Towerdefense Game Development - Android Software Development

I want to make an Game with somebody, I can design However, I am not good at coding )= Thats why I am posting it here on xda.
I would like to make a Tower Defense game, If that is possible. Or something else.
If the game will cost money, then we will split the revenue. I already have an Android Developer account, so don't worry about that. I have also made a few simple apps that is on the market.
Hope I get some answers on this

i've actually just made my first app with appinventor, and i realize its very limited. (so i need to figure out how to program the legit way)
I do have a pretty deep background in java (however im not going to say i remember half of it after not doing it for 2-3 years).
I actually was thinking of making a SWEET defense game for my first app. I suck at graphics (so im assuming your good), and am a decent coder..
email me @ [email protected]
I wont be able to start helping till after finals this week though.
If you hear my ideas i think you'll see i have one of the most creative TD games ever in mind. (Considering im pretty much unstoppable at TD and have thought of many ways to create a very basic AI to counter me, and my friends).
I've made TD's before on the computer, but not through android. Hit me up dude
@MSU_DHill also if you wanna twitter me

Hey, I wouldn't mind getting involved. I've wanted to develop an Android app but I don't know much about coding.
I could design parts of the application. I'm pretty good in Photoshop.
PM me if you want to take me up on my offer

interests me, although I've never done a complete game, but I have much experience programming for Android

So one of the developers left me )= Anyone who wants to help me with this? I really want a Tower defense game ;D

Send me a PM & talk about
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk


[REQ] aplication to play iphone games??

hey i was just wondering since iphone has such great g-sensor games would it be possible to create something like a aplication where we would be able to install iphone games and play them on our htc diamond it would be prety cool thanks
i was thinking of something like a iphone game emulator?? what do you guys think would this be possible
Well OsX working on a pc is pretty common so...No, seriously, that would be so "in their face"... Anyone of you talented guys here want to cook this up on a lunch breake?
I just puked a little. On the left side of my keyboard.
Sergio PC said:
I just puked a little. On the left side of my keyboard.
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lmao, nice one
Yeh We really need one ..Good Idea
Woud be great indeed to get the only thing the iphone makes better than the rest!!
I mean game wise..... there is quite a huge difference huh
so is anyone going to make something like this??
I kind of laughed when i read this thread title, i doubt this is possible, even through emulation. Miniature version of OSX vs WindowsCE5... whens the last time you seen a non ported OSX app on XP or Vista?
Sergio PC said:
I just puked a little. On the left side of my keyboard.
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only a little?
just when we thought that we have no more gps or mp3 lags, no battery shortage, no album tf3d questions in short we have the perfect device our friend here remind us the cruel truth......we can not play iphone games on our device.....
i would definitely love to have iphone's MonkeyBall on my diamond!!
so is anyone willing to try this??
The iPhone has a faster cpu and a lower resolution.
So how do you think you will be able to play any game written for the iPhone on the diamond?
but, the iphone have 3d gpu??
Are You On Something?
Tweak Here guys and gals, just wanting to offer my 2cents. First, I think the Diamond is all around a better device than the iPhone. But we wont get into a debate on that now, but I want to make a point here.
If you go to the iTunes App Store , or the Jailbreak Apps , what do you see. There are 50 games (if not more) to every single utility or hack. Now if you come to XDA , PPCgeeks , or any other windows mobile site, what do you see? Now there are 100 (prob may more) utilites & hacks to every game!!!
Why? I understand it on the iPhones side of things. Most wont jailbreak since the App Store is open, and Apple wont let any hacks on the store, and the few utilites they allow, are monitored closley, and can't do anything to compromise apples control over the device. Therefore, all of the 3rd party iPhone Developers, put all there time into games!!
Now, what about the WM developers. With the release of the diamond, having the great accelerometer, and a dang decent screen, why not put all of that time into developing games that compare to the iPhones, or at least more time!!
But I just wanted to raise the question. Thanks for listening. See you guys later
TweakMan said:
Tweak Here guys and gals, just wanting to offer my 2cents. First, I think the Diamond is all around a better device than the iPhone. But we wont get into a debate on that now, but I want to make a point here.
If you go to the iTunes App Store , or the Jailbreak Apps , what do you see. There are 50 games (if not more) to every single utility or hack. Now if you come to XDA , PPCgeeks , or any other windows mobile site, what do you see? Now there are 100 (prob may more) utilites & hacks to every game!!!
Why? I understand it on the iPhones side of things. Most wont jailbreak since the App Store is open, and Apple wont let any hacks on the store, and the few utilites they allow, are monitored closley, and can't do anything to compromise apples control over the device. Therefore, all of the 3rd party iPhone Developers, put all there time into games!!
Now, what about the WM developers. With the release of the diamond, having the great accelerometer, and a dang decent screen, why not put all of that time into developing games that compare to the iPhones, or at least more time!!
But I just wanted to raise the question. Thanks for listening. See you guys later
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Still it would be really good if we could get an iPhone Game Emulator for now, as its games have awesome graphics e.g this game see for urselves
I see people arent getting at what kukuriku was suggesting.
there is a very, very small chance of it happening. take, for example, how long it has taken andoid to get on the diamond. and android is an open source OS. the time and effort it would take would be immense and, in short, not worth it. if you need the iphone software so much, then im afraid to say that you bought the wrong device.
emulation is out of the question - too slow, especially for games. the diamond doesnt even have the correct aspect ratio screen either.
ASK768 said:
I see people arent getting at what kukuriku was suggesting.
there is a very, very small chance of it happening. take, for example, how long it has taken andoid to get on the diamond. and android is an open source OS. the time and effort it would take would be immense and, in short, not worth it. if you need the iphone software so much, then im afraid to say that you bought the wrong device.
emulation is out of the question - too slow, especially for games. the diamond doesnt even have the correct aspect ratio screen either.
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lolx... im getting what he says, im a WM Developers + Cook, and i didnt buy the wrong device, i hate APPLE and am a gr8 HTC LOVER+FAN, but the thing is tht WM is capable of much more then what we are using it for, im a COLLEGIATE and lack time else maybe i would have asked some1 else to do it and aspect ratio might not be such a big problem
I'm sure an OSX emulator would be possible, but it would probably run very slow on our 528mhz processors. Maybe when Snapdragon and Tegra get more popular it would be more viable, but even then I don't think anybody will take the time to do it.
In just over a month the WinMo Marketplace is supposed to be launched, I think when we see an app store for WinMo coming pre-installed on all new devices there will be a lot of the *fun* type apps that *regular* consumers want on their phones.
As of now average joe doesn't come on to XDA-Dev often, if at all, and most of the people writing applications are doing it for free because they're developing apps they want, not apps they're planning on making money off of. Don't worry guys, the Marketplace is coming soon!

