Can't find a few of my favorite apps in the Market... - EVO 4G General

I got my Evo for RS as soon as it opened. Once it was activated, I started downloading my favorite apps that I had on my Moment w/ 2.1. I have done every type of search I can think of in the Market, but I still can't find my two favorite apps: Launcher Pro and Quick Settings.
I even went on and found both apps. I then scanned the QR codes and it could not be located in the Market. I also clicked on the market link, using the browser on my Evo, from the review of Launcher Pro on Android Central and couldn't find it.
Any one else having this problem? As a last resort I can make a backup of both apps from my Moment and then install it from the sd card to my Evo, but I would rather dl from the market.
Thanks for your help...

Im having the same problem

handcent has gone AWOL. What's the dilly o?

handcent is there on my evo, check out to find apps as well.

Im in the same boat. Can not find several apps like adw launcher and helix launcher 2.

It seems to be a market wide issue today. Many people are reporting it for various apps.

Kllian said:
handcent is there on my evo, check out to find apps as well.
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Installed Appbrain on my Evo, went to their website, found LauncherPro and Quick Settings. When I tried to install them from Appbrain on my Evo, I get the same thing. These apps cannot be found...
I hope this gets sorted soon. I prefer LauncherPro over Sense and I used Quick Settings very often.
Other than this, I love the Evo...

I can't find ShopSavvy......

ez2bgman said:
When I tried to install them from Appbrain on my Evo, I get the same thing. These apps cannot be found...
I hope this gets sorted soon. I prefer LauncherPro over Sense and I used Quick Settings very often.
Other than this, I love the Evo...
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Not sure whats up with LauncherPro but I can't get it on my Evo or my Hero. And their website is down or gone.

gottria said:
Not sure whats up with LauncherPro but I can't get it on my Evo or my Hero. And their website is down or gone.
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It shows up in the market on my Hero (LauncherPro Beta)

DiNoise said:
It shows up in the market on my Hero (LauncherPro Beta)
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Ran it again from my Hero after a reboot and I still can't find it...

gottria said:
Ran it again from my Hero after a reboot and I still can't find it...
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probably has to do with the ROM you're using, I had a similar problem with some ROMS, and after I switched to a different one all apps showed up.

Its a problem with google.
a handful of apps all of a sudden went missing today, apps o downloaded yesterday and reccommended to people, just up and gone. mostly good apps too. I guess the Evo put a strain on more than just Sprint's network
the Handcent devs have posted most recent APK's on their forums, due to this. If i was a dev I'd be pissed right now

DiNoise said:
probably has to do with the ROM you're using, I had a similar problem with some ROMS, and after I switched to a different one all apps showed up.
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I'm using the new Evo and my Hero with the 2.1 update. It's a rooted hero running stock 2.1 by damage control.

sorry for bumping old thread.
I guess this issue is still around. I even can't find Google Maps on android market. I thought it was ROM issue but tried 2 ROMs (both froyo) on HTC Wildfire, still no luck.
Anyone with workaround for this problem?


Android 2.0 "Eclair" is here!

