(Q) Screen using way to much battery - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Recently on every build i use the display is taking up about 80% of the overall battery use i use it moderately but it only lasts about 8-9 hours. I looked on my battery usage and over the 9 hours my screen had been on bout about 50 minutes but had used 80% I have it on lowest brightness and have set it to turn off after 15 secs. Anybody else having this issue or know of a way around this. Also use setcpu with screen off settings and current widget is showing around 3-6mah when in standby.

Nobody else experiancing this?

I've had this issue in the past. Check this thread out, its a POSSIBLE reason why the screen is draining the battery. Basically the proximity sensor keeps running constantly when it should only activate during phone calls. In winmo the proximity sensor behaves correctly and turns off once you've hanged up. I'm hoping devs notice this and can hopefully find a fix for it
P.S. try installing system panel lite, just in case a rogue app is draining cpu constantly in the background even when your screen is off

Hmm no I'm pretty sure it's got nothing to do with the proximity sensor, this is a way more serious battery drain.
I suggest trying another build, maybe you're using an outdated one? If not, try reformatting your SD card (full format, not the quick one), changing radio and changing WinMo. You don't have to do them all at once, it may very well work after just one or a couple of these steps.

StephanV said:
Hmm no I'm pretty sure it's got nothing to do with the proximity sensor, this is a way more serious battery drain.
I suggest trying another build, maybe you're using an outdated one? If not, try reformatting your SD card (full format, not the quick one), changing radio and changing WinMo. You don't have to do them all at once, it may very well work after just one or a couple of these steps.
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Its strange as its doing it will all builds i have formatted my card several times i have tried several new builds also swapped radios, done task 29 and tried several wm roms bit confused by it as some people are saying they get a days use and i dont not even in aeroplane mode :/

Jammie_1989 said:
Its strange as its doing it will all builds i have formatted my card several times i have tried several new builds also swapped radios, done task 29 and tried several wm roms bit confused by it as some people are saying they get a days use and i dont not even in aeroplane mode :/
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That pretty much leaves out one option: try another SD card. Not all cards are equally optimal for Android. Just borrow one from a friend, and check if it makes a difference.


Do HD2 Batteries fail quickly when they go?

