Catching up with the times - Vibrant General

I need a little help from the regulars here on the forums to help catch me up, and maybe those that are in the dark about developement politics and what's been happening on the forums could benefit from this as well.
I've had trouble staying current since I'm in the middle of a big project making some really nice video guides for everyone, and want to make sure that the 100 or so hours I've already put into it haven't become too obsolete because of my time spent with the project. (hence the reason for this post)
What I've heard is that developers like those with Team Whiskey and Eugene have migrated on to their own sites and away from these forums from what I know. I just read the Axura rom is also having issues as well. These are the kind of relevant things I need to know.
So, with that being said. If you plan to respond, please keep it unbiased and fill me in on just the facts please. Whys and hows would be nice to know and it doesn't need to be limited to just developement. I want to make these guides as amazing as possible with the help of everyone.
Sent via mini V

Bumpity bump bump.
Nutshell anyone?


QAM 0.0 Alpha, AKA, The Agile Android Manifesto

EDIT, 12/12/10:
It looks like there is a ton of desire here and drive to get some major work accomplished. I just spoke with ferman via PM regarding the future of this project. I wanted to throw the idea out there, and I want to be a part of it, but I am (obviously) in no way equipped to lead such an effort. As I told him, I am much more the monkey-behind-the-keyboard writing code than the project manager at this point, and would happily contribute to any group that desires to further the Captivate's development.
So, without further ado, I hand the reins over to ferman and anyone else that congeals together as communal guidance. I'll be happy just to contribute code.
I thank everyone for their patience while I haven't been here to answer anyone's questions or even acknowledge everyone's involvement. Once I am done with release season at work, I only hope there's still room on the team for another monkey behind a keyboard!
I struggled with whether to post this in "General" or "Development" - I settled on "Development" as it is regarding, well...development.
If enough people are interested, I'd like to start the group development of a ROM, tentatively named "QAM". Cornerstones of QAM? No donations accepted, except for git submissions ("Free and In the Clear" - get it?); group development with specialization based on the team members' skill sets; widely accesible code with an emphasis on sound open source development practices; and clearly documented, well tested changes and updates.
With all of the drama here recently, especially regarding Axura, I think it's time that some of us try to steer this place back to what it used to be.
I'm an enterprise dev in my nine to five. As many have voiced, I have no doubts about my ability to develop a nice ROM for my own personal use. But I value my time, recognize that I am not as efficient in some areas (UI and UX, for instance), and understand from my professional life how much better of a result can be achieved when you've got a diversified team developing together.
Anyone that is a fan of Agile Development Practices will know where I am coming from. If anyone is interested in working together, let's start a dialogue here and now. If you're merely interested in flaming and thread crapping, move along - this isn't the thread you're looking for.
[EDIT - 12/06/10, 8:51PM] Posted an update within the thread. I didn't anticipate this much interest, but I'm glad it's there. I'm going to go through the thread tonight and start assembling names, etc.
i'm interested, but i dont really have any skills in relation to creating a rom or anything of the like. but if can help let me know!
hansmrtn said:
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i will gladly help where i can. i think this is a great concept and definitely brings us back to the roots of OpenSource Development.
lets please get this going. what do you need?
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hansmrtn said:
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I would like to offer my services. I loved supporting the Axura users and would love to support yours. I have a little programming experience, I mainly deal with ISS day in and day out though. Let me know what you think. I really think this could turn into something great!
vbhines said:
I struggled with whether to post this in "General" or "Development" - I settled on "Development" as it is regarding, well...development.
If enough people are interested, I'd like to start the group development of a ROM, tentatively named "QAM". Cornerstones of QAM? No donations accepted, except for git submissions ("Free and In the Clear" - get it?); group development with specialization based on the team members' skill sets; widely accesible code with an emphasis on sound open source development practices; and clearly documented, well tested changes and updates.
