What makes a "good" ROM? - Hero, G2 Touch General

I received this question in a private message earlier and though I'd share the answer with everyone. This topic can be used to answer the above/below question yourselves too and hopefully others can find it helpful and respond with their own opinions too.
Please don't reply directly to another comments but purely give your own opinion on the following question. I want this topic to be without fighting or slander!
I am curious to your opinions on a "good" rom?
(note the question in the PM too me was a bit more detailed so my answer goes into quite a few different factors, its up to you how detailed your answers are)
My opinions as to what makes a good rom. Very interesting question. There are many factors. Most important personally is the person who is developing it. I like the villain team because there is a whole team behind it and they are very easily accessible to ask questions and fix bugs etc. The support on their website is stunning. That's not to say all the devs who don't have a dedicated team and website aren't as good. Raudg (or the guy who created vanilla eclair and choco eclair) was awesome. Very good support, though last I heard he fell ill and hasn't been on since, which is why his rom's are now a bit outdated and I probably wouldn't recommend them. The elelinux and Floyo rom's are also meant to be brilliant and I would expect good support from both of those too. I'm still hesitant of using the Cronos rom's due to the history behind the developer. I also found during benchmarking no noticeable difference between the Cronos rom's and any of the others. I will say no more on the issue.
One big secret that the dev's tend not too let onto is that almost all rom's (performance wise) are almost identical. The main reason I haven't continued the benchmarks recently is because after spending about 5-6 days (9am to 9pm) benchmarking well over 20 different rom's every one felt almost identical to the last. None of them lagged any more than another, and although I picked up minor bugs every now and then in different rom's there was typically very little to differentiate them. I generally found that with use you got used to each rom and the minor annoyances either made me change rom or I would just live with it until it was fixed. Having said all of this there is a significant performance difference between Sense UI and Vanilla rom's. Vanilla rom's might not necessarily benchmark better but they consistently "felt" faster to use.
On that note, I don't think i would go back to v2.1 of android. I love vanilla (with launcher pro) too much too go back, and 2.1 is no where near as good as 2.2. Especially with emulated flash in the Skyfire browser now.
I'm yet too benchmark all the 2.2 rom's against each other. Purely because of the amount of time it takes to do, and the limits of the results.
So what would I recommend:
1. Don't be afraid too try other rom's. I can't stress enough how easy it is too flash rom's. As I said I flashed over 20 rom's in less than a week and had no issues. You can always get into the recovery menu so you can always go back to a backup of an old rom.
2. Back EVERYTHING up. Another thing I can't stress enough. You never know when something might happen. I backed up apps etc with titanium backup and the rom's with nandroid built into the recovery. I then backed up my sdcard (which stores these backups) onto my computer. SO i had backups of backups. As I said - can never be safe enough!
3. Love you're dev's. Leaving ****ty messages on their topics when something doesn't work never solves anything (not that I expect this of you). If something isn't working ask about it and give as much detail as possible. Its really hard to fix an issue when someone says "gps doesn't work". Solutions always lie in the detail.
4. Pick a release that is well supported. Check the thread last post date. Check the last edited date of the first post (with the release in it). Don't bother using any release that is more than 2 months old (typically) and if there hasn't been a post in the thread for over 1 week ask yourself why! The best rom's tend to have at least 1-2 posts a day and have been updated with some sort of fix/release within the last 2 weeks.
Finally, if you really want a list of my top 3 rom's at this point in time it would probably be:
1. FloydVillain 1.5 (due to the support & community)
2. Floyo 1.1.8 (due to the awesome feedback its been getting recently)
3. elelinux's Froyo 2.2_RC1 (due too it having an experienced dev)
I'd probably say that Fusion ROM is worth checking out too, and Tegro 2.1.2 if you like the slide interface (i'm very tempted by this one). They are my wild card rom's at this point in time.

I think you've hit the nail on the head there,...
I have to agree and say that for me personally it does boil down to..........
1... Top priority... Who the developers are, are they still actively developing fixes for any bugs there may be in their ROMS? And also how well they communicate issues/news/advances back to the community as a whole, to both end users and other devs alike.
2... Low priority... amount of users / comments from users in thread. But this is not so important in comparison to the developers as the only way to be sure is by trying them out 1st hand.
So for me, I dont think I would even bother trying a ROM from a developer whos ethos I cannot share, but I have no problem running a buggy alpha ROM If I think my feedback will benefit the dev to bring fixes.

A ROM should have Sense UI. I won't install any Froyo ROM until there is a stable and everything-working Sense UI ROM for it. It's just too geeky to use without the Sense UI. The other thing is the team behind the ROM. I definitely prefer ROMs built from teams than ROMs built from one single guy. Villain are my favorite. I think that's all.


SPEEDiest stable donut ROM - challenge me...

This Thread will list the ROM that is foremost STABLE.. . AND SUPER FAST.
The CURRENT CHAMPION is currently : Dwang
Here is the reality. MOST ROMs suck in terms of speed. They are slow if you fill your agenda and contacts and add a few widgets. You switch from apps to home you wait, you switch apps wait again, reload etc. Pain in the ass.
So you get the concept, I like speed... AND I want this thread to be about stable super fast ROMS.
I am tired of every rom claiming fast, and blazing and etc.. with the sad reality that the very large majority quite frankly sucks.
Anyone who is using the phone as a real working professional realizes that HERO's suck... haven't found one yet that just eliminates waiting. I just can't deal with waiting 5 seconds when moving out of an app to home or.. into another one..It just doesnt work if I have a call ringing and all the appz bog it down so I can't answer... While some ROMs are trying to be fast.. they still suck if you move a little fast..or have a few things up. That's the reality. And while I appreciate the work of all the devs, I want one thread in here to be about bottom line. Speed & everyday stability everyday use. And I mean not fast right after you flashed it I mean still fast after weeks of use. Many Ron's just come to a creeping halt.. after a while... However a ROM has to be STABLE first (meaning no force closes even after a while) and once it delivers that, then it has to be FAST.
