[Q]Wifi Problem with NO-Sense builds (Android) - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hi guys, I'm new to HD2, I'm an Android user and obviously I've installed NAND android in my HD2!
Now a question, I've searched a lot without having responses:
Why if I use a SENSE rom, ALL works fine, BUT if I use a NON.Sense Rom, wifi will not work???
The problem is that is connects (says connected) BUT do not have data....if I open for example the browser it says he want data connection, also sometimes it starts downloading the page and freezes data at the just beginning...
tried 3 different radios until now...
Really dunno what to do!
Can anyone help me???

It appears quite a few of us are having this same problem. I've been dealing with this for months. I finally just gave up and stopped thinking about wifi.

is it possible that many users have a problem like that an there is no explanation about it?

mattfmartin said:
It appears quite a few of us are having this same problem. I've been dealing with this for months. I finally just gave up and stopped thinking about wifi.
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I also have the same issue. I see that I do have an IP, gwy, dns, etc, etc.... but still not working. I'm using MDJ 2.1, but for me, it is not working on any NAND build =(

could it be RadioROM related??
I dunno, I've tested,, 2.08.50
and in all of them, I have this iussue...
the strange thing is that works on sense build and not in non-sense builds... this does not have any sense!! lol!
And I talk having tested at least 8 roms with 3 different kernel each...with ppp and rmnet...

89luca89 said:
could it be RadioROM related??
I dunno, I've tested,, 2.08.50
and in all of them, I have this iussue...
the strange thing is that works on sense build and not in non-sense builds... this does not have any sense!! lol!
And I talk having tested at least 8 roms with 3 different kernel each...with ppp and rmnet...
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In what NAND sense build you had it working?

every sense I've tried:
Frankinstine Droid v1.0
-=MDJ Revolution HD v.2.2=-
Raidroid HD Sense v1.1
and the one I'm building from a desire one...
all work smooth and without problems...with MDJ kernel or Prj one...

It has nothing to do with nand. I have the same issue. Even rajko and roniez could not solve it. I solved it myself...by changing of router !
Try with another AP, and it should work.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

Beretta93 said:
It has nothing to do with nand. I have the same issue. Even rajko and roniez could not solve it. I solved it myself...by changing of router !
Try with another AP, and it should work.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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In my case I have tried different routers and is not the problem. I connect at home and the office, all without success.
Well, it's working today after I tried something, but I have had it working for only half hour or so:
Change the wifi channel to 11
I'm using the latest mdeejay build with wpa2 authentication.

Your issue is different than us. Your channel problem would give you ping problem between your phone and AP. Here, I have a perfect ping to router, but crappy ping to any web adress. It means that it's a routing issue from my specific router wan access to my phone. That's why switching router works...
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

Beretta93 said:
Your issue is different than us. Your channel problem would give you ping problem between your phone and AP. Here, I have a perfect ping to router, but crappy ping to any web adress. It means that it's a routing issue from my specific router wan access to my phone. That's why switching router works...
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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Nope, actually, the behavior is the same for me, I have perfect pings to the router, but unable to ping the outside. As I said, I switched channels and the issue went away... for a couple of minutes. Now it is back. I'm trying with more than one AP, as I'm a network engineer I have access to several ones, and the problem is visible in all of them.

I've tried to use static ip,to not sleep, set router and phone to th same channels, but SOMETIMES it uses data...
mostly the strange thing is that it loads (some) mobile pages, but NEVER a desktop like page...
even the market does not connect...
on Sense it is PERFECT...
does this make any sense? What differs the wifi in sense and non-sense roms??
its kinda weird that I am stuck to only sese builds If I want to use a wifi network...

up :-(
no one have a response? :-(

89luca89 said:
up :-(
no one have a response? :-(
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Nope, not at all. Personally, I have switched to another router again, and it works flawless. So my phone is just unable to connect to my ISP's stock modem/routeur, but only it (for now).

up.... :-(
still no possible any connection with routers with non-sense builds...

Just wondering, what is your WIFI MAC ADDRESS on your phone? you can check that out in
Settings -> About Phone -> Status
Settings -> About Phone -> Hardware
Make sure you turn on the WIFI first before checking.
If your MAC is 00:00:00:00:00:00
You know where your problem is.
Newer Kernels such as MDJ's 10.x generates a MAC address based on your IMEI I think, therefore the MAC Address is always the same. However older Kernels do not, and they leave the MAC Address as 00:00:00:00:00:00 which cannot be used by certain routers.

HI thx for the reply
I always use MDJ kenrels or the prj one! So the mac is like 00:90:4c24:84:EC
It's always the same for sense and non sense ones...

seems a strange behaviour:
It says connected (on the phone), I obtain ip adress from router, mac adress is "normal", but on router says "NOT CONNECTED" (even if on the phone I'm connected....)
Would it be a router problem or a phone problem?
The strange is that with same MAC and same IP, on Sense IT WORKS!!

Install terminal emulator, then do
getprop net.dns1
getprop net.dns2
or if you have adb.exe and you know how to use it, do:
adb devices
adb shell
getprop net.dns1
getprop net.dns2
Then tell me what you get.

