NAND Clockwork vs DFT - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

I like DFT just fine and I have no problems execute and flash in windows
why do i want clockwork and use ?
any other advantages other than Nandroid backup ?
u can back up all the crap with ti backup / sms backup to gmail anyways

lsxrx7 said:
I like DFT just fine and I have no problems execute and flash in windows
why do i want clockwork and use ?
any other advantages other than Nandroid backup ?
u can back up all the crap with ti backup / sms backup to gmail anyways
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The real advantage of ClockWork is quick ROM management. You can have many builds and switch between them easily by backing them up and restoring them. You can also flash only portions of a ROM (Updates and such) without losing all your data. For example, if someone releases a new GAPPS package, you can simply flash it and it will update all GAPPS without needing to reinstall the full ROM and lose all your data.
Also, it's the system of choice for CM builds... And Android modding in general.


[Q] Does flashing FR008 wipe all my data?

Does flashing this rom wipe all my data??
Will i lose allm y contacts, messages, settings etc???
If so, how do i backup all of this stuff first?
I currently have rooted with clockworkmod and am wanting to upgrade to 2.2 for apps2sd and openGL ES 2 etc
arnienz said:
Does flashing this rom wipe all my data??
Will i lose allm y contacts, messages, settings etc???
If so, how do i backup all of this stuff first?
I currently have rooted with clockworkmod and am wanting to upgrade to 2.2 for apps2sd and openGL ES 2 etc
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Yes the recommendation for flash Liberated FR008 is to do a Wipe Data from ClockworkMod before flashing.
You should sync all of your contacts to Gmail using your Google account to preserve them and since you are rooted, you can use Titanium Backup or My Backup Root to save your apps, setting and messages.
Can I flash without wiping data, as the tutorial only says its especially reccomended if im coming from another ROM.
Currently I only have to stock at&T Rom (with some at&t apps removed) installed on my phone
arnienz said:
Can I flash without wiping data, as the tutorial only says its especially reccomended if im coming from another ROM.
Currently I only have to stock at&T Rom (with some at&t apps removed) installed on my phone
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You are coming from a Android 2.1 ROM and flashing an Android 2.2 ROM, so it is a different ROM. This is not a ROM that was made from a 2.1 to 2.2 OTA, so I think the best thing would be to do a rooted backup and then wipe before you flash. I would make a good nandroid backup using ClockworkMod before you flash, too.
tpbklake said:
You are coming from a Android 2.1 ROM and flashing an Android 2.2 ROM, so it is a different ROM. This is not a ROM that was made from a 2.1 to 2.2 OTA, so I think the best thing would be to do a rooted backup and then wipe before you flash. I would make a good nandroid backup using ClockworkMod before you flash, too.
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What is a rooted backup??
Yeah Ive done a nandroid backup. Is all I need to do is to root with clockwork, then nandroid backup, then install the rom?
I dont need it nand unlocked or anything? Also, is it easy to restore from a nandroid backup?
thanks for your help
arnienz said:
What is a rooted backup??
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A rooted backup would be to install Titanium Backup or My Backup Root to back up your apps, data and settings. You would install these from the Android Market after you have rooted your phone.
arnienz said:
Yeah Ive done a nandroid backup. Is all I need to do is to root with clockwork, then nandroid backup, then install the rom?
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No, I suggest that you then backup your apps, data and settings using Titanium or My Backup and then wipe data as per the instructions for flashing.
Perhaps you need to look at this thread:
arnienz said:
Also, is it easy to restore from a nandroid backup?
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Yes, when you select the Nandroid option in ClockworkMod, there is a menu selection for both backup and restore. A nandroid backup is a complete backup of your phone that you can restore and go back to if you don't like the new ROM that you flashed. It will restore your phone to the exact point it was before you flashed.
tpbklake said:
A rooted backup would be to install Titanium Backup or My Backup Root to back up your apps, data and settings. You would install these from the Android Market after you have rooted your phone.
No, I suggest that you then backup your apps, data and settings using Titanium or My Backup and then wipe data as per the instructions for flashing.
Perhaps you need to look at this thread:
Yes, when you select the Nandroid option in ClockworkMod, there is a menu selection for both backup and restore. A nandroid backup is a complete backup of your phone that you can restore and go back to if you don't like the new ROM that you flashed. It will restore your phone to the exact point it was before you flashed.
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Okay thanks I might try this after work.
Also, waht is the most stable release of Froyo (with HTC Sense) for the Aria?
I've heard that FR008 can have problems with the reception after a flash.
I guess i can always flash it and see what happens and then restore back if i dont like it.
arnienz said:
Okay thanks I might try this after work.
Also, waht is the most stable release of Froyo (with HTC Sense) for the Aria?
I've heard that FR008 can have problems with the reception after a flash.
I guess i can always flash it and see what happens and then restore back if i dont like it.
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I have not had any reception issues when I flashed Liberated FR008. It runs just fine for me. I have a WiFi connection both at home and at work, so I leave WiFi all the time and I am very pleased with the battery life.


