Help me understand the poor battery life on Fascinate - Fascinate General

I have a work issued iPhone 4 and the fascinate. I fully charged both phones and put them on my desk at 3pm yesterday and did not use them at all. This morning the iPhone was at 98% charge and Fascinate was at 30%... Both phones sync with a exchange account and both have very good signal strength at my home.
I've checked the battery usage on Fascinate and the top 4 items are: Display 49%, Media server 15%, Cell standby 14% and Phone idle 9%. How can standby and idle use so much battery? I also used task manager and killed all running programs yesterday.
So what could be causing this? I can literally watch the battery percentage click down 1% for every couple of minutes of use.
Running Blackhole v1.3 with JT's Stable 11/11 kernel.

After a full day's worth of average use my battery (off the charger at 9am, on the charger at ~1am) My battery rarely drops into the orange.
You mentioned you had a task killer, I'd blame that first and foremost. Also, I think there was something inherently wrong with your test... if a screen that was off used 50% of the battery...
It's also entirely possible that you're just trolling, because I know from roomate experience that his phone if left alone is not at 98% battery after 24 hours. Also, APPLE lists the standby time as up to 300 hours. That would mean that at best you'd be looking at an ~8% drop after 24 hours.

That 15% used by the media server probably didn't help much. What all was your IPhone running in the background...oh wait, nevermind.

I dunno about the iphone but I feel you on the fascinate. I left mine off the charger, no screen on, with airplane mode on, and the battery dropped 50% in 7 hours. With absolutely no use. I'm lucky to get 7 hours during the day actually using the phone. Three display is always around 70% usage of the battery even though I have brights all the way down and always turn off the screen.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

I use Ultimate Juice Defender and I take my phone off the charger at 6:30 a.m. and by 5:30 p.m. I am usually at 80-90%.

Not sure, you might just have a bad battery. I have been off the charger for almost 7 hours now (early day). I have been messaging (google talk and sms) had WiFi/BlueTooth/GPS running constantly I rarely turn them off.
Have been using google maps off and on for at least 20-30 minutes as well as voice. And about 45 minutes of phone calls.
For me:
Display 29%
Standby 26%
Idle 16%
android 12%
and then bluetooth, LauncherPro, OS and Google rounding out the remaining quantities.
Oh forgot and a solid 20 minutes of angry birds

i use a task killer but i allways set system apps to ignore except camera and google maps and autokill stuff like file explorer, root explorer, games and stuff.
I get up at 4am use my phone pretty often little of everything and can make it threw a day getting homr at 5pm might be 16-20% battery left but still good imo.
Removing bloat might help?

I went to lunch and played with the phone while waiting for the food. Just red some news and surfed the web a bit. Before lunch the battery was at 34% now its at 16%, I think there definitely is something wrong with my phone. I wonder if a different kernel would help.

Try resetting battery stats and reconditioning the battery. There's no way it should drop more than a handful of percent asleep in airplane mode... Maybe one per hour.
Sent from my Voodoo-powered Fascinate with XDA

How would I recondition the battery? I've reset the stats with a fresh battery before and have tried different kernels. I have two batteries and it's the same with both. I even took it to verizon but they said there was nothing wrong with it even though it dropped 30% on their test call.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

I'd definitely say its just a bad battery. My fascinate stock destroys iphone battery life. With a UV kernal it at least doubles iphone battery life. My work issues iphones so I get a daily comparison.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S

I would say battery as well, my phone has been off the charger for 20 hours now and I'm at 50%. It's my work phone so its a stock kernel.
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I was in your boat. The first fascinate I had would be unplugged at 6:30am and dead at 3pm with very little usage. I hated this phone. I got juice defender and it would last until 6 or 7 with very little usage, and as I used the phone I would watch as the battery rapidly ran dry. I got two other fascinates and it was the same issue. Then I got the one that I have now and it uses almost no power in standby. with juice defender and it being on idle, I can get almost 2 days out of 1 charge. I know it sounds ridiculous to you, with your experiences and it being a smartphone, but samsung has done some kind of magic here. Keep taking your phone back until you get one that uses very little battery on standby. Apparently there are a lot of units with bad batteries. As of this writing, with Ultimate Juice, my phone has been off the charger since 5:30 this morning, did some flashing, which uses the battery open throttle, installed 5 apps, played angry birds for about 35 mins and I am at 91% at 10:09

Well my 30 days are up, verizon found nothing wrong with it and I have 2 batteries.
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Sithben24 said:
Well my 30 days are up, verizon found nothing wrong with it and I have 2 batteries.
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Try a different big red CSR, and if you fail again, try bricking it in a fixable way after backing up. If you come in with a force close loop, I but they won't have any idea whats going on and you'll have a high likelihood of getting a new phone. If it fails, just reflash and try another tack.

