lock-slide to unlock always on? - Touch Diamond2, Pure General

Just replaced my Touch2 with Touch Diamond 2.
my previous phone was enabling the lock-slide to unlock function everytime i had my phone to the standby, so i was avoiding unwantde redials etc while it was in my pocket.
now with the TouchDiamond 2 its a bit different. The lock and sslide to unlock function is activated only if i press and hold the end button, end then turn the phone to the standby mode.
is there a way or a tweak that i can always activate the lock function, like on my Touch2?

here is what i was looking for

spandeli said:
Just replaced my Touch2 with Touch Diamond 2.
my previous phone was enabling the lock-slide to unlock function everytime i had my phone to the standby, so i was avoiding unwantde redials etc while it was in my pocket.
now with the TouchDiamond 2 its a bit different. The lock and sslide to unlock function is activated only if i press and hold the end button, end then turn the phone to the standby mode.
is there a way or a tweak that i can always activate the lock function, like on my Touch2?
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If you want to use the default slide unlocker that cames with the rom and make it active when the display goes off, you should install Diamond Tweak and on it change the "automatic lock" to "enable"

Automatic lock on TD 2
spandeli said:
Just replaced my Touch2 with Touch Diamond 2.
my previous phone was enabling the lock-slide to unlock function everytime i had my phone to the standby, so i was avoiding unwantde redials etc while it was in my pocket.
now with the TouchDiamond 2 its a bit different. The lock and sslide to unlock function is activated only if i press and hold the end button, end then turn the phone to the standby mode.
is there a way or a tweak that i can always activate the lock function, like on my Touch2?
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Hi, for anyone having this issue and wanting to enable auto locking your device, there's a registry tweak that can do it. The same one was working on TD1. You just need to go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\BackLight and find a string AutoDeviceLockEnable. You have to change it's value from 0 to 1 and voila the device locks automaticly when the screen switches off.

Try this cab, worked for me.


Keylock for Magician?

Is there a keylock app available allowing me to lock all keys while device is on? Is it possible to get the keylocker function from Windows Mobile 5??
helterskelter said:
Is there a keylock app available allowing me to lock all keys while device is on? Is it possible to get the keylocker function from Windows Mobile 5??
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If you go to Start -> Settings -> System -> Button Lock, you can set it to lock all the buttons except from the power button. That way, when you turn off the screen (leaving the phone on), all the buttons are disabled except the power button.
Be warned though that if you receive a call or a text message, the buttons and screen become active again.
Try this it may be what you are looking for.http://www.pocketpcfreewares.com/en/index.php?soft=1365
So if you can't take the call it turns on your magician and leaves it turned on
futurity said:
So if you can't take the call it turns on your magician and leaves it turned on
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You'll probably have a time-out set on the Magician anyway to power it down after three minutes or so? If you do that then the keylock will come on at the same time, but yes, for that three minutes the phone's keys and touchscreen will be active if you receive a text/call.
I use mort saver
I haven't tried DeltaLock which is given with the previous link. I have been using Screenlock for almost a year now on my Jam. It has worked fine and done exactly what it is supposed to do. I use it mainly when I'm playing music and have my phone in my pocket. It saves the battery by shutting off the screen completely and locks all of the keys except the 2 key combo required to activate the screen again. http://www.pocketpcfreewares.com/en/index.php?soft=1300
Matterhorn, just tried Screenlock, it is great for MP3 listening. Thanks.

Stop accidental key presses?