Developers, start your engines
Countdown to a new ROM...
~David said:
Developers, start your engines
Countdown to a new ROM...
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I am suprised none of the devs have crapped their panties yet since it just got released a few mins ago.
This could be good...for the vogue...
"Android 2.0 is designed to run on devices that use virtual keys for HOME, MENU, BACK, and SEARCH, rather than physical keys."
tallnerd1985 said:
I am suprised none of the devs have crapped their panties yet since it just got released a few mins ago.
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lol, your assuming we haven't already been looking at it yet Besides this is just the sdk tools I believe.
mssmison said:
lol, your assuming we haven't already been looking at it yet Besides this is just the sdk tools I believe.
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Do want though. Do want.
Well I have it booted on vogue. Not much added just a new lock screen like you see in the sholes video some different icons, new square dialer buttons,
Like 1.6 there will probably be terrible app availability.
I wouldn't mind testing out a plane-jane 2.0 ROM if anyone is up for uploading it
I've learned to live without apps ever since the Market stopped working.
zenulator said:
Well I have it booted on vogue. Not much added just a new lock screen like you see in the sholes video some different icons, new square dialer buttons,
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Is it compatibly with our custom ril for data/voice/SMS?
Macmee said:
Like 1.6 there will probably be terrible app availability.
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yeah because the SDK was just released today it will take a little while for developers to update their apps and create new ones. But the 2.0 market isn't even out yet either so there is NO app availability at this time lol. But once hte Droid is released I bet there will be a spike because so many more people will be using Android once it's on Verizon so more developers as well
Stork66 said:
yeah because the SDK was just released today it will take a little while for developers to update their apps and create new ones. But the 2.0 market isn't even out yet either so there is NO app availability at this time lol. But once hte Droid is released I bet there will be a spike because so many more people will be using Android once it's on Verizon so more developers as well
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I was talking to a guy in Europe with a G1, and he said he runs 1.6 and has loads of apps, ebuddy, opera and everything. Yet my 1.6 market in Canada doesn't have any apps.
Macmee said:
I was talking to a guy in Europe with a G1, and he said he runs 1.6 and has loads of apps, ebuddy, opera and everything. Yet my 1.6 market in Canada doesn't have any apps.
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It's an issue with our devices and other unlock phones from what I can tell. If i log in with a new "virgin" gmail account, then the donut market has tons of apps. if i setup with my standard gmail account that has been using 1.5 as well, i get almost no apps. the only work around is a new gmail account.
stickus said:
It's an issue with our devices and other unlock phones from what I can tell. If i log in with a new "virgin" gmail account, then the donut market has tons of apps. if i setup with my standard gmail account that has been using 1.5 as well, i get almost no apps. the only work around is a new gmail account.
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I officially love you. I cleared the cache for google apps and registered a new GMail. Lots of apps are showing up. Thank you
Macmee said:
I officially love you. I cleared the cache for google apps and registered a new GMail. Lots of apps are showing up. Thank you
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Glad it worked for ya. It was a real head-scratcher for a bunch of us when Donut first dropped. I just wish they'd fix it already
zenulator said:
Well I have it booted on vogue. Not much added just a new lock screen like you see in the sholes video some different icons, new square dialer buttons,
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I themed the dialer for donut to have square buttons but still cant get it just quite right.

