Transfering txt messages to emails - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

This may have been covered before but the last one i could find was 2009.
What is the best way of sending your txt message conversation to an email, or have my PC back it up.

Crude but effective, is to tap and drag over the entire conversation to select it, then tap and hold and select Copy from the pop-up menu.
Paste it into a new email message and send it, or paste it into Pocket Word and save it. Copy it to your PC through ActiveSync.
To do this programmatically requires negotiating the POOM interface which is a bit of a pig at the best of times.

Thanks. Are there any programs these days that would allow me to interface my txt messages with outlook? I know there use to be but that was a couple years ago.

There is Microsoft's Outlook Add-In but that is only for pushing out SMS messages from Outlook on your PC, there is no way to go the other way.
I believe Jeyo's Extender may be able to do it. It can be downloaded as a 15 day trial version, but is $20 for the full product.

Try this
I've never used it so can't really say much about it.

I am not the original author of this program, it was created by computerjunkie. He graciously posted the source code when he stopped development, so I picked up where he left off. The original thread can be found here.
Cloud SMS Backup reads your SMS account and backs up the conversations by emailing them to an account of your choice. You can have them sent as separate emails each containing one of your conversations, or have all your conversations zipped up into one email. It also gives the options to empty your SMS account after backing up to prevent the slowdowns of having too many messages.


Corrupted text messages and emails

Hi All - For reasons that I won't bore you with, I had to restore all my messages from a backup (using Sprite Backup).
The restore didn't work 100% and got stuck at the 'patching emails' bit.
Anyway, I rebooted the XDA and it looked and behaved mostly fine. However I have a text message 'stuck' in the draft folder which if I delete it normally, crashes the program. When I look in the draft folder there's nothing there (but the folder says there's '1 unread'). Additionally, I've got emails sitting in the sent folder that when I click on them to view them, nothing happens
Also when I sync my emails, it ALWAYS says 640 unresolved items no matter how many times I sync the PDA
If I use the 'clear messages' option in pocket outlook - it looks like it clears all the data, but the bogus draft text message and around dozen 'sent' emails refuse to be deleted
I guess what I need is a 'better' way to delete the data. I've looked in the database section on XDAIIi, but I can't see a database for the text messages them selves
Can anyone help - this is driving me nuts!!! :evil:

Backup AND RESTORE SMS messages?

I've searched the board several times since months and haven't found a solution to my problem yet.
My problem is as follows:
I have my Wizard (O2 Germany, so Xda mini S) since february (in fact it is the third one, O2 support changed it two times because the stylus didn't lock anymore after few weeks of use... have to change it again...).
And few months ago, I tried Sprite Backup, what I am using since then. Although it worked well, one thing is annoying: sometimes after hard reset and restore of only my mail database (cemail.vol, the only thing I really need to be backed up), the Messaging app doesn't show mail accounts anymore, but when I try to create new ones with the same names, it says, that the accounts already exist. So I created new accounts with different names, as many other users did, how I could read here. They co-exist and take memory.
Interesting thing: the Spb Diary messaging program can see the old accounts, and so it is also possible to delete the messages, that are still there in the old accounts. It can take a long time and many clicks (taps), because you can delete only one message at once, but it is better than nothing. One problem persists: Spb Diary can't delete the accounts themselves.
Therefore I am searching for a way to extract only my SMS messages (eMail is not important, I have it all on PC), start with an empty mail database (hard reset) and restore only the SMS messages into that new database.
The only program I have found so far, that really looked well for the first moment, is Jeyo Mobile Extender (or Companion). It backups the SMS Messages to PC, but not all of them. Messages in subfolders are ignored (I have subfolders for delivery notifications, call missed notifications and so on). And the restore doesn't work as expected. The date of the messages gets messed up, long messages (>160 charactes) get cut, and even the sender/receiver of the messages can get flipped.
But it must be possible to write a program, that fits my needs, I think (by the way: what is going on with the developers of WM2005? Backing up messages from mobile device to desktop is ESSENTIAL!!! Why isn't such a feature included?).
And because I am sure that I am not the only one with this problems hoping for a solution, I could imagine that someone already has written such a tool.
So, please, if anyone knows a tool or a different solution (editing mail database, removing everything except SMS messages...), PLEASE, help me!
Thank you very much in advance!
Yeaa im also really looking for a soultion to this, i Recently got a Windows Mobile device and i really wanna just be able to transfer my Series 60 Messages in Text format now.. to my Pocket PC's Messaging.
I can't believe nobody has made an app to backup and restore SMS's despite the growing number of people who need just sucha an app.
Except for Kai's, I don't think there is anything out there that does the job.
I hope SPB includes an option in the future to backup specific accounts only, because it is by far the best messaging backup app I have used till date.
leepriestenator said:
I can't believe nobody has made an app to backup and restore SMS's despite the growing number of people who need just sucha an app.
Except for Kai's, I don't think there is anything out there that does the job.
I hope SPB includes an option in the future to backup specific accounts only, because it is by far the best messaging backup app I have used till date.
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jeyo has. works fine
jeyo is crappy piece of ****. better than nothing, but doesn't back up all messages, no self-created subfolders, no dupe-check, shows error message on ppc on every connect...
you will find out, when it is most important to you, believe me!

