New video issue - Hero CDMA General

I am not sure why this issue has all of a sudden popped up. I have been using fresh 1.0 since it was released. This issue is there even with the stock rom so it isn't the rom. At first everything was great. A couple of weeks ago I noticed this problem and I don't know what is causing it. Before I could use Meridian, Act 1 or the stock video player and watch a couple of movies without issue and they looked and sounded great. Now after a few seconds the video freezes or the screen goes black but the audio continues to play. The way to fix it is to reboot, use advanced task manager and kill the running processes/apps. Then the movie will play fine. After being on for a couple of hours if I go to watch another movie, same thing happens and I have to perform the same reboot/task manager ritual again. I tried using another sd card in case there was a problem with this one and the same things happens. This issue did not exist a couple of weeks ago. Does anyone know why this might be happening? Keep in mind I have not installed anything nor have the movies been changed.

Try turning off all 3 location service options, just to see if it's related to the location manager chewing up your CPU.

Unfortunately those settings are already off. I guess when I get back town this weekend I am going to have to wipe and start with a new build and root it again and flash to Fresh 1.0 and then see if the issue is gone. I have tried everything I can think of and it is still happening. I am still puzzled why it just started out of the blue.

I think I have found the culprit. I tried a different card with the same result. I formatted the card and ran chkdsk on it and then copied the data back to it and checked to see if it would need a defrag and of course it didn't. I terminated the Weatherbug widget I had on my homescreen and so far I have been able to play movies without issue.

ElAguila said:
... and checked to see if it would need a defrag ...
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A sdcard does not need a "defrag" by definition. It takes the same amount of time to access a sector on a sdcard no matter where it is.

Yep. Just covering any possible scenario. I certain at this point it has to do with widgets. I am not sure if it is just that widget or not. I had auto update turned off on that one.


Help. Music skips/pauses when the HD2 is locked... Anyone?

So, I have noticed an issue. I am on Kumar's Classic ROM, which I LOVE, but I am pretty sure this happened on the stock ROM as well...
Here is the issue and use environment: I keep my music on the SD Card, and I play it through the music tab. Everything is fine generally speaking. It finds the music after a few seconds on a fresh boot, reads the files and plays them fine. That is when the device is on/screen displayed. I have noticed that a lot of them time, as soon as the screen locks, the music will pause every 5-10 seconds, stay that way for about 1 second, then continue playing... over and over. As soon as I unlock the screen, it is back to normal, then when I lock it, the issue returns. It even did this a little while streaming Slacker yesterday, then cleared up after a while.
I can't figure out what would cause this. I have also noticed that movies on the SD will play fine for e a while, then the video will lag while the audio is fine, and then the video will play at like 3-4x to catch up to the audio...
Odd issues, and I'm hoping someone here has an easy fix for me. I did a search and didn't see anything...
Have you ever reformatted the card since getting it? That might be a good place to start. Also, if you have another usable card handy, just to put some music on and test with, it'll help pinpoint if the issue is the card or the phone at least.
Good idea, thx...
I had similar issues with other music programs and video programs too. Not the stock ones. Pretty much what seemed to be happening is when the phone went to sleep it cut off its connection using up its buffer then stopping. Then when I woke it up it would start playing again. Best solution I have found was to just use mortplayer. This seems to love the HD2. I will get about .01 second skip when it locks, and then when it sleeps but pretty much doesn't miss a beat. I always listen to streaming radio too so that may be an issue of mine. Since your running music off a sd card and the stock HD2 sim cards are supposed to suck you may wanna try a different card to test it.
this happened to me when i set the lockscreen to show the animated arrows. It seems it animates them every few seconds even when the screen is off.
Disabled them again and it was fixed.
Been editing the lockscreen? or installed a new lockscreen recently?
I'll try both of those suggestions, thanks guys!
I would really like to keep using the sense music player though, as I like it a lot. This also seems to happen in Slacker too...
How do I disable the arrows?
No playing with the lock screen. Only the stock one, or any edits that come with cooked ROMs. However, this has been happening through multiple ROMs, and with hard resets each time...
VisualOddity said:
I'll try both of those suggestions, thanks guys!
I would really like to keep using the sense music player though, as I like it a lot. This also seems to happen in Slacker too...
How do I disable the arrows?
No playing with the lock screen. Only the stock one, or any edits that come with cooked ROMs. However, this has been happening through multiple ROMs, and with hard resets each time...
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not the arrows then, , something running in teh background, that the phone is having to ramp up the processor to perform.
Dunno what to suggest, sorry, maybe something installed to sd card, that is making the music pause when read? does it do it when the mp3 is on main memory?