Haha perfect.
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I would honestly try one of the Stupidfast kernels if you really want bettery battery life, but honestly it sounds like some kind of hardware problem.
Stupidfast kernels really do give me better battery life. I was skeptical at first but after wiping the battery stats and rebooting after I unplug I've been getting GREAT battery life.
I'm a HEAVY user and I unplugged at 11 AM and 9 hours later I still have 31% left. With ANY other kernel, my phone would be at <20% by now, probably under 10%
I'm a believer, and will be donating come Wednesday when I get paid

Tried them all. But the stupid fast does seem to do the best job.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App

I will say one thing, with the new DJ05 update my battery life is great. Best I've ever had. So when it is finally pushed to u enjoy. I feel like there has been some tweaks made in the upcoming update that make even a bone stock fascinate one of the best around.
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ksizzle9 said:
I will say one thing, with the new DJ05 update my battery life is great. Best I've ever had. So when it is finally pushed to u enjoy. I feel like there has been some tweaks made in the upcoming update that make even a bone stock fascinate one of the best around.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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+1 on that.
DJ05 + StupidFast 1.2.3 = a battery juice sipper !!!!


Evo Battery Life: Massive Improvements

Man, things are going well now.
DC 3.2.3 - Battery Saver Profile
Ultimate Juice / Juice Defender
No task killers or other mem managers.
got 16 hours of moderate (normal) usage out of it until i finally got down to ~10% at 4pm.
popped in a new battery at 4pm and have dropped to 94% in the last 2.5 hours.
just fantastic, at least, compared to where I started with this thing a month ago.
hope everyone is having similar results.
I'm having better results running stock..
Try the documented procedures to prolong battery life by doing chargeobics
healthpellets said:
Man, things are going well now.
DC 3.2.3 - Battery Saver Profile
Ultimate Juice / Juice Defender
No task killers or other mem managers.
got 16 hours of moderate (normal) usage out of it until i finally got down to ~10% at 4pm.
popped in a new battery at 4pm and have dropped to 94% in the last 2.5 hours.
just fantastic, at least, compared to where I started with this thing a month ago.
hope everyone is having similar results.
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i get 20 + a charge with just autostarts and heavy usage and setcpu
I get at least 18 hours running stock. You're delivery missing some tricks to get the most out of your battery life.
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G.
18 hours lol... Yea phone sitting on a desk..not the way I use it...i got good results with baked snack rom V9 .i did a test using my friend iphone 4 both started texting all day..around 2 pm I have left 50% iphone 4 had 65% not bad considering iphone 4 has great battery life...
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akarol said:
I get at least 18 hours running stock. You're delivery missing some tricks to get the most out of your battery life.
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G.
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i was getting 7 hours, at most, doing the same thing i'm doing now on stock. glad your's is working out better.
do you only use your phone to make and receive calls?
battery life
somone post a damn link to a video of the process u guys are using to get good battery life
The process is to get rid of whatever is using your cpu cycles while your phone is inactive.
Yeh damage control I now get 22 hours if awake time
B efore id get 18 hours of uptime.
Dc is the best I have tested then all. I get 34 wakeups in powertop. Do that test on any other rom you ll get 2 to 3 times that
I clocked 32 hours with moderate use. And I am using an app killer... but I just watched for apps that were CPU hogs and found replacements for them. There aren't too many that affect it so much to trade them out, but you might be surprised by your findings
.::Sent from my EVO 4G using XDA App::.
Do any of you guys getting these great %'s use battery indicator free? just plain bs those saying I'll get 4 days battery life..if you use the phone the way I do NO WAY! letting your phone rest on a desk to get 20 hours battery life..
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ajftl said: just plain bs those saying I'll get 4 days battery life..if you use the phone the way I do NO WAY! letting your phone rest on a desk to get 20 hours battery life..
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No way I'm beating thee crap out of it. Dc limits higher cpu speeds with dconfig so if you have that option checked its slower but who cares I don't notice it saves batery like crazy. I'm on speaker phone conference calls all day. Bluetooth/gps on. Exchange sync as items arrive. Its crazy good I'm using syspannel monitoring ilk posy screenshoys, tomorrow.
L I ikesais, powertop gives me 30-40 wakeups. Some roms,are in the hundreds or thousands, but the proof will be the screenshoys tomortow, or try it yourself
healthpellets said:
Man, things are going well now.
DC 3.2.3 - Battery Saver Profile
Ultimate Juice / Juice Defender
No task killers or other mem managers.
got 16 hours of moderate (normal) usage out of it until i finally got down to ~10% at 4pm.
popped in a new battery at 4pm and have dropped to 94% in the last 2.5 hours.
just fantastic, at least, compared to where I started with this thing a month ago.
hope everyone is having similar results.
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all this to get better battery life
DC 3.2.3 - Battery Saver Profile
Ultimate Juice / Juice Defender
kinda pathetic.. and i own a EVO.. the day that we dont have to use all of that its the end of kinda pathetic....
topdnbass said:
I'm having better results running stock..
Try the documented procedures to prolong battery life by doing chargeobics
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haha, great name for it. i'm having better results too doing the charging circle jerk. 20+ hours with moderate to heavy usage
My battery life has been great since the 1.4x update... As an FYI the facebook syncing from 1.3x caused SERIOUS battery drain if you had it linked to a facebook account and had the HTC people widget on your home screen. I used 2 gigs a week while having the phone on wifi at home most of the time due to this bug!
So, at what point do I just throw in the towel and ask for a replacement battery from Sprint?
I've done the "battery circle jerk" twice, now, with no improvement. In fact, this morning, after completing my third jerk (battery jerk - get your minds out of the gutter), my battery percentage fell to 95% after 10 minutes of almost no use. Either this battery is bad, or the EVO has some serious issues with topping-off a charge.
^I have the same problem.
Losing thee first ten percent q quickly is very normal with this phone.once it his 85% it'll start to even out. Personally I've notice charging with the wall charger seems trio make this problem a little better
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Hahahaha battery circle jerk. I like it! I've done the jerk solo, with friends, and with my sister and none of our EVO's seem to be improv..... wait, ewwwww.
Sent from my EVO from the Apple Store.

