[Q] blackberry ping on pro2 - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

hey there,
does anyone know if there is a program witch alows you to ping lik on a blackberry?

Don't know what the ping program on blackberry is like, but I use aDEO_PingBox2.
You can search for it here on xda.

Try this
I believe this is what you are looking for...
Security Tools- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=550473
Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!!


Free HotSpot

Last weekend I was in a restaurant where they have a free hotspot from free-hotspot.com, I tried connecting with my HTC P3300 but I didn't get past the commercials because I coldn't see them. Is there anyone who has ever used freehotspot.com on his WM5 PDA ? or does anyone know what I'm missing on my device to make this work ?
kind regards,
joe de mannen said:
Last weekend I was in a restaurant where they have a free hotspot from free-hotspot.com, I tried connecting with my HTC P3300 but I didn't get past the commercials because I coldn't see them. Is there anyone who has ever used freehotspot.com on his WM5 PDA ? or does anyone know what I'm missing on my device to make this work ?
kind regards,
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the issue is with your browser i assume u were use pocket internet explorer
use opera it will sort you out!!
Indeed it was with Pocket IE, Opera seems to be payware isn't there a freeware solution ?
Try Opera Mini.
It is the only browser that makes it possible for me to do online banking on my Qtek S200 (WM5).
I went to the same hotspot today and tried opera mini. Bad luck, it seems to have a problem with the startprocedure of the hotspot (you enter www.google.com and the hotspot redirects to its own homepage to tell you how to use it). Anyone with another suggestion ?
no one ? How do other people use free hotspots ?

3UK prepay page

Hi all,
i've got a spare hermes around and i flashed it with tai_sw's newest rom.
i've put in a 3 pay as you go sim card in hope i can surf their page at least on my hermes. i know for a fact that even with no credit you can surf their webpage as much as you like using a 3 phone.
is this possible with a hermes?
what is the url?
i use to be on 3 and the url was mobile.three.co.uk/hp/singleurl but it doesnt work anymore.
thanks in advance,
anybody please?
You might need to change the IE user agent to pretend you are a 3 phone (not a Hermes). There should be a cab called Identify N95 - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=366197 for more info
cheers cyfireglo,
do you know which cab i should use if i am running a windows 6.5 rom by Tai_sw?
ok that cab doesnt work on win 6.5 rom unfortunately
Hi all,
Sub69 has kindly made an update for win6.5 to tweak the phone to identify itself as a N95.
Does anyone know the 3 internet settings to access planet 3?
Many thanks in advance,
anybody? i didnt think 3 was that bad!
The url is - mobile.three.co.uk

tattoo apps compatibility??? :(

hi, i am going to buy htc tattoo in 2 days time. before that i need to know whether i have plenty of apps alternative to windows mobile apps.
i also heard that its a qvga screen, so developers have to sign it to get it working on tattoo (240x320 qvga screen). is that true that we may expect good number of apps for this device??? by the grace of developers showing interest in developing apps & games for qvga screen(old mobile screen)... ????
will it be future proof ???? i am also not sure about the availability of upgrade to android 2.0 from 1.6. can anyone reply to these messages???
waiting for ur responses.... if i wanna install any application on htc tattoo, where do i get the apps & how do i install it???? like is it like just clicking on exe files as in windows???? or is there any special way how i should install apps & games????
i know it may sound like a noob talk. but what to do, i am totally new to this android thing..... no idea on how to get it started & know more about it, android & its different versions of OS..... kindly throw some light on where to get all information about it & its uses over windows mobile.... in simple & detailed manner.....
detailed information is highly appreciated...... thanks
I switched from a WM HTC Diamond to the cheaper HTC Tattoo and find it quicker, and with more apps!
But it might be useful for you to tell us what apps you want/use already, and we can say whether or not they are on Tattoo.
As for 2.0 who knows, talk is it should eventually get the upgrade but not exactly high priority,
I have also switched from HTC Diamond to Tattoo. I know that Tattoo is cheaper but I like it more.
To install .apk you can use HTC Sync. After synchronization you can find on main screen HTC Sync :Application Installer and you can use it for install any application.
You can use ASTRO file manager to install .apk from Tattoo
There is no problem with APPS, I already have installed even AndNav2, and There is a lot of software in the market. Something that Diamond doesnt have
This phone beat the Diamond with performance, software,easy to use and price, but not with the display resolution.
how about upgrading android 1.6 to 2.1 on htc tattoo ??? any ROM available yet??? i wanna try that version of android OS on my htc tattoo.... any input about its guide would be appreciated.....
@kashish, where r u from buddy??? u just vanished after u asked me a question??? fine... i wanna know if 3G is launcehd in India, can i use it with my tattoo with firmware update??? ur reply is highly appreciated pls....
Hey guys, I need some assistance here. I bought a Tattoo and believe me I love it - even coming from higher-end Android phones, the problem is that mine is apparently a Malaysian variant and there is no ANDROID MARKET as such - only SLIDE ME. I am not sure of the difference in availability off apps between the two, but I have heard there are only 25% of the usual apps on SLIDE ME as compared to ANDROID MARKET. Anyway, my main issue here is that I cannot get any Instant Messenger apps like Agile Messenger or doc viewers like Adobe, Quickoffice or Documents To Go. Are these available (even in paid form) for the Tattoo? I love this little phone and it is super-fast - but I NEED these apps on the Tattoo. Anyone able to shed some light for me?
manuvaidya said:
@kashish, where r u from buddy??? u just vanished after u asked me a question??? fine... i wanna know if 3G is launcehd in India, can i use it with my tattoo with firmware update??? ur reply is highly appreciated pls....
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Right now, I think only BSNL or MTNL provides 3G service. I just activated Vodafone's EDGE service, known as Vodafone Mobile Connect, and it works just fine with my Tattoo. GPS, Twitter, Facebook updates... all work just fine. I do hope that when more operators start providing 3G service, HTC releases an update to enable 3G. I am pretty sure that it's a software limitation and not a hardware limitation.
foxuniform said:
Hey guys, I need some assistance here. I bought a Tattoo and believe me I love it - even coming from higher-end Android phones, the problem is that mine is apparently a Malaysian variant and there is no ANDROID MARKET as such - only SLIDE ME. I am not sure of the difference in availability off apps between the two, but I have heard there are only 25% of the usual apps on SLIDE ME as compared to ANDROID MARKET. Anyway, my main issue here is that I cannot get any Instant Messenger apps like Agile Messenger or doc viewers like Adobe, Quickoffice or Documents To Go. Are these available (even in paid form) for the Tattoo? I love this little phone and it is super-fast - but I NEED these apps on the Tattoo. Anyone able to shed some light for me?
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Documents To Go is available.
Oh really? I will check that out on SlideMe and hopefully that is the case!
i wanna know how i can convert cab files to apk file.... because i can see swype application for windows mobiles being available in 4shared, but no swype apk file anywhere on the net.....
i request here, is there anyone who knows how to convert cab to apk ???? i know it may sound silly.... but i am a noob here. i also understand that it needs to be coded and all stuff.... but as i said before, i wanna know how to do it step by step..... please......
OK -Documents To Go IS indeed available for the Tattoo users out there! Looking for a good IM app next!
Meebo's a pretty good IM app. Give it a try. Available on Market.

