New Android Market, tested working on Epic - Epic 4G General

Hey folks. I've got the brand-new Android Market running great on my Epic running Android 2.2 DK28. It has not been officially released but has been leaked and hosted.
You can pick it up here:
Disclaimer: I'm not responsible if it doesn't work great on yours.
EDIT- Found a thread about this posted before mine over in Themes and Apps. My bad, I checked but must not have noticed it.

Every time I've tried to install the APk it says there was a parse problem. I've never seen this before as I've installed a lot of apks and updated my. Market manually the last time. I've tried different websites with the APk. Even tried it by downloading it on my computer and putting on the root of my sd card and trying to install it thru astro. What am I doing wrong?

I went right to the article I linked above through my browser on my Epic, clicked on the "You can find it here" link, which sent me to
From there, I clicked on the MegaUpload link,, waited the 45 seconds, downloaded it to the Epic, launched it, installed over the old Market, and started it.

Thanks! Works great!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Worked great for me, thanks!

My market updated by its self running ee 2.2.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Downloaded it, installed and working great on my Epic. Don't know if rooting is needed or not, but I do have my phone rooted.

mikel719 said:
My market updated by its self running ee 2.2.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Interesting, must be starting to roll out then.

anyone have any idea why my phone says parse error? ive trieddownloading it from 10 diff. places and it downloads but when i try to install it i get a parse error and when i go into astro and click on it app manager it opens up but doesnt display any information. i installed the last update manually just fine. can someone pls help. Do you have to be on 2.2 for this to install?

Anyone tested on QuantumROM yet?

musclehead84 said:
anyone have any idea why my phone says parse error? ive trieddownloading it from 10 diff. places and it downloads but when i try to install it i get a parse error and when i go into astro and click on it app manager it opens up but doesnt display any information. i installed the last update manually just fine. can someone pls help. Do you have to be on 2.2 for this to install?
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Yes u have to be on 2.2 and above
Sent from my Epic 4G

br//0k3/n said:
Anyone tested on QuantumROM yet?
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Yes, that's what I'm using.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

works great no problems over here


"Application Not Installed" when installing Angry Birds

I've downloaded the supposedly final version of Angry Birds, but I can't get the apk to install. When I try to load the .apk I get the message "Application Not Installed" and the process ends.
Any ideas as to a possible work around?
I'm rooted using netarchy's kernel, but the stock ROM with all the latest updates.
kellte2 said:
I've downloaded the supposedly final version of Angry Birds, but I can't get the apk to install. When I try to load the .apk I get the message "Application Not Installed" and the process ends.
Any ideas as to a possible work around?
I'm rooted using netarchy's kernel, but the stock ROM with all the latest updates.
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it will be hard to help you because no one else had this version. it is not in the market. it will be hard to determine if it's the app or your setup.
Yea, in Rovio's infinite wisdom they released the final product on and not on the market. So I didn't illegally download it, it just is from that website.
kellte2 said:
Yea, in Rovio's infinite wisdom they released the final product on and not on the market. So I didn't illegally download it, it just is from that website.
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can you post the link, I will purchase and try it out
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p-slim said:
can you post the link, I will purchase and try it out
Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
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I found it, trying out now.
edit: the download link is broken
Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
I really appreciate it!
someone posted it here since the official links are down.
It's actually free from getjar but its ad-supported. I tried the same thing op, got the mail this morning, followed the link and after some trouble getting to the link, I downloaded it and tried to install and no good, so I tried unmounting my SD card and install bit then it says SD card needed for install. The email did say that the market would betting the full version soon, although I don't know is that soon today or tomorrow or weeks. Froyostone w/miriRom.
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illgodson said:
It's actually free from getjar but its ad-supported. I tried the same thing op, got the mail this morning, followed the link and after some trouble getting to the link, I downloaded it and tried to install and no good, so I tried unmounting my SD card and install bit then it says SD card needed for install. The email did say that the market would betting the full version soon, although I don't know is that soon today or tomorrow or weeks. Froyostone w/miriRom.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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Sorry to hear it, but at least someone is having the same issue...
This distribution method is beyond stupid.
I've downloaded the "full" version and my colleague, who has a dell streak on Android 2.1, is running it fine.
I am installing it on an HD2 with Evo Android Rom and I can the Not Installed message.....
kellte2 said:
This distribution method is beyond stupid.
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agreed. why not just release it to the market? not to mention the download link won't even work for me but even if it did you guys are saying the game won't install anyways :-(
Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
Yea it really is. I've searched around here a bit and found some other links like a mediafire and something else and they both had the same result, download fine, no install.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Jeez, now I try the new link and this time it says parsing problem. Damn you rovio put it on the market
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I have netarchy's Rom, and it's not working for me either.
wrxlvr said:
I have netarchy's Rom, and it's not working for me either.
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I'm rollin' stock HTC Rom, so I'm really perplexed why this isn't working out for me - at least.
On the positive side of things, at least Rovio is getting killed out there for this distribution method. The official links are down. People are posting dropbox links that are getting shut down for overcapacity. This is officially a mess. Here's to hoping we see it on the market sooner rather than later [and without ads - i'd gladly pay].
kellte2 said:
I'm rollin' stock HTC Rom, so I'm really perplexed why this isn't working out for me - at least.
On the positive side of things, at least Rovio is getting killed out there for this distribution method. The official links are down. People are posting dropbox links that are getting shut down for overcapacity. This is officially a mess. Here's to hoping we see it on the market sooner rather than later [and without ads - i'd gladly pay].
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100% agreed. they tried to diss android by going through some random app store, next time just use the market.
Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
+1 for paying rid the ads.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
illgodson said:
Jeez, now I try the new link and this time it says parsing problem. Damn you rovio put it on the market
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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Are you installing it on an EVO, or on an HD2?
I downloaded it. It was a zip file. Extracted it. Installed the extracted apk. It installed perfectly. I played the first level. Haven't seen an ad yet. It has 150 levels! Fresh Rom and Netarchy BFS kernel.
VI's got an EVO said:
Are you installing it on an EVO, or on an HD2?
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he's installing it on an hd2. the hd 2 can run any rom even a wp7 rom. therefore he's installing angry birds on his hd2 but it's running an android rom, android evo rom
Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk
it's free, can someone post a mirror link please
Sent from my Evo using Tapatalk


