning of tracks! This is VERY frustrating, especially as I cannot pin down the reason and some people on here seem to have no problems at all. So my music player is effectively useless. I hope the update addresses this issue, but something tells me it won't...
Sorry but I have no problems at all really. Maybe a bit of hiss at the very lowest volumes but other than that I have happily replaced my ipod touch
simcarloc said:
Well, I still get intermittant skipping during the beginning of tracks!
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I get the same problem, but only when i listen to one song and it changes to the next. If i select another song theirs no skipping.
I get the same problem, but only when i listen to one song and it changes to the next. If i select another song theirs no skipping.
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Exactly the same here, does anyone out there have a clue why this is happening?
I have this problem too - Hero on Orange in the UK.
I have stuttering with BT playback and also the 'stretching' problem where a track goes off-key, like a dying 1980's walkman. Have tried turning off Wifi/Mobile/GPS but still occurs. Is better if the phone is 12 inches away from the BT headphones, but that kind of sucks.
Are you using bluetooth?
I found that having wifi turned on while using bluetooth caused stuttering, and this was fixed by turning off the wifi.
There are a variety of different issues you may encounter. For those having stuttering issues at the start of a track, are you using the stock SD card supplied with the phone? I think that is only a class 2 SD card, which provides a lower transfer rate which some people think can hobble things - particularly if you have other SD things going on like apps2sd and swapper. I have a 16GB class 6 card installed and haven't noticed any stuttering.
Cutting other background tasks such as Twitter (or at least dialling it back from an update every 5 minutes) may help things.
I've had a few Heroes now and only my most recent one had a stutter problem. The apps and settings were set to be the same on each phone. The MP3s were the same on the same card. I have no idea why one phone would have problems like that when the others didn't.
Happily, I applied the latest Rom and based on listening to half an hour of music last night it seems to be fine now.
Everything works better with this ROM it seems so look forward to release / get flashing.
I can confirm that since installing the Modaco update ROM, I no longer experience skipping/interferance. I have not listened to a large amount of music so it's early days, but things are looking good!
For people's information, I have a class 6 16gb card and yet I still used to get problems. So I think SD cards are not the source of the problem - especially since the update appears to have cured the problem.
I get stuttering and tempo changes over bluetooth using 2.73.405.5 (MCR 2.0), ie. the latest 'official' ROM, AFAIK.
Mid-tune stuttering seems to be down to weak BT transmission, i.e. if I turn my head to the left whilst cycling, I get stutter, if I look forward, it's OK. If I have the handset in one pocket (nearest the BT headphone receiver) no stutter, if I have the handset in the other pocket, I get lots of stutter.
All of this with BT headphones that worked flawlessly with my iPhone 2G...
Hope this gets resolved soon (are you reading HTC?) or the phone going back to Orange for a Nokia N900
I had major stuttering at the start of almost every track with the original ROM. Although as for the OP sometimes it would be fine. Usually it was resolved by a reboot, but not always.
The latest ROM is a lot better (I have installed Generic 2.73.405.5, not MoDaCo's Customer ROM).
There is still occasional stuttering at the start of tracks though when the phone has been on for a long time and I have been making phone calls (the Phone and People apps do not seem to ever shut down once they have been opened - maybe this is the cause), but a reboot now ALWAYS solves it.
Syncing apps also cause a tiny stutter so tweak your apps like Peep etc so as not to be syncing every few minutes.
So, HTC have gotten some of the way there, but they could still improve things from here. Let's hope the next update sorts it (although we're still waiting for 2.73.405.5 to be officially released so who knows when the next one will be?)
I am not sure why this issue has all of a sudden popped up. I have been using fresh 1.0 since it was released. This issue is there even with the stock rom so it isn't the rom. At first everything was great. A couple of weeks ago I noticed this problem and I don't know what is causing it. Before I could use Meridian, Act 1 or the stock video player and watch a couple of movies without issue and they looked and sounded great. Now after a few seconds the video freezes or the screen goes black but the audio continues to play. The way to fix it is to reboot, use advanced task manager and kill the running processes/apps. Then the movie will play fine. After being on for a couple of hours if I go to watch another movie, same thing happens and I have to perform the same reboot/task manager ritual again. I tried using another sd card in case there was a problem with this one and the same things happens. This issue did not exist a couple of weeks ago. Does anyone know why this might be happening? Keep in mind I have not installed anything nor have the movies been changed.
Try turning off all 3 location service options, just to see if it's related to the location manager chewing up your CPU.
Unfortunately those settings are already off. I guess when I get back town this weekend I am going to have to wipe and start with a new build and root it again and flash to Fresh 1.0 and then see if the issue is gone. I have tried everything I can think of and it is still happening. I am still puzzled why it just started out of the blue.