I've always read the thread about battery life problems on here thinking "Thank **** mine doesn't have that problem" - luckily since I bought mine in December the battery has been quite impressive really.
But a few days ago it suddenly started losing power VERY fast. I'm talking about 10%/hour even on standby, so I undid changes I'd made recently and it made no difference.
Then I read through loads of other threads on here from people who had poor battery life on their phones to look for clues/solutions.
It seems that the responses are (understandably) fairly consistent, eg:
check for stuff running in task manager
remove changes recently made to the phone/uninstall recently added apps
make sure your data/wireless etc isn't doing stuff it shouldn't be
turn off automatic updates
turn down the screen brightness
check activesync
do a hard reset
upgrade your radio rom
All of these of course make sense and are useful suggestions, but it seems there are a good few cases where doing these things don't help, ie you check out the different potential causes and none appear to be responsible. And in the case of sudden poor battery performance you can't point the finger at the rom/screen brighness/auto updates if they are only doing the same as they have been for ages without issue.
So is there a genuine case for the batteries just suddenly 'going weak'?
I've resorted to a hard reset on mine last night after assuming something had got corrupted hence why I could not find the cause of the sudden battery weakness.
But it hasn't helped - it's still dropping approx 10% each hour while on standby, even on a basic install, without even all the apps I normally have.
To me therefore it logically has to mean a failing battery if a hard reset does not help - or can anyone argue why that might not be true? The only exception I can think of realistically is a hardware fault with the phone.
Have ordered a new standard one anyway, and a hicap 'bulge' battery, so I'll post up if the new one cures it. Quite a few battery threads seem to have no conclusion, so ultimately they're not all that helpful in those cases.
How many other people have had issues like this where the battery life has rapidly gone downhill and a new battery has solved the issue?
Also, has anyone done any tests on their 'dodgy' batteries to see if they are indeed going bad or if it's the phone at fault? For instance (really basic I know) if I were to hook up a light bulb to the battery and measure how long it lasts before it goes dim, then compare it to the results from a new battery, would that be worth trying?
If that's the case it's p1ss poor that a state of the art phone can't even go 6-7months before the battery is junk!
I understand and appreciate that li-ion cells only have a certain number of charge cycles (like most rechargeables) but this takes the cake!
My old XDA orbit is years old, still has its original battery, and that has not deteriorated by any noticeable amount, so these shouldn't either.
See: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=688496
and let me know if the new battery fixes the problem. I think the batteries might be crap and prone to failing early.
Thanks for the link - sounds exactly the same as my issue.
Hopefully the new battery packs will sort it but that's shocking quality control or product design/testing if these are failing so quickly.
change , Toshiba Tg01 , its better , im using 2 of thems , hd2 and Tg01
made by Japan is better than Taiwanese ,
Enchanter said:
change , Toshiba Tg01 , its better , im using 2 of thems , hd2 and Tg01
made by Japan is better than Taiwanese ,
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Yeah right. But that has not solved the problems with the 6 month old phone.
What i have not read in the post of Cret is that you took the memory card out and see if that improves battery life. a corrupt file on the memory card causes a huge drain.
try because that also happenns suddenly e.g. after been connected to a computer and not disconnecting properly.
That's a damn good point actually - thanks. I had seen that mentioned in other battery threads yet somehow completely forgot to try it.
I will try and see whether it makes any difference - cheers.
If that should turn out to be the cause of the problem how do you resolve it?
To elaborate - I don't imagine you can easily identify which file would be the culprit, without formatting the card and adding the files back one by one and testing for the fault to re-appear. That's totally impractical, almost impossible with the number of files you can fit on a 16gb card, and the time it would take to carry out that process, so what do you do?
Or is it possible that simply copying them off the card, formatting it, and pasting them back would somehow resolve the issue.
Enchanter said:
change , Toshiba Tg01 , its better , im using 2 of thems , hd2 and Tg01
made by Japan is better than Taiwanese ,
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How pointless.
wilcovh said:
Yeah right. But that has not solved the problems with the 6 month old phone.
What i have not read in the post of Cret is that you took the memory card out and see if that improves battery life. a corrupt file on the memory card causes a huge drain.
try because that also happenns suddenly e.g. after been connected to a computer and not disconnecting properly.
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Doesn't this usually result in filesys.exe spiking up to 100% (or just high) CPU usage, though? It isn't doing this on mine, although I'll give it a shot without the SD card. I would expect better battery life without an SD card in anyway, but nothing dramatic.
Cret, let me know if your new battery sorts the problem so I know to buy one myself!
the battery do this only a the begining but after 6 monthes of use it becomes better day after day
hoss_n2 said:
the battery do this only a the begining but after 6 monthes of use it becomes better day after day
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What are you talking about? Again, you enlighten a thread with useless information. You can clearly see the OP has had the phone for 6 months (as have I) and the battery is failing (as is mine).
Plus, your battery must defy the laws of physics if it gets better day after day. Interesting.
Cret said:
If that should turn out to be the cause of the problem how do you resolve it?
almost impossible with the number of files you can fit on a 16gb card
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What you can try is put the memory card in a card reader and run checkdisk on the card. see if that identify's any problems on the file system
beside of that it seems that the HD2 has problems with 16GB cards, at least quite a few of them. read through the posts.
Id suggest to collect more data about the problem.
The program BattClock lets you check the battery drain in mA. A normal drain for the HD2, with no processes keeping the CPU awake, is 4mA in standby, with only the radio being powered to receive calls.
