[Q] 2.3.20 not helping sync during screen inactivity - Droid 2 General

Hi all - new to this forum so apologies if the question has been posed already. I couldn't find a similar thread.
I've been having consistent trouble since getting my VZW Droid 2 in September with the phone not delivering important things like emails, text messages, Google chat messages and WhatsApp messages after long periods of screen inactivity (ie. an hour).
I'll turn on the screen and unlock it, then it goes and fetches those important messages like "I'm on fire - please come put me out now!". Suddenly I'll go from zero notifications to 10 of each.
I am using K9 mail, WhatsApp, Handcent SMS, Gmail, Twitter and all seem to be affected by this.
I checked all my settings, and it's not set up to sync only on wifi or anything, and each application is set up so that it should be sync'ing in the background.
I thought 2.3.20 was supposed to fix this issue, so I made sure to update the phone. However, I'm still having issues. I know I did some things to optimize the paltry battery life when I first got the phone, but can't find anything that should be causing this - and can't remember everything I did.
VZW's answer was to do a full factory reset, but I'd like to avoid that if at all possible because I'm too lazy to put everything back the way I have it.

Settings > Battery Manager > Battery Settings and making sure its not set to anything other than performance mode as anything else will do exactly as you are describing.
I know custom ROMs may also cause issues.


HD2 Fixes? Texts / Emails / Notifications / Get Sports Scores?

I've searched and searched, and although ive found these questions often, ive never found a definitive answer. If the answer is out there, please just point me in the right direction.
1. going to my texts always takes me to my last text, and posts the first text of the message. Preferably, I want it to go to All Messages, not to the last message. And if it insists to go to the last message, at the very least it should show the most recent of those messages.
2. Same problem with email, cant get it to go to all emails as default! Also, my yahoo IMAP mail is acting like POP. Even after viewing and/or deleting its not affecting the emails on my actual yahoo account, they all still look like they havent been viewed yet.
3. How can i change the sound notification for texts and emails (and hopefully remove the annoying triple vibration for each junk email i get).
4. fourth and maybe most importantly, I cant find a single Real-time Live sports score app. ive tried many browsers and for some reason mobile espn just isnt as friendly with winmo as it was with the iphone. So i need some kind of app that easily allows viewing scores and stats ... any ideas?
Thanks everyone

G1 Problem

Hello Guys,
First I just want to say I love the forum, read many threads on here last night and despite being a total noob to flashing, developing etc I thought I'd have ago and flashing my G1.
Well it went well, love the new software, but I have one problem - I can't download from the Market place - whatever application I choose to download just stays as 'downloading' but nothing actually comes down - my data connection works just fine, with normal internet browsing working normally.
I wonder if anyone could make a suggestion - please find my phone set up data
HTC G1/Dream
Firmware 2.1-update1
Baseband version 62.505.20.17H_2.22.19.26I
Kernel version 2.6.34-cyanogenmod
Mod Version CyanogenMod-5.0.8-DS
Build Number EPE54B
Thanks again!
Also noticed that despite inside the notifications menu, I have the LED turned on - when I receive a text the light doesn't flash?
Ok, thats one problem fixed - the issue with downloads looks like a Marketplace issue - so that's all good!
So, just one other thing - when voicemails or texts are received the light doesn't flash - even though I've got it set up correctly in the settings....
Anyone else with this problem or have any tips?
The notificaton LEDs only work when the screen is off. You really don't need them when it's on.
Sure, but even when my screen is off and I get a text the LED doesn't blink.
Try checking that the missed call LED is checked under call settings.
All of a sudden without doing anything at all, it's working now - very odd.
This new OS is pretty Juicy on the battery, but not sure if its the fact I've been getting to know it all day.
A bug found by the looks of things - none of my contacts will save?
I've added the same person 3 times and it says saving contacts but when I got back in to contacts it isn't there .......anyone offer some suggestion(s)?
I've tried to synch with google and nothing happens - why doesn't the contact save to the phone or SIM? I'm not overly interested in storing contacts on Google - the standard firmware for the phone stores them on the phone/sim - where in the settings does it dictate where a contact is stored to ?
Solved, the contact wasn't displayed as some of the boxes under contact settings weren't ticked - why on earth would I want to "hide" my contacts?? Oh well ......thanks

