How do i send a contact to another galaxy s - Galaxy S I9000 General

I was trying to send a contact to my friend with the same phone
found it in contact list
hold click - send contact information
sent it by txt as words
I tried send namecard via
- may have converted to mms
- they received unknown.vcf
- click message plays nothing (scroll bar at bottom) MMS
- menu button
- attached items
- select tick box unknown.vcf
- "attachment copied to sd card"
-file manager - i think it was downloads
then it says save to 2 choices her email?? or phone??
both didn't work
i went to the default file browser on her phone to search for it later
the default file manager has no search??
i sent it via the built in gmail app
it removed the attachment every time
isn't it by K9 it got there but doesn't open
- attached items
- select tick box unknown.vcf
- "attachment copied to sd card"
-file manager - i think it was downloads
then it says save to 2 choices her email?? or phone??
both didn't work
How can i send a phone number to my friend? so it just pops up in her identical phone?
i think blue-tooth works but no good if she's not in the room.
it's blowing my mind

just get one of those QR code addons and make one on your phone and have your friend scan it

There is a BusinessCard application from Samsung Apps. It gives basic function for sending and importing vcf over SMS.
Otherwise, you can try search for such app from Market.

Try the app - Bump. I have it, but havent used it yet. seem's like it would be a simple cool app.