So, since the battery current value isn't update instantly, right after you wake up form stanby battclock should be showing 4mA (max6-7mA or something lik that) fora few seconds. If that's not the case, and if the drain is way higher than that, then it may be the case that the phone for some strange reasons is draining more current than it should, and it's not a real battery fault.
I had a similar issue, solved it by disabling auto backlight. Set it at 30% and all good since then.
Well, I thought there had been a slight improvement over the weekend with this battery issue but this morning on standby the phone dropped 3% in a matter of 5 or 10 minutes on standby.
So I removed the mcirosd card and in nearly 3 hours since then it has dropped another 4%. That's a big improvement and does hint that the card is the fault, but it's too early to be sure about that. I've put the card back in to see if it begins to drop fast again. If so I'll take it out for longer and monitor it again.
wilcovh said:
What you can try is put the memory card in a card reader and run checkdisk on the card. see if that identify's any problems on the file system
beside of that it seems that the HD2 has problems with 16GB cards, at least quite a few of them. read through the posts.
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Good idea. I wasn't aware that the phones had problems with cards this size. What about with 32gb ones (not that I can afford one!)?
ephestione said:
So, since the battery current value isn't update instantly, right after you wake up form stanby battclock should be showing 4mA (max6-7mA or something lik that)
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I did use battlog briefly, but just to keep an eye on the current current amount in use and it was fluctuating a lot just with the phone awake but running no apps. Sometimes it after waking it the phone would show a low figure like you quote but other times not.
I haven't checked batlog out fully in terms of what it's capable of, but what would be great would be an app that can log the current use like that does, but at the same time also log a list of which processes/services/applications are running, then that could REALLY give some useful info.
Eg the log shows normal current use, then spikes upwards when a specific process begins to run.
Cret said:
I haven't checked batlog out fully in terms of what it's capable of, but what would be great would be an app that can log the current use like that does, but at the same time also log a list of which processes/services/applications are running, then that could REALLY give some useful info.
Eg the log shows normal current use, then spikes upwards when a specific process begins to run.
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make a request for this feature in battclock's thread
The author seems to be quite open to useful suggestions (I, among others, suggested the log-to-txt feature )
Would be a good idea - I like BattClock I must admit. Nice to have the taskbar info like it does.
Ok, later on in the day, it's worked out that it's used 35% battery in approx 3.5 hours of standby - pretty horrendous. Equates to about 10.5 hours (very roughly) battery life on standby. I've checked periodically during this 3.5 hour period and the drop has been steady.
With the card removed, it went 3 hours and only lost 4%, meaning approx 77 hours of standby time at that rate.
Quite a difference between the two.
So at this point it very much looks like there is a fault relating to the memory card.
I'll try some testing tonight. Mainly that will mean I'll first do a filesystem test as suggested. Then delete all the media files, cut the remainder of files and paste them elsewhere, format the card then paste them back, and see how it then behaves.
So it seems now that buying new batteries (and almost slagging off the HTC one) was slightly hasty, but they'll still be really useful, so I'm not at all bothered about that.
Try putting the blank card in, with nothing on it. Would be interesting to see how much juice it draws just having a card in there without reading anything from it.
I have the same issue.
My HD2 worked like a charm, only around 12% battery drain in 24 hours (I could carry it around on standby for one week before recharging).
Now - it sucks around 3% per hour. After one day, I'm at around 25% charge
At first I thougth this was related to Co0kie's Home Tab, but even after hard-reseting, it still drained battery as hell.
At the moment I'm running it without memory card (4GB Kingston) to see if this might be the issue...
I've run a CHKDSK on my memory card just in case, but the filesystem's fine. Any update, Cret?
Well, I'm sure mine was caused by the card, or at least a fault that related to it (ie possibly a file rather than the card itself).
Since I removed the card the battery life returned to normal, so I formatted it, and then copied some of the content back onto it again. It has been back in the phone for a little while now and has been behaving quite well. Basically for instance it's at 77% now at 10.30pm after being removed from the charger around 8am. I haven't used the phone much except to check emails a few times, read a few texts, and go online a couple of times/read RSS feeds a little.
So I'm fairly happy with that.
BUT - not having had the chance to use the phone much (ie mess about) since I formatted the card, I just found that the phone thinks there is no card inside it at the moment for some reason!
I removed it and the PC can read the card and its contents no problem but the phone cannot see it. The only reason I can think of for this is that I formatted the card as NTFS instead of Fat since it's meant to give faster performance, but is it possible that the phone itself does not support this format?
Since it's not working at the moment I'll have to try wiping it and changing it back to fat again.
Yes I have tried rebooting it also.
Next thing is th double size replacement battery I bought arrived the other day. The battery fits ok but the replacement cover that came with it does not fit properly at all.
The cover clips in ok on the side of the volume buttons, but no matter what I do it just hangs loose on the opposite side so I can't actually use the bloody thing since the battery will just fall out like this. Really not happy at all about this.
This is the one I bought:
I think I will be trying to return this for a full refund since there appears to be a design flaw. Normally I would attempt to make something like this fit properly myself but if I failed then I'd have a piece of junk that I could neither use nor return so I think better just to return it without messing about.
It's a shame as the cover actually looks like it should fit perfectly, and seems to fit very well, it's just that it fails completely to latch in place on one side, as if the clip bit is not long enough perhaps.
What concerns me slightly at the moment
Just reformatted the card as Fat instead of NTFS and loaded my files back on and it works now.
So I'll update in due course once I've been using it loaded up again.

