[Q] microSD card problem / dissapearing files / LOST.DIR - Hero, G2 Touch General

About month ago I bought a new 16GB micro SDHC card from Kingston (product page at kingston.com/ukroot/flash/sdhc_micro.asp ) for my HTC Hero (GSM version). Since them I'm having a problems with copying and accessing my files from this card.
According to seller, this should be Class 6 card, here is the auction:
Getting to the point... Situation is like this:
(I tried all those things listed below under Froyd 1.5 and Villain ROM 12, with latest radio)
I connect my Hero to PC (on xp or ubuntu) and I copy files to card (...big deal . After that I wait for a few seconds and unmount the disk on PC and turn off USB MassStorage on Hero, then I unplug the usb cable. Card is then normally mounted. After that, when I try to access those files i.e.: via Astro, Music player or PDF reader, I cannot do this, because all copied files disappeared or sometimes they're are on the card but are corrupted and any app can't open them. Moreover all copied directories are there but all are empty.
I tried various ways to copy files: via adb, ftp, dropbox, recovery mode (amonRa 1.7). I even tried removing all spaces from dir and file names, it doesn't matter, but every time it's the same.
I also noticed a lot of files in LOST.DIR on card. I know that the system stores there files that weren't properly copied and/or card was unmounted too fast, but usually there is less files that I copied. I even tried to rename few of those files (that I know that were mp3 or pdf) and add mp3 or pdf extension to them, but music player or pdf reader showed error that file is corrupted or something similar.
I followed also tutorial from the unclockr:
theunlockr.com/2009/10/15/how-to-switch-to-a-different-microsd-card-on-android-when-using-swap-hero-and-or-apps2sd/ but with same result.
Any ideas, how to solve the problem? (beside returning the card to the seller?)

Ok, I think we can close this topic.
I checked this card in another telephone (different than at first time), and situation was the same.
I have to return this card to the seller.


Suddenly can't find memory card.

So today for no apparent reason my Touch HD couldnt' find and read the stuff I have on my micro memory card. I opened file explorer and tried removing and inserting my memory card. It shows up for a few seconds then dissappears again.
Only new thing added to the phone in the last week was the game, Experiment 13. (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=5005847)
Your card has most likely got a damaged file, stick your card in a reader and copy the files to your pc, a few at a time, this will allow you to find which file is causing the problem, once found copy all of the good files somewhere, format the card and restore all of your files back to the clean sd card, now put the card back in the phone when not charging or battery in, replace the battery and reboot, card should now be visible.
Use Total Commander on your PC to copy the entire contents of your card. It will show you which file(s) is(are) damaged. It happened to me a few days ago when device.nng (something to do with license files for iGo) got corrupted, and every time I browsed to the folder that contained that file (which was the root actually), the card would disappear. Also it would disappear on the PC as well when trying to copy that file. So just copied everything but that, formatted, and recopied.
Thanks for the replies. I'll give that a try. Just have to get a card reader thingy for my pc first.
this happened with me before after flashing new rom i needed to formate the memorycard to get it work again.
It hapenned to me too
I copied almost all files in a laptop card slot (with an adaptor SD/micro SD) because usb card readers gave much more errors.
Really there were some bad files, imposible to read.
I formatted the card totally, and restore. But it lasted working ok for only another week
At last, the only option was buying a brand new 16gb micro SD

Problems copying music files to Storage Card

I've got hold of a new MicroSD card, class 2 16Gb.
I've got about 6Gb of music which I want to copy across but I am having huge problems.
Firstly I tried using Windows Media Player sync function - but it only works for about 20 tracks and then stalls.
Copying the files directly using 'Disk' or 'ActiveSync' settings - look like everything is OK, but when I look at some of the contents of the folders they have wierd/scrambled names.
What is really puzzling me, is that I have both quick, and full, formatted the SD Card and the same folders are always messed up. I have tried every combination of copy method I can think of!!! The files are fine on my PC.
Copying the backup of the contents of my old SD Card onto the new one works fine.
Anyone else had this? Is it my SDCard that is screwed? Please Help!!!
no it's active sync and media player that are screwy. for best results put the card in a card reader on your pc, or if not available when connecting the phone to pc choose disk drive mode and copy it that way.
I'd say you got a faulty / "fake" card.