With all of the drama here recently, especially regarding Axura, I think it's time that some of us try to steer this place back to what it used to be.
I'm an enterprise dev in my nine to five. As many have voiced, I have no doubts about my ability to develop a nice ROM for my own personal use. But I value my time, recognize that I am not as efficient in some areas (UI and UX, for instance), and understand from my professional life how much better of a result can be achieved when you've got a diversified team developing together.
Anyone that is a fan of Agile Development Practices will know where I am coming from. If anyone is interested in working together, let's start a dialogue here and now. If you're merely interested in flaming and thread crapping, move along - this isn't the thread you're looking for.
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Sounds great. Even though I font know much about development myself, I would love yo help somehow(maybe I could be one of those highly cautious/thorough testers you were talking about).
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Sounds interesting. I'm interested in at least testing for you guys. I'd love to start coding for Android (BSc in Computer Science, but enjoy coding every once in a blue moon), but never got around to learning. I'll def keep my eye on this thread though, and help where I can
Think this is an amazing idea! Definitely can see a lot come from this.
Idea though: you should maybe put up some slots to be filled so we can get some development teams, focused on their own individual part of the rom, together, so we know for sure that this will be great.
The most I can help with is being the app-writer-assistant XD.
I have yet to see a rom with its own app(s)(not counting DG's lbs launch) and I would love to see one with its own music player,notes,messaging, etc. I'm not experienced at all, i just know some java and I'm still learning android developtment(i got 3 big books next to me right now).
In fact I wouldn't be offended at all if you just say "no, thank you". I just really like the idea and I thought that if i proposed this it would at least give some initiative to develop custom apps with the custom roms and make this project that much more...unique
i'd like to see and participate in some REAL developement. A lot of these "devs" (especially the ones complaining) arent doing much developement and instead are just piecing together different things REAL devs have created into these roms and then trying to extort "donations" out of people. There's a select few developers frontlining the kernel developement that are doing real, good work.
imagine if we had multiple people creating roms like cyanogenmod on here...
I would be interested. I have done some android programming as well as some Other stuff. Never did any rom development but would like to give it a shot
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I can do 'modem testing'.. I travel for a living and encounter the various Freq's, EDGE, 3G, and believe it or not the pre EDGE network (cant think of the name at the moment, long day) almost every day.
Hey I wouldn't be much help in terms of development but I am willing to test anything you guys build
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whitesox311 said:
i'd like to see and participate in some REAL developement. A lot of these "devs" (especially the ones complaining) arent doing much developement and instead are just piecing together different things REAL devs have created into these roms and then trying to extort "donations" out of people. There's a select few developers frontlining the kernel developement that are doing real, good work.
imagine if we had multiple people creating roms like cyanogenmod on here...
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This is exactly the sort of thing this thread and concept will help avoid. The Rom builders that are causing drama do alot of work. And we all benefit. Even if they are getting more traffic and donations than the ones doing the kernel and other mods and making them available for the Rom and kernel builders.
I don't mind seeing a little competition in the thread titles. And each dev has an opinion as to what's best and thus we have several different roms. But the bickering I've seen is ridiculous. But understandable. There are no rules in place. No required donation. No licensing on much of what's up. Its a bit of a mess.
Id love to see what a captivate oriented community effort will produce. Team whisky is great but not all that works on the vibrant works on the captivate.
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is this like the android syndicate in epic4G threads lol?
I'm in, PM me
i'm willing to flash as many iterations of this as you may develop. no technical expertise on my end though ...
I can test and am willing to learn any thing that will help with developing. I have strong computer background. Just new to android.
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im in for testing