Does anyone plan on making new roms and themes for hero

Does anyone plan on making new roms and themes for the hero i dont really like the look on the stock rom i have MoDaCo and it looks the same as stock like the g1 they have alot of nice roms and stuff will we ever have roms like that?
thorracing1 said:
Does anyone plan on making new roms and themes for the hero i dont really like the look on the stock rom i have MoDaCo and it looks the same as stock like the g1 they have alot of nice roms and stuff will we ever have roms like that?
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I'm currently back on the HTC ROM but I would assume you can still run any of the home replacements from the market (or just the default android one) on MoDaCo.
do you know any good ones?
thorracing1 said:
do you know any good ones?
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It's really a preference thing, there's no harm in installing any one of them and seeing if you like'em. Sense really is the better fit for me.
Some of the major ones are:
- OpenHome
- aHome
- PandaHome
...that's just off the top of my head some of the ones I've tried. They each have some cool and unique things about them.
Once i figure what can me skinned and how i will be making themes. Not sure if i will post any, as i must have made at least 100 themes for S2U2 for personal use when i had my WinMo phones. If i did do one to post it would more than likely be a Danbo (Danboard) theme.
I just discovered that little guy and i already outfitted my chompSMS with several wallpapers of him.
thecodemonk said:
It's really a preference thing, there's no harm in installing any one of them and seeing if you like'em. Sense really is the better fit for me.
Some of the major ones are:
- OpenHome
- aHome
- PandaHome
...that's just off the top of my head some of the ones I've tried. They each have some cool and unique things about them.
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aHome Lite made my Hero so laggy i could hardly use it. It took me like 10 minutes just to get it uninstalled.
Also, when i was searching for OpenHome i couldnt find the actual program, only themes. Anyone know the official app name?
lol if you figure out how to make a theme you should defiently make me one
Negrito said:
aHome Lite made my Hero so laggy i could hardly use it. It took me like 10 minutes just to get it uninstalled.
Also, when i was searching for OpenHome i couldnt find the actual program, only themes. Anyone know the official app name?
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I didn't have much trouble with aHome, odd.
Any home replacement will be difficult to find on the market if there's a bunch of themes with the name in it sadly.
I almost forgot a few more too:
- Freshface
- GDE (though I don't know if this one is out yet)
As for OpenHome, fire up that barcode scanner and go here: It has QR codes to scan and will take you straight to the market app.
which one do you think looks the best? and is the fastest
Negrito said:
Once i figure what can me skinned and how i will be making themes. Not sure if i will post any, as i must have made at least 100 themes for S2U2 for personal use when i had my WinMo phones...
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I thought I recognized you from PPCG!
I used to have a Diamond and even made a few ROMs using some of the great kitchens available. It would be awesome if there were some kind of kitchen for the Hero. Hell, I might even give it a try then...just don't tell my wife, she thinks I quit cooking.
lol you got the hero too?
watzone69 said:
I thought I recognized you from PPCG!
I used to have a Diamond and even made a few ROMs using some of the great kitchens available. It would be awesome if there were some kind of kitchen for the Hero. Hell, I might even give it a try then...just don't tell my wife, she thinks I quit cooking.
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There is a kitchen, its called Android SDK and you can use it with eclipse. all you need to do is go grab the source from htc and compile it the way you want to and load it up with eclipse. or the android emulator. there is other steps but thats what google is for. i am working on my own rom right now. cant wait till its done. i am wondering how fast a bone stock rom would run.
I would be ur number one fan for a bone stock Android with hero support. I'd even go as far as to say it would be the base most custom roms are based off of.
I'm not a programmer but if u go through with this is there any way to twist cryogen's work into it? He gets great reviews and the update utility is pretty pimp
thecodemonk said:
I didn't have much trouble with aHome, odd.
Any home replacement will be difficult to find on the market if there's a bunch of themes with the name in it sadly.
I almost forgot a few more too:
- Freshface
- GDE (though I don't know if this one is out yet)
As for OpenHome, fire up that barcode scanner and go here: It has QR codes to scan and will take you straight to the market app.
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Awesome, thanks for the link.
watzone69 said:
I thought I recognized you from PPCG!
I used to have a Diamond and even made a few ROMs using some of the great kitchens available. It would be awesome if there were some kind of kitchen for the Hero. Hell, I might even give it a try then...just don't tell my wife, she thinks I quit cooking.
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Yep, they banned me over something dumb, and i didnt feel like fighting them, plus since i have a Hero now they are useless.
can someone tell me how to make roms and stuff like that for the hero maybe a guide or video on it? thanks
thorracing1 said:
lol you got the hero too?
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Yep! I made a deal with my wife that I wouldn't spend all my time hacking a phone with Android on it (I know, I'm going to hell for that lie).
cteneyck said:
There is a kitchen, its called Android SDK and you can use it with eclipse. all you need to do is go grab the source from htc and compile it the way you want to and load it up with eclipse. or the android emulator. there is other steps but thats what google is for. i am working on my own rom right now. cant wait till its done. i am wondering how fast a bone stock rom would run.
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Good to know! I'll check it out. I've got quite a bit of catching up to do. Looking forward to your ROM as well.
Negrito said:
Yep, they banned me over something dumb, and i didnt feel like fighting them, plus since i have a Hero now they are useless.
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LOL! I sort-of banned myself. The Hero forum there is pretty lame. I still have friends there and at EDTP but I don't spend much time there anymore.

