Anyone else not able to clock over 1100? - Fascinate General

After trying out all the 1200 and the 1250 kernels, my phone just doesnt like them while using setcpu. With Setcpu set at performance and maxed out at 1200 my phone will run for a little bit and then lock up. If I try to run a quadrant it will freeze up when the immage starts to walk up the steps to the blue room requiring a battery pull. I am currently running an 1100 kernel that is stable on my phone but would like to run 1200 or even higher as 2.2 comes out and newer kernels are released. Is anyone else having a problem running above 1100? I'm still within my 30 day window and could easly take it back and get another phone, but in reality there is nothing wrong with the one I have, I just want it to run faster (than intended) so would I be wrong in taking it back to get a new one that will run at 1200 or higher? Thanks.

You should be running in conservative mode in setcpu regardless of the kernel...should fix your problem...
Sent from my rooted 1.2 voodoo Fascinate

vecchioni27 said:
You should be running in conservative mode in setcpu regardless of the kernel...should fix your problem...
Sent from my rooted 1.2 voodoo Fascinate
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Why is that? I always ran performance on my Incredible without a problem. Granted, I realize that this is a different phone/processor. Wouldn't Conservitive keep the processor from max performance?

No, it will rev up the processor when you need it. I don't know if this will stop your phone from freezing while it's being taxed hard @ 1200 though ie Quadrant
Some people can run 1250, some have to stick to stock speed. I think it's mostly luck.

I think its because of all the different hardware they put into this phone to pump it out. Ontop of that the kernel code was not complete that samsung released.
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Problems with SetCPU

I dont know if I am using it wrong but everytime I change the profile of my EVO or even raise the max speed, it automatically restarts and reverts back to 998 max. I am doing something wrong or what? BTW Yes I am rooted using Fresh rom and Kings #8.
if you are using one of kings kernels, its actually better to run it without setcpu. It defeats the purpose of HAVS.
On another note, you may want to reboot and clear both caches and try again, it shouldnt be rebooting as soon as you pass 998MHz, you should at least be able to get to 1152MHz, some people can get above that, i can get to 1228MHz personally, but you should at least be able to get to 1152MHz
fmedina2 said:
I dont know if I am using it wrong but everytime I change the profile of my EVO or even raise the max speed, it automatically restarts and reverts back to 998 max. I am doing something wrong or what? BTW Yes I am rooted using Fresh rom and Kings #8.
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What speeds are you trying to Overclock to? When i was using setCpu the highest I was able to O/C to was 1190, anything more than that, my phone would reboot. Each phone is a little different. Some can handle more while others can't.
Yeah I just maxed the thing out lol still new to all of this stuff. Its running good now at 1228. Going to see how far I can take it. Yeah its maxing out at 1228, running real nice though.
1228 gave me a reboot, 1190 seems to be as far as it will let me go with netarchy's kernal.

All the sudden, low quadrant score and slow speed??

Ok after bricking one phone, i got a new one and loaded voodoo and dirkks SV1200 kernal. also oc'd to 1200. everything has been perfect and had scores in the 18 or 1900s. this morning i was using my phone and noticed it was very laggy. i checked quadrant scores again and it scored in the 14's. as i ran the benchmark, i noticed it hangs on the I/O 3of4 for longer then usual. i have restarted the phone, no luck. even reflashed the kernal, no luck. I cant think of any new programs or changes to the phone. any ideas?
Jeff5886 said:
Ok after bricking one phone, i got a new one and loaded voodoo and dirkks SV1200 kernal. also oc'd to 1200. everything has been perfect and had scores in the 18 or 1900s. this morning i was using my phone and noticed it was very laggy. i checked quadrant scores again and it scored in the 14's. as i ran the benchmark, i noticed it hangs on the I/O 3of4 for longer then usual. i have restarted the phone, no luck. even reflashed the kernal, no luck. I cant think of any new programs or changes to the phone. any ideas?
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Well the 3rd I/O test does take the longest to complete. If you are having I/O issues this certainly would give you a fluctuating Quadrant score since so much is I/O affected especially on a voodoo'd SF. Have your other benchmarks taken a dip as well? Does the phone lag in regular use? If its just a Quadrant issue I would not overly panic. Cross check with other benches
My phone did that with voodoo too, I installed dirrks lv 1200, and when I upgraded it started acting up. I did remove the fix before I updated, did everything right, but it still lagged so I just glassed back to stock and did all the steps for remove lagfix. Still on stock kernel now but will install birdman optimized tonight.
Adrynalyne is the man BTW. Ok, as to the OP, have you reset the CPU in SetCPU after you restart your phone? If I don't, I get a score of 1400 ish too.
that would make sense as I believe it resets to 800 instead of 1200
thestigwins said:
that would make sense as I believe it resets to 800 instead of 1200
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Yes, it resets to 800. 1.2 ghz is nice, I would like to see 1.6. G2 OC'ed at 1450 I believe... Ugh, one day, one day.
No luck with OC kernels
I have tried a few, everytime I get issues. Seems like setcpu just does not play well with this phone. I get 1800 on stock voodoo .2. Don't see a need for the extra conservative 200mhz that an OC can provide. Good luck with the kernels though.
Anyways, as stated, make sure set CPU is set to 1.2 GHz and not 800 MHz which is where it defaults. I use the widgit and crank up the speed any time I'm using the phone, else, I leave it at 800 when charging / idle etc.
Also, go into System Panel (best app killer around) and do an END ALL - it will kill everything... THAN run quadrant. If your scores skyrocket, don't be alarmed. Quadrant likes to have a very clean system to run on, if you have a lot of cached or running applications, Quadrant seems to suffer, I'm assuming due to the delay between it requesting more RAM from Android and the time it takes for it to release it. Seems to make sense as to why it would slow down to me at least based on what I know about how Android handles RAM.
Just make sure to reboot your phone after to restore your normal app library of running apps.
With a 1.2 GHz overclock on jt's voodoo kernel most of us are/were getting about 1925 . I've not ran dirrk's LV kernel, the undervolting is very minimal and I'd rather error on the side of stability, YMMV.
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Overclocking with Jrummys?