[Q] Questions about improved battery life

So the day I bought my vibrant I had data issues. I talked a tmobile tech support guy and he helped me with my problem, great. But afterwards he asked me how I was liking my phone since he had one as well. We talked some about the phone and all, but then I asked about the battery life.
Heres the interesting part, he said after getting around 5 hours of use out of a full charge, he put the battery in the freezer over night (in a zip lock) and charge it afterwards. He claims to be getting a whole 24 his of battery with moderate use.
Is there any truth to this statement? I'm sure he was over exaggerating to some extant but he was a tech and I wanna take his word for it but dont want to try it lol.
Another thing is I want to know other ways to improve my battery life. I heard "training a battery" thrown around these forums, how do I do this?
I try to keep stupid services from running by going to settings>app>running services. Is this enough or is there a better way?
First post, hope it was a good one lol.
I hear ya man the battery is really bothering me too. It's basically dead by the time u get home, which is not good enough for me. I called T-Mobile and they are sending me another battery.
When I get the new battery I'll try the freezer thing.
Well, gotta go... battery is almost dead at this point. : (
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
when i got the phone i calibrated the battery like i did with my g1 with the cm releases. basically let the battery die completely then charge fully. don't know if that had any effect, but with how much i use my phone (moderate-light texting, browsing, gps when it works, no gaming) i could probably get through 2 full days. with playing some games i can still easily get a full day.
putting the battery in the freezer overnight shouldn't have any long term effect on the battery. it may improve your battery life very shortly because a colder battery holds it's charge better, but once it's heated up (or at regular idle temp in your phone) any small benefit you may have had is gone.
Try Juice Defender. It is working wonders for me. I am going on 8 hours of up time and I am at 75%. Normally I would be getting close to needing a charge.
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apple_g said:
Try Juice Defender. It is working wonders for me. I am going on 8 hours of up time and I am at 75%. Normally I would be getting close to needing a charge.
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What settings do you use? Do you use the default settings from the setup?
What the heck are you guys doing to kill your batteries?
I use my phone off/on all day off the charger at 6am and I turn it off and charge it at 11pm. Often I'm normally around 30-60% depending on the use through out the day.
Turn off what you don't need. I mean do you need wifi on all day? Do you need 3G on all day? I'm guessing you don't unless you are streaming video all day.
kizer said:
What the heck are you guys doing to kill your batteries?
I use my phone off/on all day off the charger at 6am and I turn it off and charge it at 11pm. Often I'm normally around 30-60% depending on the use through out the day.
Turn off what you don't need. I mean do you need wifi on all day? Do you need 3G on all day? I'm guessing you don't unless you are streaming video all day.
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Yeah I don't get it, this phone has great battery life for me. I get about 20 hours out of a charge and I use it quite a bit.
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apple_g said:
Try Juice Defender. It is working wonders for me. I am going on 8 hours of up time and I am at 75%. Normally I would be getting close to needing a charge.
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Can you elaborate on your settings? I was thinking of installing this app and getting rid of the task killer since I'm getting very inconsistent battery usage each time after a full charge. Have you tried Ultimate Juice?
michael800 said:
Can you elaborate on your settings? I was thinking of installing this app and getting rid of the task killer since I'm getting very inconsistent battery usage each time after a full charge. Have you tried Ultimate Juice?
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get rid of your task killer.
I think its just luck of the draw. When i first got my Vibrant i was getting at least 20 hours out of a charge. I had to exchange my phone due to a few annoying dead pixels and now im lucky to get 8 - 10 hours out of a charge. Everything is set up as it was on my original phone.
I just use the default settings at startup.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I have all widgets turned off, wifi off, gps off, brightness on minimum and a solid/static black wallpaper.
I use the phone for very few calls and very few txts... mostly use it for web browsing throught the day and some news apps - with a little paper toss mixed in.
I use my phone more than the average guy, but the usage is in line with my usage on my iphone and HD2. I know how to be gentle on the battery, but I still have to charge it when I get home from work.
My battery lasted 2 days the other day. Got down to 15 percent. It's very strange. I was using it but not very often maybe once every few hours. But I played some ff7 to demo to my friends, used the gps to get directions. Most importantly I started killing all nonessential apps with astro immediately after I stopped using them. I think this is what's prolonging my battery. Sure theyre not using anymore cpu cycles but they're still taking up ram, and that is a constant drain folks.
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pittphan said:
I hear ya man the battery is really bothering me too. It's basically dead by the time u get home, which is not good enough for me. I called T-Mobile and they are sending me another battery.
When I get the new battery I'll try the freezer thing.
Well, gotta go... battery is almost dead at this point. : (
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This phone has much better battery life than my last smart phone. What are you expecting from it?
Welshy992 said:
Sure theyre not using anymore cpu cycles but they're still taking up ram, and that is a constant drain folks.
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There is no difference in draw whether you are using 1K or 256 MB, the chip will always draw the same amount of power to maintain the memory.
I measured current consumption from the battery. It takes about 20 to 60 seconds for the CPU and everything to ramp down into their sleep state. Anything that wakes it up often kills batteries quick. I believe most of the power being used is idly switching sleep states. Can't wait for custom ROMs to allow tuning.

