Air Sharing for Windows Mobile? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

First things first, I'm not new to the forum...and I apologize for creating a thread for this!
So I was in the iTunes app store for my iPod Touch and I came across this ultimately cool app: Air Sharing
This program lets you use the iPhone/iPod Touch as a virtual drive, available with pw protection.
Do any of you know if theres something like this for Windows Mobile Phones? Or if someone is interested in developing something like this?

There are apps that will turn the PDA into a USB disk. I prefer just running a small FTP server on the PDA to dump my files via WiFi whenever I need to.
Now if someone could only port a SSH server as well so I could tunnel traffic though SSH, that be sweet.

really? Do you mind posting up the usb app or something like that?

it's called wmstorage i think the most recent one is 1.8 you should be able to search in dev and hack and find it

what type of device do you have?
wm5 storage works really well, also softick card export will show on pc as usb drive. but these are not wireless.

wow thanks a lot for all the suggestions, though the wireless part of air sharing is totally cool. I'll be sure to look into the suggestions tho
So does anyone know how to make something like air share? I have the touch, since I dont like the iPhone..(weird i know) but the touch uses wifi so it couldnt keep a stable internet connection all the time thus not allowing me access files on it all the time as well..
Any chances a developer out there would take a look into something like this?

a Friend had Airshare on his iphone,
he come to me, had my WLAn Key...
he startet Airshare, give me an Link (from his Iphone)
i write it to my Internet Explorer at PC, and TATA, i can download or Upload Files to the Iphone
needs some seconds Time, that i can Upload Files to Airshare
this is really cool
i search as well an Ap for WM like Airshare.

Bump this thread, very interested in an app like this, used the air sharing today on an iphone and would love to be able to use my phone as a wireless drive. Ive tried things like mocha ftp and can only send from phone to computer not the other way. Appreciate any help with finding an app for winmo!
Thanks in advance.

edit double post.

I use mocha and I can send from the computer to the phone just fine. If you're having problems doing that, try using a dedicated FTP client like FileZilla.

Here is my good deed of the day:
I tested, checked for any issues and found none. It literally setups your phone as a server.
However, it a very little known app. Play at your own risk.

Very kind. Thank you for your speedy response. This is why I love XDA Devs.

OK. Slightly delayed response here... However, I'm considering switching back to a WinMo phone and ditching the restricted iPhone... However, I would like to ensure that I have the same functionality on my WinMo as I do with my iPhone, so I'm looking for similar or same apps before I make the switch... Looks like "Air Sharing" has a WinMo comparable app: www . mobile-stream . com / airshare . html ... Mobile Stream's "Air Share"...

Does the mobile-stream work for windows mobile to use it as a secondary monitor for computer?
also I notice its only for bluetooth. Is there on for just using internet ?



