[Q] Bootstrap Won't Backup Phone - Droid X General

Hi guys, Im having a little trouble, hoping somebody could tell me what Im missing or should be doing differently. I am currently on 2.2 OTA. i just rooted using RoOoLeR's Guide to ROOT / BACKUP / ROMS for 2.2 OTA (sticky under hacks). I then downloaded Bootstrap. Opened the app and hit "bootstrap recovery", got the pop-up saying "Success". Then i rebooted into recovery and started a nandroid backup. about a minute into it, it failed and gave me the following message.
E: Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0 (or /dev/block/mmcblk0p1)
(Device or resource busy)
Can't mount /sdcard/.android_secure!
I have yet to install rom manager and load any custom roms beacuse i want to make sure i have a good backup before doing anything.
Suggestions? Thank you so much in advance.

It sounds like you have an issue with the SD card. I would backup the data on the card to a PC, format it blank, and the let the X reinitialize it.


Problems with Clockwork Recovery on DroidX

When trying to create a nandroid backup in clockwork today I am continuously getting the following message (after it backs up everything):
E: Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0 (or /dev/block/mmcblk0p1)
(Device or resource busy)
Can't mount /sdcard/.android_secure!
So the backup is never created. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
tmparisi said:
When trying to create a nandroid backup in clockwork today I am continuously getting the following message (after it backs up everything):
E: Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0 (or /dev/block/mmcblk0p1)
(Device or resource busy)
Can't mount /sdcard/.android_secure!
So the backup is never created. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
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I emailed koush about this and he is looking into this.
Great! Thanks a lot! I was able to complete backups at one point (pre-froyo) but it seems like ever since then I have been getting that error. Even if I try to mount the sd card in clockwork... same error message. The Rom manager was installed after 2.2, maybe that install had something to do with this? Those are the only changes that took place between that time.
Koush has released an updated version that works with Froyo. It doesn't work if you try to install the pre-froyo version on a phone that has been upgraded to Froyo.
wierd..never had this problem
So is the link on his website to the new release that works with 2.2?
im having the same issue
wheres the link to the updated recovery?
I also noticed in rom manager it says i have recovery but when i actually boot into recovery it says i have
i can confirm that installing the new version of droidxbootstrap.apk will fix your issues... verify you have version not if you cant find the newer version donate, its worth it.

[q] /cache/recovery/command usage

I'm trying to find out where to see a list of parameters I can use in there.
I'm using the ClockworkMod recovery (even if I think it's just universal that part), but if I write in that cache file "boot-recovery --nandroid" nothing happens when I reboot into recovery, if I set just "--nandroid" it says "E: invalid arguments"...
What I want to achieve is to execute a nandroid backup and then one or more update zip files. Is it possible?
no one has any idea?

