/INIT process Desire HD lag problems...SOLVED ! See post 1 - Desire HD General

I'd like to know if anyone is having the same lag problems as I am getting from time to time..
The lag happens for no reason and comes at different times while doing different things.
I downloaded Watchtower from the Android Market to monitor what was happening. When the phone is running fast the /INIT process is showing as 0%..as soon as the lag starts to happen I check Watchtower again and the /INIT process is at anywhere from 70% to 100% CPU usage.
I dont use an app killer but I donwloaded one to try and see if it would correct the problem, it doesn't. The only way to solve the lag is to Restart the phone, then its fine for the rest of the day, sometimes two days but it always comes back.
I sold my SGS because of the lag issue and now it seems I have it with the DHD..
I did google this and I found that it maybe something to do with android itself..looks like /INIT is an android process..
If you notice your DHD lagging then download Watchtower and I'd bet you will see the /INIT process killing your phone..
EDIT - A fix has been found to stop the /Init process lagging the phone.
On your phone go to..
Menu/settings/applications/development/now turn on Usb debugging..
This seems to keep the / init process at 0% CPU usage, it also works when the /INIT problem starts, turning USB debugging on will make the /INIT process drop back to 0%, very nice to see.
Ive contacted the Dev to find out if he can tell us why this method has fixed the problem.
Still need an update from Htc but at least we can use our phones again..
There doesn't seem to be any negative effects from turning this option on, the only thing to note is turning it off to connect to your pc could bring the /init process back and lag your phone. You can download Android Manager from the market for free which will allow you to transfer data from your pc using Wi-Fi, using this app you can keep the USB Debugging on.
EDIT 2 - It looks like you can connect to the pc via USB cable with the debugging turned on without problems, the only difference is that it will try and install additional drivers...because of the debugging mode..
Im using windows 7 and the ABD driver wont install...you need to download Htc Sync on your pc which downloads the ABD driver !!
We should also watch the battery as this may actually increase battery life...
EDIT 3 - Not one single person has come back to me and said that the /INIT problem has returned after this fix...lets hope it stays that way.. 10/11/10
EDIT 4 - A lot of people including myself have found that this fix improves their battery life quite a bit.
Last EDIT before thread is locked just for reference and to help people !!!
For people that have the com.htc.bgp process that loads the CPU it stays at 80-90% all the time, and i have autosync on, if you stop auto sync the process goes out....
So here is the final fix in the link below (post 7)
Thank you to everyone in this thread for there efforts...amazing response.
Thanks to all the XDA Community...Including the Devs and Mods
Thread Closed

nednapalm said:
I'm getting the problem.
No apps installed except the flash and maps update, oh and OS Monitor.
Have turned off "Fast Boot" and removed battery to reset, ok for now. Very scared to start installing more apps, nearly unusable when it is lagging
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I also tried the "turn off fast boot and it was ok for 2 days, it came back this morning though..It is very worrying and yes, the phone is unusable until it is Restarted..Thanks for the reply.

sanju007 said:
I hope not, the samsung galaxy s have lag issus and its very bad and i sold de sgs
And now the DHD gets also lag problems ?
Ik hope not, then i will not buy this phone
Maybe an good task killer wil help ?
More people have lag issus ?
Can you make a video ?
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An app killer doesn't solve the problem and Im unsure how many people are having this problem, to my understanding its not many...that's why I started this thread to try and find out.
I wouldn't worry yet...
I will make a video when it happens again...it may take a few days to come back....but it always does...a video added to this thread would be most useful...just have to wait till it rears its ugly head again.

So it seems that /init is a core process regarding the initialisation of the Android system and userspace hence the fact it cannot be killed using OSMonitor. It is always the first process that runs on Linux systems after boot and acts as a parent process which itself initialises then processes needed to get the OS going.
Here is a description of the Android Init Process from elinux,
A key component of the Android bootup sequence is the program 'init', which is a specialized program for initializing elements of the Android system. Unlike other Linux systems (embedded or otherwise), Android uses its own initialization program. (Linux desktop systems have historically used some combination of /etc/inittab and sysV init levels - e.g. /etc/rc.d/init.d with symlinks in /etc/rc.d/rc.[2345]). Some embedded Linux systems use simplified forms of these -- such as the init program included in busybox, which processes a limited form of /etc/inittab, or a direct invocation of a shell script or small program to do fixed initialization steps.
The init program processes two files, executing the commands it finds in them, called 'init.rc' and 'init.<machine_name>.rc', where <machine_name> is the name of the hardware that Android is running on. (Usually, this is a code word. The name of the HTC1 hardware for the ADP1 is 'trout', and the name of the emulator is 'goldfish'.
the 'init.rc' file is intended to provide the generic initialization instructions, while the 'init.<machine_name>.rc' file is intended to provide the machine-specific initialization instructions.
The Bug
The /init bug has presented itself on numerous handsets including the HTC Desire, Nexus One and Droid X models. It seems to be specific to Android 2.2 and reports the same symptoms on all handsets. Primarily this is due the 99% CPU usage causing system slowdown and left unchecked, high battery usage. It is not specific to HTC Sense ROMs as it also presents itself on stock releases. The only solution so far is a reboot. Hard Reboots and altering system settings seem to have no effect on the reproduction of this bug.
I can only speculate to what is causing the issue and hopefully a Dev can shed some more light.
Logically it seems as though a 'rogue' process is triggering /init to resume its primary function in regards to checking filesystems and attempting to spawn other system process. Due to some form of miscommunication between the processes in question, /init continues to perform these post boot tasks in a constant loop.
Think of it like this, if you try perform tasks straight after boot, the phone is unresponsive while the SD is mounted/checked and all other processes are fired up. The /init process is responsible for these tasks. If it were to loop, you would experience the symptoms we are having.
I found this on Wikipedia:
After /init has spawned all of the processes specified, init goes dormant, and waits for one of three events to happen:- processes it started to end or die, a power failure signal[clarification needed], or a request via /sbin/telinit to further change the runlevel.
So our trigger should hopefully be narrowed down to these three events.
Regarding what I posted before, the connection between sync and the bug has proven itself to be a false one.
I've also noticed that sometimes the bug can be present, however there is little impact on the responsiveness of the OS. It can seem as though everything is ok yet the CPU load can be extremely high, resulting in poor battery performance.
Anyway, hopefully more people can contribute to this thread so we can build up a better picture of what is going on. I will also try and grab a Logcat and ask anyone else near their PC when it happens to do the same.
There is a thread here which has users complaining of the same problems, yet no solutions are presented. Hopefully we can make a bit more noise and get some definitive answers.

Hey guys some great feedback here, as with my link on starting this thread the /INIT is an android 2.2 process, auto sync on/off doesn't solve the problem neither does a hard reset, taking the battery out ect...
The guy in the link says his method worked for him, can't say the same for myself, I have a feeling his problem will be back...but if it did fix it for him then thats great, just cant say the same for me
I have gone 5 days without the problem coming back and then Oh no its back, sometimes it happens twice a day, all the above doesn't fix this problem im afraid from what I have experience anyway.
The /INIT process is only 132k, something so small causes the phone to be basically unusable....very frustrating.
The 1.32.405.6 update also doesn't solve this problem, I updated yesterday and 10 min later I had the dreaded /INIT problem...
The so called "turn off fast boot doesn't fix the problem either, I have had the /INIT lag problem with it switched on and off...
What I find to be the most strangest thing is that if this is indeed an android process which it most likely is then why doesn't every DHD phone have this lag from time to time???.....why only certain phones??..
I haven't had the problem since yesterday (around 12 midday), when it occurs again I will be posting a video as requested...
The mystery continues.......There is NO solution as yet that fixes this problem.
Thanks to Lynxboy, your posts give some good information.

I wonder if this has any relevance to the problem from a linux based PC..
It seems that /INIT uses the same Process ID - 1 (found from using watchtower)

BigMango said:
You purchased it from ebay, but did you buy it from a shop or from an individual (second hand)?
If you got it from an ebay shop they should give you a receipt. If it was from an individual, he should give you his original receipt (that's when the warranty started).
Anyway, the phone has a 2 years warranty, so you are covered for the next 2 years minus 1 or 2 weeks. And the paypal transaction is a valid payment receipt (it can be verified directly with paypal); so even without the receipt from the first owner HTC should cover you since the phone can't be 2 years old.
Get in touch with HTC directly, they should replace it. But the tricky part is that the problem must happen when they check it out, for this reason I would also make a video of the problem the next time it happens and send it to them by email so they can keep it on file with your RMA.
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Thanks for the advice, Im going to contact the seller, he had it on upgrade and shipped it to me the following day..he seemed a nice guy so It should be ok...Now its just a matter of waiting for MR INIT to show up haha....wonder if he wears a hoodie LOL

bimmerfox said:
I'm not wrong because I see it with my own eyes. Even my DHD had the same problems as described. After the update no more /INIT at 90% and it keeps running smooth now.
Try to keep your patience before quoting a person who is willing to help others.
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What?? Why do you think I made this thread...to help myself and others...as we do at XDA....the update doesn't fix the problem....just because yours hasn't lagged since the update doesn't mean its fixed....I've gone 5 days with no lag and it came back...like yours probably will.
EDIT- You can't post a statement that the problem as been fixed when numerous people have done the update and still experienced the /INIT problem...how can it be fixed??...and since the update only came out yesterday you have no way of knowing this for sure... its way to early to say that.. Try reading through posts in the forum and gather some information next time.... the update was for the youtube fix, we're not even sure that HTC were aware of the problem at the time.

Hi guys,
Just finished work and have caught up with the thread since I last posted and wanted to clarify a few things. I would also ask any new readers to find my previous post which covers much of the nature of the /init process.
The problem is solely software based. The hardware is NOT at fault!
The /init process is the parent process of Android/Linux, hence the PID 1 in OS Monitor. Imagine it as the ignition system in your car. You need to turn the ignition to fire up the other systems and that technically is the role /init takes.
It is not a rogue process in itself. It cannot be killed or closed via a task manager.
The latest update was not a fix nor does it resolve the issue.
The bug IS a Froyo bug and affects numerous devices not just the DHD although it is not present in all Froyo ROMs.
It is possible the memory management is to blame however I have run many Froyo based ROMs from FRF55 and not experienced it before; they all use the same memory management.
The three triggers for /init to awaken after its boot tasks are completed are specified in my previous post. These are the most likely causes for our issue and are in my mind triggered by some rogue process interactions.
A logcat will only really be useful if it captures the event taking place. A logcat taken when the /init process has started will report back specifically that.
Just because you haven't experienced the bug in 2days doesn't mean you are bug free, nor is there a bad batch of phones as this would indicate a hardware issue.
Continuing this thought, it is possible if you are on a branded operator ROM you may be bug free.
The /init bug is extremely annoying.

Yes off topic...
Im asking the mod to still keep this a sticky but to lock the thread as there is really nothing left to discuss and its just here for people that are still having the /init problem as a reference...
EDIT - Thread being locked soon so....
Agian thanks to all xda community !!