i have the new ROM and i am registered with (a remote desktop/file tran etc site), its all free to use and it works perfectly with the universal, you can zoom in or have the desktop fit to screen (best in landscape mode), its so easy, i can connect throw our corp filewall, ive tested it connecting to XP Pro SP2 and also Server 2003, both look so good on the phone :lol:
Has anyone else tryed this site or anyone have the full account (have to pay for that) so i can see if its worth buying (not that you ever have too)
echo that, I think it's a fantastic service!
This is amazing - it even suppots duel monitors.
I agree!
It certainly made my life easier. No more USB key!
I tried the following before settling to Logmein Free:
1. GotomyPC - Excellent speed and interface but very expensive for private users.
2. WebEx - very good, slower than GotomyPC, much cheaper.
3. Logmein Pro - Identical to Logmein Free but extra features such as File Transfer, Print to local printer.
I would say even if you are fairly competent at setting up your own remote access using other software, Logmein free is still worth a look.
P.S. The place where I work has a Plasma display(Wifi connected)that needs to be changed almost on a daily basis. I do this by Logmein to my office computer and use VNC from my office computer to update it!
I discovered it a few months ago and it's fantastic. I am not decided yet on whether to upgrade to Pro, though if I did the only reason really would be the filesharing option.
VNC was my previous choice, but it's much slower - even when connecting over the local network. With logmein I can be sat on the sofa at home, controlling the PC upstairs and chatting on MSN. I've also used it from work to control the home PC. I can't believe how fast it is.
my girlfriend uses it at wrk as msn etc and a forum she goes to is blocked, howvever she uses og me in to use or computer to use msn and go to her forums etc lol
how is this different from the remote desktop feature that is built into windows xp?
jab1a said:
i have the new ROM and i am registered with (a remote desktop/file tran etc site), its all free to use and it works perfectly with the universal, you can zoom in or have the desktop fit to screen (best in landscape mode), its so easy, i can connect throw our corp filewall, ive tested it connecting to XP Pro SP2 and also Server 2003, both look so good on the phone :lol:
Has anyone else tryed this site or anyone have the full account (have to pay for that) so i can see if its worth buying (not that you ever have too)
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Hold on, it's free and fantastic? What's the catch??
OK, just installed it.
This folks, is FANTASTIC.
If I forget to start my downloads after I've left for work, no problems. Just log onto my PC and start the program!
Id I need a file from my PC, just log into Outlook and email it, to myself!
Wow, just WOW. And p1ss easy to set up.
Anyone know what the data throughput it - I'm gonna test it now with 3G on, instead of through Wifi - hopefully the speed will still be decent, but I don't want to be stung for huge data download charges.
EDIT: Speed via GPRS and 3G is still well usable.
What a find OP!
How do i access it using opera browser from my pda, it seems that logmein only work with IE, but is seems that there is nothing on the screen.. do i need to install java for it? where can i get this java apps..?
Hmm ja very strange, in opera and PIE I get the same message, saying "A Windows Pocket PC 2003 or newer is required...." and then asks you to download some "downgrade" CAB...which I install but it still doesnt work neither IE or Opera... Im a bit clueless what the problem is since the FAQ also doesnt mention anything about that.
Edit: Ok, after a reset of the universal it works. Speed is pretty lame over GPRS but what can you expect...its for free and its great. I can even control my Linux machine via VNC from the Windows Remote machine that I access via Logme in...Thanks a lot for that great tip!
I have used both Remote Desktop (the server is built into Windows XP PRO and Windows 2003) and
Remote Desktop doesn't have a full screen mode.
Remote Desktop is faster. But, since my computer is behind a wireless router, I wasn't able to make it work - no matter how I configure the router, it can't connect.
So I use, the free version. It's slower but it has a full screen mode. I have absolutely no problems related to the firewall (wireless router). It just works.
Absolutely fantastic.
I use logmein pro for my 'always on' HTPC and the free version for our laptop. It is, quite simply, wonderful.
Runs well from my work network and my trusty Himalaya. I wonder if there is a way to use it to set up an activesync alternative to get around the lack of wifi support now :?:
Been using this since September last year. Awesome product and I still can't believe it's free.
excuse me, but using it with netfront 3.3 or opera 8.5 it just permit me file transfer. non desktop control!
what am i doing wrong?
i'm accessing it with a jasjar
lucazaffiro said:
excuse me, but using it with netfront 3.3 or opera 8.5 it just permit me file transfer. non desktop control!
what am i doing wrong?
i'm accessing it with a jasjar
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Since you have IE on the handheld anyhoew, think of your IE exclusively as your interface for LogmeIn.
belfast-biker said:
lucazaffiro said:
excuse me, but using it with netfront 3.3 or opera 8.5 it just permit me file transfer. non desktop control!
what am i doing wrong?
i'm accessing it with a jasjar
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Since you have IE on the handheld anyhoew, think of your IE exclusively as your interface for LogmeIn.
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yes but from my desktop i see a lot of oppotunity to use my "controlled" pc. with NETFRONT i see just the option "file transfer". with opera after installing a specific cab i'm not allowed to connect
any hint?
that is strange but i can only think that it has something to do with the way those 2 bits of software handle ActiveX, IE is very good at it, the last person was right, just think of ~IE as your excusive browser for remote desktop, its a hardship but somethings you have to live with :wink:
You should be aware that this service exposes you to being hacked, it uses SSL to encrypt between & your PC & PDA but has to unencript all the data on the server as you can't have back to back SSL connections.
Anyone hacking the server would be able to connect to your PC or PDA as if they were you.
Suggest at the very least that you don't leave an open connection & have a short timeout to a login screen on your PC.
Its a great bit of software.... I havent really played around with any other software like this, but this seems to do the job for me quite well....
i do however agree with the security issue... Yes you are opening a potential hole in your security albeit a very small one

Mac users with X1's (or any WinMo phone for that matter!)