phone is too damn slow

I'm tired of my phone being too slow, responding too slow to touch, lagging..
I have the android 2.1 OS on my HTC Hero CDMA and I was wondering if there were any general recommendations to speed up my phone.
I would be willing to put on a hacked OS, root it, or do whatever it takes as long as the phone is still fully functional. I'm pretty new with this stuff so bear with me.
Root and install pretty much any rom.
user7618 said:
Root and install pretty much any rom.
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I rooted, installed CM6, my phone was totally transformed.
Cm 6 - rc1 is a good start simply amazing going from stock. I get 0 lag. I must warn you always do a nandroid back up before changing ROMs. Its basically a clone of your phone's software and settings allowing you to recover from a bad issue.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
+1 to all previous posts.
The Hero running out of the box stock with Sense is really pretty slow. I liked Sense, but I like a faster device better.
Follow the well documented instructions found on this site for rooting the Hero and then play around with different ROMs until you find one that fits you.
Personally I've been running Darchdroid and don't plan on ever switching again.
I don't even know what lag is any more.
Thank you for your responses.
Is there a link for a tutorial or forum topic about where to download CM6 and how to install it?
surfline22 said:
Thank you for your responses.
Is there a link for a tutorial or forum topic about where to download CM6 and how to install it?
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Yes, check the cm6 thread.
Thanks guys.
I got CM6 on there now, and it is much faster.
I've seen some posts about putting different kernal's on there..What do you guys think about that? Is there any cool features that I can do now with CM6? Tethering?
surfline22 said:
Thanks guys.
I got CM6 on there now, and it is much faster.
I've seen some posts about putting different kernal's on there..What do you guys think about that? Is there any cool features that I can do now with CM6? Tethering?
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you could of kept a sense rom and installed a custom overclocked kernel too. im getting decent speeds now myself with 2.1. cm6 is still a bit buggy to me.
surfline22 said:
Thanks guys.
I got CM6 on there now, and it is much faster.
I've seen some posts about putting different kernal's on there..What do you guys think about that? Is there any cool features that I can do now with CM6? Tethering?
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i have a QR code i can send to you in an email for free wifi tether. sometimes its great (if you obviouslyhave full cell service) and sometimes its a bit slow, but hey! its free.
Yea that about covers it root and overclock and/or flash a rom... don't brick ur phone tho
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
surfline22 said:
Thanks guys.
I got CM6 on there now, and it is much faster.
I've seen some posts about putting different kernal's on there..What do you guys think about that? Is there any cool features that I can do now with CM6? Tethering?
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I highly recommend Dec's #14 stable kernel.
stayclean said:
I highly recommend Dec's #14 stable kernel.
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I have been using CM6, I have the latest build and it is great for a few days then gets laggy...Someone said flash a new kernal....I see your post about Dec's, where do i find this kernal? Thanks in advance.
Don't have any lag issues with CM6. Been running for 3 weeks no lag. ???
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
The problem with installing something like CM is that those ROMs are missing a lot of the stuff that you are used to using. And you might spend a long time downloading, and looking for the apps you need. I found CM to be not much faster and a pain in the ass in some ways (the dialer is weak, same with the keyboard, etc.)
I know people are going to start pointing to all the apps you can download to replace what is there, but it's a pain, and time consuming.
If anything I would try one of Fresh's ROMs, which have Sense and most of the HTC apps. And his Toast versions allow for overclocking as well.
On another note, your Hero should not be slow. Have you tried a factory reset?? I have used slow Heros before, but when they are working properly there should be almost no lag with the stock 2.1 OS.
The kernel is under the thread cdma android development and as far as cm6 u can overclock as well with a different kernel and as for aosp vs sense its just user preference tryem both c which one u like best and stick with what works for u that's what there here for both are outstanding
ronnienyc said:
The problem with installing something like CM is that those ROMs are missing a lot of the stuff that you are used to using. And you might spend a long time downloading, and looking for the apps you need. I found CM to be not much faster and a pain in the ass in some ways (the dialer is weak, same with the keyboard, etc.)
I know people are going to start pointing to all the apps you can download to replace what is there, but it's a pain, and time consuming.
If anything I would try one of Fresh's ROMs, which have Sense and most of the HTC apps. And his Toast versions allow for overclocking as well.
On another note, your Hero should not be slow. Have you tried a factory reset?? I have used slow Heros before, but when they are working properly there should be almost no lag with the stock 2.1 OS.
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That's the beautiful thing about CM6 though is the customization. I know its personal choice, but I actually love the CM6 Phone Dialer (one of the guys over on the theme board customized the background for in call to be a nice cyan color other than green) and like the AOSP keyboard moreso than the Sense Keyboard. You can however, install a variety of HTC_IME keyboards and get that same Sense functionality on CM6.
I only do a new nightly every few days and it might take me... 10 minutes or so to get my phone setup. That includes a Full Wipe, ROM Flash, Kernel Flash, Circle Battery Flash and now a Phone Dialer Flash. I connect to my wifi and the Market downloads all of my apps for me and I restore my settings with ADW Backups. Logging into an app every now and then doesn't bother me after I've flashed a new ROM.
This is an "to each his own" situation and I did use FreshROM for quite some time before making the switch. To me, I don't plan on looking back. I may be switching to the T-Mobile G2 when it's released and as soon as CM is made available for it I'll be rooted and running it in no time.
kjfrost091 said:
i have a QR code i can send to you in an email for free wifi tether. sometimes its great (if you obviouslyhave full cell service) and sometimes its a bit slow, but hey! its free.
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Yeah, that would be great. I'll PM you my email.
I had the same problems before too with my Hero! I rooted & flashed CM6 RC1 & got an entire new cellphone from it And to think that Sprint said we'd never have Froyo LOL. Up Yours Sprint! LOL
Escanor2010 said:
I only do a new nightly every few days and it might take me... 10 minutes or so to get my phone setup. That includes a Full Wipe, ROM Flash, Kernel Flash, Circle Battery Flash and now a Phone Dialer Flash. I connect to my wifi and the Market downloads all of my apps for me and I restore my settings with ADW Backups. Logging into an app every now and then doesn't bother me after I've flashed a new ROM.
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How do you get the market to automatically download your apps? Is it another app or backup? It won't even save all of the apps I had downloaded last time. It only seems to save around 8.