So far I found ONE ROM that is far and beyond above the rest... and it is the current speed champion Dwang (with haykuro spl)
Quite frankly there's nothing that can touch that one. It is stable, has a black theme, bluetooth (don't quite need it though), but is SUPER FAST... meaning no waiting.. it is the only rom, that I consider business-use worthy.. where you can fly through apps, get your stuff done.. it works, does it's thing no matter what you throw at it... leagues above the rest. In fact is is a Rom you can flash onto the Lady's phone and she's gonna love it... which is the ultimate crown for software.
Oh and I am in no way associated with Dwang.. I am just a simple guy who wants a fast and stable donut/hero. If I can get same speed as Dwang in a hero, I'd love to have a hero... anyway.. I'll keep this thread as the speed champion thread (stable). The test infrastructure is a Dream G1.. but others feel free to post your comments.
NOW if any of you guys think you have a rom that works equally well, or you think is faster... please post a link below and I'll give it a shot... I'll run it through its paces with many large calendars tons of contacts and lots of daily use and abuse. However I am not gonna look at test balloons. Test your rom first, make sure it's stable... and most importantly don't go out and throw claims around you can't backup.
So show me what you've got.... For now Dwang is the reigning Speed champion.
I have none of the "issues" you point out with Cyanogen's latest. I'm not going to bother with a link. You should be able to find it.
Edit: Agreed with tazz.
dude, no one cares about what you think of ROM's in development. There's different forums for each phone for a reason. Mods, can we get this moved to general please? This doesn't belong here. Next time, think before you decide to post things that do not belong in development. all it does is just clutter it.
I challenge you to post in the right section.
alec.baldwin has a point, there should be statistics in A part of the Dream forums for everyday usage of the ROM's, I totally agree with him, when I am at home everything is ok with any ROM, but when I am on the road and I am trying to find a location and an IM application is opened and some guy calls me.. everything hangs, even on cyanogen, once it jammed the whole nadroid, black screen, only the notification bar visible and the phone was vibrating, I had to restart it. Anyhow, what's true it's true, this thread doesn't belong here, but it must be somewhere in plain sight. I have tested so far every ROM that has appear in the last two months, and truth be told, I also find dwangs the best, I've been using it like mad, good battery life, extremely snappy, no complaints. And yes, for everyone that keeps saying that the ROM's aren't working well because wipe and format, I ALWAYS repartition my SD when installing a new ROM.
AS ALWAYS, THANKS TO ALL THE DEV's FOR THEYR HARD WORK, remember, this isn't a competition, only statistics, so people can make a good choice without testing everything out there.
When someone says they have a super speedy hero rom, it relates to other PAST HERO ROMS. You cant compare a cupcake rom or a donut rom to a Hero rom. Especially on speed. The sense UI was not meant to run on the G1 nor was it meant to be run on the MT3G. On the other hand, donut and cupcake where both meant to be run on our phones. Thats why they are usually stable, fast, and used on a daily basis while hero roms need completely different frameworks and modifications to even work on our phones. SO, my point is: Hero roms are fast compared to other hero roms being created and they are a WORK IN PROGRESS so let the work progress and stop complaining because we have like 20 devs working FOR FREE just to make people like you and me happy. So Donut will always be faster then Hero. And as of right now, Hero will always be a tad slow, have some loading screens, and lacks bluetooth.
Ok first sorry guys for posting this in the wrong section (admin please move) unless I can (but don't think I can). It took me many hours to find this Rom that delivers - every rom claiming how super fast they are does not make it easy. As newby it takes a while to get the right recovery image, get the right spl, get the hang of it, until you finally get to switchrom or a process that makes testing easier.
Having some XDA stable speed award, or something that would take away all that trial and error and reading through pages and pages of posts to find what is unstable in every rom, having a simple THREAD.. that shows Newbies... look start with XYZ rom. And you have something that is fast, and stable. Then you can go and venture from there. I bet that many get turned off after flashing a hero, or a cyanogen (I first flashed the 4.0... cyanogen and boy what a dog it was, and the hero's are even worse, I was ready to throw it out the window)... all I wanted was something fast and stable, real life worthy. It took me probably about 7 roms to finally find one that RULES.
Also right now dev development has so many dimensions everyone developing in some direction. IT would be nice.. to have a central thread.. if you want speed&stable.. do XYZ. If you want features do ABC... wouldnt it be nice to have an award devs can aspire towards, to get recognition for the work you do...
I just upgraded to a G1 from At&t Tilt. I'm new to the dream threads. I see that you guys are very competitive with your development. That is a good sign because that means that there are hard working devs here. I like
nephron said:
When someone says they have a super speedy hero rom, it relates to other PAST HERO ROMS. You cant compare a cupcake rom or a donut rom to a Hero rom. Especially on speed. ....we have like 20 devs working FOR FREE just to make people like you and me happy. So Donut will always be faster then Hero.
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Yes there are 20 devs working but there should be some structure to the madness. I think there are a lot of people that look for fast and stable and simply can't find it because they are lost in so many releases all claiming fast and stable and the greatest thing since apple pie. All I suggest is a simple thread to help new users here to get a positive experience.
Imagine someone is flashing a dog onto their phone... slows it down like you wouldnt believe it after 2 weeks of use... what do you think how likely are they to come back and give it another shot (unless they're geeks and willing to work through it). Now imagine the same thing.. someone starting with a stock donut.. flashing a dwang1.11 and go like "HOLY SH#T".. I'll bet you a positive first experience will do much more for the community the users and the developers than someone with a bad experience.. (trust me I went through that).
The more users you have the more enthusiasts the better for all of us. My vote is simply to create something that gives positive experiences. Does not have to be me.. but someone who is using the devices in the real world.. with abuse and use, large calendars... contacts, just REAL LIFE, and then puts out some recommendations/awards whatever you wanna call it. Do this and you'll see user numbers grow.
and another thing... the writting up here ^ is not yelling just really big letters =]
i think you are completely wrong, the new sense hero 1.3r1 with the new bfs and 10mb hack have zero lag
this thread is a waste of bandwith.
this has to be the most pointless thread ive ever seen. flash roms and figure out for yourself which is good or not if you dont like it go back to ota updates.
jf4888 said:
and another thing... the writting up here ^ is not yelling just really big letters =]
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Everything you jus said was pure stupid! The only thing you really got to pay for is a class 6 card and thats less than 15 bucks online! If you dont got 15 bucks get a job! Cyan right now is not stable im getting so much fc's on his rom & new people find bugs all day on it. Dwang's is the meanest leanest fastest stable donut rom out there! Have you ever tried it?