So I was wondering, what Mac-users here are using to make life easier using a Windows Mobile phone with a Macintosh?
I currently use SyncMate (free version, just for contacts and agenda backups) and have tried using Doublemate to sync my phone to iTunes, but that didn't work yet and actually haven't tried anymore since months. So I just copy over musicfiles from iTunes to the X1 in USB-mode.
For movies I just use iSquint to re-encode them to MP4's to watch in the mediapanel. Still need to find a way to properly tag my iTunes library because I'm still getting 'unknown artists' which of course is highly annoying!
I backup a lot of mobile-snapshots with iPhoto, which I find to be an excellent and easy-to-use photomanager though with poor flickr-integration (I use flickr-uploader mostly anyway).
So, Mac user's of X1's and WinMo devices, share with me and others your experiences, tips & tricks of using two highly competing OS's!
I don't think many people use Macs here...
I use my MarkSpace Missing Sync for Windows Mobile ( to sync Address Book and iCal with my X1. I tried SyncMate (the paid version), didn't like it, think it needed more development; one annoying thing it did was try to grab every USB device connected to my Mac. I've also got Parallels VM installed, so I can also use MS ActiveSync.
I don't worry too much about trying to sync with iTunes or iPhoto, just simply mount my X1 and transfer files using drag and drop - keep it simple.
I also use my X1 as a wireless broadband modem. I use OS X bluetooth DUN rather than a USB connection, works well.
I don't consider OS X and WM compete at all. In fact there's plenty of support around that they complement one and other nicely.
I've been totally anti-microsoft mac-head person for a long time... BUT I've been a huge fan of SE phones also for a equally long time.
I was thinking of getting a iPhone like everyone else, but there were so many features missing you'll get on a "regular" smartphone. And I was also a avid Palm user also in their pre-phone pda heyday. So it was just so logical go with X1.
Just flashed to 6.5 it got rid of so many annoying things I didn't like on 6.1. Mainly on UI side. And I love the superhackability of WM/HTC phones. You can do anything like with them. iPhones a different game.
Basically the keypoints for me were keyboard, console-emulators and expanpability/hackability. Actually I consider my X1 as a nice little xtra laptop to live alongside my MacBook Pro. Nowadays I don't drag my 17" inch along all the time as I can do all the things I need on the go with X1. And WM is a pretty straightforward and basic OS so I get along with it.
My mac talks and syncs pretty decently with X1 via Missing Sync. It's not perfect but enough for me. And mostly the regular usb transfer does the trick.
And after founding out xda-developers this has grown into a nice little hobby to tweak around with WM
I use itune agent to sync my itune music on pc with my x1 it works
ok another option is the program salling
both are made to sync non ipods/phones with itunes
but not sure if there are mac versions of them or other options for mac
Are you guys also irritated by OS X leaving invisble files on Windows devices? I'm guessing it's something that has a good function within OS X itself, but outside of OS X it just takes up space.
double post please delete
Hey all, I was using Missing Sync from MarkSpace worked great, although sometimes you might need to reboot both devices if recognisation is FAIL.
Anyway ran into some problems a while back with restoring my backups with some roms just failing after a restore, figured it mustve been a problem with a specific contact, so now have two different contact databases, my phone and my pc.
yo hezz05 look at blueharvest
should help
ddutchie said:
yo hezz05 look at blueharvest
should help
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Thanks! Just installed it, hopefully will keep those files off of my devices.
mmm what do u guys think is the best software around?
migrated from Vista
XpErIaX1-IdOu said:
mmm what do u guys think is the best software around?
migrated from Vista
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What do you mean? To backup or update your contactlists etc?
I just use a free copy of Syncmate, I only use it to backup contacts. Other stuff I just drop as a USB drive.

RealVNC or UVNC on TP2?