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Hello everyone! I wasn't sure where to put this... I wanted to put it under the android development section, but didn't want to clutter anything. So, I am pretty much a noob when it comes to all of these modifications to phones. I have pretty much been reading these forums non-stop for the past few days, and the amount of information on here is incredible. Last night I flashed the Axura 2.2.6 ROM to my phone with no problems! I was amazed at how easy it was! All of the applications people developed are so useful like ROM manager and Titanium backup. You could never get these kinds of tools and info from the manufacturer. I am truly in awe of the smarts and talent the people on this website have. So thank you so much, for taking the time to create and put tutorials together, so people like me, who don't understand all of the programming language and resources needed to make something like a custom ROM come together, be able to reap all of the benefits my phone has to offer.
P.S. I wanted to click the "Thanks" button on a lot of the threads, but it wasn't there?!
Glad to have you around and glad that the Forums helped you out. This is a tight group (most of the time) even if a lot of issues around Samsung currently going on.
Thanks for the welcome! I look forward to what comes out in the future for these phones... as far as controversey around Samsung... I was part of the group that was dealing with Motorola and the Motorola Cliq. I was able to get out of that mess and switched to the Vibrant, and I feel like I'm encountering it all over again. I know the manufacturers have no obligation to give us updates, but then don't promise it! And if it comes, it's kind of like a really nice surprise! When companies make promises like an upgrade by a certain date, and don't follow through, of course people are going to be pissed! But, with the help of developers, we can enjoy all the benefits the phones have to offer. And probably, the modifications made by developers are better than the manufacturers would do anyway!
Tara, glad to have you here, as you already know these forums are a wealth of information regarding your phone. I also got to the vibrant from a bad experience with a phone. (the Samsung Behold II) Follow along, don't be afraid to ask questions when you have them, as someone will most always be there to help. You may even find like I did that you don't need to worry so much about the updates promised by TMO and Samsung. Most of the 2.2 ROMS we have available to us now are already beyond what the updates would give us anyway. So I would encourage you to read, read, read through the threads and to support the developers wether it be Team Whiskey, Master, Eugene, or whoever.
But most of all, welcome
Welcome, because of the people here you will so much more enjoyment from the phone. You are right the stock item is really substandard compared to the custom awesome work of the people in the android family and specifically this forum.
Keep reading, especially the stickys/bible and other notable instructions.
Enjoy and welcome
I have been lurking around<(creepy?lol) and reading the crap out of stickies here for about a month now, and I too would like to extend a token of grattitude to all of the extremely intelligent and helpful members here. Thanks for taking the time to explain procedures clearly and concisely. The custom roms and information you have provide truly make this device awesome.
P.S. Sorry for jacking your thread Tara, but I didnt want to add another thanks to the general.
Thanks for all the friendly messages everyone! And that's ok Brad! All day I have been watching folders open on my phone, and just the way the flip out, out of nowhere, is so cool!!! I am just amazed at the work the developers have put into making these phones run so well. And, on top of that, sharing the wealth with all of us, and including step by step written tutorials and videos. They have my complete gratitude and I truly look forward to see what they think of next!

DEVS and the hard work

I have been lurking here for a couple of months now. Trying different roms initially then flashing different kernels. I don't know much about this stuff at all but want to learn. Hopefully I can start learning some coding soon as well. I love this forum and watching the ways in which all of these different mods, roms, etc grow within the community.
From the beginning I have taken the word (rules) of this forum at face value. I have followed (and agree with) READING THE WIKI's. To me they are indispensable. I have read (yes even the 500+) all of the posts that I am interested in learning about. This patience has paid off! Every time I follow your instructions and search threads for answers to possible issues, everything turns out right.
Finally, I came into this forum not wanting to ask for ETA's. There are so many people here putting there daily lives aside, FOR DONATIONS, for our gratification. To me there is nothing more insulting than asking for something you don't deserve. Be grateful. Think about someone asking you to put hard work (time) into something for you that you may or may not get paid for. Charity can only go so far.
Thanks to all of the devs who put there hours into this. LIFE=TIME....
You obviously don't owe us your time.
Hopefully I can start really learning the languages soon and hopefully start contributing to take some of the weight off you guys.
Great job guys!!!!
HEROC gbMod decafuct
I know its a semi older thread but I just wanted to echo this same thought & didnt want to start another thread.
As with Mattlebla I've been lurkin for the past few months. With all the hard work and donation of TIME from all the Dev's & ppl whom help others have absolutely given way way more value to us Hero owners.
To all the awesome Dev's we are extremely grateful, thankful & indebted to your hard work. Thank you so damn much! That can't be said enough.
HeroC (perpetrating as a DroidX w/sounds & boot)
Firerats MTD
ALL THANKS to the freakin' great community at XDA!

Bada Android - Help needed to build drivers into kernel!

