Lock screen/keypad - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

ok so I just got a new TyTN to replace my Excalibur so how do I lock the keys so when it's in my holster nothing goes off??
The excalibur I just had to hold the end key but this doesnt lock that way..

you can set an auto-security lock; locking after 1, 3, 5, 60 minutes etc.-Note this is a password/pin protected lock
Alternatively you can perform a device lock; under settings>today> make sure device lock is enabled, now you can click on this on the today screen to lock your device, I think you may also be able to assign this to a key but I'm not sure
I mostly use (3rd party program) slide2unlock; you literally slide the on-screen slider to unlock, this activates automatically when the device sleeps or goes into standby
Its free and widely available


Arghh - on new ROM, lock button doesn't do as I'd like!

Because my device contains sensitive information, I like it locked with a PIN.
Currently its set to Lock after 0 seconds, which basically means every time I close the lid.
Of course this isn't always what I'd like, as I often close the lid for the safety of the screen, not because I actually want to PIN lock it.
I was hoping that the new Device Lock plugin would be an extension of the existing locking capabilities, enabling me to remove the "after 0..." option, and give me the ability to manually PIN lock the device whenever I wanted, simply from the Today screen, as well as setting it to lock after a better timeout (say, 5 mins...)
Does it? Does it buggery...
The Device Lock button appears simply to keylock (not PIN lock) the device, which isn't what I want, because anyone can pick it up, unlock it, and access it without knowing the PIN.
What a crock of sh1t.
Does anyone know of a way to map a button or run a program which will PROPERLY (ie with a PIN) lock this bloody thing? I've been waiting for a ROM release which contains the Device Lock plugin, only to find its useless for my needs!

simulate user interaction every X minutes

My mobile gets locked after 20minutes of user-inactivity due to corporate security restrictions. This can unfortunately not be turned on.
This is extremely annoying when I use my phone as navigation system (tomtom) as I have to press the screen or a key every 20 minutes or less in order for the phone not to go to the lock screen.
Does anyone know how I can simulate some user interaction? It should preferably be an action that does not actually activate anything (e.g. it does not actually do a screen or button press) as this could interfere with the software running (in my case TomTom).
thanks in advance
You can disable the lock.
First you need to enable the box under "Settings -> Personal -> Lock" again to be able to untick it.
This can be done in the registry:
0 = Enabled; 1 = Disabled
Then install Zenyee.com Stay Unlock.cab and soft reset your device.
This program will prevent the lock to be activated again.
thanks I will try that.
kimusan said:
My mobile gets locked after 20minutes of user-inactivity due to corporate security restrictions. This can unfortunately not be turned on.
This is extremely annoying when I use my phone as navigation system (tomtom) as I have to press the screen or a key every 20 minutes or less in order for the phone not to go to the lock screen.
Does anyone know how I can simulate some user interaction? It should preferably be an action that does not actually activate anything (e.g. it does not actually do a screen or button press) as this could interfere with the software running (in my case TomTom).
thanks in advance
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Hi kimusan,
I have a mortscript running in the background (Whenever I start my Navigation, because my screen will switch off after 2 minutes). The mort-script sleeps 60 seconds and after that it resets the timer. Then sleeps again and so on.
I start the the script directly with my navigation program and stop it after the window of the navigation does no longer exists...
If you need the script-file I will send it to you...
For my PPC it works really well.
Hope this will help.
scroll down this page to find an app called 'KeepAlive'

[APP IDEA/REQ] Locking the phone using standard WM locking

We all need a good locking app that don't interference with other system/background jobs.Using on /off button is very inconvenient so the phone should wake up with any key but of course it needs to be properly locked. The best way to do it to use standard WM locking tool. Here is an example: there is small .exe program(i have sth like that) that locks and turns off the phone you could map to any soft button and call for example: LOCK. So... You press LOCK button like in normal phone the phone locks and turns off and that's it but there is a big problem. Because of buttons are not locked you can by a mistake turn on the phone in your pocket. It will be turned on on the unlock screen for 40 sec- due to system settings i wanna keep. The IDEA is to do such a program that lockandOFF and when the phone is locked you can set backlight to only 5 sec (enough for unlocking,checking the time or when pressed by a mistake). I've HP IPAQ HX4700 and there backlight on unlockscreen is turned off after 5 sec but when not locked it stays on for 60 sec - due to system settings.