Yes or No? I have remote controller and while it works good, it doesnt recognize the slide keyboard, idk if realvnc or uvnc will, but they're more universal and all my machines already have uvnc on them
Are you talking about a viewer/client or a server on your phone?
RealVNC's website says they have a WM viewer, but there don't seem to be any links to it and it appears to be a commercial product. I don't see any evidence that UltraVNC make a WM viewer.
There are a couple of fully workable free viewers around. Search for vnc-E4_2_7b4-arm_pocketpc_viewer or check out
mstevens said:
Are you talking about a viewer/client or a server on your phone?
RealVNC's website says they have a WM viewer, but there don't seem to be any links to it and it appears to be a commercial product. I don't see any evidence that UltraVNC make a WM viewer.
There are a couple of fully workable free viewers around. Search for vnc-E4_2_7b4-arm_pocketpc_viewer or check out
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There was also a beta 5: vnc-E4_2_7b5-arm_pocketpc_viewer
Here you go...
This version works fine. I've been using it for quite some while now.
awesome, and this supports the proprietary keyboard on the tp2? Its a serious pain in the ace having to pull up the char. map that this remote im using now needs
Got it running perfect, exactly what I was lookin for, thanks for the help guys
Police Scanner for Win Mo?
Ive seen it for both the droid and the (stupid POS) iphone, theres gotta be a scanner for windows mobile, anyone seen anything?
I've been making a couple posts about UltraVNC mobile over at their website, but I doubt any of the developers really have a Windows Mobile phone to mess around with it. I have the RealVNC one, pre-paid-app version. It seems to be the best. I wish UltraVNC did develop a mobile version because I can't view my secondary monitor on the VNC viewer I'm using now.
Also, just as a note, there are VNC servers out there for your phone so you can use a VNC viewer on your PC to control your phone, but I haven't found one that was always stable. This one seems to be the best bet, but now it's a paid-app.
XITruthiX said:
Ive seen it for both the droid and the (stupid POS) iphone, theres gotta be a scanner for windows mobile, anyone seen anything?
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Are you sure this is the right thread for that question?
XITruthiX said:
Got it running perfect, exactly what I was lookin for, thanks for the help guys
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i tried but i kept getting this error: unable to connect to host: connection timed out (10060)
i was able to connect from pc to pc but not wm to pc. host runs on Win 7 with Outpost firewall. I already allow it on my firewall and forwarded those ports on my router. if you or anyone knows the solution, please tell me. thx.
on your windows 7 pc run uvnc server, Not realvnc. It doesnt work idk why. set it up to recieve the user, pass, and to recieve remote input and then connect using wm realvnc. works on all my machines
I found this a while back it seems to work fine just unzip and copy over to your SD card then run the exe. I personally copied it to my programs folder then created a shortcut to in my start menu.
First Post by the way

