[Q] Problems starting call or hanging up - HD2 General

I wonder if anyone is having the same problem or (better yet) found a solution.
My HD2 sometimes doesn't start a phone call or does not hang up.
Problem with starting the call exists at all areas where a call can be initiated : favorites, in the contacts list and also in the phone app (where you enter the phone number and press talk). You click on the phone number or on the icon of the person and nothing happens. When you click the green talk button you see that it is clicked and the phone app hangs. The phone does not freeze. You can navigate to other areas in the phone.
Hang up problem is similar. You click the red button and nothing happens. You can navigate to other apps in the phone but the line remains open. Also the 'real' button on the bottom right side of the phone does not work. Only way to end the call is remove the battery or shut down the HD2.
This might be related to :
- active sync : I have the impression that these problems do not occur if I stop active sync first in the task manager
- I regulary get repllog.exe errors on my phone. I know these're related to active sync as well. Just don't get what causes them to occur.
Activesync is sheduled to run every 15mins and syncs my mail with the exchange server.

Really nobody else having the same problems..?


cprog.exe and missed calls

Ok... I think i need some help here. I wrote an app that would screen save and trap all the keys (even the red and green phone keys). I did this according to the following post.
Then i wrote some tapi stuff to listen for an incoming call and restart cprog.exe after the first ring. Only problem is, cprog.exe seems to need the LINEDEVSTATE_NUMCALLS (0x0800) notification or it will not log the call as missed. It can never get that notification, cause that is the first thing i can trigger off of. So... cprog.exe does not log the call as missed. If i answer the call, then it is logged...
I was hoping i could do one of the following:
1. Write the missed call to the log myself.
2. find a way to trap the keys without killing cprog.exe
3. Fake a LINEDEVSTATE_NUMCALLS (0x0800) dev state change message to cprog.exe
or worse case (which i don't like at all)
4. Keep my own call log which means i will have to write my own call log app.
or even worse still...
5. Just be happy with the screen saved, but the keys unlocked and hope that i don't make 3 hour "prank" calls of me singing along in the car to the radio on some friend's voice mail.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone needs to see the code that i used to detect the ringing and stuff... let me know... i can post it up.
Being as you know you missed the call, you could just put the relevant information into the call log database.
Thanks... i didn't realize that existed, but i figured something was there like that.
Unfortunately for this app... but fortunately for everything else, i upgraded to WM2003... so now, i don't need this as much because the now the GPRS stays connected even in suspend mode (which locks the keys).
It also seems that 2003 behaves differently with respect to screen power. It seems 2003 automatically turns screen power back on in the event of a window focus change... so my app needs to be rethought now.
thanks for the help,
Hi John
Did you ever find how to add/insert your call into the log?
It seems that ther is no API to do it (there is an API to query the log...).
Any thoughts?

XDAII bugs - will the new ROM 1.60 fix these?

Over the past couple of months I've noted a few bugs with my O2 XDAII running Windows Mobile 2003. Are all these bugs well known and have they been fixed by the ROM upgrade 1.60?
- XDAII crashes occasionally when asking for a password just after being switched on, showing a blank white screen or flickering password entry screen even after the password has been entered. I have my password set to a 4 digit code and 5 minute delay. This seems to happen when a reminder or call wakes the device up.
- XDAII sometimes doesn't wake up for reminders (the XDA also suffered from this problem)
- when the GPRS connection is active, there is no option to "disconnect GPRS" within the radio menu pop-up box (which opens up when you tap the signal strength indicator). The only way to close the GPRS connection seems to be by holding down the red "end call" hardware button for 1-2 seconds.
- no "x" at the top right of the phone skin sometimes, when a call comes in that wakes the device up. This means you have to open another program to be able to go ack to the phone skin and close it.
- sometimes XDAII device doesn't switch off after 3 minutes, although the screen does dim after 1 minutes (the 3 minutes and 1 minute are what I have set in my power settings). This seems to happen after GPRS use or Bluetooth being switched back on?
- the phone skin doesn't always recognise the caller from the contacts list and just shows the number, even if the contact is in the contacts list.
- when looking up a name in contacts for sending an SMS message you need to add "+" in front of 44.... as this doesn't seem to get included, which prevents messages from getting sent properly
- the bluetooth headset does not interact properly with the XDA II, it sometimes doesn't connect or disconnect the headset properly, you cannot flip out the bluetooth boom to answer a call, you cannot voicedial (this is a big disadvantage, is there any software available which makes this possible?) and you cannot long-press to reject a call. Although I use a Motorola HS810 headset the problem is with the XDAII headset profile.
I am aware that the bluetooth headset and SMS "+" problem have been discussed in this forum but have the others been noticed and fixed in the new ROM?