cheers i'll try it


Scripting a text message for London Congestion Charge

Hi there,
Is it possible (or could any kind developper!) to script a text message that would always have the same text.
Basically to pay the London Congestion Charge (£5 for driving into Central London), one needs to send a text message to the number 81099 containing the last four digits of their credit card.
As the message is always the same, I thought it might be easy to script such a message to make it easy to pay the charge.
isn't that easy? set up your pre set messages as the words and numbers u need so then u create a new text and click my text chose the one u want and send it!
Thanks for your reply. I see what you mean, but that is still several clicks more than I have in mind. With a script/batch file, it would literally be a one button (through a shortcut) click which could even be assigned to a hardware button. Lazy ... maybe! I guess it all really depends on whether the function to send a text message can be accessed from the command line.
no kidding ur lazy!
You can write smssender.html which will include a javascript, that will redirect you to:
mailto:123456789 body="Send me a taxi!" - I'm not sure about the syntax...
Everytime you execute this webpage, you will only have to confirm SMS sending and close IE (I don't know if window-terminating scripts work in PocketIE) :idea:
I don't know if you're willing to pay for it, but there is a utility called Cell Profiler found here
You can pre-define an SMS to be sent to a particular number when you drive through a particular point.
Download the trial and see if it fits in with your requirements.
You can use the scripting utility called nscriptm to automate your screen taps etc. Give it a go. Its fairly simple and there is a good sample that shows you how to work with screen taps.
Thanks for your replies. I will try each and see what works best for me.
Thanks again!
XDA2-owner said:
Hi there,
Is it possible (or could any kind developper!) to script a text message that would always have the same text.
Basically to pay the London Congestion Charge (£5 for driving into Central London), one needs to send a text message to the number 81099 containing the last four digits of their credit card.
As the message is always the same, I thought it might be easy to script such a message to make it easy to pay the charge.
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I wonder if I understand you correctly. In my SMS messaging on the XDAII I have something called My Text as a menychoise. The predefined messages in there can be added/amended in the Edit menu...You could do it easily there...?
Yeah - someone mentioned that earlier. What I was really looking for though was a literally one-button way to pay my congestion charge - basically a shortcut to a batch-file/script that creates the SMS, enters the text and addresses it correctly.
Does anyone know if the mailto: command that you can use to create an e-mail would work for an SMS? If so, that would be fine as within the mailto: command you can specify the recipient (81099 in this case) and the text (credit card digits).
Thanks for all the responses.
1. PPCs don't make any difference between e-mails and short messages - you have same dialog, same options and same mailto: command...
2. JavaScript in HTML page is probably the fastest way to perform actions you need (if you dont want to write it in C++ of coz!)
3. If I'm not too drunk today I'll have probably posted an example of such page by tomorrow - I finished with school today, so I have something to celebrate! 8)
Would be great to see a javascript sample if you could be bothered/sober enough to put one together.
Thanks very much indeed.
So, that's what it looks like:
<script language="JavaScript">
window.location="mailto:81099?body=Here's my creditcard number!"
mailto: - where
body: - what
You can also add subject: (don't forget to divide it with "?" :!: )
It looks like Pocket IE does not support close() function. Can anyone confirm? Any way, even if you will have to close IE manually, executing this file (possibly from Today screen) and pressing SEND is still faster than going to New>SMS>MyText>choose>enter number>confirm... 8)
That worked just great! Thank you so much.
I used the PHM Pocket PC PowerToys's TrayLaunch program to put a shortcut to the .htm file onto the bottom bar of the Today screen.
I still need to press the Send button (is there a way to automate that?) and close IE but it's still MUCH quicker than doing it through a manual SMS.
Thanks again for all comments and help.
Compose new text message from shortcut
Hi there,
I'm a total newbie (NOT a programmer at all), just a Qtek 9090 addict. I 've been looking for something similar to your request: I wanted a way to go straight to the "compose text message" window from the today screen or a hardware button. I finally found a way to do this (maybe not the best way, but I can't find a site that lists all the possible parameters for tmail.exe).
If you're still looking for a better way to automatically launch your message, try this:
Copy the "Messaging" shortcut from Windows/Start Menu and put the copy somewhere you can work on it. Rename it to something like "London Congestion".
If you have Resco file explorer on your device, select your new shortcut and view its properties. On the second tab ("shortcut"), you should see the line "\Windows\tmail.exe". Change it to this:
"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "text" -to "81099" -body "your credit card number"
Then tap "ok".
Move your new shortcut to Windows/Start Menu/Programs. Now you should be able to access it with your Today screen launcher or Button launcher.
If you don't have Resco file explorer, copy your shortcut to your desktop and open it with Notepad. You'll see something like 43#"\Windows\tmail.exe"; just leave the number at the front, make the adjustments I described and save the file. Then put it in Windows/Start Menu/Programs on your device.
I tested this and it worked for me, so I hope it does for you too!
To simply go to the "compose" window from a shortcut, I use this line:
"\Windows\tmail.exe" -service "text" -to ""
Thanks a lot Robrecht,
I was actually going to re-open this issue because I have a Blueangel now - and I don't know if it's because it is WM2003 Second Edition or not, but the javascript that was written for me in the above post no longer works, so I needed a new method.
A very timely reply and I will try it over the weekend.
Thanks a lot,
I think you should add "I hope it chokes you bunch of rip off bastards" We pay road tax, we pay huge tax on fuel, we sit for hours in jams and they want money :?:
Well, XDA2-owner, you're very welcome!!!
I have a Blue Angel too and it works for me, except....... I discovered a flaw.
I thought the
-service "text"
parameter made sure the automatically created message was always a text (SMS) message, but instead it turns out that the format of the new message (SMS, e-mail, MMS...) changes according to the last viewed folder in Pocket Outlook. So if you were checking your e-mail account just before you use my shortcut, it wil create an e-mail instead of a text message.
This sucks! And I was so happy I'd been able to help someone!
Does anyone know a way to make sure the new message is always a text message?
Hi again,
This issue was one I was also having with the Javascript - I got used to the fact that if I was using the e-mail part of Messaging, I would switch it back to SMS before closing it.
One issue I am having though - and it might just be to do with my setup - is that when I run the shortcut from Start-->Programs-->Congestion, it works fine. When I try and launch it from my Today screen though, using BatteryPackPro, it doesn't seem to create the text message, and just stays on the Today screen.
Any ideas?
Thanks again for your help and ideas.