[Q] How would one test his app on sense UI?

I have a stock N1 and my app seems to work fine on there..
But when the first person downloaded the app he said it failed on the EVO which is most likely running sense UI.
So it is a matter of trying to find someone with a sense ui phone and asking them to test?
Is there a way i can have a sense ui emulator run through eclipse?
I don't think there is a sense ui emulator for eclipse sorry Maybe root and try a sence rom
MacaronyMax said:
I don't think there is a sense ui emulator for eclipse sorry Maybe root and try a sence rom
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How can i give up stock for a sense rom!!
Maybe some of you who are kind and willing to help can test the app for me. Without leaving comments or ratings unless it works
It's available via the market, just search SMS Safe
It's basically an app that hides your SMS messages behind a password.
Ill try it for you but I searched the market n couldn't find it so can you juss post it r sumtin
qualnd said:
Ill try it for you but I searched the market n couldn't find it so can you juss post it r sumtin
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It should be there.
SMS Safe
It says no matches
qualnd said:
It says no matches
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thats strange.. not sure why sorry.
Maybe someone else can shed some light.. i did specify english and a whole bunch of other locales.
Maybe its my phone I read some stuff about how the market is filtered for different phones not sure if its true but if it is that could b it
I just tested it on a Desire running Froyo and Sense and it works fine.
It's true that the market filters apps, mainly based on the capabilities your app requests. For example, if your app requests access to GPS services, it will not appear in the market for anyone using a phone without GPS.
Check your app manifest.
simonta said:
I just tested it on a Desire running Froyo and Sense and it works fine.
It's true that the market filters apps, mainly based on the capabilities your app requests. For example, if your app requests access to GPS services, it will not appear in the market for anyone using a phone without GPS.
Check your app manifest.
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Thank you very much, maybe i should limit it to medium sized screens only for now.
Tested on EVO running a 2.2 sense rom. I didn't really mess around with it too thoroughly as I have no need for such an app, but figured I'd give it a quick try out to give you some feedback as far as sense goes and it seems to be working fine
johnnycross22 said:
Tested on EVO running a 2.2 sense rom. I didn't really mess around with it too thoroughly as I have no need for such an app, but figured I'd give it a quick try out to give you some feedback as far as sense goes and it seems to be working fine
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Thanks mate, sounds good. Will prob just need to add small screen support then.

