Any Geman Rom for Dash 3G - Dash 3G, Snap General

I have a T-Mobile Dash 3G, hard-spl'ed, who is now a HTC Snap. I flashed the 3volution rom who is btw a great rom. But it's in english only :-(
So is there a way to flash language only? If yes how and where i find the files?
OR any other stock, cooced rom with German Language?

ok got a original german htc snap ROM for my device. Big problem is since i installed hardspl i can't flash original ROM's. everytime it freeze on 17% sometimes at 26% or 27%. i tried with Original shipped T-Mobile dash 3G and original singed HTC snap ROM. All the same. I tried to copy the nbh file from the original ROM to the 3volution folder and run the update util. but nothing seemt to work it freeze everytime. The only ROM what works is the 3Volution. what can i do?

i forgot to say that everytime it freeze serveral minutes later update ultil comes up with an communication error. so i'm not forcing it to power off, i have to.
i also flashed the hardspl 1.19 serveral times but in bootloader is still 1.17 hard, wtf???
Today i tried serveral times with an microsd. Same issue it stops upgrading at 17% (i don't know exactly because on my device the process is not shown in %)
what everytime works is the 3volution ROM. i'm helpless.
Nobody with same or similar problems?
it will also help if anybody says just yes or no or something!!!!!
i can't post images or links so:

This forum really Thanks for nothing at all
btw www[dot]pocketpc[dot]ch its a german forum but the people are aple to share his experience. i have my german HTC snap now!
sry to tell again but !!!!!!

scheissegalo said:
This forum reallyThanks for nothing at all
btw www[dot]pocketpc[dot]ch its a german forum but the people are aple to share his experience. i have my german HTC snap now!
sry to tell again
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What's wrong with you man?? Chill out. The forum does not have anything to do with your issues, the only one responsible here about your phone condition is really you.
Probably you haven't had an answered since they are already there. I've seen many discussion here Take a time to search and read since this is not a spoon feeding forum.
I will remove your offensive language, please calm down.
First and final warning.

