Streaming Internet radio (URL) - Streak 5 General

Potential buyer but there is a problem.
Ie there a way to stream a url radio stream to android?
Here are the urls, could someone try & let me know if it works?
URL 1:
URL 2:
People say that you can, but I tried it at the store & it wouldn't work. Maybe I'm missing something...
This is the only issue preventing me from moving to the android world...
Thank you,
The Analyst
These are the contents of a .m3u playlist
Station 1:
#EXTINF:0,MELODIA 99.2 - 2 1
Station 2:
#EXTINF:0, - Δεύτερο πρόγραμμα
You can copy each one section between the lines "--------------"to a txt file and rename it with .m3u extension. Then you can try to open it with the browser. If you have streamfurious it should open the streams and you will listen to Greek music.....And then i'll buy the phone!!!!
Thank you for the help

I tried those first two URLs and couldn't play it. Looks like one of the pages requires silverlight and the other just downloaded the asx file instead of playing it. I didn't try using any downloaded player just clicked the link from the browser so there might be a media player that plays them.

thank you for the try
Could you try one more thing?
Or someone else that already has "streamfurious" (its a free app)
1. download the attached "txt" file (had to rename to attach it)
2. delete the .txt extension out of the file name
3. the files are .m3u playlists
4. Copy the attached m3u file to your SD card
5. Open the file with browser.
It should play in streamfurious =>> I will be getting an android phone!!!!
Thank you again


WiFi Networking

Ok, I need help here.
I managed to put up a WiFi Network on my PC and got everything working.
Browsing the internet, for 1, second i can look up browse everything on my Shared Drive (mostly Media Files)
The Problem is that i can't open any of these Files on my JAM including .JPG, Wav, and MP3 Files.
I can play those File extensions on my JAM, so i know the file Format is not the hot issue here.
Any help is appreciated......i looked on this Forum, but no help.
Try using Resco File Explorer, it should allow you to open files on your Jam. I couldn't get the built in file browser to open files over my network.
Thanks will Try that

Wing- "This device is restricted from downloading this file type"

I have a feeling this problem has to do with Windows Mobile 6 security polices but am not sure exactly where to look. I get this error message when trying to download files using Internet Explorer sometimes.
One example is Handango Inhand, at I get the error "This device is restricted from downloading this file type" after clicking the "download file" link.
I've searched and read all the posts I can find about this message on google. The closest I came to an answer was it could have to do with Exchange server restrictions (I sync with one at work) so I removed the sync relationship and I have the same problem.
Anyone know a way around this error?
hard boot/reset fixed it. Still not sure what caused it.
cyclejim said:
hard boot/reset fixed it. Still not sure what caused it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
****, thats what happened to mine...
Someone please tell me there is a way to fix this without ERASING the goddamn device...
If anyone has a solution to this I would like to know about it too.
take a look at this website called Surreal Networks Mobile the link will take u to the dash page, but the some of the programs here will work on the wing, there is a download here that enables you to download the following file types:
.aac - Advanced Audio Codec File
.doc - Word Document **
.exe - Executable File
.nes - NES ROM File
.mp4 - MPEG Layer 4 File
.mpg - MPEG Video
.mov - Quick Time Movie File
.ogg - Ogg Vorbis File
.pdf - Adobe Portable Document Format **
.pdb - iSilo PDB Format
.pps - Power Point Show **
.ppt - Power Point Presentation **
.rar - RAR Acrhive
.xls - Excel Spread Sheet **
.zip - ZIP Archive
its the PIE download plugin
check it out just might help you

rmvb help

I watch a lot of asian movies/shows and all the ones i download are .rmvb files. I tried realone player and it wont allow me to open the file from the memory card. I tried using file explore to manually access it, but it says there's no player to support it. Could this be because the file is too big? Is there any solutions? thanks

music player finds all sounds on sd card

i have a qeustion, can you do so that music player only finds your music folder on sd cardand not all other music files such as navigation voices.
U can try changing the folder names you want to hide. You just have to add "." In front of the folder name and Android will hide them from searches. Don't know if the prgram, like your navigation, will still fund it or not. There are some programs in the market that help but I just got up and can't think of the names they've been posted before in this forum..
sent from my desire hd2
Hey this also works for images
1pen notepad in windows - you dont need to type anything.
2:Go to file menu and Save...
3: In the Save as Type: dropdown select All Files
4: Name file .nomedia (just that - include the dot - no extension)
Copy this file to the topmost folder of any directory you don't want to play music from.
Alternatively: If you have Laputa book reader installed look in the Laputa Books folder on your sim card and each book folder will have one of these files in it - copy it wherever you don't music to be found
Also search for "nomedia" app in the market. It will allow you to exclude folders.
Toggs said:
Hey this also works for images
1pen notepad in windows - you dont need to type anything.
2:Go to file menu and Save...
3: In the Save as Type: dropdown select All Files
4: Name file .nomedia (just that - include the dot - no extension)
Copy this file to the topmost folder of any directory you don't want to play music from.
Alternatively: If you have Laputa book reader installed look in the Laputa Books folder on your sim card and each book folder will have one of these files in it - copy it wherever you don't music to be found
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
this worked, thanks.
renegade said:
Also search for "nomedia" app in the market. It will allow you to exclude folders.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i'm going to try this next.
Thankyou wery much
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App

MP3join.exe (Tool/App) Any Version of Windows Desktop

I wanted to share with you an extremely basic and simple console application I created that has been pretty handy for myself. Its simple, it will combine mp3 files (audio) into one single file. This can be useful when creating a playlist, so instead of dealing with several files, each with only one song, you can put all your favorite songs into a single file which will play non-stop just as a playlist would.
Not hard at all...
1. Unpack the zip file
2. Place all your mp3 files into the folder that you want to combine
3. Run MP3Join.exe and that's it!
4. There are no options or interface, it will simply execute in seconds and then spit the new file into the same folder with a name "joined.mp3"
5. None of the original files will be deleted, replaced, or altered at all so no worries about any risk to those.
That's it, I hope you enjoy. Sometimes simple is useful so don't let that keep you from trying it