texting problems, droid x, gb

I got my Droid X at the end of last summer. Not long after I started using Handcent for texting because it had a lot more options. Afterwards (still several months ago) I noticed that the default texting program no longer worked and when I would try to use it Handcent would stop working until I did a battery pull.
Then a few months ago Handcent started causing problems as it would mess up and force close most times that I would receive a picture message. It would require exactly 2 battery pulls, every time no more or less, in order for me to be able to text again. I shrugged it off and dealt with it until now.
Last night I downloaded the gb update and now I essentially cannot text at all. Everything on the phone works fine, until I try texting. I can send one but as soon as I receive one back, it causes Handcent to freeze up and the whole phone freezes until I pull the battery. I have pulled the battery more than 15 times hoping the problem would stop but no luck so far. I also noticed my AOL and school email now pop up error messages and will not sync.
Sorry for the long explanation but I thought explaining the details may be helpful to all of you who are smarter than me at this haha. Any help or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated as I have no idea what to do and I would prefer to avoid doing a factory reset or deleting Handcent if possible since it has a lot of important messages in it to me.
Thank you thank you thank you!
Handcent doesn't store any of your messages. Unistall and try Gosms instead. It has more features and works better
Messages in Handcent stay there until you delete them, I have several thousand and they can be searched through with the features it has. I could pay to have them backed up I believe but its not worth that. I'm pretty sure I tried Go Sms for one day and thought it was terrible. (Message times would be wrong even after I tried to fix the options for it. Issues with pictures and other stuff) I might install again just to see if it will work at all but I'm having my doubts
No actually Handcent does NOT STORE YOUR MESSAGES. All of your message are stored in the data folder and will not go away unless you manually delete them. Unistalling the application will have absolutely no effect on your messages

Exchange Services - SmsRelayService HELP!!!!!

Someone please help! Having read the very little amount of content I can find so far, I am extremely concerned that somehow some or all of my text messages are being relayed to an email account via the Service (SmsRelayService) that is running under the app Exchange Services.
I don't seem to be able to find anything conclusive, but what I have found is that it is likely to be relaying text messages to an Exchange Account?
I can stop the Service and it stays 'stopped' until a text message is received and it starts running again.
Now have a Note 4, having upgraded because my last handset appeared to have been tampered with and was also behaving in this manner, as well as my Google Location History recording me in places that I never was. On that handset there were even more questionable apps running, one of which appeared to be some form of spyware when searched in Google!
Is there any way that you can dig deep into the operating system of the device and see what is going on?
Is there any way of identifying is my suspicions and those of others that I have seen post similar stories are correct?
One of the reasons I started to question it initially and then look into it was because I was receiving overly descriptive and some unnecessary text messages from someone and at the same time, another device nearby was demonstrating email notification sounds!
Not only that, but certain things that I had not discussed with certain people, but had discussed over text with others (in no way related or connected) were being brought up!
Help please.... is SmsRelayService under the app Exchange Services something to be worried about?????
I was also shocked by the lack of information on this "SmsRelayService" There are tunz of questions out there about it.
After much research and messing with my phone I feel the service is stock BUT can be hijacked by some unknown application to send all texts to a 3rd party. My x was getting my text messages somehow. In her email account i found she had set up a service on her own phone first to test and she would receive every text on the phone and also location. I assume she set it up on her own phone first to figure it out then she put it on my phone. I have a rooted phone with a custom rom. strangely the SmsRelayService had permission for EVERYTHING on my phone. From sms to photos and every single admin right possible. I doubt this is normal for that service. my custom Rom has a "App ops" menu that shows what the service has used or not. In my case it looks like she was only accessing my sms messages. Killing the service did not help as when a new text came in it started back up and accessed the new messages. Once i removed all the permissions for "SmsRelayService" in the "App ops" menu i no longer had the problem of the service accessing the texts. Without this menu option i don’t know how i would have stopped it. I'd assume there is an app or process killer out there that would have been able to shut it down but it'd take someone else with a normal rom to let us know.
in my case I’m lucky it was only sms's. It looks as though whatever she put on my phone was only getting sms's. the app having access to all rights on the phone a better or more in depth spy app/program could have accessed much more. Only spying my sms activity i did not notice ANY extra battery drain. Also this app is known with Microsoft exchange and that messes up a lot of the research. I have never setup any other account but a gmail account so without a link there i don’t know why else it'd been activated in the first place if not for a spy app. I'll try and post back in a few weeks after i'v been able to see if she suddenly doesn’t have information that she shouldn’t know.