Hi, thx for the reply
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Windows\System32>adb shell
* daemon not running. starting it now *
* daemon started successfully *
# getprop net.dns1
#getprop net.dns2
This is the output from adb....
first one is the ip of my router (on wich I result disconnected...)
I've tried so many times to task29, reflash HSPL, reflash Magrld, android, recovery...boot android from sd...
even from sd, If I use a sense build is ok, if is NOT-sense, it won't work..
I'm so confused
just for comparing, on my Milestone, wifi works flawlessy, and the output is:


[Solved] Android and WiFi

I've tried several builds:
Darkstone Froyo
DarkStone FroyoStone
mattc Froyo with Sense
mattc Froyo without Sense
mccm v1.7
WiFi just does not work at home. It'll connect, but I can't actually browse anything. It comes back immediately as a "page not found" error. Today I took my phone around town specifically to test WiFi on other networks. It worked perfectly on two open networks. There were no issues at all. It works at my office as well.
My network at home is wired as:
Internet --> DLink Gamer Lounge (wired router with special features) --> Linksys WRT54G wireless router
The DLink has DNS and DHCP services. The Linksys has none and is assigned a static IP.
My network at work is wired as:
Internet --> DLink Gamer Lounge --> everything else including a Linksys WRT54G setup just like at home
There is a Windows Server setup to take care of DNS and DHCP. The Linksys has same setup as at home.
At home, I disconnected the DLink, enabled DHCP on the Linksys, then my Android phone worked on wifi just fine.
I reconnected wired router and reset all settings. Android wifi doesn't work anymore.
I don't think my wired router is incompatible. I'm wondering if the wireless router not being the DHCP agent has anything to do it. Other wireless devices connect fine like this. My phone in WinMo connects fine. My friends' iPhones connect fine. My friends' native Android phones connect fine. Every wireless device (except HD2 Android) connects to the network and works just fine.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Is there a route tracing program for Android? Or something that will show me all the IP information (including DNS)?
DarkStone1337 said:
Because you have no DHCP on your wireless router, your IP address and DNS server and default gateway settings aren't being set by Android. No idea why. You'll need to do this manually in Android by pressing the windows button in the wifi network settings and setting the right values from there.
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I just used an app to check IP settings. IP address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS, and everything are being set properly (there is a DHCP server on network, just not on WiFi router). I tried to setup a static IP address and other settings. Whenever I try to connect that way, it gets to "Obtaining IP address" and then fails, cycling through the whole process. Is it possible the code for IP stack (or IP Tables) in these builds of Android are not complete?
Update 2:
DarkStone1337 said:
Not an app, but using ADB logcat is sufficient enough.
If you have adb set up then follow this: https://sites.google.com/site/androidhowto/how-to-1/save-logcat-to-a-text-file
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Just read about ADB (Android Debug Bridge) briefly. I think this will be a bit out of my league. I'm not that familiar with Android / linux. I'll post in the other thread asking if someone else more skilled can grab one. If not, I'll see about trying to figure it all out this weekend.
Same issue
FreakyFerret said:
I've tried several builds:
Darkstone Froyo
DarkStone FroyoStone
mattc Froyo with Sense
mattc Froyo without Sense
On all of them, WiFi just does not work. It'll connect, but I can't actually browse anything. It comes back immediately as a "page not found" error. Today I took Matt's Froyo with Sense around town specifically to test WiFi on other networks. It worked perfectly on two open networks (Quizno's and McDonald's). There were no issues at all.
My network was wired as
Internet -- Wired router (with special features) -- wireless router
The WiFi router was basically treated like a switch with its DHCP turned off. I disconnected the wired, enabled DHCP on the wireless, then my Android phone worked on wifi just fine.
I reconnected wired router and reset all settings. Android wifi doesn't work anymore.
I don't think my wired router is incompatible. I'm wondering if the wireless router not being the DHCP agent has anything to do it. Other wireless devices connect fine like this. My phone in WinMo connects fine.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Is there a route tracing program for Android? Or something that will show me all the IP information (including DNS)?
Edit: It should be noted other Android phones (that came with Android) do work fine. Just these HD2 builds is the problem.
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I just want you to know I'm in the same situation as you. My router is a Belkin Wireless N router (WPA2 encryption). I get a valid IP address and I can ping the router but no DNS or access past the router. There was an earlier version of an Android build (I think a MattcFroyo) that worked with my wifi set-up. But I need BT headset support and the Darkstone build seems to be the only one that reliably works with my BT devices. (BlueAnt T1 & Motorola EQ7)
Please let me know if you find a solution that works!
Sept 4 Update. The only version that I have found that provides both Wi-fi connectivity and BT head set is the Shubcraft version 1.4 for my router configuration. Version 1.5 doesn't and neither do the latest Mattc and Darkstone builds.
Hell, I can't even get my Wifi working at all. Darkstones V1... Wifi just says "Error". Have the latest zImage, and everything. :/
Shushunmire said:
Hell, I can't even get my Wifi working at all. Darkstones V1... Wifi just says "Error". Have the latest zImage, and everything. :/
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jinhenry, I'll let you know.
Shushunmire, are you using HD2Froyo or FroyoStone (clean or Sense)? Also be sure to post in Darkstone's thread that relates to the build. I know HD2Froyo v2 was giving error for wifi, but his latest update fixes that.
I tried various market apps to do network diags on the phone. All they offered was basic ping. When trying to ping anything on the wifi, it just fails right away. It's like it's not even seeing the network and just saying no network around. I even tried to ping the phone's own local IP and it failed. I tried looking for a traceroute type app, but there was none.
I installed Cirtex app. On cell connection, it pulls up the IP info of the wifi (but cell data works):
Device IP Address:{cell IP}
Interface name:/usb0(usb0)InetAddress:/{Ip of wired router, DHCP server, DNS server}
Interface name:rmnet0(rmnet0)Inetaddress:/25.1.238.x (don't know)
Interface name:lo(lo)InetAddress:/
On wifi connection, it gives error:
Can not get te IP Address for the device. (errors their's)
Interface name:eth0(eth0)InetAddress:/{correct wifi ip}
Interface name:usb0(usb0)InetAddress:/{correct wifi ip}
Interface name:lo(lo)InetAddress:/
If I use a static IP, and set the gateway to the actual network gateway (wired router, DHCP server, DNS server), phone tries to connect until it gets to the "Obtaining IP" stage, then it fails and cycles over. If I set the gateway to the wifi router (which is no more than a wifi access point) it will connect.
To repeat cause I know you have a lot going on: other wifi devices work on this network fine (using static or dynamic ips) including windows laptops, mac laptops, xbox, Wii, iphones, winmo phones (this one even), and even other android phones.
If I set the wifi router as the gateway (plug internet directly into it and turn on DHCP on wifi router), everything works fine. I don't even change its static IP.
Hopefully some of this will help. :/ The more I play around with it, I get the feeling the IP stack is the cause.
I AM HAVING THE SAME PROBLEM!!!! my lil bro got an htc hd2 as well n we got them the same day n when i flashed android on his and mine... his wifi was working while mine was not and i have tryed so many different builds but nothing solves the problem...it searches but at the end it says unable to scan networks....anyone plz help i really need wifi
p.s we both are on....
rom: core cell series
build: hd2 froyo v2.1
his hd2 works perfect while my wifi is not
jinharry said:
I just want you to know I'm in the same situation as you. My router is a Belkin Wireless N router (WPA2 encryption). I get a valid IP address and I can ping the router but no DNS or access past the router. There was an earlier version of an Android build (I think a MattcFroyo) that worked with my wifi set-up. But I need BT headset support and the Darkstone build seems to be the only one that reliably works with my BT devices. (BlueAnt T1 & Motorola EQ7)
Please let me know if you find a solution that works!
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have you tried setting the router to use G only? i had an issue with the newer builds on a d-link 635 that was the same, it woudl work then suddenly woudnt work at all, rebooting the phone didnt help, changing the router to use G only instead of mixed seemed to fix the issue
Here's my issue. On my phone I could connect to wireless fine, my two sons liked Android on the hd2 so much that we picked up 2 more hd2's, that's where the problem started. Any one of the phones can work on wireless just fine... but try and connect any of the others and while they do connect, they don't work. Any of them.
It's almost as if they are seen as the same device or something. Some kind of unique id is missing or something.
Ducter said:
Here's my issue. On my phone I could connect to wireless fine, my two sons liked Android on the hd2 so much that we picked up 2 more hd2's, that's where the problem started. Any one of the phones can work on wireless just fine... but try and connect any of the others and while they do connect, they don't work. Any of them.
It's almost as if they are seen as the same device or something. Some kind of unique id is missing or something.
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are they using the same builds? its possible that the mac address being used is the same and the router sees it as the same device
Richy99 said:
have you tried setting the router to use G only? i had an issue with the newer builds on a d-link 635 that was the same, it woudl work then suddenly woudnt work at all, rebooting the phone didnt help, changing the router to use G only instead of mixed seemed to fix the issue
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Didn't help Thanks for suggestion though.
unless it has changed recently, all HD2-android builds are using the same MAC-address. So this could very well be your problem.
Ducter said:
Here's my issue. On my phone I could connect to wireless fine, my two sons liked Android on the hd2 so much that we picked up 2 more hd2's, that's where the problem started. Any one of the phones can work on wireless just fine... but try and connect any of the others and while they do connect, they don't work. Any of them.
It's almost as if they are seen as the same device or something. Some kind of unique id is missing or something.
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FreakyFerret said:
jinhenry, I'll let you know.
Shushunmire, are you using HD2Froyo or FroyoStone (clean or Sense)? Also be sure to post in Darkstone's thread that relates to the build. I know HD2Froyo v2 was giving error for wifi, but his latest update fixes that.
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I'm using FroyoStone (w/Sense).
And yeah, will do that. I just figured it wasn't working at all until I saw your post.
I use currently mattc 1.5b w/sense and had (have) the same problem with
DHCP is on. I allways got the status "Obtaining IP address" and nothing happen.
I played a little bit with the static IP settings...I set DNS 1 equal the the gateway entry and then wifi works....but only static.
I think this is a router issue...I use Speedport W 502V.
I doubt it's a router problem since all other devices work perfectly.
same issue, please give your attention, developers, thanks.
I've had the exact same problem with my Wi-Fi using several Android builds. Tried static IP and every possible setting I could find and solved it by add the Mac-adress in my router setting. ( and now it works perfectly. I'm now using shubCRAFTv1.3
Hope you can fix your problem this way. Cheers.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I'm having issues with Wifi too. I'm also currently using mattc Leo + Froyo w/Sense 1.5b. My problem isn't that the phone doesn't connect via wifi... it does. The problem is that after it connects the connection seems to go dead/times out after about a minute or two.
For example, after installing the build and running through the setup, i connect to wifi, then sign in with my gmail account. This all works as it should. Then by the time I want to sign in to my facebook/twitter accounts during that same setup sequence, it no longer can connect to the internet. My suspicions of the connection having a "timing out"-like occurrence was then confirmed when I turned off wifi, and switched it back on. Everything would work and sync for about a minute, then it would cut out again (but it would still show a full strength connection via wifi). It's a bit of a strange one.
I used Energy's build before trying this one, and WiFi worked flawlessly. So I'm assuming its not my router, but something up with my device and/or its settings.
Thanks in advance for any tips/help.
snozze said:
I've had the exact same problem with my Wi-Fi using several Android builds. Tried static IP and every possible setting I could find and solved it by add the Mac-adress in my router setting. ( and now it works perfectly. I'm now using shubCRAFTv1.3
Hope you can fix your problem this way. Cheers.
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What do you mean by you added your phone's MAC address to the router? Where exactly in the router? Guessing you mean you set your phone to use a static IP, then set your router's DHCP client to always assign that IP to the phone?
wibblewobbles said:
I'm having issues with Wifi too. I'm also currently using mattc Leo + Froyo w/Sense 1.5b. My problem isn't that the phone doesn't connect via wifi... it does. The problem is that after it connects the connection seems to go dead/times out after about a minute or two.
For example, after installing the build and running through the setup, i connect to wifi, then sign in with my gmail account. This all works as it should. Then by the time I want to sign in to my facebook/twitter accounts during that same setup sequence, it no longer can connect to the internet. My suspicions of the connection having a "timing out"-like occurrence was then confirmed when I turned off wifi, and switched it back on. Everything would work and sync for about a minute, then it would cut out again (but it would still show a full strength connection via wifi). It's a bit of a strange one.
I used Energy's build before trying this one, and WiFi worked flawlessly. So I'm assuming its not my router, but something up with my device and/or its settings.
Thanks in advance for any tips/help.
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sounds like the same issue i had, i had to set my router to use G only rather then mixed g/n to fix the issue
FreakyFerret said:
I've tried several builds:
I don't think my wired router is incompatible. I'm wondering if the wireless router not being the DHCP agent has anything to do it. Other wireless devices connect fine like this. My phone in WinMo connects fine.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Edit: It should be noted other Android phones (that came with Android) do work fine. Just these HD2 builds is the problem.
I just used an app to check IP settings. IP address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS, and everything are being set properly (there is a DHCP server on network, just not on WiFi router). I tried to setup a static IP address and other settings. Whenever I try to connect that way, it gets to "Obtaining IP address" and then fails, cycling through the whole process. Is it possible the code for IP in these builds of Android are not complete?
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I had problems before with a similar setup, and I can tell you that NOT having the DHCP on the router (gateway out) is the issue. You have to remember that "these HD builds" are still in development with WIFI issues still being ironed out.
My advice, try using fixed IP assigning (on wireless router) using the phone's wifi adapter mac address.
Right now your phone is going to the wifi router who will be sending packets to the DHCP server and back to wifi router so that it goes out. Also usually, there tends to be a conflicts because some DHCP clients just assume that the server for DHCP is the gateway too.
or... Check that your DHCP server (if another machine) is doing internet sharing, in case devices try to use its address as a gateway, which will then go out anyway through the wifi router.
The fact you report may be in my oppinion, useful for the devs (eventually), but dont get high hopes for this to be on the immediate to-do list