Is this stickie needed anymore? Has this been corrected by any software update?

I've had this problem since the day I got the phone (December 2010) and got it again today. Once I see the obvious lag of everything, I just restart.

If it can help...
I have noticed this phenomenon the first time just after installing 2 things in my DHD :
- creating the HTCSense account (and keeping it synchronized one a day)
- installing the HTC plugin for Picasa Web Albums in the Album application.
Maybe coïncidence, maybe not.

I have disabled all HTC Sense stuff I can see. It always happens when performing some action, like opening a new app. It seems to occur so randomly, it happened again the day after my last post, but has been fine since then.

Problems with calendar after removing cache and program data.
I had major problems with com.htc.bgp using up to about 90% of my processor from time to time. When I searched the forums I found this thread.
I tried what is stated in the top post and went ahead and cleared the calendar data and the gmaill data. This is all fine, I don't seem to get any more warnings about com.htc.bgp reaching the 90% mark. One slight problem that occured though is that now when I'm syncing my calendar back to what it was, it either does not search or does not find all the other calendars that I have. The list is just totally empty. Strange as it is, It does find and sync with the default [email protected] Gmail's working fine and syncing properly though.
Since I rely on the calendar I really need this to be fixed as soon as possible.
I don't want to put words in your mouths, but I figured I might need to factory reset the phone. No biggie, but a time consumer, since I need to recustomize everything again (not rooted, not titanium).
Are there any ways of luring the calendar back on track. Jumpstarting it without a factory reset?
Thanks in advance.

So apparently all it needed was a full night of syncing, because now it works again.
It seems though that I got rid of the annoying com.HTC.bgp that drained my processor.
Thanks to the thread
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

Have not experienced this since the 2.3.3 upgrade, problem solved!

I'm having this problem on my Defy after installing SetVsel, setting any values, after time the cpu stuck at 100. Watchdog lite didn't show nothing but 100%, not any process higher than 50 even. I turned on in the watchdog to show system processes and ther it showed that:
Linux process
Had most the time the highest percent used
I googled and found this topic. The
Menu/settings/applications/development/now turn on Usb debugging.
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solution solved my problem. The proc isn't anymroe stuck at 100%.


[Q] Is the 'suspend process' issue truly a mystery?

I have searched through XDA and read all the threads regarding the 'suspend process' issue. The specific issue is outlined in Issue # 11126 on the Google Code/Android project home...
I am trying to get to the bottom of this, as best as possible. For all intents and purposes, this really appears to be a mystery. Ultimately, it appears as though there is (currently) absolutely no specific reason a to why 'suspend' runs wild until the device is rebooted.
My question is (I know we can all only speculate):
Is there any chance that this could be Google account-specific?
The reason I ask is, I've been doing some "testing," just to try and make sense of this for myself. Here is what I've done/come across thus far...
- My fiancee's first MT4G was a black one manufactured in Taiwan. It had the inferior LCD-SH-C2 screen. Her battery was draining VERY quickly - i.e. before noon, without using the phone for much else other than texting.
- I enabled USB Debugging for her, to "rule out" the init process issue.
- Even though she only had Handcent, Facebook and Angry Birds installed, I removed all of them, leaving only Watchdog.
- I factory reset her phone, twice.
- For all of the above, the device was not rooted. I have since rooted her phone via the steps in this thread.
I'm in the process of creating a new Gmail account for her, exporting ONLY her contacts and then using that account for her new MT4G (Plum) that's scheduled to arrive today. I'm actually thinking of NOT using her new Gmail account at first though, so I can use her original Google account on this new, clean device and see if the suspend issue persists.
I might just be wasting my time, but I enjoy doing this and I don't think it's a complete waste to try and find SOME constant here. Am I nuts for thinking it's tied to the Google account? The Google account seems to be a black box of sorts. There is more than just contacts, apps and settings, yet there is no "window" into everything else that comes down - e.g. I can't log in to Gmail and "configure" it to not restore her wallpaper or WiFi settings. So that's why I say it's a black box of sorts, since it's doing more in the background than we have control over.
Nothing is truly random, at least not in the context of Android and the hardware affected. There has to be some reason why users of various devices, either do or do not experience this issue. Whether it's a specific action or the something that differs between one person's action vs. another person's, there has to be SOMETHING that's triggering this on her device, yet never triggers it on mine. I guess I'm just trying to flush everything out and hope that discussing it will help rule out/rule specific variables.
Let me know what you find. This is driving me crazy! I charge my phone at night, so when I head to work it's at 100%. By the time I'm heading home (4-430pm)... the phone is around 15% battery.
Watchdog tells me suspend ranges from 5%-49% at any given time. I've never had suspend drop below 5% except on fresh reboot. I've noticed, though, after a reboot that the suspend process will slowly work its way back up to using lots of CPU cycles (it starts at, say, .2%, then 10 minutes later its 3%... 30 minutes later its 5%... an hour later its 9%). Battery just gets hotter and hotter due to this.
I'll be checking back to see what you find! Thanks!
mwelliott said:
Let me know what you find. This is driving me crazy! I charge my phone at night, so when I head to work it's at 100%. By the time I'm heading home (4-430pm)... the phone is around 15% battery.
Watchdog tells me suspend ranges from 5%-49% at any given time. I've never had suspend drop below 5% except on fresh reboot. I've noticed, though, after a reboot that the suspend process will slowly work its way back up to using lots of CPU cycles (it starts at, say, .2%, then 10 minutes later its 3%... 30 minutes later its 5%... an hour later its 9%). Battery just gets hotter and hotter due to this.
I'll be checking back to see what you find! Thanks!
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According to XDA and Issue #11126, you're not alone.
What's really bugging me is that neither my first MT4G, nor its 1st replacement or its 2nd replacement, have ever done this. My fiancee's first phone did this. She is now using my 2nd replacement while she waits for hers to arrive (today). So a device that never exhibited this issue, over the course of at least a week of normal-for-me use, started exhibiting this issue for my fiancee maybe a day or so after using the phone.
I thought I had "solved" it when I didn't see it crop up the first day she used my replacement phone. She was quick to let me know I was incorrect.
So I've got serious pressure here - all of my MT4G's haven't exhibited the out of control 'suspend process' issue while I was using the devices, but with her, it does. <queue the jokes>
We own our own business, so we're in the same room all day long while we use our phones. I was the first to tell her, "it's something you're doing." I'm only repeating myself by saying that I blamed it on an app she installed or something she "did" to cause it. After factory resetting, what...2, 3 times...I'm starting to forget; after checking the apps that are installed (and removing all of them); after verifying every setting from USB Debugging, screen brightness, account sync, etc. I seem to at least be able to say, "every single setting, shortcut, widget, app or usage pattern, does not produce the issue on any device I have used with my Google account, whereas it does with my fiancee."
That's the most difficult part to get absolute - the usage pattern. She's doing such basic things though, but I know that even the slightest of difference can produce different results.
I will most certainly report my results, futile or not.
The only common denominator I've noticed so far is that it only affects Sense UI devices.
Chadastrophic said:
The only common denominator I've noticed so far is that it only affects Sense UI devices.
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That seems to be the constant, to a degree. I'm seeing people state that they're having this issue on anything from the Samsung Galaxy S (i9000) to a Nexus running Cyanogen 6.1. That's people stating it though, so I'm not sure if they're actually experiencing the same issue or not.
I am biting my tongue, but I think I found another common denominator...I am going to post back in a coupla days once I've seen it last for this entire week.
i'm running cyanogenmod 6.1 on a desire hd and have been experiencing the suspend process problem exactly as described in this thread a nubmer of times now over the last week. so its definately not limited to devices running sense.
the only circumstances this behavior hasnt shown is when running 2g only with all other sorts of communications and sync off
zero_oli said:
i'm running cyanogenmod 6.1 on a desire hd and have been experiencing the suspend process problem exactly as described in this thread a nubmer of times now over the last week. so its definately not limited to devices running sense.
the only circumstances this behavior hasnt shown is when running 2g only with all other sorts of communications and sync off
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Yeah, it didn't seem 100% related to devices running Sense, so thanks for posting back to this.
My fiancee was experiencing this across her first two MT4G devices and has yet to experience the issue on her third and final MT4G. I want to see it run the rest of the week though before I share, but the issue did pop-up for her pretty much within 24-48 hours on her first two MT4G's.
Shlongwoodian: I have been following your posts as the "suspend" process has been affecting me since I received my phone the first day available. However, I am reluctant to send for a replacement as all else is great on the unit I have and there seems no gaurantee that a new phone fixes this issue.
I have tried Tmo and HTC and both seem clueless; therefore, I appreciate your research and look forward to any "fix" short of waiting for Gingerbread.
Anyone have any wisdom to pass on? This issue is driving me crazy! I've noticed it most on my black MT4G (w/the good screen) after browsing the web, youtube or using the media player. My wife's red MT4G (w/the inferior screen) has had no issues and her battery is amazing! The first day she got her phone her battery lasted 24 hours without even conditioning it! Granted she doesn't use it like I do mine, but it is still a huge difference. When this issue comes up on mine, I'm dead within 3-4 hours. I have Watchdog set so when it alerts me I just soft reset. That clears it up until it decides to come back at random intervals. It usually doesn't come back until I open the browser, etc. With as much as I use my phone (I am constantly on the road), it becomes a major pain to have to constantly monitor battery life. Any help is greatly appreciated!!!
