HTC Legend market updated! - Legend General

New market design just appeared on my Legend

What is the difference?

qzem said:
What is the difference?
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Version is now 2.2.7

How does it work?? How did you get the update?

vjkabraham said:
How does it work?? How did you get the update?
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It was totally automatic! This mornig opend market and there it was.
Is it possible that only i got this update?

Do U have rooted ROM or regular HTC ROM? What version of ROM? Mine is 3.15.405.3 and I didn't got the market update... It's still 2.12

ViktorX said:
Do U have rooted ROM or regular HTC ROM? What version of ROM? Mine is 3.15.405.3 and I didn't got the market update... It's still 2.12
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It's not rooted. Stock froyo 2.2! Software num. 3.15.405.3
Udate came OTA as the last market udate!
Pozz brother!

DeeJayDark UE said:
Is it possible that only i got this update?
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Fortunatly not
ogo2 has it in his desocialized ROM already and my custom version of BlaY0's B-01 runs it aswell. There are also several threads in the "Android General -> Apps" section where people distributed the apks for some days now.
Other then the new design the new market has a new limit for market refunds. Instead of 24 hours you now have only 15 minutes for a refund. More changes can be seen in these threads:
Market 2.2.7 for Android 2.1:

denisman said:
Fortunatly not
ogo2 has it in his desocialized ROM already and my custom version of BlaY0's B-01 runs it aswell. There are also several threads in the "Android General -> Apps" section where people distributed the apks for some days now.
Other then the new design the new market has a new limit for market refunds. Instead of 24 hours you now have only 15 minutes for a refund. More changes can be seen in these threads:
Market 2.2.7 for Android 2.1:
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I saw the apk but it's ota!!!!

i just got this too but liked the design of the old market better...

denisman said:
Fortunatly not
Instead of 24 hours you now have only 15 minutes for a refund.
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Incorrect. I've refund a defective application purchased with the 'new' market after 10 hours.

alpha242 said:
Incorrect. I've refund a defective application purchased with the 'new' market after 10 hours.
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Really? Now that would be good news. Didnt try it myself since I don't want to refund anything but good if it is really possible to test the apps longer than 15 minutes.

Mine also got updated . Using rooted stock froyo
Sent from my HTC Legend using XDA App

nolook said:
i just got this too but liked the design of the old market better...
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same here ...

My android market got updated when i flashed rooted froyo rom. but when i returned to stock froyo rom it did not update. strange.

Anybody know any trick to get the update? Besides installing the apk.... Still stuck with the old one, would like to get the uptade ota too

I really don't like this new market.
When I select a app in the market is have to expand the description and other categories to see all the info. The old market had a far easier layout. I could just scroll down and have everything there.
This "upgrade" saddens me.

If you dont like new market, you can allways uninstall update and go back to old look...

I've had it for a week almost here in Norway. The market needed an update, but it's a lot slower and a bit cramped on the Legend screen. The carousel is a bit too much I think.

i just use appbrain...


Can't find a few of my favorite apps in the Market...

I got my Evo for RS as soon as it opened. Once it was activated, I started downloading my favorite apps that I had on my Moment w/ 2.1. I have done every type of search I can think of in the Market, but I still can't find my two favorite apps: Launcher Pro and Quick Settings.
I even went on and found both apps. I then scanned the QR codes and it could not be located in the Market. I also clicked on the market link, using the browser on my Evo, from the review of Launcher Pro on Android Central and couldn't find it.
Any one else having this problem? As a last resort I can make a backup of both apps from my Moment and then install it from the sd card to my Evo, but I would rather dl from the market.
Thanks for your help...
Im having the same problem
handcent has gone AWOL. What's the dilly o?
handcent is there on my evo, check out to find apps as well.
Im in the same boat. Can not find several apps like adw launcher and helix launcher 2.
It seems to be a market wide issue today. Many people are reporting it for various apps.
Kllian said:
handcent is there on my evo, check out to find apps as well.
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Installed Appbrain on my Evo, went to their website, found LauncherPro and Quick Settings. When I tried to install them from Appbrain on my Evo, I get the same thing. These apps cannot be found...
I hope this gets sorted soon. I prefer LauncherPro over Sense and I used Quick Settings very often.
Other than this, I love the Evo...
I can't find ShopSavvy......
ez2bgman said:
When I tried to install them from Appbrain on my Evo, I get the same thing. These apps cannot be found...
I hope this gets sorted soon. I prefer LauncherPro over Sense and I used Quick Settings very often.
Other than this, I love the Evo...
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Not sure whats up with LauncherPro but I can't get it on my Evo or my Hero. And their website is down or gone.
gottria said:
Not sure whats up with LauncherPro but I can't get it on my Evo or my Hero. And their website is down or gone.
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It shows up in the market on my Hero (LauncherPro Beta)
DiNoise said:
It shows up in the market on my Hero (LauncherPro Beta)
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Ran it again from my Hero after a reboot and I still can't find it...
gottria said:
Ran it again from my Hero after a reboot and I still can't find it...
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probably has to do with the ROM you're using, I had a similar problem with some ROMS, and after I switched to a different one all apps showed up.
Its a problem with google.
a handful of apps all of a sudden went missing today, apps o downloaded yesterday and reccommended to people, just up and gone. mostly good apps too. I guess the Evo put a strain on more than just Sprint's network
the Handcent devs have posted most recent APK's on their forums, due to this. If i was a dev I'd be pissed right now
DiNoise said:
probably has to do with the ROM you're using, I had a similar problem with some ROMS, and after I switched to a different one all apps showed up.
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I'm using the new Evo and my Hero with the 2.1 update. It's a rooted hero running stock 2.1 by damage control.
sorry for bumping old thread.
I guess this issue is still around. I even can't find Google Maps on android market. I thought it was ROM issue but tried 2 ROMs (both froyo) on HTC Wildfire, still no luck.
Anyone with workaround for this problem?