2 HD2's kicking each other off WiFi.

WiFi works perfectly fine until we are both using it on our hd2's. It seems our phones keep kicking each other off. We don't have this problem while in Windows though. We have different Android versions also. Hers is darkstones and mine is subtract. Don't think that matters though. Must have something to do with the network names or something like that confusing the router. Any ideas?
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carhigh said:
WiFi works perfectly fine until we are both using it on our hd2's. It seems our phones keep kicking each other off. We don't have this problem while in Windows though. We have different Android versions also. Hers is darkstones and mine is subtract. Don't think that matters though. Must have something to do with the network names or something like that confusing the router. Any ideas?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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I think it's because most (all?) the builds have the same MAC address.
if you are using the same builds it will be because of the mac address being the same as mentioned above, if you look it will probalby be something like 11:22:33:44:55 on each hd2
i know the desire hd build uses a different mac address
Most of the Desire/N1 based kernels use the MAC address 00:11:22:33:44:55, so to the router, both of your HD2s will appear to be the same device.
I had this issue, so changed the kernel on my HD2 to hastarin #4.1 which is an Evo-based kernel which uses the device's real MAC address, so they appear correctly as different devices.
CRAP !!!!! is there any way to change one of these? If not, I guess o have to go research what to replace one of them with, which sux
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jamesjf said:
Most of the Desire/N1 based kernels use the MAC address 00:11:22:33:44:55, so to the router, both of your HD2s will appear to be the same device.
I had this issue, so changed the kernel on my HD2 to hastarin #4.1 which is an Evo-based kernel which uses the device's real MAC address, so they appear correctly as different devices.
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ok just installed that on my shubCRAFT 1.5 and it solved the issue with mac address Thanks for the tip
Its a little confusing which will work with what.
Takes a while to pick up service though.
Dam, after reboot wifi error. It was just working, wtf
Ok thats crap. I install the new modules, and wifi works fine, on and off, but after i reboot the phone, wifi error.
Any other way to get different mac on each phone? or atleast one, with everything working normaly as it is now with both builds in use?
OK, i had to install some app and run a script and seems to be all good
jamesjf said:
Most of the Desire/N1 based kernels use the MAC address 00:11:22:33:44:55, so to the router, both of your HD2s will appear to be the same device.
I had this issue, so changed the kernel on my HD2 to hastarin #4.1 which is an Evo-based kernel which uses the device's real MAC address, so they appear correctly as different devices.
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Just tried to put the same setup on the wifes phone with hastarin #5 and both had same mac again. I guess it really doesnt use the real mac address, just a different one than most of the other kernals
Maybe if you assign a static ip adress to each of your phones in your routers address range (in the phones wireless advanced menu) it will stop your router trying to assign an address. Also your router may have an option to turn off mac adress filtering.
LondonTownGuy said:
Maybe if you assign a static ip adress to each of your phones in your routers address range (in the phones wireless advanced menu) it will stop your router trying to assign an address. Also your router may have an option to turn off mac adress filtering.
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ip address is different from a mac address, he will still have a problem connecting both hd2s. and that's not how mac address filtering works. will still have a conflict
Is there a fix for this yet? Does any Android build read the wifi MAC address correclty from the HD2?
The only fix so far is run different kernels. That's what I've been doing.
wineds said:
Is there a fix for this yet? Does any Android build read the wifi MAC address correclty from the HD2?
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Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
wineds said:
Is there a fix for this yet? Does any Android build read the wifi MAC address correclty from the HD2?
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See this post if you want 2 of the same kernels with 2 different mac address. They are hard coded in, but its the best solution for now, for running 2 of the same sets on the same kernels.
Thanks to member wayubi for his help with this, and a partial solution

