[q] /cache/recovery/command usage - Android Software Development

I'm trying to find out where to see a list of parameters I can use in there.
I'm using the ClockworkMod recovery (even if I think it's just universal that part), but if I write in that cache file "boot-recovery --nandroid" nothing happens when I reboot into recovery, if I set just "--nandroid" it says "E: invalid arguments"...
What I want to achieve is to execute a nandroid backup and then one or more update zip files. Is it possible?

no one has any idea?


ROM Upgrade Seems to be Impossible!

Yes, I am fairly new to this, but not a noob by any means. I've been upgrading ROM's for a long time, albeit Windows mobile.
I have rooted my Hero - confirmed by installing several ROOT only apps from the market, and accessing commands from su, # prompts.
I can't seem to upgrade my [otherwise stock] Sprint hero despite trying different approaches.
Hugely frustrating, a history of my attempts:
I copied the latest backup recovery file 1.5.2 to the root of my SD card.
I have installed ADB tools
So I open a command prompt and go into Android SDK/tools:
adb shell
# flash_image recovery /sdcard/ [recovery file name]
I then type 'reboot recovery' the phone reboots and I have the screen with phone image and large triangle with yellow '!' in it.
I hold 'HOME' and 'END' togerther to access menu of system recovery utility and I can only select 3 options:
reboot system now [Home+back]
apply sdcard:update.zip [Alt+S] * see below)
wipe data/factory rest [Alt+w]
At the bottom of the screen I have the error (which I have investigated and found that no-one seems to be able to explain, yet it doesn't seem to hinder most folks in flashing roms):
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command
I initially expected to have MORE options as the first thing I wanted to do was create a Nandroid backup, but gave up on trying to do this!
*So I rename the fresh 1.1 rom zip to 'update.zip' and copy to the root of my SD card.
I 'reboot recovery' again, my phone restarts, I choose the 'Apply SDCard:update.zip' option and then it begins to install:
Install from sdcard....
Finding update package....
Opening update package....
Verifying update package....
E:No signature (599 files)
E:Verification failed
Installation aborted
I've tried updating different ROM's with similar negative results - and yes, I have checked the MD5 to ensure ROM's are 'good'
BTW - I still also have the error:
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command
Get the fresh kitchen and run the auto root feature.
I would agree get the kitchen try the auto root because to me it sounds like there was a problem in your root process. screen that you are getting into is just the fastboot also what I have found to make life easier is rename the RA-Recovery-heroc-1.5.2.img to just recovery.img makes my life a whole lot easier as I mess with my phone so much I have had to RUU several times and that just makes rooting manualy a little faster.
As far as installing the Fresh ROM, I know I had an issue because I was using a MAC and when I downloaded the Zip file, the MAC would unzip it. I finally had to download the Zip file right to my phone and it worked fine.
raylusk said:
As far as installing the Fresh ROM, I know I had an issue because I was using a MAC and when I downloaded the Zip file, the MAC would unzip it. I finally had to download the Zip file right to my phone and it worked fine.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's because you aren't supposed to unzip a rom.

Question about changing Recovery

Hi, I have a friend who currently has
Android Recovery System <2e> on his droid. Wanting to know if there's a way to change from that to Amons? Also, while using the <2e> any zip he tries to install comes up with the error E: Can't open /cache/recovery/command
If he scrolls down to Apply sdcard: update.zip he gets:
--Install from sdcard...
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
E:failed to open /sdcard/update.zip (No such file or directory)
E:signature verification fialed
Installation aborted.
This happens when trying to open .zip's such as Evil Eris 2.0 or any other zip. I have Amon's recovery and these zips work fine for me.
Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
was anything changed within the .zip files?... because if so that will cause it. Also i know if you rename the .zip file you will also recieve the problem because they signed with that specific name. Otherwise, i suggest deleting it from you SD and downloading the .zip again and do a wipe data/dalvik and reflash. But remember to do a nand backup! Lemme know what you get....
No files/names have been changed. If I could get Amon's recovery I could mod his phone for him. I have Amon's and do not have this issue. It is prbably something I am not doing due to being unfamiliar with the recovery he has. Basicaly I think all I really need is a way to get his recovery to read Amon's and I'm good.
andrew8806 said:
was anything changed within the .zip files?... because if so that will cause it. Also i know if you rename the .zip file you will also recieve the problem because they signed with that specific name. Otherwise, i suggest deleting it from you SD and downloading the .zip again and do a wipe data/dalvik and reflash. But remember to do a nand backup! Lemme know what you get....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Are you certain about that, or is that unique to that specific recovery menu?
I rename my update.zip's and ROM's after they've been signed and don't run into issues.
If his phone is rooted just download rom manager from the market, open it, scroll all the way to the bottom and hit flash alternative recovery.
That should do it.
.mak said:
Are you certain about that, or is that unique to that specific recovery menu?
I rename my update.zip's and ROM's after they've been signed and don't run into issues.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I change the name of update.zip and it always fails to verify.

