Is there a fix to have the keypads light on? - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hi everyone!
I use mdj sense clean for the moment, and it´s working quite good. But i miss lights on the keypad. They only working for 10 sec ,then it´s black. I read about keypadledcontrol for windows, but does it work on andriod?
Help please...

They automatically turn off to save power when not being used.. -_-

Wrong section dude, rofl.

Wrong section? I have a hd2 and using android. All i wonder if there is a fix for this?
i just want the keys lighted at the same tima as the screen. Is there any other androidbuild that have this fix?
Pardon my english (i´m trying)

Hi Boba!
I agree with you. The keypad dosen´t drain battery, at least not in winmo right. it´s anoying that they go black after 10 sec, it must be a way to fix this.
Do you know any other andriodbuild cotanins led light for keypad?

We should ask to "ledmeknow" creator, this soft allow too play with thr keypad light for notification, there must certainly be a way to make it lightening with the screen.
This is for me a problem to much forgotten by too much dev's !

i hope devs can make something out of this. i´m a noob but this should be a piece of cake for a dev.
is it just me who thinks this is a lost part of the andriodexperience? of course the keypad should be lighted in android mode. in winmo we have the touch back buttons, but not in android.

I agree, this is an annoying thing. We're blind at night without these leds.
Sent from my HTC HD2 Android

yeah.. agreed.. it does get very annoying, especially during the dark, when ur fumbling about trying to find the keys to power ur HD2. Im sure there is an easy enough fix for it.. cmon... im sure some DEV can do it easily..
awaiting a fix....

magnus76 said:
Wrong section? I have a hd2 and using android. All i wonder if there is a fix for this?
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Yes wrong section.
This section is for "development" you are not a developer. You are asking a question about android builds and should been posted in the Android Q&A section.

To be fair, a custom app developed for Android that accomodates this need WOULD be "Android Development". That said, whomever made the statement that "this should be easy for a developer" shouldn't jump to such conclusions. Unless you know how to do something, you cannot assume it is an easy thing to do. The XDA development community makes a lot of things look easy, but given the fact that even native Android devices automatically turn off the keypad lights, I am guessing that the functionality is fairly well embedded in the Android code - and finding it (much less changing it) may be a much bigger challenge than we realize.
Still, if there IS such an app - I too would like to get my hands on it.

Any update on this?


Plsssss answer my questions!

I am soooo confused plss help
I am sort of new here a i downloaded windows mobile 6.1 and my hermes starts to the first screen then the second one freezes. The light is green at the top and not blinking anymore i really need help!
Did you Hard SPL your Hermes first? If the answer is "NO" There is a a lot of the chefs have that on their post, its pretty much PLASTERED ALL OVER this site. Its may take A LOT of reading to unbrick your Hermes, if ever.
Start here -
and here -
Good Luck...
Actually i did a hard reset by pressing the two soft keys then the reset button but thanks for the info.
Fingerprint Scanner?
Is there any software where you can unlock the hermes by touching the screen so it will read your fingerprint? Is that possible? That would be a great software.
[email protected] said:
Is there any software where you can unlock the hermes by touching the screen so it will read your fingerprint? Is that possible? That would be a great software.
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To put it simply, no. It cannot be done with the current technology in our devices.
darn that would be cool. This is off topic but is there a rom where u can make the home screen just like vista? For example the icons and start menu. Also is there anyway someone can make a game for windows mobile to play halo that would be great. I heard someone had the halo thing but he custom made it and did not want to share it. By the way I LIKE SMILEYS
First, I want to know if there is a ROM that has vista icons for the today screen just like vista? Second, Also is there anyway someone can make a game for windows mobile to play halo that would be great. I heard someone had the halo thing but he custom made it and did not want to share it.
Merged & Closed your threads to save you from being flamed....
None of these questions warrents a new thread. Search and you will find re Vista looking Rom, if one exists otherwise there are ways to do it yourself without cooking a rom.
Suggestion, check out the links in my sig for pointers on how to get the most from this site.

Compleate noob development help with cool idea for an app.