wifi wont work

ive tried 3 builds today. all of them are sense builds and none of them will work with wifi. it turns on it finds my network but wont connect.
ive never had a problem before on any builds.
thought it might have been my router but i tried with my moms incredible it was fine.
any ideas?
well i looked it up and apparently other people have had issues with the actual evo 4g and some routers.
can anyone guide me through setting up a fios router for a static ip so i can make this work.
i thought i had it setup right but i guess not
ok hopefully someone may read.
i setup a static ip on the phone. it will connect to the network now but i dont actually get any data... it says connected but i cant do anything web related. do i have to do anything on the router?
1-Tried a non-sense build before ? if then did the data work ?
2- whats your WinMo Rom ?
3- Do you copy your DATA.img or just create a new one when trying different builds ?
every build before has worked. its only evo roms that dont.
and each time ive let it build its own data.img
son of a... trying a sense build now that isnt evo. and i can get it to connect with a static ip. but still no actual internet. just connected to the router
so i plugged another router into the crappy fios modem/router and i have that network up and i can connect to it without a static ip.
BUT i cant get that router to actually get internet from fios either...
so obviously its fios fault can anyone help fix that
lbhocky19 said:
every build before has worked. its only evo roms that dont.
and each time ive let it build its own data.img
son of a... trying a sense build now that isnt evo. and i can get it to connect with a static ip. but still no actual internet. just connected to the router
so i plugged another router into the crappy fios modem/router and i have that network up and i can connect to it without a static ip.
BUT i cant get that router to actually get internet from fios either...
so obviously its fios fault can anyone help fix that
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You can look if your access point is giving dns adresses to your phone. Without dsn adresses you can connect but the translation from url to ipadresses wont work.
how do i check?
right now it says its connected to my network. i setup the static ip.
but in the fios router it doesnt show it as being connected. it shows 2 laptops in the house connected and my desktop so why not my phone?
Have you checked for mac-adress filtering in your router? Some of the builds give the device a different mac adress. Your router may be blocking unknown mac adresses.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
**** sake. ive gone back to a nexus build and now this wont connect. something got screwed up royally. but i flashed a new winmo rom. new radio and tried all these different builds. how can a problem be still there?
once again im connected to the network but i get no data,
on fios i dont see my phone listed in the networked devices.
i checked mac filtering and its allowing any
i have that situation.
but i still have the 2nd router which i dont know why its not getting internet from the fios router but the network itself works
Maybe your router will only let see device who got a dhcp adres from your router. because you use a static ipadres maybe it will wont appear.
henv said:
Maybe your router will only let see device who got a dhcp adres from your router. because you use a static ipadres maybe it will wont appear.
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i never had to use static before.
i dont get why all of a sudden i cant just connect normally to it especially since my moms incredible connects without a problem
lbhocky19 said:
i never had to use static before.
i dont get why all of a sudden i cant just connect normally to it especially since my moms incredible connects without a problem
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It is strange. Is your dhcp range big enough? Maybe expand this. Did you get a ip in the range of your other devices? DNS adresses (if necesary) you can get by about from your internet provider.
did you reboot router?
im officially about to go insane.
now in winmo it will connect to my wifi but it also doesnt really have a connection.
could this somehow be hardware?
i dont see how since it finds the network and have to put the pw in to connect..
ok thanks to everyone who suggested stuff.
i have no idea what just happened but after i tested my touch pro and saw that it connected. i just once again deleted the network on my hd2 and put it back in and it works without needing static ip.
i just wasted half a day and still dont know what the issue was...
but now im afraid to change builds again
Maybe a hiccup. Still was a strange issue. Happy for you it work now. I understand you're afraid to change build now. But what is life without taking risks
Sent from HD2
henv said:
Maybe a hiccup. Still was a strange issue. Happy for you it work now. I understand you're afraid to change build now. But what is life without taking risks
Sent from HD2
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haha i already broke down and gave it a shot and alls good, im just staying away from anything with evo in the name for now
lbhocky19 said:
haha i already broke down and gave it a shot and alls good, im just staying away from anything with evo in the name for now
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Nice. Could it be that the problem was with ppp and you're now on rmnet
Sent from HD2
henv said:
Nice. Could it be that the problem was with ppp and you're now on rmnet
Sent from HD2
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doubt it, ive used both before