Man, I am sorry to report that I gots nothin'. Ok, here was my original theory...
I was speculating that "something" inside the Google/Gmail account was the cause. My reasoning being, essentially, your info is stored in a database. When you get an Android device, that online database is synced locally with the phone's database. We each have different databases and there is more than just your apps, Market links, contacts, etc. I never exhibited the /suspend issue on phones that she experienced the /suspend issue on. I figured it was database-specific.
If a table contains a value, or rather, does not contain a specific value (or if columns are missing, etc.), it can cause an application to respond in a negative way. Sometimes, this causes an error to bubble up in an application. Other times, it doesn't. In my experience, I've seen much more subtle issues in databases, that don't cause errors or a crash, but instead just cause "undesirable results."
When my fiancee got her final, good replacement Plum Glacier, we started with a completely new Google account. We thought we nailed it, when a handful of days passed without seeing /suspend get out of control, leading to Android System and/or OS sucking down battery life. I think it was nearly a week into it and one day while she was out, she realized she lost battery life really quickly - i.e. left the house with 90% and by the time she got to the store, shopped for a bit and looked, her phone was down to like 30-40%. She knows how to check for /suspend and it was, of course, back.
It's still not something that can be completely ruled out, since it's not a very air-tight test. There could be something about my Google account (which I've had pretty much since Gmail beta was available) that's keeping me (and others like me) from getting it or that idea could be crap.
For some reason, I have never, ever seen this happen on my Glacier(s) running stock 2.2.1. Phones that I never saw the issue on, she saw the issue on. There is so much speculation around it, but it just seems like "some people" don't experience it and "some people" do. It's all over different devices, different skill levels, etc. No apps, same apps, whatever and it happens to some but not others.
Sorry to get anyone's hopes up. I'll keep looking for differences/similarities though and if I find anything at all I'll - or if anyone else finds anything, no matter how ridiculous it sounds (yes, we've tested the 'rock' and it doesn't appear to suffer from the /suspend issue) - post it here.
Thanks for trying! It was a good theory. So . . . now what? Is there any way to get this ranked higher with Google, HTC, etc. to get more people working on it? It is really driving me nuts! It mainly happens after I use the web browser, then put the phone on standby for some reason. I can't even use the browser any more without needing to reboot it to save battery life. There is another thread, but specifically for the Evo and I think one for the Nexus one, all with the same problem. What if a new thread were started that is not device specific? That way we can get more people to star it and maybe Google or whoever will pay more attention to it! I would hate to think that we are stuck with this problem until when and if we get upgraded to 2.3. I would suggest rooting and flashing a new ROM, but even those with custom ROM's are having the same problem, so that's not going to help. Thoughts???
jpiano said:
It mainly happens after I use the web browser, then put the phone on standby for some reason.
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It truly is a mystery to this day. I've seen people say, "it happened right after I installed Handcent" or "it happens as soon as I do..." No one has come up with any concrete evidence thus far.
My fiancee has Handcent, I have Handcent. I used Handcent heavily, never had an issue. She stopped using Handcent - still has the issue. We've gotten so granular in our troubleshooting, we're literally tracking every step. LOL i.e. I pressed the trackpad to wake the phone, once; I unlocked the phone, I swiped my thumb once to view my Watchdog Widget on the screen to the left of my homescreen, etc., etc., etc.
So, for now, we just wait? My phone (and all previous phones) have been just fine. My fiancee however...yeah, I'm trying to find a fix pretty quickly.
One common theme that I've seen with this issue is that it only happens after I put the phone to sleep. I have never seen it crop up while actually using the phone. Maybe we're going about it the wrong way in trying to identify an app, etc that's causing the problem... perhaps it is simply the code involved in putting the phone to sleep and that's why there hasn't been any consistency with what one does to make it appear. In your experience, have you ever seen or heard of it showing up while the phone is being used? Perhaps it's just on mine that it works that way, but I thought it was worth mentioning. I know nothing about code or how android works so please forgive the noob comment if this is an obvious one. Merry Christmas!
I've got this problem big time. Returned my first phone because I thought it was the phone. First few days were good but lately its back and as bad as ever. First thoughts were angry birds twitter or wifi but I have no idea. If I can't figure this out I might have to sell this phone.
I will try to post some more thoughts. I think you're onto some good ideas here.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
(Re-posting from the developer's Google blog where others are following this issue): Interesting about using the phone without a Google account. Not sure if this is relevant or not, but I've noticed something else with consistency. Granted I wasn't able to document the behavior through system panel at the time, but this has consistently happened. When suspend goes crazy, I can get it to stop simply by charging the phone! Even if I charge the phone for a few seconds, then unplug, it stays dormant without having to reboot. Noob speaking here but perhaps the part of android that actually logs the battery usage is suspending when the phone goes to sleep? When it us charging, this log is reset and clears the process from running. If this is even possible, then could someone write an app that clears this system log? Maybe by mimicking what happens when the phone is charging, we can at least temporarily clear the issue without the need tovl reboot? Again, I know nothing about all this so sorry if this is all irrelevant. Just sharing what I've noticed to be consistent. Thoughts??
Also, I saw on another xda blog (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870557&page=2) that someone linked this issue to a corrupt photo on the sd card. After formatting the card and restoring some files, says the issue has not returned!
jpiano said:
Also, I saw on another xda blog (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870557&page=2) that someone linked this issue to a corrupt photo on the sd card. After formatting the card and restoring some files, says the issue has not returned!
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I wonder if you're on to something with the SD card. I've been thinking I haven't seen the suspend issue return on my phone in quite a while. I just realized that the only thing I've really changed is installed a new 16 gb SD card. Since then, no suspend process problems. For those who are having the problem still, I wonder if removing or formatting their cards would show any improvement? Worth a shot if at least to eliminate another possible factor.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
That's cool that this thread is flushing out other ideas and possible variables. I like the idea of connecting it to the charger for a couple of seconds, but my fiancee is so used to just rebooting her phone each morning and sometimes again by mid-day, that it's easier for her to do just that.
jpiano said:
Even if I charge the phone for a few seconds, then unplug, it stays dormant without having to reboot.
Also, I saw on another xda blog (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=870557&page=2) that someone linked this issue to a corrupt photo on the sd card. After formatting the card and restoring some files, says the issue has not returned!
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I like the microSD Card notion. This is such a weird issue, that it's so easily associated with other items - e.g. applications, usage patterns, etc. This seems feasible though, but the only way to know for sure is to reproduce it. My fiancee experiences the suspend issue daily, if she doesn't reboot regularly. So, I should be able to take her microSD card and use it in my phone and get the suspend issue. I don't want to 'muddy' up by swapping microSD cards, so I'll try reformatting her card and see if that makes any difference. She usually sees the issue within 24-48 hours of a fresh boot, so it shouldn't be long before we see if that fixes it or not. I can check the card for errors, etc. as well.
werk said:
I just realized that the only thing I've really changed is installed a new 16 gb SD card. Since then, no suspend process problems.
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I'll be upgrading to a 16 GB Class 10 soon, so I can give her my Samsung if need be. I'd really like to see if this is it though. It would explain the "some people get it and some people don't" pattern.
I also noticed that the minute I plug the phone in the problem goes away. Not sure why, just confirming it happens to me too. I also should note that when I returned my phone, they popped my old SD card into my new phone. So if there is an SD card issue with a corupt file/photo that could be something as well. I wonder woody if your girlfriends phone has had the same SD card after how many times did you say you traded it in? BTW, a side note, how did you exchange it so many times? After I took mine back to the store on day 14 they told me I wasn't able to exchange it again.
I do have a 16GB SD card but just haven't had time to install it. Wanted to double check which things I need on the new one from the old one, but it might be a good way to test this issue. Let me know some ideas before I swap the cards and maybe I can help test this.
Also, one more thing, what is the app you're using to log stuff? I'm just using Watchdog Lite right now.
I've got to figure this out or this is a dealbreaker for me. I have waited 3 years to upgrade phones, first time on Android, really wanted iPhone but wanted to stick with month to month from TMob. If this continues I think I will move to Windows Phone 7 or iPhone if I have to, but I really like this phone when the battery is not draining like a leech.
Just wondering what process you went through when you upgraded SD cards. Did you copy any files over to the new one or just start blank?
royhobbs said:
Just wondering what process you went through when you upgraded SD cards. Did you copy any files over to the new one or just start blank?
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Just straight copied the existing files over from the old card to new one (new one in phone connected via USB, old card in SD adapter in my laptops SD card slot). I think some Angry Birds files didn't make it due to long paths, but reinstalled it and no problems since then.