Skype for Windows Mobile IDEA

Hello guys, so all you know that Skype just stoped the WinMo version with is very very bad But i wonder few things.. so for example i have few versions of Skype and none of them work on my Touch HD they just don`t want to conect anymore.
But on the same time using 3rd party software like IM + or anything similar you can use Skype.. what i mean is that maybe they just make the Skype for WinMo to not conecting anymore somehow..
I think some advanced peoples from here can try to "Hack it" somehow and we still to be able to use the Skype.
I mean that when you trying to conect maybe the Skype identify you like WindowsMobile or anything and thats is the reason why you are not conected and i cannot understand why then clients like IM+ work without problem this mean that somehow we still can use SKYPE no matter from all.
1st Idea is the latest Skype 3 to be modified by the XDA advanced users if they can make it somehow to work or identify diferent way and we to be able to conect to the Skype server.. in this case we will still use the original SKype and have the same Skape Interface like befor and etc.
2nd Idea to be designed complate new Skype for WinMo like some users start the project XDA Facebook so if enought peoples want it and need it can be done something like XDA SKype for WinMo
Hi Tsalta,
I'm using the latest version skype for WM on my Blackstone without problems.
I can't attach it here as it's bigger than the limit, but if you send me a PM with your email, I can forward it to you.
I've the same problem on my Omnia :/ (Samsung I900)
Skype doesn't connect :/
I've send to you my mail adress
thx ^^
how go get skype on 6.5
i have a tilt 2 and cannot get skype to connect either. can someone pm me or post the link. thanks
Wow, I was gonna start a new thread with question similar to this!
Well, I'm using Skype almost perfect on Diamond, Touch Pro, and Rhodium, so that means the Skype networks are still giving support to us. BUT, as all of you now, the software support for WinMo 6.X is also discontinued, so we will not have more updates on this. Does that mean is "free software"? Because right now Skype gives Iphone users videocall support, and didn't give to us, when we were more users from 6.X then that iphone users at this point...Money rules I think.
Well, the purpose would be to hack last version, or build a new one with videocall support! Could it be that possible!?
So many thanks to everybody here!
Hi Guys,
Can someone please provide me with the link to the latest skype version that i can download and use on the 3 network please.
dilbar said:
Hi Guys,
Can someone please provide me with the link to the latest skype version that i can download and use on the 3 network please.
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Try this guys....

help with internet on hd2

hi there
in my office there is no wifii and my pc has internet connection is there any app or any way in which i can share my pc internet to my hd2??
coz i run whatsapp and i dont have internet data enable on my sim card so just wanted to share computers internet connection... in windows mobile 6.5 it was available but in android.. dont know??
please help
no one to reply :-(
Try any current FULL DesireHD w/ sense build.
I have tried desire hd roms but most of them are consumes lot of battery...
Curently i m using mdj's cynogenmod 2.6
is there any 3rd party software ???
aarif_ziaee said:
hi there
in my office there is no wifii and my pc has internet connection is there any app or any way in which i can share my pc internet to my hd2??
coz i run whatsapp and i dont have internet data enable on my sim card so just wanted to share computers internet connection... in windows mobile 6.5 it was available but in android.. dont know??
please help
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This should work for you...Using Windows XP @ work? then try this.
Using Windows 7? Then u have even more choices;
**Virtual Router
Visit here for a tutorial on how to use Connectify.
Its amazing wat a little "googling" can fetch u...u might want 2 try dat nxt time b4 asking 4 help.
virtual router works great for me
Thanks a lot
aarif_ziaee said:
Thanks a lot
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Hey, there's some sort of new rule on xda...posting several "thank u" posts might have u penalized...Use the Thanks button provide in d user's post...
