[Q] wap settings (Loop/BPL mobile ) for HTC Wildfire - Wildfire General

pls help me with wap settings (Loop/BPL mobile ) for HTC Wildfire(android).
although wap works on my nokia, doesnt do so in wildfire.
when contacted tech support-BPL/Loop,the said that 'Loop wap' is incompatible with wildfire. must choose a gprs plan(read- a more costlier plan).
after reading other posts, found tech support is poor for windows/android.
pls advise.

deepesh_a said:
pls help me with wap settings (Loop/BPL mobile ) for HTC Wildfire(android).
although wap works on my nokia, doesnt do so in wildfire.
when contacted tech support-BPL/Loop,the said that 'Loop wap' is incompatible with wildfire. must choose a gprs plan(read- a more costlier plan).
after reading other posts, found tech support is poor for windows/android.
pls advise.
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go to connection wizard (start > settings > connection > Connections )
1.click add new modem connection
name for connection : n e thing u like
select a modem : Cellular Line(GPRS).
click next
Access point name : mizone
click next
username : ur loop number
password : leave it blank (or ur loop number)
domain : leave it blank
click FINISH
2.Click "Edit My Proxy Server"
under proxy settings TAB....
check both the boxes...
and under proxy server box add :
and click advanced button
under all four protocols HTTP , WAP , Secure WAP,Socks add following ip address with port no.
IP address :
port no : 9401
click ok n u done......
now click on Manage existing connection
ur newly created connection will be there....
click and hold connection name...context menu will appear....click on connect
if it disconnects.....try few more times...it will get connected


need help to configure xda II gprs wap (smart ph)

Help! My new xda II is driving me crazy, its been over a week of sleepless nights trying to set my gprs mms wap with smart communications phil. I wrote smart and xda but they have not replied. On my old xda i smart was included in the auto configuration menu, on the xda II smart is not. I have tried copying settings on the old xda to the xda II however it still doesnt work. Some times i could get connected but could not send or recieve data. Please help. Thank You in advance.
Hello fellow Phil.
You have to drop by a Smart Center (the business center) and ask for their configurations, or a copy of it, or borrow it then xerox it (its a thick set of papers that contain the MMS and GPRS configurations for all their phones). They're always too busy to write you back, so you better be prepared to spend around 20 or more minutes at that place trying to configure it. Its a pain, but if you're dependent on it, its well worth it.
While you're there, you should inquire about their wifi program as well. You might think about getting a wifi card, and you wouldn't want to go back to configure it again.
Ingats bro, and enjoy.
Thank you very much for your reply King, however I have been to our local wireless center and they said they cant help me, they said they only support after sales services. Anyway ill try the other bigger wireless center. So you think smart will have wi fi already? that would be cool.
Thanks again King
Here's what I have for my XDA2 MMS settings. Im on Globe contract and my MMS is working perfectly. I included the settings for Smart, it should work but I could not verify it coz I don't have a smart sim.
Globe/Smart Philippines MMS settings for XDA2
1 Under My Work Network, select (Add a new modem connection)
2 Enter a name for your connection, I used (MMS)
3 From the Select a modem drop down choose Cellular Line (GPRS)
4 Tap Next
5 In the text box labeled (Access point name) type in mms.globe.com.ph (SMART1 for Smart)
6 Tap Next
7 Leave the User name, Password, and Domain fields blank
8 Tap Finish
9 Tap the Proxy Settings tab
10 Place a check in both boxes
11 Leave (Proxy server) blank
12 Tap Advanced
13 Leave HTTP and Socks Server fields blank.
14 Enter for your WAP server. Port # is 9201 (globe)
Enter for your WAP server. Port # is 9201 (smart)
15 Enter for your Secure WAP server. Port# is 9201 (globe)
Enter for your Secure WAP server. Port # is 9201 (smart)
16 Tap OK twice
Now go to your MMS program and set it up, create a new
for Globe
Server Name: Globe
Server Address:
for Smart
Server Name :Smart
Gateway :
Server Address :
On the preferences tab (mms composer)
connect via : work
connect to server : Globe or Smart
I used mylynch01 guide for this.
Help XDA2 settings- GPRS-MMS- Suncellular (PH)
I have been unable to configure the GPRS and MMS settings for my XDA2 under Suncellular (Digitel PH). Please help.
smart mms settings
finally, after searching for the manual configuration of smart mms. found d answer in this 2003 thread. whew. thanks. it works.
i am now searching for smart gprs manual settings so that i could browse websites and access msn messenger on the road.
you wouldnt happen to also have the step by step manual configuration for xda2, would you?
Just create a new connection under
Connection name: Smart Internet
Modem: Cellular Line (GPRS)
Access point: internet
Click next then Finish. That's it.
Just make sure this is the connection ur phone will use when it attempts to connect to the internet.