Constant Media Scanning

My Vibrant CONSTANTLY keep rescanning the media on the SD, and its slowing the phone to a crawl. Ill watch it start, finish, and then start again 30 seconds later (or so). Anyone else have this, and if so, did you find a solution?
Sounds buggy...mine usually just does it if I reboot the phone
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant using XDA App
Actually my ONLY complaint about this phone not constantly but every time I reboot and it takes a good while scanning, if I try to press on any button while scanning the phone freezes, there has to be a tweak to disable this feature when vibrant roms become available..
Thats my issue freezes, the screen goes off, the button backlight stays on, and I cant do anything but hard-reset it by holding the power or pulling the battery. ive deleted almost everything of the internal SD, so I have no idea why its freezing
I remove the external card and still experiencing the same thing, I just don't understand how my old HD2 with buggy winOS never did this, come on Developers Android is an awesome OS and extremely configurable, PLEASE fix this issue for us.
Mine does it on reboot and after I unplug it from my pc. It is a little annoying but it doesn't last too long.
It's scanning 16gb of memory for media changes. Why would you expect that to be faster than 20-30 seconds. Are you guys serious?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
If it's doing it constantly and not just on reboot than that is definitely a defect.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
The media scanner runs for me, at least, every time the userspace filesystem is modified, so on unplug from PC, file copy/deletes in the file manager, bluetooth unpair...etc. If you have an app that is frequently writing to /sdcard then that's probably triggering it for you.
Did you replace your SD card with one from another phone? I don't get any major scanning issues
Just exchanged the phone for a new one. Will report back.
No, I am using the stock SD card (Not ready to lose Avatar yet)
zimphishmonger said:
Just exchanged the phone for a new one. Will report back.
No, I am using the stock SD card (Not ready to lose Avatar yet)
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I know you can copy avatar to the internal memory and it will still work... but the link on the app won't find it, you'll have to go to files, ect. I'm pretty sure you can copy it to another SD card without any trouble. As far as the media scanner, it is pretty annoying...scanned alot when I first got the phone ..of course moving around avatar, it took a long time to rescan and it scanned several times. Now it seems to scan evertime I move or delete a file ...sometimes it scanns more than once but its usually pretty fast. It would be cool to change the settings to rescan only when you specify or something.
i have just over 7 gig of music on my sd card, scan after reboot lasts less than a min.
<edit> it is a class 6 card, so that might help with the speed etc...
I was messing around in /system and looked at one of the .conf files. There's a line in there for media with a value of "on". I'm sure if you edit it to "off" it'll stop scanning but who know what the negative effects would be.
Ya, I never had this media scanning on my G1, on any build. Wonder if it has something to do with the Internal SD and some sort of database it maintains of it. No idea why it wouldn't be simple flash memory though, exactly like an SD card
It's because of the Music player and such.
I'd still say try a reset. I just did and things (besides the GPS which is not going to be fixed by this) like the market and such aren't giving me such long loading screens. I was installing 3-5 apps at a time. Even the Friends feed widget doesn't have the looooooong loading screen anymore.
zimphishmonger said:
My Vibrant CONSTANTLY keep rescanning the media on the SD, and its slowing the phone to a crawl. Ill watch it start, finish, and then start again 30 seconds later (or so). Anyone else have this, and if so, did you find a solution?
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I have this same problem. Typically it will kick into the media scanning mode when opening Google Maps. The phone becomes unusable for several minutes. The screen will shut off and then comes back on close to a minute after hitting the power button. Sometimes it will display "Safe Mode" in the lower left corner.
yeah, I have an 8 gig card which is basically full and the media scanning I only notice on boot ups. And this takes very little time (20 seconds maybe).
I'm curious if you have a corrupt file or app that is causing the issue man?
Have you moved avatar to your computer, stuck the SD card in your PC and formatted it? I wonder if you put it back in your phone and rebooted if you would still have this issue?
Worse case you just move the folder with avatar back to the card, nothing lost.
Do you mind trying a format?
Someone should try the "Autostarts" app. I would try it, but it requires a rooted phone, and mines not rooted yet. This app may be able to prevent the media scanning...
Thanks for the tips. I have wiped, exchanged phones, wiping the internal and external SD, and attempted to prevent the scan using autostarts (although I didnt find anything specific), all w/o luck. Ive removed ALL my music from my internal SD, only pictures are left.
It seems to scan every few minutes or so, and it almost always causes a restart of the Touchwiz process (w/ a reload of all the widgets) and lags the phone a lot (so much that it doesnt respond to button touches for a minute or so)
Im about ready to dig in and disable this scan unless we can find a legitimate fix or purpose for it.