Wifi - getting address, no connection at the end

Hi, in case this has been already solved I apologize in advance, however I searched all the post on this and could't find real solution to my problem and from what I have read I am not alone...
The think is that if I install any build of Androud to my Leo everything works perfect except the WiFi connection - after enabling WiFi and pointing it to my router it recognizes it, accepts the password (WPA-PSK protection) and then after some time of getting IP it never connects and it goes on and on.
I tried every single thing I have found all around this forum and many others, unfortunatelly nothing could make it work (forcing static IP, opening the network without protection, changing networks SSID, leaving WiFi on and restarting, etc.)
It is really pitty as I really like the way Androind moves on HD2, but as I use the Wifi a lot to unload a bit my data plan I cannot stick with it at the moment. So, is there any real solution to this problem?
Thank you in advance.
I have the same problem. But the connection is fine when I was under Winmo.
The only time I've experienced a similar issue was when I upgraded to a new kernel, without pushing the new modules. What builds and kernel are you using?
Try updating your builds or just modifying the mac adresses
I already have this issue when upgrading or changing build. I resolved the problem with Airplane Mode. switch on/switch off. Let us know the result. ^^
I was having the same problem. It wouldnt connect to my home network, but it would connect to every other network. Turns out my router was too old. I recently got a new router and it works fine. Also, when I had my G1, it also wouldnt connect to my home network via wifi, but it does with the new router.
wangshuokevn said:
I have the same problem. But the connection is fine when I was under Winmo.
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On WinMo no problem.
white-energy said:
Try updating your builds or just modifying the mac adresses
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As I wrote before, I tried many different builds with no succes. At the moment I installed MCCM SE V3.4(FroyoStone Sense)[kernel hastarin r8.5]. As I have nothing to save I do everytime clean install on reformated card.
lamario said:
I was having the same problem. It wouldnt connect to my home network, but it would connect to every other network. Turns out my router was too old. I recently got a new router and it works fine. Also, when I had my G1, it also wouldnt connect to my home network via wifi, but it does with the new router.
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IMHO the router is not the problem even it's a bit outdated - Linksys WRT54GL - as I tried to connect to friend's network, I also created AP from my notebook - with the same result.
hatchy77 said:
I already have this issue when upgrading or changing build. I resolved the problem with Airplane Mode. switch on/switch off. Let us know the result. ^^
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The Airplane mode you toggle in WinMo or Android? I tried it in WinMo - no success.
oh yes...
... I know this kind of problem.
Tried so many builds of Froyo. Most wlan-stable was indeed MCCM SE V3.4(FroyoStone Sense)[kernel hastarin r8.5] - with this build I had no wifi drops or hsdpa drops.
From today on I try the MDJ FroYo HD v.4.1[kernel:MDJ S7.3HD]. Most time it holds the connection, but sometimes when waking up from stand-by I have to disconnect and reconnect wifi.
Router: Linksys WRT54G.
mac-nukem said:
... I know this kind of problem.
Tried so many builds of Froyo. Most wlan-stable was indeed MCCM SE V3.4(FroyoStone Sense)[kernel hastarin r8.5] - with this build I had no wifi drops or hsdpa drops.
From today on I try the MDJ FroYo HD v.4.1[kernel:MDJ S7.3HD]. Most time it holds the connection, but sometimes when waking up from stand-by I have to disconnect and reconnect wifi.
Router: Linksys WRT54G.
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Thanks for the answer, unfortunatelly I have nothing to drop as I cannot connect. On the other hand either EDGE and HSDPA works like charm - solid connection.
snekoza said:
The Airplane mode you toggle in WinMo or Android? I tried it in WinMo - no success.
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Into Android my friend
I also had this problem. It's easily solved by loging into your router and setting up the access list (under adv wireless settings on mine). You can add the device in with its specific mac address and by doing this I was instantly able to use wifi.
It's not an issue with mac address filtering. I know this issue because I have the same problem with the wifi router at the office. I can connect without any problem at home but It just won't work at the office.
DHCP server assigns an IP, but if you try to ping any IP outside LAN you'll get network unreachable.
I didn't have time to test a bit more, but I'll try to change the mac address of my wlan in order to test if the problem relies in there. The idea is to assign the same MAC Adress I have on WinMo. This will be very useful also to people with 2 HTC HD2 using the same ROM and Kernel.
BTW, I'm not using MAC Address filtering, this issue has nothing to do with it.
I have the same problem here ..
Please help me buddy!
thank you in advance
I tried this switching in and out of Airplane mode in Android with varying degrees of success. The problem itself seems intermittent for me - sometimes I get a decent amount of time with successful access and sometimes I don't. Similarly a reboot (of Android) may or may not work for me. I am using kernel version gcc version 4.4.0 and is dated Thu Dec 30 19:14:35 CET 2010 for me. I notice I am more inclined to have an issue with Market even than with Firefox. Also it is more of a problem now than with a previous kernel version (but it had problems too if I recall correctly). I upgraded because I am having difficulties with getting the USB link to work under Android (but that problem is still there). It did seem to work well for the first few hours after the upgrade, but since then...
I did notice that under MS WM, the MAC address is quite different to that recorded by my DHCP server (a unix box the other side of my wireless router) for Android. The Android one looked like it was a stock standard number sequence, so fabricated. I wonder where that is set on the phone?
I also noticed that the phone does not have the usual (for Linux) resolv.conf file that often gets configured by the DHCP connection process. Further, entering a host IP in the /etc/hosts file does not necessarily mean that a command like ping will find it every time. Of recent I have not been checking that - I have been using the IP address of my unix box to do ping tests to. The network does (of course) shut down when the phone goes into sleep mode, but does wake up, even responding to a ping from the unix box. Running up Market, though, seems to kill the connection every time now (but a weather update won't).
A further observation: if I get the Wi-Fi network connection to reset itself (straight forward when the lease expires), it is hard to get it to reset itself until after the next lease expiry for some reason.
I did some further tests. I don't have a pipe (|) key on my HTC HD2 that works so the following commands are a little long winded.
localhost / # getprop > /data/tmp/props
localhost / # grep dns /data/tmp/props
[net.change]: [net.dnschange]
[dhccp.eth0.dns1]: []
[dhccp.eth0.dns2]: []
[dhccp.eth0.dns3]: []
[dhccp.eth0.dns4]: []
[net.dns1]: []
[net.dnschange]: [49]
localhost / #
Now is my (Unix) DNS server.
When I do the following on the phone
localhost / # nslookup
(or even localhost / # nslookup cicada or even the fqdn of the server)
and I tail -f /var/tmp/named.log on the server (where I set up logging for queries and resolver categories for this test)
I see no action at all on the server and on the phone I get
localhost / # nslookup
Address 1:
Address 1:
localhost / #
localhost / # nslookup cicada
Address 1:
nslookup: can't resolve 'cicada'
localhost / #
and the same for the FQDN.
The DNS server does not even see the request for forward or reverse lookup, strangely enough. But it is seeing the requests from other machines with logs to the reverse lookup from those other machines looking like:
10-Jan-2011 22:21:57.953 queries: info: client query: IN PTR +
So, not only does the wi-fi link drop when Market is run, the DNS is behaving strangely to terminal based testing. Further, an update of the weather does not show any traffic in the DNS server log (at least for the logging level I have set up) even though the weather does get updated. It makes me wonder what DNS it is really using.
The other avenue I want to check is DHCP time-out, which I have been keeping an eye on (it does seem to time out and not update, but there are also other issues that suggest the problem is not a time-out one). That will have to be another day at this stage, though.
what channel is the router using for wifi?