Temp fix for sod

I traded my g1 for an hd2. Gave it to my wife and she loves it. Only problem is the SOD. Until a solid kernel fix is made she figured this out and no SOD so far. She uses Aldiko a lot and you can adjust the contrast with a swipe down the left side of the screen. She turns it all the way down and its completely black. Swipe up the left side and screen is back on. Cheap fix I know but works for now till the real bug could be ironed out.
the only time i had an sod is when i tried 2.11 radio..
what radio you using?
I am using the tmobile radio 2.10.50. Or something like that.
if its related to radio, I have 2.08 and never had one sod
What rom are you using? Also which winmo rom? I know its not a radio problem.
So, could it be, that radio 2.11 and higher kill the screen?
Do you recommend to use only radio 2.08?
I am from germany and a week ago my touchscreen was defect and had to be changed for a new one. Could this happen because of the wrong radio?
SODs have nothing to do with the radio. it has to do with the SD card. i can confirm this by taking my sd card and putting it in 2 different hd2s with 2 different radios and i had no SOD what so ever but when i would use a different sdcard i would get SODs on both
I've heard that higher class SD cards have better results. But sods are typically causes by the g sensor bottle necking when the phone goes to sleep. Aldiko prevents phone sleep but you can shut the screen off by turning the contrast down all the way with it. Swipe down off. Swipe up on. Like I said cheap fix but works for the time being.
I use a class 2 sd card that came with the phone. the only form of SOD i experience is the screen powering on but it remaining black which is only temp, as a few turns on attempts anbd its fine. which i realy wouldnt consider screen of death since it never sticks like that permantly to requiire a reboot.
That's lucky for you its a common bug at the moment. I have to baby my wife's hd2. I'm a bit jealous. Lol
at0ms0ft.starkiller said:
I've heard that higher class SD cards have better results. But sods are typically causes by the g sensor bottle necking when the phone goes to sleep. Aldiko prevents phone sleep but you can shut the screen off by turning the contrast down all the way with it. Swipe down off. Swipe up on. Like I said cheap fix but works for the time being.
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thats not true. i use the stock 16gb class 2 sd that came with the phone (TMOUS) HD2 and i have no SODs at all. I experienced SODs with a PNY 8gb Class 4 so higher class doesnt mean less SODs. it has to do with how the sd is formatted and if the sd has errors on it.
That's what I'm using the 16 gig that it came with. I'm just saying what I've read. Now that you said that I know I can save money and not have to but a expensive SD card lol.
Viewing the answers it seems to me that nobody really knows what is causing the SODs... someone said that could be the SD CARD, others that is on the ROM side, others Radio, others GSENSORS... in my opinion have to do with the early stage of Android development in HD2, maybe Cotulla will be able to release a new Kernel which fix the SODs and Freezes problems...
Use chuckydroidrom with radio 2.12.50
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
The Radio is the problem
ok Ive done this for 3 phones and I can tell u that SOD has only to do with the Radio. The only thing ive seen that the rom affects its the robot voice.
get this Radio Leo_RADIO_2.12.50.02_2
And Im a 100 percent sure is gonna work and if u want get the chunkydroid just in case.
Also the 3 phones which ive put Android had been from tmobile USA.
Using chuckydroidrom, supherhd2 1.2, class 4 sd card -- I don't get SOD other than sometimes waking from sleep. Either it's the blank screen which just takes a few tries, or it shows up but is unresponsive, then the wifi reads "error."
Unfortunately that happens a few times a day.
Also using radio
Great Success!!!
I have had great success running Miri's rom / 2.11 radio / turned windows mobile sense off / running Nexus One build FRG33 9-8-10
I have had now screen of death, no audio issues, no bluetooth issues, camera & camcording work in 5mp, wifi working, wifi portable hotspot is working (I desperately need this because of my job), no freezing, all apps working, my NES/SNES emulator works like a charm, no freezing issues, Quandrant speeds range from 1550-1650 (low speeds when snes emulator running in background).
My only issue is that, when in sleep mode, the orange light stays on constantly, but even with this, I have had battery life of 36+ hours. This setup is ready for daily use.
If anyone can help me get that orange light out, I would be much obliged.
you would think after all the great development going on here, this issue (the biggest issue it seems) would have been the first to be sorted out. I for one am pulling my hair out over it. i get it constantly on all the builds I try except for darkstones which kills my battery in 2 hours. running stock rom, 2.08 radio, stock 16 gig sd card
i have tried radio and
all have SOD. all rebooted when i tried to log in at the market place
i have tried nearly all the roms
it seems like only mattc is the most stable..
but he hasn't have any updates for the last 10 days.
jack9999 said:
i have tried radio and
all have SOD. all rebooted when i tried to log in at the market place
i have tried nearly all the roms
it seems like only mattc is the most stable..
but he hasn't have any updates for the last 10 days.
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Cant agree with you on that. I have also tried different roms, and stayed on Darkstone 2.1 from 18.8.10. I use, Elegancia v10, Class 2 16gb card which is almost full and I have only 2 issues:
1. SOD after you try to wake the phone up and immediately put it to sleep (Power button, and a second after again). It takes about 20 seconds until it starts working again. My suspicion, gsensor/sdcard, nothing to do with radio.
2. Bluetooth, A2DP controls do not work on my Bluetooth headset.
So, for me, this is the most stable.
BTW, I can run a battery for around 24 hours with gmail push, exchange push (through Touchdown, not native Android program) and average usage of calls, SMS, Wifi, Youtube and Market..

[Q] Please Help..I am at my wits end..