Airtel Delhi MMS problem

Hi guys,
Is any wizard user in delhi (India) using airtel as service provider?
The problem i'm facing is that i'm not able to send/recieve MMS messages on my O2 mini s.
I've tried contacting airtel people and they just gave me the settings they have in their book, But after various efforts it's not working.
The GPRS and rest of the things like sms, mail etc are working fine.
Here are the settings they gave me
Server Name : Airtel MMS
Gateway :
Port : 9201
Server Address :
Connect using : GPRS
If anyone is using some other settings or if there is something that i'm missing then please lemme know.
vanny said:
Hi guys,
Is any wizard user in delhi (India) using airtel as service provider?
The problem i'm facing is that i'm not able to send/recieve MMS messages on my O2 mini s.
I've tried contacting airtel people and they just gave me the settings they have in their book, But after various efforts it's not working.
The GPRS and rest of the things like sms, mail etc are working fine.
Here are the settings they gave me
Server Name : Airtel MMS
Gateway :
Port : 9201
Server Address :
Connect using : GPRS
If anyone is using some other settings or if there is something that i'm missing then please lemme know.
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Same problem once upon a time.
But I have found that I was able to sucessfully send an MMS at night. I mean very late night or early morning I should say. When I asked the helpdesk, they told me that I happen to be in a network congested area. But then she was kind enough to give a reset on my profile which took me out of the network for a couple of minutes. When I was latched again, viola !!! no problems !!
Try that.!
By the way, what speeds do you get ? I get an excellent speed in Mumbai on Airtel than on Orange. Orange sucks real bad these days.
Hi araje,
Thanks for the reply. I've tried the resetting thing also but it was of no use.
Anyway I've found out the solution to this problem. Actually the GPRS settings that we use, has got the problem. Here's what i did ...
I created a new GPRS connection with the name MMS ( Cellular line (GPRS)).
gave the access point as airtelmms.com
In the advanced tab use "server assigned IP address", and enable the box "Use Ip header compression".
Now comes the real part...... in the servers tab, use "specific server address" and specify DNS as and press OK.
Now to use the MMS part u go to connection settings, connect using this new connection and u'll be able to send and recieve MMS with out any problems.
For browsing and all use the other (ur normal) GPRS connection.
Though switching between connections is a pain in the a** but as i don't use MMS too much, it's ok for once in a while.
Well, Airtel provides EDGE connection in delhi (that's what my phone indicates me :wink: ), but when i use it to download something on my pc it gives me a speed of 4-5 Kbps. Though it is not good to surf on pc (anyway i use broadband at home and work), but is good enough to work on my wizard.
Also i cannot complain about it coz i get it for 99 bucks a month ... so what else could u expect
Hey Vineet,
Are you able to connect to Airtel Live ?
From the website here are the settings. I have been able to set some stuff but points 8,9,10-14 are tricky. I tried following your settings you used for mms but didnt help. Any idea how to set this ?
1 Connection Name: Airtel Live!
2 Data Bearer: GPRS
3 Access Point Name: airtelfun.com
4 Username: MSISDN e.g. 91982xx xxxxx
5 Prompt Password: No
6 Password: < blank >
7 Homepage: http://live.airtel.in