[PARTLY SOLVED] wifi no data with non sense builds : 4 cases

I open a thread to describe my problem since nobody could help me until now. I guess this must be an advanced problem, because I don't think I'm noob enough to have screwed something up.
So fisrt of all, the background :
Had a problem with wifi after a fall: low range, crappy bandwith, disconnected all the time
Sent my phone to RMA service TWICE : not fixed in the first time, some hardware piece changed the second time
Got back my phone : firmware updated to 3.14, radio 2.15, wifi working perfectly under WinMo
From there, it gets complicated. At first, I decide to try my old cedsmith sense build, the first with new initrd.gz : wifi works fine
Then I try Darkstone froyo RAM build : wifi connects, gets an IP (I see my device from my router's control pannel), BUT NO DATA, market, browser, web apps won't load...
Then I go to cedsmith's desire HD build (not RAM) : wifi works fine...
Then I decide to try MIUI Star RAM build : wifi works for 2 day, with data freezes and timeouts, then it do not work anymore...same problem as Darkstone's RAM build.
Then NAND arrives :
I try DFT Desire build : wifi ok
I try Gauner1986 Desire HD build : wifi ok
I try CM6.1 build : wifi not ok
I try tytung's Nexus build : wifi not ok
Now I'm back to DFT's desire build, and wifi works perfectly.
So after processing data in my mind, the main common factor in working build is Sense, and no Sense for non working builds...
May I assume that HTC RMA service may have replaced some wifi chipset or antenna for a different one, working with only with HTC builds because they have specific drivers?
I have tried to ping from non working builds with Terminal Emulator :
Router is fine ( : every packet is transmitted)
www.google.com is not fine (around 1 packet off 5 is transmitted...)
I have an european HD2 with 512Mo of internal storage, so I would like to be able to use non sense build, essentially for space matter...To conclude, I have to questions, mostly for programmers since this is an advanced issue : what do you think my problem is, and what can I do to to fix it...if it can be fixed?
Thank you for your help.
UPDATE : My issue has been solved by adding another router to my local network, dedicated to my phone. It is a Hercules HWNRi-300, with 802.11n feature , so maybe it's the différence with my previous router which only supported 802.11g or maybe it was due to an IP conflict, traffic issue, I don't know...But now that my HD2 has its own dedicated AP, with its own IP sub network, it works perfectly fine, even with non-sense builds.
But anyway, if someone can find a solution for other dudes with the same problem, it would be cool, that is why I'll let this thread hanging around and matbe update it from time to time, since, even if a workaround has been found, the real issue hasn't been really fixed yet.
Thanks everybody for helping and goodluck to others.
It's unlikely any of the ROM programmers will come here.
Do you have a firewall installed?
I was having similar problems before with data/wifi working on some builds and not others but then I figured out it was DroidWall - it was behaving differently on different builds. On some builds, I had to "allow all" in the "white list" in order for data to work.
pkchips said:
It's unlikely any of the ROM programmers will come here.
Do you have a firewall installed?
I was having similar problems before with data/wifi working on some builds and not others but then I figured out it was DroidWall - it was behaving differently on different builds. On some builds, I had to "allow all" in the "white list" in order for data to work.
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No, I don't have any firewall installed. And I have DMZed the IP obtained by my HD2...
Actually, on these builds, wifi NEVER WORKED, blank data.img no app installed, nothing at all...
Suggested by RedWave31 :
About your problem, seems ur having conflicts about either build.prop, or modules.
One solution i thought about:
- Launch a sense build in wich the wifi works
- Go into system/lib/modules and backup all files in there
- Launch the CM6.1 build
- Replace the cm6 modules with the sense modules
- chmod 777* the folder
- reboot and try
>This may take time like 15 minutes, but for now, it's the only solution that came to my mind
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My answer :
Thx, I'll add it to my thread (to remember it). I will try to apply solution when I have several suggestions, but I think it won't changer anything : I have already tried to change the kernel on RAM builds, with RAM compliant Hastarin 8.6 with CIFS, copied the bcm.ko and tun.ko modules, and it did not fix the issue...
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I have also tried to modify build.prop's DNS with google public DNS,no success...
The wifi did not work for me on the CM 1.02 NAND build either, it just said error even tho 1.02 was supposed to fix the wifi lol
i dont think its your phone, iv had on and off wifi issues with every rom sense or not since i began using android builds on my HD2.
and dont even get me started on bluetooth !! I ended up switching to a HTC Desire until just recently NAND came out. Still then i had no wifi on the CM 1.02 NAND build
Nexus wifi worked and MDJ gingerbread wifi and bluetooth worked for me
Visentinel said:
The wifi did not work for me on the CM 1.02 NAND build either, it just said error even tho 1.02 was supposed to fix the wifi lol
i dont think its your phone, iv had on and off wifi issues with every rom sense or not since i began using android builds on my HD2.
and dont even get me started on bluetooth !! I ended up switching to a HTC Desire until just recently NAND came out. Still then i had no wifi on the CM 1.02 NAND build
Nexus wifi worked and MDJ gingerbread wifi and bluetooth worked for me
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I NEVER had ANY problem with wifi, using more than 10 different builds, Sense and non Sense, for months until sending my phone to RMA for...wifi issue (on Android and Winmo).
So I'm kind of sure it is related...
Tried JAWS' MIUI nand build, and JMDS ultimate build, same issue...
Help please !
I think your issue is the age old RMNET vs PPP builds. Using 3.14 rom and radio 2.15, you should be using a PPP build, which is why I think only those that use PPP, which I believe is only the Desire Builds, is what is causing your issues. But I'm only taking a stab in the dark with one, because I Jaws MIUI is working just fine for me, and i had both 3.14 rom and 2.15 radio, and everything works just fine. If the other builds are working, then why not just use those till something else comes out?
My problem is about WIFI man c'mon, did you even read my first post?
And it's not a winmo version problem or a radio problem : I had switched to chuckydroid and radio before flashing MAGLDR....And problem was the same.
Thanks for trying to help really. But I think it is a very specific issue : if twas not, I surely wouldn't have opened a thread about it...
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
well its certainly not sense vs non-sense problem. it could be a number of issues, one of them possibly being a kernal issue with specific builds. NAND is still very buggy right now, with lots of problems popping up that people didn't expect, so if you find one that works and really want NAND then use the one that works, pretty simple. I can tell you its not a hardware problem because if it was, it wouldn't work on anything, sense or non-sense, sd, ram, or nand build.