I have an HD2(of course)...i have tried many many roms but am stuck with the same issue..I have random freezing issues..i have tried different radios, different classes of sd cards..tried adjusting the vm heap. but to no avail..i am currently using frankenstine rom it seems to be the smoothest but i still have freezing issues..when this occurs i can only pull the battery to reset it and sometimes when i do this i must pull battery 3-5 times to get it past the magloader screen.
i have asked this question in many of the rom threads that i have used but have never gotten a clear and definite fix..can someone enlighten me on how to cure this issue it is really becoming quite frustrating.. thanks in advance to anyone..
When do you have these freezing issues?
When you're watching a web video? Playing a game and listening to music at the same time?
If so, it's cuz you've run out of ram, so your phone will lagg to death. So get a task manager to close those apps.
If not Iunno what your problem is.
Note: Try not to pull out your battery, instead use the soft reset button. If you keep pulling out your battery, you'll mess up the pins.
b14ckd34th said:
I have an HD2(of course)...i have tried many many roms but am stuck with the same issue..I have random freezing issues..i have tried different radios, different classes of sd cards..tried adjusting the vm heap. but to no avail..i am currently using frankenstine rom it seems to be the smoothest but i still have freezing issues..when this occurs i can only pull the battery to reset it and sometimes when i do this i must pull battery 3-5 times to get it past the magloader screen.
i have asked this question in many of the rom threads that i have used but have never gotten a clear and definite fix..can someone enlighten me on how to cure this issue it is really becoming quite frustrating.. thanks in advance to anyone..
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Have you tried a task29 prior to flashing?
Kailkti said:
When do you have these freezing issues?
When you're watching a web video? Playing a game and listening to music at the same time?
If so, it's cuz you've run out of ram, so your phone will lagg to death. So get a task manager to close those apps.
If not Iunno what your problem is.
Note: Try not to pull out your battery, instead use the soft reset button. If you keep pulling out your battery, you'll mess up the pins.
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it doesnt seem to be specific on when it freezes..but usually when only using 1 program at a time..i do use task manager.i recently installed words with friends and almost every time i try to open it, it will freeze.
h.nocturna said:
Have you tried a task29 prior to flashing?
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yes the last time i flashed i used task29..someone once told me it was my radio..which ive tried to downgrade to an earlier version but that didnt help either..
I think it's ram. Reason being, if it is from opening an app, it may be the app is using too much memory for it to handle, eg. mega jump is one
Never tried words before though, but it doesn't sound like something that uses a lot of memory but Iunno.
Do you use desire hd or z builds? Those leave very little ram left.
Kailkti said:
I think it's ram. Reason being, if it is from opening an app, it may be the app is using too much memory for it to handle, eg. mega jump is one
Never tried words before though, but it doesn't sound like something that uses a lot of memory but Iunno.
Do you use desire hd or z builds? Those leave very little ram left.
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my current rom is a desire build..what build would leave more ram?
i am going to try yet again to reflash this phone and task29 it..
Any non sense build will give you 210+ ram free.
what radio are you using? had some freeze moments when i first started fiddling with android. upgraded my radio to 2.15 and never had a freeze ever since.
Robson said:
what radio are you using? had some freeze moments when i first started fiddling with android. upgraded my radio to 2.15 and never had a freeze ever since.
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yea i got this radio also...
ok i rewiped, reflashed, task29'd it last night and thought everything was a-ok until a few minutes ago when yet again it froze. i cant wait till tmobile comes out with an htc phone with the same screen size as the hd2 but native android cuz ill be all over it..this crap gets old quick..i cant believe i am the only one with this unfixable issue.
did you also fully refresh you sd card? not much point task29'ing, reinstalling android and starting over if your sd card is still full of cache/droid system folders/EXT/Dalvik and what not.
that being said, if you have had the phone since way back last year, a good proportion of the early ones had freezing problems, regardless of rom.radio, and a quick warranty swap was usually the answer.
samsamuel said:
did you also fully refresh you sd card? not much point task29'ing, reinstalling android and starting over if your sd card is still full of cache/droid system folders/EXT/Dalvik and what not.
that being said, if you have had the phone since way back last year, a good proportion of the early ones had freezing problems, regardless of rom.radio, and a quick warranty swap was usually the answer.
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i did use the recommended panasonic formatter..and also the cmw format,dalvik and cache wipe...
your other comment kinda makes sense..i have had this since i think February of last year.
so after speaking with tmobile, and actually reflashing windows 6.5 and having it freeze on me twice and today it got stuck in a reboot loop, I am getting a new HD2..i sure hope this one does not freeze as much as my current model..if tmobile would come out with an android phone with this big of a screen i would switch.