8 Connection Security: Off
9 Session Mode: Permanent
In case of the WAP 2.0 complaint phones, the following extra settings need to be done:
Under Options > Advanced Settings
10 Phone IP Address: Automatic
11 Primary name server:
12 Second. Name server:
13 Proxy server. address:
14 Proxy port number: 8080
hey what phone are you using??
i've mentioned the settings for wizard (O2 mini s), iguess others will also have similar settings.... try that and let me know...
I am using Qtek9100 with AKU rom.
The new connection I created was exactly on your lines.
vanny said:
I created a new GPRS connection with the name MMS ( Cellular line (GPRS)).
gave the access point as airtelmms.com
In the advanced tab use "server assigned IP address", and enable the box "Use Ip header compression".
Now comes the real part...... in the servers tab, use "specific server address" and specify DNS as and press OK.
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I set most of the stuff based on the way you created your connection. But how did you specify the port 9201. In my case I put the server ip mentioned in point13 in the DNS entry. But there isnt anyway to enter the port number.
Are you able to use the airtel live website ? Also one thing is that my Airtel mobile office works perfect since I dont have to enter any advance settings. Just the APN, and no userid/password. However, the airtel live website doesnt load with this connection. I use it mainly for laptop.
Thanks for your help in advance
Airtel Karnataka MMS settings
Those of us who have approached Airtel for help in configuring MMS on Windows Mobile devices know that their very competent customer service reps are blissfully unaware of the existence of Windows Mobile OS leave alone its variants like WM 5, WM 6 and 6.1. Ans when they direct one to their 'special GPRS helpdesk' the special GPRS guys haven't heard of anything newer than WM 5 because they attempt to walk one through the WM 5 UI.
Well to avoid calling Airtel, activate the MMS service on your account by sending a text message MMS ACTV to 222. Once the service is active, do not ask for MMS settings to be sent over the air as Windows Mobile doesn't accept OTA settings. Instead key-in the settings yourself:
MMS Settings for the Sony Ericssson X1i (Xperia)
Windows Mobile 6.1
1. Tap Start -> Settings
2. On the Settings screen tap on the Connections tab
3. Tap the Connections icon
4. Tap Manage Existing Connections
5. Tap on New to create a new data account
6. Type-in AirtelMMS or MMS under Enter a name for the connection
7. Choose Celular Line (GPRS, 3G) from the drop-down list under Select a modem
8. Tap Next
9. Type-in airtelmms.com under Acess point name
10. Tap Next
11. Leave the username, password and all other fields blank
12. Tap Finish
If there is more than one data connection configured on the Manage Existing Connections page, please ensure that the radio button beside Auto Pick is selected.
Tap OK to exit and tap OK once again to return to the main settings page.
Tap Start -> Messaging
Tap Menu -> MMS Options
Place a check mark beside the following:
• Save sent messages
• Allow delivery Report
• Allow Read report
Set the Retrieval mode to Auto
Set the Attempts before giving up to 3
Tap on Servers
Tap New
Under Server Name enter AirtelMMS or MMS
The Gateway should be set to
The Port number should be set to 8799
Enter under server address
Under Connect Via, please choose the name of the data account created in step 6 above
Choose 100K as the send limit
And set the WAPVersion to WAP 2.0
Tap Done
Tap OK to return to SMS \ MMS
and bob's your uncle