Anyone have a solution for this? I have my Wizard go to standby after a short time and always make sure it is in standby when I put in in my case. However, when I receive a call and pull it out of the case, I almost always press one of the buttons. So when I answer the phone I have the camera going, contacts open or the connection manager open. I use all the buttons so I don't want to disable them completly. I wash there was a way to disable all buttons except the answer button for like 5 seconds after a call starts ringing. Or, be able to set buttons to not activate unless pressed for 2 seconds or so. Or, require 2 presses to activate. Anyone have any ideas?
Turn on the password (4 digit one is fine) and set to 0 minutes, the phone will "lock" as soon as you go into standby but when it rings you will be able to answer with the red/green buttons but nothing else until you put in your password.
Thanks, I will give that a try. I used a password before but it slowed things down so much that I removed it. I have done quite a bit of optimizing since then and will try it once more.
it does slow the use, and gets annoying (i still use it) but it does work until i find a decent app to do it. All it really needs is 2 touches or 2 buttons to unlock but not found anything yet... \
I have solved this with litle less work .I have Device lock Bar on the top, under date , so you need twice down and middle buton to lock the
device lock doesn't seem to play well with the password application. if you have password activated you can do a device lock but when you put your device on standby and bring it to full power it is unlocked. if you use device lock without password it works.
any solution to lock keyboard during a call ? i always active some functions with my ears(...) when i speak
starseb - switch your phone to stand-by mode... the radio (phone part) should remain on, and you can continue calling. Then just switch it back on when done ( or not %) )
sorry for my english, but i make i make a mistake. i would say how to lock screen during a call.
bostjan said:
I have solved this with litle less work .I have Device lock Bar on the top, under date , so you need twice down and middle buton to lock the
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Is there a good way to unlock by pressing just keys?
Try christoph's deltaLock map it to a hw button then set it to be unlocked by the same hw button.

Lock screen/keypad

ok so I just got a new TyTN to replace my Excalibur so how do I lock the keys so when it's in my holster nothing goes off??
The excalibur I just had to hold the end key but this doesnt lock that way..
you can set an auto-security lock; locking after 1, 3, 5, 60 minutes etc.-Note this is a password/pin protected lock
Alternatively you can perform a device lock; under settings>today> make sure device lock is enabled, now you can click on this on the today screen to lock your device, I think you may also be able to assign this to a key but I'm not sure
I mostly use (3rd party program) slide2unlock; you literally slide the on-screen slider to unlock, this activates automatically when the device sleeps or goes into standby
Its free and widely available

[APP][Unmaintained][Oct 11th, 2008] Answerkeys Disabler (v0.5.1)