Well, the Beta is now closed for Evo with the following error "Swype is available for the Evo with the latest OTA update!"
Problem is.... like most of us, I'm rooted and not accepting the OTA update. Can someone post the APK please?
DirtyShroomz said:
Well, the Beta is now closed for Evo with the following error "Swype is available for the Evo with the latest OTA update!"
Problem is.... like most of us, I'm rooted and not accepting the OTA update. Can someone post the APK please?
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Good luck, the MODS have already went over this. Even though Swype is now in the OTA for the Evo the apk is still not to be posted on XDA. So basically its still against the rules. Rumor has it Google may be helpful.
Yellowcard8992 said:
Good luck, the MODS have already went over this. Even though Swype is now in the OTA for the Evo the apk is still not to be posted on XDA. So basically its still against the rules. Rumor has it Google may be helpful.
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Ahh didnt think it's still against the rules still. Argh
I understand since it was a closed beta but now that it is an open beta, shouldn't APKs be allowed to be posted? Since everyone can download it now (except for the poeple with rooted phones )
Anyone know what the current working Swype version is?
It is 2.15
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Gotta sign up for the website. Ill have to do it later
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agentzefen said:
I understand since it was a closed beta but now that it is an open beta, shouldn't APKs be allowed to be posted? Since everyone can download it now (except for the poeple with rooted phones )
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XDA actually received a c&d from swype, so until it's fully released, the apk's can't be posted. It's only ok if it's a part of a rom.
Sent from my blah blah blah blah
In was immediately part of the beta when it opened...
It installed swype installer, then the new swype. New swype was sweet.. But it had no dictionary. Nothing swyped. Went back to my old version.
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Download a rom with the new ota. Pic the apk from the rom put it on your sd card, use a file manager to find it and install it.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
hvacmike said:
Download a rom with the new ota. Pic the apk from the rom put it on your sd card, use a file manager to find it and install it.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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+1 to that... Or just flash newest , ruu back to 3.29 accept OTA and install custom recovery from Amon-Ra that works with hboot 2.10 and have everything completely updated with root and nand unlocked...
That's what I did.
DirtyShroomz said:
Well, the Beta is now closed for Evo with the following error "Swype is available for the Evo with the latest OTA update!"
Problem is.... like most of us, I'm rooted and not accepting the OTA update. Can someone post the APK please?
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Why not just update to the newest "OTA" through one of the roms that are already rooted? This will include the new yet very old version of swype that the OTA has.
Theres 2 i found in under 2 seconds.
From the Swype Forums, about rooted custom rom users not being able to install the beta:
I warned 'em this would happen We've got a phonecall happening today to discuss the best course of action here. Will keep you all posted.
Brian Resnik
Community Relations Associate & Beta Manager
brian.resnik [at] swypeinc [dot] com |
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Hopefully they find a workaround.
Odd.. I had zero problems installing it on CM 6.1. In fact I could install _both_ the OTA release (grabbed a custom zip) _and_ the beta apk... the the beta one acted a bit odd for me.
Guess I'm lucky, or the fact that most custom ROM are Sense based the beta installer must be mis-identifying said ROMs as the stock build and telling you to isntall the OTA (which wouldn't be a problem for an AOSP ROM lie CM or miui).
I was trying to not have to go through the hassle but I have it now thanks guys!
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hvacmike said:
Download a rom with the new ota. Pic the apk from the rom put it on your sd card, use a file manager to find it and install it.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
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I did that and all I get are FCs every 5 minutes and the keyboard won't work
If you have root explorer check to be sure all old swype data is gone, reboot that reinstall the apk. This happened to me and it fixed the fc.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Please excuse my ignorance but can you tell me where exactly is the old data?
Edit: a simple search helped me find where to look. Running swype beautifully
agentzefen said:
I did that and all I get are FCs every 5 minutes and the keyboard won't work
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You also need a file called
It's in /system/lib/

