[Q] HELP: problem with usb file transfer. - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

i am new to android, 'phiremod skinny'rom is my first try. I am having a strange problem. whenever i transfer file from my pc to android, file doesn't show up on my file explorer until i reboot the phone. i tried to unmount/mount memory card, but that doesn't helped. please help me, coz it is very pain full to restart android...u all know.

you need the "EncFiltLog.menc" file, that is created on your sd card, when you format it in windows mobile. then everything works!
so if you dont have it... save everything on your pc, format the card in windows mobile, and put everything back on the card, et voila....

What I have noticed is that the file wont show up on the file explorer until you have disconnected the USB from the PC the 'safe-way', works for me but then again I am on a different build.

i tried every thing, nothing worked. please guyz help me to rid this annoying problem. i want to use phiremod skinny rom, coz this build is superb.


Deleting Files

I'm having trouble deleting files in my XDAII. Everytime I delete a file I get stock to the waiting timer that goes on and on. In the long run , I get to soft reset my unit because this does'nt stop. After the reset the file is still there not deleted. I have a spb pocket plus program installed. Does this have to do with it.
only with file explore or also with better filemanagers like total commander ?
even with file explorer and the menu using delete command. Do you know whats wrong?
what i asked was if you have tried other file managers then explore
because explore is really not that good and if your problem could be solved by using another manager then .......
I just had a similar situation this weekend. My SD card was full, and I downloaded email.
I could not get file manager to delete anything, though it would successfully copy to a new SD card I installed. Eventually, I tried deleting files from Album -- it worked!!!
You might try Word or the Notes program, too (though I haven't).
Go figure.
There's my $0.02
If you are trying to delete files from sd card, try removing the card then reinserting, the other thing is to make sure you close all running programs except the file explorer.
It happened to me too with the ROM 1.66, the only way was to remove the SD ant to insert it again...
After solme days it stopped to do it and now with the new 1.72 ROM it works flawlessy
I have that problem when I use the default file explorer, but only when deleting files from the phone as opposed to the sd card.
In the end I decided to do all deleting from the phone memory through my PC as it works fine from there.

sd card reading/writing problem...

Hi guys,
i got problem with writing on my card...when i transfer directy on my card hapens that i cant open or use files, i have tryed to transfer directly on phone memory and i dont have that problem...files are working good...
anyone got solution?
Q: Is this affecting every file transferred to the SD card, or just some?
Also, have you still got your phone connected to the PC? Your HD can't read the SD card while the phone is plugged into the USB port. (not sure about bluetooth, since i don't use it) If you open the file manager you will see that the storage device disappears when the phone is plugged into the computer.
well i think i fix it man...format few times my card... with win xp , i have put 1 of new roms and problem solved for now,
otherwise i wass geting problems with diferent kind of files...pictures, mp3s...zip files, w/e and they exist on card but after i try to open, says corupted...
I got same problem.
Moreover, I can't see the µSD card when I plug it into PC !
How do we format the card with PPC ?
Edit : solution found : downloaded st.ppc420.arm.cab (storage tool), and suceeded formating my SD card !
Now everything works again : I can use my HD like a USB key again.
well, i use card reader...and on right click u can do that, i hope your card is not dead
well i tho i solved this problem...till now ocurs again, onestly dont know whats the problem...now i got 6.5 mobile, basicly im geting this problem when i try to transfer large files and large zip files like up to 100meg.
anyone got this problem and solved?
ty in advance
Taxythingy said:
Q: Is this affecting every file transferred to the SD card, or just some?
Also, have you still got your phone connected to the PC? Your HD can't read the SD card while the phone is plugged into the USB port. (not sure about bluetooth, since i don't use it) If you open the file manager you will see that the storage device disappears when the phone is plugged into the computer.
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no im doing that propertly...removing my HD from USB then im trying to acces filez and i cant...if there is zip file...i see nothing into that folder ( even i see that is proper megabites) or if that is picture...my album says that cant read file ((

Unable to write/remove SD-content

I have been trying to remove files from my SD-card by connecting my phone to my computer and remove files from the SD. So I delete the files, disconnect my phone and everything is ok but when I use AndExplorer I see that the files are still there. So I delete them with AndExplorer instead and everything is fine, but when I connect my phone to the computer again nothing has changed. I don't get any error when writing/reading to the SD but it doesn't seem to have any effect when I unmount and mount my phone again.
I have also been noticing some problems when starting the camera when it tries to "prepare sd" and save pictures wich I haven't had before. I think these problems started after my phone fell on the floor. Could it have been that the SD-card ejected it self and got corrupt?
How do I solve this? Should I buy a new SD or is there a way to fix this?
I'm running VanillaEclair 2.0.1 NAS if that's any help.
Okay, I found a similar thread on androidcommunity.
I will try to format the card.