Sorry if this is completely irrelevant in every way shape and form, but I'm from a community of people who own Samsung Wave smart phones who would really like to own an Android port due to the horrendous support for Bada by Samsung and complete and total lack of applications.
We have a working Froyo 2.2 port on the device which many have copied to their phones with success. A few developers have worked on it, Olek_k from XDA was working on it, passed it over to Rebellos. However, we currently have no working modem, camera or battery sensor and they are having trouble with Kernel development. Rebellos says that he thinks he's collected enough info to write a modem driver, but he is having problems with the kernel and the project has stalled. We've seen the amazing progress that has been made with this project, being passed down from person to person and there is a huge community of people who would like to experience android on their Bada handsets. I am no developer myself and a lot of us aren't, but the project has stalled and it'd be a real shame for so much progress to be lost. Do you know of anyone or are you yourself a developer of HD2 Android? All of us at and those in the Bada section at XDA are eager to see progress on the project. We do have developers, but they need aid in an area that they do not know well.
Please don't take this as a demanding request, I'm simply asking if you know of anyone who could help compile an android kernel (I'm not sure of the detail you'd have to ask the developers themselves) with the help of the current devs. We'd be hugely greatful if you could co-operate and help us out, because I know many who would absolutely adore android on their crippled Wave smartphones.
I sent a message similar to this to the admin of the Android ROMs site ( to see if they had any ideas about someone who could help. If you didn't know already, the wave is only available outside of the US, I don't know if anyone in the US can help with the development without the phone, you'd have to ask Rebellos or one of the other devs from the topic.
Below are some links where the discussions are;
I am a noob at XDA and I haven't tried the port myself as of yet, but I love my Wave and no one has made the jump to reach to the awesome HD2 porting community yet, so I thought I'd try.
Please contact me in this topic, via PM, or contact Rebellos or any of the other developers in the topic if you, or someone you know can help out.
Thanks very much, again, sorry if this is in the wrong place.
- Ross
+1 as a HD2 and Wave user. Help us please!
Damn, no one else has noticed the post :/
Oh well, I'll be patient and just hope that people aren't ignoring the post lol.
Pins, do you know of someone who was at the head of the project? I'm pretty clueless, I'll do some digging.
They will, just give them time.
You might want to consider getting the XDA admin's incharge of the news, to publish this, since this is really going to go un-noticed by the majority of developers. Some good might come out of it. All the best. I remembered waiting (and I am sure many other HD2 users too) for the Android port and then WP7 port for HD2... it seemed like a long wait, but eventually it is done
sikodemon said:
They will, just give them time.
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Yeah man, thanks. I was just being impatient. Really don't want to come off as an arsehole because a lot of people in the bada-android forum got pissed due to trolls, when there are, infact a lot of people who are nice and genuine who are eager to see the port.
And I will have a look to see if I can do that erlern, but do you think they will really listen to someone with like, under 10 posts? xD I mean, they might, but however funny that noob video was, they don't seem to be particularly keen on them. We'll see.
erlern is right maybe its better to write the admins at news
Hi rayze! Erlern is right come to think of it, the admins handling the news section can post about this on the front page.
Also on the title of the post amend it to this "Help needed to build drivers into kernel" then maybe the developers of this thread may pay more attention too.
Also post this on the android development thread of HD2 since this is the Q&A section which has more to do with everyday use of the hd2.
bong4316 said:
Hi rayze! Erlern is right come to think of it, the admins handling the news section can post about this on the front page.
Also on the title of the post amend it to this "Help needed to build drivers into kernel" then maybe the developers of this thread may pay more attention too.
Also post this on the android development thread of HD2 since this is the Q&A section which has more to do with everyday use of the hd2.
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Advice taken my friend, will do all of that.
Have sent a request for the appeal to be posted in the news.
the ball seems to be rolling again :-D
sikodemon said:
the ball seems to be rolling again :-D
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Well someone needed to try to get people's attention
No one else seemed to bother doing it, so I thought, why not. Don't think I've posted in HD2 main yet, but might have. Struggling to remember really.
Oh yeah, no I didn't because I need more posts xD I only have 7 lol.
Unfortunately us Wave modders are probably one of the smallest communities in this entire forum, we might get noticed, but it's getting people to help that will be the highest hurdle. It's a shame really, you'd expect many more people to buy this phone when you can pick it up now at cpw for £99.
I really respect how those developers devote so much time on making better software for our phones, and in most cases they just want a thank you at the end.
I am so happy to see this at the front page of XDA!
Really hope to see Android on Waves! Glad to have contributed in a small way Keep the faith guys!
erlern said:
I am so happy to see this at the front page of XDA!
Really hope to see Android on Waves! Glad to have contributed in a small way Keep the faith guys!
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Thanks for telling me man!
Spreading the news at Badaforums!
I will also now make a post in the main HD2 development section.