HD2 HUGE BATTERY DRAIN 1% every 1 minute

Hi my hd2 is on a stock windows mobile rom and has a huge battery drain, every 1 minute or so i lose 1% of my battery and even on standby its the same.
Please can anyone help!!!! I have just flashed a stock rom from sd and have nothing on it and it still does it!
did you flash another radio rom? battery performance has a lot to do with it.
formatting your sd card could also help.
I've tried formatting my sd card and have tried flashing many radio roms right now im on the latest one (2.15...) and still it does it.
well the latest doesn't mean that it's the best for you. it depends on your carrier and area. but this wouldn't result in such a high battery drain.
sorry i can't help you then. i would try to make a freash install with task 29 and everything and if it's still not better try another battery.
Ive tried everything..no one knows anything about it
Thanks anyways
Would appreciate if anyone else has this problem too?
Sounds more like your battery is on the way out. Do you have another you could test?
Yupp, i have 3 standard htc batterys and 2 of them are brand new and still it happens
You did not say how long you have had the HD2, whether this problem has occurred from the beginning, or had just recently started. If it's been that way from the time you got it, it needs to go back to the vendor/seller for replacement. If it has suddenly started, what has changed? Other recent threads here note that a change in GMail was causing problems with high CPU levels and fast battery drain. I believe you said in one response that two of your three batteries have this problem. I assume that one of the batteries does not. If so, it sounds like bad batteries.
Sorry i meant to say that every battery that i try, it still has the problem. And also i brought this phone (used) with no problems and i put android on it, one day it turned extremely hot whilst i put it on charge, then what used to happen was whenever i left my phone on standby (screen off) my phone would switch off. But then i changed my charger cable and that problem was fixed but now i have this problem.
In that case could be the cable not supplying enough charge to the battery, or the phone reading battery stats incorrectly. Other than that I'm at a loss.
Tried everything :/
Thanks anyways I guess its just time for the bin :/
emadul said:
Tried everything :/
Thanks anyways I guess its just time for the bin :/
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Are you using Gmail? There have been a lot of reports about overheating and battery drain from gmail accounts. Evidently there was some change in the way Google handles their accounts.
Nope, not using gmail
theres nothing on my rom as i just flashed it.
if you flashed it new and the problems started at this point you can try to wipe the battery stats in cwm. don't really now what exactly that does but it's worth a try.
rauschkugl said:
if you flashed it new and the problems started at this point you can try to wipe the battery stats in cwm. don't really now what exactly that does but it's worth a try.
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thats providing hes running it and not using a stock winmo 6.5 rom
Yeah, im using a stock windowsmobile rom so no clockworkmod unfortunately..
oh right. there was something with windows on this phone ^^ sorry already forgot that.
Hi, did you try the following?
Switch off the phone completely and then remove the battery for approx. 15 to 20 seconds. Then put it in again and start the phone.
When I used this procedure the battery drain was normal again.
BR rainer
tried that still no luck :/
Take out the sim AND sd card. Maybe one of them is going bad.