I think part of the fun is figuring out what works best for your needs. Some people like flash and glits, running tons of widgets, others are very minimal. But he is right. Every Rom on this site "claims to be the fastest".
Takenover83 said:
I think part of the fun is figuring out what works best for your needs. Some people like flash and glits, running tons of widgets, others are very minimal. But he is right. Every Rom on this site "claims to be the fastest".
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No, cyanogen claims his will keep you legal for less. nothing about being the fastest there! xD
Enomther's ROMs are very fast and stable...I flash most the ROMs i find but always go back to his. You are posting in the dev section so most the people here are going to say try them all...when most the users don't want to flash all the time.
I would suggest starting a thread in Dream or Dream Q&A, make a poll, do some benchmarks...Have users pay more attention to the annoyances in their ROMs and post them. All of the stuff you are asking about should be run by the community, not XDA! I agree being a noob and coming to this site can be overwhelming, but at the same time it kills off some of the people that shouldn't be modding their phones anyway.
Maybe make a few threads...one showing the fastest most stable ROM, one for the ROM with the most options, one that is the creeper...maybe build that all into one post and you maintain the first few posts...Hell Google Wave invites are floating around, I am making a wave about tips and tricks on the G1 you could try to do something similar.
Thansk for mentioning Enomther's rom looks though he's not on Donut yet.. but as soon as it happens I'll give it a shot.
Legal for less.. well quite frankly the extra dance about the google stuff is just a hazzle. I see Google's point that when you go and waive the mods stuff around on their market (through the updater) that they'd get upset. But the result now is rather absurd..to backup your own google appz and install them afterwards...(I think that's what the status is). The problem I had with Cyanogen is that everyone was hyping up the 4.0.. something (the last one with the google appz) I installed it on my, my wife and my dad's phone.. and it ended up being a really frustrating experience (they're all heavy users). Now the most current version might have things fixed but I am still scared from that experience.
yeah I have created a few little benchmarks.. switching from this to that, just certain tasks.. in the future I'll just compare Roms by looking at how much time it takes. Then teh ones that are promising will get immersed into a real life test. It would be awesome to have a benchmark program....
jf4888 and Mgorman
Quite frankly just try Dwang's rom.. . that will make you shut up.
About sense hero 1.3r1 with the new bfs and 10mb hack that should have zero lag. Well I got exactly that one installed... and I personally thought it sucks. Go to browser.. hit the home button. Or other applications.. you'll get seconds of load times. The other thing that sucked is the widgets.. f.e. weather.. as great as it looks.. I have noticed that I am in an app.. go back to home screen.. go to weather widget and it is reloading... even though before I went into the app it had the data loaded. And generally moving through the rom from apps, to settings, to home, to email to messaging to home... I have found one just waits for 3-5 seconds at a time. And it might be that's just normal for HERO, but with Dwang I don't get that. Sure its a donut.. but if you are a real user, you will care a lot more about speed than you do about a weather animation, or a few more polished things... if it would be a major step in functionality.. ok maybe.. but its not. Its a little bit better.. but a lot slower. If you want a more detailed analysis let me know and i'll boot the hero up again and do some measurments to drive the point home.
alec.baldwin said:
yeah I have created a few little benchmarks.. switching from this to that, just certain tasks.. in the future I'll just compare Roms by looking at how much time it takes. Then teh ones that are promising will get immersed into a real life test. It would be awesome to have a benchmark program....
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You want a true benchmark test, download Linpack for Android (it's available in most droid markets I believe). It isn't perfect, and it doesn't give a ton of stats, but it does do a pretty legit speed test and you can even save the results to compare against other roms/phones.
I agree with you on the "having a thread that highlights the "fastest", "most bells & whistle", etc"... even if just to tell noobs "start here"... I'm running CM (and yes, it has issues... I've had random reboots, FC's, and plenty of lag) but I've been sticking with CM as it's just easier than flashing a new rom every few days because things start going down hill. Having a thread to go to that would give at least a general idea of how different roms work in the real world (without having to spend my entire saturday reading through thousands of posts, most of which provide no info at all) would be great. But then I'm guessing said thread would fill with useless posts, or at least way too many posts) fairly quickly.
That being said, your better bet is to have a website that is either devoted to (or at least has a section devoted to) this concept. You may have a better chance pitching the idea to the folks at Phandroid.com or AndroidAndMe.com. I'm not saying they'll be 100% behind you, I don't really know any of them, so I can't really say what their interest level would be... but at least on a site like that you can control the "reviews/awards" without getting a billion useless posts making it hard to find the useful info. Just a thought.
yup yup yippee, I used a certain ROM that claimed to be fast and stable and it was just the opposite and also had a bad memory leak. I was running under 20 megs in about 8 hours. there should be an end user grading system, it dosent necessary have to be on xda, but a link somewhere in a sticky in the Dev forum. it could have things like speed, stable, memory, battery, looks, radio, overall quality, etc. on a one to ten scale, maybe a short comment box under 200 words then an overall score that's averaged among the reviews. this will definitely help noobs and devs know what's going on without trying to read over 400+ pages of compliments/complaints and how do I flash this posts.
As much as yall hate the "whats the best ROM" posts, i do find them helpful as i hate wiping & flashing several ROMs, I just want a good one and stick with it. This is just a suggestion, although I think its a good one. Id do it myself if I knew how to make web pages .
oops I just realized muzek pretty much made the same point I did.

Far too many ROM’s released far too quick!!

Maybe it’s just me but I wanted air my views on current crop of cooked ROM’s. I have been an avid flasher since the glory days of cooked ROM’s from the Hermes (TyTN) era but recently I no longer feel the urge to flash, I guess the novelty has worn off me or I’ve just become a boring old fart whatever but to me it seems that a lot of talented chef feel the need or urge to release a ROM every other day with all the bells and whistle i.e. latest drivers, builds etc…. Quantity rather Quality!! The latest and the greatest does not always mean it’s the best!!!
