Nexus one on Orange UK - Clocks changed but not my phone! - Nexus One General

Hey all, the clocks have gone back an hour today to gmt. However my nexus one with cm6.1 is still showing the bst time. I have automatic time selected in settings, so it's supposed to be taking it from the network. I don't want to have to go to manual time selection if possible.
Anyone else seeing this problem?

I'm on O2 and it changed over without any problems.
Not sure if its a phone setting or it comes from the network but either way it worked

Orange here and time changed automatically

Fixed itself
Hmm... After selecting and selecting the automatic time option a few times, it seems to have fixed itself.
I wish out had done it automatically - my alarm went off an hour early!

You can use ClockSync to avoid such problems in the future
I know that most phones sync without such apps, but I'm a bit OCD about exact time, so I sync my phone daily with atomic clock


8525 Time changing when connected to Computer

This does not always happen when I connect my 8525 but it seems to jump 15 and a half hours into the future. this is really a pain in the butt and seems to have only statrted happening since I landed in Canada in an Eastern time zone. ( normally reside in Texas cst time )
Has any experienced this? I have SBP plus loaded running weather and time right now. Only other program is World Mate Pro. Nothing else on the device.
I'm in Aus and have an imate JasJam and some of us over here were having the same troubles.
What we found was the time was being updated automatically over the phone network to be in sync with the providers time, but it also looks at the time zone. In Victoria, Aus, I kept having a problem with my clock being an hour out, and it ended up being that the network was sending the wrong time zone information.
To fix this, we opened up the phone dialer and selcted menu, options.If you scroll to the right you'll see the tab time zones, and uncheck the "Automatic change time zone and clock"
Then change your timezone back to what you want and set the time to what it needs to be, soft reset and hopefully everything will be ok.
I did what you said and reset my time back to my home city in cst. Since I am still in an est time zone when I turned the phone back on it automatically went to the est time zone to the correct time and did not jump to 15 hours into the future. I am ok with this since the phone has never moved to the correct time zone based on the network before which I like. As long as it does not do the crazy 15 hour jump I am ok. I will hook it up to sync a few times today and see what happens.
did you try to untick the synchronize time of device with pc or something in the options under tools tab of microsoft active sync?
Time Sync Issue Here - Help
I'm having a similar problem. Sometimes when connected to sync computer the timezone changes from EST to AST, but I have no settings on either device to cause this.
Help!!! Time Out of Sync
I have an HTC branded version of the TyTn. Every time I plug it in and try to sync the time goes 1 hour back and my future appointments move. I tried looking for the "time zones" tab previously reffered to and apparently my phone doesnt have such a tab. Any sugestions?

Spontaneous Time Zone Changes

I can't seem to reason why the device spontaneously changes from my time zone (EST) to the Atlantic Time Zone. All settings have been checked on both the computer the 8525 is synced with and the device itself. Any suggestions?
clarksdv2 said:
I can't seem to reason why the device spontaneously changes from my time zone (EST) to the Atlantic Time Zone. All settings have been checked on both the computer the 8525 is synced with and the device itself. Any suggestions?
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Have you seen these?
Thanks though I did check previous threads
The advice was good however I don't have an option in my clock settings to disable the automatic time update. This AST from EST change also occurs when I reset the device. Do I have another recourse to force the device to remain in current settings?
clarksdv2 said:
The advice was good however I don't have an option in my clock settings to disable the automatic time update. This AST from EST change also occurs when I reset the device. Do I have another recourse to force the device to remain in current settings?
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This is more of a bump than anything else but I'll ask the following question (not because I know an answer but someone else might):
When you say time changes spontaneously I presume you mean - not only when on Active Sync i.e. that the time is coming from your network??
Clarification two events cause the time zone shift from EST to AST:
1. Consistently with activesync, but not 100% of the time. The time zone will shift only sliding to AST, so 7am EST becomes 8am AST.
2. On soft reset the time value remains the same and time zone shifts, so 7am EST becomes 7am AST.
I don't think this is a provider time update issue rather a software issue.
Moving it to the head of line
Thanks for any help.
I can one up your problem with my 8525. At least daily, my phone spontaneously changes forward 3 hours. But the time zone remains at EST. I don't have to use activesync or anything, it will just change when it feels like it. Occasionally, it backs up 1 hour but it always does one or the other. This has been happening since I got it in Nov 2006. Of course cingular offers no help at all but to say it's a daylight savings time problem. Incidentally my smartphone before this (audiovox smt5600) did the same thing, and occassionally changed the current date to my sister's birthday 2 years before current year---and NO, I didn't forget her birthday! Any ideas at all???

Time Zone Issue

Ok I know people see this issue and I have seen posts for it, but no one ever posts if there is a fix. I live in Arizona, we dont observe daylights savings time here. Well on my Wing if I choose Arizona time for the time zone everything appears to work ok untill the phone changes the time zone to Mountain and then throws of all my appointments in the calendar by 1 hour. I tried disabling the option to automatically change the time based on time zone but no luck. I set the phone to AZ or mountain after the change and all my appointments do not revert then i have to go in and edit all of those. It does not matter what ROM I am running it ssems to happen on all, currently I am running Open Touch 7.3.