Ok so i have a cool idea for an app but have no clue how to impliment it into code. I have started to work on the ui part of the code, not that hard. I am now at the point where i need to know how to controll hardware like the LED's, the screen,and the microphone. I have no idea how to conrol these various parts of the phone. The app i am try to make in theory would be like the old motorola razr v3 mod (Check it out here) where the phone's screens' would flash along with the keypad and leds to the beat of any vibrations to hit the microphone, there were several different patterns that would give different effects, it was pretty cool. So i would like to do the same with the screen, track ball, keys, and the led at the top of the phone. With multiply styles of flash patterns some with color coordinated and some just plane white lights. If i can get some help with this that would be great, i am new to code all around ik very basic html witch is not verry helpful, though it is similar to the xml. If you think this app is a good idea and even remotly cool please help if you can. By the way the app would be call Club Droid.
Thanks Much
this isn't the right forum to be posting this in. reported
Make a new thread in the development section buddy

just a quick question...

where do you change the settings for the "enabled LED notifications" that you turn on in many different programs like BSB Tweaks, HS2tweak and Touch tools. is it a hidden menu or something? i can't find anything and i don't notice any different function of the LED after installing these programs!
ok so 60 people have looked at this and not a single one either knew the answers or couldn't reply. it is really bothering me that i can figure it out since i feel i have poked and prodded all the files and registries in this and i just can't find it!
Well I'll tell you one thing. Your post makes no sense as to what you want. That could be the issue with people not responding. Your all over the place. You start talking about one thing then go into something else.
What exactly are you looking for? How to activate a program you installed? Were the program is installed? I know I couldn't make an sense out of what you were babbling.
If you are asking a question about Touch Tools why not go ask the question in his thread?
my bad!
Wil Badger said:
Well I'll tell you one thing. Your post makes no sense as to what you want. That could be the issue with people not responding. Your all over the place. You start talking about one thing then go into something else.
What exactly are you looking for? How to activate a program you installed? Were the program is installed? I know I couldn't make an sense out of what you were babbling.
If you are asking a question about Touch Tools why not go ask the question in his thread?
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i didn't mean to come off rude or anything! sorry if i did. my original question seemed pretty clear to me but i wrote it so i knew what i was asking i guess. thanks for pointing it out. i didn't ask it in touch tools thread since it is not solely a function of Touch tools and i thought it would be a simple look here answer and it is more visible out in the open and not burried in some thread I'll try that next time though.
tobiascrystal said:
i didn't mean to come off rude or anything! sorry if i did. my original question seemed pretty clear to me but i wrote it so i knew what i was asking i guess. thanks for pointing it out. i didn't ask it in touch tools thread since it is not solely a function of Touch tools and i thought it would be a simple look here answer and it is more visible out in the open and not burried in some thread I'll try that next time though.
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actually you didn't make it much clearer now
anyway, IF I understand you correctly, you need a way to enable/disable led notifications for specific kinds of events.
That's not something you can set from within the stock set of settings afaik, yet there is a tool in here called "led nofications" that does just that, you only have to search for it
i conced....
i must be writing backwards and seeing it correctly myself or something!
thanks for the try.
i'll just leaving it turned on and maybe some day i'll stumble upon it wherever it is on the phone.
Ok I got what you want and I believe it was answered by ephestione. So you want the notification LED on or off?
To find the LED settings for each different event:
settings tab
menu> All Settings
Sounds & Notifications
Notifications Tab
Select an event (eg. Message: New Message)
Select whether or not to flash LED and for what duration. Please note that the LED notification does not work for new emails unless you install Phone alarm by pocket max.
thank you
thank you very much for the very detailed answer. that was exactly what o was looking for. i knew i had it i just had no idea how to use it!

Android .exe is there one?