Initially it’s great to have that choice and flash the ROM of the day until the next, just like a kid in a sweet shop all that choice but surely is it not better to release a ROM a few weeks or month down the line then to release it almost on a daily basis? At least that way one would be able to see significant improvements on the ROM!
I would like to make it clear there are very good cooked ROM’s here that would put some stock ROM’s to shame and with the recent advent of the 576 RAM hack it’s just another valid reason for novice to flash, all I’m saying is can we have more Quality ROM’s then Quantity it’s getting to the point “Too many cook spoil the broth”
well, there are many broths out there, not only 1 broth. So it doesnt matter to me.
i am inclined to agree, up to a point.
I used to cook firmware for LG phones (Viewty / Renoir) and often got accused of releasing too many, sometimes just days apart. My arguement then, and now, is that nobody if forcing you to upgrade.
However, the choice of cooked roms is mind-boggling, and there seems to be no definitive comparison table to easily show the differences between them, and the information supplied with each one is not always accurate. I have only had my HD2 for a week now, (and still loving it ) and i have flashed about 5 different roms, and keep going back to the same one, Leo Lite, by Mr Vanderlay. For me it is the best. And so far, seems to be the fastest for my own useage.
I do think there needs to be some collaboration between cookers to make comparisons easier. And perhaps slowing down releases, just a bit would make a world of difference.
Not naming names or ROMS, but some i have tried are indeed the latest and greatest, but some fundamental things remain broken and are therefore not useable in an everyday situation. This is a PHONE after all, and whats the point of reinstalling everything evry single day?
Find something you like, and stick with it
I think the section should be more organised, e.g. a WM6.5 and 6.5.x subsection with WM build and Manila build specified in tags.
g.lewarne said:
i am inclined to agree, up to a point.
I used to cook firmware for LG phones (Viewty / Renoir) and often got accused of releasing too many, sometimes just days apart. My arguement then, and now, is that nobody if forcing you to upgrade.
However, the choice of cooked roms is mind-boggling, and there seems to be no definitive comparison table to easily show the differences between them, and the information supplied with each one is not always accurate. I have only had my HD2 for a week now, (and still loving it ) and i have flashed about 5 different roms, and keep going back to the same one, Leo Lite, by Mr Vanderlay. For me it is the best. And so far, seems to be the fastest for my own useage.
I do think there needs to be some collaboration between cookers to make comparisons easier. And perhaps slowing down releases, just a bit would make a world of difference.
Not naming names or ROMS, but some i have tried are indeed the latest and greatest, but some fundamental things remain broken and are therefore not useable in an everyday situation. This is a PHONE after all, and whats the point of reinstalling everything evry single day?
Find something you like, and stick with it
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Of course no one is forcing anyone to flash! and yes I do have a preferred ROM, my own custom ROM!
Jack E said:
I think the section should be more organised, e.g. a WM6.5 and 6.5.x subsection with WM build and Manila build specified in tags.
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Great idea. I'd love something like that as well. I feel overwhelmed trying to swim through all the choices sometimes.
Hi !
I think some chefs should work toghether creating the best rom ever ;-)Collaboration is the best !!
not wishing to sound elitist, cos im pretty noob at the whole cooking game, but do you not think the lack of a super simple join the dots scheme actually helps prevent accidents by forcing people to do a little investigation themselves?
if it were boiled down to "click here for best rom" people with zero idea what they are actually doing would be flashing like crazy, then complaining when they get a brick.
samsamuel said:
not wishing to sound elitist, cos im pretty noob at the whole cooking game, but do you not think the lack of a super simple join the dots scheme actually helps prevent accidents by forcing people to do a little investigation themselves?
if it were boiled down to "click here for best rom" people with zero idea what they are actually doing would be flashing like crazy, then complaining when they get a brick.
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i think you misunderstood, what we have said is some sort of comparison chart / better named and layed out ROM section would make it easier for everybody. Nobody has stated they want a "click here for the best ROM" system.
--------------------WM 6.5
-----------------------------"Freds rom v1.1" 21889 Manilla 2.5.2010 WWE
-----------------------------"Marys rom v4.5" 21890 Manilla 2.5.1922 GER
--------------------WM 6.5.x
-----------------------------"Andys rom v1.0" 25315 Manilla 2.5.1921 WWE
-----------------------------"Janes rom v2.3" 24001 Manilla 2.5.2010 ITA
whats so wrong with that sort of layout? at least it makes it easaier to find the type of ROM you want rather than trawling through 3 or 4 pages of highly confusing rom names that get all muddled up. Its even worse where some chefs have WM6.5 and 6.5.5 roms with similar names.
Since Leo is currently the most powerful WM device, most cooks definitely would get one, and is understandable lot more cooked roms would be available.
You folks should feel lucky for that. (man, I am still waiting for the NA version...)
jackleung: import one from Australia! 850 3G compatible!
Also, someone tried to create some 'sense' of the ROMs by making www.xdaroms.com but it comes a bit short.
The concept is sound but some things need to happen to make the site great. Namely:
1) Chef support: Dedicated accounts where they can upload freely, add details, etc.
2) UI revision: It looks like the same damn mobile oriented sites we've seen for the past decade
I like the fact that there are many releases and so quickly. I also like the fact chefs are pushing the latest tech to us so quickly even if the rom is not perfect. release early get bug reports release fix etc.. its moving the platform forward and keeping it interesting imho. sure some better organization would be nice but the changelogs on the chefs pages for me do a good job of telling me what's inside the latest creation.
now I have just cooked my own rom I want more faster latest releases of dev branches to play with
I think too that there are too many choices without clear layed out differences between them.
I hope that there were some comparasion but I think its just a matter of variety
There is no substitute for real-life usage bug discovery, so I think releasing newer tech as soon as possible (letting people know that it is sort of beta and will contain bugs) means those bugs can be found and resolved quicker.
Actually, most chefs do tag the topics with WM6.5 or WM6.5.3 and mostly even include the Sense version.