Hello can anyone explain to me how to backup and after that restore data oh my android
Now i use TyphooN CyanogenMod 7 but now there is 4 versions new and i want to update.I read posts and people say that it's better to make fresh clean install,not update.
Ok i will.but cai i restore my aplications after that or i make install all of them again
Thank you
Do normal android backup via cwm, then wipe everything, flash new rom and after that go to the advanced restore and restore only data. But of course you can flash new rom directly and you will see if it's ok .
If it will be unsuccesful, you still have your backup ..
If you want to only restore your apps on the newer version, you could use Titanium Backup (from Android Market) to back up and restore the apps and their data caches.
I would first do a cwm backup, then back up the apps and their data with Titanium. Then flash the new ROM. Try first doing a custom restore -->data only, and if that doesn't work out for you, you can do a wipe and then install Titanium and at least restore your apps and their data caches.
Sent from my HTC HD2

[Q] Need to update rooted T-Mobile G2

Rooted my G2 in December 2010 but did not install any custom ROMs on it. I have SuperUser and ClockWork Mod on it. The OTA 2.3.3 update finally made its way to my phone, but does not update because of root.
I have seen too many threads explaining how to update the phone, leaving me confused Can somebody please explain how to or point me to a relevant thread.
There are pre-rooted versions posted in Development. Just download from there, put on your SD card, and flash from ROM Manager. You are also S-Off?
If you install an official ROM, you lose root. You don't want that.
redpoint73 said:
You are also S-Off?
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Yes, I am S-Off
FullScreen57 said:
Yes, I am S-Off
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I used this one:
bone stock pre-rooted OTA. Flash through CWM recovery. Doesn't replace Radio or anything. Its just a you can flash. Wipe data/factory reset before flashing of course.
Thanks redpoint73 and martonikaj for your help. I was able to update the ROM.
One last question for the folks here, I performed a Titanium Pro Backup before upgrading the ROM.
Which one of the following restores should I perform now that I have upgraded to 2.3.4?
1. Restore missing apps with data
2. Restore all system data
3. Restore missing apps + all system data
4. Restore newer versions of user apps
5. Restore all apps with data
FullScreen57 said:
Thanks redpoint73 and martonikaj for your help. I was able to update the ROM.
One last question for the folks here, I performed a Titanium Pro Backup before upgrading the ROM.
Which one of the following restores should I perform now that I have upgraded to 2.3.4?
1. Restore missing apps with data
2. Restore all system data
3. Restore missing apps + all system data
4. Restore newer versions of user apps
5. Restore all apps with data
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I usually do 5. Restore all apps with data when moving to a new ROM. (never restore system data unless you're re-flashing the same ROM). I usually select it, then scroll through the list and uncheck some apps that may cause issues. Things like Clocks, Browsers, etc. often overwrite system-level apps and can cause problems. YMMV.
Its in your best interest to perform a nandroid backup before doing a big restore of 100's of apps, as there is a chance that there may be some problems or incompatibilities that cause issues, and you want to be able to go back to a state before installing all those apps to troubleshoot without having to re-flash the entire ROM.

[Q] CWM Restore Problem

Ok i have a question.. NAND backup is those backup that make from CWM?
a full backup right?
If yes, here's the story... previously i have used a defy with CM 7.1 and i had this NAND Backup.. After that i sold the phone and now i had another DEFY with stock 2.1.. now is it possible to restore that NAND BAckup?
Simply put it Device A backup NAND A and then NAND A restore to Device B..
is it possible?
-j-t- said:
Ok i have a question.. NAND backup is those backup that make from CWM?
a full backup right?
If yes, here's the story... previously i have used a defy with CM 7.1 and i had this NAND Backup.. After that i sold the phone and now i had another DEFY with stock 2.1.. now is it possible to restore that NAND BAckup?
Simply put it Device A backup NAND A and then NAND A restore to Device B..
is it possible?
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If checksums differ - then not possible.
But if you use the same SD card and play around without verification..then its possible!!
headers.chennai said:
If checksums differ - then not possible.
But if you use the same SD card and play around without verification..then its possible!!
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means i need to use back the same SD card as previous device..?
and what you mean without verification and what is checksums?
You should have "Titanium Backup". I use this to restore alle "my" Apps... I don't restore the system settings
not sure. but I'd say you can use your backup. just install the system you used to have (cm7.1) the official way and after that you should be able to restore your backup.
so now i need to do step by step to flash custom cm7.1 then restore from backup or direct now root it install cwm and restore it?
As I said. As far as I know: Flash Froyo, install CWM, flash CM7, restore backup. By that you should be on the save side. BUT try otherwise. You might be lucky.
ok thanks will try to do that.. i think safe method better =D
Some of the ROMs you can download here ARE nandroid backups. So if you are having about the same model of defy then is the answer yes (why not?)

[Q] TWRP Recovery- How to use?

So I am currently on Paranoid Android and wish to switch to another ROM (most likely AOKP or PACman just to try). In TWRP recovery, what would I select to just back up my app data and NOT my ROM, and after that is possible, what must I restore to get it back and in what order of flashing alon with my new ROM and GAPPS???:silly:
You can go into TWRP and backup and choose what partitions you want to backup. However, I'd suggest you backup everything and don't try to restore the data to another ROM.
I use Titanium to backup all app data as well as MMS history, WiFi networks etc then do a full backup in TWRP. Then wipe everything and flash the new ROM. Then boot up and reconfigure accounts and restore apps + data with titanium.
It may be a little more effort but this way you can always roll back to the previous setup if anything goes wrong and you're less likely to run into any weird issues from moving data around between ROMs.
Or you could try something like app2zip off the play store to make a flashable zip of only selected apps and data which is probably safer than the whole partition. If you do a full backup first you can always rollback if something goes wrong.
When using Titanium Backup, when I hit run backup, where does it go and how do I restore it after I flash my new ROM. Or do I do the option and flash that when I'm doing my new ROM?
GraysonB said:
When using Titanium Backup, when I hit run backup, where does it go and how do I restore it after I flash my new ROM. Or do I do the option and flash that when I'm doing my new ROM?
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It goes into a folder on /sdcard called TitaniumBackup. When you flash a new rom, you will need to redownload titanium backup. When you redownload it, it will find the backups and you can click on the app to restore it.
Theres no need to use the method. Do it like this ^