The official vibrant battery life sux thread

As we all know the battery life sux...... I have tried everything replaced battery, replaced device, tried different roms. But the battery still drains like water. I miss iphone in this case. I think i will be selling this vibrant on ebay. May b i will get nexus one again
Thanks for creating an 'official' thread for this. I was worried that one of the 1000 battery threads weren't the official ones.
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disturkis4u said:
Thanks for creating an 'official' thread for this. I was worried that one of the 1000 battery threads weren't the official ones.
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well now people wont have to create another 1000 because they can use this one.
Congratulations on your first post... and its a complaint. This isn't your blog :\
My battery life ain't bad.
Have fun on that nexus with that washed out smiled screen that can't properly detect mt ..
smashpunks said:
My battery life ain't bad.
Have fun on that nexus with that washed out smiled screen that can't properly detect mt ..
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=) don't you love swype?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
you're doing it wrong.
i've been unplugged for 1 day, 6 hours... and i'm sitting at just under 30%
i've been using wifi at work a lot though, so not much 3g data being pumped
edit: and good luck getting better battery life with the nexus!
How you pulled that off?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Try not having a bunch of apps like email running that are constantly pulling data.
Evil Apps
Any IM Client
lolcopter said:
you're doing it wrong.
i've been unplugged for 1 day, 6 hours... and i'm sitting at just under 30%
i've been using wifi at work a lot though, so not much 3g data being pumped
edit: and good luck getting better battery life with the nexus!
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what u mean i m doing it wrong
To be fair, running a smartphone without e-mail synced would sort of defeat the purpose (for many). Though to the point of this "official" thread -- I'm thankfully happy with the battery life on my Vibrant, and I have Gmail, Twitter, etc. running.
Let me guess you don't drain your phones battery either during its first use and let it completely charge up (while off) to 100%.
I did this with my wifes and mine. This has been the best battery life I've had out of a smart phone to date. I've gone up to 36 hours on one full charge. However normal is 18 hours then I charge when I go to bed and I don't even have the warning that my battery is dying.
I hate restarting my phone, it always resets my battery stats. I love seeing how long I can go .
I'm glad we have an official thread now.
ZombieDude00 said:
Let me guess you don't drain your phones battery either during its first use and let it completely charge up (while off) to 100%.
I did this with my wifes and mine. This has been the best battery life I've had out of a smart phone to date. I've gone up to 36 hours on one full charge. However normal is 18 hours then I charge when I go to bed and I don't even have the warning that my battery is dying.
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can i still do this? and does it matter if i charge it with wall charger or the usb?
ZombieDude00 said:
Let me guess you don't drain your phones battery either during its first use and let it completely charge up (while off) to 100%.
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I've read that this isn't necessary with Li-ion batteries (and in fact completely draining can be bad, though phones have a built-in protection mechanism to prevent total discharge)?
I will add that I briefly owned a Nexus One, and find the Vibrant's battery life to be much better... but "YMMV," i guess
completely draining IS bad, but our phone cuts off before this should be an issue (hence why, even if dead, you can still cut your phone on... though for not very long, this is not advised).
That said, the Vibrant has had VERY good battery life for me.... I also think the OP is "doing it wrong."
Seriously. How much do you do on the phone. The only way I drain this thing is surfing and downloading. I dont really have a lot of widgets. I guess if ur running alot of stuff you'll be burning battery life
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2012iawait said:
As we all know the battery life sux...... I have tried everything replaced battery, replaced device, tried different roms. But the battery still drains like water. I miss iphone in this case. I think i will be selling this vibrant on ebay. May b i will get nexus one again
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Changed battery, changed device, changed ROMS. Only two things I see in common, the Vibrant and you. Personally I haven't had any issues with the Vibrant.
Just checked my battery status.
70%, unplugged for 8h 7m 38s
Display - 25%
Mediaserver - 24%
Cell Standby - 23%
CPU usage for Mediaserver - 1h 15m
Approx 1 hour of music and 5 podcasts.
Applications that I'm running that sync:
Google Voice
Google Talk (usually intercepts the first message then focus switches to my Desktop client)
Email via personal IMAP server (synced every 30minutes)
Yahoo Fantasy Football App
Mint App
bought the phone last week, charged to 100% with the phone off then began using it non-stop. the battery wasn't that great at first, but i have since gone through about 2-3 full cycle charges, usually draining the phone until shutoff, then leaving it on USB charge overnight. charged to 100% by the morning, then i would turn the phone on and charge a bit more until it read 100% while on. since then i have charged a couple times with the phone on, here and there. my last charge was with the phone off, wall charged overnight. no top off needed.
all syncing and background data turned on
use wifi at work, set to never turn off
3g disabled unless i need it
auto brightness
settings > sound and display > DISABLE "power saving mode"
use black.png background because i like how dark it is
don't use any data grabbing widgets
it's been 32+ hours since i last unplugged and i'm sitting at 22%
two full days use off a single charge is a-okay in my book! other peoples' use may vary, but this is my personal setup. i think doing a couple of full cycle charges in the beginning really helps. i'm completely satisfied with my current battery life, even with all the speed tests, wifi/3g surfing, and goofing around with the GPS

Battery, it's now time to exchange you!