Did the market update (froyo)

I've had Froyo for a couple of weeks now and this morning when I went to my market app and checked my download tab my apps were gone and now i only see m the apps ive paid for??? but when i missed spelled in a app name in the search bar it took me to a DID YOU MEAN..and showed me apps that were spelled close to what i typed in this is new to me ive never seen this has anybody else seen this i checked the version and it was 1.82..(is that new??) and does anybody know why i can't see my apps in the download tab anymore??
DroidRC1 said:
I've had Froyo for a couple of weeks now and this morning when I went to my market app and checked my download tab my apps were gone and now i only see m the apps ive paid for??? but when i missed spelled in a app name in the search bar it took me to a DID YOU MEAN..and showed me apps that were spelled close to what i typed in this is new to me ive never seen this has anybody else seen this i checked the version and it was 1.82..(is that new??) and does anybody know why i can't see my apps in the download tab anymore??
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yes they did add suggestions, though this was annouced here on the forums last week
Blueman101 said:
yes they did add suggestions, though this was annouced here on the forums last week
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thanks..would you know why my apps are gone from the download tab now??
DroidRC1 said:
thanks..would you know why my apps are gone from the download tab now??
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my only guess would be that they have been removed from your view because we are using an unofficial version of android 2.2, and the market doesn't know what to do with us in screening apps. My guess is that they will return to the downloads area when froyo is officially released.
Blueman101 said:
my only guess would be that they have been removed from your view because we are using an unofficial version of android 2.2, and the market doesn't know what to do with us in screening apps. My guess is that they will return to the downloads area when froyo is officially released.
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so has this happen to you??
Just hit menu then downloads like always... To lazy to look around?
b9nez said:
Just hit menu then downloads like always... To lazy to look around?
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i know that but my apps that ive downloaded don't show up
DroidRC1 said:
i know that but my apps that ive downloaded don't show up
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As already stated, they won't appear until the official release of Froyo.
Same here, apps vanished from my downloads area. Thing is, if you re-download them then they appear ok.