Help me brainstorm - time zone issue

This is really starting to piss me off. I live in Arizona. My phone is set to Arizona time but randomly, and I can't find a pattern, It'll change me to Central time, therefore changing my clock two hours ahead. If I change it manually to the correct time (the time zone part is grayed out so I can't change that), then later it'll randomly change my clock to two hours behind. I can't figure out how the hell to make it stop. I did a search on here and found out that a few people have had the same problem but those threads usually ended without any real resolution. I've already un-checked the option for automatic updates to time/time zone and it STILL does it. I got the phone when it had already been modded. It was doing it then. Since then, I've run a Task 29 and installed the stock ROM (RUU_Leo_1_5_TMOUS_2.10.531.0_Radio_Signed_15.34.50.07U_2.08.50.08_2_Ship) and none of that helped. I can't honestly figure out what else in the phone could have an effect on the time and have the ability to change it like that?
Can anyone help me figure it out? At first I thought it was due to the syncing with Windows My Phone but I took that off and it still does it. I've checked my Outlook to make sure it's on the right time zone and it is but that wouldn't have been it anyway as it changes time in between syncs rather than at the sync time.
So ... what could possibly affect the time zone setting? Any ideas?
do you live fairly close to the time zone border? could be that the phone is sometimes connected to a cell that is in one zone and sometimes a cell on the other
Nope, I'm right smack dab in the middle of Arizona. We do have our own time zone because we're special like that but it's changing me to two time zones away. Oh and I forgot to mention, even when I uncheck the time sync option, at times I'll go back in to check it and it's checked again ... as if the phone is determined to leave it checked. Other times, it'll still be unchecked. Weirdness.
Make sure you don't use the my location "feature", as it's basically proved to be a pain for most people. Click your clock and make sure you're set to your actual region in there (you may need to add the city, if you've not already done so.)
Other than that, go to the settings tab, data services and internet time sync. Make sure that "get time from the internet" is not ticked. There's no way the phone can now change your time itself, unless there's software on there that's doing it.
phone settings
also check under settings/all settings/phone/GSM services. Time Sync there means only time zone adjusting. You can turn that off too.
Do you use iGO (GPS software)?
Because iGO has a bug that reset time zone.
One more thought, check your settings to determine what is the home time zone. If it is set to something else, you might 'revert' to that time zone when you don't have a signal.

Phone keeps changing time zones

Hi all, my TMOUS HD2 randomly changes time zones from EST to PST at least 2-3 times a week on its own when I have "my location" picked as a time. Anyone else have this problem? I flashed to the new T-mo ROM about 3 months ago...Tj
My device and a friend's device is having the same issue. This is irrelevant to the ROM as I am running a Artemis after the 3.14 and my friend is on 1.48
mine just recently started doing that..keeps putting me in the GMT -5 (Indiana) time zone instead of the -4 (Atlantic) I've had to change it like 3 times in one day. Never had a problem with this b4. Wonder if it has anything to do with the ThrottleLauncher WP7 theme i installed on it the other night..because that time setting seems to be changing to.
my uk hd2 keeps doing this over the last week or so, randomly jumping ahead timezones. it's persisted accross multiple energy roms and a stock rom.
TrekkerJmm said:
Hi all, my TMOUS HD2 randomly changes time zones from EST to PST at least 2-3 times a week on its own when I have "my location" picked as a time. Anyone else have this problem? I flashed to the new T-mo ROM about 3 months ago...Tj
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my HD2 was doing this but only when i would go home to visit in Richmond TX. When i would update weather manually it would switch to eastern time zone. I think this is because the phone thinks I am in Richmond VA so it switches to Eastern time. I havent found a viable fix for this but its not really an issue.
IS there a chance you are using your phone in a city or town that has a common name in another state? this might be the reason. While riding my motorcycle a while back i stopped in London Arkansas and my phone thought I was in London UK.
fusion06 said:
mine just recently started doing that..keeps putting me in the GMT -5 (Indiana) time zone instead of the -4 (Atlantic) I've had to change it like 3 times in one day. Never had a problem with this b4. Wonder if it has anything to do with the ThrottleLauncher WP7 theme i installed on it the other night..because that time setting seems to be changing to.
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same Indiana time zone default issue. I HAVE THE LATEST 3.14 original ROM with c00kie's home tab.
Same here with the original ROM installed. I live in GMT+1 timezone and it sets my time one hour ahead at least 5x a day. Pretty annoying.
Hmmm... wondering if this issue has no fix, or if its not wide spread enough... It DEF has something to do with CUSTOM roms, because both me and my wifes HD2 worked like champs for a month straight out of the box, with location services and the whole nine with out ANY problems, I flashed ChuckyROM and here it is... No matter how many times i change the timezone, no matter how many soft resets, no matter how many ROMS flashed, the time keeps jumping... sometimes one hour, sometimes 2, it onlys corrects when i DISABLE all time syncs and locations... WHICH SUCKS and shouldn't be the fix... ANY HELP would be appreciated , THANKS IN ADVANCE
Hi folks!
Pls. check & use this!
It should fix all time zone issuse... Just give me a feedback!
That happened to me a long time ago. And I remember I fixed it either by checking/unchecking something on the Windows Mobile Device Center (or ActiveSync), something in the sort of NOT synchronizing Outlook items (no problem with me because I never use that anyway; I use MyPhone instead).
think i have a fix
disable the option in settings - menu - all settings - personal - phone - gsm/umys services - time synch
you can leave the option in settings - data services - internet time sync enabled.
not sure why its changed, i have stock everything....
I know the problem
I know this problem.
And I think I know the reason for this "acting out".
It started for my HD2 at the day of the
I believe the makers of that phone forgot to install
a daylight savings option.
It would be great, if someone could make a clock that will do that,
or that will verify the time with a different time service,
taking into account daylight savings time (winter/summertime).
kingcoyle said:
It DEF has something to do with CUSTOM roms
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Nope. Its a problem for org ROMs also. It probably has somting to do with the Internet-provider or the providers of weather-app etc.
In my case the "my lokation" in the weather-app is showing wrong place. This error appeared at the same time as the clock-problem.

