turn off pc from pda? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Is it possible?

this does the job. not cheap though.

Or you can use Puppet Master

or you PEBBLES remote commander, available free; just google it and you will find it. it works great.

MakaveliReturns said:
Is it possible?
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I like "Logmein". It will switch off and on if you have wake on LAN. In short you can start and run any programme you would normally, including print etc etc.
Logmein is free though you have to register for obvious reasons as you can control any computer with internet access.
Find it here:
I beleive Menneisyys will be reviewing this type of application soon.

mikechannon said:
I like "Logmein". It will switch off and on if you have wake on LAN. In short you can start and run any programme you would normally, including print etc etc.
Logmein is free though you have to register for obvious reasons as you can control any computer with internet access.
Find it here:
I beleive Menneisyys will be reviewing this type of application soon.
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Yup, the reveiw will be published, it seems, tomorrow - I'm doing the last small fixes on it.
in the meantime, I recommend the "Shutdown?" row in the comparison chart at http://www.winmobiletech.com/PPC2PCRemoteRoundupTable.htm . In a nutshell, all remote controller apps can shut down the desktop PC, except for RDP-based ones.

What can I say, looks like menneisyys (the man who never sleeps!) is about to do it again. Even the comparison table is brilliant.

y pay (for software) to shut down your home pc! i use terminal client service to shut down home pc all the time!

MakaveliReturns, although remote control applications probably do more than ud like for them to do, they can accomplish ur purpose and i think ull love what they can do for u..
its just cool neway and comes in handy when im at school n such.
and a vote for logmein, a free wonderful tool, just got to register and install on ur pda and the computer u want to connect to, doesnt require the remote pc to confirm, just a psw ull have to input upon connection
good luck =)

Hi all, not sure if anyone wants to go this far, but I found an old Compaq DL580 server, and bought a remote lights out 2 card for it, bacisally the remote lights out card is a small webserver that has its own NIC and power, it detects for CE devices at login, and even has a slightly trimmed down admin page for it, I have had issues with RD spazzin out on me at times, and didn't really like the other remote login choices, I have to admit it put a big smile on my face powering on my server from my tytn with the tap of the screen, sorry if I went a bit off topic, I know this was just about powering off a pc, but for about $200 or less you can have total control, and not rely on 3rd parties, or microsoft.

mikechannon said:
I like "Logmein". It will switch off and on if you have wake on LAN. In short you can start and run any programme you would normally, including print etc etc.
Logmein is free though you have to register for obvious reasons as you can control any computer with internet access.
Find it here:
I beleive Menneisyys will be reviewing this type of application soon.
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I also use logmein. The great thing about this is that you can also use another pc to remote control your pc instead of you pda.


O2 XDA - wireless 'linkup' experiment! Help?

I was just wondering if its possible to 'link' the XDA Exec with multiple Laptops so that the laptops all show the XDA's display? Lets assume all Laptops have wi-fi, bluetooth and run Windows XP.
Purposes may be to share a PP presentation, show a software demo etc. (I need to give a tutorial and demo in a room with no projector ).
I was curious if anyone has had any experiance with this? Any advice regarding the best setup (or software) would be great. Cheers.
Nobody any ideas whatsoever?
You could install windows media encoder on one of the laptops, and a remote control app. Then run the remote control app so you can see your phone's screen. Once that's working you can run windows media encoder in screen caputre mode, all the other laptops will be able to connect it it then.
Broon said:
Nobody any ideas whatsoever?
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You can play with Microsoft's "ActiveSync Remote Display". The tool allows you to work with your PPC remotely from your laptop/PC using ActiveSync connection. But you will need to install ActiveSync and this tool to every laptop
If it is a matter of presentation, why don't you copy your presentation to local server's shared folder and ask people to open the file from this folder and listen to your instructions, like Going to next slide... At least there won't be any hassle with intervention to participants' laptops and personal space ))
ps: if you do possess a PC you can run something like MS Netmeeting and establish AS connection with your PDA through AS Remote Display at your PC. Share AS Remote Display application and ask people to connect to your PC's NetMeeting or any other remote conference software
Let us know on your results
IMate->WM2k5 said:
If it is a matter of presentation, why don't you copy your presentation to local server's shared folder and ask people to open the file from this folder and listen to your instructions, like Going to next slide... At least there won't be any hassle with intervention to participants' laptops and personal space ))
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Thats my last resort - I hate doing presentations like this especially when we have the technology to do something 'fancy' :lol:
I will give some feedback to let you know how I managed it (I will succeed)!
Cheers for the ideas!
IMate->WM2k5 said:
You can play with Microsoft's "ActiveSync Remote Display". The tool allows you to work with your PPC remotely from your laptop/PC using ActiveSync connection. But you will need to install ActiveSync and this tool to every laptop
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I just had a look at AS Remote Display and it seemed this would do the trick - However, it does not work with Windows Mobile 5.0.
Does anyone know of a release of AS Remote Display for Windows Mobile 5? I had a look around but there does not seem to be much on offer which is compliant with 5.0.
Right, another problem.
I just installed an app called : Laplink Controller thinking as it offered the functionality I was looking for.
After a supposidly successful install I tried to run it - no joy. It reccommended I uninstall and re-install the software, so I did.
When re-installing I got a message saying:
Cannot load resouce library:
It now comes up everytime I do a soft reset. Anybody seen this error?