Lock when display off?

No matter what I set in the lock properties (even if I disable lock) my HD2 turns on the lock screen whenever I power off the display (end call button) and wake it again. Is there a way to only activate the lock after the time specified in the lock settings has passed?
mfly9 said:
No matter what I set in the lock properties (even if I disable lock) my HD2 turns on the lock screen whenever I power off the display (end call button) and wake it again. Is there a way to only activate the lock after the time specified in the lock settings has passed?
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Sadly, the answer is no.
It's either on, or off.
whenever you go to suspend, it would lock (or not, depending on the settings), it does not consider the time parameter.
(this is my experience.
if someone else knows how to suspend without locking,
but set a lock only after a specific time without usage,
I would also be glad to know how)
Som30ne said:
It's either on, or off.
whenever you go to suspend, it would lock (or not, depending on the settings), it does not consider the time parameter.
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My experience is that the device wakes up locked (simple swipe unlock it if no password is set) even if the lock settings are disabled. I remember my Touch Diamond didn't have this issue...
power button -> screen off -> wait a little -> power button -> screen on. power button -> screen off -> wait 16 minutes (15 was the lock setting) -> power button -> screen on & lock screen.
this is what I want
I think what you can do is to use the S2U2 v.2.30 lock instead of the default WMo lock.
Through the right S2U2 settings (e.g. Lock when device wake up, Replace WM6.5 system manual lock etc.), the S2U2 should be able to override/disable the default lock settings. Then by setting the right sleep/suspend/wake intervals using the device setting and/or other power management apps, you should be able to achieve what you want.
Btw, there is also a registry tweak (also available in .cab) to fully disbale the default screen lock. Just search "Disable Auto Device Lock.cab" in this Forum.

lock-slide to unlock always on?

Just replaced my Touch2 with Touch Diamond 2.
my previous phone was enabling the lock-slide to unlock function everytime i had my phone to the standby, so i was avoiding unwantde redials etc while it was in my pocket.
now with the TouchDiamond 2 its a bit different. The lock and sslide to unlock function is activated only if i press and hold the end button, end then turn the phone to the standby mode.
is there a way or a tweak that i can always activate the lock function, like on my Touch2?
here is what i was looking for
spandeli said:
Just replaced my Touch2 with Touch Diamond 2.
my previous phone was enabling the lock-slide to unlock function everytime i had my phone to the standby, so i was avoiding unwantde redials etc while it was in my pocket.
now with the TouchDiamond 2 its a bit different. The lock and sslide to unlock function is activated only if i press and hold the end button, end then turn the phone to the standby mode.
is there a way or a tweak that i can always activate the lock function, like on my Touch2?
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If you want to use the default slide unlocker that cames with the rom and make it active when the display goes off, you should install Diamond Tweak and on it change the "automatic lock" to "enable"
Automatic lock on TD 2
spandeli said:
Just replaced my Touch2 with Touch Diamond 2.
my previous phone was enabling the lock-slide to unlock function everytime i had my phone to the standby, so i was avoiding unwantde redials etc while it was in my pocket.
now with the TouchDiamond 2 its a bit different. The lock and sslide to unlock function is activated only if i press and hold the end button, end then turn the phone to the standby mode.
is there a way or a tweak that i can always activate the lock function, like on my Touch2?
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Hi, for anyone having this issue and wanting to enable auto locking your device, there's a registry tweak that can do it. The same one was working on TD1. You just need to go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\BackLight and find a string AutoDeviceLockEnable. You have to change it's value from 0 to 1 and voila the device locks automaticly when the screen switches off.
Try this cab, worked for me.