What is going on...?

Ok first and foremost this is not just another post of someone complaining, in no way am i trying to offend or criticize this new device...these are simply observations made by a previous HTC owner (MDA/Herald/Wing) me...
I understand that the open source to "create" applications is fairly new not to mention all us G1 owners (ive had mine for lil more then a month). My concern is why are we seeing such "simple" programing in applications and things tht in reality none of us would ever use? Not to mention graphics what is going on...Look i have not created any nor have taken the time to even try to create applications, and if you or someone you know has, then my hats off to you, i envy you for knowing how and taking the time to...what im saying is why do all these new applications have so many bugs and in my opinion (cause that is all it is) are sub-par...i know its not really fair to compare to any other device on the market since it is the first of its kind, but im getting a little i alone in this? i find myself checking the android market every hour hoping for some sign to motivate me, but nothing so far aside from the obvious winners (youtube,maps,imeem,wheather channel etc...)...ill shut up now i sincerely was not trying to stir things up, and know/knew when i purcased the G1 it was the first of its kind and would probably take time to show its full potential, i just thought there were some things google had up its sleeve that were ready...does anyone have any insight or knowledge of better things to come...?
timace said:
Ok first and foremost this is not just another post of someone complaining, in no way am i trying to offend or criticize this new device...these are simply observations made by a previous HTC owner (MDA/Herald/Wing) me...
I understand that the open source to "create" applications is fairly new not to mention all us G1 owners (ive had mine for lil more then a month). My concern is why are we seeing such "simple" programing in applications and things tht in reality none of us would ever use? Not to mention graphics what is going on...Look i have not created any nor have taken the time to even try to create applications, and if you or someone you know has, then my hats off to you, i envy you for knowing how and taking the time to...what im saying is why do all these new applications have so many bugs and in my opinion (cause that is all it is) are sub-par...i know its not really fair to compare to any other device on the market since it is the first of its kind, but im getting a little i alone in this? i find myself checking the android market every hour hoping for some sign to motivate me, but nothing so far aside from the obvious winners (youtube,maps,imeem,wheather channel etc...)...ill shut up now i sincerely was not trying to stir things up, and know/knew when i purcased the G1 it was the first of its kind and would probably take time to show its full potential, i just thought there were some things google had up its sleeve that were ready...does anyone have any insight or knowledge of better things to come...?
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Personally, I find the plethora of apps encouraging, yes, some are more useful than others but the wide range of effort is fan-flippin-tastic.
MY biggest observation is that the Market place needs some severe MODERATOR intervention... the one star "i is first u goons" and "this app suks (because I am too stupid to read the intro to figure out what it is for) really really really needs to be cleaned up/out. (A perfect example is the UTC clock... it does EXACTLY what it says, true, the numbers in the display look like they are from a missile silo, but hey, it is a tribute to the UTC heritage...anyway, people bag on it because they have no idea why, what, or anything else about it... morons)
demontefixo said:
Personally, I find the plethora of apps encouraging, yes, some are more useful than others but the wide range of effort is fan-flippin-tastic.
MY biggest observation is that the Market place needs some severe MODERATOR intervention... the one star "i is first u goons" and "this app suks (because I am too stupid to read the intro to figure out what it is for) really really really needs to be cleaned up/out. (A perfect example is the UTC clock... it does EXACTLY what it says, true, the numbers in the display look like they are from a missile silo, but hey, it is a tribute to the UTC heritage...anyway, people bag on it because they have no idea why, what, or anything else about it... morons)
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i agree "first" comments are riduculous, and if you dont like the application from descrption then dont install it...positive criticism is more then welcome but "this sucks" is getting on my nerves...
timace said:
Ok first and foremost this is not just another post of someone complaining, in no way am i trying to offend or criticize this new device...these are simply observations made by a previous HTC owner (MDA/Herald/Wing) me...
I understand that the open source to "create" applications is fairly new not to mention all us G1 owners (ive had mine for lil more then a month). My concern is why are we seeing such "simple" programing in applications and things tht in reality none of us would ever use? Not to mention graphics what is going on...Look i have not created any nor have taken the time to even try to create applications, and if you or someone you know has, then my hats off to you, i envy you for knowing how and taking the time to...what im saying is why do all these new applications have so many bugs and in my opinion (cause that is all it is) are sub-par...i know its not really fair to compare to any other device on the market since it is the first of its kind, but im getting a little i alone in this? i find myself checking the android market every hour hoping for some sign to motivate me, but nothing so far aside from the obvious winners (youtube,maps,imeem,wheather channel etc...)...ill shut up now i sincerely was not trying to stir things up, and know/knew when i purcased the G1 it was the first of its kind and would probably take time to show its full potential, i just thought there were some things google had up its sleeve that were ready...does anyone have any insight or knowledge of better things to come...?
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i agree with you; even though i love this phone there are a lot of things i dislike about it. the only advice i can give to you is to be patient. the phone has 'officially' been out for a little under a month and there is already so much improvements to it:
- 2 updates have already been rolled out,
- we have found a Root and a way to manually update it.
- we are beginning to see system folders moved to sdcard to save space(even though the phone should have came with more memory)
apps on the market are getting better i don't if you have seen the app "bubble". bubble is a basic bubble level that uses the accelerometer to see if something is level and changes as the phone changes orientation it may seem like a simple app but it shows that Google came come out with an update that uses the accelerometer to change orientation.
- first signs of on screen keyboards like akeyui, a7email and a7sms.
all of these improvements in about 3 weeks and tons more to come idk what anybody can complain about besides hardware issues
just wait come Jan 2009 the G1 isnt going to be anything like it is today.
demontefixo said:
Personally, I find the plethora of apps encouraging, yes, some are more useful than others but the wide range of effort is fan-flippin-tastic.