I'm so giddy right now. I've ordered an OEM battery for my Vibrant, and i should be getting it any day now. The reason for me ordering a new battery is limited usage time. Lately when flashing any ROM, I make sure It is at 100% charged. I will normally get about 4.5 or less hours of usage - using a little app named 'Battery Left'.
I don't use a task killer. Ever. I know this has some controversy signed to this, but the Android OS is engineered without issue regarding this.
I Use WiFi whenever I can (uses a fraction of the power 3G radios use). When I CAN'T use WiFi, I make sure it's turned off so it's not wasting power scanning for hotspots.
I make sure GPS is off whenever i'm not using it.
I set display timeout to 30 seconds, set brightness to Auto, or manual and the lowest. Little trick, if Brightness is on manual, you can adjust it on the fly by swiping left or right across the task bar.
I let the battery TOTALLY discharge at least once (twice is better) and then charge to full. This doesn't condition the battery, this just calibrates the battery metering software, so that it knows for sure where zero is, making the metering more accurate.
I try to use a darker colored wallpaper, blacks and reds and deep greens and blues use less power than lighter tones, and white is the worst.
I get a half-day out of my rooted Vibrant on T-Mobile, and I actually use it as a phone (amazing huh?), PDA, game machine, ebook reader, etc, it's not just in my pocket on standby. Battery life has nothing to do with it being unlocked/rooted.
I understand the biggest reason why people think THEIR particular smartphone has some sort of battery problem: They just got it, and are using the hell out of it. We tend to not set it down in the first few days/weeks, we're always fiddling with it, showing it to our friends and co-workers, etc. Once the new and shiny wears off, and we settle into more "normal" usage patterns, we start noticing that we get a lot more battery life out of the device. Some people think that the battery is now "broken in", but the truth is, the USER is broken in.
Some of my POWER hungry apps I use on a daily basis is 'SportsTracker' which I use riding my bicycle to and from work (7.3 miles one way). SportsTrack uses my GPS and tracks my ride in REAL time. It sends a link to Facebook and Twitter, where my friends, and family can watch me go. This app uses about 17% of my battery - one way. So, at the end of the day, just using SportsTracker it uses at least 35% of my battery.
Speaking to the heavy users, how many hours do you normally get using your Vibrant?
With 20-30 calls a day, 20-50 texts, dozen or so emails and listening to music and just geeking on the phone Axura 30 hrs before it is 15% Trigger 24 hrs before 15%, but then, that's how it works for me. Since I got rid of stock roms, I have had ZERO battery problems, I only use Task manager. Deleted all the bloat and I have screen set to 50%. Battery is no longer an issue
With Bionyx 1.3 I let the phone sit idle (exchange email running in the background though) from 8AM and till 4PM it took only 15%
Skype+music+movie for around 1 hours and it's down 15% more (now 70%)
I guess it'll last 1.5 day normal use and 2 days idle use
oka1 said:
With 20-30 calls a day, 20-50 texts, dozen or so emails and listening to music and just geeking on the phone Axura 30 hrs before it is 15% Trigger 24 hrs before 15%, but then, that's how it works for me. Since I got rid of stock roms, I have had ZERO battery problems, I only use Task manager. Deleted all the bloat and I have screen set to 50%. Battery is no longer an issue
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That's a great battery life. My bionix eats more battery on almost the same usage. I have around 76 user apps installed and some bloater. One thing I have noticed using system panel is when I sleep, my phone sleeps with me and uses an average of 1% battery per hour. Is that good? I still I think im not getting optimal battery life when im actually using the phone.
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant (Bionix-V 1.2.1) using XDA Premium app
You guys think that's good battery life? Nah, this is good battery life.
I always got 20-30hours a charge with most of the Bionix roms. However with Bionox 1.3 I struggle to get more than 12 hours with the same usage. I did notice that new app BLN (using your soft keys as notifications) was reported on some other roms as a battery drainer, so I have uninstalled via Titanium. I will report back tomorrow if that is the issue. I still use KA5 modem, so that part has always been a constant
Weird. I'm on 1.3 as well. I'm 15 hours into my charge with normal usage on 3G/WiFi and I've got 25% left.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