Gmail confusing

I accept that I just don't get it but...
WTF is up with the Gmail app? No folders, only labels, is there a way to empty trash? Is there a way to take things out of the trash? I don't get the labels thing. I just want a normal email client interface for Gmail push mail.
These threaded 'conversations' are annoying as hell to sift thru.
Are the labels the 'new' folders? Am I supposed to create labels like I used to create folders? Is this only done thru the web desktop version of gmail?
I know, I know I'm the dumb*ss here... but WTF.
I guess this new Gmail thing is this great new revolutionary thing but I just don't get it and looking through emails in this new way that's unlike any email client I have ever worked with has never been more frustrating.
Pardon my rant... just frustrated that I am having such a difficult time understanding this and I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't get it. Please forgive.
BTW, I tried the Gmail help & faq but I still don't get it. Can anyone point me towards something that will help me become an expert in this new amazing label bullsh*t? Thanks!
I recently noticed that you cannot bring an item from the trash back to the inbox. I would consider that a bug. Fortunately you can fix it by logging in thru a web browser.
Deleted items are dumped automatically once they are 30 days old. You can empty trash if you go in via browser but there's really no point.
Yes, labels are "the new folders". They work the same way except an e-mail can only be in one folder but it can have any number of labels.
I would recommend that you start using the browser-based gmail on your PC for a little while. It's a little easier to undertsand that way and then it will make more sense on the phone.
ETA: Another thing people have trouble with is the "Archive" button which really means "Disappear from the Inbox." So if you want to "put a message into a folder" tag it with whatever labels you want and then archive it. Conveniently, if a new message appears in an archived conversation, it will automagically un-archive itself.
Thanks for your response... I'll take a look at the online desktop version of Gmail, try to familiarize myself with this new way of organizing email. Definitely not a fan so far...
on my G1 whenever I select a message and go to change the label my only option is Inbox (+ or -) whatever that means. And yeah I accidentally hit Archive on one message and accidentally reported another as spam... and there's no confirmation on anything so it does it all immediately, which is great if you know what the hell you're doing.
Push mail comes at a price I guess. Thinking my dumb*ass will stick with IMAP checking every 5 mins. Oh well.
F*cking lame system if you ask me.
yeah, i don't get it either. watched some coworkers use gmail and it didn't make any sense to me why they would change how email client works. but at least their calendar app behaves normally as far as i can tell.
i'll just stick to my pop3 email, although the pop email client on the g1 is total crap.
strangethingz said:
on my G1 whenever I select a message and go to change the label my only option is Inbox (+ or -) whatever that means.
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If you remove the Inbox label (it show + when it's removed) it's the same as archiving.
I think you can only add labels via the web interface, which is why you only see the inbox label.
F*cking lame system if you ask me.
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Once you start using it, the "old way" should start to drive you nuts.
@Ultraman: They changed it because that's pretty much what Google does for a living. They try to come up with a different (and hopefully better) way to do things.
Yeah the pop3/imap client isn't so great, but it looks a lot better than the Gmail interface in my opinion...
I notice a problem though with the pop3 client where it always displays messages as unread even if I've looked at them... for some reason I don't have this problem when I have the account setup as IMAP though.
I notice weird things happen... Where emails disappear from my inbox but I can see them when I view 'All Mail'. I check the label and it is set for Inbox and yet the message isn't listed on my G1 Inbox. I go online and sure enough it is listed in the Inbox online... so I have to view All Mail in the online version and select Move to Inbox (even though online it already appears to be in my Inbox) and then sometimes it shows back up on my G1 device.
Really loving that I have to continuously go online to reset emails... I love this new system... so much fun trying to hunt down emails. Wayyy better than folders. With folders everything was too predictable... drop an email in a folder and it stayed there... this new system is nice, keeps me on my toes
strangethingz said:
I notice weird things happen... Where emails disappear from my inbox but I can see them when I view 'All Mail'. I check the label and it is set for Inbox and yet the message isn't listed on my G1 Inbox. I go online and sure enough it is listed in the Inbox online... so I have to view All Mail in the online version and select Move to Inbox (even though online it already appears to be in my Inbox) and then sometimes it shows back up on my G1 device.
Really loving that I have to continuously go online to reset emails... I love this new system... so much fun trying to hunt down emails. Wayyy better than folders. With folders everything was too predictable... drop an email in a folder and it stayed there... this new system is nice, keeps me on my toes
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Make sure your client isn't set to automatically delete email off your server after its fetched