[Q] Sleep/Charge death issue, think I've tried everything...

Hey guys!
I've got 2 of the T-Mobile HD2 handsets, both 'yellow reset button' revisions. One runs Windows Mobile 6.5 (have yet to find an alternative for texting through Outlook/Exchange), the other running some flavor of Android. This setup has been working just fine for months, but last month I started experiencing random restarts, sleep death, and charge death. In two known instances, this happened during calls.
Now having been educated on How to ask a question properly, I have done my best to attempt all the due diligence I could muster...
--The Android handset is presently running the Nexus ICS 1.5 ROM with the Dormanix ICS kernel. After the first few random restarts, I tried it with the regular kernel (tyung's?) and had the same issue. I then reverted to my mainstays of Typhoon Cyanogen and Hyperdroid, both with stock kernels, both demonstrating the same issue after the first day or two.
--I've tried every radio release from 2.10-2.15, being careful to only install the '50' releases, not the '51's. None of these have alleviated the issue.
--I used setCPU to try overclocking, underclocking, then just set it back to stock and uninstalled setCPU.
--The most recent format attempt, while I didn't task29, I did format /system and /data from within CWM.
--Also with the most recent attempt, I didn't install any backup software or create any backups, except with text messages through GoSMS. I did not restore any backups with Titanium Backup or MyBackup Pro.
--I have not uninstalled any system apps with ROM Toolbox.
--I have tried updating my CWM install version to 5.x.
--I have attempted switching the OSes of the two handsets; both have had the same issue with Android but neither have SoD'd with Windows Mobile.
Just about the only thing I haven't tried was switching the the cLK bootloader instead of MagLDR; my logic for not doing so is that I do keep an archive of all the old versions of the ROMs I've installed so that, in cases like these, I could try some older known-stable-to-me releases, and all the ones I've downloaded were for MAG. Additionally, none of the other threads I read indicated that the seemingly mature MAG platform was found to be the cause of anyone else's issues; all the other threads seemed to relate to either titanium backup restoring something in an extremely wonky manner, or an unstable/incompatible release of the baseband firmware.
The only other thing I could think of that could cause the issue that started roughly around the time that this problem started was my use of LBE Privacy Guard. I'm hesitant to blame LBE for the following reasons:
1.) LBE has been perfectly stable on my Incredible 2.
2.) LBE hasn't been blamed for any of the other SoD issues discussed in these threads.
3.) The Google Play page for LBE indicates no such issues reported in either the dev writeup or the first five pages of reviews.
4.) The SoDs don't seem to coordinate with the times that LBE blocks things.
5.) Uninstalling didn't make the issue go away.
However, given the nature of LBE and the kind of low-level access it gets to the system, I felt it worth mentioning.
Thanks for reading my lengthy plight; any assistance (including thread links if I missed a thread in my searches) would be greatly appreciated. In the meantime, I'm going to give Task29 and installing CLK a try.
Okay, after reading your question/issue thoroughly, it seems that you have tried almost everything but to no avail.
First thing I noticed was, " I started experiencing random restarts, sleep death, and charge death"
This may indicate bent battery pins, or just a faulty battery.
(Have you tried a different battery? Checked the pins?)
Have you tried going to complete stock and using your phone normally? If yes, did you experience any restarting, sleep death, charge death or any kind of issues? If not, do so.
Have you ever had your device stuck while flashing something? radio ? bootloader ? and you had to remove battery?
Have you ever felt that your device is overheating or lagging a lot ?
Have you ever dropped your device ? Had something spilled on it? ( This may seem a weird question, but ... you never know )
Marvlesz said:
Okay, after reading your question/issue thoroughly, it seems that you have tried almost everything but to no avail.
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I do my best to walk all the beaten paths before I ask for help. If I'm going to ask everyone else to spend their time helping me out, the least I can do is demonstrate that solving the issue is worth my own time.
First thing I noticed was, " I started experiencing random restarts, sleep death, and charge death"
This may indicate bent battery pins, or just a faulty battery.
(Have you tried a different battery? Checked the pins?)
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I've got five different batteries I rotate regularly. Two do admittedly need replacing, but the batteries all work perfectly in the WinMo handset. Additionally, I've had instances where I've been playing Robo Defense, and while it won't respond to input until it does its reboot, the game still carries on with the screen fully lit. However, the issue doesn't appear to be related to a capacitive touch screen failure, since a known unresponsive screen has ALWAYS been met with an restart, given enough time, and a battery pull ALWAYS returns it to proper working order.
Have you tried going to complete stock and using your phone normally? If yes, did you experience any restarting, sleep death, charge death or any kind of issues? If not, do so.
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If you're talking stock as in WinMo 6.5, then 'yes' in the sense that the issue first started on the first HD2 (we'll designate it "Alpha"), which was running Android, while the second HD2 ("Bravo") was runing WM. Since I too wondered if it might be a hardware/bootloader/whatever issue, I task29'd both phones and made Alpha run WM and Bravo run Android. Alpha, which would SoD regularly with Android, has never done so with WM. Bravo, which never had an issue with WM, SoD's with Android. Having both phones at my disposal has enabled me to pretty reasonably conclude that it's something to do with Android and rule out a hardware issue.
Have you ever had your device stuck while flashing something? radio ? bootloader ? and you had to remove battery?
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The closest I had to that was a radio revision whereby the bootloader never got past the 'loading' prompt, but neither that, nor the MagLDR install, nor any of the radio installations I've tried have required a reflash due to a botched installation attempt.
Have you ever felt that your device is overheating or lagging a lot ?
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If you're a fan of the SyFy Channel series "Warehouse 13", reading this question felt like being asked, "did you smell anything that you'd describe as smelling like fudge?". That being said, I've occasionally noticed it, but it's never seemed to be correlated to a reboot/SoD. Usually graphics intensive apps or GPS navigation will do it, but that's been mostly consistent ever since I owned an iPhone 2G. If you're going for "the CPU is being pegged" as a cause for the SoD, I'll be a bit more vigilant as I use it to see if a heat issue seems to trigger it, but my immediate reaction is "no".
Have you ever dropped your device ? Had something spilled on it? ( This may seem a weird question, but ... you never know )
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Not weird, perfectly understandable, and I'm pretty good with keeping my gear unsmashed
Hope it helps!
voyager529 said:
Additionally, I've had instances where I've been playing Robo Defense, and while it won't respond to input until it does its reboot, the game still carries on with the screen fully lit. However, the issue doesn't appear to be related to a capacitive touch screen failure, since a known unresponsive screen has ALWAYS been met with an restart, given enough time, and a battery pull ALWAYS returns it to proper working order.
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Have you checked your pins? Swapping batteries make them vulnerable.
Also, I have never ever had a non responsive screen. So this may, JUST MAY, have something to do with a hardware related issue.
voyager529 said:
If you're talking stock as in WinMo 6.5, then 'yes' in the sense that the issue first started on the first HD2 (we'll designate it "Alpha"), which was running Android, while the second HD2 ("Bravo") was runing WM. Since I too wondered if it might be a hardware/bootloader/whatever issue, I task29'd both phones and made Alpha run WM and Bravo run Android. Alpha, which would SoD regularly with Android, has never done so with WM. Bravo, which never had an issue with WM, SoD's with Android. Having both phones at my disposal has enabled me to pretty reasonably conclude that it's something to do with Android and rule out a hardware issue.
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From the redded part, I can understand that the issue started on Alpha, and soon thereafter it had affected Bravo.
This could mean that it is a thing shared between the two devices, a thing you do/use on both devices.
Maybe an sdcard ? Have you tried booting android from sd? have you tried booting android from NAND without an sdcard?
voyager529 said:
If you're a fan of the SyFy Channel series "Warehouse 13", reading this question felt like being asked, "did you smell anything that you'd describe as smelling like fudge?". That being said, I've occasionally noticed it, but it's never seemed to be correlated to a reboot/SoD. Usually graphics intensive apps or GPS navigation will do it, but that's been mostly consistent ever since I owned an iPhone 2G. If you're going for "the CPU is being pegged" as a cause for the SoD, I'll be a bit more vigilant as I use it to see if a heat issue seems to trigger it, but my immediate reaction is "no".
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lol, okay then, it's not the device overheating.
Let's narrow it down, your both devices started to have charging/screen issues. With a relatively close time from each other.
Now, there is something bugging me. If Bravo was on WinMo, and you said you have had no issues on WinMo whatsoever, how did you know that the it was is experiencing the same issues?
(If your answer is going to be "Because I put android on it" , then the issue probably originated from the way you flash android.)
You also said that: on Winmo, both devices ran fine and on Android both devices had SoD's .
This may mean, the ROM you are/were using is simply malfunctioning. Have you tried various ROMs or it is just one ROM ?
Sorry for being late, awaiting your reply
Have you checked your pins? Swapping batteries make them vulnerable.
Also, I have never ever had a non responsive screen. So this may, JUST MAY, have something to do with a hardware related issue.
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Ironically, Bravo (the one presently running Android) was warranty replaced less than a month ago due to an actual, legit unresponsive screen. The fact that the pattern is consistently "screen stops responding/SoD/CoD -> hot reboot -> phone resumes working perfectly", and has been on both phones, leads me to put that particular explanation towards the bottom of the pile. Rather selfishly, the supplemental reason to that is that T-Mo isn't going to honor a warranty replacement for an issue that only happens on an operating system that is an unofficial port, so if it is some bizarre hardware issue, it's gonna be mighty expensive to get the phone swapped.
This could mean that it is a thing shared between the two devices, a thing you do/use on both devices.
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I have a thought about that that I'll get to in a moment...
Have you tried booting android from sd?
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No. good catch =)
have you tried booting android from NAND without an sdcard?
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I always use the NAND methods, but data is a bit hard to store without an SD card. You have inspired me to do a MicroSD shuffle though. I'll give that a try.
Now, there is something bugging me. If Bravo was on WinMo, and you said you have had no issues on WinMo whatsoever, how did you know that the it was is experiencing the same issues?
(If your answer is going to be "Because I put android on it" , then the issue probably originated from the way you flash android.)