I think I have found the culprit. I tried a different card with the same result. I formatted the card and ran chkdsk on it and then copied the data back to it and checked to see if it would need a defrag and of course it didn't. I terminated the Weatherbug widget I had on my homescreen and so far I have been able to play movies without issue.
ElAguila said:
... and checked to see if it would need a defrag ...
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A sdcard does not need a "defrag" by definition. It takes the same amount of time to access a sector on a sdcard no matter where it is.
Yep. Just covering any possible scenario. I certain at this point it has to do with widgets. I am not sure if it is just that widget or not. I had auto update turned off on that one.
In the past month or so I have been experiencing stuttering in music being played back from my Samsung Focus. The first time I experienced this was on a plane ride. After playing for about 10 minutes the current track would begin to stutter and eventually stop altogether. If I left the device alone for about 10 seconds the music would begin to play sometimes; however, the device would hang causing me to have to reset the device (power cycle).
This also happens while sitting at my desk at work, while in the car (using the aux connection) and while in the gym.
I was wondering if this is a pervasive issue, or whether my experience is a one-off.
As background information, the music I am playing is synced music (not streaming tracks) and the stuttering never happens with podcasts.
Thanks and Happy New Year.
Do you have a sd card installed?
If you have an SD Card installed yes, I've seen this.
One thing that you might wish to try as I've been looking to see if others are seeing the same pattern is if you do have an SD Card installed; try playing back Music or Video with the Focus Plugged/Charging vs Unplugged/On Battery. My personal experience is that when using external power I don't have any issues but on battery the issues will increase as the battery drains down.
No sd card here and this happens to me all the time. It's rather annoying. I don't remember where but im pretty sure that i read the Microsoft has been able to recreate this bug and plans to fix it.
I don't have an SD card installed and never have.
I was considering a hard reset today to see if it solves the problem. I did note; however, if I play the music through the rear speaker (no headphones plugged in), then the stuttering does not happen.
I just started experiencing this while using it on a plane. I have an SD card installed, but that doesn't seem to make a difference if the above posters are also having issues. I've found that turning the screen on gets the music playing again. You don't even have to unlock it, just turn it on and it goes. One time I had the full-on lockup and had to reset.
Just wanted to let everyone know that I came across this discussion:
It appears that MS are aware of this issue.
Good Morning,
So, the problem continue to grow until the phone would barely get through a whole song before completely freezing up requiring a soft reset.
So, over the last few days I have completed a hard reset and have slowly added applications to see whether it was any particular app. Obviously, this is anecdotal evidence and cannot be considered absolute. Alternative issues could be memory management (fragmentation, etc.), or some other app:OS interaction.
After the hard reset I completed my account information so I could continue to use my mobile for business and added my entire music collection from zune - approxiamtely 1 GB. I played music for 2 hours with no stuttering, etc.
Second day - I added weather bug (love the app) and played music all day with no stuttering, etc.
Third day, added pdf reader, played music with no stuttering, etc.
Fourth day added shazam (no music playback issues) then added xbox extras (no music playback issues), added Crackdown 2....played the game.....had slight stuttering issues on every fourth or fifth piece of music played.
I've stopped at this point to see whether the issue becomes more common.
Hopefully this helps the community determine the cause, if any.
I had this issue the other day when I was listening to the music through my headphones while at work.. it would randomly cut out every other song or so. I would push the pause/play button on the headset and it would start up again. After I turned the phone off and on again it stopped doing it and haven't had the problem since
For some reason recently anytime I play music through my bluetooth car audio tracks will start skipping. I dont mean skip tracks like from song 1 to song 2. I mean more in the sense like the music gets garbled and loses time.
My music is stored on my sandisk 64 gb sd card. Ive read that these have a high failure rate.
It wouldnt make sense either though because when my music was stored on my internal memory, i remember it happening as well just not as often
But the wierd thing is, it happens sometimes, other times it wont happen.
Could it be my ROM? Im on hyperdrive 6 at the moment.
Any info is appreciated.
Same issue for me. I used several BT devices just fine but had Isimply BT installed in car and it's doing what you described. Can't figure it out.
Sent from my SM-N900V using xda app-developers app
After researching this it appears to be a generic issue with Jellybean that affects various devices. Google implemented most (if not all of the bluetooth stack) in 4.3, so it seems like they unintentionally introduced this bug in the process.
There are a few workarounds you can do that helped my EVO LTE with this (which is running 4.3). Disable WIFI and if possible, keep the device from going to the lock screen with something like NoLock.
