About "Allow automatic updating" in Market - Galaxy S I9000 General

I've been searching around for abit and couldn't find answers, so please share if you have the answers
1. This feature, does it always update automatically? Or we can set it to do that only on Wifi, not on 3G? If so, How can I configure this?
2. Occasionally, the notification bar show "Market updates available" - is it the same thing? If not, How can I disable market do the upgrade check in background?

gurluver said:
I've been searching around for abit and couldn't find answers, so please share if you have the answers
1. This feature, does it always update automatically? Or we can set it to do that only on Wifi, not on 3G? If so, How can I configure this?
2. Occasionally, the notification bar show "Market updates available" - is it the same thing? If not, How can I disable market do the upgrade check in background?
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1. When you install and application, and then click it again in the market, there will be an option to "Allow automatic updates"... you'll also see this option when Market detects an update is available.
2. Not the same thing... if it was automatically updating in the background, it would disappear from the notification bar... I'm pretty sure if you press Menu->Settings in market, there is an option to check for updates only while on Wifi.

About point 1... don't think I was very clear... I mean if I select the automatic update option, does that mean it will automatically update in background, regardless im on Wifi or 3G? Or it could be configure?

some one have an answer pls?
I would really like the auto update, but i don't have unlimited 3G package here in Vietnam (its really expensive for unlimited)

please someone know the answer pls

gurluver said:
please someone know the answer pls
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Don't worry you can configure that through market application...there is a tick box in every application were you can untick this and then you can update application when you want to

don't let it update automatically, i had it this morning; battery at 80% and noticed that it was downloading at gprs and 3g speeds(I bet it took him a few hours updating)
haven't had anything like that before, just since i'm on a different rom =/

Sadly I don't think you can control updates for the market online when on Wifi. If roaming data is very expensive for you I would suggest disabling it and only enable as and when you require it (hold down the power button and push "Data Network Mode" to activate/deactivate it)

thanks guys!

i have mine set to update automatically, as i have a 6GB data plan
so i'm not worry about the data usage
and it is AWESOME! everytime a new update is available it updates on its own
finally no more clicking update and clicking to confirm

Off topic but how much is data and phone calls in Vietnam? I'm interested in Vinafone

$3 = 300MB/month
call is about $0.05-$0.07/min
-> these are in country rates, not roaming.


hiding data connection dialog

Hi Guys
Is there a way that the "negotiating data connection" dialog can be hidden with a registry change on WM5?
Reason being I'm developing a flash lite data driven app for a device specific service with issued handsets to users during a corporate event. I'm going to make the Flash Lite app using a loop to regularly try accessing the data connection to keep it alive, but there is a possibility the signal will disappear and reappear as people walk around.
Basically I've found users get confused by the OS messages in this case and I don't want the usual "Connecting to 3G" message to make them think there's a problem if it can't connect.
If there's no data connection - My app will store data locally until getting back into an area of coverage, then reconnect and send data.
try this, go into phone settings, sounds and notifications, and for event select "connection established.
you can then uncheck the box that says "display message on screen"
Thanks NguyenHuu - didnt think about the obvious approach! I'll give that a try!
Ha! That's too good. I've been wondering about this for awhile, too. never thought to try the easiest method! thank you sir.