[Q] Bootstrap Won't Backup Phone

Hi guys, Im having a little trouble, hoping somebody could tell me what Im missing or should be doing differently. I am currently on 2.2 OTA. i just rooted using RoOoLeR's Guide to ROOT / BACKUP / ROMS for 2.2 OTA (sticky under hacks). I then downloaded Bootstrap. Opened the app and hit "bootstrap recovery", got the pop-up saying "Success". Then i rebooted into recovery and started a nandroid backup. about a minute into it, it failed and gave me the following message.
E: Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0 (or /dev/block/mmcblk0p1)
(Device or resource busy)
Can't mount /sdcard/.android_secure!
I have yet to install rom manager and load any custom roms beacuse i want to make sure i have a good backup before doing anything.
Suggestions? Thank you so much in advance.
It sounds like you have an issue with the SD card. I would backup the data on the card to a PC, format it blank, and the let the X reinitialize it.

Unable to share Internet from my laptop to GT5801

Hi all,
Can anyone please help me share my internet connection from my laptop to my Samsung Galaxy3 running Android 2.2?
I tried Connectify, Virtual Router and mHotspot but none of them work.
In case of mHotspot, I watched video on You Tube and done the same but I am not able to connect to that wi-fi network although I am able to find it by turning on my android mobile's wi-fi..
In case of Connectify and Virtual Router, I am not able to find Wireless Network on my android device. Can anyone please help?
Please let me know if any other information is required.
Thanks Bane, can you please let me know, how to Flash the mod via CWM?
Also, do you know if CWM supports SG3 as I am also trying to flash my phone to install custom ROM but not able to do so via CWM?
please use search
In the thread that you have provided, please let me know where to look for "how to Flash the mod via CWM"
when I downloaded mod file, it asks me which application to open the file in. I selected ROM Manager, then it reboots in recovery mode...there I have four options
Reboot system now
Install sdcard: update.zip
wipe data/factory reset
wipe cache partition
which one I need to select?
I strongly advice to spend some time here in the forum and read all the FAQs and tutorials, as they will explain everything you need to know.
as the file is called wpa_adhoc-signed.zip you need to select an option that allows you to install a .zip or you need to rename the file to update.zip and select the option to install update.zip
Bane, I searched first and then asked but I am too noob to understand all this. I renamed the file to update.zip and then reboot to recovery mode. It still says the same:
Finding update package...
E:Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk() (or NULL)
(No such file or directory)
E:Can't mount SDCARD:update.zip
Installation Aborted
You need cwm, flash a kernel that already has it(cf-root/g3mod/simplicity) or pm mumbozver for the installer
Or you can also manually copy the files although the first method will be easier
cdesai said:
You need cwm, flash a kernel that already has it(cf-root/g3mod/simplicity) or pm mumbozver for the installer
Or you can also manually copy the files although the first method will be easier
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks cdesai for the reply. I am using cwm and using this only, I am rebooting my phone in recovery mode. Does "flashing a kernel that already has this solution" means that I should flash my phone with a custom ROM that already has this solution implemented?
keep the adhoc file on your sd card
reboot into cwm
(use volume buttons to navigate, home to select)
choose apply zip from sd card
select the adhoc zip file
click on yes
it should work, if not then yes you can flash place the file by root explorer or flash a custom rom that already has it implemented
to manually apply the file
open the adhoc zip
open system folder
open bin folder
extract the file wpa_supplicant and keep just the file on ur sd
open root explorer and copy the file to /system/bin (replace the old one, take a backup of it - or rename it)
Are you referring to wpa_supplicant by adhoc file?
I cannot copy the extracted file to /system/bin folder as going to that folder is graying out paste option
If I try to apply it by rebooting into recovery mode, it is giving error message:
It is getting failed with the following message:
Finding update package...
E:Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk() (or NULL)
(No such file or directory)
E:Can't mount SDCARD:update.zip
Installation Aborted
Note: I have renamed the file to update.zip and placed it in root of sdcard before rebooting it into recovery mode. Even then, I am getting this error message.
Please help me in proceeding further.