After a while you realize what rom offers what. Personally, i stick with one rom that i am happy with, until the cook changes something that doesn't fit my needs anymore.
Also generally there are concepts to rom design: Some chefs cook roms with particular flavor, i.e. tweaks, hacks, design changes (such as custom task bar, backgrounds, boot splashes), and some just create "stock rom like" roms, that mostly offer either a stock rom with removed junk, or a stock rom with updated components. I prefer the latter.
gfreek said:
Maybe it’s just me but I wanted air my views on current crop of cooked ROM’s. I have been an avid flasher since the glory days of cooked ROM’s from the Hermes (TyTN) era but recently I no longer feel the urge to flash, I guess the novelty has worn off me or I’ve just become a boring old fart whatever but to me it seems that a lot of talented chef feel the need or urge to release a ROM every other day with all the bells and whistle i.e. latest drivers, builds etc…. Quantity rather Quality!! The latest and the greatest does not always mean it’s the best!!!
Initially it’s great to have that choice and flash the ROM of the day until the next, just like a kid in a sweet shop all that choice but surely is it not better to release a ROM a few weeks or month down the line then to release it almost on a daily basis? At least that way one would be able to see significant improvements on the ROM!
I would like to make it clear there are very good cooked ROM’s here that would put some stock ROM’s to shame and with the recent advent of the 576 RAM hack it’s just another valid reason for novice to flash, all I’m saying is can we have more Quality ROM’s then Quantity it’s getting to the point “Too many cook spoil the broth”
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I feel the same, in fact my new years resolution this year is to only flash stock ROMs!. My HD1 was the worst for it, every other day I would be flashing a new ROM, the pattern would normally go something like this:
Week 1
"Steve" finds a new way of improving speed and creates a ROM including the fix, I flash it but find that a few other things are broken.
Week 2
"Sam" then builds a ROM with the new speed improvement and nothing broken. So I flash it. But then realise that its blisteringly fast, because the ROM has nothing in it!
Week 3
"John" then builds a ROM that looks beautiful and has many applications, but lacks the new speed improvements. I flash, and am back to square one! And the cycle continues...
I don't think its anybodies fault, and I don't want anything to change, but I think that perhaps some of the more experienced users are feeling a little jaded now. Whereas the newer users are still in the honeymoon phase of being able to flash new, varied ROMs! I also think that there is more competition between chef's these days, and users demand the new discoveries in their favourite ROMs. (576mb / 1gz for example), meaning that the cycle is becoming ever shorter, as people are discovering new things almost daily!
it is very hard to flash rom every day this way you cannot keep any data on deice you need to inistall programms every day apply tweaks every day so so hard
Schooleydoo said:
I feel the same, in fact my new years resolution this year is to only flash stock ROMs!. My HD1 was the worst for it, every other day I would be flashing a new ROM, the pattern would normally go something like this:
Week 1
"Steve" finds a new way of improving speed and creates a ROM including the fix, I flash it but find that a few other things are broken.
Week 2
"Sam" then builds a ROM with the new speed improvement and nothing broken. So I flash it. But then realise that its blisteringly fast, because the ROM has nothing in it!
Week 3
"John" then builds a ROM that looks beautiful and has many applications, but lacks the new speed improvements. I flash, and am back to square one! And the cycle continues...
I don't think its anybodies fault, and I don't want anything to change, but I think that perhaps some of the more experienced users are feeling a little jaded now. Whereas the newer users are still in the honeymoon phase of being able to flash new, varied ROMs! I also think that there is more competition between chef's these days, and users demand the new discoveries in their favourite ROMs. (576mb / 1gz for example), meaning that the cycle is becoming ever shorter, as people are discovering new things almost daily!
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Well said, I couldn't agree more!
All true and all the different choices don't make it easier but I do notice I usually stick to a few cooks having my favorite roms...
I mean, I like a certain windows build, certain looks (default white clock, no transparent stuff), some basic apps and functionality, no need for a document tab, etc...
As a result I stick mostly to the Miri roms (and every now and then I try another, now running energy since I really liked that on the touch pro) so once you have your mind made up about what you want in general a number already drops out of the picture.
Wouldn't it be better to ask some of this enthusiastic "chiefs" to help developping Android instead for developping redundant versions of windows mobile in different "flavours". It is just waste of time. We need Android, where the real fun is!

LeeDroid VS Revolution

What are your thoughts on the best sense roms at the min?
Threads about what is the better ROM are not liked much on XDA. This is because the quality of a ROM is about personal preference.
Also, debating what ROM is best can discriminate some developers that are working hard, just because some people like their ROM less. Other people won't try it out then, while maybe the ROM suits them best.
Besides that, it's just not nice towards the devs. It's like having two artists both comming to you with a painting and then telling to one his/her painting isn't good and to the other his/her painting is much better, while your knowledge about art isn't even so good (at least not so good as the artists).
I do get you want to know what ROM (if that is the case) to choose, but then just look at what the devs say about their ROM and the recent reactions from users. Then you get an idea what to expect. Also, it can't hurt to try them out .
Speaking honestly, when I first joined XDA, I too used to ask questions like the OP. However, my views have changed. Each "Chef" cooks his own rom in a different way, as their roms are aimed at different target groups. Thus each rom will have its own advantages, disadvantages and more, making each rom taste "unique". The only way you know what you like is by trying something new everyday or when the opportunity arises. The same goes with flashing. Download both roms (and more) flash them, spend a few days and see how it feels for you. If you like it, keep it. On the other hand, if you can't be bothered to even flash...why are you on XDA?
Good day, and I don't want to see another post where flaming could occur.
Agreeing with both of the guys/girls..presuming guys, while your intentions are good, its all personal preference.
So people won't answer because its not fair on the dev? I hardly think so, basing a question on personal preference wouldn't harm any support a dev would get from followers
If anything its a positive being compared
Its not like I'm asking for faults, one will have different features not necessarily better just different, all I wanted to know is what made people choose the rom
Maybe a better question would be - what are the main differences between LeeDroid and Revolution? Then you could make an informed decision as to which to try (or which to try first at least).