New Market 2.2.10 apk

Here ya go guys, it's Market v2.2.10. It installed and runs perfectly on my Crackflashers AOSP Gingerbread ROM. It's also fixed some issues where I would have to download something five or six times before it would install.
Parse error. Please post in a zip.
Sent From My HTC Evo 4G On The Now Network From Sprint Using Tapatalk Pro!
Over 150 downloads and it still doesn't work. Any updates?
If anyone has an android central login, can you sign in and download it there and repost here?
Here you go.
Blackrose, how did you install it?
I tried using Root Explorer to rename Vending.apk to Vending.apk.bak and then installing the file. I rebooted, but started getting FCs. I tried restoring the old Market but ended up needing to NANDroid. I am running Salvage Mod 9.6.
None of these are working.
Tried these and several others found around xda.. apparently its also being pushed to Nexus S. None of them work. Tried copying to /system/app and /data/app None of them in either place works.
Using stock 2.2 3.70 rooted rom.
superevilllama said:
Tried these and several others found around xda.. apparently its also being pushed to Nexus S. None of them work. Tried copying to /system/app and /data/app None of them in either place works.
Using stock 2.2 3.70 rooted rom.
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I'm guessing it's because it was specifically designed for Gingerbread.
You have to push it via ADB..
adb push yourpathname\ /data/app
This worked for me.
Try this one. The one in the OP is for Gingerbread
Calkulin said:
Try this one. The one in the OP is for Gingerbread
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Figured :-D
blackroseMD1 said:
It's also fixed some issues where I would have to download something five or six times before it would install.
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Boy, I would love it if it fixed that problem.
Calkulin said:
Try this one. The one in the OP is for Gingerbread
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that one works great! Thanks!
Calkulin said:
Try this one. The one in the OP is for Gingerbread
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Calkulin just aroused my Evo.
Sent From My HTC Evo 4G On The Now Network From Sprint Using Tapatalk Pro!
For those looking for a flashable zip, I created one here:
Calkulin said:
Try this one. The one in the OP is for Gingerbread
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I pushed this one via ADB, and while it opens and things look ok, as soon as I tap on a product I get an FC.
Is there something that needs to be done to initialize it? I did clear all the market settings before trying it.
Its not really much of a solution, more like an insight.
The reason why no one can install the market is because you flashed a rom without the market, then installed a newer version of gapps. The newer version of gapps assumes you updated and still have the market apk installed. The gapps file only includes the apk to update the market app.
Flash an older copy of gapps and then boot your phone. Run the setup and then flash an updated gapps. You now have the updated market.
Also anyone that was having the home button not working issue, this resolves it. Home button stopped working as a result of the above issue. You may have to install a rooted stock rom and then flash cm 6.1.2 and then your kernel and then the gapps in the above order.

market help

I cant seem to install the android market on my gt 540..... last week did i update it from android 2.1 to 2.3.3 swiftdroid 1.8 and i got market running on the phone fine and all but now today when i decided to change from 1.8 to 1.9..... i cant install the market like i used to before.... what i used before was a zip file called that seemed to work before..... but know it doesn't seem to work for me.... and i did delete some folders from my sd card..... might it be because of that?
connect your phone with internet and it should be downloaded automatically
i have my wifi on and all that but.... it doesn't seem that it downloads or anything like that.....
Log into your google account..
Sent from my GT540 using XDA App
thx it works i forgot to do that.... an op could close this if they would want or plz do it
zolloz said:
thx it works i forgot to do that.... an op could close this if they would want or plz do it
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HBO Go not compatible with the Evo 4G???