Answerkeys Disabler locks the touch screen of your HTC Touch Diamond when someone calls you. It does not require locking your phone in advance. Simply having the program running in the background solves the problem of accepting or rejecting calls before you got your phone out of your pants.
The program was designed to be as simple as possible, with one goal only: prevent accidental touches to the touch screen because HTC thought it was wise to unlock the phone in your pants. It does not eat a lot of battery, since it just waits untill Windows tells it a call comes in (Answerkeys Disabler actually knows before the HTC software does ). It does not poll in any way to check if it should lock or unlock.
Project home page: http://code.google.com/p/answerkeysdisabler/
Unmaintained: I'm sorry I have to inform you I don't own a HTC Touch Diamond anymore. I didn't mention it in this start post, but I probably did elsewhere: it broke down on me. After several repairs, the phone company finally sent me a replacement phone. I got so fed up with all the repairs, I decided to move on and get myself another phone.
v0.5.1 (Windows installer, CAB file)
Fix for the situation when the LockCallsDuringCalls has the value 0 placing outgoing calls would prevent future incoming calls of being locked (thanks Polluxus and StarMonkee)
Fixed the shutdown when updating Answerkeys Disabler bug: Answerkeys Disabler will now quit faster during uninstallation and not show the warning message (thanks BerlinTop)
v0.5 (Windows installer, CAB file)
Added 5 registy settings which let you tweak the workings of the program
Again, true AppToDate support (the site hosting the previous XML file would not let me upload a new version of it using the same name)
Fixed the startup after installation issue: Answerkeys Disabler will now always start after installation, regardless of your ROM language.
v0.4.1 (Windows installer, CAB file)
True AppToDate support (v0.4 created the registry key at the wrong location)
Changed the notification of start-up after installation: if you're not running an WWE ROM, you have to start Answerkeys Disabler manually after installation.
v0.4 (Windows installer, CAB file)
Stylus support: When Answerkeys Disabler locks your phone, you can unlock it by pulling out the stylus (or inserting it). After this, you can use all on-screen buttons, and the device will not turn off the screen.
AppToDate support
Other device turn-off mechanism: Answerkeys Disabler now simulates pressing the power button. This fixes the wake-up from talk-and-end key after Answerkeys Disabler turns the device off.
Answerkeys Disabler will now automatically run after installation. Uninstallation does not require shutting down Answerkeys Disabler anymore.
Created Windows installer for those unconformable with cab files
v0.3.1 (CAB)
Changed locking behavior: If the device is on and a call comes in, it will not lock.
Fixed screen turnoff errors: if called directly after a missed call (within 40 seconds or so), the screen will now turn off once the second call is answered/rejected/missed.
Added screen turnoff: when during a call the device is turned off, the screen will turn off after the call is hung up.
v0.3 (CAB)
Added screen turn off: the screen turns off if it was off before the new call arrived. => Headset support!
Added application icon (thanx Birkov!)
v0.2.1 (CAB)
Fixed the bug where only the first call would be locked
v0.2 (CAB)
NOT RECOMMENDED! Often locks the first call ONLY. Use v0.2.1 instead
Slightly more efficient by using less thread functions
Fixed the missing A when toggeling the program
Initial version
Add unlock by action key option (if possible)
Support CDMA devices
Fix locking to german landline numbers
pop-up a dialog box if Answerkeys Disabler is clicked from the start-menu, indicatng it has started correctly
Give me some input!
If you like what I'm doing, buy me some coffee to keep me doing it
Have fun with this one!
Download links
Windows installer
CAB file
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do you have to run the program everytime you boot the phone? Or does it load on startup?
A: It loads on startup. It also load directly after installation
Q: Can I mute the incoming call?
A: Yes, the volume down key works, as well as flipping the phone upside down (with the default HTC dialer). If you did not change the default stylus setting, removing the stylus and using the regular on-screen buttons will mute the incoming call as well (v0.5 and above)
Q: Can I deny and send a text message?