I'm using LeeDroid now, but I'm curious as to how Revolution differs and if I should give that a shot as well. Doing a bit of a scan of the Revolution thread doesn't show anything obvious, but I'm sure there are differences.
I myself have been browsing both threads as just rooted my DHD & unsure which to give a try first.
Gonna wait for their next updates & see which appears to be the most solid.
Not to sure if I wanna go Sense or NoSense, possibly the latter.
Yes please, i do agree with the comparison making devs feels bad and stuff...
But all some of us wants to know is what are the differences? like lees is targeted at what kind of users? Revolution is more for who... and stuff like that...
Its like some likes the PSP and some the NDS... PSP for more mature and action gamers while NDS is more for the kids and ladies... and of course there are exceptions and thats where flashing both roms comes... but first we just wanna know, what is what?. . .
Pretty please ?
LEEDROID no doubt about it
So what's better? Big Mac or Quarter Pounder? Well it depends who you ask.
Anyway you left out RcmixHD. Which is an equally good rom just different. Some people prefer vanilla ice cream.
Leedroid and Revolution are the most popular but that isn't strictly the same as being the best.
Someone swyped my idea.
Anyone who can explain what the main differences are between the 2 roms?
I am about to flash a custom rom for this phone (first time flash on my dhd)
And i looked at the threads but i dont see the differences.
though here i see there are differences but they arent mentioned.
anybosy wanne explain them?
(not looking for a "who is better" answer, just to know the differences so i can deside what would suit me better)
There is no major differences between ARHD and Leedroid because they both support the ideea of "close to stock as much as possible" ideea but with many optimizations and custom kernels which also gives more battery life and a very smooth experience.
The only thing i would say that differs is the kernels but no major differences i would say because ARHD uses Apache kernel and Leedroid uses his own kernel which has some things from Apache kernel but Apache has some things from lee`s kernel and so on.
Personally i am with Leedroid since 1.1 version and i`m more than satisfied, i found him more experienced but it`s just matter of prefference.
You're best bet is really just to test them
Flash one, make a backup in recovery, use it for a few days and see how you like it.
Flash the other, make another backup, use it for a few days and see how you like that one.
If you like 2nd one best you don't need to do anything else, but if you decide you like the 1st one best just restore the backup.
No one should ever feel tied into one ROM as it's so easy to flash and test others. I used to try 3 or 4 a week on my Hero back when chef's were knocking them out in quick succession
Personally I've only ever used ARHD on my DHD but am keen to try LeeDroid and VillainROM too (I was a big Villain fan on Hero). Problem for me is finding the time!
i think i will go with revolution first because i found everything i need for that.
the site for leedroid is a little unclear to me..
I've been using Leeroid for a couple of days. I was hoping for better battery consumption over stock, but the difference isn't substantial. I also find that the auto-brightness is too low for my liking. And there seems to be a couple of transition glitches, as far as I can tell. I plan to use it for a week before trying out Revolution.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Definitely Shadowline ROMS.
Wait, is this the Topaz forum?
DeathJester said:
Definitely Shadowline ROMS.
Wait, is this the Topaz forum?
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Haha, 2009 just called and said hello
LeeDroid it s better for the look but Revolution it s faster than LeeDroid
I have tried LeeDroid only once and it is crap..
I really recommend Android Revolution HD 2.0.12, it is REALLY fast! And ARHD's developing speed is fast. You will get updates almost every week, some times twice... It will include much themes and if you don't like Sense, you can install NoSense mod. I recommend!
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Question answered as far as I know.....thanks you for participating.
Thread closed....and, please...do not re-open

[Q] Most Stable ROM?

EDIT: MODS don't take this as a best thread ROM please, im not willing to ask this due to everyone having his own experience and preferences, im asking for STABLE thank you hope you understand and if you are going to delete pm me on what is wrong so I can change it
Hello, I've just read the Best ROM post it, but I think im not asking the same as the best ROM
I actually want a ROM which is stable for my girlfriend, I have tested loads of roms out there, and in my opinion latest rom are the best because of new features but they can have problems in speed or bugs (which is obvious ^^ now its to your choice if you want to keep updating your rom or stick for a stable one some time)
Everyone has his favourite rom and for X reasons, I'm not asking this...
I want a stable rom for someone who doesn't want problems with his phone (sometimes I think to only reflash and leave it like that so she doesnt wine)
Im actually thinking about few roms..
1. MSGINGER4.0 (I used this rom for about a month and I didn't find any bugs and excellent battery +720p, just the problem about 2g/3g toogle which in gingerbread is impossible to make it work + cm7 settings not working make it very little customizable - for ex. disabling in notifications the bluetooth which some people never use)
2. CM7 ROM: I know there are many out there, I've tried skanwich ones and Quarx on the good old days, I think its very stable but it has a higher battery drain than the msginger4.0 but maybe its worth it for the customization
about POINT 2 I would like to get some feedback, I've been reading WhiteRabbit 1.8 edition and maniacs build, I find them very interesting but I would like to know your views after testing them, some people report bugs and this is the last thing my gf wants XD ¿could you guys tell me more about these 2 roms and why they are more stable or less than cm7 skanky?
3. MIUI? Good interface 0 bugs from my experience BUT highest battery drain out there
I know I should test myself and see, but I did that with cm10 2nd boot last quarx build (tested for 4 days).. It was the most stable rom + the best features (since it was latest build) and I decide it to put it on my GF defy... after 1 week I got the ext4 bug (didn't boot, my fault for formatting to ext4 since it was a experimental feature) so I went back to another rom but now my GF has commonly force close, freezes and data connectivity drops
SO... Don't take this a thread of what is the best build out there please, since I'm not asking for this.. Im asking for a stable rom for someone who doesn't like playing with this kind of stuff
P.D: Don't take anything I've said about all the roms badly please, I love them all and it has been my experience with them and I know maybe you have different views due to different experiences.. (I didn't believe 2 exact phones could give different bugs since I had 2 but this actually happen)
so, what is the most stable ROM out there? (thinking also about battery performance + features (this last one must be the least important when telling me your opinion ^^ thank you!))
