[Q] windows media center remote and dvr from anywhere - Android Software Development

I have a question, and possibly a challenge to you programmers out there. Is there any program for windows media center where i can browse the TV guide from far away not LAN and select things to record?
there is a program called "phone my PC" that lets me remotely connect to my PC from anywhere with cellular service or WiFi connection. However all the WMC remotes i have seen use LAN. Also, all seem to require me to be in front of the screen.
If none exist, im sure there are many people who would love a polished remote control app that would let you
1 browse the guide and set programs to record from work.
2 browse through recorded programs on your phone WITH thumbnails while your
already watching a program
3 has all the other functionality that the "myremote" already has
4 please make it work on vista
Any other ideas?

You could try remote potato. There was a guy who started making an android version but I think he gave up.

jgittins said:
You could try remote potato. There was a guy who started making an android version but I think he gave up.
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looks like a really cool program.. it seems to use a web browser from another pc to control a home pc..
if he didnt give up as u say he may have, all he would need to add is the remote control features in "myremote" and blend it in with the rest of the features for the perfect all in one app..
with a lot of polish, and im talking the kind of polish put into the android OS itself. i would be willing to pay some nice coin for such an app.

Big screen global has a remote guide via mobile browser, they currently have a windows 7 app, might make an android one also. works well for me


O2 XDA - wireless 'linkup' experiment! Help?

I was just wondering if its possible to 'link' the XDA Exec with multiple Laptops so that the laptops all show the XDA's display? Lets assume all Laptops have wi-fi, bluetooth and run Windows XP.
Purposes may be to share a PP presentation, show a software demo etc. (I need to give a tutorial and demo in a room with no projector ).
I was curious if anyone has had any experiance with this? Any advice regarding the best setup (or software) would be great. Cheers.
Nobody any ideas whatsoever?
You could install windows media encoder on one of the laptops, and a remote control app. Then run the remote control app so you can see your phone's screen. Once that's working you can run windows media encoder in screen caputre mode, all the other laptops will be able to connect it it then.
Broon said:
Nobody any ideas whatsoever?
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You can play with Microsoft's "ActiveSync Remote Display". The tool allows you to work with your PPC remotely from your laptop/PC using ActiveSync connection. But you will need to install ActiveSync and this tool to every laptop
If it is a matter of presentation, why don't you copy your presentation to local server's shared folder and ask people to open the file from this folder and listen to your instructions, like Going to next slide... At least there won't be any hassle with intervention to participants' laptops and personal space ))
ps: if you do possess a PC you can run something like MS Netmeeting and establish AS connection with your PDA through AS Remote Display at your PC. Share AS Remote Display application and ask people to connect to your PC's NetMeeting or any other remote conference software
Let us know on your results
IMate->WM2k5 said:
If it is a matter of presentation, why don't you copy your presentation to local server's shared folder and ask people to open the file from this folder and listen to your instructions, like Going to next slide... At least there won't be any hassle with intervention to participants' laptops and personal space ))
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Thats my last resort - I hate doing presentations like this especially when we have the technology to do something 'fancy' :lol:
I will give some feedback to let you know how I managed it (I will succeed)!
Cheers for the ideas!
IMate->WM2k5 said:
You can play with Microsoft's "ActiveSync Remote Display". The tool allows you to work with your PPC remotely from your laptop/PC using ActiveSync connection. But you will need to install ActiveSync and this tool to every laptop
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I just had a look at AS Remote Display and it seemed this would do the trick - However, it does not work with Windows Mobile 5.0.
Does anyone know of a release of AS Remote Display for Windows Mobile 5? I had a look around but there does not seem to be much on offer which is compliant with 5.0.
Right, another problem.
I just installed an app called : Laplink Controller thinking as it offered the functionality I was looking for.
After a supposidly successful install I tried to run it - no joy. It reccommended I uninstall and re-install the software, so I did.
When re-installing I got a message saying:
Cannot load resouce library:
It now comes up everytime I do a soft reset. Anybody seen this error?

turn off pc from pda?