[Q] Help Please? Old NC being a pain

I have tried searching forums here and google and am just running in circles with same solutions to every problem except mine, the few times I HAVE seen a problem similar to mine, it has been added to an existing fix and no answer posted.
I have an old NC (stock 1.0.1) and quite a while ago i put a new honeycomb rom on it that worked great for a few days, then black screen. following various guides here I have seen the "need to update CWM" and all the like, but here is what I have and the problem:
I have CWM, I have tried a variety of restore to stock and custom roms, but it doesn't seem to matter what i add to the sdcard after writing the CWM image because no matter what I do (tried TWRP and got same results) I always get the following errors:
Turn on while plugged in with sdcard in --
E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/log
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/log
E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/last_log
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/last_log
When I try to follow directions found in one thread to format data and system --
Formatting /data...
Error formatting /data!
Formatting /system...
Error formatting /system!
When I try to mount sdcard --
Error mounting /sdcard!
When I try to mount USB --
E:Unable to write to ums lunfile (No such file or directory)
I am able to see the device with cmd adb devices...it gives me a bunch of 0's instead of the actual s/n and says "recovery" at the end of that line.
Have i managed to completely brick a NC or is there a way to fix this? I have learned quite a bit since I decided to try and fix the black screen, but nothing I have found has given me a solution to this.
I appreciate you guys being here and thanks in advance for any help you may have!
**UPDATE** 06/18/2012
by following this ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=919353 ) guide, i am able to get some result with sudo:
[email protected]:~$ sudo android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
0000000000000000 recovery
Then I try entering the quoted commands and even attempt to edit them, but the result sucks:
[email protected]:~$ dd if=/sdcard/boot.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1
dd: opening `/sdcard/boot.img': No such file or directory
[email protected]:~$ sudo android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb shell
~ # dd if=/sdcard/boot.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1
dd: can't open '/sdcard/boot.img': No such file or directory
~ # dd if=/boot.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1
dd: can't open '/boot.img': No such file or directory
~ # dd if=/sdcard/system.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p5
dd: can't open '/sdcard/system.img': No such file or directory
the reason for this is that I can't mount the sdcard. if i could mount the sdcard, then this would be an easy fix and i never would have posted in the first place. using CWM in place of nookie froyo since EVERY link for nookie froyo i have found has been a dead link or the instructions require mounting the sdcard which is the problem i am having. Also, CWM and TWRP or older are the ONLY things that actually allows the NC to turn on.
XSmoky said:
I have tried searching forums here and google and am just running in circles with same solutions to every problem except mine, the few times I HAVE seen a problem similar to mine, it has been added to an existing fix and no answer posted.
I have an old NC (stock 1.0.1) and quite a while ago i put a new honeycomb rom on it that worked great for a few days, then black screen. following various guides here I have seen the "need to update CWM" and all the like, but here is what I have and the problem:
I have CWM, I have tried a variety of restore to stock and custom roms, but it doesn't seem to matter what i add to the sdcard after writing the CWM image because no matter what I do (tried TWRP and got same results) I always get the following errors:
Turn on while plugged in with sdcard in --
E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/log
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/log
E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/last_log
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/last_log
When I try to follow directions found in one thread to format data and system --
Formatting /data...
Error formatting /data!
Formatting /system...
Error formatting /system!
When I try to mount sdcard --
Error mounting /sdcard!
When I try to mount USB --
E:Unable to write to ums lunfile (No such file or directory)
I am able to see the device with cmd adb devices...it gives me a bunch of 0's instead of the actual s/n and says "recovery" at the end of that line.
Have i managed to completely brick a NC or is there a way to fix this? I have learned quite a bit since I decided to try and fix the black screen, but nothing I have found has given me a solution to this.
I appreciate you guys being here and thanks in advance for any help you may have!
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Look in my tips thread linked in my signature. There is an updated CWM SD listed there. Try using that. Read items A8 and A10.
Edit: I suspect your internal partitions are somehow corrupted. Search the threads for references to restoring stock partitions.
leapinlar said:
Look in my tips thread linked in my signature. There is an updated CWM SD listed there. Try using that. Read items A8 and A10.
Edit: I suspect your internal partitions are somehow corrupted. Search the threads for references to restoring stock partitions.
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Ok, first of all, thanks for the fast reply. Second, with CWM, I can see the CWM menus and navigate them, however, with the I am left with the black screen. I have so far attempted including restore zips and nothing but the with no success.
I believe that somehow, with all my attempts to fix, the internal may be completely wiped, but I still find it strange that from a NC I can only use the or older CWM or TWRP to get anything besides a black screen.
XSmoky said:
Ok, first of all, thanks for the fast reply. Second, with CWM, I can see the CWM menus and navigate them, however, with the I am left with the black screen. I have so far attempted including restore zips and nothing but the with no success.
I believe that somehow, with all my attempts to fix, the internal may be completely wiped, but I still find it strange that from a NC I can only use the or older CWM or TWRP to get anything besides a black screen.
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I suspect the did not get burned properly and it is not trying to boot from it. It just is still trying to boot emmc which is corrupt. But I'm not sure that it would have done you any good anyway. Like I said in my edit above, I think you need to somehow rebuild your partitions. And that means more than just trying to flash a stock ROM. You have to find a thread that tells you how to use adb to rebuild the partitions.
leapinlar said:
I suspect the did not get burned properly and it is not trying to boot from it. It just is still trying to boot emmc which is corrupt. But I'm not sure that it would have done you any good anyway. Like I said in my edit above, I think you need to somehow rebuild your partitions. And that means more than just trying to flash a stock ROM. You have to find a thread that tells you how to use adb to rebuild the partitions.
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I used win32diskimager and received no error messages, so i guess it was the long shot.
I have been digging through all kinds of recover partitions threads but have thus far been plagued by dead links. My searches for adb partitioning keeps showing me recovery zips that I have already tried multiple times. Atm I am working on IOMonster's method, but have my doubts.
I will post results and if I manage to find an ADB guide, I will link it or repost it with citations and keywords to make it easier to find
XSmoky said:
I used win32diskimager and received no error messages, so i guess it was the long shot.
I have been digging through all kinds of recover partitions threads but have thus far been plagued by dead links. My searches for adb partitioning keeps showing me recovery zips that I have already tried multiple times. Atm I am working on IOMonster's method, but have my doubts.
I will post results and if I manage to find an ADB guide, I will link it or repost it with citations and keywords to make it easier to find
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No error messages and being able to read in your PC does not necessarily mean it will boot from it.
But like I said, I'm not sure it would have helped you anyway. Did you look at this thread?
Your problem is that your partitions have gotten corrupted.... you will need to dd some img's back to the nook... I have all of them available... but for /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 and 0p3 you will need to do some editing... since they are device specific.
If you're lucky... /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 is still "normal" and the device can recover 0p2 from the rombackup.zip on there... if not... editing is in your future.
Anyway... if you need the img files... I can make them available... have helped a few out with this problem.
Thanks guys, I'm gonna dual boot linux and get to work on the harder to do things now, but with my kids running around it'll take me some time to do.
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions &
Read the Forum Rules Ref Posting
Thanks ✟
Moving to Q&A
lufc said:
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions &
Read the Forum Rules Ref Posting
Thanks ✟
Moving to Q&A
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Thought i was in the right place given other similar issues posted in same area, thanks for putting me in the right place.
****Moderator please delete this extra post****