30 views and nobody could give a short awnser
I have tried a lot of roms (CM,MIUI..etc)on my phone and there is always that one moment in the day when i feel like having the stock rom back . Unfortunately i cannot go back to the stock rom even if i wished too since i blindly flashed defy+ rom on my defy and there is no way to downgrade from BL7. Mobile companies spend a lot of money in R&D while preparing the stock rom keeping in mind a variety of users . Believe me a lot of people i know give me confused looks when i ask them if their phones are "rooted.". Thus mobile companies try to strike a balance between noob and the tech savy users and by no means are stock roms useless (yes some find them bloated) . I respect all developers for their knowledge and work and it is only because of communities like XDA can i run a JB based rom on my defy ( almost a dream) . If you are looking for a bug free rom with a good battery life i would suggest sticking to the rom that came along with the phone .
mariosanoguera, I read your assertion that this is not a "best ROM" thread, but the fact is it's close enough. The point behind that rule is to avoid debate about which ROM is good at anything....whether than be "most stable", "best for messaging", or whatever. What you're asking will cause a variety of responses, then one poster will disagree with another, then controversy starts, then arguments, and on and on. The admins of XDA have been doing this a long time, and you're not the first person to start a "best ROM" thread while trying their hardest to make it sound like it's not a "best ROM" thread. They will always be closed and always have been, and for good reason.
So please don't take this personally. This is a development-oriented site and we do whatever we can to foster an environment that promotes development. Threads which try to determine which developer's work is better than another's never turn out well, and therefore are never allowed, without exception.

Is rapid Upgrades killing Android Development?

Coming from the Epic, and then from the S3, I have noticed the fragmentation of Android with just the dilution of good development.
With that said, I acknowledge I am a user, not a Developer. I've tried to get interested in development, it is just not where my passion lies.
This is one of those useless posts you see on XDA, however, I feel like there is not much going on in this forum so maybe this is the best discussion we could have.
Take Apple, they have one product to focus on, no one to share the spotlight with. Android on the other hand has several, I have no idea how many, to share the spot light with. S3, S4, S5, Oppo, One, name your poison.
I say all this because I remember back to the Epic... It was Epic. The phone was amazing when it came out, the development was even better.
Now that I'm on the S4, while I don't want to take away anything from what the developers on this phone have done, it is not their fault, but developers will flock to where the demand is. And it just doesn't seem to be here.
Maybe this is Sprints fault? I stay with Sprint because they're the cheapest option I have. Certainly not the best, but definitely the cheapest.
Just trying to promote a discussion, not a flame war. Start now.
socos25 said:
Coming from the Epic, and then from the S3, I have noticed the fragmentation of Android with just the dilution of good development.
With that said, I acknowledge I am a user, not a Developer. I've tried to get interested in development, it is just not where my passion lies.
This is one of those useless posts you see on XDA, however, I feel like there is not much going on in this forum so maybe this is the best discussion we could have.
Take Apple, they have one product to focus on, no one to share the spotlight with. Android on the other hand has several, I have no idea how many, to share the spot light with. S3, S4, S5, Oppo, One, name your poison.
I say all this because I remember back to the Epic... It was Epic. The phone was amazing when it came out, the development was even better.
Now that I'm on the S4, while I don't want to take away anything from what the developers on this phone have done, it is not their fault, but developers will flock to where the demand is. And it just doesn't seem to be here.
Maybe this is Sprints fault? I stay with Sprint because they're the cheapest option I have. Certainly not the best, but definitely the cheapest.
Just trying to promote a discussion, not a flame war. Start now.
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With unified builds, awesome devs are still contributing to our device! Its cool that a talented dev who builds aosp but is with verizon can build for us too. There is no shortage of great development going on, but I'll admit the sprint s4 forums are not as active as I remember the e4gt forums being.
To address your other point, sure - the sheer amount of android devices available will mean the pool of talented devs are spread more thinly across the spectrum of devices, but this community rocks and with a little google-fu (xda helps those who help themselves) I don't think development has really stalled. The forums are just a little less active. What IS a shame is that users here will drive talented devs away from releasing their work publicly on the forums by driving them insane with questions that have been answered 100s of times, petty politics, and flame wars, etc.
But at the end of the day, I would rather have an open OS with a vibrant (or dull) community than a locked down device I can never truly have full control over. But frequent upgrades have always been pushed by manufacturers, at the end of the day profits are the bottom line for them. Thats what is so great about this community, is that the devs here do work that would have gotten them a decent commission or wage elsewhere, FOR FREE. God bless :good::highfive:
All good points, and I would have to say I agree with you, especially with the shame that developers sometimes are driven away by lazy users.
mxmr said:
With unified builds, awesome devs are still contributing to our device! Its cool that a talented dev who builds aosp but is with verizon can build for us too. There is no shortage of great development going on, but I'll admit the sprint s4 forums are not as active as I remember the e4gt forums being.
To address your other point, sure - the sheer amount of android devices available will mean the pool of talented devs are spread more thinly across the spectrum of devices, but this community rocks and with a little google-fu (xda helps those who help themselves) I don't think development has really stalled. The forums are just a little less active. What IS a shame is that users here will drive talented devs away from releasing their work publicly on the forums by driving them insane with questions that have been answered 100s of times, petty politics, and flame wars, etc.
But at the end of the day, I would rather have an open OS with a vibrant (or dull) community than a locked down device I can never truly have full control over. But frequent upgrades have always been pushed by manufacturers, at the end of the day profits are the bottom line for them. Thats what is so great about this community, is that the devs here do work that would have gotten them a decent commission or wage elsewhere, FOR FREE. God bless :good::highfive:
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I'm not a developer either (well of any roms/android mods at least). But as a long time computer power user and burgeoning programmer (3rd year comp sci major) the development on the S4 is very lack luster. We could get into comparing S4 vs development on older platforms, but I'd rather just discuss the generally bad development in the sprint S4 non-original android dev. forum. Most roms are not suited for daily drivers. I have personally tried 2-3 different versions of Sac's Rom and negalite's rom( as well as 1 try on various other roms) and none was with out major flaws.