i have the new ROM and i am registered with LOGMEIN.com (a remote desktop/file tran etc site), its all free to use and it works perfectly with the universal, you can zoom in or have the desktop fit to screen (best in landscape mode), its so easy, i can connect throw our corp filewall, ive tested it connecting to XP Pro SP2 and also Server 2003, both look so good on the phone :lol:
Has anyone else tryed this site or anyone have the full account (have to pay for that) so i can see if its worth buying (not that you ever have too)
echo that, I think it's a fantastic service!
This is amazing - it even suppots duel monitors.
I agree!
It certainly made my life easier. No more USB key!
I tried the following before settling to Logmein Free:
1. GotomyPC - Excellent speed and interface but very expensive for private users.
2. WebEx - very good, slower than GotomyPC, much cheaper.
3. Logmein Pro - Identical to Logmein Free but extra features such as File Transfer, Print to local printer.
I would say even if you are fairly competent at setting up your own remote access using other software, Logmein free is still worth a look.
P.S. The place where I work has a Plasma display(Wifi connected)that needs to be changed almost on a daily basis. I do this by Logmein to my office computer and use VNC from my office computer to update it!
I discovered it a few months ago and it's fantastic. I am not decided yet on whether to upgrade to Pro, though if I did the only reason really would be the filesharing option.
VNC was my previous choice, but it's much slower - even when connecting over the local network. With logmein I can be sat on the sofa at home, controlling the PC upstairs and chatting on MSN. I've also used it from work to control the home PC. I can't believe how fast it is.
my girlfriend uses it at wrk as msn etc and a forum she goes to is blocked, howvever she uses og me in to use or computer to use msn and go to her forums etc lol
how is this different from the remote desktop feature that is built into windows xp?
jab1a said:
i have the new ROM and i am registered with LOGMEIN.com (a remote desktop/file tran etc site), its all free to use and it works perfectly with the universal, you can zoom in or have the desktop fit to screen (best in landscape mode), its so easy, i can connect throw our corp filewall, ive tested it connecting to XP Pro SP2 and also Server 2003, both look so good on the phone :lol:
Has anyone else tryed this site or anyone have the full account (have to pay for that) so i can see if its worth buying (not that you ever have too)
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Hold on, it's free and fantastic? What's the catch??
OK, just installed it.
This folks, is FANTASTIC.
If I forget to start my downloads after I've left for work, no problems. Just log onto my PC and start the program!
Id I need a file from my PC, just log into Outlook and email it, to myself!
Wow, just WOW. And p1ss easy to set up.
Anyone know what the data throughput it - I'm gonna test it now with 3G on, instead of through Wifi - hopefully the speed will still be decent, but I don't want to be stung for huge data download charges.
EDIT: Speed via GPRS and 3G is still well usable.
What a find OP!
How do i access it using opera browser from my pda, it seems that logmein only work with IE, but is seems that there is nothing on the screen.. do i need to install java for it? where can i get this java apps..?
Hmm ja very strange, in opera and PIE I get the same message, saying "A Windows Pocket PC 2003 or newer is required...." and then asks you to download some "downgrade" CAB...which I install but it still doesnt work neither IE or Opera... Im a bit clueless what the problem is since the FAQ also doesnt mention anything about that.
Edit: Ok, after a reset of the universal it works. Speed is pretty lame over GPRS but what can you expect...its for free and its great. I can even control my Linux machine via VNC from the Windows Remote machine that I access via Logme in...Thanks a lot for that great tip!
I have used both Remote Desktop (the server is built into Windows XP PRO and Windows 2003) and LogMeIn.com.
Remote Desktop doesn't have a full screen mode.
Remote Desktop is faster. But, since my computer is behind a wireless router, I wasn't able to make it work - no matter how I configure the router, it can't connect.
So I use LogMeIn.com, the free version. It's slower but it has a full screen mode. I have absolutely no problems related to the firewall (wireless router). It just works.
Absolutely fantastic.
I use logmein pro for my 'always on' HTPC and the free version for our laptop. It is, quite simply, wonderful.
Runs well from my work network and my trusty Himalaya. I wonder if there is a way to use it to set up an activesync alternative to get around the lack of wifi support now :?:
Been using this since September last year. Awesome product and I still can't believe it's free.
excuse me, but using it with netfront 3.3 or opera 8.5 it just permit me file transfer. non desktop control!
what am i doing wrong?
i'm accessing it with a jasjar
lucazaffiro said:
excuse me, but using it with netfront 3.3 or opera 8.5 it just permit me file transfer. non desktop control!
what am i doing wrong?
i'm accessing it with a jasjar
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Since you have IE on the handheld anyhoew, think of your IE exclusively as your interface for LogmeIn.
belfast-biker said:
lucazaffiro said:
excuse me, but using it with netfront 3.3 or opera 8.5 it just permit me file transfer. non desktop control!
what am i doing wrong?
i'm accessing it with a jasjar
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Since you have IE on the handheld anyhoew, think of your IE exclusively as your interface for LogmeIn.
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yes but from my desktop i see a lot of oppotunity to use my "controlled" pc. with NETFRONT i see just the option "file transfer". with opera after installing a specific cab i'm not allowed to connect
any hint?
that is strange but i can only think that it has something to do with the way those 2 bits of software handle ActiveX, IE is very good at it, the last person was right, just think of ~IE as your excusive logmein.com browser for remote desktop, its a hardship but somethings you have to live with :wink:
You should be aware that this service exposes you to being hacked, it uses SSL to encrypt between LOGMEIN.com & your PC & PDA but has to unencript all the data on the LOGMEIN.com server as you can't have back to back SSL connections.
Anyone hacking the server would be able to connect to your PC or PDA as if they were you.
Suggest at the very least that you don't leave an open connection & have a short timeout to a login screen on your PC.
Its a great bit of software.... I havent really played around with any other software like this, but this seems to do the job for me quite well....
i do however agree with the security issue... Yes you are opening a potential hole in your security albeit a very small one