Does enabling flash content in a web browser force close (with no notice) on

I've noticed this happened with my first phone, with my 2nd refurbed phone, and now my third refurbed phone. It happened whether it was rooted or entirely stock. Happens in both Google's Internet app and with Dolphin HD (primary app).
I set the flash content to "On Demand" and when I see that green arrow, i click on it and it'll just close out the program with no "Force Close or Wait" popup box. It happens randomly, I'll usually have to go back into the app, go to history, go back to the page, and try again. I'll say this happens 20-40% of the time. It's annoying.
I've used the original Flash Player and the newest updated Flash Player installs, and both have the same issue.
I just figured others must be going through this as well, as it's happened to me across all three phones.
yeah, I've had that happen too. Though, definitely wouldn't put it at 40% of the time. I'd say it's more like 10-20%. And it seems to happen when I've got a few tabs open. I think it's related to how much available memory you have. Maybe use watchdog or something to review what apps you have running in the background?
Same here. Used to happen all the time when I was using the modded flash to get hulu. Once I upgraded to the latest version tho it rarely happens now (lost hulu tho).
Maybe try clearing cache or a reboot? Always seems to happen less if I do that. I agree with the above poster, must be a memory issue.
Try reinstalling the flash app, that was happening to me and uninstalling and reinstalling the app seemed to fix it. Though I don't use those that often.
it must be a combination of certain apps i'm using so i'm going to do a nandroid backup then start clean to see when it starts happening.
ive tried the default flash app, and theupgraded one. also i should note i never had htis issue before nov/dec, so i don't know what's going on.