SD Card not being recognized

I just noticed that my phone is not seeing the MicroSD card in the system.
I have reseated the card and soft reset the phone so far, but cannot get the card to be seen again.
I was able to transfer some files to the card this morning so something must have happened after the transfer...
Anyone else see this problem?
I guess this has been moved here, so I'll mention this is the T-Mo US version. Stock ROM
Same issue...
I Have had the same issue... Figured it out when I wanted to run an app that was installed on my sd card... Had to Take out card, put it back and reboot the phone. If it happens again, will be taking phone back to T-Mobile to have them take care of issue.
Yea, that def. doesnt sound like how it's intended to be...
The card mounts in Windows, while its in the phone and I can transfer to it, but cant be viewed on the phone.
Conquest said:
Yea, that def. doesnt sound like how it's intended to be...
The card mounts in Windows, while its in the phone and I can transfer to it, but cant be viewed on the phone.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Check that you haven't got a 2nd 'Storage Card2' in the phone root folder - This sometimes happens if you try to reference the card while it isn't installed - another 'Storage Card' is generated.
If so, use file explorer, gsfinder or Total Commander to find your (correct) card and delete the temporary one.
Also Unable to Read SD Card
I am having a similar issue. Got my HD2 (TMO US, stock ROM) on launch day, SD card wasn't recognized starting last night. The phone asks me to format the SD card after a soft reset. When I connect to the PC via USB in Disk Drive mode, as soon as I try to explore the SD card the PC asks me to format it. Programs that I have installed to the storage card show up with a generic icon and do not start.
Maybe those of you having problems can provide some additional info about any changes to your device, and we may find something in common. Here's what I can think of that's associated with my phone:
- Customizations with BsB Tweaks and HD2Tweak (tried backing out the FAT cache settings already and resetting, card is still not recognized)
- A small number of manual registry changes which I can't verify because, of course, I wrote the backup files to the SD card *facepalm*
- Cookie's Home Tab
- Some additional games, Google Maps, Google Mobile App, Total Commander, PHM RegEdit, a few other random apps from O!Market
I also have Pointsec encryption on my laptop, which is notorious for trying to grab a hold of removable media and "protect" it.
My SD Card just showed up.
I had made no changes to the ROM at all. Completely stock, no CABs installed.
Since then I have installed some registry tweaks and some apps.
But thats my giving to a solution, which is nothing lol..
I have noticed however, that when the phone is mounted to my PC and Im in the folder, I cant browse to the SD Card on the phone...
Anyone else see that?
I believe I know the problem. IT happened to me several times, until I unplugged the USB cable, then the SD card magically appeared again.
When ever the phone is tethered, or connected to USB, the SD card is not vissible on the phone via file manager.
It should be visible via the laptop or PC explorer
Card Now Visible
I did have to format my storage card to get it to be recognized by the HD2. In case anyone else runs into the same problem, here are the steps I followed:
- Removed microSD card from device, put in adapter, and attached to computer
- Used TestDisk (www[.]cgsecurity[.]org/wiki/TestDisk) to view the data on the drive. I was able to recover all of the files and directories.
- Copied the recovered files to my computer's hard drive
- Removed microSD card from computer, put in phone, and allowed phone to format when the dialog box appeared
- Removed card from phone, attached to computer, copied recovered files to card
- Put card in phone and soft reset
Hopefully this helps someone out who runs into a similar problem.
Thanks for the above post - that definitely helped me this morning as I thought my storage card had stopped working.
Seems daft when you plug in the USB cable from PC that phone then shows storage card as not installed.

[Q] transfering files through usb - problems - SD roms

Hope someone can help me.
I'm having strange issues with transfering files through USB, using Android (sd version). Tried 3 gingerbread roms and when I try to copy the files to the sd card, after setting up the usb connection on the phone, they don't show up in the file explorer when I unmount the card.
But if I enter windows mobile, they are there. If I copy the files in windows mobile, they are recognised by the android rom.
I've formatted the card in Panasonic Formatter, but still the same (with 16kb and 32kb clusters).
No need to open another thread, the same question can be found on the first page as well
Look here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1143864
Damn, been searching the forums yesterday about this, and then someone posted. Sorry.

[Q] Problem with a Micro-SD card

I received a 64GB Micro-SD card for my birthday 3 days ago. I had no use for it (my phone has enough space) so I gave it to my friend.
My friend installed a few games on it, everything working correctly. The next day he asked me for save files for GTA San Andreas.
He took the Micro-SD out and I put it in my phone as I normally do. I selected the save files, moved them to the card and they were transferred successfully.
After this I I took the Micro-SD out like I normally do (I did not unmount it). He put it in his phone and opened GTA, it failed to load the game.
He checked the Micro-SD with ES file explorer and it showed the files correctly. Some time after, the ES file explorer failed to load the SD card.
I tried the card with my phone too, my phone did not load any of the files either. It just shows "Micro-SD unreachable" in the Data management settings.
I also tried to connect it to my PC using a Micro-SD adapter, my computer does not recognize it when I connect it
What did go wrong? Also, is it possible to be fixed? The card is a Samsung 64GB Micro-SD
Any help is appreciated