MY biggest observation is that the Market place needs some severe MODERATOR intervention... the one star "i is first u goons" and "this app suks (because I am too stupid to read the intro to figure out what it is for) really really really needs to be cleaned up/out. (A perfect example is the UTC clock... it does EXACTLY what it says, true, the numbers in the display look like they are from a missile silo, but hey, it is a tribute to the UTC heritage...anyway, people bag on it because they have no idea why, what, or anything else about it... morons)
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yeah there need to be some serious clean up in th commenting sections, some of these comments might discourage people from developing apps for the G1, i think comments should strictly about the apps and not about being 1st or 151st, or bashing other commenters, and people definitely should not comment on an app the don't know how to use.
however developers should include directions on how to use their apps so people do not have to rely on commenting to try and figure out what it does and how it does it.
The point is the development muscle that has been put in the device is minor.I feel like the market is made by kids or teenagers that stopped uploading on youtube and are writing apps using ready made lego kits (APIs). The apps in the market are all basic stuff. There is not even a Divx player for this device available but 5 Video players using the Google provided APIs to play mp4 which only play SOME mp4 files not all.
I love the sliding, bubble and Gmail on it but I cant name too many more things I love. Not even a Navi that works properly. I really cant think of anything else I love about it. No office, word, excel, PDF, flash, divx. The SMS system is grouped together. The actual phone keyboard is beyond basic with no options. There are simply too many bugs on the phone operation itself like bluetooth etc.
Time flies google, we need apps that have more than 10 man-hours of software programming spent on it. Lets stop the growth of many timers and alarms in the market and get some real stuff out there. Microsoft has probably put in millions of development hours into WM and it was not until now that I realized this.
brooklynite said:
The point is the development muscle that has been put in the device is minor.I feel like the market is made by kids or teenagers that stopped uploading on youtube and are writing apps using ready made lego kits (APIs). The apps in the market are all basic stuff. There is not even a Divx player for this device available but 5 Video players using the Google provided APIs to play mp4 which only play SOME mp4 files not all.
I love the sliding, bubble and Gmail on it but I cant name too many more things I love. Not even a Navi that works properly. I really cant think of anything else I love about it. No office, word, excel, PDF, flash, divx. The SMS system is grouped together. The actual phone keyboard is beyond basic with no options. There are simply too many bugs on the phone operation itself like bluetooth etc.
Time flies google, we need apps that have more than 10 man-hours of software programming spent on it. Lets stop the growth of many timers and alarms in the market and get some real stuff out there. Microsoft has probably put in millions of development hours into WM and it was not until now that I realized this.
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words that stood out and i DEFINATELY agree
as i said before patience is the key here
the reason why there aren't many good programs out right know is because they are still in development, there are some apps that won google's app contest that are not on the market because they are still under development. developers take their to try and come out with a bug free app and you criticize them for taking to long however if they rush it and get it out with SOME bugs people crucify them. how long did you think it took for divx or flash to be developed for other phones?
why do people expect a phone thats been out for under a month to have the same capabilities as phones that been out for years?
how many phone do you know had divx support right out of the box or even one month after release? i estimate that divx support will be out before the end of the year.
i agree that apps on the market are going the the hole, especially with millions of the same type of apps, c'mon how many different weather apps do we need, how many background apps is necessary. but you got to admit out of the hundreds of apps on the market there are some good ones.
I'm waiting with great anticipation on the games for the g1. Sure i want cut copy and paste, document reader, full video player, full file manager and task manager as well as others but i'm dying to play nes games and others on this phone. The market is pretty lame in the games department but hey i got pacman, solitaire, and a few others free so i'm not gonna complain. I think the apps are very promising and there are a wide variety of them. Granted none of the crucial apps are out yet but i have quite a few on g1 that i love and got em all for free!!! We just have to be patient, i knew going in i would have to be.
All the apps are free. The hardware has only been in people's hands for a few weeks (at most). A serious developer, wanting to create the exact apps we're all hoping for, needs a heck of a lot more time. The SDK was fine, but any serious developer is going to want to log a lot of hours with a physical device (or several) to finalize the product.
And they're not going to do all that, for free.
This device has huge potential, and the reason we're seeing amaturish apps is because the only people who are willing to play around with creating apps for free are mostly hobbyists who want feedback to further their skills.
I predict that once the payment system is set up for the Market, the apps you're all stomping your feet about are going to show up.
The programs we're talking about are complex, writing them and testing them is time consuming, and I assume that they're going to be larger than the apps we're seeing now. It's entirely possible that some of these apps are almost finished, but are waiting for SD card loading to be added to the functionality before they can release them. Some may even be delayed by the announcement of the virtual keyboard -- they may want to integrate that for the launch of their apps.
I think two things need to happen before we're going to see the apps we all want.
-Pay system on Android Market
-The Ability for Apps to be installed and run from the SD card.
Until those two things happen, the App Store is going to be like it is. And it's also time you guys thought about something. The apps that are "missing" were never a secret, most of the complaints I see are about things that were known well before launch, or discovered the first week people had it in hand. If you didn't read up, that's your fault. If you read up and assumed things would be taken care of within one to two months (something no one promised you) that's also your fault.
I'll predict something for you right now, in light of the economy and everything else, it'll be 6 months to a year before HALF the apps we want are available and working. Now, that's just my estimate, but if that sounds "too long" to wait, then I'd invest in another phone rather than spending the next 6 months posting complaints like "why isn't _____ done yet? And where's the ______ app?!!"
Just my 2 cents
I have already heard many apps have been developed but the developers are waiting for the pay system which has already been annoucnced and is coming 3 months after launch.
I am similar to you... give it time and you will see the best things you have ever seen. I mean look at Linux... they have some awesome apps on most linux flavors that make me dual boot into linux just to have. I think this device will be the same as this was the entire purpose.