[Q] After updating to EB13, problems with ringtones and alarm

After updating to EB13 (OTA), my phone seems to lose the ability to play ringtones, notifications and alarms sometime during charging. Interface and game sounds still play and a reboot will bring back full functionality.
It's particularly strange because if I temporarily plug the phone in for a brief charge (an hour or so) everything works fine. It manifests only while the phone is charging overnight. It fails to play the wakeup alarm and incoming calls and texts are completely silent, even if you try to play or change them from the settings.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Did you try a hard reset yet? If not try that, if all else fails then I would suggest wiping the phone and loading Froyo either via odin, or from the .exe file from the Samsung site
I played with the phone most of yesterday and I'm still having the same issue. I the stock/deodexed/rooted EB13 and TrulyEpic in addition to the OTA Froyo update that the problem first manifested on. If I charge the phone to 100% battery, media files on the SD card are suddenly unrecognized. Media files that are part of the ROM and on the phone itself still play fine. A reboot or rescan of media solves the problem, but it returns as soon as the battery is fully charged. When I try to play the files through the default media player in those ROMs, it says that the file type is not supported. I've tried both ogg and mp3 files.
The problem started occurring right after my phone received the OTA Froyo update- prior to that, everything had been working fine.
While my alarm and ringtone issues did not seem to be affected by any battery levels, I thought I'd share just in case. After reading reports of success using this method, I backed up the entire SD card contents onto the PC, then formatted the SD card (using the option in the phone's settings), then moved the contents back onto the card. After that everything works great! Except a streaming re-buffer problem, but that's minimal compared to the boatload of issues I was experiencing before doing this. Really saved my bacon because I did not want to have to wipe the phone completely and start from scratch.
Wondering if disabling touchwiz and running with stock froyo would alleviate all the "little glitches" ppl are experiencing with eb13...anybody?
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Just want to make sure-- you haven't manually removed the DRM apks, have you?
decalex said:
Just want to make sure-- you haven't manually removed the DRM apks, have you?
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I didn't change anything at all. The OTA update was when I first started experiencing the problem so I figured I might have had an app that caused the issue. I was waiting for Froyo to root anyway, so I figured I would just flash a new ROM and start fresh. I first flashed the ROM in this thread: (the CWM, EXT4 version). Everything seemed to work fine, except for some issues with GPS that I wasn't too worried about. I didn't install any apps specifically because I wanted to make sure I still didn't have the media problem. It worked fine for a while but sometime after I started charging it, the problem reappeared. I clockwork flashed to the TrulyEpic ROM ( and installed all the extra patches in the 2nd post as well. Problem again reappeared sometime after charging it.
It only happens with audio files as far as I can tell. I haven't tried any video yet, but I have documents on the SD card that I can open fine even while it won't play the MP3s or OGGs. My wallpapers are stored on the SD card and they appear fine. Something happens during the charging process that gimps the ability to play audio but only off the SD card.
I did reformat the SD card before the first post-OTA flash. I'm going to charge the phone from a wall outlet tonight (I've been charging off USB) to see if that makes any difference. If it doesn't, I'll reformat the SD card again and see what happens.
Took a video this morning to help illustrate the problem:
After my last post in this thread, I went back to DI18 to see if my problems would reappear. They did not, so it's almost certain that it isn't my phone. Yesterday I flashed to Syndicate and this morning I woke to a ton of missed notifications again. I check and sure enough, it won't play A/V media from the SD card again. Curiously though, while an MP3 and AVI would not play, an OGG file did play. Images and documents opened and saved fine again.
I'd really like to get this figured out. What other logs or information can I provide that would be useful to debug this issue?
ZephyrFox said:
After updating to EB13 (OTA), my phone seems to lose the ability to play ringtones, notifications and alarms sometime during charging. Interface and game sounds still play and a reboot will bring back full functionality.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
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I don't know if you have already found the reason for this, but you don't need to reboot to fix this. All you need is to Unmount and Mount the SD card.

Sound Drop Outs While Tablet is "Off."