TF3D autoupdate

Does anyone knows if there is an application that will autoupdate all the tabs when connected to the internet? (that is WiFi or activesync).
I know about the autoupdate feature on each tabm but you still have to scroll into the tab for it to update, what i really mean is an application that will automatically update weather, mail and stocks tabs without scrolling on it.
I am also looking for an answer to this question. Did you managed to find out how to do this?
Same question was this resolved elswhere?
same queston
...it was asked elsewhere - in Applications, I think. But no sign of an answer yet.
As far as I'm aware there is no such application. Would be advantageous if such an app existed. Hopefully I am mistaken and someone can enlighten us with this.
Hopefully there is a solution.
in every "updateable" tab (mail, stocks and weather) there is option of "download Data automatically" and you can set the frequency of updates (except in weather where you can set it to download weather data automatically but can't set the frequency.)
WARNING: such automatic update can burn a hole in your pocket by using huge bandwidth if you are using GPRS / 3G with limited data allotment.
ash3012 said:
Hopefully there is a solution.
in every "updateable" tab (mail, stocks and weather) there is option of "download Data automatically" and you can set the frequency of updates (except in weather where you can set it to download weather data automatically but can't set the frequency.)
WARNING: such automatic update can burn a hole in your pocket by using huge bandwidth if you are using GPRS / 3G with limited data allotment.
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Right so my thinking was, that it should be possible to tweak hack those settings to do the following:
1 update automatically when it detects a connection
2 or/and at fix intervalls
3 take away the annoying "do you want to update now"
warning everytime you go to those screens when you enable the auto update function.
I have no knowledge of such things was hoping someone who has would take up the challenge .
Thanks in advance
I'm in the same way...I'm searching for a program that will update all TF3D programs when connected on 3G network...
I've not find anything...
Have you solved this problem?
luca.321 said:
I'm in the same way...I'm searching for a program that will update all TF3D programs when connected on 3G network...
I've not find anything...
Have you solved this problem?
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No, there´s no solution for this request yet.

disable email alerts/checks during the night

Anyone know of a way to get the hd2 to only check for emails during the day? it only gives options such as check every hour/4 hours etc, but not a time range.
As a result, it buzzes for emails received in the middle of the night. I want it to buzz for phone calls or text messages (could be emergencies), but not for emails which are usually trivial. So switching it off or silent is not an option
In the latest G-Profile there is an option to disallow all data connections, including emails. I have set up a night profile which has this option enabled so it does not download emails or update the weather and such. In the morning the night profile switches off automatically before my alarm goes off and so when I wake up the weather and emails are updated. Some other profile programs might have this feature also...
Either PhoneAlarm or Email Scheduler (http://www.gudensoft.com/emailscheduler/)
How did you manage to get updates during the night?
For me auto-updates work only when I turn screen on...
Bence said:
How did you manage to get updates during the night?
For me auto-updates work only when I turn screen on...
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same here: my phone does not update weather when in sleep mode: any solution?
UncleBeer said:
Either PhoneAlarm or Email Scheduler (http://www.gudensoft.com/emailscheduler/)
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Has anyone used the Email scheduler? it looks reasonable (and free), but I don't like installing stuff that I don't know for (pretty) sure will work. I've just had a 'conversation' about my data usage on Virgin UK - apparently there's a 25MB per day limit and I was at 19MB by 8:00pm, so a little nervous that I'm going to run up charges. Need to limit and/or monitor my data connection.
thegios said:
same here: my phone does not update weather when in sleep mode: any solution?
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Set windows to use the gps chip. Go to settings, menu, all settings, system, external gps and configure com ports in all the tabs. This will allow it to find your location. If you data connection is ending when in sleep mode it won't be able to update the forcast data. The fix for this seems to be either disable direct push and/or update the radio to 2.10.50.xx
All you need to do is go to activesync; there you can set peak and offpeak times; set offpeak to whatever hours (at night) that you want (for example 10pm-8am) and set it to not.
Just to be blunt as possible Activesync>Menu>Schedule> "Off Peak Times" set to Manual and then set your off peak hours

[HELP NEEDED] Messaging Apps (WhatsApp, Telegram) not working outside of Wi-Fi Range