Google is updating features all the time in the git directory and it won't be long before they fix the main issues and then the developers will be looking at new things to give us.
So far the barcode readers alone seem like such a huge advantage as I haven't seen them on mobile devices before(at least none that worked)
brooklynite said:
The point is the development muscle that has been put in the device is minor.I feel like the market is made by kids or teenagers that stopped uploading on youtube and are writing apps using ready made lego kits (APIs). The apps in the market are all basic stuff. There is not even a Divx player for this device available but 5 Video players using the Google provided APIs to play mp4 which only play SOME mp4 files not all.
I love the sliding, bubble and Gmail on it but I cant name too many more things I love. Not even a Navi that works properly. I really cant think of anything else I love about it. No office, word, excel, PDF, flash, divx. The SMS system is grouped together. The actual phone keyboard is beyond basic with no options. There are simply too many bugs on the phone operation itself like bluetooth etc.
Time flies google, we need apps that have more than 10 man-hours of software programming spent on it. Lets stop the growth of many timers and alarms in the market and get some real stuff out there. Microsoft has probably put in millions of development hours into WM and it was not until now that I realized this.
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Well you said my answer in your own post. The device has been out less than a month. That's nowhere near enough time to make those killer apps you're talking about. To google's credit they did put in things like street view with the compass mode and there are those apps you've talked about. It takes MONTHS to do real software developement so you're going to keep seeing more and more alarms and stuff until then.
seriously, does ANYBODY give a ratsass or even use streetview?
They should have made sure all the media stuff and the email was topnotcxh.
I agree 100% with the first post! Google should have prepaired Android better. There is a lot of competition out there and I would say by what I've seen so far they are light years behind. I did not expect that with all the money in the world Google couldn't release product that was better polished. I have put my G1 back in its box and I'm back to my unlocked Tilt, what sucks is going back to the old screen and Edge but its functinality that I need. I wish they made some kind of task aplication that I can put on the screen kind of likr thr picture frame that would display my tasks for the day. I have a Motorola ROKR E2 that runs Linux and there are more useful stuff for it out there. I desagree we have to wait untill we start paying for apliications, I believe Google can afford providing us with free functional software as more and more people will be using their services.
i love my g1, but i agree with these people that google didn't do enough...and i hope they're working to fix it.
i think that their whole "leave it in the hands of developers" approach was probably a mistake. they should have made all the basic applications like they did but also gone a step further to spice up the phone. i hope that google, in the new few updates, incorporates some more stuff, like OUTLOOK SYNC (i wuld love it if they changed the google calendar sync for windows into just google sync and have it sync everything with outlook....funambol right now sucks i have like 80 of each contact!)
they also should have made a GOOD video recorder / player, and even a better music player. they're trying to beat apple at multimedia, and are failing miserably.
they should add a decent on-screen keyboard and maybe even a task manager...or make it only have like 4 open tasks in the backgroudn...because i've noticed my g1 slowing down a lot after having a few apps open.
google should add a manual update button...i'm still on RC28 because i dont feel like installing the modified rc30 or plugging it in to update. have a freaking "UPDATE" button in the system info thing or something.
i think google needs more than 3 home screens...i've already filled all of mine up. they also should have added more widgets, like the guy above me said.
SELECTING TEXT SUCKS. i have to use the trackball to select a ltter of a word...on my windows mobile i could just tap on where i wanted it to be and at least it would get me within 1 or 2 letters...if i tap on a word on the g1 nothing happens!
we need to be able to install stuff to the sd card!
i think i'm missing a lot of things but i've only had the phone for 2 days and i've noticed all that...i hope developers DO step in if google is too stupid not to add more basic functionality.
Look at it this way currently there is no way to charge for apps that are developed. This is why we are seeing nothing but apps programed by independant programers some of which are good and some of which are useless. Once companies can charge for apps then it will make sence to put money into the development of better more porfessional apps. My suggestion is to just hold off on passing judgement untill the market is finished to where people that spend money in development can recoup those losses. I do think that the market place should have been finished before launch but what can you do.
coffeboy23 said:
Look at it this way currently there is no way to charge for apps that are developed. This is why we are seeing nothing but apps programed by independant programers some of which are good and some of which are useless. Once companies can charge for apps then it will make sence to put money into the development of better more porfessional apps. My suggestion is to just hold off on passing judgement untill the market is finished to where people that spend money in development can recoup those losses. I do think that the market place should have been finished before launch but what can you do.
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Agaqin, super lame of google.
We can get a bunch of usless wank programs, but not proepr ones, becasue they don't have the pay market ready.
Also, I think that certain things like exchange and a proper email client shoudl have been included.
And remember most people are new to development, don't know how many "this is my first try" apps I have seen. When you get that one that charges 20 bucks for the app... you will get another developer who will release it free and just ask for donations... I suggest donating whatever you can to the one that gives it free.
Henchman said:
Agaqin, super lame of google.
We can get a bunch of usless wank programs, but not proepr ones, becasue they don't have the pay market ready.
Also, I think that certain things like exchange and a proper email client shoudl have been included.
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google isnt the one entirely in charge of the market... tmobile is the one wanting money
neoobs said:
google isnt the one entirely in charge of the market... tmobile is the one wanting money
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No, but it was google who shoudl ahve made sure that the basics were coveredf well.
The Camera I'm sure can take greta pics, but the controls suck.
The email is severly lacking.
No streaming video.
And they shoudl ahve elarnt form the iPhoen release, that push email fro MsExcahnge should have been there fromt he getgo.
Or the should have built a BB app, just like you can get for WinMo.
No, they focused on teenagers, not professionals.
neoobs said:
google isnt the one entirely in charge of the market... tmobile is the one wanting money
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Click to collapse is not taking any money but is giving 30% of all apps sold to the carriers...tmobile might be the one "wanting" money but they have no control over the app store at all.