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That is, in fact, the answer lol. Originally, Alpha ran Android and Bravo ran WinMo. This problem started, so I switched them around: Bravo was configured to run Android, and Alpha became the WinMo phone. Alpha, which would SoD with Android, has not done so in the weeks since it became the WinMo running handset. Bravo, now sporting Googleware, exhibited the same issues.
To answer your last question regarding whether it was the ROM, I tried the ICS ROM with stock kernel, Dormanix's kernel, Typhoon CyanogenMod (the most reliable in my experience), and HyperDroid. All of these ROMs did the same thing after the first day or two, but hadn't done so in the past: I used both the latest release and older releases that I've used and am 100% certain have worked for me, on my hardware, without fail. As such, this is starting to ratchet back to being a PEBKAC/ID10T issue, but I was never able to pinpoint anything specifically that would earn me a dunce cap. This morning though, I had a breakthrough...
Yesterday, I decided to ditch MAGLDR and opt for CLK instead. I must admit that I do greatly prefer MagLDR, but I was determined to try as many things as possible to get to the bottom of this. I Task29'd, got CLK in along with CWM Recovery, Flashed the ROM again, and started restoring apps from the Google Play Store. No reboots at this point, but then again, most flashes have worked wonderfully the first day. As an aside, I'm torn: I do like the greatly decreased boot time and increased internal storage availability, but MagLDR was much simpler to work with for frequent flashing chores. Oh well.
The stock lock screen gives me a camera launching option by dragging the unlock icon to the left. Being left handed, on more than one occasion I've ended up getting myself to the camera by accident because the side of my palm triggered the multitouch. As such, I did a little experiment. Using ROM Toolbox, I 'froze' the camera app; I never use it intentionally anyway. After doing so, I was curious as to how the lock screen would react. Behold! I finally found a way to consistently trigger a restart! This got me thinking two things:
1.) As much as I like taking out things like the stock news/weather/twitter apps that I never, EVER use, maybe one of those were being randomly restarted (as Android apps tend to do), and instead of giving up on starting the app, my phone instead decided to divide by zero.
2.) The utility of Advanced Task Killer and its ilk have been hotly debated in Android forums. Personally, I find ATK to be extremely useful and love its functionality. As such, it's among the first things I install. Hence, I wonder if, for some bizarre reason, ATK is either killing the wrong task, or its presence is wreaking havoc.
Thus, I have foregone MagLDR, foregone ATK, and foregone pulling out stuff in ROMs I don't want. Also, I bought the GOTO lockscreen to help me get rid of the camera launching problem. So far, my system uptime is 6 hours, 14 minutes
voyager529 said:
The stock lock screen gives me a camera launching option by dragging the unlock icon to the left. Being left handed, on more than one occasion I've ended up getting myself to the camera by accident because the side of my palm triggered the multitouch. As such, I did a little experiment. Using ROM Toolbox, I 'froze' the camera app; I never use it intentionally anyway. After doing so, I was curious as to how the lock screen would react. Behold! I finally found a way to consistently trigger a restart! This got me thinking two things:
1.) As much as I like taking out things like the stock news/weather/twitter apps that I never, EVER use, maybe one of those were being randomly restarted (as Android apps tend to do), and instead of giving up on starting the app, my phone instead decided to divide by zero.
2.) The utility of Advanced Task Killer and its ilk have been hotly debated in Android forums. Personally, I find ATK to be extremely useful and love its functionality. As such, it's among the first things I install. Hence, I wonder if, for some bizarre reason, ATK is either killing the wrong task, or its presence is wreaking havoc.
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lmao !! xD
But that is weird. Why would your phone reboot when the app is frozen ? When you freeze an app, it disappears from the app launcher, but being available on the lockscreen may be the cause.
I don't think it's ATK, since I was on the SD versions of Android, I used to use ATK. And never had a problem. On the other hand, I did notice some random reboots on ICS after freezing some system apps with Titanium Backup.
That said, these reboots shouldn't occur when on typhoon, Hyperdroid or any non-ICS ROM, should they ?
I'm still confused about this "Originally, Alpha ran Android and Bravo ran WinMo. This problem started"
There is no way in hell, two separate devices, would face the same issue without any relation.
And, forgive me but, if the problem only occurred on Alpha, why did you put Android on Bravo while it was working fine? (Again, sorry, but I need an answer for this )
Update: The phone froze twice yesterday, but has been fine since...wait, literally just rebooted as I was typing this after I hit the 'home' key.
I'm thinking that at some point early next week, I'll try task29ing again and put typhoon on there with no task killer and no alternate launcher and see if I get anywhere.
To answer your question, the problem started on Alpha. As a desktop computer tech, when a desktop has issues like this, it tends to be faulty RAM. Since phones don't have user-swappable DIMMs, I wanted to rule out a hardware issue. Alpha has been running WinMo 6.5 flawlessly ever since, which leads me to believe that it is, indeed, a software issue of some kind.
voyager529 said:
Update: The phone froze twice yesterday, but has been fine since...wait, literally just rebooted as I was typing this after I hit the 'home' key.
I'm thinking that at some point early next week, I'll try task29ing again and put typhoon on there with no task killer and no alternate launcher and see if I get anywhere.
To answer your question, the problem started on Alpha. As a desktop computer tech, when a desktop has issues like this, it tends to be faulty RAM. Since phones don't have user-swappable DIMMs, I wanted to rule out a hardware issue. Alpha has been running WinMo 6.5 flawlessly ever since, which leads me to believe that it is, indeed, a software issue of some kind.
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I don't know if it was just me not reading this whole thing properly (which it probably was, given the amount of information you're providing) but you never seemed to have actually answered the questions about bent battery pins. You mentioned that you are often swapping batteries which makes the battery pins vulnerable to being unintentionally bent out of shape, and they may not be making contact with the battery properly. I have no clue as to how this would really help you (maybe the reboots, not the screen issue), but it wouldn't do any harm to check it out
---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------
Marvlesz said:
And, forgive me but, if the problem only occurred on Alpha, why did you put Android on Bravo while it was working fine? (Again, sorry, but I need an answer for this )
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Didn't see this earlier, but surely the question is 'why would you leave the HD2 on the world's worst OS?'
I'm disinclined to believe it's the battery pins for the following reasons:
1.) in certain cases, the screen is unresponsive, but the send/end buttons light up, indicating that power is indeed flowing.
2.) in certain cases, I've had the phone do a 'hot restart' (i.e. not going through the bootloader, just showing the boot animation) mid phone call or during other kinds of use. If it was a momentary disconnect, wouldn't it be doing a complete, cold restart?
As for why I'm using Windows Mobile, two reasons:
1.) Android has been giving me issues lately, as this thread clearly illustrates. For all the crap Windows Mobile 6.5 gets, it's been pretty stable, ALWAYS rings, is significantly less demanding on battery life.
2.) Its killer feature for me is that it enables text messaging through Exchange/Outlook 2010, something no other mobile OS presently provides. Additionally, it does all of the core phone functions I use (calls, texting, tethering, web browsing with Opera Mobile, Facebook notifications/caller ID sync, USB mass storage, video/music playback, Swype input, etc.). It might not have 100,000,000,000,000 apps, but the Sencity flavor of EnergyROM is extremely reliable.
voyager529 said:
If you're going for "the CPU is being pegged" as a cause for the SoD, I'll be a bit more vigilant as I use it to see if a heat issue seems to trigger it, but my immediate reaction is "no".
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Even if you can't feel it overheating, try putting it in a cool place for some time until you can feel that the aluminium back cover is cold to touch, then do something which would normally cause a hot reboot or any other issue. An open window with a slight breeze is normally good enough to cool the phone down (so long as it isn't too sunny or hot obviously).
I guess you're right about WinMo being the most stable OS (although from what I've heard WP7 is very good as well) but I just couldn't live with it. Even if I started experiencing large issues I would do everything in my power to not use that OS again! Used it the other day on my friend's HD2 which he now keeps purely as an alarm clock and it's ghastly, I found it painful to use again.
voyager529 said:
I'm disinclined to believe it's the battery pins for the following reasons:
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Will checking the battery pins trigger a bomb ? Why don't you just CHECK THE PINS to eliminate all the doubt. Instead of the assumptions you keep making !
And do what Nigel has said, and report back.
Marvlesz said:
Will checking the battery pins trigger a bomb ? Why don't you just CHECK THE PINS to eliminate all the doubt. Instead of the assumptions you keep making !
And do what Nigel has said, and report back.
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I apologize for my earlier lack of clarity.
I did check the pins for any obvious bending or lack of pressure, and they all appeared to be correctly shaped and pressured. As a result, I'm hesitant to blame it on the pins' shape and pressure at a micro level because of the reasons below - if the pins are bent in such a manner that it's undetectable by me personally but causing the problems in functionality, I wouldn't expect it to happen mid-call or mid-game.
In the none-too-distant future, I do intend on doing another task29 and going back to MagLDR and trying a previously untried ROM. Also, I have ordered new batteries, in the event that it's the physical batteries themselves.
I'll report back with what happens, and again, than you so much for all of your help.
voyager529 said:
I apologize for my earlier lack of clarity.
I did check the pins for any obvious bending or lack of pressure, and they all appeared to be correctly shaped and pressured. As a result, I'm hesitant to blame it on the pins' shape and pressure at a micro level because of the reasons below - if the pins are bent in such a manner that it's undetectable by me personally but causing the problems in functionality, I wouldn't expect it to happen mid-call or mid-game.
In the none-too-distant future, I do intend on doing another task29 and going back to MagLDR and trying a previously untried ROM. Also, I have ordered new batteries, in the event that it's the physical batteries themselves.
I'll report back with what happens, and again, than you so much for all of your help.
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Ah, OK thanks for clearing that up (I, like Marvlesz, thought you simply were refusing to check the battery pins for some odd reason). Did you try the fridge trick? I've read in many places that it works for some people, maybe it could help you too (although don't leave it in there for too long; I'm no expert but I would assume phones aren't designed for that ) and report back.
Just thought I'd follow up with everyone...
On April 22, I task29'd, MagLDR'd, and installed HyperDroid-CM7-Observant-Opossum -v5.9.0. Since then, my phone has been working properly.
Thus, I am chalking the whole ordeal up to one of three things:
1.) an issue with a backup of some kind.
2.) an issue with the internal memory that I managed to 'partition around' when I installed MagLDR again.
3.) an issue with ICS/kernel compatibility that was unique to my phones for some odd reason.
Regardless, for the past ten days, the only reason I've had to reboot the phone was due to a dead battery. Thank you everyone who watched this thread and helped me with my issue. I am greatly appreciative of your willingness and patience.