Oreo update - not showing notifications

Hi all
I have searched everywhere and I can't find anybody else with this issue... I surely can't be the only one...?
Since updating my Nexus 6P to Oreo I appear to have some apps not show a notification icon or anything in my notification drop down menu. My phone will vibrate as normal but my screen will not show any notifications...
This happens for Outlook (I will receive a normal notification and email preview on my Huawei watch running 2.0 but nothing at all on phone apart from its vibration), FotMob (a goal alert service if anyone is unfamiliar with it) and even push notifications on Facebook (to name a few). WhatsApp and text messages, for example, are working as normal.
I have reset all my notification and permissions settings TNA and even uninstalled and reinstalled the troublesome apps. Same result
Is this just apps not being fully supported for 8.0 or is this a different issue?
I really don't want to resort to a factory reset...
Thanks in advance
The most important thing i hate about Oreo .. is that Power notification control is missing the is so important for me!!
Flicker20 said:
Hi all
I have searched everywhere and I can't find anybody else with this issue... I surely can't be the only one...?
Since updating my Nexus 6P to Oreo I appear to have some apps not show a notification icon or anything in my notification drop down menu. My phone will vibrate as normal but my screen will not show any notifications...
This happens for Outlook (I will receive a normal notification and email preview on my Huawei watch running 2.0 but nothing at all on phone apart from its vibration), FotMob (a goal alert service if anyone is unfamiliar with it) and even push notifications on Facebook (to name a few). WhatsApp and text messages, for example, are working as normal.
I have reset all my notification and permissions settings TNA and even uninstalled and reinstalled the troublesome apps. Same result
Is this just apps not being fully supported for 8.0 or is this a different issue?
I really don't want to resort to a factory reset...
Thanks in advance
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
How were the apps installed? If you restored them through Titanium Backup, the device id for GCM push notifications will be wrong.
Uninstall, clear cache, then install the app from the play store.
Hi krs360
The apps were installed through play store. I am running fully stock, unrooted Android 8.0
I have the same problem. Gmail is set to blink the notification light - but it doesn't! Argh!
FloomFloomBroom said:
I have the same problem. Gmail is set to blink the notification light - but it doesn't! Argh!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There is something sketchy about oreo notification. Sometimes the LED simply doesn't blink at all , sometimes it simply blink very very slow.
Aquamail works fine
Gmail also doesn't pop up with a notification when the screen is off. But aqua mail does, and the notification light also works.
I think I found the answer to this. Basically it's a change in the SDK that requires the app author to fix. (I know, I just discovered the same problem in apps I wrote.)
Nothing quite so heartbreaking than to find a singular post/thread on the internet from someone having the same issue as you, only to discover that no solution has been posted and that it's old.
For what it's worth, having the same exact issue. Phone updated OTA a few weeks ago, and at first I was having the battery drain issue but that seemed to get fixed during the patch update, but now I've noticed that Outlook Calendar reminders, as well as Facebook Messenger App Notifications (new messages) no longer make a sound and/or show up as a notification on my phone. This is extremely annoying/difficult especially with Outlook as I have a really terrible time keeping things straight or organized, so I rely pretty heavily on the calendar reminders I set in it for daily/weekly/monthly things.
I could be wrong but I think it's related to notification lights.I wasn't getting anything until I turned it on and suddenly I was.
Has anyone come across the solution for this issue? I have had it for over a month now and I really don't understand what the issue could be.
same issue with OREO (ZUK Z2 PRO)
also cannot edit permissions because it doesn't handle a device with plenty apps installed (+800) it hangs and crash / go back to main menu without letting you edit anything in options