Someone to port The Impossible Game onto Android

Hi there,
You may know of The Impossible Game (couldn't post a link due to restrictions), which has been one of the best selling Xbox Live Indie Games and has remained in the top ten since its release. It was also released on iPhone and Apple chose it as "App of the Week" and it reached number two in paid apps in the US and Canada.
Well now's your opportunity to get in on it, because I'm looking for someone to make it for Android! I can provide all the graphics and music, and snippets of code that will help to build the engine. Essentially I'm looking for an exact clone of the iPhone app on Android.
So why am I getting someone else to do it? After already making TIG twice I'm not up for making it again, and I have other projects I want to work on. We'll split revenue 70-30 (you get 30%), and considering the success it's had so far this could be a very good opportunity for you.
If you're interested please email me at info AT, showing all your past work related to games, and we can discuss this further.
Are you talking about the impossible level game? If so, its already on android.
Sent from my Nonsensikal Froyo using XDA App
mskash said:
Are you talking about the impossible level game? If so, its already on android.
Sent from my Nonsensikal Froyo using XDA App
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No this is a different game. See flukedude DOT COM
oh that game. how are you going to port it over? android is a touch screen device. even for those phones with keyboard (Droid etc) i think it would still be rather unwieldy.
info5i2002 said:
oh that game. how are you going to port it over? android is a touch screen device. even for those phones with keyboard (Droid etc) i think it would still be rather unwieldy.
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What are you talking about?? The only thing that the game needs is a touch screen! No buttons. So why do you think that it couldn't be played on android devices? It can be played even on an iPhone!
Oh right. My bad. I thought it was this impossible multitask game.
This game is a must for android ! It has an amazing concept and an amazing soundtrack anyone can easily spend hours playing it it would be amazing if it were transfered
ok so what your saying is you want someone to build this game(well port it over) and then you want to make all the money from it while leaving the person who ported the game a measly 30%? shouldnt it be the other way you get 30% and they get 70%?

Certified Software Engineer (Concurrent Enrollment/ High-school project)