Is it possible?
this does the job. not cheap though.
Or you can use Puppet Master
or you PEBBLES remote commander, available free; just google it and you will find it. it works great.
MakaveliReturns said:
Is it possible?
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I like "Logmein". It will switch off and on if you have wake on LAN. In short you can start and run any programme you would normally, including print etc etc.
Logmein is free though you have to register for obvious reasons as you can control any computer with internet access.
Find it here:
I beleive Menneisyys will be reviewing this type of application soon.
mikechannon said:
I like "Logmein". It will switch off and on if you have wake on LAN. In short you can start and run any programme you would normally, including print etc etc.
Logmein is free though you have to register for obvious reasons as you can control any computer with internet access.
Find it here:
I beleive Menneisyys will be reviewing this type of application soon.
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Yup, the reveiw will be published, it seems, tomorrow - I'm doing the last small fixes on it.
in the meantime, I recommend the "Shutdown?" row in the comparison chart at http://www.winmobiletech.com/PPC2PCRemoteRoundupTable.htm . In a nutshell, all remote controller apps can shut down the desktop PC, except for RDP-based ones.
What can I say, looks like menneisyys (the man who never sleeps!) is about to do it again. Even the comparison table is brilliant.
y pay (for software) to shut down your home pc! i use terminal client service to shut down home pc all the time!
MakaveliReturns, although remote control applications probably do more than ud like for them to do, they can accomplish ur purpose and i think ull love what they can do for u..
its just cool neway and comes in handy when im at school n such.
and a vote for logmein, a free wonderful tool, just got to register and install on ur pda and the computer u want to connect to, doesnt require the remote pc to confirm, just a psw ull have to input upon connection
good luck =)
Hi all, not sure if anyone wants to go this far, but I found an old Compaq DL580 server, and bought a remote lights out 2 card for it, bacisally the remote lights out card is a small webserver that has its own NIC and power, it detects for CE devices at login, and even has a slightly trimmed down admin page for it, I have had issues with RD spazzin out on me at times, and didn't really like the other remote login choices, I have to admit it put a big smile on my face powering on my server from my tytn with the tap of the screen, sorry if I went a bit off topic, I know this was just about powering off a pc, but for about $200 or less you can have total control, and not rely on 3rd parties, or microsoft.
mikechannon said:
I like "Logmein". It will switch off and on if you have wake on LAN. In short you can start and run any programme you would normally, including print etc etc.
Logmein is free though you have to register for obvious reasons as you can control any computer with internet access.
Find it here:
I beleive Menneisyys will be reviewing this type of application soon.
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I also use logmein. The great thing about this is that you can also use another pc to remote control your pc instead of you pda.

Remote desktop mobile - h e l p please

Hi People
I'm searching for a great remote desktop mobile for my new HD2 and have problems to find something good.
I'd love to install LogMeIn, but i suppose is impossible at this moment,
This Night i found this:
I suppose is from RDM plus, i install a demo version 3.7.6 and it is very different compared to the Remote desktop mobile from youtube Video.
Where can i find the remote desktop mobile from youtube video?
Need your help, please
That's the remote desktop client that comes with Windows mobile 6.5. It's in your start menu, in the tools folder
boss the remote desk top shown in you tube vedio is same as in hd2 .........
its not different ........
Logmein - Ignition works just fine.
or as the others just said - just use the one that came with your HD2.
just wondering whether anyone could help us to set it up step by step...
also just wondering do you have to have a router or it can also work on wireless USB broadband (thats what i have)
I used the theme in our forum for this, but I didnt succeeded with it, because Im using PPPoE internet and when I set everything, their appears conflict and the internet drops...
I found the app already, but what I'm looking for is how I can setup the use of a remote desktop gatewayserver?
The server I address is an IP-address, but in the Windows 7 setting, I need to specify this gatewayserver.
I'm no admin, so I can't install something @ server side.
Thanks for your help!
PS I was even trying to run only Remote App, instead of Remote Desktop...
johncmolyneux said:
That's the remote desktop client that comes with Windows mobile 6.5. It's in your start menu, in the tools folder
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Hi My Friend
First, Thanks for your help
Where can I find a document explain how configure windows Vista with the WM6.5 Remote Control Mobile?
Best Regards
mrmomoman said:
Logmein - Ignition works just fine.
or as the others just said - just use the one that came with your HD2.
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I create an account inside LogMeIn, but i can't found a cab or something to associate HTC HD2.
I search inside google LogMeIn PDA and can't see results, they only have to iphone.
Inside LogMeIn a add my computer, but i can't see to add PDA.
I will send an e-mail to LogMeIn, if can send me a PDA.cab
I dont like this company, there site is very complex
Best Regards people
Finally can connect my htc hd2 to windows vista with Remote Desktop Mobile.
The Youtube video man can zoom image, but I can't
Did i need to activate something?????
Need some help
Anastomosys said:
Finally can connect my htc hd2 to windows vista with Remote Desktop Mobile.
The Youtube video man can zoom image, but I can't
Did i need to activate something?????
Need some help
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First off - well done on getting it working
Secondly, install BsB Tweaks (if you haven't already) as that will let you fix both zooming and auto-rotating in it.
In BsB you can say you want to add an app for either zooming or rotating (you do them seperately, but it's the same process). You'll have to shake the device to let BsB know which app to make changes for. Just make sure you do it on a connected session (in remote desktop), NOT the login screen. They're 2 different things.
johncmolyneux said:
First off - well done on getting it working
Secondly, install BsB Tweaks (if you haven't already) as that will let you fix both zooming and auto-rotating in it.
In BsB you can say you want to add an app for either zooming or rotating (you do them seperately, but it's the same process). You'll have to shake the device to let BsB know which app to make changes for. Just make sure you do it on a connected session (in remote desktop), NOT the login screen. They're 2 different things.
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My Friend, it's done...works with perfection.
Thanks a lot
Best Regards and Excellent 2010