hmm..yeah there might be a bit of understanding curve if you are new..
i been using gmail since early beta days and now i just cannot go back to those rigid folders used by yahoo etc..
i have so many labels and they are all intertwined..just cannot imagine living with the "old folder"
good luck with getting thru gmail
I know the labels seems confusing, but as one poster put it before -- When you put something in a folder, it's just in that folder, and nowhere else. Labels gives you the option of having things organized a little better.
For example, an email from my Dad telling me his new address can have the lables "DAD", "FAMILY" and "ADDRESS".
The labels come into play really well on the web interface, you can go to your labels on the left, click the label and get everything that has that label.
With the folder system, you have to chose ONE place for it. With the labels system you can tag an email with as many labels as it needs so when you need to find it, it's easy.
The labels come in really handy for sorting incoming email, I have a bunch of filters that do all kinds of things, for example -
Facebook Filter - I set this up to tag those Facebook notifications with a "FACEBOOK" label and then to mark them as read. I can see that I got them, but I don't have to worry about getting a notification on my phone about silly facebook stuff.
Work Filter - Anyone emailing from my theatre company automatically gets the label, so I can see all of the correspondence about the company very easily.
I love the threaded emails, makes it so much easier to follow the conversation. Not everyone's email is set up to respond with the text from the previous email, so this helps keep it all intact. I think it helps organize and keep the inbox looking tidy.
I would definitely play around with the PC version. The android version is limited, even the android-browser version is limited (but does have more features than the app). Once you get a handle on the PC version, the G1 version will make more sense. I don't know if they've fixed anything, but years ago I tried the IMAP way of checking my gmail in Outlook -- totally sucked, would pull everything, even deleted emails through. I just tested, and apparently this has changed, but it used to be the case that "deleted" emails weren't truly "deleted" they actually went to some other archive and you could bring them back if you wanted. They put a little notice or something letting you know it had been deleted and "do you want to recover the email?" sorta messaging.
Anyway, a lot of people like gmail a lot, but not everyone is going to like everything. Especially when it involves a new way of thinking. If you have Outlook 2007, they've done something very similar with lables - so gmail is definitely influencing and changing the way people think about email.
punkzanyj said:
If you have Outlook 2007, they've done something very similar with lables - so gmail is definitely influencing and changing the way people think about email.
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So true! Actually Outlook has had categories/labels for a long time but they were never well-implemented/supported until 2007. I actually use conversation view, categories and search folders now to mimic gmail in Outlook as best I can!
He,y guys, thanks for your input. I guess I wasn't aware of that in Outlook 2007. I've been using outlook based purely on folders and mail rules. Good to know.
I've been forcing myself to get comfortable with the new system. I find the less I mess with things, the better it works for me. Specifically I find if I remove the Inbox label from an email then later add it back on it doesn't always show up again in the Inbox... but it's probably something I'm doing wrong.
Aside from that one thing, the labels are working pretty well for me now. Like you mentioned I setup work, family, ecommerce, etc labels and I do like the way these labels show next to the message on the g1.
Slowly but surely becoming a believer... Thanks for helping me understand.
How do I delete an individual email message from a conversation? I tried to go into the conversation via the Gmail app, selected the message that i wanted to delete and deleted it, but it killed the whole conversation instead of the one individual email. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
I don't think it can be done in the phone interface though you might be able to do it in the web interface.
Not a fan of the conversation threading for this very reason. Sometimes I get an important email with a few not so important replies... and I have to look through conversation thread to locate the important info when 90% is trash...
I wish i could have push Gmail with the old so-called *inferior* folder method that never had these silly issues. If you're going to re-invent the wheel, seems it would make sense to add functionality without taking away from the basics.
I'm going to re-invent a wheel that requires physical carrying until I can figure out how to get it to roll properly.. but it's gonna be way better than the old way because these new wheels have lights! ooh! Sorry for the sarcasm
Thanks for the reply!
In the web interface click the 'down arrow' next to "reply" on an individual email in the thread. Choose 'Delete this message'.
You can only delete a single mail from the thread in the web app - not the Android app it seems.
I've been using Gmail since the invite Betas too, and so the Android App is more of a supplement for me...
Okay, well it's good to know there is a way to do it. Thanks for the instructions on how to delete a specific message in a conversation! Much appreciated!