Hello there folks. Let me begin by introducing myself and my situation. My name is Damian, I am in the twelfth-grade and I am currently enrolled in my high-school's concurrent enrollment program with one of the local universities in which I have to write a paper concerning the field of software engineering.
I started this post with the intention of finding and asking certified software engineers a few questions concerning their professions.
I came to this particular forum because of the many brilliant folk here, and my assumption that certainly a portion of the active members are certified software engineers.
-Many thanks in advanced for your replies and imput,
damiandarkwater said:
Hello there folks. Let me begin by introducing myself and my situation. My name is Damian, I am in the twelfth-grade and I am currently enrolled in my high-school's concurrent enrollment program with one of the local universities in which I have to write a paper concerning the field of software engineering.
I started this post with the intention of finding and asking certified software engineers a few questions concerning their professions.
I came to this particular forum because of the many brilliant folk here, and my assumption that certainly a portion of the active members are certified software engineers.
-Many thanks in advanced for your replies and imput,
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I can answer questions in this field as I am a Software Engineer. I would be happy to give a young person such as yourself advice.
I actually didn't go into college right after high school, I wish I had but I incountered allot of hardship around your age. When I was 22 I went back to school and payed my own way through college, slept in my car in the college parking lot and lived off of peanut butter and jelly sandwhichs.
Honestly its your first job in software thats the hardest to get, but if your persistent you'll get it after that if your perform its pretty much smooth sailing. A good example is how everybody lately has had a hard time finding jobs (bad economy), and even I was laid off from a job where the company was doing great and then went south and I went on the market looking around and recruiters were calling non-stop and I had 2 jobs (one short term getting paid insane amounts of money for 200 hours of work, and then a long term contract after that), I took a vacation to vegas, paid of credit card debt and then started my long term contract.
So ask away!
Oh I currently work for a large telecom company where I work ont here provisioning software. My main expertise is Java (j2se, j2ee blah blah) I also write reports (crystal, jfree and actuate), I also have alot of side skills like jsp, ajax, jquery. I actually have wirtten code professionally in all the major langs like c, c#, j# As a software developer you constantly need to evolve and progress. I aslo done graphics professionally and If I had it my way I write videos games if I could but alas the life of a programmer is allot less glamorous than most people no.
Many thanks, I'm sorry to hear about your tough times, but I'm glad to hear things have settled out.
I want to say its great that your able to help me and thank you for your tux theme and scripts.
I am actually looking into dealing with my computers as a profession after collage.
So I begin (thanks again):
What courses and or certifications do you need.
What is a typical day in your job like?
Do you enjoy your job?
And you can tell me anything else that you believe to be important that I may have missed.
-Thanks again
damiandarkwater said:
Many thanks, I'm sorry to hear about your tough times, but I'm glad to hear things have settled out.
I want to say its great that your able to help me and thank you for your tux theme and scripts.
I am actually looking into dealing with my computers as a profession after collage.
So I begin (thanks again):
What courses and or certifications do you need.
What is a typical day in your job like?
Do you enjoy your job?
And you can tell me anything else that you believe to be important that I may have missed.
-Thanks again
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My tough times where years ago. I've been in the field for almost 10 years.
The first thing you want todo is get a bachelors degree in computer science. Take as many courses as you can in which you will get exposed to writing software, understanding logic and being able to solve problems using logic. But the most important thing is have a specailty something that you know above all other things, be it a certain language or software... good expample is SAP, I have a friend who is a project manager for a very very large electronics manufacturer. they are paying a contractor to do SAP programming and they pay him 500$ dollars an hour... yes 500$ and hour now its not a permanent job but he's making more in a month than most people make in a couple of years. Thats his specailty and its a hard one to break into.
So once you get your degree you can concentrate on what your specailty will be this is where certs come in. Certs are great but don't pay for them, get a job in the field and get them to pay, this is because most of them expire and you usually have to renew them every couple of years. But the look good on your resume especailly if a company pays as this gives the impression that you are a go getter and that the company beleives in you. Your specailty might relate to your degree major or it might be what your first major job is, this is just luck of the draw.
So a typicaly day, wow its hard to say. Sometimes its go go go and I'm writing code like crazy. Other days its talk talk talk and meetings. Sometimes I spend days writing tech specs or documents to give overviews and estimations on software that needs to be written. Think office space it really is allot like that. One thing alot of people don't know about being a software developer is that you not only need to understand how to write software (ie solve problems) but you also need to undersand the industry in which you write software for. This means you need to understand the business process. So think if you were writing software for a burger company, you need to understand how orders are processed, how iventory is processed and used blah blah. This is where probably the hardest part it almost a second job.
Do I like my job.... as someone who had mowed lawns and dug ditches for a living making money that wouldnt even feed one person, yes I actually love my job. I worked hard to get where I'm at I make pretty good money, my wife doesn't have to work, My kids have more than I had as a little kid and the work I do is satisfying.
If there one thing I could stress when it comes to this line of work. You have to love software, so much so that you willing to work long hours and then come home and write more software as a hobby (maybe i did atleast). Or when you hit college start a pet project and see it through. These are the things that will set you apart from other developer coming out of college. Especailly when you don't have much on your resume, and honestly these are the question potential employers ask (hobbies, personal projects).
How bout this... I give you an hour by hour blog for the next week on what I'm doing at work.
I'm currently working on a rewrite... code fix for code that the company I work for now decided to outsource. This code ended up being terrible and was somethign I was thrown into when I arrived here about 8 months ago. I just started this project about 3 weeks ago and before that I spent about 4weeks evaluating and writing custom testing suites to produce metrics scores for this software compared to the previous version of this software (ie compare say version 5 to version 6). I was the one who found all the bugs and areas of concern and gave estimates on hours of work to fix these things.
So I might be off tomorrow, if I am I will report so. If not then I will start the hour by hour blog if you like.