Verizon Xperia Play App Drawer?

Hey guys, i'm going to be purchasing an xperia play (my first android/smart phone whoo!) soon and I've done my fair share of research over this phone and i've gone to the verion store to check it out, and i like it a lot, but there's just one thing that bothers me. What happened to the app drawer? I know it's stock gingerbread therefore it should have the same app drawer that the Nexus S has, but it doesn't seem the same, the reason I say this is because when you scroll up and down through the apps, it doesn't give you that "cube" like effect, what happened?
jwk94 said:
Hey guys, i'm going to be purchasing an xperia play (my first android/smart phone whoo!) soon and I've done my fair share of research over this phone and i've gone to the verion store to check it out, and i like it a lot, but there's just one thing that bothers me. What happened to the app drawer? I know it's stock gingerbread therefore it should have the same app drawer that the Nexus S has, but it doesn't seem the same, the reason I say this is because when you scroll up and down through the apps, it doesn't give you that "cube" like effect, what happened?
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does that really matter? there is a million launchers on the market that can emulate that cube effect in the app draw, and imo have much better effects too, just download one
jwk94 said:
Hey guys, i'm going to be purchasing an xperia play (my first android/smart phone whoo!) soon and I've done my fair share of research over this phone and i've gone to the verion store to check it out, and i like it a lot, but there's just one thing that bothers me. What happened to the app drawer? I know it's stock gingerbread therefore it should have the same app drawer that the Nexus S has, but it doesn't seem the same, the reason I say this is because when you scroll up and down through the apps, it doesn't give you that "cube" like effect, what happened?
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Thats what LauncherPro is for.
AndroHero said:
does that really matter? there is a million launchers on the market that can emulate that cube effect in the app draw, and imo have much better effects too, just download one
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yeah for me it does matter, it was something that I really liked about gingerbread....
Get over it its very minor
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
jwk94 said:
yeah for me it does matter, it was something that I really liked about gingerbread....
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Download the Gingerbread launcher, push it to /system/app and delete the default launcher. Problem solved This isnt ios You know
I don't have the Verizon edition so could be COMPLETELY wrong but perhaps it's enable-able in a settings?
Even if not the other comments are right - think of it this way. It's not that it doesn't have the cube effect, it's that you need to install it via the market - Launcher Pro or Gingerbread Launcher should both have it (ADW too maybe?)
If you get that phone you can definitely get the effect your looking for
Reapman said:
I don't have the Verizon edition so could be COMPLETELY wrong but perhaps it's enable-able in a settings?
Even if not the other comments are right - think of it this way. It's not that it doesn't have the cube effect, it's that you need to install it via the market - Launcher Pro or Gingerbread Launcher should both have it (ADW too maybe?)
If you get that phone you can definitely get the effect your looking for
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Sounds more like it would be a property in the Launcher2.apk file. You can extract it and search if you want.
thatsupnow said:
Get over it its very minor
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
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to you it is, to me it's not, thank you everybody for the help.