[Q] Blackscreen on wakeup

I´m sorry if this problem has been solved elsewhere, but i´m not able to find any description of the problem like mine.
The problem is, that my HD2 won´t wake up from "sleep" sometimes, most after about half an hour of sleep. The screen and the keys gets lit up, but the screen stays blank. This has happened to me with diefferent ROMs (i tried Dorimanx, Hyperdroid, Nexus ICS and EVO ICS), but it worked with both Dorimanx and Hyperdroid for some time. First i had the same issue with these roms, but i managed to get them to work. But the problem is: I dont know how.
Now, after running on Hyperdroid for some time (witout any problems) i flashed the NEXUS HD2 ICS ROM from Tytung, and i´m having the same problem again. I did a clean install, tried with task29 and factory reset in the recovery, but nothing worked. Any suggestions?
Sorry for bad English btw :angel:
I thought the bsod was fixed ages ago? .. weird. And since it's an issue JUST with you on EVERY rom, it might be hardware related, I cannot say for sure. Maybe a logcat will help us get something?
Marvlesz said:
I thought the bsod was fixed ages ago? .. weird. And since it's an issue JUST with you on EVERY rom, it might be hardware related, I cannot say for sure. Maybe a logcat will help us get something?
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+1, this issue was supposed to have been fixed a while ago. I'm also guessing it's some sort of hardware fault.
It seems to be a problem with the sd-card.. or more likely the format or the ext partition. I took it out, and the problem disappeared. But the card cant be broken, since it worked on the previous rom.. any ideas?
[Edit] Now i´ve Formattet and created a 1GB ext4 partition with the ext4 recovery, and reflashed the ROM and the 40a2sdx-a2recovery.zip script. I´ll try just not to put anything on the sd-card, and see if the problem still appears..
Now it happened again, without anything on the sd-card other than the ext4 partiton (and the .zip´s for the rom and the a2sdx script, but that should not change anything?). Am i doing anything wrong with the formatting or the partition, or is the sd-card just broken? I dont know what to do.. Do i have to buy a new micro-sd card? I have a 32gb sandisk class 4 card btw
No ideas? I´m getting a bit frustrated after hours and hours of searching the web and flashing different roms, recoverys and stuff. How can it be a problem with the sd-card, when i have used this one for the last rom, too, which worked just perfect?
Try setting the CPU-s minimum frequency to 384 or higher. If problem still appears, try setting the governor to performance and the max. frequency to for eg. 1036. The second solution will eat your battery but try it. I don't think the answer I gave you is right and I think your problem is due something damaged in your phone inside because my minimum freq. is 96.
Fix for Black Screen of Death
Black Screen of death occurs in many different phones like Htc Hd2, droid, Samsung..(With Android Rom Mainly). It is not caused by hardware, software or battery issues but because of Android Rom and clash of few settings.The screen will be black and the lights will be lit up and screen won't wake up. The only temporary fix is pull the battery. Annoying as hell. But, screen of death continues. My Solution ( it works on HTC Hd2) go to settings> personal> display settings. Deselect automatic brightness(No auto brightness).Screen time out 1 Minutes (No 30 Sec). Animation medium. Apply Settings. Okay.Go to settings again. Settings>system> Wlan (wireless network) > advance settings > wlan sleep policy > select never. Apply settings. Okay. Restart Phone twice to apply settings and test your phone. you screen should not go blank. Optional install android assistant & battery monitor widget that might prevent screen of death in certain cases. Good Luck!
I've found this on androidforums. There was probably a solution here but I was lazy.
Shaumaaa said:
Try setting the CPU-s minimum frequency to 384 or higher. If problem still appears, try setting the governor to performance and the max. frequency to for eg. 1036. The second solution will eat your battery but try it. I don't think the answer I gave you is right and I think your problem is due something damaged in your phone inside because my minimum freq. is 96.
Fix for Black Screen of Death
Black Screen of death occurs in many different phones like Htc Hd2, droid, Samsung..(With Android Rom Mainly). It is not caused by hardware, software or battery issues but because of Android Rom and clash of few settings.The screen will be black and the lights will be lit up and screen won't wake up. The only temporary fix is pull the battery. Annoying as hell. But, screen of death continues. My Solution ( it works on HTC Hd2) go to settings> personal> display settings. Deselect automatic brightness(No auto brightness).Screen time out 1 Minutes (No 30 Sec). Animation medium. Apply Settings. Okay.Go to settings again. Settings>system> Wlan (wireless network) > advance settings > wlan sleep policy > select never. Apply settings. Okay. Restart Phone twice to apply settings and test your phone. you screen should not go blank. Optional install android assistant & battery monitor widget that might prevent screen of death in certain cases. Good Luck!
I've found this on androidforums. There was probably a solution here but I was lazy.
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I tried changing the CPU speed without any luck, and in the previous rom i had min set to 96 aswell... I also deselected autobrightness and Wlan sleep policy... Seems not to be the problem. And as i said, everything is working when sd-card is pulled out..
Shaumaaa said:
Try setting the CPU-s minimum frequency to 384 or higher. If problem still appears, try setting the governor to performance and the max. frequency to for eg. 1036. The second solution will eat your battery but try it. I don't think the answer I gave you is right and I think your problem is due something damaged in your phone inside because my minimum freq. is 96.
Fix for Black Screen of Death