Remote Desktop and VNC Issues

Ok, i know this one has probably been done to death, and yes i have searched the internet and this board for an answer and i couldn't find it. So what is my question you may ask?
My question is this. Where do i find a working remote desktop application for windows mobile 6.5 (OS version 5.2.21869) rom version 1.66.405.2 (FYI my provider is O2-UK, the device is fresh out of the factory and not O2 branded). I have an app installed at the monent that is supposed to work but all i get is a "connecting" message and nothing more and that's using wifi to a windows 2003 SBS server or my windows 7 pro desktop. I have tried IP address's and hostnames and still nothing. I did notice that if i connected to the server from my desktop while my phone was trying to do the same i did get a "connection failed" message on the phone. I'm also having issues getting vnc to work (it's acutally pretty much the same problem as i get with RDP).
I do know my wifi works becuase i use it all the time in the house and the GSM radio is definitely able to talk to my home network on the external side because exchange direct push is working perfectly in secure mode.
So ideas or links will be welcome.
Thanks guys and it's good to be back.
I just had a thought. Would the activex control for IE that RWWP work?
The problem is your setup on your PC. Remote desktop on the phone works out of the box (as long as it can connect then it will.)
There have been discussions on this forum about Windows 7 and remote desktop, so it's there to find (I know you said you searched, but it is there!)
I use Windows XP and had my home PC setup for RDP connections already as I connect from other PCs, so when I got my HD2 it worked straight away.
I should say at this point i am an IT Engineer. I have tested this to death. I have tried it with firewalls on and firewalls off. Exceptions allowed and not.
Please also note i was trying to connect to my windows 2003 SBS server which does work from my desktop (and if i really wanted to i can connect from the server to the desktop using RDP or VNC) and my preivous HTC touch diamond and the HTC artemis i had before that. Although since my last RDP install on a phone (and considering my last phone ran WM6.1) i've lost the cab file i had.
John, thanks for the fast response. I really do appreciated it but i think you missed the mark a little. If you wanna have another stab feel free.
M3PH said:
I should say at this point i am an IT Engineer. I have tested this to death. I have tried it with firewalls on and firewalls off. Exceptions allowed and not.
Please also note i was trying to connect to my windows 2003 SBS server which does work from my desktop (and if i really wanted to i can connect from the server to the desktop using RDP or VNC) and my preivous HTC touch diamond and the HTC artemis i had before that. Although since my last RDP install on a phone (and considering my last phone ran WM6.1) i've lost the cab file i had.
John, thanks for the fast response. I really do appreciated it but i think you missed the mark a little. If you wanna have another stab feel free.
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I'm not a Windows 7 user, so I can't vouch for any of the conversations that I've seen on here, but there have been many regarding this exact issue. It usually turns out that they don't have a version of Windows 7 that will allow them to host RDP sessions, or that there was a setup issue that could be resolved.
Have a look at this thread and see if anything there helps...
I got this from searching and was a little confused as to why, until I got past the first 2 posts
Hope you find something useful mate.
Nope that's of no use. It's only discussing very basic and standard things i have already done but i must emphasize that i am not really that concerned with connecting to my desktop from the phone (i'm just using it in my testing to prove that RDP is actually open and working on both computers). The server is the most important thing right now and as i have said it has worked in the past. I have not changed any settings on either of my machines and i can not get it to function with this new phone.
I'm pretty sure it's something wrong with the rdp client i had to install on the phone because it didn't come with one. I have read that there is one that works and one that doesn't but there was no further clarification of which was which. Right now i would settle for a verified known working client for the phone but i just can't seem to find a link. Hell if someone out there knows of a VNC client that works i'd settle for that.
Just to show how dedicated and willing i am to get this sorted i did follow the instructions for creating a vpn (well tbh i had already created one ) that connected no worries. Then I fired up the rdp client and tapped in the internal ip address for the server, username, password and local domain. It's come back and said it's "connecting..." but i can see no activity on my internet connection coming to or from my phone. Yet if click the shortcut on my Desktop that has the same details it connects faster than i can blink.
Also please take into account that windows 2003 SBS only has a firewall on the external interface. So the internal network is unprotected. The VPN connection bypasses the firewall for authenticated external devices and users. That is why it was suggested in the link you posted because the same situation is created when you use it on windows Vista or Windows 7.
p.s while i was proof reading this i tested it on the wifi (so on the internal side of the network) and nothing. I'm pretty sure from monitoring the wifi link activity that the RDP client isn't sending out any data at all which sort of comfirms that there is a working and non working client. Seems i have the wrong one. Has anyone got any links to windows mobile 6.5 RDP or VNC clients that i can test?
Thank you everybody.
I didn't realise that there was a non-working version of remote desktop out there. That sort of explains it then doesn't it!
I know it's overkill, but if you can't find a working version of the app then you could always flash a ROM that has it, but like I said, the version that was on my phone when I got it (1.43 ROM WWE) worked from day 1.
You may not have an answer yet, but at least you've ruled a lot of stuff out.
Hope you get it sorted mate.
Now isn't a good time to reflash the rom because i'm a bit busy with other things but it is something i was considering solely because the HTC text messaging application is awful and i'm pretty sure it has a memory leak in it.
So what's the recommendations for roms taking into account that according to HTC i have the latest version for my provider.
Also i'm still open to suggestions on the VNC front?
RDP works flawlessly here too, but then again I had it in my ROM. You say you saw 2 versions of the RDP client, I'd recommend trying the other one, and if it still doesn't work... happy flashing The ROM in my signature works fine, but it's just one of many.
Well i read it in a post on another forum as a response to someone having a problem like mine BUT with windows 7 home prem which isn't ever going to work. Unfortunately there was no links provided.
I think i better go and get the kettle and move it into my office and start some hardcore searching. Man, I hate hardcore searching.
VNC Viewer
Attached is a FREEWARE VNC viewer I have been using on various HTC devices I have owned over the years, and it works perfectly well for me. I know you guys are discussing RD Protocols and Services, but if you have UltraVNC server available on your "host" PC, then this little beauty will work like a charm!
I use it all the time to dial into my home PCs and switch torrents on and off of downloading etc. and it is faultless. I also use it on my work phone to connect to our customers PCs in order to remote fault find / rectify etc..
N.B. This viewer IS NOT written by me, nor have I anything to do with it, all I know is that it is based on FREEWARE public domain code, and issued as freeware, and on an "as is" basis to the WM community.
interesting to see you have the exact same version of the phone as me. I have tried that VNC viewer already with no luck at all but i'll give it another go and see what happens.
just tried it out and with good results. Hooked up to the server on the wifi just fine but i really wouldn't wanna have to click n drag something. so that will buy me sometime while i work on the RDP thing.
Thanks namwollem
Ok spent almost an hour search and got a couple of hits. Thanks to a thread on i found the cab file should be called Ran a search for it in google and found 2 different versions. One cooked by a guy called finster and another one (looks more offical) the finster version installed and seemed older than the version i had as it didn't support remote storage. That failed to do anything new. I next tried the more official looking cab and this removed the finster version, soft rebooted the phone and looked promising but alas it didn;t do anything different. Interestingly i now have 2 RDP icons on my start menu. both run the same app so i'm a bit confused as to how that happened.
I'm really quite stuck now and, as i mention before, i want to avoid flashing the phone for now so i'm still open to ideas.
I hate it when things get wierd. I removed all the rdp clients i had installed in an effort to tidy up a little bit. There was one that would not remove. It was marked "bengalih productions windows mobile..." so i figured i would give the phone a reboot and try see if it worked and hey presto it does. This is the original client that i installed and the first that didn't work and i haven;t changed the config at all so i'm completely baffled. I have noticed in further testing that if i select any options (like fit to screen, or colour depth) it will not connect but if you give it the user and machine details it seems to work. It also is not not RDP version 7 compatible (so you can't use it to connect to windows 7 pro or ultimate machines) but who cares when you have VNC and RDP working?
So i am happy. Thanks for all your help guys.