**Ultimate Galaxy S3 Unusual Freezing Thread**

Latest Thread Update :
16/04/2013 ---- Added Rob's DFG trick Method for new comers to save searching for it .
04/03/2013 ---- Added XXEMB1 as Most reliable freeze free build .
01/03/2013 ---- added advice on kernels with SDS Fix .
26/02/2013 ---- Added links to LagFix (fstrim) premium ,and DFG.
Now that the Galaxy S3 Sudden Death Syndrome has supposedly been fixed by the Update 7 by Samsung patched for Kernel and Recovery ,
There is some poping up posts about the Galaxy S3 freezing with lockups,Lockscreen not responding that requires pulling out battery
and ending up with unsual rebooting and bootlooping which is a very awkward and annoying issue, especially the Q&A section which contains
a lot of angry S3 users reporting this problem ; Ex
Galaxy S 3 keeps freezing every 5 mins (50+ freezes a day)
Galaxy S3 keeps freezing
Well i decided to make this thread in the benefit of spotting the problem and to make sure we have accurate causes and eventually elaborate a solution to this disturbing problem.
Share your experiences down by posting the ROM, the Kernel, the Recovery and the Bootloader that you are on right now, so we can filter the answers and relate them with the freezing problems on The Galaxy S3.
Reported Issue Reasons :
1) - Facebook app for Android.
2) - Google Chrome Browser.
3) - Some Samsung Based Android 4.1.2 builds/Roms causing freezing.
4) - In Some cases, Media Scanner causing lockups.
5) - In Some cases, Swiftkey Flow Bêta causing freezing.
Possible Direct Reason :
Originally Posted by : Rob2222
The freezes are caused by the sudden death fix. On that kind of freezes the phone unfreeze itself after 5-25 minutes.
The phone freezes when writing data to an affected eMMC block.
An eMMC block is affected, when it's internal block pararameters (as f.e. write count for that block) are in such a state, that these parameters trigger a corrupted block without SD-fix (4.1.1) or trigger a freeze with SD-fix (4.1.2).
When a phone is hitting an affected block with a writiing operation is completely unpredictable.
So these freezes can occur on almost each situation on the smartphone when it writes data.
But you have indeed a higher chance to trigger a freeze when writing much data.
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Possible Current Solution :
I. If the phone freezes, wait until it unfreezes itself. I think this is the important part.
II. The DFG "Dummy File Generator" is only used to trigger the freezes.
III. I think you could also just wait for the freezes to be triggered by all-day-use, but this would be very impractical to wait 20 minutes to
unfreeze when you need the phone.
IV. So we write dummy data with DFG to provoke the freezes.
Highly Recommended Advice :
The write access to an affected block without Sudden Death fix seems to damage the data on this block which _can_ lead to a sudden death.
Because of that I would recommend to stay with KERNELS that have the Sudden death fix included, even if it could cause freezes.
Reported Most Stable " Freeze Free " Build/Rom :
XXEMB1 and all Custom Roms based on this build.
Dummy File Generator :
Alternate Working Solution :
LagFix (fstrim) Premium
Rob's Dummy File Generator Method to solve persistant freezes on the Galaxy S3 :
Rob's DFG Method , Please take a moment to thank him for his contribution to solving this problem.
Let me repeat it again:
Whoever has problems with freezes, please try this at least and give positive or negative feedback here. We have good experience with this method to sightly reduce and/or completely eleminate the freezes.
No, this means that the problems occur when writing the eMMC, not reading.
Try to wait for the phone to unfreeze (5-25 minutes) it seems that it helps and the freezes get less.
If you have that kind of freezes, that are caused by the SD-Fix your phone will unfreeze after that time without reboot.
To provoke the freezes you can also empty your internal storage as much as possible and then use the dummy file generator (generate all) to fill the internal memory 1-2 times.
After each run you can simply delete the dummy files with the delete button.
Free up 8GB or more to have enough free space on internal memory.
If you have 8 GB free internal space, write 2 times dummy files. 2x8GB are 16GB. The internal wear leveling algorithm spreads these writes over the whole 16GB physical chip area.
There is a good chance that writing EACH sector on the eMMC resets/averages out the internal block data (f.e. write counters) that trigger the Bug and the Fix (Freeze).
If the phone freezes while writing the dummy data (it propably will), just let the phone do what it wants. It will continue to work after 2-25 minutes for each freeze.
This unfreeze after 5-25 minutes seems to have a positive effect.
You can have more than one freeze while doing this. Just let the phone do what it wants. If the dummy file generator crashs cause of a freeze, just restart the App.
When your finally able to write a amount of 16GB data (2x8GB dummy files) in subsequent runs without freezes you have a good chance that your freezes are gone for now or maybe even forever.
You need to write a minimum amount of 16GB data (or more) with this procedure! If you write less data, you didn't even need to thest this DFG method.
The idea behind it:
The SD-Fix causes freezes when writing eMMC blocks in a specific eMMC block parameter state. There parameters are for example the block write counter. Just some few blocks are affected, but when they get written, the SD-Fix freezes the eMMC. Now it seems to have a positive ("healing") effect to wait for the eMMC to unfreeze itself, which happens after 5-25 minutes. For all day use this is not very practicable. So we write just some dummy data to the eMMC to trigger the freezes when we do have the time to wait for the unfreeze. Thats all.
-- From the forums I monitor I get 80-90% positive feedback that the S3 gets again long-time-stable (usable) with this DFG-method.
I got from 10-15 freezes/day to only 1 single freeze in the last 2 weeks without factory reset.
-- Some people needed to write 60-80GB of data until the phone became stable.
In the hardest case (only 1 case) I know, someone wrote about 1TB (1000GB) of data and then the phone became finally stable. He didn't got warranty so DFG was his last resort and after that it finally got stable.
In most cases 20-60GB written data should be enough to get back the phone on a stable state.
If youre familiar with odin, you can also flash XXEMB5 or newer firmware, cause it seems this includes a new, better SD-Fix that doesn't casue freezes anymore. DFG is not needed in this case.
PIT File :
nhariamine said:
Now that the Galaxy S3 Sudden Death Syndrome has supposedly been fixed by the latest update 7 by Samsung patch for Kernel and
Recovery ,There is some poping up posts about the Galaxy S3 freezing and ending up with unsual rebooting and bootlooping which is a
very awkward and weird and annoying issue, especially the Q&A section which contains a lot of angry S3 users reporting this problem.
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It's a shame that this post has been mostly ignored in favour of the "SDS" one, but I do actually believe both issues are related. My I9300 is running stock - always has been - and suffered with "proper" SDS last November.
The initial symptoms were that my previously perfectly-behaved phone would would randomly FC apps that didn't before, and some of my photographs and video taken on the phone suddenly became corrupted and unusable.
Finally, one Saturday morning, I woke up to find the phone stuck in a boot loop, going from the "Samsung Galaxy S3" black-and-white boot scree to the first blue sweep of the Samsung logo, then reboot. It would power-off and power-on and I could enter ODIN or recovery modes fine, but it wouldn't boot any further.
I managed to get my photos and stuff off the phone through USB in recovery, and decided to wipe and flash the same stock ROM via ODIN.
This process failed - it couldn't partition the device correctly. None of the flash counters were reading anything so I popped it into my local Vodafone shop where they said it just needed the firmware popping back on and they'd have it ready in an hour.
I went back and they said they hadn't been able to load the software and it would have to go off for repair. *sigh*
It came back about 5 days later with a repair report stating that they'd replaced the "main board" - presumably because of the eMMC lockup bug.
It was only after this that the whole "Sudden Death" news came about and I realised what had happened to my phone. The eMMC check app says that my new controller is the same "faulty" version so I've been waiting with baited breath for "safe" official firmware.
The update system threw XXELL5 my way just before Christmas, and I thought that was that, but a coule of weeks ago the phone started hiccuping again. I knew I'd seen this before and my heart sank.
Last week another update was available, this time XXELLA. Since then, all hell has broken loose on my phone. It is locking up about 5 times a day. Initially, I was rebooting it manually (by holding in the power button). Tuesday morning I was woken by my wife saying "shouldn't you be up by now?" - glanced at my phone and it was frozen on the black-and-white boot logo - no alarm! Arrggh! It's dead!
Powered off, back on again and it booted fine. Hmmm, this isn't quite the same as before then. Having seen the advice about leaving it when it's locked, I've been doing that religiously and, so far, it's always woken up again by itself, but it's definitely indicative of a fault somewhere.
I've tried to check what's happening with adb logcat (I'm not rooted - fully stock - so can't see dmesg) and there is always some sort of I/O error when the freeze happens - often an sqlite database. Then, a couple of days ago, three photos and one video suddenly became corrupted.
I've realised that there are two issues, and only one of them has been "fixed".
The main problem, I believe, is that the flash memory is dying quite rapidly. We all know that flash memory has a limited write life, and wear levelling is supposed to extend that life beyond the typical lifespan of a device (say 5 years for a PC SSD drive?). For some reason, the flash in these devices is wearing out MUCH more rapidly.
The "faulty" eMMC controller obviously had a problem when dealing with faulty flash cells and would get stuck in a permanent loop, bricking the device. As far as I'm aware, the "fix" that has been applied prevents this permanent loop. The system still needs to try and handle disk errors with the flash memory, but it's not a permanent freeze any more and eventually (once it's finished dealing with flash faults - often unable to recover the problem) the system will break out of the freeze and carry on as before.
Sometimes this means that an app has bombed out as it couldn't read it's data correctly, but most people would either have forcibly rebooted their phone, or not notice as that app would just restart next time they used it. Sometimes, however, it means that something more important has crashed due to the disk I/O problem, resulting in the phone needing to spontaneously reboot itself.
What this boils down to is - yes, I believe that there has been a fix applied for the "faulty" eMMC controller getting stuck in a permanent, irretrievable loop. But no, I don't believe the actual original problem has been addressed - namely that the flash memory is dying at an unacceptably fast rate for ... well ... who knows what reason.
I do have a theory on that too. Recently a friend of mine was looking to change his laptop hard drive for an SSD. I investigated for him and decided that the Samsung 830 series would be his best bet, if he could get hold of them. And why not the newer 840 series? Well - that's purely because the "consumer" version of the 840 uses Samsung's latest triple level cell flash memory. Newer, faster, cheaper to manufacture almost certainly but ... more importantly in this case ... less resilient. How does 1000 write cycles grab you? They claim that the wear levelling algorithm in the drives mean that their lifetime is still pretty reasonable, but I'm not convinced in the real world.
Any idea what flash they use in the S3? I have no idea, but I betcha it's something (a) cheap and (b) new(ish).
I'm now at a bit of an impasse with my phone, however. When I returned it for repair last year it was properly frozen. No-one could do anything to fix it, the flash wouldn't format or write firmware - the only recourse was replacing internal hardware (or the entire phone).
This time, however, it works ... sort of. I'm occasionally losing photos I've taken and occasionally finding it's locked up and occasionally having to wait for it to recover. No repair centre has the time to "live with" my phone for half a day, waiting to see what happens with it - and even if they did, they'd blame a rogue app or "something left over from the upgrade" - they'll just factory wipe it, maybe flash the firmware and send it back again "repaired".
It's tempting to "lose" it and pay my insurance excess ... but even then, I won't know when the problem will strike again - but that's the thing ... I'm certain it would be back.
I used to love this phone. Now I can't rely on it. I can't rely on it storing the photos I take with it. I can't rely on it ringing when someone calls. I can't rely on texts getting through to me on time. I can't even rely on it waking me up in the morning.
It's sat next to me now,lying on the desk with the screen all shiny and black. I have no idea if it's fine, or frozen. Is someone calling me right this second? I have no idea. Oh, there we go - pressed the lock buton - it's awake. I shouldn't have to check my phone every ten minutes to see if it's working or not.
*sigh* sorry - rant over.
Suffice to say, that's my take on it. If I thought it would help diagnose something "fixable", I'd root and see what dmesg is doing, but I'm convinced this is hardware and I'm also certain that Samsung aren't going to take the blindest bit of notice.
I'm pretty sure there will be more and more people complaining that their phones are misbehaving over the next few months, but it's vague enough of a problem that the "repair" will be wiping - just long enough to take them over the first year warranty...
QorbeQ said:
It's a shame that this post has been mostly ignored in favour of the "SDS" one, but I do actually believe both issues are related. My I9300 is running stock - always has been - and suffered with "proper" SDS last November.
The initial symptoms were that my previously perfectly-behaved phone would would randomly FC apps that didn't before, and some of my photographs and video taken on the phone suddenly became corrupted and unusable.
Finally, one Saturday morning, I woke up to find the phone stuck in a boot loop, going from the "Samsung Galaxy S3" black-and-white boot scree to the first blue sweep of the Samsung logo, then reboot. It would power-off and power-on and I could enter ODIN or recovery modes fine, but it wouldn't boot any further.