A: If you did not change the default stylus setting, then yes, the device will unlock if you remove the stylus when ringing. You can then use the default on-screen buttons. If you disabled stylus unlocking, then no.
Q: What is locked exactly?
A: Only the touch panel (the upper part). The hardware keys (home, back, call, end, the arrows, the center button) remain unlocked.
Q: Can I answer using my Bluetooth headset?
A: Yes.
Q: If I answer with my Bluetooth headset, will the device unlock once I answer?
A: Yes and no. It will unlock, but depending on your settings, the application will turn off the display once it stops ringing.
Q: Can I prevent the display turning off once I answer/deny the call?
A: Depending on your settings, yes, the device not turn off if you remove the stylus when ringing.
Q: What are the settings from v0.5 and above?
A: You can enable and disable the following: unlocking with stylus (UnlockWithStylusEnabled), screen locking on secundary calls (LockCallsDuringCalls), lock always or only from stand by (LockOnlyFromStandby). Also you can set if the device should turn off after a call was established (picked up) or ended (missed/hung up), and if so, if it should be done by emulating a power button press or just turning off the LCD screen.
Q: How can I change any one of the settings?
A: Use a registry editor of your choice (I recommend Total Commander) and browse to HKCU\Software\DRvDijk\AnswerkeysDisabler . You'll find 5 keys with values, each representing one of the settings.
Q: How do I enable/disable unlocking with the stylus?
A: Change the 'UnlockWithStylusEnabled' registry key to 1 to enable unlocking with the stylus, and to 0 to disable it.
Q: How do I enable/disable locking during a secundary call (incoming call while another call is in progress)?
A: Change the 'LockCallsDuringCalls' registry key to 1 to enable locking during a secundary call, or to 0 to disable it.
Q: How do I let Answerkeys Disabler only lock incoming calls when my phone is in stand by, and not when it is already powered on?
A: Change the 'LockOnlyFromStandby' registry key to 1 to let it only lock if the phone is off, and to 0 to let it always lock incoming calls.
Q: How do I disable the screen turn-off after a call is established or ended?
A: Change the 'TurnOffScreenMode' to 0 to completely disable the screen turn-off feature, change it to 1 to let it always turn off the screen after call establishment/ending, or change it to 2 to let it go back to the previous state (i.e. off if the device was off before the call came in, or on otherwise).
Q: How can I change the way Answerkeys Disabler turns off my phone?
A: Change the 'TurnOffScreenMethod' registry value to 1 to emulate a power button press, or 0 to just turn off the LCD screen.
Q: I have the feeling this program still drains battery power. What are the best settings for least power usage?
A: Disable the stylus locking by setting the 'UnlockWithStylusEnabled' registry value to 0, and make sure the 'TurnOffScreenMode' is not set to 2, and make sure 'LockOnlyFromStandby' is set to 0.
Q: What are the default settings?
A: UnlockWithStylusEnabled = 1 (do unlock with stylus)
LockCallsDuringCalls = 1 (do lock incoming secondary calls)
LockOnlyFromStandby = 1 (only lock when the phone was off)
TurnOffScreenMode = 2 (turn off screen if it was off before)
TurnOffScreenMethod = 1 (emulate power button press)
Q: I changed the settings, but the are not working?
A: Please restart Answerkeys Disabler after you change the settings, since the settings are only read on start up
Original post
As pointed out in this thread, there is a great need for some tool to disable accepting or rejecting calls accidentally by pressing the buttons on the touch screen. Some alternatives available are:
[email protected]
PDAVIET's dialer
Now I finished my first application on a PDA ever, which heavily uses ideas from SensorLock's source code to lock and unlock the touch panel. The program locks the touch panel once a call is incoming while keeping the hardware buttons unlocked. Answering is only possible by the hardware buttons. Hopefully this is useful
I'd like to heavily thank surfsmurf for his SensorLock software which made this possible.
Nice work, I just have a question...when it locks the screen when a call comes in, does it unlock it right after? Also, what if during the call, you have to access the screen, will you still be able to do it or does the screen remain locked?
Thanks for your efforts!
We have a winner!!!