Hey guys, so I'm totally new to this forum and have not had any experience regarding flashing/rooting/etc., so please let me know if you need any more infos. Thankful for any help you can provide
A friend of mine has recently "upgraded" my Galaxy S3 Neo (GT-I9301I) with Cyanogenmod 12.1 (12.1-20151007-UNOFFICIAL-s3ve3g) and (after having fixed the annoying camera-issue that seems to arise quite often), we have come across one major problem we cannot seem to fix:
WhatsApp and Telegram can NOT send or receive any messages if you are outside of WiFi-range. Within WiFi-range they work fine, no problems whatsoever. But as soon as you go outside and have to rely purely on network access, they just don't do what they are supposed to do. However, all other apps requiring internet-connection work perfectly fine outside of WiFi range (e.g. Google Chrome, GMail, Traffic Information services etc.), so there MUST be network-access.
Here is what we tried in order to fix it (without any success):
- DroidWall: We checked and unchecked and checked both boxes again (always applying the rules), so now the apps should have full access in and out of WiFi-range.
- We uninstalled and reinstalled both apps.
- We went into the App settings and checked if everything was set to "Allowed" instead of "Ignored" or "Always Ask".
- We went into the in-app "Settings-menu" of each app, in order to find any option that might restrict access - we did not find any.
- Simple things like restarting the phone, clearing app-caches, resetting the network-provider etc. did not work either.
So here I am, hoping that some pros among you have an idea how to proceed Thanks a lot in advance!!
DrDehli said:
Hey guys, so I'm totally new to this forum and have not had any experience regarding flashing/rooting/etc., so please let me know if you need any more infos. Thankful for any help you can provide
A friend of mine has recently "upgraded" my Galaxy S3 Neo (GT-I9301I) with Cyanogenmod 12.1 (12.1-20151007-UNOFFICIAL-s3ve3g) and (after having fixed the annoying camera-issue that seems to arise quite often), we have come across one major problem we cannot seem to fix:
WhatsApp and Telegram can NOT send or receive any messages if you are outside of WiFi-range. Within WiFi-range they work fine, no problems whatsoever. But as soon as you go outside and have to rely purely on network access, they just don't do what they are supposed to do. However, all other apps requiring internet-connection work perfectly fine outside of WiFi range (e.g. Google Chrome, GMail, Traffic Information services etc.), so there MUST be network-access.
Here is what we tried in order to fix it (without any success):
- DroidWall: We checked and unchecked and checked both boxes again (always applying the rules), so now the apps should have full access in and out of WiFi-range.
- We uninstalled and reinstalled both apps.
- We went into the App settings and checked if everything was set to "Allowed" instead of "Ignored" or "Always Ask".
- We went into the in-app "Settings-menu" of each app, in order to find any option that might restrict access - we did not find any.
- Simple things like restarting the phone, clearing app-caches, resetting the network-provider etc. did not work either.
So here I am, hoping that some pros among you have an idea how to proceed Thanks a lot in advance!!
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Whatsapp needs an internet connection, ofc it want work because you have not an internet connection, if you are out of the wifi range than turn mobile data, be careful it will cost you some money
edit: maybe you dont have good signal
Try to reflash the rom, and check again. Also check if restricted background data is enabled (globally or specifically in these apps): Settings > Data Usage. Click on these apps and check the toggle is switched off and try to switch it on and off again. Also check in the main Data Usage page, clicking the 3 doted menu on the top right to be written "Restrict background data" and not "Allow background data"
Check your APN settings. Maybe a WAP-APN is selected by default. These APNs block Data on some ports. I had the same problem on my device after flashing CM12.1, the default value was wap.vodafone.de instead of web.vodafone.de
xantaro said:
Check your APN settings. Maybe a WAP-APN is selected by default. These APNs block Data on some ports. I had the same problem on my device after flashing CM12.1, the default value was wap.vodafone.de instead of web.vodafone.de
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That did the trick! You, sir, are a lifesaver!! :good:

Don't receive Whatsapp notification when using wifi

As the title applies...I need only to go into the app to see if ive received any.
80% sure that it has nothing to do with the specific wifi that I use but would love to receive suggestions on how to check it in the wifi setting and what can cus it with my phone (I use greenify but they are not set and Hibernate, but let me know if it could be the a setting in the app, that ive may chosen).