Hi all have had my HD2 for 3 months now and have all the usual issues and it has been back to Vodafone a few times I dont really want to get rid of it as it is perfect size etc for vids and calendar sms for and an old codger like me for work with bad eyesight..
Heres the question I am not brain of britain at this sort of thing and want to know if there is an Android .exe I can run from my micro sd card that has all the upgraded stuff you need for a stable phone........I can add apps and that sort of thing but my technical knowledge is somewhat vague....I dont understand what Froyo is and your terms for radio this that and the other and could be surfing on here for days and not understand much....
I understand the dual boot bit as in the Windows operating system ( or not as the case is )
and Android effectively runs over the top of it but thats as far as I can get...
Any help would be gratefully received..
Regards Lee F
ps has anyone else had their phone dial out evertime you play a track on Nitro?....I came back from France to find each time I changed a song it dialed hope for 10 seconds and had a huge bill of .75p connection charge some 90 odd times......
what ....when confused
Android is in fact a whole other system compared to Windows Mobile, and as of now, it isn't completely finished/'out of beta' yet. It is still less stable than Windows Mobile is on your device.
What I do suggest you to do is take a look at this thread, and get started with HSPL'ing your phone, so you can install a custom ROM:
The phone dialing out is one thing it shouldn't be doing for sure.
Actually sounds like a trojan horse.
Did you change the song with your wired headset? Because it can be used to dial the last dialed number that could be your problem. Also some earphones/speakers without a button can sometimes initiate it when you move the plug around....
cash_13 said:
my technical knowledge is somewhat vague....I dont understand what Froyo is and your terms for radio this that and the other and could be surfing on here for days and not understand much....
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I don't want to sound harsh, but I think Android on the HD2 is not for you.
Fedr0 said:
I don't want to sound harsh, but I think Android on the HD2 is not for you.
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ditto ....+1 ......bump
Fedr0 said:
I don't want to sound harsh, but I think Android on the HD2 is not for you.
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Well, that's no way to treat a fellow! Y'ought to explain to 'im.
Android on the HD2 is not finished yet (and will always require things like flashing or other not noob safe things) and has therefore some bugs, problems and limitations. For someone who isn't that good with technical things and hasn't read/understood all those guides it could cause some problems and misunderstandings etc. I can imagine someone sending in his HD2 for repair because his ambient light sensor doesn't work in Android...
...or at least opening some threads here and asking tons of dumb questions that could be easily answered by reading the stickies or using the search.
back to the topic:
cash_13 said:
Heres the question I am not brain of britain at this sort of thing and want to know if there is an Android .exe I can run from my micro sd card that has all the upgraded stuff you need for a stable phone
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There is no such .exe file. To Run Android you only need to run a .exe and a few files with it. But without a suitable Radio (the part of you operating system that is responsible for Wifi, Bluetooth, GPS and everything else that sends/receives data over the air), you will get problems. But finding and updating a suitable Radio sadly isn't as easy as running a .exe
But there are many guides on it which should help you, in case you still want to do it.
Right at the top of the forum here there are sticky threads that contain all the information you need to get HD2 running android. Please post you're questions there instead of opening a new thread.

Installing Android in the System Partation

hello, I don't know weather I can ask this things here or not, but .. can ayone answer me , why is it actually not possible to install android in system partation wiping full windows. Developers have done a lots of things, unlocking/editing spl's , so is it never possible to do this? if not, why not? and if it is possible , are developers working in this??
I dont even know how to respond...... Search hd2 Nand android!!
Vijaysapkota, you really need to search around before posting a question like that, particularly if you have so much public info about yourself in your signature.....
vijaysapkota said:
hello, I don't know weather I can ask this things here or not, but .. can ayone answer me , why is it actually not possible to install android in system partation wiping full windows. Developers have done a lots of things, unlocking/editing spl's , so is it never possible to do this? if not, why not? and if it is possible , are developers working in this??
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On XDA here, is a genius called "SEARCH" , it knows more than 99% of us, Probably try using it next time before opening a thread.
Dude camon thats what we've been waiting for along time. There are dosen of threaths about that ando u come here and ask that question? Work a little bit and do a search about NAND on HD2 and u see where we'r at.
Why oh why didn't i take the blue pill...
yes there is a way , to bad people on here like to use word search instead of not responding at all , its better just to leave on your sd card being the more apps you install it will limit you youll run out of space .
Guys don't be angry, as you see.. I'm on htc hero currently and planning to buy hd2, and I went just simply over the forum and didn't find it...
can anyone just give a link for the perfect post, please?
and, is anybody porting windows mobile 7??
Guys,sometimes all it takes and requires is a simple "NO or YES" answer and perhaps a few links that might guide the person.
I know we should search through the forum,but trust me,sometimes you can't figure out what exactly to search for.Just saying!
blackrider said:
Guys,sometimes all it takes and requires is a simple "NO or YES" answer and perhaps a few links that might guide the person.
I know we should search through the forum,but trust me,sometimes you can't figure out what exactly to search for.Just saying!
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You're right. In the short run, just answering the question is an easy enough thing to do. In the long run, though, you'll end up doing all of vijaysapkota's searching for him in the future as well.
When it comes to searching, we all have the same tools here. Everybody needs to learn to use them. Taking the lazy way out and expecting others to do your work for you is just rude.
I'd also like to add that there's a perfectly fine HD2 Linux/Android Q&A Thread in this very forum, containing the answer to this and many other questions.
meptik said:
You're right. In the short run, just answering the question is an easy enough thing to do. In the long run, though, you'll end up doing all of vijaysapkota's searching for him in the future as well.
When it comes to searching, we all have the same tools here. Everybody needs to learn to use them. Taking the lazy way out and expecting others to do your work for you is just rude.
I'd also like to add that there's a perfectly fine HD2 Linux/Android Q&A Thread in this very forum, containing the answer to this and many other questions.
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Very well said !!
vijaysapkota said:
hello, I don't know weather I can ask this things here or not, but .. can ayone answer me , why is it actually not possible to install android in system partation wiping full windows. Developers have done a lots of things, unlocking/editing spl's , so is it never possible to do this? if not, why not? and if it is possible , are developers working in this??
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