Black Screen of death occurs in many different phones like Htc Hd2, droid, Samsung..(With Android Rom Mainly). It is not caused by hardware, software or battery issues but because of Android Rom and clash of few settings.The screen will be black and the lights will be lit up and screen won't wake up. The only temporary fix is pull the battery. Annoying as hell. But, screen of death continues. My Solution ( it works on HTC Hd2) go to settings> personal> display settings. Deselect automatic brightness(No auto brightness).Screen time out 1 Minutes (No 30 Sec). Animation medium. Apply Settings. Okay.Go to settings again. Settings>system> Wlan (wireless network) > advance settings > wlan sleep policy > select never. Apply settings. Okay. Restart Phone twice to apply settings and test your phone. you screen should not go blank. Optional install android assistant & battery monitor widget that might prevent screen of death in certain cases. Good Luck!
I've found this on androidforums. There was probably a solution here but I was lazy.
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It's a very old problem. It was fixed long ago, so it shouldn't be happening to anyone on a NAND ROM right now.
Nigeldg said:
It's a very old problem. It was fixed long ago, so it shouldn't be happening to anyone on a NAND ROM right now.
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But i´m actually having this problem, and i´m definately on NAND
Are you really unable to change the sd-card? Why not get an upgrade? maybe a better class? or a higher storage? (I know you have a 32 GB class 4 sd card, it's really hard to upgrade that, I understand)
If you don't want to, you have to narrow down the problem.
Try a different recovery ( I doubt this has anything to do with it, but you gotta try)
Try a different fs. (other than ext4, give ext3 a shot)
Are they both set to primary and not logical? (I thought it shouldn't work if either is set to logical? perhaps I'm wrong)
What is the fs of your main partition? (Are you sure it's FAT32?)
Try to check for bad sectors.
^I know it's too much, and you can try from the most likely to the least likely. (Sorry, I do not know the order)
Or, you can sit tight and wait for other answers.
Marvlesz said:
Are you really unable to change the sd-card? Why not get an upgrade? maybe a better class? or a higher storage? (I know you have a 32 GB class 4 sd card, it's really hard to upgrade that, I understand)
If you don't want to, you have to narrow down the problem.
Try a different recovery ( I doubt this has anything to do with it, but you gotta try)
Try a different fs. (other than ext4, give ext3 a shot)
Are they both set to primary and not logical? (I thought it shouldn't work if either is set to logical? perhaps I'm wrong)
What is the fs of your main partition? (Are you sure it's FAT32?)
Try to check for bad sectors.
^I know it's too much, and you can try from the most likely to the least likely. (Sorry, I do not know the order)
Or, you can sit tight and wait for other answers.
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Yeah, its much, but i must say i have tried nearly everthing. I tried different recoverys, both ext4 and ext3, both of the fs are set to primary and the main fs is FAT32. I´ll try to check for bad sectors, and if i get the black screen next time i´ll try with another sd-card. Until then, if any of you have any other ideas or suggestions.. But thanks for the try
It happened again-.- No other solutions? am i really the only one suffering from this issue? BTW, anyone know what caused this problem, when you say it was "fixed long time ago"? I realized i have the 3.0.0 recovery, could this be part of the problem? Looks like I´ll have to try another card, but i dont know why that should be the problem, since this one worked for my previous rom...
You can try to upgrade your recovery, since nothing else is working for you. It is worth a shot.
I'm experiencing the same issue since I changed my SD card. I'm running NexusHD2-JellyBean-4.1.2. It was very slow with a class 2 card, but I had no wakeup freezes. After I upgraded to a class 10 card it's much faster, but I also started experiencing those wakeup freezes.
First I changed the cpu frequency range to 128-998, I kept smartassv2 as the governor and I also disabled wifi (someone else suggested keeping it always on as a possible workaround). I haven't had any freezes for almost 24h. I suspect it freezes while trying to turn wifi back on during wake up, but it definitely has something to do with the card, too, because when using the other (slower) card the rom was stable.
I haven't had any issues of this kind with any other rom.
Marvlesz said:
You can try to upgrade your recovery, since nothing else is working for you. It is worth a shot.
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atakama said:
I'm experiencing the same issue since I changed my SD card. I'm running NexusHD2-JellyBean-4.1.2. It was very slow with a class 2 card, but I had no wakeup freezes. After I upgraded to a class 10 card it's much faster, but I also started experiencing those wakeup freezes.
First I changed the cpu frequency range to 128-998, I kept smartassv2 as the governor and I also disabled wifi (someone else suggested keeping it always on as a possible workaround). I haven't had any freezes for almost 24h. I suspect it freezes while trying to turn wifi back on during wake up, but it definitely has something to do with the card, too, because when using the other (slower) card the rom was stable.
I haven't had any issues of this kind with any other rom.
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Thank you both I´ll update my recovery, change sd-card and make another clean install. Its a bit weird, but we´ll see
Ok, seems like the sd-card really was the problem. I changed to an 8GB card, and i have not had the issue since. Everything is a bit slow, and some apps need time to load, but that could be because it is a slower card.. i hope. I think i´ll buy an 32gb class 10 card, and hope that it works and is faster Thank you all for the ideas and help. I hope my problem is solved :victory:
yup.. same problem a while ago..
Flash Latest ROM
Install Easy Task Killer and manage it properly
Try using a High Speed Micro-SD Card.
When it comes to HD2. you can face "n" number of issues
Don't use task killer!
Marek989 said:
Don't use task killer!
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I read many senior members giving the same advice. Task Killers are a pain if you use them randomly. I configured Easy Task Killer to kill only specific and useless apps/process.. all required apps and processes are ignored by it.
By using SystemCleanUp i have disabled all useless autoruns.. my roms are much faster and stable now.
HD2 has too less RAM for not using Task Killers.
Using Task Killers and SystemCleanUp even on my Asus Transformer TF101..