Home Screen will only show on sync

So I am not sure what I have managed to do to my phone, but if I reboot it I get the mornal splach screens but when it finishes the boot, iget the start button and the Contacts and that is it. I don't see a home screen at all. I have found if I sync the phone with my PC the screen comes back on tis own and then as long as I do not reboot it, the screen stays. Also it seems to let me get calls in fine and make calls and the comm manager shows up as for the contacts. if I press the start button though it does nothing. Does anyone have any idea on this?
My phone is the Audiovox SMT5600 I upgraded it to WM6, and this all seemed to start after I uninstalled the google Search. I tried reinstalling it but it is still the same thing.

Phone locks "on call" - phone app crash

I faced this problem too often, so I ask on this forum to know if it only happens to me:
when I end the call, telephone programs stucks. In the top bar, the indication of an on going call is still there. Everything is working except telephone application. I can't open the telephone options. Even if I turn on Airplane mode, the phone logo in the top bar remains.
Any idea?
I had that problem once. Did it occur when you dialed a number not in your phone book? It turned out the prompt for saving a new dialed number was still there but I somehow couldn't access it. Perhaps turn that setting off?
no, it was an outgoing call to someone in my phonebook. (at least in my last problem)
facing the same problem. after ending a call the phone app freeze a couple of minutes and sometimes more than ten minutes
Did you installed the HTC patch to avoid the freeze ?
I didn't.
Could it be usefull there ?
This is really annoying if you have to wait 10mn before doing an another call !
Problem happened again
The problem happened again yesterday.
But worse. I was leaving a message on an answering machine. and I couldn't end the call !
Pressing the right key (end call) had no effect !
Usually in my previous problems, the other user was ending the call.
So I had to switch off the phone in comm manager !
I'm surprised that no one else faced this problem !
I tried to follow one's advice to wait then until phone gets back to normal. (release the phone icon in the top bar).
After one hour, I finaly rebooted the phone to be able to do an outgoing call.
Help !
Phone blocks during or after a call
Hello guys and girls
I had the same problem last week, a couple of times in a row, I was on the phone with a contact, after a couple of minutes I couldn't hear anything anymore and tried to end the call but no joy, a soft reset did the thing the first time, the second I waited a couple of minutes wich worked aswell. It was very annoying I must say especially as it happened 4 times in a row...
Hoping for a solution
It seems a bug. You can press volume up/down buttons on the device itself to open the volume bar screen. After that just press somewhere on the grey area to go back to home screen. The top bar will restore from the phone application.
It's not the top bar. The phone application is completely unavailable.
We see the top bar,but the phone icon is stuck. Like if we were still on call.
I too have a similar problem.
Although I haven't particularly logged the prolems, I think that it only happens on incoming calls, and not outgoing ones.
During a phone call, the incoming sound just goes mute, and afterwards I can't hang up the call.
I reckon I have lost well over half the calls I have received because of this.
Luckily, not many people call me!!
I reckon this is a CRAP phone, and am seriously thinking of getting a REAL phone, and just using the HD as a PDA device. Good old HTC!!!!!!
I edited the title of this topic.
The phone app is really stucked : I called an answering machine, I wasn't able to end the call !
Help !
I am thinking of changing ROM.

Phone lock up when incoming call is answered

When phone is in standby:
1. Incoming call
2. I answer - quiet! Time counter go on, but I can't hear caller and caller can't hear me. Push "End Call" button.
3. Screen and keys not respond! Can't be switched off. The whole phone locks up.
4. I have to remove back cover and soft reset!!!
I have Htc Rom 1.66.
Can anybody else report if they have or had this problem?
Did anybody find a solution?
My phone has been in by HTC already 3 times for repair!!! They keep sending it back saying that problem is solved, but it's not!!!
You could be having notification queue issues. Try the solution in the thread "HD2 died- or did it" and see if that works for you.
I don't think its a queue issue because this happens even after a hard reset.
Could it be that some program corrupts Rom so that the problem even happens after Hard reset?
I doubt it. However it is just as likely that you may have installed a piece of software that is, how shall we say, not behaving itself properly.
If I were you I would hard reset (backup your data first) then install your contacts. If you can, use the phone for a day or so without anything else loaded and see what happens.
I would not dismiss the notification queue issue at all. Causes more hassle in winmobile than anything else I know!
Let us know how you get on.
This happens even after a hard reset and no software no contacts no alarms and nothing in calendar.
I know that its not hardware problem because when I make call or if I answer call when not in standby, then phone behaves normally and doesn't lock up.
I had that problem aswell, I´m using a Danish ROM, and had Co0kiemonsters version with 20 quicklinks installed. After I removed that program it worked without any probs.
Remove all programs U have on Your phone or Re install/upgrade that´s faster than removing the progs.
Instal those programs U had before your problems started. and test what might not work with your ROM
locks during call
Mine has started doing the same thing - locking during an incoming call or I can't disconnect after making a call unless I soft resent. The only think I have added recentently is HD2 tweak