Email & Text Queries on Galaxy S

Whilst using the Galaxy S I have come to miss a few features I had on my HD2.
Does anyone have any input on the following email and text message queries?
1. Email/Text Notification
On both my HD2 and the Desire (Desire email only) the email & text icon shows in green how many email/text messages you have.
Is there any way to have this feature on the Galaxy S?
Note: I know at the Lock Screen the Jigsaw displays a count but this does not indicate what is Email and what is Text.
2. All New Emails on a PC showing as Read
Iv'e noticed even when my Galaxy has it's screen switched off and untouched (in other words I have not checked the email messages), if later when I go to my PC it's showing all the messages as read (the Headings are no longer Bold Text).
Has anyone come across a method to reverse this?
As in when I go to my PC I want to see any new messages I have not yet read as Marked as Unread.
3. Spam Content
I've noticed all messages including Spam are shown on the Galaxy S in the Inbox.
The trouble here is not so much as it being displayed but unlike on the PC which has a dedicated Spam Folder you can't identify which messages are genuine and which are Spam.
Is there any way to sort this out?
I'm dreading clicking on one message only to find out it's Spam.
4. Different Sound Ringtone/Notifications for either Email or Texts?
On the HD2 if a new email or text came in it sounded off a dedicated sound/ringtone, or if I'd missed a Text Message the HD2 flashed Green.
I know on the Galaxy S there is no LED notification to work this idea on but I miss having different sounds.
As an example ~ I'm constantly hearing the phone play a sound ~ which I then have to pick up time after time just to find out if it's an email or text message.
On the HD2 if it were a text message sound I'd pick it up and read it, whereas if it were an email sound I'd leave it until I was ready.
5. No Filter Support on Android Mail using services other than GMail
On the PC I use Yahoo for mail and like other email programs it supports filters where you can add as many folders as you wish.
I have many folders which when mail comes to my yahoo account is automatically filtered to a particular folder ~ as in I have a filter marked 'Brother' where all my Brother's email gets dropped automatically into and when new mail comes in his folder it is shown in bold and indicates such with a number of how many email messages he has sent.
On Windows Mobile, i.e. the Touch HD & HD2 in particular to have the phones display mail that is sent to these filtered folders you select to Manage Folders and add them to the list of messages to download to the phone and view/reply to.
On Android i.e. the Galaxy S there does not appear to be any means of viewing these filtered folders. As such all mail sent to these folders is not received by the phone.
Therefore, does anyone know of a method like on Windows Mobile where you can display these folders?
6. Text Message Character Counting
Again on Windows Mobile Touch HD & HD2 when you went to compose a Text Message whilst you tapped away at your message it would count the characters being used.
Although most of us have an unlimited sms account I used to find this feature useful in that it at least showed me how many text messages it would be to generate the long message.
Quite often I used to try and get the character count down to a single text message quote of just 160 characters or 240 for two messages.
So, the question here is ~ how do we get Android to show the character count?
7. Replying to Yahoo Email Messages directly from the App 'Internet'
I have created a bookmark icon on the Galaxy S which automatically launches the App Internet then the bookmark Yahoo Mail.
I've noticed every time I try to reply to an email message from within the Internet yahoo client (not the Android mail App) it will not allow you to add any text.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Item 5 added Monday 21 June 2010 ~ see Post 14.
Item 6 added Tuesday 22 June 2010 ~ see Post 17.
Item 7 added Tuesday 22 June 2010 ~ see Post 19