Using XDA / Hermes on Vodafone GPRS ?

got a problem :
- I took my O2 XDA and inserted my Vodafone Sim card that I used perfectly on a BlackBerry so I was hoping to use the XDA (Hermes) instead on the Vodafone network.
I follow the instructions on a threat here on how to connect to GPRS on Vodafone (create an Internet profile, web/web as Username etc..) but still.. when I open Internet Explorer Mobile it can't connect.
Any hint ?
I can only find iold (2005) threat explaining how to do so I am guessing that Vodafone has changed their connection behaviour now.
Thanks for your help,
try this..
and if all else fails start here;
Hi nicofars,
Give these settings a go, they should work:
(Apologies for the double post...)
Apologies, post made before I'd finished!
Vodafone UK
Internet Settings
Click Start
Click Settings
Click Connections tab
Click Connections
Click Manage Existing Connections under the Internet section
Click New
At "Enter a name for the connection", enter a new name i.e. Vodafone Internet
At "Select a modem", click on the Down Arrow and select Cellular Line (GPRS)
Click Next
At "Access point name", enter as below and click Next:
for Contract: internet
for PayT: pp.vodafone.co.uk
At "User name", enter web
At "Password", enter web
Click Finish
WAP Settings (for MMS if supported)
Click Start
Click Settings
Click Connections tab
Click Connections
Click Add a new Modem connection
Click New
At Enter a name for the connection enter a new name i.e. Vodafone GPRS
At Select a modem click on the down arrow and select Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Click Next
At Access point name enter
for Contract: wap.vodafone.co.uk
for PayT: pp.vodafone.co.uk
Click Next
At User name enter web
At Password enter web
Click Advanced
Click the circle next to Use specific IP address and enter
Click OK (top right hand corner)
Click Finish
MMS Settings
Click Start
Click Settings
Click on the Connections tab and choose Connections
Choose Advanced and then Select Networks
Click on New under My ISP
Enter the name "Vodafone MMS" for these settings
Click on Modem and then click on New
Enter the name "Vodafone MMS" for the connection and select Cellular Line (GPRS,3G) for the modem type.
Click Next
Enter wap.vodafone.co.uk as the apn for contract or pp.vodafone.co.uk for Pay As You Talk then click Next
Enter wap as the username and password then click Advanced
Enter as the IP address and click OK
Click Finish
I am glad to say that it worked.
Strangely enough it would not work until I actually create 2 ISP Profile :
one for Internet (internet)
one for GPRS (wap.vodafone.co.uk)
very strange, but I will keep it this way now that it works.
thanks guys, always fast as ever to fix people's problem.
and the good news is : I am back with XDA after a few months of Blackberry, feels good !
what about Vodafone AUS ?
Does anyone have the settings for Vodafone Australia ?
Try here:
markafreeman said:
Try here:
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unless im blind i couldnt see anything for voda australia

re:WAP Settings for LoopMobile

re:WAP Settings for LoopMobile
Hi Guyz I have an htc Touch P3450 and I want to connect the Internet through Loop Mobile WAP Services becoz Its free My friends r Having Nokia .Motorola ...etc & they r using these Services I desperately need some settings to Access this Service Plz Hlp me.And does Windows Mobile Support Wap
There is still wap support I guess, but technology moves and they called it GPRS.
General Packet Radio Service..
Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Connection Setup to config.
If there is anything others still wrong, please call your operator.
cephais3591 said:
Hi Guyz I have an htc Touch P3450 and I want to connect the Internet through Loop Mobile WAP Services becoz Its free My friends r Having Nokia .Motorola ...etc & they r using these Services I desperately need some settings to Access this Service Plz Hlp me.And does Windows Mobile Support Wap
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loop mobile guys will tell u tht d windows mobile doesnt support wap ... thy dont knw n e thing
yes it did support wap
go to connection wizard (start > settings > connection > Connections )
1.click add new modem connection
name for connection : n e thing u like
select a modem : Cellular Line(GPRS).
click next
Access point name : mizone
click next
username : ur loop number
password : leave it blank (or ur loop number)
domain : leave it blank
click FINISH
2.Click "Edit My Proxy Server"
under proxy settings TAB....
check both the boxes...
and under proxy server box add :
and click advanced button
under all four protocols HTTP , WAP , Secure WAP,Socks add following ip address with port no.
IP address :
port no : 9401
click ok n u done......
now click on Manage existing connection
ur newly created connection will be there....
click and hold connection name...context menu will appear....click on connect
if it disconnects.....try few more times...it will get connected
and u can directly use opera mini ....(but for first time i will recommend above method...but after that u can directly start opera and it will use ur connection to connect to internet)
Wap settings Worked
ur Gr8 man u help me save a lot of money thnx alot buddy.
i have saved this page will try it after this month.already paid for this month.wat to do.have to wait till dec 7th
ty brother ....