Controlling PC Remote Desktop

I am able to connect to my PC via the htc remote desktop application.
How do I stop it logging out the current user? This happens even when logging on with the same account.
I am trying to use my phone as a PC mouse to open file videos etc, so need to see the desktop at the same time on my phone.
Does anyone have a better way of doing this. I have tried logmein but this website does not allow me to select anything using the touch screen, although I can view the desktop fine.
It's not possible to see on both with remote desktop.
You should look into VNC. Or if you don't need to have the screen on the phone but just mouse/keyboard controls there's G-Remote.
You could also try logmein.com - it is great!
I use Mocha VNC.
You can try the following website, this shows how to allow concurrent remote desktop sessions, it is geared towards windows 7 but its a start...
SteveI said:
You can try the following website, this shows how to allow concurrent remote desktop sessions, it is geared towards windows 7 but its a start...
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Also, that method doesn't let you see the same desktop on the phone as on the pc, , , both are logged on, yes, and (example) files saved to the desktop will both be seen, however one wouldn't see the same windows media player as the other, and indeed you would have trouble with both logins running (some of) the same program together.
I know this because i have both vista and win7 installs that have had concurrent logins enabled, which I didfor exactly the same reason as OP, heh, it didn't work. Hah.
Something like the "Logitech Touch Mouse" app for the iTouch/Phone would be cool on a Windows Mobile platform.
More info about it http://www.geek.com/articles/mobile/control-your-pc-with-the-logitech-touch-mouse-iphone-app-2010021/
When I'm in bed, I'd like to be able to control my PC with my phone as if it were a TV remote controller or in other words a wireless mouse+keyboard.
Ibb1982 said:
Something like the "Logitech Touch Mouse" app for the iTouch/Phone would be cool on a Windows Mobile platform.
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kilrah said:
Or if you don't need to have the screen on the phone but just mouse/keyboard controls there's G-Remote.
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It's exactly it, plus a lot more like g-sensor support, direct media player control, etc. Search for it on here.
Hi all, first-time poster here, although long-time admirer of the excellent work that goes on here.
This thread has compelled me to post as a winmo version of this "Logitech Touch Mouse" app would be a really handy to control my media pc at home, as well as the Skype conferencing machine at work in place of the bulky and ugly wireless keyboard we currently use.
paul211b said:
I am able to connect to my PC via the htc remote desktop application.
How do I stop it logging out the current user? This happens even when logging on with the same account.
I am trying to use my phone as a PC mouse to open file videos etc, so need to see the desktop at the same time on my phone.
Does anyone have a better way of doing this. I have tried logmein but this website does not allow me to select anything using the touch screen, although I can view the desktop fine.
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This work fine if you do it to a terminal server, but not a client :-( this is the same what happens when you run rdp from a pc..it takes over the client..(like in xp, vista, win7) but again, i have a terminal server (win 2003) at home and running rdp from mt hd2 witout taking over the screen...

Stable and reliable app for viewing Android Phone Screen on PC?

Hi all,
I have used mymobiler and another one (cant recall) and find none of them reliable. Needs reboot of the PC or some different kind of circus to see the phone screen on the PC.
I wanted to make a youtube video showcasing few themes etc.. but unable to find a reliable app.
What do you use in here, whats a good one that i can use?
MANswers said:
Hi all,
I have used mymobiler and another one (cant recall) and find none of them reliable. Needs reboot of the PC or some different kind of circus to see the phone screen on the PC.
I wanted to make a youtube video showcasing few themes etc.. but unable to find a reliable app.
What do you use in here, whats a good one that i can use?
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look for "phone screen sharing" in samsung apps. there you'll find the mobile client!
there are also versions for all kind of PC's "floating" around, as normally the PC client is only for certain samsung models.
otherwise this tool works great!
TML1504 said:
look for "phone screen sharing" in samsung apps. there you'll find the mobile client!
there are also versions for all kind of PC's "floating" around, as normally the PC client is only for certain samsung models.
otherwise this tool works great!
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Thanks for your reply.
I will try that out.
Any thing else guys?
MANswers said:
Hi all,
I have used mymobiler and another one (cant recall) and find none of them reliable. Needs reboot of the PC or some different kind of circus to see the phone screen on the PC.
I wanted to make a youtube video showcasing few themes etc.. but unable to find a reliable app.
What do you use in here, whats a good one that i can use?
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Is your phone rooted? If so, I use VMLite VNC Server.
Just wanted to add, VMLite VNC Server works without rooting. Regular Note 3 works just fine, you will need a free desktop program to start the server, though. Once vnc server is running, you can use a vnc viewer on pc to view and control the android phone, and record a movie. etc.