For number 2 and 3, do you use Gmail, Exchange, POP or IMAP for your mail?
helinus said:
For number 2 and 3, do you use Gmail, Exchange, POP or IMAP for your mail?
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It's BT's Yahoo
From what i can see om BT's website there email-offering does only support POP which does not update read-status to the server.
Are you sure you get new emails to your PC when your phone downloads emails aswell?
usually when something downloads emails from an POP-server it takes the emails from the server so that it's only available om the thing that downloaded the email.
Beards, I don't know how it is on the Yahoo email but on the Gmail Android application we go in settings and we change the sound notification.
For SMS in settings isn't there a sound notification alert setting? usually on Android there is and you click it and you decide which ringtone you want, same for email.
Try ChompSMS from the Market (along with Handcent it's the best one in my opinion)
you can customize the ringtones, etc.. and it's a very nice application for SMS (also bubble chat).
helinus said:
From what i can see om BT's website there email-offering does only support POP which does not update read-status to the server.
Are you sure you get new emails to your PC when your phone downloads emails aswell?
usually when something downloads emails from an POP-server it takes the emails from the server so that it's only available om the thing that downloaded the email.
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Thanks helinus but all I know is on the HD2 when it receives emails it does not alter anything on the PC's Yahoo Mail web page.
Even further, with the HD2 if you have a look at the email messages and mark them as read, when you next go to your PC the messages are still shown as new marked as unread.
This appears to be totally different with the Galaxy S.
I had a talk with my Brother who has a Desire and he says like the HD2 the email messages on the PC remain unread.
Archius said:
Beards, I don't know how it is on the Yahoo email but on the Gmail Android application we go in settings and we change the sound notification.
For SMS in settings isn't there a sound notification alert setting? usually on Android there is and you click it and you decide which ringtone you want, same for email.
Try ChompSMS from the Market (along with Handcent it's the best one in my opinion)
you can customize the ringtones, etc.. and it's a very nice application for SMS (also bubble chat).
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You are so, so correct and I can not understand how on earth I missed this.
First at the Messages settings I altered the ringtone then I went to the Yahoo email settings and altered this to a different ringtone.....
Now I have different sounds for both text & email.... thanks Archius.
All I need to do now is sort out items 1, 2 & 3.
you're welcome
for item 1. you can download Chompsms or Handcent and both have a "widget/icon" that has a number next to it that indicates how many new sms you have. (or maybe you can find an app in the market that tells you how many new sms's you have, search for "sms" in the market or try different words)
For the email part, hmmmm.. I use gmail and there's an app that includes a widget for gmail with the same icon as the original while at the same time revealing how many emails we have with a number on the icon... try to find something similar for Yahoo mail ? but it won't be for the lock screen since this phone is brand new, we'll have to wait til people make applications for the phone.
part 3.. I use gmail and it has labels in the gmail app on Android and there's a separate Spam folder... not sure why Yahoo is like that :S.. same for the part where it "reads" the emails on your desktop without you reading them on the phone..
Archius said:
you're welcome
for item 1. you can download Chompsms or Handcent and both have a "widget/icon" that has a number next to it that indicates how many new sms you have. (or maybe you can find an app in the market that tells you how many new sms's you have, search for "sms" in the market or try different words)