MTNL - India, Gprs problem with settings

I am trying to connect my HTC WM6.5 based phone to internet via gprs. I have a MTNL connection in Delhi. I have installed these settings.
Following Settings are under Modem settings. :
Connection name : MTNL GPRS
Access Point Name : gprsmtnldel
And Following settings under proxy -> wap proxy settings
Wap Server :
Port : 9201
Username : mtnl
Password : mtnl123
But cannot connect to the net. The phone tries for a while then shows "Could not connect due to unknown reasom"
Than I check for settings again, the password I entered had automatically changed to a 12 letter word.
Please help me configuring windows mobile.
try removing the proxy settings.
only use > manage existing connections > name should be mtnl
modem type cellular line
Access Pint name as per your service
username & password
that should help
go to coonection -->gprs authantication-->select mtnl connection name
and select authantication type as PAP
I'll tell you by tomorrow, I had it working successfully before my last hard reset.
Start-settings-connections-my isp-Select name-below select cellular gprs-apn...-username password - click finish then go to edit my proxy check boxes & click advanced tab enter ip in http & port number 8080 then wap enter ip port number as 9201 then click ok thats it Enjoy
Dear Ankush........were you able to get any settings? As I am still unable to .. and i have tried as other people have mentioned but nothing is of use ... Pls help if you have finally overcome this problem.
ankush1492 said:
I am trying to connect my HTC WM6.5 based phone to internet via gprs. I have a MTNL connection in Delhi. I have installed these settings.
Following Settings are under Modem settings. :
Connection name : MTNL GPRS
Access Point Name : gprsmtnldel
And Following settings under proxy -> wap proxy settings
Wap Server :
Port : 9201
Username : mtnl
Password : mtnl123
But cannot connect to the net. The phone tries for a while then shows "Could not connect due to unknown reasom"
Than I check for settings again, the password I entered had automatically changed to a 12 letter word.
Please help me configuring windows mobile.
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still same even converted my number to 3g.....still my password converts into 12 letter string....wtf
y ont u let the fone do an automatic configuration?
i have a htc touch pro2 (wm 6.5) it sonfigures my airtel gprs automatically, & i even have an idea sim, so whn i remove my airtel n put idea in it,even tht it configures automatically,
by the way it wuld be better if mr ankush tell which wm device he uses & which rom he has installed
Hi Ankush,
Send me your mobile number and your Phone model number and I will send you the MTNL settings over the internet like the MTNL service centre would do. Send me this info in PM.
mtnl mumbai 3G
hi guys
am in mumbai.. using mtnl 3G(prepaid) perfectly on my Touch HD.(energy rom)
the settings r simple.
here is the process.
1. go in settings/connections/connections (custom rom so some shortcuts might be different)
2. advanced tab.
select networks
both boxes select MTNL GPRS. if it doesnt show that in drop box then we first make those settings then u select. ok ok and out..
3. tasks tab
should show u MTNL GPRS.(if step 2 worked)
manage existing connections
general tab - name - MTNL GPRS
modem tab - MTNL GPRS -
modem - cellular line(GPRS, 3G)
access point name
gprsppsmum ----- this is for prepaid
gprsmtnlmum ----- this i guess is for postpaid.
usename - mtnl
password - mtnl123
vpn tab ---- blank
proxy settings tab
tick mark -- this network connects to the internet
dont tick mark -- this network uses a proxy server to connect to the internet
so no proxy settings
soft reset and now try using the internet
it works like a charm.
this settings r for mumbai.
for delhi u can try apn as gprsppsdel or gprsmtnldel
hope this helps.
and yes.. MMS STILL DOESNT WORK. have tried all tricks but nothing. connects but after 98% it gives error. customer care is useless.
ankush1492 said:
still same even converted my number to 3g.....still my password converts into 12 letter string....wtf
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dont worry about the password string. its normal
change apn
prepaid gprsppsdel or gprsppsmum
postpaid gprsmtnldel or gprsmtnlmum
no proxy settings.
hope this helps.
MTNL Delhi prepaid GPRS setting works on HD2 like Charm
ruzan said:
hi guys
am in mumbai.. using mtnl 3G(prepaid) perfectly on my Touch HD.(energy rom)
the settings r simple.
here is the process.
1. go in settings/connections/connections (custom rom so some shortcuts might be different)
2. advanced tab.
select networks
both boxes select MTNL GPRS. if it doesnt show that in drop box then we first make those settings then u select. ok ok and out..
3. tasks tab
should show u MTNL GPRS.(if step 2 worked)