I managed to get my photos and stuff off the phone through USB in recovery, and decided to wipe and flash the same stock ROM via ODIN.
This process failed - it couldn't partition the device correctly. None of the flash counters were reading anything so I popped it into my local Vodafone shop where they said it just needed the firmware popping back on and they'd have it ready in an hour.
I went back and they said they hadn't been able to load the software and it would have to go off for repair. *sigh*
It came back about 5 days later with a repair report stating that they'd replaced the "main board" - presumably because of the eMMC lockup bug.
It was only after this that the whole "Sudden Death" news came about and I realised what had happened to my phone. The eMMC check app says that my new controller is the same "faulty" version so I've been waiting with baited breath for "safe" official firmware.
The update system threw XXELL5 my way just before Christmas, and I thought that was that, but a coule of weeks ago the phone started hiccuping again. I knew I'd seen this before and my heart sank.
Last week another update was available, this time XXELLA. Since then, all hell has broken loose on my phone. It is locking up about 5 times a day. Initially, I was rebooting it manually (by holding in the power button). Tuesday morning I was woken by my wife saying "shouldn't you be up by now?" - glanced at my phone and it was frozen on the black-and-white boot logo - no alarm! Arrggh! It's dead!
Powered off, back on again and it booted fine. Hmmm, this isn't quite the same as before then. Having seen the advice about leaving it when it's locked, I've been doing that religiously and, so far, it's always woken up again by itself, but it's definitely indicative of a fault somewhere.
I've tried to check what's happening with adb logcat (I'm not rooted - fully stock - so can't see dmesg) and there is always some sort of I/O error when the freeze happens - often an sqlite database. Then, a couple of days ago, three photos and one video suddenly became corrupted.
I've realised that there are two issues, and only one of them has been "fixed".
The main problem, I believe, is that the flash memory is dying quite rapidly. We all know that flash memory has a limited write life, and wear levelling is supposed to extend that life beyond the typical lifespan of a device (say 5 years for a PC SSD drive?). For some reason, the flash in these devices is wearing out MUCH more rapidly.
The "faulty" eMMC controller obviously had a problem when dealing with faulty flash cells and would get stuck in a permanent loop, bricking the device. As far as I'm aware, the "fix" that has been applied prevents this permanent loop. The system still needs to try and handle disk errors with the flash memory, but it's not a permanent freeze any more and eventually (once it's finished dealing with flash faults - often unable to recover the problem) the system will break out of the freeze and carry on as before.
Sometimes this means that an app has bombed out as it couldn't read it's data correctly, but most people would either have forcibly rebooted their phone, or not notice as that app would just restart next time they used it. Sometimes, however, it means that something more important has crashed due to the disk I/O problem, resulting in the phone needing to spontaneously reboot itself.
What this boils down to is - yes, I believe that there has been a fix applied for the "faulty" eMMC controller getting stuck in a permanent, irretrievable loop. But no, I don't believe the actual original problem has been addressed - namely that the flash memory is dying at an unacceptably fast rate for ... well ... who knows what reason.
I do have a theory on that too. Recently a friend of mine was looking to change his laptop hard drive for an SSD. I investigated for him and decided that the Samsung 830 series would be his best bet, if he could get hold of them. And why not the newer 840 series? Well - that's purely because the "consumer" version of the 840 uses Samsung's latest triple level cell flash memory. Newer, faster, cheaper to manufacture almost certainly but ... more importantly in this case ... less resilient. How does 1000 write cycles grab you? They claim that the wear levelling algorithm in the drives mean that their lifetime is still pretty reasonable, but I'm not convinced in the real world.
Any idea what flash they use in the S3? I have no idea, but I betcha it's something (a) cheap and (b) new(ish).
I'm now at a bit of an impasse with my phone, however. When I returned it for repair last year it was properly frozen. No-one could do anything to fix it, the flash wouldn't format or write firmware - the only recourse was replacing internal hardware (or the entire phone).
This time, however, it works ... sort of. I'm occasionally losing photos I've taken and occasionally finding it's locked up and occasionally having to wait for it to recover. No repair centre has the time to "live with" my phone for half a day, waiting to see what happens with it - and even if they did, they'd blame a rogue app or "something left over from the upgrade" - they'll just factory wipe it, maybe flash the firmware and send it back again "repaired".
It's tempting to "lose" it and pay my insurance excess ... but even then, I won't know when the problem will strike again - but that's the thing ... I'm certain it would be back.
I used to love this phone. Now I can't rely on it. I can't rely on it storing the photos I take with it. I can't rely on it ringing when someone calls. I can't rely on texts getting through to me on time. I can't even rely on it waking me up in the morning.
It's sat next to me now,lying on the desk with the screen all shiny and black. I have no idea if it's fine, or frozen. Is someone calling me right this second? I have no idea. Oh, there we go - pressed the lock buton - it's awake. I shouldn't have to check my phone every ten minutes to see if it's working or not.
*sigh* sorry - rant over.
Suffice to say, that's my take on it. If I thought it would help diagnose something "fixable", I'd root and see what dmesg is doing, but I'm convinced this is hardware and I'm also certain that Samsung aren't going to take the blindest bit of notice.
I'm pretty sure there will be more and more people complaining that their phones are misbehaving over the next few months, but it's vague enough of a problem that the "repair" will be wiping - just long enough to take them over the first year warranty...
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I'm really sorry for the issues you've been living with mate, sure thing is that what you said about memory lockups and blocking writing
firmware is totally true except mine doesn't freeze which is strange, mine is the affected model and is shown in eMMC brick bug check ;
-Yes, Insane Chip.
The poll i made is permanant, but you have to post down Rom and kernel and recovery and bootloader to be more accurate to spot the problem and maybe some DEV can fix it as soon as possible.
Thanks for sharing ur experience with us mate.
I am totally stock jellybean not rooted etc. Was having bad problems with phone freezing and lagging so started uninstalling things to try and fix. I found the problem was chrome, I had chrome, chrome to phone and chrome beta on took them all off now running silky smooth again.
Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 2
kiwiflasher said:
I am totally stock jellybean not rooted etc. Was having bad problems with phone freezing and lagging so started uninstalling things to try and fix. I found the problem was chrome, I had chrome, chrome to phone and chrome beta on took them all off now running silky smooth again.
Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 2
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First ever user to report Chrome as one source of the problem, thanks mate, if any other symptoms occur and have anything to do with freezing, let us know ok !
I made a similar thread here:
Phone started to freeze too much,every 5-10 mins.
Unrooted went to total stock after a megawipe.
Phone died after 2 days.
GOt 16 GB motherboard replaced with 32 gb.
I dont get it, you have a 2 year warranty. If it happens, and im sure the vast majority wont have any issues, take it for warranty.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 06:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 PM ----------
eggman89 said:
I made a similar thread here:
Phone started to freeze too much,every 5-10 mins.
Unrooted went to total stock after a megawipe.
Phone died after 2 days.
GOt 16 GB motherboard replaced with 32 gb.
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This though seems vere interesting. Ive read that a few mention their board got replaced by a 32gb. Which prolly doesnt have the bug. So im guessing samsung is very aware of this bug.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
This though seems vere interesting. Ive read that a few mention their board got replaced by a 32gb. Which prolly doesnt have the bug. So im guessing samsung is very aware of this bug.
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I suppose that freezing problem is occured when a device is severly damaged even when on safe kernel and recovery, as much as i hate to admit it i think freezing S3 is the last symptom before SDS. Let's hope it's not.
nhariamine said:
I suppose that freezing problem is occured when a device is severly damaged even when on safe kernel and recovery, as much as i hate to admit it i think freezing S3 is the last symptom before SDS. Let's hope it's not.
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I got 16gb Motherboard replaced with 32gb.
So it may not be as bad as it seems :cyclops:
nhariamine said:
I suppose that freezing problem is occured when a device is severly damaged even when on safe kernel and recovery, as much as i hate to admit it i think freezing S3 is the last symptom before SDS. Let's hope it's not.
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I don't know if this is true in every case (freezing S3 is the last symptom before SDS) since I have 4 or 5 freezes on 2 consecutive days about 2 months ago. After that the phone runs normally, not a single freeze since then. And another thing my SGS is the 32 Gb model which is supposed to be safe from SDS (it has a different version of eMMC)
thank goodness for this thread.
this phone has been killing itself up to 3 times in 10 minutes. i really dont know what the hell is going on with this.
i will try uninstalling chrome and see if it helps..
my phone is bone stock running 4.1.2 with the latest firmware updated just today.
data connection is maybe the problem
Hey guys,
i have these freezes too since i updated to 4.1.2.
but in my case it's only when i have mobile data connection or w-lan connection turned on. If i turn off any data connection, it works the whole day without freezing!
It's for two weeks now and today i decided to install CyanogenMod 10.1 to try if this solves my problem.
I'm about to synchronisize my apps (does it automatically when entering google account and choosing "restoren from my account") and the first freeze occured (W-Lan on). But this time the light of the touch keys is full functional. When i touch the screen, the background light of the touch keys turns on. But power button, volume up/down and the touchscreen are frozen.
What I've done:
- rooted and installed CWM
- Cleared Dalvik cache
- wiped all other cache partition and stuff
- installed CyanogenMod 10.1 nightly build 20130208
- factory reset and so on like described in the manuals for installing CFs
Original data of my phone before installing CyanogenMod:
Galaxy S3
Android Version:
[email protected]#1
No Branding.
So it is a bit confusing that this only happens with data connection turned on.
I've also read some threads with analytics of the update code and the SD fix so i am well informed now and think it's because of the eMMC bug where it tries to repair the corrupted sectors and freezes while doing this (cause after ~20 minutes everything is fine like nothing happened).
Has anyone an idea or a solution now besides sending it to the local dealer and change it for warranty reasons?
Dark Smile
Odp: **Ultimate Galaxy S3 Unusual Freezing Thread**
It happened to me once, about 2 weeks ago, just after the release of the new firmware LM2. So I have flashed back with PC Odin to the previous LLA but the problem persisted. The phone was freezing after about 5 minutes of use. Forced reboot was needed.
So then I flashed some older 3 files-low level firmware (can't remember what one) in PC Odin nd then back to LM2 again, and everything is alright since then.
Wysyłane z mojego Nexus 7 za pomocą Tapatalk 2
After 2 Freezes it's running stable for the moment... i'll watch it over the weekend and give feedback.
Mine is freezing lots now.
First time it went to o2 repair (UK) they claimed they had fixed it, pretty sure they just did a factory reset (which I had done already 3 times). So when I collected it, it froze within 2 minutes.
I'm tracking this repair publicly at http://myo2repair.wordpress.com so you can check out how this sort of thing pans out.
Problem is it can be intermittent, so you could get a couple of hours without a freeze. So it's gone back to repair and they say no fault found. So a bit stuck now.
It will definitely happen again when it's returned. They say after 3 attempts they will give me a refurb device. Samsung themselves give you a brand new sealed device as a replacement. Recommend going through Samsung if in same predicament.
Yes mine also got replaced by a 32 gb one from samsung india today
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
good news.
after updating today (and uninstalling google chrome) my SGS3 is no longer freezing itself every few minutes!
will report if it starts doing it again. If you dont see me post, assume all is good now.
freeze after 4.1.2
I've had constant freezes when I upgraded to 4.1.2. I tried many versions. all the same.
I rolled back to 4.1.1 and the phone is freeze free for one week now.
Mine started to behave strangely and then started to freeze constantly. Didn't happen after an upgrade, just started happening out of the blue.
So I wiped it completely and flashed it with the latest wanamlite rom (I was on a rooted stock rom before).
Now it only freezes once every few days (still it NEVER used to freeze before, ever).
I think it might have some connection to the facebook app. I've noticed it only freezes shortly after I have been using the facebook app.
SiggiJarl said:
Mine started to behave strangely and then started to freeze constantly. Didn't happen after an upgrade, just started happening out of the blue.
So I wiped it completely and flashed it with the latest wanamlite rom (I was on a rooted stock rom before).
Now it only freezes once every few days (still it NEVER used to freeze before, ever).
I think it might have some connection to the facebook app. I've noticed it only freezes shortly after I have been using the facebook app.
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So far, users are reporting Chrome and Facebook as one of the sources of the freezing in Galaxy s3.More to come, Share ur experiences down