Such a blog would be amazing (and id read up hourly for updates trust me, this sounds fascinating!)but I wouldn't want to detract from your life anymore then I already have, you work hard and I imagine that you would want to have time to yourself for your hobbies and your family.
Thank you very much. I could ask a million more questions, but again, I don't want to take away to much time. Thanks a billion
No really i want to answer them I wish I had been in you're shoes when I was your age. I didn't have some one telling that I could do it... computer were different back then hell I didn't own my own computer till I was in my twenties.
Ill do the blog for you... one if the perks of being on a computer. Like I said just at work tho. When I get home I can't promise when I be able to post.
So ask question one at a time since I tend to be long winded... it makers it easier... honestly when I retire I plan on teaching at a tech college... but thats about 20 years away. But I love to answer question about these things.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Well what was learning your first programming language like
Do you think knowing a markup language helps or would help in the learning process?
What do you think the software engineering world will be like in a few years?
Is there any particular aspect of the computer world you like most?
Do you still keep in contact with any of your professors or colleges?
Hey Asimmons, thanks for helping damian out. I'm in the same boat he is, and I'm finding this really useful! Thanks a lot!
Glad I can help I was in you guys shoes once. And know that feeling of uncertainty... ill answer more tomorrow for you guys and start the blog.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I know I've said it tons, but I mean it, thank you ASimmons. And I'm glad this post can help others
damiandarkwater said:
Well what was learning your first programming language like
Do you think knowing a markup language helps or would help in the learning process?
What do you think the software engineering world will be like in a few years?
Is there any particular aspect of the computer world you like most?
Do you still keep in contact with any of your professors or colleges?
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Mark up languages are very important, but I wouldn't focus a career on them. Languages like html, dhtml or xml are skills you will pickup along the way, understanding how these langs are parsed and used by other languages are very important and is a valuable skill to have. Especially in Java and with the emergence of real time web applications that uses technologies like ajax, jquery and now html5 it is more important to understand the usage and capabilities of these languages rather than focus on just knowing how to write a webpage.
The future of software will be more and more web based and mobile application. as we have seen in the corporate world for the last 5 or so years application that were once only possible on the desktop have moved entirely to web based app. This makes deployments and updates easier to maintain, version control easier, and with technologies like html5, ajax used in conjunctions with SOA and SAAS these apps perform just as well or better than the app you use to see run on your desktop. Take MS Office 365 and their cloud software for this, this is essentially an SAAS (software as a service) you lease the software it doesn't run locally anymore and the software and its worries and maintenance are pushed to the software vendors, we start to see this more and more. Google has been at the for front of this, and expect to see computers in the near future that are just dummy terminals that run only the basics and all your important software is pushed to a corporate cloud. I'm not saying desktop pcs will disappear but downloadable software will begin to especially in the corporate world.
I pretty much like anything that has to do with technology. I love the history of computers since I grew up and pretty much watch the birth of the home pc and remmeber when the 486dx came out and it was considered the best computer you could get. I remember using the trs-80 in typing class and the atari 2600 (still have one) kelico vision and then the nintendo (still have that to).
And yes I do stay in contact with the department head from my old college. I still use her as a reference from time to time since I worked in college for a little as a tutor (best job to get.. I recommend this if you can). College is about learning in large part but secondly its about contacts and networking. Make sure your networking in college, know your peers and previous alumni. Introduce your self and make sure to attend functions, since the will be potential co-workers or bosses.
So its mondays... I going to maybe do every couple of hours every hours might be to much. But I'm about to dive in to a ton of spaghetti code and try and make some since of it. This is especially ORM (look this up) code for an oracle database, and I'm trying to fix what is broken without having to actually rewrite the whole thing (if it was up to me I would). Be back in a couple of hours.
So its just after 2 and I've had to switch task to help another developer. This is pretty common and as a developer you have to be able to multi task.
So I'm working in creating a way for dynamic where clause can be built or just passed to and object DAO class.
The implementation I'm trying to fix is currently building them in a very static and non reusable way. When you design code it has be thought out and designed in such a way so that things like maintenance on said code is taken into account, and that repeatable processes are written in such a way that the can be reusable. This seems to have non of that.
If your looking at a package or program and see common re-occuring methods then this would be considered bad (imo) and should be re-evaluated and or rewritten so that this process can be written in one spot and referenced be other, this way if bugs or changes need to occur in this process you only have to change it there, this is the most common principle in OOP design but you be amazed at how much it is abused.
While you might be saving time up front your creating time on the back end for thing like code maintenance, upgrades or bug fixes.
It's about 5 for me and I just got home from school. I was at a friends house trying to understand a virus her computer contracted. (smart engine, annoying little thing, but its all better now.)
I'm looking into ORM as I type this. Interesting o:
I ask about the markup languages because ill be taking an html5 course next term. Makes sense that id learn about them along the way.
Sounds like you can handle quite a bit all at once, does that develop with time?
Html 5 is not like the previous htmls. So yeah this will be the next big internet language think web apps and pages that are totally dynamic. Good choice.
The multi tasking can be learned... good habits and time management... mostly learning the most basic of issues there's probably 5 or so and how the efficiently solve the problems and with what tools. Tools are very important every thing from ant or scripts to automate task to custom libraries.
Here's one, it's sort of a snarky developer joke.
You can have software.. done fast, done cheap and done right. You can only choose two though.
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Hey Sorry
Sorry I been super busy. There small a small re-org in my department and I changed cubicals (this office space) and now I sit next to the "I've done it all programmer". The I've done it all programming can do everything, and its was always easier.
So hows the paper going?
It was a pleasure to write after talking with you, thank-you.
I get my grade sometime next week.
Thank you Simmons I am in 9th grade and am in a it trade school and I have thinking of going more for software thank you for all this I will finish reading these when I get home
sent from one ba hero

