Camera photo issues - Galaxy S I9000 General

Hi everyone,
when my gf uses her camera, she notices that photo will not save automatically to the gallery. But when she opens the gallery and clicks the camera, then more, the photos she has taken will appear.
today i unmounted the micro sd card and remounted the photos where then in the gallery.
any ideas on this?


Viewing SDcard Pics in Album

Guys my HD doesnt recognize my photos form my diamond on my sd card in album - i can find them in pictures and videos but not in album. they are saved under my pictures - any advice please?
ok for anyone who wants to know -
change the settings on the camera to save to storage card. take a photo, you will then have a dcim file created in storage card - now transfer all your photos in here


Edit: NM - went to T-mo store and found out the memory card was defective.
Every time I take a picture with the camera the default HTC Gallery will show the photo, but if I have to restart the phone and go back into the Gallery app, it won't recognize that I've taken any pictures. Same with videos too.
I can see the pictures just fine when using the stock Froyo Gallery or through ASTRO, and if I go through ASTRO, I can then view it in the HTC Gallery.
The problem is I can't change my lock screen picture since it only allows me to change it using pictures from the HTC Gallery or the Wallpaper Gallery, and the HTC Gallery just will not see that I have pictures on the SD card.
I've tried unmounting and mounting the SD card and nothing.

[Q] all my pictures are gone!

Hey guys,
Woke up this morning and all my camera taken pics are gone! They gallery opens up and there are folders listed with downloaded and sample photos, but no camera photos. Not even the "camera" folder was there. I just took a picture now and it created the camera folder and there is only the one picture in there that I just took. I had like 350-400 pics on there and poof they are gone.
Any ideas?
Anybody know the path on the SD card of where the pics are stored?
/sdcard/DCIM/Camera is where my pics are stored anyways.
I remember in my days with my Moment my gallery used to not always load the images. I would delete the directory /sdcard/Android/data/ and then it would force the gallery to search the sdcard again to index all the pics. No idea if that's the approved process or if it works on the Epic (mainly cause I haven't had the issue), but it used to do the trick.
Search the market for Rescan Media. Useful tool to force a rescan for the gallery.
Un-mount and remount sd card should be ok
Sent from my SPH-D700
I can navigate the sd card anf the DCIM folder is ther, but empty. I unmounted and restarted the phone with a battery pull too, nothing. Ill try rescan media later. I just found out my lookout mobile app was also not set to back up pics

Browsing Camera Photos via USB

I can attach my digital camera to the Iconia via USB, but it's hard to do anything with the photos on the camera's SD card. Using an app like Astro to explore the camera's card, you can see very small thumbnails of the pictures but cannot really browse the photos.
You can click on a single photo and it will display, but it does not fill the screen. You can't browse through the photos. Instead, you have to return to the list of files and click on the next photo in the list, and repeat that process for each image you want to view, instead of scrolling through the files on the SD card.
Also, I haven't found a way to copy pictures off of the camera's card onto the Iconia for a better viewing experience or to clear space off the camera's card.
I'm running HC 3.1 and thought it would come with an app that enabled better use of the USB host mode.
Does anybody know of a better app to view photos on a camera's SD card when it's connected via USB?

Pictures disappearing from camera app gallery?

Are anyone's pictures disappearing from the gallery that is attached to the camera? If I take pictures, leave the camera app and come back the pictures are gone.
Still accessible through Google Photos though.