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Thanks, I'll have a look at what the Market can offer.
For the email part, hmmmm.. I use gmail and there's an app that includes a widget for gmail with the same icon as the original while at the same time revealing how many emails we have with a number on the icon... try to find something similar for Yahoo mail ? but it won't be for the lock screen since this phone is brand new, we'll have to wait til people make applications for the phone.
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Interesting... I have both a Gmail & Yahoo account.
I'll check out the GMail App ~ do you have a name for it?
I'll see if there's anything similar for Yahoo.
part 3.. I use gmail and it has labels in the gmail app on Android and there's a separate Spam folder... not sure why Yahoo is like that :S.. same for the part where it "reads" the emails on your desktop without you reading them on the phone..
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Yes, I see what you mean with GMail ~ it does indeed have an item in the menu named View Labels.
Interestingly there was no Spam folder though.
Also under settings, theres an item named Labels which you can select which are synchronized.
However, back at Yahoo account (for anything other than Gmail)
It's a much better looking account and has more tabs for selecting Inbox/Drafts/Sent/Trash but no Spam.
Nor is there anything in the settings to show any labels.
I suppose as you don't use Yahoo you can't really comment on Item 2 ~ ' All New Emails on a PC showing as Read'.
This one has me flummoxed.
As I mentioned to helinus it's totally different to the HD2 and even on a Desire it doesn't effect the content on the server... Simply switch on the PC, check your email messages and they are still there all marked as unread.
I wouldn't mind so much if after I had checked the messages first on the Galaxy it then marked all messages read as read but no..... You don't even have to switch the Galaxy S on to find when you go to the PC all messages are marked as read.
Right mate... must go.
I have a speech to write tonight and hopefully a little time to do a Market search or two.......
This is the application:
Gmail Unread Count, simply download from market and use it as a widget (not from the app tray but from the widgets menu)
and simply set up the image to "post something" i forget the name (I no longer have my Android cell I sold it today and getting ready for galaxy s tomorrow or after tomorrow)
There are many images to choose from, my favorite is the post... because it's the same as the 2.1 version.
I was using version 1.5 of Android and I THINK there was Spam folder in Gmail hehe, I do remember it being there... would be strange if they removed it in 2.1.. I doubt it, maybe you should try to make it "sync all" for spam in the settings menu of labels.
have a good night and speech =)
cool info, somewhat similar to what i was looking for
Also, try K9Mail from the market. It is one of the BEST email apps bar none and it is free. It may provide what you are looking for - link is for appbrain.
or this?
Okay... having now had time to play with the settings and less time in theatre, with the help of friends here I've managed to sort out 1 & 4.
I didn't go with any outside Apps/Widgets. In the end I found for SMS, as soon as you switch on the phone at the lock screen if there is any text messages you get a 'jigsaw pattern' with a peace of a jigsaw taken from the complete jigsaw and marked in solid green.
As to the email notification it's now a simple matter of pulling down the Notification window at the top of the screen. It displays all emails from all accounts.
It also shows if you have any text messages as well.
All I need now to do is solve 2 & 3 but I suppose just like 1 & 4 it's a case of less theatre and more hands on the Galaxy S.
I have another query to add to the list:-
5. No Filter Support on Android Mail
On the PC I use Yahoo for mail and like other email programs it supports filters where you can add as many folders as you wish.