Q - Incredible App Idea - What Now?

Hello All,
I have an idea for an excellent app. It is an app that I see having the ability to generate mass amounts of money. I have been waiting for an app of its type to come out for a long while now, but have not seen any. I do not have the skills to create said app, and want to know what my best bet to get in with a dev team would be? Anyone know how to get in touch with the Big Boys of the app world to get this thing going? It is not a question of if, I KNOW this app will be successful. Please help and thank you for taking the time to respond.
- Ron
learn how to code is my best advice
Just find a developer here at xda or on the market that has an app that looks similar to or at least looks like they have the ability to produce something like what you would want, then send them an email.
Sent from my MIUI SCH-i500
Give us a hint on the type of app: theme-based, music, RSS reader, e-mail, SMS, Global Thermonuclear War for Android
I'm sure a lot of developers are busy and would just like to see if your app falls in their skill set/schedule.
The low down...
Well first off thank you all for your replies.
The app is a game though. The best part about it is the potential to touch many people with its genre and simplicity. Its a sports game that has no other game in its category, but that literally everyone on the planet knows of it. It would have the ability to be a head to head type game, online. It would also have a offline single player side, that would allow the user to earn "achievements" and enhance their player. Think of it as Homerun Battle 3D, but for a different sport. I really do see it as a more broad range of money earning potential because of the sport and how much of it kinda relies on the in game character. So upgrades like clothing, hair, jewelry, etc... would be more sought after, just to be different, when facing other players.
Which is why I think World Championship (Name Here)... has the potential to get mass amounts of attention. Im thinking Cross platform love. Maybe cross console...
I honestly wish I had the ability to do this, but starting from the ground up, it is kind of a big project for someone in my shoes. I have everything written out for the app... just looking for some execution.
Probably you already know - but I'll mention them here anyway:
a) In startups, people get a share out of the company [as they spend a lot of time risking that nothing will come out of it].
Maybe you are extremely convinced that you'll strike gold, but is still to be seen how the market will react. Good luck anyway
b) You need to hire some lawyers to protect your IP, before signing NDA agreements.
c) Write a business plan, start pitching, get the money from investors to start it up.
Then hire a good company to create it for you and invest in ads, etc.
You need all these, as if you do it wrong, then the game won't take off. But if somebody with more resources [which can afford very good devs] sees the opportunity, they might create a better version.
Well ask any developers here or if u know java try learning android
Well, I'm out! LOL I don't do games.
However, good luck to you!!
If you want to develop a game, be informed that aside from Java you also need to learn some C++ and OpenGL so it can take serious amount of time.
RonnyT24 said:
Well first off thank you all for your replies.
The app is a game though. The best part about it is the potential to touch many people with its genre and simplicity. Its a sports game that has no other game in its category, but that literally everyone on the planet knows of it. It would have the ability to be a head to head type game, online. It would also have a offline single player side, that would allow the user to earn "achievements" and enhance their player. Think of it as Homerun Battle 3D, but for a different sport. I really do see it as a more broad range of money earning potential because of the sport and how much of it kinda relies on the in game character. So upgrades like clothing, hair, jewelry, etc... would be more sought after, just to be different, when facing other players.
Which is why I think World Championship (Name Here)... has the potential to get mass amounts of attention. Im thinking Cross platform love. Maybe cross console...
I honestly wish I had the ability to do this, but starting from the ground up, it is kind of a big project for someone in my shoes. I have everything written out for the app... just looking for some execution.
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So that's badminton
Android blog:
Twitter : @jeppefoldager
Google+ :
Rock band :
Two options hire someone to make it. Or write it yourself...that's pretty much it lol.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
viulian said:
Probably you already know - but I'll mention them here anyway:
a) In startups, people get a share out of the company [as they spend a lot of time risking that nothing will come out of it].
Maybe you are extremely convinced that you'll strike gold, but is still to be seen how the market will react. Good luck anyway
b) You need to hire some lawyers to protect your IP, before signing NDA agreements.
c) Write a business plan, start pitching, get the money from investors to start it up.
Then hire a good company to create it for you and invest in ads, etc.
You need all these, as if you do it wrong, then the game won't take off. But if somebody with more resources [which can afford very good devs] sees the opportunity, they might create a better version.
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Yes. I like the way to think. I have been doing most of the things said here. Contacted a group from a newly popular app in the store and got some "feedback". Not on the app itself but what it would take to get them to even sneeze at it. Blah... So say I had someone with money to back this... I have been looking around and it appears its impossible to patent or even block people from copying the app down to the most minute of changes making them different. Apparently its easier to get something done about it in the App Store but cheaper and easier to get an app in the Android Market. Before anyone snaps, I hate apple (I use to love them but after the 3gs/Ipad came out and I realized it would be the same incremental updates forcing me to buy new every year just like the Iphone/3g, I have hated them sense).
I just wish I could get EA or someone big like that to even respond to my emails. There really arent that many sports apps worth a damn. This one would open the whole thing up. Actually using multi-touch to do more than button spam. A game where being ranked against the world wouldn't depend on how often you play but, actual win/skill pct. I havent even played the game an I already love it hah.
WTF DO I DO!?!?!
Going after EA or a UbiSoft is going to be damn near impossible. You have to have "name" power (think Tiger Woods or Peyton Manning name power).
They PAY people $70,000 a year to come up with game ideas and then spend millions and 5 years developing it..can you say "Diablo 3"? LOL
Odds are your app is a "been there, done that" concept or is not a viable market opportunity in their eyes.
Now, don't get me wrong; I'm just expressing my opinion. I hope you can market your idea and make millions! I'm trying to do that with every month, every day and every line of code I write.