Related Chinese ROM

I had a friend buy me an HD2 from China. The box and everything is in English so he didn't bother to check the rest. When I turned it on, realized that the ROM is chinese. The other strange thing is that when it boots up, it displays!!
I wrote to HTC asking if there was any way to change the language. They replied that the serial number checks out as a European model and that ROM should've been in English. Someone in China has "illegally" flashed in with Chinese ROM. They asked me to hard reset, which I did but nothing changed.
My question is how were they able to flash this if according to HTC this is indeed an English model?? Is there a way to change it back to English?
I logged on to but its all Chinese
kshehzad said:
I had a friend buy me an HD2 from China. The box and everything is in English so he didn't bother to check the rest. When I turned it on, realized that the ROM is chinese. The other strange thing is that when it boots up, it displays!!
I wrote to HTC asking if there was any way to change the language. They replied that the serial number checks out as a European model and that ROM should've been in English. Someone in China has "illegally" flashed in with Chinese ROM. They asked me to hard reset, which I did but nothing changed.
My question is how were they able to flash this if according to HTC this is indeed an English model?? Is there a way to change it back to English?
I logged on to but its all Chinese
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It was the same like when I bought the Touch HD in Guangzhou, but it was much easier as the HardSPL had already long available. And for your case, I'm getting the HD2 on the 30 Nov in China too, what we can do is just wish HardSPL to be available asap!!!!!! The easier situation for me is I know Chinese, even though I absolutely prefer English, I can stay with Chinese rom for a while. While typing here, I was loading the XDA-China, but very slow.
I will try to advice if I can when I manage to get some info there.
just download the official EU Leo update and update ur phone with it..should get back to the original.
where do I get the Offical EU update?
just go to this website
use your own SN/IMEI and check your HD2's regional country
and download the appropriate official ROM. flash directly.
Thnaks for the reply. Tried that. When I query my S/N it says, Generic English ROM. EU. I tried the English WWE. Doesn't work. Gives invalid vendor ID at 1% :-(
I got the same problem.
You need to flash with WWE East Europe, Original ROM.
I found that after trying all available WWE ROMs (google it)
Finally I tried WWE East Europe and I did not encounter "ERROR Vender ID", so the flashing went OK
You can find the official WWE ROMs at:
kshehzad said:
Thnaks for the reply. Tried that. When I query my S/N it says, Generic English ROM. EU. I tried the English WWE. Doesn't work. Gives invalid vendor ID at 1% :-(
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there is NO EU official ROM yet. but there is East Europe WWE, you can try that....
good luck with you`~~
check this list:
try different WWE roms to see which one can be flashed on your phone.
@JohnQ: Thanks a lot buddy. You are a real genious. Appreciate the help. I had success in flashing with the Eastern European ROM
Really really appreciate it.
here, u can find English Rom
where can we find the HSPL?
kshehzad said:
@JohnQ: Thanks a lot buddy. You are a real genious. Appreciate the help. I had success in flashing with the Eastern European ROM
Really really appreciate it.
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NO PROBLEM`~ happy flashing!
kshehzad said:
I had a friend buy me an HD2 from China. The box and everything is in English so he didn't bother to check the rest. When I turned it on, realized that the ROM is chinese. The other strange thing is that when it boots up, it displays!!
I wrote to HTC asking if there was any way to change the language. They replied that the serial number checks out as a European model and that ROM should've been in English. Someone in China has "illegally" flashed in with Chinese ROM. They asked me to hard reset, which I did but nothing changed.
My question is how were they able to flash this if according to HTC this is indeed an English model?? Is there a way to change it back to English?
I logged on to but its all Chinese
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You know where your frnd brought this???
Anyone know where can buy this baby in Guang Zhou?
If you've got a custom chinese ROM on your HD2, then somewhere there is an HardSPL!
...And you've got that HSPL!!
Please dump your bootloader and post it to us!
P.S.: I don't know how to dump it, but if someone knows, please write...
jackkkkk said:
You know where your frnd brought this???
Anyone know where can buy this baby in Guang Zhou?
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you gona come to guangzhou?
kholk said:
If you've got a custom chinese ROM on your HD2, then somewhere there is an HardSPL!
...And you've got that HSPL!!
Please dump your bootloader and post it to us!
P.S.: I don't know how to dump it, but if someone knows, please write...
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I think hard spl is posted here but you must be registered to see it
i was able to join and i think this might be it (attached)
I dont have a leo to test on so someone else is going to have to try it
jj62mtp said:
I think hard spl is posted here but you must be registered to see it
i was able to join and i think this might be it (attached)
I dont have a leo to test on so someone else is going to have to try it
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its bull****. sorry no offense
jj62mtp said:
I think hard spl is posted here but you must be registered to see it
i was able to join and i think this might be it (attached)
I dont have a leo to test on so someone else is going to have to try it
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It's only a custom RUU...
There is no HardSPL available. For those Chinese ROM, they just did put some language patches to make it run. WM 6.5 support multiple language in its kernel(including Chinese). Just the way how to turn it on.

Problems with phone

I haven't used my Touch HD in a very long time and when I turn it on now (dont remember what happened) it says upgrade ROM code error please try again. Does HTC have an upgrade for it? I live in the US and their site doesn't show anything about the phone, used europe site but gave me a no updates for that serial number. I am guessing that a stock ROM from HTC would fix this problem as the phone is not unlocked.
Shipped roms can be found here. Hope this helps.
If you receive "Upgrade ROM code error" then you will need to flash original stock rom which was on your device, i.e. not any stock rom but the original one. Your original stock rom should flash whether it says 'usb' or 'serial' at bottom of bootloader.
Link to stock roms has been provided in post above
Thanks a lot, I haven't used that phone for probably a year so I hope that fixes it. I cannot wait to use that phone again, since I paid good money for it.
I flashed the Energy.BLACKSTONE.29020.Sense2.5.GER.Cookie.2.0.Touch.Of.Glass.Jun.02.
Now the phone find no connect.
I hope you can help me.
Sorry for my bad english.
Best regards
make007 said:
I flashed the Energy.BLACKSTONE.29020.Sense2.5.GER.Cookie.2.0.Touch.Of.Glass.Jun.02.
Now the phone find no connect.
I hope you can help me.
Sorry for my bad english.
Best regards
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Did you follow this guide and put either USPL or HSPL on your device first?
Before flashing anything, its always best to read the stickies (thread stuck at top of each forum which provide guides, references etc). My advice would be to read this