This works flawlessly for me, and without the risk of dropping my precious diamond.
Congratulations to you and surfsmurf (the great pioneer of sensorlock!).
You've both done this together, well done. HTC should hire you guys.
koppee1 said:
Nice work, I just have a question...when it locks the screen when a call comes in, does it unlock it right after? Also, what if during the call, you have to access the screen, will you still be able to do it or does the screen remain locked?
Thanks for your efforts!
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It unlocks as soon as the state of the call changes, e.g. you pickup the call, deny the call, you miss the call.. It just unlocks as soon as possible. Therefor, you can completely access the device while in a call.
Works perfectly!!! THNX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot for this.
May I suggest something? Would it be possible to somehow make it bring the device immediately back to sleep if a call is not answered? What I mean is that if we don't listen the ring and the caller drops the call the phone remains unlocked in the pocket for 40secs. It would be nice if the phone returned immediately back to sleep.
awesome, finally im safe
seems like a great solution and I love the size
CarpeNoctum said:
Thanks a lot for this.
May I suggest something? Would it be possible to somehow make it bring the device immediately back to sleep if a call is not answered? What I mean is that if we don't listen the ring and the caller drops the call the phone remains unlocked in the pocket for 40secs. It would be nice if the phone returned immediately back to sleep.
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That would be a brilliant improvement if possible!
This is the only problem I have. Because even via the power management we cannot make the device go back to sleep in less than 40 seconds. So if someone calls and drops the call before we notice the phone remains uloncked for 40 seconds in the pocket. Usually when I get the diamond back in my hands I find the Calendar opened. Not as bad as answering a call accidentally, but again I think it would be great if the developer could make it go back to sleep immediately after the call is dropped when not answered.
I suggest to be a bit smarter: return to previous state NOT go back to sleep anyway.
Sometimes the phone rings when you actually use it or charge it and have it on desk non-sleep. You don't want the device to sleep on you after a (on purpose) missed call or after the end of a call (maybe using bluetooth)...
Yeah that's more general and covers all possibilities. Thanks man
BEST solution!!! Thanks man...
You my man, are king! THANKS!
Bedankt voor deze ultieme diamond app, dit maakt het toestel perfect.
I think I may actually love you . Thanks for the application!
NLS said:
I suggest to be a bit smarter: return to previous state NOT go back to sleep anyway.
Sometimes the phone rings when you actually use it or charge it and have it on desk non-sleep. You don't want the device to sleep on you after a (on purpose) missed call or after the end of a call (maybe using bluetooth)...
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It can return to the previous state ONLY AFTER the call ends. After the call is answered, no matter what the previous state is, the phone should be unlocked. There are actually 4 possibilities:
Pre-call state --> Call --> In-call state --> Post-call state
(1) Locked ---> Accept --> Unlocked ---> Locked (or unlocked)
(2) Locked ---> Reject --> N/A ---> Locked
(3) Unlocked ---> Accept --> Unlocked ---> Unlocked
(4) Unlocked ---> Reject --> N/A ---> Unlocked
So, one thing that has not been done is possibility (2) when the phone is locked and the call is rejected, it should go back unlocked (for ease of use).
i give 't a try, i'ts look good
We are not talking about lock, but about sleep.
Off (screen off) or On
After call:
Same as pre-call.
...not sure of it is possible to detect this as I suspect AKD kicks in after the call comes in so WM has already waken the device.
drvdijk said:
Now I finished my first application on a PDA ever, which heavily uses SensorLock's source code to lock and unlock the touch panel. The program locks the touch panel once a call is incoming while keeping the hardware buttons unlocked. Answering is only possible by the hardware buttons. Hopefully this is useful
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I believe that this application will be found in my next ROM. Congratulations drvdijk!!!