manage existing connections
general tab - name - MTNL GPRS
modem tab - MTNL GPRS -
modem - cellular line(GPRS, 3G)
access point name
gprsppsmum ----- this is for prepaid
gprsmtnlmum ----- this i guess is for postpaid.
usename - mtnl
password - mtnl123
vpn tab ---- blank
proxy settings tab
tick mark -- this network connects to the internet
dont tick mark -- this network uses a proxy server to connect to the internet
so no proxy settings
soft reset and now try using the internet
it works like a charm.
this settings r for mumbai.
for delhi u can try apn as gprsppsdel or gprsmtnldel
hope this helps.
and yes.. MMS STILL DOESNT WORK. have tried all tricks but nothing. connects but after 98% it gives error. customer care is useless.
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Finally, my toiling ends with this setting given above. Thanks you so much!!! I have been trying one setting after another but it never works until I stumbled upon this thread and tried on
for Delhi prepaid user (trump), for apn, enter gprsppsdel
The rest follow the instruction given by this charming person!
Excelllent!!!!!!!!!!!!and great!!!!!!!!!!!
mkamodang said:
Finally, my toiling ends with this setting given above. Thanks you so much!!! I have been trying one setting after another but it never works until I stumbled upon this thread and tried on
for Delhi prepaid user (trump), for apn, enter gprsppsdel
The rest follow the instruction given by this charming person!
Excelllent!!!!!!!!!!!!and great!!!!!!!!!!!
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u welcome...
i went mad myself when i first started out with mtnl. cust care sucks big time..
when saw that people were searching for settings and since mine was working perfectly..
posted it.
ruzan said:
hi guys
am in mumbai.. using mtnl 3G(prepaid) perfectly on my Touch HD.(energy rom)
the settings r simple.
here is the process.
1. go in settings/connections/connections (custom rom so some shortcuts might be different)
2. advanced tab.
select networks
both boxes select MTNL GPRS. if it doesnt show that in drop box then we first make those settings then u select. ok ok and out..
3. tasks tab
should show u MTNL GPRS.(if step 2 worked)
manage existing connections
general tab - name - MTNL GPRS
modem tab - MTNL GPRS -
modem - cellular line(GPRS, 3G)
access point name
gprsppsmum ----- this is for prepaid
gprsmtnlmum ----- this i guess is for postpaid.
usename - mtnl
password - mtnl123
vpn tab ---- blank
proxy settings tab
tick mark -- this network connects to the internet
dont tick mark -- this network uses a proxy server to connect to the internet
so no proxy settings
soft reset and now try using the internet
it works like a charm.
this settings r for mumbai.
for delhi u can try apn as gprsppsdel or gprsmtnldel
hope this helps.
and yes.. MMS STILL DOESNT WORK. have tried all tricks but nothing. connects but after 98% it gives error. customer care is useless.
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Hi, Thanks alot for the setting you provided! I did the setting for delhi mtnl prepaid and it works like a charm I followed exactly as you mentioned and changed mum to del and used (gprsppsdel) not (gprsmtnldel)..
But there is no 3G connectivity. In the cellular network (on my HTC HD2), I could find only MTNL GPRS (there is no option to choose 3g). Anyways, I am atleast happy with the gprs connectivity as I can update my mail box and weather report. Thanks alot....
Hi Ruzan, you should make your setting available outside this forum (I dont know how...) but I see lots of people desperately looking for it....Day before yesterday I changed flashed my rom, and I google search for two days, and finally I stumbled upon your setting today and to my surprise, it was your post that help me earlier too...Thanks again
mkamodang said:
Hi, Thanks alot for the setting you provided! I did the setting for delhi mtnl prepaid and it works like a charm I followed exactly as you mentioned and changed mum to del and used (gprsppsdel) not (gprsmtnldel)..
But there is no 3G connectivity. In the cellular network (on my HTC HD2), I could find only MTNL GPRS (there is no option to choose 3g). Anyways, I am atleast happy with the gprs connectivity as I can update my mail box and weather report. Thanks alot....
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U welcome.
which Rom did u flash? on Energy's Rom to select 3G, go to comm manager/3G or network and select WCDMA. thats 3G network. if u r getting H or 3G on task bar u r connected to 3G network.
ALL MTNL APN are changed to mtnl.net
That means post paid and prepaid or Mumbai or Delhi has one APN that is mtnl.net
---------- Post added at 10:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 AM ----------
ALL MTNL APN are changed to mtnl.net
That means post paid and prepaid or Mumbai or Delhi has one APN that is mtnl.net