I have many folders which when mail comes to my yahoo account is automatically filtered to a particular folder ~ as in I have a filter marked 'Brother' where all my Brother's email gets dropped automatically into and when new mail comes in his folder it is shown in bold and indicates such with a number of how many email messages he has sent.
On Windows Mobile, i.e. the Touch HD & HD2 in particular to have the phones display mail that is sent to these filtered folders you select to Manage Folders and add them to the list of messages to download to the phone and view/reply to.
On Android i.e. the Galaxy S there does not appear to be any means of viewing these filtered folders. As such all mail sent to these folders is not received by the phone.
Therefore, does anyone know of a method like on Windows Mobile where you can display these folders?
I'll add this item 5 to my opening post so that anyone new will understand all 5 items.
Yahoo mail does not support IMAP and therefore no folders.
I once had IMAP on yahoo with old touch hd but tried and never got it back.
IMAP by nature will ALWAYS mark messages read if read on another mail host, you probably were using POP.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
livegod said:
Yahoo mail does not support IMAP and therefore no folders.
I once had IMAP on yahoo with old touch hd but tried and never got it back.
IMAP by nature will ALWAYS mark messages read if read on another mail host, you probably were using POP.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
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Then tell me Mark how the heck does the HD2 on Windows Mobile support it?
Here's another question to add ~ Text Message Character Counting
6. Text Message Character Counting
Again on Windows Mobile Touch HD & HD2 when you went to compose a Text Message whilst you tapped away at your message it would count the characters being used.
Although most of us have an unlimited sms account I used to find this feature useful in that it at least showed me how many text messages it would be to generate the long message.
Quite often I used to try and get the character count down to a single text message quote of just 160 characters or 240 for two messages.
So, the question here is ~ how do we get Android to show the character count?
Get Chompsms or Handcent Beards to have character counting lol
now I got the phone yesterday finally !!
and yes Gmail does have Spam, and has all folders.
consider using gmail though I know you would prefer to use Yahoo..
Archius said:
Get Chompsms or Handcent Beards to have character counting lol
now I got the phone yesterday finally !!
and yes Gmail does have Spam, and has all folders.
consider using gmail though I know you would prefer to use Yahoo..
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Hi Archius,
Pleased you got your Galaxy S.
I'm afraid due to my business commitments and other ties I have to use Yahoo.
Besides, why should we have to change a browser just to accommodate the Galaxy S?
I've found a 'workaround' but it's not ideal......
I've created a bookmark icon which automatically loads Internet Yahoo Mail.
At least I get to see exactly what I see on the PC.
Trouble is I've now come across another problem which I'll have to add to the list and that is replying to an email message from within the client's (Yahoo) browser. See below.
7. Replying to Yahoo Email Messages directly from the App 'Internet'
I have created a bookmark icon on the Galaxy S which automatically launches the App Internet then the bookmark Yahoo Mail.
I've noticed every time I try to reply to an email message from within the Internet yahoo client (not the Android mail App) it will not allow you to add any text.
Does anyone else have this problem?
That's a strange problem and I would not like that at all!
Try using another Internet app.
From the Market try "Dolphin"
also try "xscope"
try "opera"
"skyfire" also
try these four (start with xscope since I think it is the fastest and most stable)
and tell me how it goes =) I hope it will work out for you.
Did you try searching for an app called Yahoo? or k9mail. etc...