FYI - if you're looking for a good free remote access program try logmein.com
it's free and it's compatible with our mogul's. I've used my phone to access information from both my work PC and Home PC on numerous occasions.
utexascg said:
FYI - if you're looking for a good free remote access program try logmein.com
it's free and it's compatible with our mogul's. I've used my phone to access information from both my work PC and Home PC on numerous occasions.
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VNC is faster.
And open source.
I tried logmein once... it was nice, but I found the interface to be a PITA, and a resource hog in the PC server side.
Also, VNC can let me remote my linux box, my office mac, and my home PC since it is multi-platform. Its cool to show people that I'm running OS X on my Mogul (take THAT, iphone!). This is all stuff logmein, gotomypc, and all the other web-based remote desktop clients won't support.
Those are good for people who don't have the networking knowledge to set up a proper VNC server that can be accessed via a public address.
can you post a link to the viewer you use ? thx!!
I tried VNC once, but I didn't want to waste the time researching and setting it up to be used from anywhere, so I just downloaded Logmein so I could do it easily.
killerkhatiby009 said:
I tried VNC once, but I didn't want to waste the time researching and setting it up to be used from anywhere, so I just downloaded Logmein so I could do it easily.
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easily, perhaps, but also slower and using more resources on the PC side.
Vertig0, there's a bunch of VNC clients you can use. Some are free (the .net one), but the really good ones are commercial (but still cheap... like $20 for PTVnc, which is the fastest of the bunch).
The only problem I have with logmein is that I auto hide the start menu and it is a ***** to trick it into opening.

Air Sharing for Windows Mobile?