Locking the HD

Hi all,
I have decided to uninstall S2U2 and I don't want any other locking applications. However, is there is a way I can have the standard device lock activated with a short press of the power button?
Currently I am having to hold the 'End call' button until it locks, then turn the screen off with the power button.
I have a pin setup and use the short press of the power button to put the phone into powersave 0 whixh then outs the phone into pin lock after a short while
If you push the hang off button for more than 10seconds, it will be locked
FetchBLN said:
If you push the hang off button for more than 10seconds, it will be locked
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I don't know about your device...
On my HD you can press the end button and count until 3, and the device is locked
I can't remember whether it's in HD Tweak or Advanced Config, but there's an option to automatically lock the keypad on screen turning off (both timed out or power button press I assume, but not tested) so you could try that?
Edit: instead of being lazy I actually looked it up - it's in HD Tweak, option 4.1; Lock -> AutoLock
Just tried it and it works, turn backlight off by short power press and it's locked a well as screen turning off!
Good tip: works for me!
By the way: you can configure what happens when you pres the "disconnect" button too.
Thanks for this thread. I am very confused when it comes to locking the phone. Can anyone tell me...
Does the built in device lock work well? Will it keep the phone locked when a call comes in ?
If so, then why do people use S2U2 or other third party apps? Also some people say that S2U2 drains the battery. Is this true? How does it drain the battery?
The HD tweak had the disadvantage that when the screen turns in 'shaded' state the device is also locked.
Then when unlocking the device the screen stays 'shaded'.
avimak said:
I don't know about your device...
On my HD you can press the end button and count until 3, and the device is locked
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Maybe it takes you 10 seconds to count to 3.
I've finally got there with locking my HD... I had a S710 before the HD, and I liked the fact that on that I could hold down the "end call" button, and that it would lock the phone and turn the backlight off. The screen would then turn off completely after whatever time I had entered (2 mins I think). And on unlocking the device the backlight would turn on.
On my HD I have now disabled the device password, but enabled my PIN request, so that it secures the phone if it has been turned off completely. This means that I can now hold down the "end call" button for 3 seconds or so and it locks the device (requiring a 2-tap process to unlock, like the S710). I have also used the standard windows mobile settings (power) to have the backlight automatically turnoff after 30 seconds, and have used HD Tweak (setting 4.1) to autolock the device when the backlight turnsoff. The only problem is that when AutoLock happens using HDTweak, when I unlock it the backlight fails to turn back on, even once I have started using the screen. Any ideas on how to fix this?
chaosdefinesorder said:
I can't remember whether it's in HD Tweak or Advanced Config, but there's an option to automatically lock the keypad on screen turning off (both timed out or power button press I assume, but not tested) so you could try that?
Edit: instead of being lazy I actually looked it up - it's in HD Tweak, option 4.1; Lock -> AutoLock
Just tried it and it works, turn backlight off by short power press and it's locked a well as screen turning off!
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Just to confirm my above question regarding this specific feature of HD Tweak... I have got this working on my HD now too, but when it autolocks, and I unlock it, the backlight doesn't turn back on, and the only way to make it turn back on is to hardbutton off and on the device (not power-off, just press the button the top of the phone and press it again).
This is stopping me from using the HD Tweak autolock now, which is annoying because it does precisely what I need! Can anyone offer any advice?
I've just realised that it actually says within HD Tweak itself (on 4.1 option selector) that this is a known issue... any idea on if and when it will get fixed?
How about using Gyrator to lock the device? I have set it to lock the device and switch off the screen on inserting the stylus. Also, I have it set to unlock and switch the PDA on when the stylus in removed.
Simple. Works for me, anyway!
james00000007 said:
I have a pin setup and use the short press of the power button to put the phone into powersave 0 whixh then outs the phone into pin lock after a short while
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Is this similar to an application my friend had on his iphone. Basically, when he needs to use the phone, he needs to put in a pin to unlock. I think the Nokia E61 has a similar feature.
nikki-m said:
How about using Gyrator to lock the device? I have set it to lock the device and switch off the screen on inserting the stylus. Also, I have it set to unlock and switch the PDA on when the stylus in removed.
Simple. Works for me, anyway!
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Can u let us know how to u set it?
nikki-m said:
How about using Gyrator to lock the device? I have set it to lock the device and switch off the screen on inserting the stylus. Also, I have it set to unlock and switch the PDA on when the stylus in removed.
Simple. Works for me, anyway!
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i hav a qns, at the locked screen, when u rotate ur device, does the screen rotate as well???
i had tis problem whn using gyrator to lock, whn its lock at home screen, the screen wil rotate if i rotate my device. how to disable that???
davehodgkinson said:
Just to confirm my above question regarding this specific feature of HD Tweak... I have got this working on my HD now too, but when it autolocks, and I unlock it, the backlight doesn't turn back on, and the only way to make it turn back on is to hardbutton off and on the device (not power-off, just press the button the top of the phone and press it again).
This is stopping me from using the HD Tweak autolock now, which is annoying because it does precisely what I need! Can anyone offer any advice?
I've just realised that it actually says within HD Tweak itself (on 4.1 option selector) that this is a known issue... any idea on if and when it will get fixed?
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Mhh, I also think it's very annoying. I first used the auto lock feature by setting
HKey_CURRENT_USER/ControlPanel/BackLight/AutoDeviceLockEnable = 1, but I also have the backlight-issue, which is really annoying.
I also installed S2U2, but after installing that program the battery-life was inacceptable. By now I'm using the manual method, pressing hang-up for 3 seconds. It works, but I often forget it, and it then happens easily that I press the hard-button which awakes the phone from standby and I make pocket-calls.
The auto-lock feature is also exactly the thing I need, except the fact that I get the backlight issue then. Does anybody know how to fix the backlight issue? Maybe by editing another key in the registry?
As I said in the hint topic, in order to lock my device I just press the power off button (this activate the stand by), simple and fast
I use S2U2 at first, but it drains power too much, so I uninstall it after 2 days.
Then I use your method - hold the end call button to lock the device.
Now, I change the right softkey to invoke a small application that will turn off the machine (just like press power button). When I take out the stylus, the machine will on again.
Thus, I don't need to press any button, and I feel it is better......personally.......
stm2008 said:
I use S2U2 at first, but it drains power too much, so I uninstall it after 2 days.
Then I use your method - hold the end call button to lock the device.
Now, I change the right softkey to invoke a small application that will turn off the machine (just like press power button). When I take out the stylus, the machine will on again.
Thus, I don't need to press any button, and I feel it is better......personally.......
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which application are you using now to turn off the screen? sounds interesting.
Tyrion84 said:
As I said in the hint topic, in order to lock my device I just press the power off button (this activate the stand by), simple and fast
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Yes, but when I activate standby and put the phone into my pocket, I often accidently hit the button again, which reactivates the phone. hit_one_button_to_unlock ist not tobi-proof