Email with Exchange 2007 - Notify on subfolders [email protected][email protected]!#$!

I do not think this is a Focus only issue, it is a windows mobile problem.
I connect my outlook client on the Focus to my exchange server just fine. Any emails that come directly to my inbox, i get notified on.
However!, i have alot of rules setup to push emails into folders to help keep things organized, as I am a sys admin, I do not get 10-20 emails a day, i can get 100+.. I need to be notified when an item hits a sub folder.
i went into "show all folders" and checked Sync this folder on each one i want notified on, and when i go into folder view, it shows (3) next to the folder name letting me know there are 3 unread emails there, but i never got notified any arrived.
On the iphone4, it would not update the count on the main number of unread messages, but it WOULD notify me. (a Ding)
On android, i used touchdown, and it worked perfectly.
On BB, i run a blackberry enterprise server, and it worked perfectly!
WHY doesnt the WINDOWS mobile phone work the way the compeitor phones do for alerting on sub folders, ITS MICROSOFT SOFTWARE TALKING TO MICROSOFT SOFTWARE, sorry for yelling, but this is make it or break it, if it is not doable, I will return the Focus, and -10 for microsoft for bringing shame to winmo7.
Someone please tell me there is a way to get notified on winmo7 on subfolders, preferably, update the count on the main tile!
killster said:
I do not think this is a Focus only issue, it is a windows mobile problem.
I connect my outlook client on the Focus to my exchange server just fine. Any emails that come directly to my inbox, i get notified on.
However!, i have alot of rules setup to push emails into folders to help keep things organized, as I am a sys admin, I do not get 10-20 emails a day, i can get 100+.. I need to be notified when an item hits a sub folder.
i went into "show all folders" and checked Sync this folder on each one i want notified on, and when i go into folder view, it shows (3) next to the folder name letting me know there are 3 unread emails there, but i never got notified any arrived.
On the iphone4, it would not update the count on the main number of unread messages, but it WOULD notify me. (a Ding)
On android, i used touchdown, and it worked perfectly.
On BB, i run a blackberry enterprise server, and it worked perfectly!
WHY doesnt the WINDOWS mobile phone work the way the compeitor phones do for alerting on sub folders, ITS MICROSOFT SOFTWARE TALKING TO MICROSOFT SOFTWARE, sorry for yelling, but this is make it or break it, if it is not doable, I will return the Focus, and -10 for microsoft for bringing shame to winmo7.
Someone please tell me there is a way to get notified on winmo7 on subfolders, preferably, update the count on the main tile!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have the same problem but it was an issue for me before I moved to Phone 7. Like you, I am a sys admin. I get hundreds of emails per day. Instead of using a rule to move an email to a folder, use the rule to assign it a category label (use the same name you did before for the folder). Now create a search folder in Outlook for each of these categories. What this does is send all mail to the inbox so it alerts but you can click on each search folder to only see the messages that meet each category.
RotoRooter said:
I have the same problem but it was an issue for me before I moved to Phone 7. Like you, I am a sys admin. I get hundreds of emails per day. Instead of using a rule to move an email to a folder, use the rule to assign it a category label (use the same name you did before for the folder). Now create a search folder in Outlook for each of these categories. What this does is send all mail to the inbox so it alerts but you can click on each search folder to only see the messages that meet each category.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That is a very interesting work around. That may just work.
How well does the search work on a 1gb mailbox?
regards, Killster
RotoRooter said:
I have the same problem but it was an issue for me before I moved to Phone 7. Like you, I am a sys admin. I get hundreds of emails per day. Instead of using a rule to move an email to a folder, use the rule to assign it a category label (use the same name you did before for the folder). Now create a search folder in Outlook for each of these categories. What this does is send all mail to the inbox so it alerts but you can click on each search folder to only see the messages that meet each category.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
EXCELLENT suggestion! I'm going to try that myself ASAP! FWIW, this problem is nothing new. WinMo had the same problem and it's kind of funny how the stock answer for every missing feature in WP7 is "It's a new system that wasn't build on WinMo" but THIS managed to make the jump.
I'll have to try the category trick, too. But I would love it to alert on subfolders!