Can't flash rom

i'm pretty new to this and i have kinda big problem. I had MIUI 7 rom installed on my S4 I9505, but yesterday after the update phone wont boot. I downloaded new .zip file, put it on SD card, boot into recovery, wipe everything and tried to install new rom. With no succes. I tried 3 differrent roms, i even tried with diffirent recovery, still nothing.
This is what it says:
Installing: /storage/sdcar1/cm-12.1-20151106-NIGHTLY-jfltexx.zip
Finding update package
Opening update package
Installing update
detected filesystem ext4 for /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system
mount: failed to mount /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system at /system: Invalid argument
unmount of /system failed: no such volume
detected filesystem ext4 for /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by_name/userdata
Patching system image unconditionally...
And that's it. Previosly i was getting errors, status 0 and status 7 if i remmember correctly, but now not even that
Now what to do? Please be noob friendly At this point i don't even care any more what rom to install, stock or custom, but i think i would prefer stock.
Thanks for your help!
Edit: I found this guide, will it do it? forums.androidcentral.com/ambassador-guides-tips-how-s/499009-guide-samsung-how-flash-stock-rom-via-odin-new-interface.html
It worked. Admin, you can close/delete this thread.

Please Help How fix Unable to mount internal storage

Hello everyone,
Please Help me to fix this issue
TWRP shows E: Unable to mount '/cache'
E: Unable to mount '/data'
E: Unable to mount '/system'
E: Unable to mount '/cache'
E: Unable to mount internal storage
I have twrp v2.5
Actually, I am trying many solutions but nothing change
Hi, pal. I have the exactly same problem these days. On my opinion, when you have made wipe and wipe dalvik cache, you just deleted the system folder and data. I did same thing, now I'm stuck! :Д When you are trying to change the firmware, is the logo pictures changing for you every time you flash any other .zip file? We' are now complete lost man. Is your USB working like mine where PCs not detecting it? I think they've launched this kind of firmware only to destroy our device, so we can buy a new one. That's the idea. Go to the service and repair center of Lenovo and ask them for help! I wrote them down before a while, now I'm waiting for the response. We have left only two or three possibilities to flash the Rom with the Terminal in the Recovery. But if your PC recognizing the drivers, you will manage to flash the Stock 4.2.2 Rom with Flash tool , otherwise you are stuck too! I have no idea how to flash it. I can give you the terminal commands for you, which are hard to find, but you and me, we need the proper .img files for the flashing procedure. Go to the 4pda forum and ask for help, if you find any solution, come back here telling it and for me. There's a possibility, but it is difficult to create a proper .zip archive, because I only know that we need those folders and files: meta folder- updater-script, logo. bin, lk.bin, boot.img and system.img.
But when I insert the commands there, I don't know how the whole process must be working, something is happening there. The problem is that one of those lines did not work for me. Those are the commands for flashing any Rom with the terminal in the recovery. But first you must see if the PC is installing your drivers properly, open device manager and look for the drivers on the internet and try to install them. May be you have a working USB port, so there's no problem, just flash the stock rom with the Flash tool. But if it is not working as it is here, no other possibilities left, my boy! The only one left or two of them : Flashing the device either through fast boot mode or adb sideload, but you must install those drivers so PC can find the device. Well, you can always do this at your own risk from the terminal.
Oh, I forgot, those problem came when we deleted fstab file for our device.
Flashing firmware through the TWRP terminal commands:
dd if=/external_sd/system.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p6 (for the memory ROW+ ) or
dd if=/external_sd/system.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p5 (for CN+ memory)
dd if=/external_sd/boot.img of=/dev/bootimg
dd if=/external_sd/lk.bin of=/dev/uboot
dd if=/external_sd/logo.bin of=/dev/logo
First, system.img must be converted to systemEXT4.img, then flashing it and you need to have a systemEXT4 in the .zip archive. But I think my system folder is deleted. :Д
simg2img /external_sd/system.img /external_sd/systemEXT4.img
Good luck to you! According to me there is a space after the dot and it must be like this: system. img, boot. img. But not sure!
Hi again. Tooday It occurred to me where our problem may be came with the tablets. When we flashed a custom Rom, we put it for the wrong MTK processor. Ours is MT8389, not 6589. The stock roms are too for the MT8389 according to me. We flashed a wrong Rom. Now the tab must be formatted somehow either through some commands from the terminal, or USB port and path to the USB must be repaired. Then, flashing with the Flash tools is our only option left! Sorry! );
They killed our device on purpose with the Custom rom. Do not flash them any more with such Roms.