I'm 15hrs in running Bionix-v 1.2 and i have 42% left. That's with GPS on all in pocket from unplugging to about 3:30pm. Then only light use.
Days that I use heavily I'll have to plug in around 4pm. I'm not too happy with my battery life. I love my phone...but my old iPhone 3G had top notch battery life! lasting 3 days without charging.
Is it not weird how these times fluctuate so much between users?
Will the new Galaxy S 4G battery fit in our phones? Or will it even be worth it?
Do you have the superpower app? It saves my battery big time when phone is sleeping.
Sent from my Vibrant running Bionix V 1.3 using XDA App
I ordered a batter charger, two spare regular batteries and one spare extended battery last month for my vibrant.
Now I keep a spare charged battery in my pocket and I no longer have to plug my phone in anywhere I go. I just swap batteries and put the dead one on the charger when I get back home.
If I am going to be away from home for more than 24 hours then I put in the extended battery which gives me about 2 days worth of use.
Its a bit of a pain to have to be down for a minute when the battery is dying, but I am more content using the phone this way since I can now keep it with me instead of leaving it upstairs or on my office desk to charge.
My phone is on the stock KA6 kies and from 8-8:30 it is off the charger on 3G. When I get to work it is on WIFI with WIFI Calling(no signal indoors) from 8:30-12:00 and goes back on 3G. then at 12:30 it goes back on WIFI(calling) and sits like that till 5:00. Usage during that time, some email viewing, 10 txt or so, 5 min phone calls and that is it!! from full charge at 8am to 5 pm I'll be at 45-50% battery left and what you read above is all I do with it all day. Battery life is horrible. Not much I can do(unless someone has an idea to fix the issue) as I need WIFI calling otherwise why have a cell phone?
Food for thought
My phone is on the stock KA6 kies and from 8-8:30 it is off the charger on 3G. When I get to work it is on WIFI with WIFI Calling(no signal indoors) from 8:30-12:00 and goes back on 3G. then at 12:30 it goes back on WIFI(calling) and sits like that till 5:00. Usage during that time, some email viewing, 10 txt or so, 5 min phone calls and that is it!! from full charge at 8am to 5 pm I'll be at 45-50% battery left and what you read above is all I do with it all day. Battery life is horrible. Not much I can do(unless someone has an idea to fix the issue) as I need WIFI calling otherwise why have a cell phone?
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So 16 hours with 3G and WiFi Calling on all the time...on the STOCK Samsung crap? Thats pretty awesome man. WiFi calling is a HUGE drain. Spend the $2 on an app called SystemPanel. It will tell you exactly what is taking up CPU Cycles which, of course, uses battery.
I go 24 hours on a charge with routine use. Granted, everyone's use is different. But I got two days with the KA7 modem on Bionix V. I see no difference with 1.3 (haven't used it enough to tell). Granted, I had WiFi Calling frozen and was on EDGE most of the time and turned on WiFi when I needed it. I've observed WiFi Calling using excessive CPU cycles when it isn't even on. Its pretty poorly coded. I recommend freezing wifi calling when you aren't using it.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
You guys think that's good battery life? Nah, this is good battery life.
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LAY OFF THE photoshop :>>>
You guys think that's good battery life? Nah, this is good battery life.
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LAY OFF THE photoshop :>>>
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Don't hate.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
i got 2+ battery backup =.="
Tarzanman said:
I ordered a batter charger, two spare regular batteries and one spare extended battery last month for my vibrant.
Now I keep a spare charged battery in my pocket and I no longer have to plug my phone in anywhere I go. I just swap batteries and put the dead one on the charger when I get back home.
If I am going to be away from home for more than 24 hours then I put in the extended battery which gives me about 2 days worth of use.
Its a bit of a pain to have to be down for a minute when the battery is dying, but I am more content using the phone this way since I can now keep it with me instead of leaving it upstairs or on my office desk to charge.
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Where did u get the charger and battery from? Also thinking about getting those!
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant (Bionix-V 1.2.1) using XDA Premium app