More info.
I am running clean rom. I stream music in my car everyday and havent ever had this problem. Maybe try his rom if you are rooted
I have 2 issues with Bluetooth on this phone.
First, it does disconnect and reconnect quite often with my Kinova head set. (Never with the M8)
Second, it has horrible range compared to my M8. I put the 10 in the exact same spot on my toolbox as my M8 with the same headset and I don't get nearly the same range as before. I honestly could go about 30-40 yards with the M8, I am lucky to get 15-20 with the 10.
Hopefully there will be an update to improve this.
UgXvibe said:
I have 2 issues with Bluetooth on this phone.
First, it does disconnect and reconnect quite often with my Kinova head set. (Never with the M8)
Second, it has horrible range compared to my M8. I put the 10 in the exact same spot on my toolbox as my M8 with the same headset and I don't get nearly the same range as before. I honestly could go about 30-40 yards with the M8, I am lucky to get 15-20 with the 10.
Hopefully there will be an update to improve this.
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Verizon HTC 10 Variant
LeeDroid with current Verizon firmware
Samsung Evo+ mc128d 128gb Uhs-i Class 10 Micro SD Card
I just got this Friday - spent all weekend setting it up
Today I notice music is skipping and hesitating…Bluetooth is not automatically connecting to the radio - and it just randomly disconnects also.
I've had the phone lock up on me too several times. Had to hold the power and volume buttons to force shutdown - each time I lose 4G - have to do the above reset Network Settings twice/reboot twice to restore the 4G
I have many issues loosing 4G too - have to do multiple network resets and reboots to resolve
But yea - Bluetooth wouldn't connect automatically to my car...i kept getting hesitations, and it just randomly disconnected also
The only bluetooth device i use with my HTC10 is an LG HBS-730 headset but i've had no issues with it connecting or anything else for that matter.
I connect mine to a pioneer headunit daily and it only skips if it's in my pocket on my left side, same issue as with my V10 and M8.
Only thing I use Bluetooth for on this phone is a odbii device for my car twice daily, no issues whatsoever
Sent from my HTC6545LVW using XDA-Developers mobile app
I use BT a LOT. I have had no issues at all which is actually surprising. With the G5 and s7Edge i had to disable BT on my smart watch or it would royally destroy BT audio, with the 10 its just fine. Range on mine is really good, i can walk halfway across the gym before it starts skipping.
Test it with other devices, preferably not cheapo chinese BT devices they are notoriously finicky and problematic. And thats not snobbery thats coming from someone ho owns quite a few of them.
When I have the 10 connected to my Moto 360-2nd and Bose headphones I have frequent drops. Primarily while playing Tidal HiFi which are ginormous files. Either way very concerning, I can barely make it halfway across the gym.
Sent from my HTC6545LVW using Tapatalk
billmcg said:
Verizon HTC 10 Variant
LeeDroid with current Verizon firmware
Samsung Evo+ mc128d 128gb Uhs-i Class 10 Micro SD Card
I just got this Friday - spent all weekend setting it up
Today I notice music is skipping and hesitating…Bluetooth is not automatically connecting to the radio - and it just randomly disconnects also.
I've had the phone lock up on me too several times. Had to hold the power and volume buttons to force shutdown - each time I lose 4G - have to do the above reset Network Settings twice/reboot twice to restore the 4G
I have many issues loosing 4G too - have to do multiple network resets and reboots to resolve
But yea - Bluetooth wouldn't connect automatically to my car...i kept getting hesitations, and it just randomly disconnected also
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Just an update... I believe my issues are resolved. It was LeeDroid @~Clumsy kernel the culprit. Would NOT see exFAT SD... at all. I had to reformat as FAT32 and It was the SD i believe giving me issues. Flashed the ElementalX kernel... And all issues seem to be resolved... Running great as ExFAT now... This phone rocks!
billmcg said:
Just an update... I believe my issues are resolved. It was LeeDroid @~Clumsy kernel the culprit. Would NOT see exFAT SD... at all. I had to reformat as FAT32 and It was the SD i believe giving me issues. Flashed the ElementalX kernel... And all issues seem to be resolved... Running great as ExFAT now... This phone rocks!
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I have HTC One M9 running LeeDroid and have noticed the same problem. My Bluetooth Audio skips or cuts out regardless of what headphones I use. Jaybird, Bose..etc. Did you keep LeeDroid and just use a different kernel to correct the problem or are you using another rom altogether?
Does anyone know if there is a setting I can change in LeeDroid to fix this? I noticed it doesn't matter if the music is on the device or using a streaming app like Spotify, Google Play Music..etc. skips regardless.