HELP - Vodafone UK user, ROM issues? *noob*

I recently bought my HTC HD2 from Vodafone UK, it has a ROM 1.43.405.1 and I cannot update the ROM from HTC website because after insert my SN in the validation box it tells me I cannot get the update....
What should I do?
I saw many ROMs on 4shared but I think they not the same in the HTC site...If they are which one of the should I get for my HTC and why? Will I be able to use my phone with my UK Sim?
Help please...
Windows on your ROM is licensed software, and you bought the license implicitly with your Leo, therefore is it "not possible" to just change ROM.
Having said that , google the forum a bit for SSPL and/or HSPL. there are several (graphical) guides that will tell you how to use them (sticky threads).
good luck!
anyone? someone? help me!
dXsL said:
Windows on your ROM is licensed software, and you bought the license implicitly with your Leo, therefore is it "not possible" to just change ROM.
Having said that , google the forum a bit for SSPL and/or HSPL. there are several (graphical) guides that will tell you how to use them (sticky threads).
good luck!
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I have done the HSPL on LEO now....I just have no idea what ROM to put on now....
From this list: w w w
Which one should I use? :s
My Leo has ROM 1.43.405.1 Vodafone UK which came on it....what I do now?
It all comes down to what features you want . Have a look around.
n0a1m said:
It all comes down to what features you want . Have a look around.
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I thought that too but on 4shared they do not describe the features.
Any idea where can I see the features?
To put on other non mobile brand ROM, I must unlock the mobile first, right?
If that is the case, how do I unlock it?
If I put one ROM in the mobile and them upload another one will it delete the features from the one that was on the phone previously?
flashing roms is not connected to thee phone being network locked. it will still be locked after you flash it.
look for a world wide english rom version 1.66 (with 1.66 and wwe I'm the name)
samsamuel said:
flashing roms is not connected to thee phone being network locked. it will still be locked after you flash it.
look for a world wide english rom version 1.66 (with 1.66 and wwe I'm the name)
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Btw after the rom update, if I reset my mobile will it be rested to the factory one or the updated version?
Durv84 said:
Btw after the rom update, if I reset my mobile will it be rested to the factory one or the updated version?
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No, doing a hard reset will only ever restore it to the rom you last flashed.
To get back to 'as you bought it' you need to find the rom that matches your device.
(for example in your case, voda UK, you find this rom
RUU_Leo_Vodafone_UK_1.43.405.1_Radio_Signed_15.26. 50.07U_2.04.50.22_2_Ship.exe
If you then need to get back to stock, and remove HSPL, you can do it with that rom. (not quite as simple as just flashing it, , see the HSPL thread for how to remove HSPL)
Durv84 said:
I thought that too but on 4shared they do not describe the features.
Any idea where can I see the features?
To put on other non mobile brand ROM, I must unlock the mobile first, right?
If that is the case, how do I unlock it?
If I put one ROM in the mobile and them upload another one will it delete the features from the one that was on the phone previously?
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Click to collapse are only official Shipped roms mate,i never use them anymore couse i love cooked roms from the best chefs in here,and if you got hspl on your phone why dont you try a cooked rom,Look Around you will find a rom suitable for your phone
turborider said: are only official Shipped roms mate,i never use them anymore couse i love cooked roms from the best chefs in here,and if you got hspl on your phone why dont you try a cooked rom,Look Around you will find a rom suitable for your phone
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OH OK....i will have a look at the kitchen then....
Like I mentioned I am a noob lol....I got here just by trying to understand why couldnt I update my ROM.
One more question, each ROM completely cleans the before it, right? The features do not stuck up (add on)?
I would advise AGAINST blindly leeching any ROM from any online file sharer.
check this forum, read a bit, and select a ROM from a chef that has cooked something you like (speed, looks like stock, removed HTC, removed bloatware, etc etc). I've tried many, and almost all on this forum are excellent (some are more excellent than others though)..
Flashing a ROM completely cleans ALL settings on your phone, all data is gone, besides whatever is on your SD card.
same if you select Settings/Wipe Device option from the start menu.
dXsL said:
Flashing a ROM completely cleans ALL settings on your phone, all data is gone, besides whatever is on your SD card.
same if you select Settings/Wipe Device option from the start menu.
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Be aware that whilst flashing wipes all your old data/settings and such like, it doesn't necessarily wipe the old rom before flashing the new one, just flashes over it.
Roms can be different file sizes, (just compare a few RUU_Signed.nbh file sizes) so sometimes files can be left over from the previous rom. If you start getting random resets and freezes when you didnt before, it could be a sign of a bloated rom. Have a read of the mtty sticky. It looks a little overwhelming at first read, but dead simple really, and basically formats your rom before you flash the new rom.
my 2 pence here...
get the official WWE 1.66 ROM and see if that helps the phone, the 1.43 VF ROM is crap and both 1.48 and 1.66 are miles better so first thing is to give these a go. If, after successfully installing it, you wanna try something else then do so...
and read the n00b thread at the top of this forum...
it tells you what to do, with videos if needed...
Hi, I have the same vf handset and was sick of the crappy ROM, I upgraded yesterday after weeks of research and was surprised how easy it was.
However, having had a day to test out my new 1.66 ROM, I have unfortunately found some problems and part of me think maybe I should have waited a little longer for vf to release it officially.
I'm hoping you guys will be able to help again as it may just need different tweaks to the settings...
1. The first problem is that Opera is slightly different, the settings tab has changed, it no longer allows zooming (including pinch zooming) and the pages are not displayed as full width. I have played with all the setting I can in Opera and BsB Tweaks but no joy.
2. I can no longer access TV catchup through Skyfire. The advertisement plays as normal and then it says "non-UK, unauthorised". Is this because it is a WWE ROM and not a UK one? Why isn't there a specific UK ROM like there was for 1.48?
3. Although the alarm volume bug seems to have been fixed, the alarm popup doesn't come up any more when it goes off, making it very difficult to "snooze" or "dismiss".
4. Several error messages have come up relating to the actual phone app, messaging app and audiomanager. The phone has also crashed and gone slow a bit and overall the messaging app is a little more buggy despite it appearing to send all messages.
Any advice would be much appreciated as this does seem as though it could be a much better ROM with some great benefits.
1.48 was also a WWE ROM - there hasn't been a set UK one other than ISP-based ones
EddyOS said:
1.48 was also a WWE ROM - there hasn't been a set UK one other than ISP-based ones
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Fair enough. I was just going by what it was implying on the HTC support page. 1.48 specifically says UK whereas 1.66 simply says WWE and makes no mention of UK.
Does anyone have any advice on the issues I'm having?
Also, if I wanted to revert back to the vf 1.43 ROM using the SD card to remove HSPL, how do I know the file I've downloaded from the shared folders is exactly the same as I had before? I read that it is more risky flashing without HSPL as you have less chance of fixing it if something goes wrong, does this also go for the method of reverting back using the SD card as it is removing the HSPL?