Terrible battery life on my Sprint Nexus :(

I just bought it yesterday and the battery like last around 4 he's. Now I bought this phone cause I heard it has great battery life like the Atrix. What do I do? I have juice defender running. Please help
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
If you just bought it yesterday..... then give some time to calibrate thr battery! Just keep using it and let the battery reach normal. Most new batteries require 3-4 charges to start running fine. Give it a few days
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
+ 1 the battery needs a few cycles to break in. Also, are you rooted are you running a custom room or kernel these things can have an affect on your battery also.
No I'm not rooted or have a custom kernel. I'm running stock.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
Strange, I get a day and a half of heavy use with the brightness maxed and running a live wall paper. I thought my Xperia Arc had great battery life but the Nexus S is insane!
OP are you using task killers? Don't. It takes up more battery for your Nexus S to re-start those apps than it does to manage them on its own.
It took my battery like a week to act right. Give it time
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
gunstar3035 said:
Strange, I get a day and a half of heavy use with the brightness maxed and running a live wall paper. I thought my Xperia Arc had great battery life but the Nexus S is insane!
OP are you using task killers? Don't. It takes up more battery for your Nexus S to re-start those apps than it does to manage them on its own.
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a day and a half?? howd you pull that off? im usually charging about 10-14 hours thorough heavy use.
agree with everyone else, give it a few days.
I used some advice i found the said kill battery, charge full, kill battery, charge full, kill, charge, then use it. Charge it while it is off during that time.
First couple of charges, the battery would die after about 5-6 hours of constant "messing around" with the phone. Now it seems like it'll last a good time.
Im completely stock as well.
jark99 said:
a day and a half?? howd you pull that off? im usually charging about 10-14 hours thorough heavy use.
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I dont know. I don't really game on it so maybe thats it, but I am surfing the web constantly. When I go out I turn wifi off...thats about it. Oh and the only widget I am running is a clock and the weather for the clock is set to refresh every 3 hours "simi clock" is what its called.
Thats about it, I dont know what else to say. I came from an Xperia x10, Samsung Captivate, Xperia Arc, and now the Nexus S and its MILES much so that I have decided that I will only ever own a "Nexus" line of Android.
gunstar3035 said:
I dont know. I don't really game on it so maybe thats it, but I am surfing the web constantly. When I go out I turn wifi off...thats about it. Oh and the only widget I am running is a clock and the weather for the clock is set to refresh every 3 hours "simi clock" is what its called.
Thats about it, I dont know what else to say. I came from an Xperia x10, Samsung Captivate, Xperia Arc, and now the Nexus S and its MILES much so that I have decided that I will only ever own a "Nexus" line of Android.
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Haha agreed on the nexus part! My battery might get day n half tmrw! Welll see....i guess im constantly on it doing one thing or another
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
No task killers here. Just juice defender.
gunstar3035 said:
Strange, I get a day and a half of heavy use with the brightness maxed and running a live wall paper. I thought my Xperia Arc had great battery life but the Nexus S is insane!
OP are you using task killers? Don't. It takes up more battery for your Nexus S to re-start those apps than it does to manage them on its own.
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Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