Nexus 10 turning off in sleep mode

I bought Nexus 10 at nearly two weeks, and since the beginning i have noticed an issue i thought would be Software related. As the device is on idle, everything works pretty well. Watching movies, web surfing, etc. Doesn't matter if it's for 5mins or 5 hours. But when it goes to sleep mode (automatically or forced by me), it just turns off consequently. I would say 90% of the times. An then Nexus just turn back to life after a long power button press, like 10 secs or more.
First i read about some people who have problems caused by autosleep function related with some cases. When i remove my tablet from the Poetic case, it keeps going off.
Then i read about Location services. It's turned off too. Such as the wi-fi in sleep mode. Didn't solve either.
Any idea?
PS: I'm from Portugal and my English is not the best. Sorry about that.
nando_pt said:
I bought Nexus 10 at nearly two weeks, and since the beginning i have noticed an issue i thought would be Software related. As the device is on idle, everything works pretty well. Watching movies, web surfing, etc. Doesn't matter if it's for 5mins or 5 hours. But when it goes to sleep mode (automatically or forced by me), it just turns off consequently. I would say 90% of the times. An then Nexus just turn back to life after a long power button press, like 10 secs or more.
First i read about some people who have problems caused by autosleep function related with some cases. When i remove my tablet from the Poetic case, it keeps going off.
Then i read about Location services. It's turned off too. Such as the wi-fi in sleep mode. Didn't solve either.
Any idea?
PS: I'm from Portugal and my English is not the best. Sorry about that.
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You can view my profile for my posts I've been working on that problem for over month. Sorry this is short reply - pressed for time right now.
bigmatty said:
You can view my profile for my posts I've been working on that problem for over month. Sorry this is short reply - pressed for time right now.
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Thanks for the response anyway.
Is that thread about freezing? My Nexus is not freezing.
Hello! Yes, that is one of the threads Im talking about. I found it to hard to find people who posted with as good of detail as you did, so I had to "latch on" to the biggest group that was vocal about their problems. But mine manifests itsself almost always as sleep of death, and NOT reboot - just like yours. Here are some links:
Google: https://groups.google.com/a/googleproductforums.com/d/msg/mobile/-/GFnACv1nC0MJ
On of the XDA: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1998496&page=39
As I say on the Google thread:
My thoughts on the error:
1) The most logical explanation I've heard yet is the memory leak that B has been posting about
2) I think this memory leak/problem can manifest its self as crash, reboot, or sleep of death
Right now I am trying Stock 4.2.2, rooted, using KTmanta kernal. This is the second day Im on a non-stock kernal, too early to post any useful info.
Good luck on this,
---------- Post added at 02:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 PM ----------
say, quick question since you are in same boat as me - does your device's serial # start with R32C or R32D?
My device is R32D.
I guess i will call the seller tomorrow and figure out if it's possible to return the tablet. At this point, it's completely unusable.
nando_pt said:
My device is R32D.
I guess i will call the seller tomorrow and figure out if it's possible to return the tablet. At this point, it's completely unusable.
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I agree that the inability of this device to reliably stay powered on is a deal breaker, at least in a work scenario.
I actually bought mine "just for games", but have been really concerned about trying to resolve this issue to verify its not a hardware issue and I miss my warranty period. I cant honestly say I think its a harware issue, so I am really trying to find a ROM/Kernal/settings combo that resolves this.
I have a lot of faith in the dev community for ROMs and kernels, but I think its absolutely scandalous and horrible that I have to click past a warning that says 'may void your warranty' to install softare on my device to make it perform AS IT SHOULD HAVE direct from Google.
If not for all these issues I would have NEVER gone custom recovery, root, and new kernel. Im glad this has forced me to do so because Ive loved finally having a justification for "risking" my expensive device, but again that learning experience is NOT what Google is taking $500 payments for here https://play.google.com/store/devices/details?id=nexus_10_32gb so Google should be SHAMED!
Thanks for the info on your serial number, that actually relieves a concern of mine that somehow the 'newer' units werent having this problem. Mine's a C.
just bought my nexus 10 yesterday. it also turning off when sleepmode. but when i update it to 4.2.2 its gone.
jamir5 said:
just bought my nexus 10 yesterday. it also turning off when sleepmode. but when i update it to 4.2.2 its gone.
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I hope it stays that way for you. It will take a few more days with the device to know for sure. If the problem comes back it'd be worth noting here for troubleshooting. :good:
I called back the seller, and they will do the return. Really bad situation...
i left my n10 in my house and its idle with 41% on battery i just got home and open the device it consume only 1% without random reboots. hope itll stay this way ill root this and install crom maybe nextweek.
So - now I am 2.5 days into testing 4.2.2 OS with a different kernel. And so far, NO sleep of death! AND I've been using the tablet a lot more than my "minimal use" in my other tests! This of course is the ultimate test - I'm posting/talking about it on the internet so certainly if its going to blow up in my face, now would be the time. But as of right now - it looks like the alternate kernal is better for my device than Google's...
I am using the KTmanta kernel.
It is important to note that the issue described in this thread does NOT involve the device turning itself off. Rather the issue is that the device is unresponsive when in sleep mode. You can tell this is the case in a few ways, but two obvious ones are that the notification light continues to function and the device requires a 10-second power button reset (the procedure for forcibly rebooting the device).
Personally, I am on CM10.1 night lies with Ktmanta kernel and still experiencing this problem.
Bigmatty, can you tell me what governor, i/o scheduler and clock settings you are using? Thanks.
neatchee said:
It is important to note that the issue described in this thread does NOT involve the device turning itself off. Rather the issue is that the device is unresponsive when in sleep mode. You can tell this is the case in a few ways, but two obvious ones are that the notification light continues to function and the device requires a 10-second power button reset (the procedure for forcibly rebooting the device).
Personally, I am on CM10.1 night lies with Ktmanta kernel and still experiencing this problem.
Bigmatty, can you tell me what governor, i/o scheduler and clock settings you are using? Thanks.
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Well, the majority of the complaint threads do not specifically or mainly focus on the device turning its self off, but this thread actually does.
My sleep- of- death problem on my old unit persisted on any scheduler/clock settings I tried, and I tried a lot w/ KTmanta. But it was RMA my device to get a new one that fixed my SoD.
Oh, and the LED flashing does not mean the unit is actually on, you can test that by plugging in a charger before attempting a long (power on) press = if you get instant battery charge indicator your unit was actually off.
bigmatty said:
Well, the majority of the complaint threads do not specifically or mainly focus on the device turning its self off, but this thread actually does.
My sleep- of- death problem on my old unit persisted on any scheduler/click settings I tried, and I tried a lot w/ KTmanta. But it was RMA my device to get a new one that fixed my SoD.
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That's REALLY weird, because based on a number of findings by a number of people, it turns out that this issue is related to a bug in the GPU driver that is causing a massive memory leak. You can check by opening a Terminal Emulator and running the command "ps su" This will show the memory usage for the "surfaceflinger" application, which is where the memory leak manifests. Memory usage should never go above ~70mb for that application, but on the N10 it balloons up above ~300mb before the system locks up.
Apparently we're all waiting on Samsung to fix the problem :\
neatchee said:
That's REALLY weird, because based on a number of findings by a number of people, it turns out that this issue is related to a bug in the GPU driver that is causing a massive memory leak. You can check by opening a Terminal Emulator and running the command "ps su" This will show the memory usage for the "surfaceflinger" application, which is where the memory leak manifests. Memory usage should never go above ~70mb for that application, but on the N10 it balloons up above ~300mb before the system locks up.
Apparently we're all waiting on Samsung to fix the problem :\
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After my two months of trouble shooting I feel strongly that there are two main issues: memory leak and "something to do with power". Likely a software/driver/OS problem on the memory leak like the majority says. BUT - not everyone has the power problems. I think the power problems are hardware related.
Only a couple other users have talked about experiencing the power problems...
If I was going to place a bet, I'd say based on your description of symptoms you too have the power problem. Ask the others in threads you are following if they have the LED thing, I'm guessing they don't.
Rxnelson on these forms does. He's seen it on two physical units. For me, it didn't appear on my second physical unit.
Good luck!!
"LED thing?" The LED thing is just the notification light continuing to flash even when surfaceflinger has locked the system. Don't really see how that's related to power in any way. The way that LED notification lights work is that the system sends an "on" signal to the LED control chip which then just runs the notification light pattern in a loop until it receives the "off" signal from the system. If you don't have any notifications prior to surfaceflinger going ballistic, or if you have the notification light disabled (many people do) you'd never notice this particular symptom.
Also please note the tip I shared about diagnosing if it's off or on via the charger I posted above, handy trick another user taught me.
---------- Post added at 01:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:48 PM ----------
neatchee said:
"LED thing?" The LED thing is just the notification light continuing to flash even when surfaceflinger has locked the system. Don't really see how that's related to power in any way. The way that LED notification lights work is that the system sends an "on" signal to the LED control chip which then just runs the notification light pattern in a loop until it receives the "off" signal from the system. If you don't have any notifications prior to surfaceflinger going ballistic, or if you have the notification light disabled (many people do) you'd never notice this particular symptom.
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Not quite what it seems. If the unit was on, plugging in the charger would not instantly,w/out delay, display the powered off charging indicator.
Ahh, okay, bit of a miscommunication. I'm not referring the power-on notification light. I'm referring to the notification light flashing that occurs when you have a notification waiting (new email, new gTalk message, etc). The charging light is something different, and not what I was referencing
NOTE: This is a function of CyanogenMOD 10.1 that is not present in the stock ROM, I think, so that may be where the confusion lies. Sorry about that
neatchee said:
Ahh, okay, bit of a miscommunication. I'm not referring the power-on notification light. I'm referring to the notification light flashing that occurs when you have a notification waiting (new email, new gTalk message, etc). The charging light is something different, and not what I was referencing
NOTE: This is a function of CyanogenMOD 10.1 that is not present in the stock ROM, I think, so that may be where the confusion lies. Sorry about that
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Yes dude, I understand. Just test what I am saying. When I saw my white gmail led flash, but then couldn't turn on I thought the exact same thing you typed. Then while discussing w/power users someone told me to try that. Next time it happened I tried it, was SHOCKED to see what happened, knew I had a problem (that was not just shell reboot.)
My tablet just started doing this as well. It's never done it before, it started about a week ago. What could be causing this? I just factory reset to see if it'll fix the problem. I'll report back in a few days to see if this fixes the issue.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using xda app-developers app

Help! Note 4 freezing, crashing and constantly rebooting.

Its been a long time since iv been this stumped, about a week ago my phone started acting very strangely, laggy performance, freezing randomly and occasionally rebooting itself, now its getting worse, getting to a point where the phone is probably rebooting itself 5-6 times a day, iv uninstalled every app, iv factory reset it, wiped cache, replaced battery, removed the SD card (in case of file system corruption) using Samsung Smart Switch did an emergency flash back to original Rom, installed every troubleshooting app out there, monitored RAM and CPU usage, all i can see is that the CPU suddenly spikes to 100% with no real reason, i cant link any particular app or process thats causing this, all of the cores on the processor appear to be coping with no faults.
The only thing i can think of thats causing this issue is either iv got a pending hardware failure on the board, or possibly bad blocks on the nand memory, however i cant see any simple way of determining this without rooting and using the likes of ODIN or other 3rd parties etc - linux commands etc.
I dont want to root it particularly if i can help it as i was thinking about selling it on to mazuma or the like and let them sort it out instead, but i think i might have to bite the bullet and try it.
Can anyone suggest anything that i might have missed?
Actually iv seen an existing thread which appears to match my issues, so iv installed wakelock on the phone for now which seems to be helping a bit, time will tell, however this isnt a solution but more of a work around, but im still thinking this could be a motherboard issue myself, however, as i think this phone is over 2 years old, i doubt samsung will replace the component, nor would they necessarily believe me if i turn around to them and say its the board that needs replacing!
Terry6680 said:
Its been a long time since iv been this stumped, about a week ago my phone started acting very strangely, laggy performance, freezing randomly and occasionally rebooting itself, now its getting worse, getting to a point where the phone is probably rebooting itself 5-6 times a day, iv uninstalled every app, iv factory reset it, wiped cache, replaced battery, removed the SD card (in case of file system corruption) using Samsung Smart Switch did an emergency flash back to original Rom, installed every troubleshooting app out there, monitored RAM and CPU usage, all i can see is that the CPU suddenly spikes to 100% with no real reason, i cant link any particular app or process thats causing this, all of the cores on the processor appear to be coping with no faults.
The only thing i can think of thats causing this issue is either iv got a pending hardware failure on the board, or possibly bad blocks on the nand memory, however i cant see any simple way of determining this without rooting and using the likes of ODIN or other 3rd parties etc - linux commands etc.
I dont want to root it particularly if i can help it as i was thinking about selling it on to mazuma or the like and let them sort it out instead, but i think i might have to bite the bullet and try it.
Can anyone suggest anything that i might have missed?
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