For you developers

Yes, another thank you thread. This is the one topic that justifies more than one thread. I recently pm'd a developer a lengthy compliment and received an interesting response.
As I read through the development forum I see too many posts asking for eta or complaints of bugs and *****ing about this and that. There is simply not enough thanking these guys for what they do FOR FREE!!!! we take for granted how much time and effort they put into their work and simply want want want and expect them to deliver like it's their dang job or something.
Instead of continuing to ramble, developers thank you for your time, free products, free labor, free mods, and I wish I had the power to banish those who ***** at you or put demands on you.
Guys, respect what our developers do and next time you think about asking about an eta or think about complaining, just say thanks.
From the big ole Note
Could not agree more. Thanks guys! (that includes gals in my book).
As a developer myself, although not in this arena, I know how much work it is, even though we would probably do it anyway just because we're wired that way!
I know the developer I spoke with was very appreciative of the message and stated that he wished there was more appreciation around. I just can't believe the audacity some people have to fuss at a developer or complain to them over trivial things. Obviously they should offer support but that is not what I am referring to.
And your reply reminded me that I did leave out the ladies! Thank you too lady devs! You're all the more sexy
From the big ole Note
There are always some aholes around. XDA is pretty big so by the simple probability there are bound to be few jerks around. You can ignore those people most of the times.
What I dont like that sometimes other members make too big a deal out of simple complaint in the developer section. Lot of people just flame someone because he asked something that has been asked 20 pages ago in thread or complained about something. Those are equally bad.
And then there are few developers themselves who are sometimes very rude to people who are just trying to help by pointing out some things or passing some suggestions to the developers. I wont take names but one developer simply told me that I dont need to give him any advice and I should stop using his work if I dont like the way he does it when I simply suggested something regarding the way he was managing files, that too via PM.
Its all part of the community though.
I agree respect definitely goes both ways. I also never have and never will agree with anyone flaming someone for asking a noob question even if it's been asked a million times. We were all noobs once and Lord knows search is a pain sometimes. And what does flaming a new kid accomplish anyway? Nothing.
Yes I've seen developers have bad attitudes also so you are right it does go both ways. I just hope that this place can begin to become more family and community like and less flame friendly although it's hard as it grows and the members get younger with no manners or respect.
I came from and still occasionally visit the evo 3d forum and it is way worse than this one as far as childish flaming and trolling.
From the big ole Note
Couldn´t agree more, thanks for the thread!
XDA Developers is so much fun! It so much became a hobby of mine, to read through the threads, to try out this and that, to flash roms on new devices (tablets, smartphones).
It was such a great experience to see my old XDA compact (HTC magician) getting reborn again every quartal after cotulla published a new rom for it.
Nearly 383984 devices later (feels like that^^) I´m on my second Note now. And it´s still so much fun to be here and to enjoy the work others are doing for free!
To all developers out there: Thank you so much for giving me that kind of entertainment AND professional support in the same time! Thank you for being allowed to be a part of this incredible community (and with community i refer to the hundreds of devs here, not the millions of users like me ). Thanks for your efforts and time!
If I was a millionaire I would definitely be donating to all of you whether I used your products or not.
And as a side note I wish there was more sharing and helping among some people. Some are too proud, I've seen some in other forums set others up and other dirty stuff which is ridiculous. Pride comes before the fall
From the big ole Note
Without the developers hard work, we all be stuck on using un-rootable slow often horrible looking stock UI from the manufactures with inconsistent update. I’d be better off using an iphone or a Nexus if that is the case.
Been able to run root apps and flash different ROM is what keeps me buying Android devices instead of an iphone.
Also it is great fun leaning how to root devices and flash ROMs.
So BIG thanks to all the developers on this forum for their valuable time and hard work.