Touch-it 4.4

I have tried to search with no luck. My question is when i installed touchit 4.4 i do not have any of the pop up menu's IE when making a text and i start typing the persons name or a word it never pops up suggestions. With over 200 contacts i would like to have the short option to type in 3 letters or so and select the contact from the actual Sms screen. Another thing is when i goto create new (msg) i dont get the option to do MMS or SMS. Lastly off the top of my head when i am typing words i like the option with suggestions again. Can anybody either point me to the proper settings or registry keys to re-enable these features. Also i noticed when i put touch it on my phone all of my contacts are doubled now ? how can i fix this without manually deleting them all
Tmo With wings
touch it 4.4
duprades kb fix
diabolical28 said:
I have tried to search with no luck. My question is when i installed touchit 4.4 i do not have any of the pop up menu's IE when making a text and i start typing the persons name or a word it never pops up suggestions. With over 200 contacts i would like to have the short option to type in 3 letters or so and select the contact from the actual Sms screen. Another thing is when i goto create new (msg) i dont get the option to do MMS or SMS. Lastly off the top of my head when i am typing words i like the option with suggestions again. Can anybody either point me to the proper settings or registry keys to re-enable these features. Also i noticed when i put touch it on my phone all of my contacts are doubled now ? how can i fix this without manually deleting them all
Tmo With wings
touch it 4.4
duprades kb fix
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1. I havent seached for a fix as far as typing input for SMS recipients, I have just gotten use to clicking menu and adding someone from my contacts instead of typing there name.
2. If you put messaging on your today screen, click on the no unread messages bar and it will take you to the messaging center to pick MMS,SMS, email account.
3. I did think the wings OEM text suggestion program was great, Ive gotten use to not using it with 4.4. Tho if you use the virtual keyboard the program is still enabled.
I dont know if any of this will be a fix for you, it is alil info. There might be things you have to get use to not having with Touch, but be glad you have more than 14mb of memory.
Also, for the duplicate contacts, I would just make sure all your numbers are embedded on your sim card, then select all from your contacts and delete them. Open SIM manager from programs, select all from menu and save all to contacts.
Yes true maybe someone can find the registry keys to enable it, Speaking of registry besides the lame attempt at wiki of a good solid registry hack,tweak mod guide does anybody have a better site while i was Out of town visiting over xmas i stumbled accross a site that offered so many registry hacks but i didnt book mark it
Also a few more questions i get really mad that the Wing does not allow lets say .mid .gif etc files in MMS's is there a way to disable automatic file deletion in mms? sorry if this doesnt make much sense just worked 14 hrs.
you can just write your contact's name (or part of their name) and then go to "menu" and click on "check names".
This should be easier than going through your contacts.
jkrn2003 said:
you can just write your contact's name (or part of their name) and then go to "menu" and click on "check names".
This should be easier than going through your contacts.
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typing a name and then going thru menu is more steps than just clicking add recipent and clicking the contact you want.
I dont know any other registry sites.
Good Luck