Need help. Got a hd2 with a SN number from taiwan and need a english updateble rom

Sorry to bother all of you. After 80 plus hours i am close to give up and sell my HD2 or dump it.
Bought a "English HD2" in Shanghai. Found out its a old ROM with many problems. Downloaded the new ROM from HTC and got a traditional Chinese version and for sure I do not speak Chinese. .Means iI can never use or update the phone if i leave like that.
Started research, found a HK SN and and downloaded from HTC a Hongkong english version and installed it.
Installed the win frame work update to.
It worked but there is no phone keyboard anymore but now i can input in CHINESE! I need the phone keyboard I cant life with out one.
Found the EzInput soft key and installed several times, every time after installing it the phone wont start anymore and only a hard reset can bring it to life again. I made a soft rest before installing the keyboard.
Can any body help me with the keyboard?
Or any information where to get a NEW ROM which works in English but need to be able to show( not type) Chinese characters.
I am begging all of you, my eyes are red, my girlfriend is so upset that she went back to her parents and I had to switch back to my E75. SAFE me please
Rom version installed: 1.72.831.1 (82124)
OS: 5.2.21869(21869.5.0.82
Tow more glitches i can't fix.
Switched it on after hard reset. Now the time is wrong. 27 min wrong and i don't know why. I set the time manual now.
Location is most times wrong. I life in Shanghai and I am all times set in Shenzhen or Suli or somewhere elsei If i drive suddenly the location corrects to Shanghai
instal hspl2 and then you can instal any rom you like (over usb).
Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately I am not a developer. If i follow what you suggested what happen? No rom software anymore? Where do i find the rom(cab file )i need?
Do you mind if I ask you how much you paid for your HD2 in Shanghai? Did you order it, or buy it there? Thanks!
You can probably get a better answer to your questions in the ROM Development section of the forum.
johnboatcat said:
Do you mind if I ask you how much you paid for your HD2 in Shanghai? Did you order it, or buy it there? Thanks!
You can probably get a better answer to your questions in the ROM Development section of the forum.
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Paid 4100 RMB including 2 batteries, and 4 GB memory card and the usual screen protection
Maximilian_sha said:
Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately I am not a developer. If i follow what you suggested what happen? No rom software anymore? Where do i find the rom(cab file )i need?
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you can install any rom you like. even those official ones from other regions.
Hey Mate,
I have the Telstra HD2 which has loads of crap software, so all I did was run the HSPL (HERE: and then found the Asia WWE (World Wide English) ROM here:, it has the serial number for you to download directly from HTC.
I have been using the South East Asia (Asian WWE) 1.66.707.1, with no issues.
Hope this helps