Like everyone else said you really need to give it some time to break in.
My first day with the Nexus the battery was dying as I left work (roughly 9 hours off the charger).
After owning the phone for about a month now it's changed dramatically.
It lasts well through the entire day, every day. Before I go to bed it's usually sitting around...
70-80% LIGHT use.
50% Moderate use
35-40% Heavy use. (Note: I don't play games, Heavy use to me is multiple short calls, many emails, many texts, IM)
I've never actually had the phone die on me.
I'm using CM7 (Latest Nightly) and the Netarchy CFS Kernel (default settings with the exception of VooDoo Color tweaks)
I don't use Juice Defender. Phone sits on 3G most of the day at the office, at home it sits on WiFi with the WiFi sleep policy set to never. (Wifi uses much less power then 3G, if you have WiFi, USE IT! and set sleep policy to never so WiFi stays on constantly instead of switching back to 3G when the phone is idle)
Do use a task manager but it didn't seem to make a huge difference.
Aside from letting your battery calibrate, you should try out juice defender. I know alot of people might scoff at a such an application but I've experienced over a two fold increase in battery life using said application. However I am running an undervolted netarchy 1.3.4 kernel with Oxygen, but said increase in battery life is with the same configuration.
Yeah it takes around a week to break in the battery. My battery life is pretty awesome. I usually charge it every other day now. It lasts a long time.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
Guys... battery break in isn't gonna change his usage from 4 hrs to 12 hrs. No battery break-in does that.
In all these cases I suggest looking at battery info in the OS itself to see if something kept the phone awake or whatever.
Sure heavy use in your first few days will always take a huge toll on battery. Calibration shouldn't totally throw off your battery life down to 4 hours either.
You guys who say heavy use, can you quantify that?
talk time per day?
texts per day?
how many emails sent/received per day?
time on internet?
/shameless plug
try battery tweak in dev forums... i posted it in both of them
DroidBabe said:
I just bought it yesterday and the battery like last around 4 he's. Now I bought this phone cause I heard it has great battery life like the Atrix. What do I do? I have juice defender running. Please help
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA App
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I'm in the same boat as you. Just got my Nexus S 4G on three days ago and the battery dies QUICKLY. The first day it died in 5 hours (with normal use and 4G off). By the time I unplug it and get to work, which is only a 20 minute drive, it's already down to 93%. I'm hoping everyone else is right in saying that the battery just has to be worked in a little.
I have 8 hours on battery right now with about 40% remaining in day 2 of my Nexus' usage. I made about 6 phone calls, sent out about 20 text messages, browsed the internet while waiting for a job interview and played Plants V Zombies when I was taking a dump.
I really only expect it to improve from here.
Out of curiousity, does anyone here have their "Use Wireless Networks" checked under the "Location and Security" settings (where it uses your 3G)? I have this enabled and I know this will drain my battery, but I wonder how much? The only app I have that updates my location while the screen is off is the stock News and Weather app (which only updates every 6 hours, a bug that automatically turns itself back on if you reset your phone). How much collection would Google do other than that?
Also, the other thing I have enabled is my Exchange set to push through the default Email app. However, this never really shows up on the battery usage app, so is push STILL killing the battery a lot through the stock app?
I'm just trying to see how people can get two days with 50% left after work (if just on 3G). On WIFI, MAYBE, but def not on 3G......