known issues HD2 for ROM 1.66.404.1

Hi all,
I'm experiencing some issues with my HD2, and so far they haven't been solved by HTC. I doesn't seem to find a "known issue list" per ROM, but may be I'm overlooking somehow. please let me know if there are answers to the following problems/ questions:
1. I cannot influence on the default display order of first name/last name when I sync my contacts with outlook. it always saves the "wrong way around"
2. when sending "long SMS" (text over 2 messages) the second one rarely arrives at the recipient.
3. the SMS forwarding option from the SENSE UI does not work properly: it suggests to forward the last message from the conversation modus, although I selected another one to forward. when I press "ok" from the status menu and try again, it works fine.
4. the SMS conversation modus of the SENSE only shows me the last 25 messages. when I delete some of these I get the older ones back one by one, filling up till 25 each time. I don't want to be cut after 25. Is there a setting?
5. The twitter peep app. refuses to pop a sound when a new tweet arrives, although this is setup in the sounds settings
6. Where can I set that I don't want to keep all the old tweets until the end of times? I would like to drop history older than let's say 1 week.
7. What happened to the "post time" of the tweets older than one day in the peep app? I want to keep seeing those!!
8. When I use the Google search bar from the SENSE UI, I get a nice results list. When I click these results, I go to an internal Google page that holds the main text of the internet page. at the bottom of that page I can click to go to the actual page. How can I set it up to go immediately from the results page to the actual internet page?
9. On my device it seems to be impossible to connect a bluetooth car kit headset to my device. It recognizes 20 phones that are in cars next to me but not my headsets (only tested with nokia devices).
responses much appreciated. other issues: more than welcome, but please check your ROM first.
2nd attempt
On point 9. Go to the settings tab and then click "menu" and "All Settings".
Now go to the bluetooth icon and make sure your phone is discoverable.
I had this same issue trying to pair my phone with my GPS to use the hands free functionallity.
Make sure you turn off discoverable mode once the devices are paired.
Good luck.
1 - download contact fix availble from the forums
8 - you need to go into the settings of google and change it to desktop not mobile view
Richy99 said:
1 - download contact fix availble from the forums
8 - you need to go into the settings of google and change it to desktop not mobile view
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hi for point 8 - is it only applicable to that session only ? Or is there anyway i can set permanently ? I noticed once i close and open browser again, same thing happens again. thanks
verzindrs1 said:
Hi all,
I'm experiencing some issues with my HD2, and so far they haven't been solved by HTC. I doesn't seem to find a "known issue list" per ROM, but may be I'm overlooking somehow. please let me know if there are answers to the following problems/ questions:
1. I cannot influence on the default display order of first name/last name when I sync my contacts with outlook. it always saves the "wrong way around"
2. when sending "long SMS" (text over 2 messages) the second one rarely arrives at the recipient.
3. the SMS forwarding option from the SENSE UI does not work properly: it suggests to forward the last message from the conversation modus, although I selected another one to forward. when I press "ok" from the status menu and try again, it works fine.
4. the SMS conversation modus of the SENSE only shows me the last 25 messages. when I delete some of these I get the older ones back one by one, filling up till 25 each time. I don't want to be cut after 25. Is there a setting?
5. The twitter peep app. refuses to pop a sound when a new tweet arrives, although this is setup in the sounds settings
6. Where can I set that I don't want to keep all the old tweets until the end of times? I would like to drop history older than let's say 1 week.
7. What happened to the "post time" of the tweets older than one day in the peep app? I want to keep seeing those!!
8. When I use the Google search bar from the SENSE UI, I get a nice results list. When I click these results, I go to an internal Google page that holds the main text of the internet page. at the bottom of that page I can click to go to the actual page. How can I set it up to go immediately from the results page to the actual internet page?
9. On my device it seems to be impossible to connect a bluetooth car kit headset to my device. It recognizes 20 phones that are in cars next to me but not my headsets (only tested with nokia devices).
responses much appreciated. other issues: more than welcome, but please check your ROM first.
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2, I agree totally but i dont think there is a fix for it
6, i know the only option is to manually empty the twitter cache folder.. but that will delete everything. but it will give you a fresh start...
7, didnt know there was but agree.. to fix 6 en 7 i use the app Motweets but that doesnt have intergration with sense
pool7979 said:
hi for point 8 - is it only applicable to that session only ? Or is there anyway i can set permanently ? I noticed once i close and open browser again, same thing happens again. thanks
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i dont use the internet tab i just start opera from a quicklink but once changed it should stay
You have to save each contact as firstname and then surname. This you do when opened a contact, edit, then scroll all the way down to the bottom. Press the big button "MORE". Here you can "Save as" and choose first name, then surname.
Yes, from what I know, you must do this with every contact individually. When it's done, you should be able to sync and they should stay that way. At least this is what I've done, and it works for me.
1. There's a cheap app in the Marketplace called Contact Changer that will display all your contacts how you'd like.
5. Yep that's annoying. It makes the alert noise when it updates but not when you get a new tweet. Odd.
8. There's a permanent setting in Google settings to change this.
is there any fix for No. 4?
snappyfool said:
1. There's a cheap app in the Marketplace called Contact Changer that will display all your contacts how you'd like.
5. Yep that's annoying. It makes the alert noise when it updates but not when you get a new tweet. Odd.
8. There's a permanent setting in Google settings to change this.
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8. Where are the settings for that? I have the Mobile View unthicked in Settings but still, facing the same issue.