Please Help How fix Unable to mount internal storage

Hello everyone,
Please Help me to fix this issue
TWRP shows E: Unable to mount '/cache'
E: Unable to mount '/data'
E: Unable to mount '/system'
E: Unable to mount '/cache'
E: Unable to mount internal storage
I have twrp v2.5
Actually, I am trying many solutions but nothing change
Hi, pal. I have the exactly same problem these days. On my opinion, when you have made wipe and wipe dalvik cache, you just deleted the system folder and data. I did same thing, now I'm stuck! :Д When you are trying to change the firmware, is the logo pictures changing for you every time you flash any other .zip file? We' are now complete lost man. Is your USB working like mine where PCs not detecting it? I think they've launched this kind of firmware only to destroy our device, so we can buy a new one. That's the idea. Go to the service and repair center of Lenovo and ask them for help! I wrote them down before a while, now I'm waiting for the response. We have left only two or three possibilities to flash the Rom with the Terminal in the Recovery. But if your PC recognizing the drivers, you will manage to flash the Stock 4.2.2 Rom with Flash tool , otherwise you are stuck too! I have no idea how to flash it. I can give you the terminal commands for you, which are hard to find, but you and me, we need the proper .img files for the flashing procedure. Go to the 4pda forum and ask for help, if you find any solution, come back here telling it and for me. There's a possibility, but it is difficult to create a proper .zip archive, because I only know that we need those folders and files: meta folder- updater-script, logo. bin, lk.bin, boot.img and system.img.
But when I insert the commands there, I don't know how the whole process must be working, something is happening there. The problem is that one of those lines did not work for me. Those are the commands for flashing any Rom with the terminal in the recovery. But first you must see if the PC is installing your drivers properly, open device manager and look for the drivers on the internet and try to install them. May be you have a working USB port, so there's no problem, just flash the stock rom with the Flash tool. But if it is not working as it is here, no other possibilities left, my boy! The only one left or two of them : Flashing the device either through fast boot mode or adb sideload, but you must install those drivers so PC can find the device. Well, you can always do this at your own risk from the terminal.
Oh, I forgot, those problem came when we deleted fstab file for our device.
Flashing firmware through the TWRP terminal commands:
dd if=/external_sd/system.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p6 (for the memory ROW+ ) or
dd if=/external_sd/system.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p5 (for CN+ memory)
dd if=/external_sd/boot.img of=/dev/bootimg
dd if=/external_sd/lk.bin of=/dev/uboot
dd if=/external_sd/logo.bin of=/dev/logo
First, system.img must be converted to systemEXT4.img, then flashing it and you need to have a systemEXT4 in the .zip archive. But I think my system folder is deleted. :Д
simg2img /external_sd/system.img /external_sd/systemEXT4.img
Good luck to you! According to me there is a space after the dot and it must be like this: system. img, boot. img. But not sure!
Hi again. Tooday It occurred to me where our problem may be came with the tablets. When we flashed a custom Rom, we put it for the wrong MTK processor. Ours is MT8389, not 6589. The stock roms are too for the MT8389 according to me. We flashed a wrong Rom. Now the tab must be formatted somehow either through some commands from the terminal, or USB port and path to the USB must be repaired. Then, flashing with the Flash tools is our only option left! Sorry! );
They killed our device on purpose with the Custom rom. Do not flash them any more with such Roms.