HTC HD2 be came a stone after flash the Asia version 1.48.707.2_Radio

Please help!!!
My hd2 be came a stone after I flash this Asia version 1.48.707.2_Radio
the phone can not turn on, can not do the hard reset, volume + power, no help,
15 day warranty is over!!! when I connect the phone to computer, it need the Qualcomm cdma technologies msm Driver, but still can not turn on and I can not find the driver.
sounds like you have a tmous. (t mobile us) in which case the radio in that ROM you flashed has killed it. bad luck.
Yes, it was the tmobile version, anyone can help
yanrunmei25 said:
Yes, it was the tmobile version, anyone can help
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Maybe someone can help, but I think it is a brick ....
But you could maybe try This
I hope you just did not get yourself a very expensive paperweight ....
watcher64 said:
But you could maybe try This
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you need to be able to enter bootloader for that.
you could try the thread called "qualcomm drivers" but i wouldn't hold out much hope, that thread has been there ages, i would have thought it would have been outed as a solution by now. lots of people have killed their tmous with the wrong radio, no ones fixed one.
sorry my friend but your phone is dead as no solution for this has been found. there is a sticky on the tmous hd forum all about flashing radios and it clearly states not to flash any radio other than radios the one you flashed is a .48
tsalate said:
sorry my friend but your phone is dead as no solution for this has been found. there is a sticky on the tmous hd forum all about flashing radios and it clearly states not to flash any radio other than radios the one you flashed is a .48
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(( .48 is the rom version, the radio in that rom is, , OP didnt give the whole filename ,,,, effect is still the same tho, , dead tmous ))
I have no Idea for now, except ship it back to HTC repair
Since it's only 15 days out of warranty, maybe you can talk to a manager or somebody at TMO and see if they can work something out for you. Just play dumb (shouldn't be too tough considering you flashed a .51 instead of .50... just kidding ), and say you're not thrilled about the device not turning on just 15 days after the warranty period. You can also tell em you might be forced to switch over to AT&T / Sprint if they don't fix it for free / for a subsidized price .
Somehow I get the felling that you don't use TMO and you don't live in the States, in which case, my sincerest condolences.
thanks for all the suggestions and posting
yanrunmei25 said:
Please help!!!
My hd2 be came a stone after I flash this Asia version 1.48.707.2_Radio
the phone can not turn on, can not do the hard reset, volume + power, no help,
15 day warranty is over!!! when I connect the phone to computer, it need the Qualcomm cdma technologies msm Driver, but still can not turn on and I can not find the driver.
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tvman said:
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Hi there and welcome to Xda-Developers.
Per the xda forum rules, it is only allowed to post in English:
4. Use the English language.
We understand that with all the different nationalities not everyone speaks English well, but please try. If you're really unable to post in English use an online translator, You're free to include your original message in your own language below the English translation.
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yanrunmei25 said:
I have no Idea for now, except ship it back to HTC repair
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You can send back to your HTC service center, and you have to pay for changing mainboard of the HTC HD2. But I think you still get a tmous back. So you have to unlock first using HSPL 2 or some tools. If you need I will send to you.
Now I got back my "dead brick", but it is a real HTC HD2 Asia version, and I download every thing from HTC Singapore using my new SN(new IMEI). I don't think they are real official version but directly downloaded from HTC official website.
dharvey4651 said:
Hi there and welcome to Xda-Developers.
Per the xda forum rules, it is only allowed to post in English:
Please provide a translation for your post or else your post will have to be removed.
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I delete it but not allow, why? And I put a new reply, it's ok.
thanks tvman;
yeah, I hope they wont charge me any penny on that.
I know there are lots of people have Problem with the T-mobile HD2, if you have your story, please share here.
Yes, but I think my experince is not suitable to here. My Leo now becomes real HD2, I still flash the rom with Tmous official version for testing about one week. Everything is OK. I add Chinese fonts and IME. But I don't like so many useless application in mainland to take about 100M memory. Finally, I flashed a cooked rom in Chinese, no useless applications in it. I have to install my favorite applications and patches. I don't think flash rom frequently is good idea. We are not experts or enthusiasts but cellular users only. It's my opinion.