First things first, I'm not new to the forum...and I apologize for creating a thread for this!
So I was in the iTunes app store for my iPod Touch and I came across this ultimately cool app: Air Sharing
This program lets you use the iPhone/iPod Touch as a virtual drive, available with pw protection.
Do any of you know if theres something like this for Windows Mobile Phones? Or if someone is interested in developing something like this?
There are apps that will turn the PDA into a USB disk. I prefer just running a small FTP server on the PDA to dump my files via WiFi whenever I need to.
Now if someone could only port a SSH server as well so I could tunnel traffic though SSH, that be sweet.
really? Do you mind posting up the usb app or something like that?
it's called wmstorage i think the most recent one is 1.8 you should be able to search in dev and hack and find it
what type of device do you have?
wm5 storage works really well, also softick card export will show on pc as usb drive. but these are not wireless.
wow thanks a lot for all the suggestions, though the wireless part of air sharing is totally cool. I'll be sure to look into the suggestions tho
So does anyone know how to make something like air share? I have the touch, since I dont like the iPhone..(weird i know) but the touch uses wifi so it couldnt keep a stable internet connection all the time thus not allowing me access files on it all the time as well..
Any chances a developer out there would take a look into something like this?
a Friend had Airshare on his iphone,
he come to me, had my WLAn Key...
he startet Airshare, give me an Link (from his Iphone)
i write it to my Internet Explorer at PC, and TATA, i can download or Upload Files to the Iphone
needs some seconds Time, that i can Upload Files to Airshare
this is really cool
i search as well an Ap for WM like Airshare.
Bump this thread, very interested in an app like this, used the air sharing today on an iphone and would love to be able to use my phone as a wireless drive. Ive tried things like mocha ftp and can only send from phone to computer not the other way. Appreciate any help with finding an app for winmo!
Thanks in advance.
edit double post.
I use mocha and I can send from the computer to the phone just fine. If you're having problems doing that, try using a dedicated FTP client like FileZilla.
Here is my good deed of the day:
I tested, checked for any issues and found none. It literally setups your phone as a server.
However, it a very little known app. Play at your own risk.
Very kind. Thank you for your speedy response. This is why I love XDA Devs.
OK. Slightly delayed response here... However, I'm considering switching back to a WinMo phone and ditching the restricted iPhone... However, I would like to ensure that I have the same functionality on my WinMo as I do with my iPhone, so I'm looking for similar or same apps before I make the switch... Looks like "Air Sharing" has a WinMo comparable app: www . mobile-stream . com / airshare . html ... Mobile Stream's "Air Share"...
Does the mobile-stream work for windows mobile to use it as a secondary monitor for computer?
also I notice its only for bluetooth. Is there on for just using internet ?

[Q] HD2 Remote Desktop Programs

Hi all,
I presently am using Shape Services RDM+ to do my remote tasks and although a little cumbersome on the HD2 it does work great, however its the cumbersome bit that is making me wonder what else is out there that 1; WORKS! and 2; Is free or at least a reasonable price (RDM+ is reasonable).
Ones I have tried and they failed miserably are MS's own remote desktop and Symantecs pcAnywhere. The MS creation as usual was nothing but error message after error message and pcAnywhere would connect then disconnect every time so they are both ditched.
RDM+ connects reliably and stays connected and does what I want but it was made for use with a stylus and that's annoying on the HD2. Maybe an update one day will fix this annoyance with it because it really is very good otherwise.
So what else could do the job reliably that also has a finger touch interface designed for our great HD2's?
Thanks for suggestions.
try logmein ignition ...its a great app
I use tightvnc on the PC,then connect to it using androidvnc on the phone.you will get better results using vnc solutions than remote desktop solutions(although they are pretty much the same thing) with the added benefit that windows wont log you off when you connect from the phone using vnc,meaning you can use the phone as a remote and see the results on the PC monitor.with remote desktop you can't be logged in at the PC and at the phone.even with the concurrent logins hack which would allow this,you wouldn't see the same things on each screen.
Summary get tightvnc for PC and androidvnc from market.
there's also zaDekstop, which seem bit old but is: 1. free 2. more convenient than WM's Remote Desktop,
js13 said:
try logmein ignition ...its a great app
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I gave logmein a go the other day and it would not install successfully to my Vista PC.
I might give it another go, ignition does not seem to offer a winmo6.5 version but worth a shot anyway.
Thanks for the suggestion.
samsamuel said:
I use tightvnc on the PC,then connect to it using androidvnc on the phone.you will get better results using vnc solutions than remote desktop solutions(although they are pretty much the same thing) with the added benefit that windows wont log you off when you connect from the phone using vnc,meaning you can use the phone as a remote and see the results on the PC monitor.with remote desktop you can't be logged in at the PC and at the phone.even with the concurrent logins hack which would allow this,you wouldn't see the same things on each screen.
Summary get tightvnc for PC and androidvnc from market.
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Ummm...should of said I'm running good ole winmo 6.5 so I'm guessing androidvnc will not be much good, is there a winmo vnc at all? I'll google and find out.
Thanks mate.
p107r0 said:
there's also zaDekstop, which seem bit old but is: 1. free 2. more convenient than WM's Remote Desktop,
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Looks good but maybe it won't like my Vista me thinks?
Worth a shot but.
Thanks mate.
My personal favorite is by wyse. Pocket cloud. Best interface. rdp
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
3octaves said:
Ummm...should of said I'm running good ole winmo 6.5 so I'm guessing androidvnc will not be much good, is there a winmo vnc at all? I'll google and find out.
Thanks mate.
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hehe my fault, forgot what section i was in.
i didnt look any deeper than the google results page, but there are several that look promising (where promising = free )