Hi Folks:
Is anyone else having this problem?
New Info as of 16 July. Sound Still Skipping
Unfortunately, I'm still having sound file skips when the tablet is off.
I did some more Google research on this, and I found several instances with regard to phones having sound problems with skipping and popping sounds while playing. Nearly all of those seemed to be related to either headphone issues or the Bluetooth xceiver.
I originally though this problem was specific to Overdrive Media console, but it has also turned up in the Music app. I also installed a couple of other music/sound apps to see if it may be app specific, but all of them had the same consistent behavior of the sound file...pausing at random intervals....and then continuing after a few seconds when the screen...was turned off. The skips DO NOT happen when the screen is on.
Going through Erica Rene's thoughts I went into the Running Applications Manager and turned off several services I wasn't using, including Neo Player, 3d Gallery, Skype, and even Music. I initially thought that worked, but I was wrong. Same behavior.
This morning I did a factory reset. No change in behavior.
Since I just started using the tablet for audio books and podcasts I honestly don't know if this problem was there in 3.0. When I did the factory reset I thought the tablet might go back to 3.0, but I was wrong. I am still on build Acer_A500_4.010.08_COM_GEN2 after the factory reset.
There seems to be nothing wrong with my hardware that I can see. These skips happen with the headphones in or out. The only thing that triggers it is turning off the screen.
Insofar as software is concerned, I've not done anything more except rooting the tablet (which survived the factory reset process, which did surprise me! ). Beyond putting in another ROM - which, unless I can get some specific thoughts that it will fix the problem, given my experience level I'm a bit leery of doing - I can't see how software would fix it now.
Is anyone else seeing this???
I've searched Google and here on XDA for this and not found anything, so I'm hoping that someone can say something.
When I play a sound file on my A500, and then turn it off, the sound continuing to play is a very iffy thing. This works on my Nexus One phone, so I assumed it would work here. On my phone I start a sound file running (music, podcast, audio from an audio book or Google reader) and then I turn the phone "off" to conserve the battery, of course. The sound continues to play.
When I do the same thing on the A500 it is very rare that the sound continues to play. Sometimes it will stop as soon as I turn the tablet off, sometimes it will continue for several seconds and then stop, sometimes it will continue for several seconds and then pause for a couple of seconds and continue in this loop for the life of the file.
I originally thought that this was a specific issue with the audio books in the Overdrive Media Console program, but I've now encountered it with Google Reader and playing things through either Music or Rockplayer Lite.
Has anyone seen this yourself, or does anyone have any thoughts? Details on the tablet are below:
OS: AndroidOS 3.1
Build: Acer_A500_4.010.08_COM_GEN2
Could be some of the apps not playing fair.
Do you have a task killer or any add on management app.they can cause this
Also in settings sounds.there is a check button to control this.
Also do not hit the back button on the apt this will kill it
I had Google music going off when I would hot the power buttonbtobturn off display and it was ina task killer ibaccidently installed something I had on USB drive for my had a setting to close all apps on display off or sleep.
Thank you for your reply. Oddly enough, something along those lines may be it.
I've not modified my tablet much beyond rooting it. I've not uninstalled applications and don't have a custom ROM.
You mentioned that something might not be playing fair. I have no add on management application, nor any task killer I'm aware of. The Applications area of Settings has been doing what I need in that department fine for me. So I went in and looked at what services were running, and specifically turned off the services and programs I know I was not using: Skype, NemoPlayer, PhotoBrowser, Acer Sync. I then tried a sound file, turned off the tablet and it did continue to play steadily.
Now I guess I just have to figure out which program is the culprit, but it seems evident that one of them is.
Along those lines, perhaps you can answer something else for me: Those programs I mentioned above basically started running services on bootup. How do I stop that? I don't use NemoPlayer, for example, and so have no reason to have any service from it starting. I took a look at the Settings->Applications area and don't seem to see anything there that indicates what gets started upon bootup.
Doc Kinne
I use titanium backup. It has a option to not only backup. But can freeze apps.Im not sure but you might need to have root for this feature.there are other apps on market to freeze them maybe someone can help by telling the app they use.just do not remove any apps Acer put on your tab.
You can get root easky look in Dev area
Put some new information in teh original post.
My sound also cuts out when tablet goes to lock mode. I thought it was certain apps. Removed everything as far as widgets anything running in backround on home screen but I still have the same issue its random. Tried a clean wipe/install basic apps root explorer and still had it happen. I thought it might be a audio codec problem. In Honeycomb 3.0 I was able to play AVIs with AC3 in mobo and nemo player now I cant in 3.1.
HC 3.1
Acer 4.010.02 Gen1
i have the probleme too with the sound when it goes to sleep when i stream webradio !
Just a thought, along similar lines when my screen is off sound will cut out after about 15 to 20 mins. I think for you as others have said you have something else that is causing the problem. For me I think it's just a system timer. Don't know how to fix it.
i have experienced a similar thing with some Roms I've tried and with them it was the built in overclocker that was the culprit. I had to change the profile in the overclocker to enable the playback while the screen was off. Same goes for overclocking apps such as setcpu.
I'm experiencing a skip with my email notification. I recorded a short notice (similar to you got mail) & it does a 5 second pause 1/2 way through. Didn't do it prior to 3.1