Facebook 1.4 is out

Download it on marketplace. Everything works again
would anyone please share the cab?
claims to be 1.3 on the marketplace, installed states 1.1xxx ??
and you have to go to the yank marketplace to get it.
not an update just a fix.... still better (4 months) late than never.....
still a crappy app for a crappy site
conantroutman said:
claims to be 1.3 on the marketplace, installed states 1.1xxx ??
and you have to go to the yank marketplace to get it.
not an update just a fix.... still better (4 months) late than never.....
still a crappy app for a crappy site
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ive got 1.4 from marketplace (1.1.something higher then 17) from us market.
fim thts been out fr god kno's how long still rips any official fb app on the marketplace apart...until they put chat its useless.
Still claims to be "1.2" in my marketplace. (UK)
Just changed it to US and it's displaying "1.4" ......
Can anyone CAB this so i can try it out? Won't allow me to download it using american catalog.
hg3atintin said:
Download it on marketplace. Everything works again
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Yes, confirmed..!!!
heartsurfer008 said:
Yes, confirmed..!!!
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That is Android, 1.4.1 has been out for ages on there.
H3ALY said:
That is Android, 1.4.1 has been out for ages on there.
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That was precisely his point - that the Android app is much better than the crappy WM one, and has been working with almost no issues where the WM one has been DOA for months
Imperator Nick said:
That was precisely his point - that the Android app is much better than the crappy WM one, and has been working with almost no issues where the WM one has been DOA for months
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The inital 1st post states:
"Download it on marketplace. Everything works again"
Which i would assume is WM not android also as you can see by my other post 1.4 is avaliable now in the marketplace but not in the UK catalog.
I do agree the Android Facebook is better but whats wrong with wanting to try the new version for WM?
V1.3 avaible in US store...
G-ThGraf said:
V1.3 avaible in US store...
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Odd my U.S catalog says 1.4
In fact it was not us but another market, i download it from french market, and it's the same as 1.4 from US, It's 1.3 in France and 1.4 for US English, but exactly the same version!
G-ThGraf said:
In fact it was not us but another market, i download it from french market, and it's the same as 1.4 from US, It's 1.3 in France and 1.4 for US English, but exactly the same version!
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The screen shots of the 1.4 (U.S) looks different to our (UK) "1.2" version hence why i would like to have a look. Does your "1.3" (FR) look the same as U.S?
This is a real pain, why does it seem, US, France even outer mongolia have the update except the bloomin UK...
There is an update, although to 1.3 - it does at least work again though
Imperator Nick said:
There is an update, although to 1.3 - it does at least work again though
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I take it you don't have your market palce set to "United Kingdom - English". Because myself and a colleague only seem to be able to obtain "1.2" from market. Could you confirm for me please Nick.
H3ALY said:
I take it you don't have your market palce set to "United Kingdom - English". Because myself and a colleague only seem to be able to obtain "1.2" from market. Could you confirm for me please Nick.
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That is the region I have it set to, very odd
Imperator Nick said:
That is the region I have it set to, very odd
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Maybe just taking it's sweet arse time updating then. Thanks for looking though!
H3ALY said:
Maybe just taking it's sweet arse time updating then. Thanks for looking though!
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Classic IT 101 - but have you tried logging out of the market and back in to see if that refreshes the list?

Android market silent OTA

Since gingerbread update on my DHD I never got the 2.3.6 version of Android Market.
I'm still stuck on 2.3.4.
Is it the same for you?
I'm wondering if there is an OTA bug on DHD, and if we'll be able to get the new market (3.0.27)...
I know that I could just install the APK, but previous "silent" OTA used to work before the gingerbread update, so I wonder why it didn't with v2.3.6...
Thanks for your info!
Thats whats happened to all of us. The reason really is- The Gingerbread FOTA update was released before the new market was announced.
According to sources like engadget and pocketnow , most high end phones should expect the upgrade within the next couple of weeks. If that's too long for you (as is for most of us) you can simply take the .apk which can be found on the forums here.
indeed, manually installing the apk works just fine, i did it myself
ViousAD said:
Thats whats happened to all of us. The reason really is- The Gingerbread FOTA update was released before the new market was announced.
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Yes, but it doesn't explain why we never got the 2.3.6 after, while the other devices were receiving it with silent OTA.
Does anyone know whether the new Market available on xda is the same as the expected final release?
I really like the interface of the new Market but it feels a little slow at times.
I'm still in 2.3.4, whereas everyone is reporting getting the new 3.1.3 version...
Why don't we get any of the latest 3 market OTA?!? Did htc broke the ability of our phones to upgrade themselves?
It seems that the Desire Z has the same issue...
Heard it was only release in the US.
It has been release in the UK only last week and it was only to Samsung devices...
Thanks for this info!
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
ellyn said:
indeed, manually installing the apk works just fine, i did it myself
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sorry to sound noob-ie, but, where can i find this apk?
hsncool said:
sorry to sound noob-ie, but, where can i find this apk?
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[UPDATE][APP] Android Market 3.1.3

New Market 3.3.11 available now

Hi All,
just let you know, new market is available to download and test, looks much better then 3.1.5, if you want to try here is link for website:
... If helps, please press THANKS...
thanks friend...
Thanks, got it!
I installed the old market because the new one was too laggy for me..
Has something gone better since the Release of the new Market?
Sent from my HTC Desire HD
Seeandfeel said:
I installed the old market because the new one was too laggy for me..
Has something gone better since the Release of the new Market?
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try to change DNS with SetDNS in market...
dont like it
they have tried to put to much on one page
do i just install an older one over the top to get rid of this new one?
shakennotstirred said:
dont like it
they have tried to put to much on one page
do i just install an older one over the top to get rid of this new one?
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yes, this should work without any problems, still I find this version 3.3.11 is much faster as 3.1.5.
I assume this still has the issues with incompatibilty if you have changed your DPI?
Yes it is very autoupdate is there in this new version
ghostofcain said:
I assume this still has the issues with incompatibilty if you have changed your DPI?
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Incompatibility issues for me at 200dpi, duder. I've gone back to the old one. I don't mind (BlackIce is totally worth it ).
Traxda said:
thanks friend...
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Thanks, it's the best Market.