The problem as I see it is this: The demand is for the newest rom with the most up to date android features. So as rom developers are getting closer to making a stable working version of their roms, Sprint releases an update at which point most developers switch and start working on new release with out ever making a fully functioning rom. To make matters worse most Rom's are presented as a finished product. Some have a known issues section in the first post ,but I challenge any one who disagrees with me to find a known issues section on a rom that actually contains all the know issues. It doesn't exsist. Instead each user is left to download an unfinished product and only after discovering an issue and digging though 10 pages of forums you find others have the same issue and that there may or may not be a soultion. How f'ing hard is it when a god damn issues is reported to update the orginal post?????? I understand these developers are doing this out of the good of their hearts, but anything worth doing is worth doing correctly. If it is to much work to keep an up to date list of ALL known issues, have one of the roms users do so. Not much work for one fan of a rom to keep list of issues if dev cant be bothered.
You help no one when custom roms break things working in the stock version and present it as a working rom. Custom roms used to add fucntion to a device now, it adds somethings and breaks others. Till this trend changes, the best rom is stock rooted + w/e mod a user desires. When a bunch of things dont work label your Rom alpha when most things work call it beta and only when everything works call it stable. This kind of common sense would improve everyone's experience greatly.
mysongranhills said:
I'm not a developer either (well of any roms/android mods at least). But as a long time computer power user and burgeoning programmer (3rd year comp sci major) the development on the S4 is very lack luster. We could get into comparing S4 vs development on older platforms, but I'd rather just discuss the generally bad development in the sprint S4 non-original android dev. forum. Most roms are not suited for daily drivers. I have personally tried 2-3 different versions of Sac's Rom and negalite's rom( as well as 1 try on various other roms) and none was with out major flaws.
The problem as I see it is this: The demand is for the newest rom with the most up to date android features. So as rom developers are getting closer to making a stable working version of their roms, Sprint releases an update at which point most developers switch and start working on new release with out ever making a fully functioning rom. To make matters worse most Rom's are presented as a finished product. Some have a known issues section in the first post ,but I challenge any one who disagrees with me to find a known issues section on a rom that actually contains all the know issues. It doesn't exsist. Instead each user is left to download an unfinished product and only after discovering an issue and digging though 10 pages of forums you find others have the same issue and that there may or may not be a soultion. How f'ing hard is it when a god damn issues is reported to update the orginal post?????? I understand these developers are doing this out of the good of their hearts, but anything worth doing is worth doing correctly. If it is to much work to keep an up to date list of ALL known issues, have one of the roms users do so. Not much work for one fan of a rom to keep list of issues if dev cant be bothered.
You help no one when custom roms break things working in the stock version and present it as a working rom. Custom roms used to add fucntion to a device now, it adds somethings and breaks others. Till this trend changes, the best rom is stock rooted + w/e mod a user desires. When a bunch of things dont work label your Rom alpha when most things work call it beta and only when everything works call it stable. This kind of common sense would improve everyone's experience greatly.
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To a degree, I definitely am with you on this. I have been with this forum since the days of my old HTC thunderbolt. There are AT LEAST 5 popular daily drivers that worked worlds better than the stock rom for that phone. My particular phone glitches out on the dialer/phone app for all Original Android ROM's meaning I am automatically limited to a TW rom. I've tried everything to fix this but nothing seems to. However, there is one that works flawlessly, Triforce 5.4. It's perfect, so far as I can tell, but is starting to show its age. It may be the only perfect ROM for our phones but is almost completely without bells and whistles, unlike the Thunderbolt, which you could save multiple working images to SD and restore if you felt like using sense one day, CM the next, and I do recall a few completely custom ones loosely based on CM that worked awesome. Anyway that's my say on it. I am sad NAE firmware capabilities don't have a nice Triforce release to go with it, but the PRL and firmware seem to work great with the ROM, so I guess I'll stick to it, even if it is boring. It definitely does everything I need for it to do. Still, finding the issues with each one and helping the developers is part of the process. It's fun and part of the reason why I do what I do. Take my ASUS Transformer. That thing is old as the hills, but has multi window, android 4.4.3, windowed apps, and all manner of other things and it runs super smooth. timduru is the dang wizard of that device and refuses to let it die peacefully.
arikdahn said:
To a degree, I definitely am with you on this. I have been with this forum since the days of my old HTC thunderbolt. There are AT LEAST 5 popular daily drivers that worked worlds better than the stock rom for that phone. My particular phone glitches out on the dialer/phone app for all Original Android ROM's meaning I am automatically limited to a TW rom. I've tried everything to fix this but nothing seems to. However, there is one that works flawlessly, Triforce 5.4. It's perfect, so far as I can tell, but is starting to show its age. It may be the only perfect ROM for our phones but is almost completely without bells and whistles, unlike the Thunderbolt, which you could save multiple working images to SD and restore if you felt like using sense one day, CM the next, and I do recall a few completely custom ones loosely based on CM that worked awesome. Anyway that's my say on it. I am sad NAE firmware capabilities don't have a nice Triforce release to go with it, but the PRL and firmware seem to work great with the ROM, so I guess I'll stick to it, even if it is boring. It definitely does everything I need for it to do. Still, finding the issues with each one and helping the developers is part of the process. It's fun and part of the reason why I do what I do. Take my ASUS Transformer. That thing is old as the hills, but has multi window, android 4.4.3, windowed apps, and all manner of other things and it runs super smooth. timduru is the dang wizard of that device and refuses to let it die peacefully.
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I just recently got off heavily modded stock and flashed Super S4 and so far it is awesome. Ktoonz's Kernel is baked in and after using recommended recovery to flash I've had no problems. It isn't heavily modded (mostly other mods baked in and some init.d tweaks) but is fast and stable and is one of the very few TW roms I'd recommend.
When I was on HTC Inspire 4G, There were easily 10 Roms (ASOP and Sense) suitable for a daily driver. For the S4 I'd be hard pressed to find 3 stable usable TW roms at a time.
I think android as a platform is changing a lot philosophically, as well. Older custom roms used to be a must have and were the main reason most users wanted root. Now everything is much more framework centric. Now root is used to add functionality through Xposed framework modules,or audio mods like Viper. Previously each and every mod had to be rom specific.