Phone as an extra display?

I've been wondering if it would be possible to use my phone as an extra display for my computer. All that I could find on Google is people asking about doing the exact opposite. The touch input doesn't have to work, but that would be nice.
Thanks in advance.
Sent from my FroyoEris using XDA App
This is just an educated guess, but that sounds like a really tall order, per se.
There are, however, apps to remote control (preferably over wifi) your computer including showing your computer's display on your phone. If I recall correctly, PhoneMyPC worked best for me, but there's several others and I'm sure they've been updated. This isn't what you're looking for, though, is it?
i believe i have used "logmein" in the past. works the same as phonemypc. it lets you see your computer screen and remotely control it. roirra is correct as far as i am aware, these types of programs are the only ones available. also, please post in q&a or application section as this is not a development question. thanks!
mjb413 said:
i believe i have used "logmein" in the past. works the same as phonemypc. it lets you see your computer screen and remotely control it. roirra is correct as far as i am aware, these types of programs are the only ones available. also, please post in q&a or application section as this is not a development question. thanks!
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I don't know about logmein for mobile devices. I have not used it for that. However you can use RDP ("Remote Desktop Protocol" which comes standard with winmo phones) and connect to your PC.
However if you use RDP you have to setup a static IP addy for your PC and forward port 3389 or 3390 and have atleast one user with remote privileges and a password for said user account.
Logmein takes care of all that for you, I just checked real quick IRC logmein is $30 to use on your phone. There are free RDP apps (I use "Remote RDP Lite") where you can add 1 connection before they make you have to buy the pro version, so far I have seen at the cheapest a $10 RDP program. Personally I'd go with some form of RDP program as it will be cheaper than logmein but you have to know what you are doing.
As far as using your phone as a 2nd monitor I do not see a way that the Eris is capable of doing so.