Audio Postcard

Is there way to rip this app from Vibrant?
I got Galaxy S and I really love this app!
Or maybe there is similar app elsewhere ?
Any one ? Help.
Here's my dump of my Galaxy S System/App folder
You should be able to find it in there.
pyun said:
Here's my dump of my Galaxy S System/App folder
You should be able to find it in there.
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Thanks for this. But I think i got a problem, coz I got custom deoxed ROM - I cannot install it.
is there any way to get audio postcard to communicate via Gmail and not via text msg (MMS)?
i don't have msging on my phone, but do have unlimited data - don't feel like paying $10+ for 2-4 uses a month
but it is a decent option for those who haven't tried it - hit it, camera opens, take a pix, another screen opens for the user to record a voice msg, then it asks who you'd like to send it to
as email addresses are one of the options, i assumed it would email - no luck - found the 8 attempts in the notification window showing me "MMS service not available"
larryccf said:
is there any way to get audio postcard to communicate via Gmail and not via text msg (MMS)?
i don't have msging on my phone, but do have unlimited data - don't feel like paying $10+ for 2-4 uses a month
but it is a decent option for those who haven't tried it - hit it, camera opens, take a pix, another screen opens for the user to record a voice msg, then it asks who you'd like to send it to
as email addresses are one of the options, i assumed it would email - no luck - found the 8 attempts in the notification window showing me "MMS service not available"
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I haven't really messed around with it but if it gives you an option to just save the file then you can do that. THen open gmail and attach the file.
tks for the suggestion, just checked - no option to save
Did you look in the gallery, I use this app all the time with the kids and it always saves the pictures, you don't have to choose save, as soon as you snap it, it's saved. I haven't changed any settings on mine and they save to /dcim/camera (or /sdcard/dcim/camera if using root explorer) Hope that helps.
they're there, but no voice attachment
tks - found "talking photos" on android market, it's a little cruder ie not as polished or as fluid in use, but works
Anybody got a version that I could install on international i9000 ?
Or maybe somebody got an idea for an app with this kind of funcionality ?
pyun said:
Here's my dump of my Galaxy S System/App folder
You should be able to find it in there.
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I got the .apk and the .odex file. How do I apply them? I tried to install the .apk manually and it failed. Do I add both files to a zip and flash via Clockwork Recovery?
Use root explorer and copy both files to system/apps folder
try using this tool

[TUT] Sending vCards via E-Mail

yesterday i came across an interesting thing. a friend of mine wanted me to send him a vcard of a contact via E-Mail. i thought that wouldn't be a problem, opened contacts and saw, that there was no option for that. and since MMS are fairly expensive in germany and e-mails are free i wanted to find a way to send it as an e-mail.
"Send Contact" only offers Beam or SMS/MMS
"Send as vCard" automatically opens up MMS
(see Screenshot #1)
but here is the solution for that!
1. Click Send as vCard
2. A new MMS opens (see Screenshot #2)
3. Press the Home key
4. Open a file explorer and navigate to \My Documents\UAContents\MMS UA\temp\
5. There is a file called 0_vCard
6. Copy that file to the Storage Card
7. Close the MMS, running in the background
8. Navigate to the Storage Card
6. Click 'n' hold the file and select Send (see Screenshot #3)
7. Select an Account (E-Mail)
8. you are ready to send the vCard as a file attachment (see Screenshot #4)
I know, this seems rather complicated and is probably not every day stuff to most of you, but it is good to know, that it is possible to do it. the most important thing, is to know, where the temporary vcard is stored. you could use the same way to beam the vcard via bluetooth, which is also not a standard option, or also for any other file type that can just be sent through MMS in the standard definition. still i think it is ridiculous, that you'd have to go through 8 steps and fumble around multitasking just because they "forgot" to put more options in that menu.
i hope you can use this information, just wanted to share my find
with best regards