@ OP I have the the same problem. Check out the thread I started. Tell me if this is the same problem your having. Been dealing with this forever. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=879482 I want to fix this problem once and for all.
try this :
when u connected to wifi
check gateway ip and dns
i believe for ip u already have a correct one because you can ping your router, but if gateway and dns has wrong value then data from wifi will not work..
to do that, run terminal or adb shell from ur pc, type :
#busybox ifconfig
find wlan0 and look at ip and gateway
#getprop net.dns1
#getprop net.dns2
this dns value must match with your router dns value (or whatever the internet provider backbone in ur router)
the easy way to look at ur dns router is by looking at status network conection in control panel..
Beretta93 said:
I open a thread to describe my problem since nobody could help me until now. I guess this must be an advanced problem, because I don't think I'm noob enough to have screwed something up.
So fisrt of all, the background :
Had a problem with wifi after a fall: low range, crappy bandwith, disconnected all the time
Sent my phone to RMA service TWICE : not fixed in the first time, some hardware piece changed the second time
Got back my phone : firmware updated to 3.14, radio 2.15, wifi working perfectly under WinMo
From there, it gets complicated. At first, I decide to try my old cedsmith sense build, the first with new initrd.gz : wifi works fine
Then I try Darkstone froyo RAM build : wifi connects, gets an IP (I see my device from my router's control pannel), BUT NO DATA, market, browser, web apps won't load...
Then I go to cedsmith's desire HD build (not RAM) : wifi works fine...
Then I decide to try MIUI Star RAM build : wifi works for 2 day, with data freezes and timeouts, then it do not work anymore...same problem as Darkstone's RAM build.
Then NAND arrives :
I try DFT Desire build : wifi ok
I try Gauner1986 Desire HD build : wifi ok
I try CM6.1 build : wifi not ok
I try tytung's Nexus build : wifi not ok
Now I'm back to DFT's desire build, and wifi works perfectly.
So after processing data in my mind, the main common factor in working build is Sense, and no Sense for non working builds...
May I assume that HTC RMA service may have replaced some wifi chipset or antenna for a different one, working with only with HTC builds because they have specific drivers?
I have tried to ping from non working builds with Terminal Emulator :
Router is fine ( : every packet is transmitted)
www.google.com is not fine (around 1 packet off 5 is transmitted...)
I have an european HD2 with 512Mo of internal storage, so I would like to be able to use non sense build, essentially for space matter...To conclude, I have to questions, mostly for programmers since this is an advanced issue : what do you think my problem is, and what can I do to to fix it...if it can be fixed?
Thank you for your help.
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I had the same problem than you and fixed it.
Go in advanced wifi settings and click on 14channel wifi regulator
zachmerrill504 said:
well its certainly not sense vs non-sense problem. it could be a number of issues, one of them possibly being a kernal issue with specific builds. NAND is still very buggy right now, with lots of problems popping up that people didn't expect, so if you find one that works and really want NAND then use the one that works, pretty simple. I can tell you its not a hardware problem because if it was, it wouldn't work on anything, sense or non-sense, sd, ram, or nand build.
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It has nothing to do with NAND, it occured before MAGLDR's release. You can tell me it's not a hardware problem without even reading my first post? How do you know it's not a driver problem, which is hardware related?
Please, this kind of advice won't help, thank you for bothering but do not anymore.
mattfmartin said:
@ OP I have the the same problem. Check out the thread I started. Tell me if this is the same problem your having. Been dealing with this forever. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=879482 I want to fix this problem once and for all.
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I've read your thread. It seems like a similar issue, but it's not quite the same. For me, even browser is not working, the loading bar is stuck at the very beginning.
The only proof of connexion Icould get was this ping to google, 1 packet of 5 reaching destination, and I with speed test, like 3 to 4 minutes after launch, I could get the button "Begin test". The results were 999 for the ping, -0kb for the download, and for upload, I had some positive, like 20 to 50kb. But the test was very long...
So it makes me conclude that it's not quite the same issue...
lesjaw said:
try this :
when u connected to wifi
check gateway ip and dns
i believe for ip u already have a correct one because you can ping your router, but if gateway and dns has wrong value then data from wifi will not work..
to do that, run terminal or adb shell from ur pc, type :
#busybox ifconfig
find wlan0 and look at ip and gateway
#getprop net.dns1
#getprop net.dns2
this dns value must match with your router dns value (or whatever the internet provider backbone in ur router)
the easy way to look at ur dns router is by looking at status network conection in control panel..
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I thought it might be a DNS problem, but since I've modified the build.prop with google DNS values, I assumed that it should have settled it. For the gateway, since I can ping, gateway must be correctly set up right?
I'll test your idea and will let you know the results. Thank you for helping.
asphaltkiller said:
I had the same problem than you and fixed it.
Go in advanced wifi settings and click on 14channel wifi regulator
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I already did that and it solved nothing. But thanks for helping.
lesjaw said:
try this :
when u connected to wifi
check gateway ip and dns
i believe for ip u already have a correct one because you can ping your router, but if gateway and dns has wrong value then data from wifi will not work..
to do that, run terminal or adb shell from ur pc, type :
#busybox ifconfig
find wlan0 and look at ip and gateway
#getprop net.dns1
#getprop net.dns2
this dns value must match with your router dns value (or whatever the internet provider backbone in ur router)
the easy way to look at ur dns router is by looking at status network conection in control panel..
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DAMN I can't believe it ! Wifi worked for like ONE hour ! Then plop, went bugging again !
I flashed MDJ Froyo Revolution, then in order to check your idea, went back to tytung's Nexus NAND, and wifi worked ! Then I went to JMDS build, and wifi worked again at first, but when I tried to connect later, bug was back !
So I checked your commands, DNS displayed is the one of my provider (even if the build.prop is different), and gateway is strange : instead of, but the fact is that I did the same thing with fully working sens build, and result was the same...
I'm getting more and more confused there.
So...any idea?
Help...Please guys....