[Q] Files i transferred to SDCard only show after reboot

Hey there,
after hours of searching through several threads and forums, im finally trying to post a question concerning my problem ^^. Is it a common problem that i need to restart / reboot my phone, when i want files i transferred to show up in the file manager ? Also when im trying to delete files, my file manager (ES File Manager) still shows them being existent on my phone.
Before i installed my Android Build i completely cleared up my SD Card, and reformated it (Sandisk 16GB).
I already tried different datatypes and different file managers (ASTRO and ES FM)
Im Using ChuckyRom 23134 Lite
with shubCraft 1.5
OS on my PC is Win 7 64bit.
im connecting my HD2 with a standard usb cable
Hope you can help me out... totally annoying that i need to get a restart before i can use my copied .apk's
update: now that last time i transferred and rebooted it got even more weird. all the changes i made had no effect. the sd card completely restored itself. my files are gone, and even one delete i did (for test purposes) has been undone
I have tried to upload file on both windows xp and 7. I even tried Linux. All exhibit the problem of files available only after reboot.
UPDATE: If you can upload items via bluetooth the system sees the file instantly (even in Astro).
mrmaffen said:
Hey there,
after hours of searching through several threads and forums, im finally trying to post a question concerning my problem ^^. Is it a common problem that i need to restart / reboot my phone, when i want files i transferred to show up in the file manager ? Also when im trying to delete files, my file manager (ES File Manager) still shows them being existent on my phone.
Before i installed my Android Build i completely cleared up my SD Card, and reformated it (Sandisk 16GB).
I already tried different datatypes and different file managers (ASTRO and ES FM)
Im Using ChuckyRom 23134 Lite
with shubCraft 1.5
OS on my PC is Win 7 64bit.
im connecting my HD2 with a standard usb cable
Hope you can help me out... totally annoying that i need to get a restart before i can use my copied .apk's
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This is a common problem everyone having now...USB transfer is not stable now...even,you can find the file in your SD card.that might show 0byte(corrupted)...if you are lucky,you can open that file(maybe0.000001%)
So,the best way to transfer files from PC to android phone is use android explorer...which supports drag and drop,and no need to unmount your SD...
download it here...
hey mate,dont open a new thread because of one question next time...and try to read the comment by users or instruction by rom chefs...DARKSTONE already emntioned this case few times before...because we boot android from SD card,and if you try to copy file to SD card again...it'll corrupt...

Files on SD card without restarting

Hi at all,
everytime I put files on the sd card, I have to reboot Android because without ES File Explorer won't show the new files I put on the memory card.
Even "Refresh" in ES File Explorer doesn't helo. Is there any other way?
Wifi sync is your friend
lamajstro said:
Hi at all,
everytime I put files on the sd card, I have to reboot Android because without ES File Explorer won't show the new files I put on the memory card.
Even "Refresh" in ES File Explorer doesn't helo. Is there any other way?
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This is a well documented problem. I think it's to do with the way that android sees the SD card with booting from it but don't quote me on that. As far as I know, the best ways round it are:
1. Use dropbox. Free 2gb account and can be very useful.
2. FTP. This is my personal favourite. SwiFTP is a free FTP server for android and there are many free ftp clients for PC/Mac/Linux available. I use FileZilla (opensource ftp client).
3. I believe that if you unmount your SD card before copying files over, then remount however I don't find it particularly successful.
There are other ways like shared folders, email files etc but the top 2 above are the best for me. I use dropbox for small files and one-offs or if I'm copying a lot of stuff and don't want to reboot to winmo, then FTP.
It's also worth noting that if you are a windows user then winamp can sync music over wifi providing you install the winamp android client. However both winamp for windows and android are free.
Hope this helps..
Ok, thank you. But that's bad.
The problem is not only that I want to put files through USB on it, it happens also when I use CurrentWidget for example that wants to create a log file on the sd card. Hmm...
I use MDJ Froyo HD 4.6, and there are practically no problems when using mass storage option... After unplugging the files are on the SD card... Only sometimes have to reboot, but not very often...
Why so complicated? Use "Multi Mount SD Card" (it´s free) to connect to PC and you will see new files without rebooting.
lamajstro said:
Ok, thank you. But that's bad.
The problem is not only that I want to put files through USB on it, it happens also when I use CurrentWidget for example that wants to create a log file on the sd card. Hmm...
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If you're now saying that applications are unable to create files on the SD then there is something wrong with your card. I'd recommend copying everything off it and reformatting it (use disk management to format it, and use the largest cluster size available).
Some builds suffer from this problem and some don't.
Im using HD2ONE 0.3.6 and it's working fine. File explorer detects the new files after transferring via USB Cable
I love this build paired up with the CM6.1.1 Gingerbread Theme
kashifsiddique said:
Some builds suffer from this problem and some don't.
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I've heard many people complain about not being able to see files after copying them across, but I've never heard anyone say that an app could not make a file on the sd card.
I am having the same exact problem. I was transferring files from this PC to my phone and everything was going fine (it refreshes right away after disconnect) then suddenly, my SD Card got corrupted and I was forced to reformat. I used the same ROM (Darkstone's SUPERAM FROYO) and after that, it won't sync anymore. I even tried removing it and using the HD2ONE (mentioned above) ROM and it was the same. I went home, copied everything from my SD backup from the other PC and same symptoms.
I thought I was missing a sync app or something but no. I looked into each of the folders I copied and most of them are blank.
I hope someone can save us!
I find it easiest and safest to just use ES Explorer to access the network shares and copy files wirelessly. The way our data.img is mounted, giving the pc full access to the sdcard is just not a good move. There was good reason when you connected to windows' sync software it disables your phone from accessing the card.
Even though the hd2one build seems to handle it correctly I almost never do it anymore unless it's for big files. It saves the wear and tear on the usb port anyway.
I had that "problem" too, but for me it was easy to solve. Here is the whole procedure:
So, i want some files to put on my sdcard, i plug in the usb cable and select the option "use as a storage", dont check the "use allways" or "dont ask again" (or whatever this is called on your machine). Now the computer "see" the phone and i put my files on it. In this moment i cant browse the sdcard on my hd2, because its reserved for windows now, (thats why currentwidget cant write onto it, same if you have a wallpaper in some "wallpaper" folder on sd).
Now, when i am done, usually i unplug the usb cable for some seconds and then i plug it in again and choose the option "charge only" and the sdcard gets mounted in android like it should and all my new imported files are visible.
Its the same on WinMo, if you choose there the "HDD" option, you cant browse the sdcard on the mobile. Only if you choose "use active sync"(slower) you are able to browse the sdcard.
ps: the quickest way for me now is to use wifi and shared folders