I just tried to install HBO Go from the Adroid Market website and it told me that it's not compatible with my device. It doesn't even show up in the Market when I go there on my Evo. Has anyone been able to install it successfully? If so, how?
I got it installed on mine, haven't tried to watch anything yet (data speeds still suck in my area) but it seems to work.
Works for me.
tempe38 said:
I got it installed on mine, haven't tried to watch anything yet (data speeds still suck in my area) but it seems to work.
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So were you able to install it directly from the Market or what? Are you stock? Rooted? Custom ROM???
kenlperry said:
I just tried to install HBO Go from the Adroid Market website and it told me that it's not compatible with my device. It doesn't even show up in the Market when I go there on my Evo. Has anyone been able to install it successfully? If so, how?
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I got the app to successfully install on my EVO running Rooted Stock 3.70, the roadblock I hit with the app is that Time Warner Cable isn't a supported provider yet
So I'm pretty much in the same boat as you, albeit different situations
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Installed fine running cm7
from my phone duh
Some of you guys said you got it installed and that it works, but didn't say how you installed it. So anyway, my only guess is that it's because I'm running the leaked Gingerbread ROM.
kenlperry said:
The last part of my question was "If so, how"... You guys said you got it installed and that it works, but didn't say how. So anyway, my only guess is that it's because I'm running the leaked Gingerbread ROM.
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Installed it from the market via Appbrain. Running CM7.
Rooted stock, just installed it from the the market.
CheesyNutz said:
Installed fine running cm7
from my phone duh
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installed directly from market using cm 7
Thanks everybody. It doesn't show up in my Market, but I got it and it's running great.
Ya I'm running the new Fresh and it won't show up in my market either hmmmm.. flashing back to stock rooted rom to see if that changes anything. Anyone have the apk by chance?
Update: Flashed over to a stock rooted rom still no app for HBO showing in my market boooo!!
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kenlperry said:
I just tried to install HBO Go from the Adroid Market website and it told me that it's not compatible with my device. It doesn't even show up in the Market when I go there on my Evo. Has anyone been able to install it successfully? If so, how?
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Yea, I did. Just looked up hbo go in the market, came up with 3 results, hbo go being the second one, and installed fine.
In the same boat as you. Running the new Fresh Gingerbread rom, and it doesn't show up in my Market. I can find it on, but it won't install.
How did you find/install it?
kenlperry said:
Some of you guys said you got it installed and that it works, but didn't say how you installed it. So anyway, my only guess is that it's because I'm running the leaked Gingerbread ROM.
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Yeah i noticed a few apps missing from thr market with the 2.3 sense leak. Add this to the list.
tosk04 said:
In the same boat as you. Running the new Fresh Gingerbread rom, and it doesn't show up in my Market. I can find it on, but it won't install.
How did you find/install it?
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There is another thread here in the general section that is similar. The6th post down has a link to the apk file. Check it out...
MarkGbe said:
Yeah i noticed a few apps missing from thr market with the 2.3 sense leak. Add this to the list.
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Regarding the missing apps, I found a link to a file called fix.apk, which is a Market Fix. It's in this thread, 5th post down:
You have to install it like you do any other apk, then go to your app drawer and open it(Market Fixer) and apply the fix. Reboot your phone and you should see all apps that exist in the Market.
Yes I did just now it works good.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
Rooted Stock Sense -
Installed From Market -
Setup Account, I'm a AT&T U-Verse Subscriber. Popped right in, soooo many shows, and everything works great! Was over wifi and streaming was flawless!
Good luck!
Has anyone got an error saying that your hbo go id is viewing on another device try again later, I installed it and it worked fine then I started getting that error, so I went on comcast chat and they were telling me that its still in beta and only a selected people are able to access it
i created another comcast user name and now it works again, but still wont work on the first user name i used
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