I just downloaded Jrummy's Overclocker and i was wondering what are some settings for a safe overclock. im shooting for 1.2
gkallivrousis said:
I just downloaded Jrummy's Overclocker and i was wondering what are some settings for a safe overclock. im shooting for 1.2
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1.2 should be no problem although all phones are different. start with the low voltage at 1.1 make sure the phone is stable. a quick test is to open the browser and load a few pages. a GOOD test is to run quadrant. then just increase the speed until it locks up. pull the battery and set it down 1 or 2 speeds and thats your max stable overclock at that voltage. most people are able to run 1.2 or 1.3 with no issues. i can run at 1.3 with no issues. any higher and after a few days (or less respectively) my phone hangs. Also increasing voltage will yield higher clocks but will drain the battery faster. just play around if the phone locks up just pull the battery. also i would not play with the manual settings until you are familiar with the basic ones first.
I am most stable at 1.25ghz LV. Currently running GummyJAR2.5 with Blueberry Theme.
No issues. I would recomend installing AutoKiller. This is not same as Task Killer. It frees up memory. Same function as the one that comes with Jrummy Overclock but you can customize it more.
auto killer waste battery we have plenty of memory on our phones
so what do you recommend for a jrummy oc? i was thinkin 1.2 on lv
I can only get up to Low volt 1.15 otherwise. Once I click on anything higher i get a MAJOR hanging as soon as its done overclocking. pissed but guess thats just the point that all phones are different.
friguy3 said:
I can only get up to Low volt 1.15 otherwise. Once I click on anything higher i get a MAJOR hanging as soon as its done overclocking. pissed but guess thats just the point that all phones are different.
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yup...some people can run 1.4 with no problems...try upping the voltage a little
1loudsvt said:
auto killer waste battery we have plenty of memory on our phones
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I wasn't a believer until I installed it. My ram use to run low and some times made my DX run slow. Since installing the autokiller, my DX runs smoother, zippier and consistant. I have mine pre-set at extream. As for the battery, I don't notice any difference and I am semi heavy user. I been running Autokiller for a while.
Hey guys, I recommend using QuickClock Advanced for some real battery savings. It calculates the lowest stable vsel your cpu can handle and then you can overclock from there.
my settings
300mhz 15vsel
600mhz 30vsel
900mhz 45vsel
1200mhz 61vsel
I could never get over 1.1 using jrummy untill I changed the gov, use anything but "on demand" and I can get 1.4 all day. The stock settings work well using the "performance" gov but battery life can suffer if you get crazy. Performance keeps it running at top speed all the time. Hope this helps.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
Droid-Xer said:
Hey guys, I recommend using QuickClock Advanced for some real battery savings. It calculates the lowest stable vsel your cpu can handle and then you can overclock from there.
my settings
300mhz 15vsel
600mhz 30vsel
900mhz 45vsel
1200mhz 61vsel
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Ive used similar settings and worked fine on my phone running Rubix.

Set cpu help/question

Ok so I have searched all over the forums and through google to find an answer to this and I can't any where so here goes. I am currently running the syndicate rom with the extreme kernal installed and when I go to use set cpu I have it set to conservative but any time I try to limit the cpu speed with the sliders it doesn't tae effect. The green numbers above the sliders will change stating my preferences but the white numbers that show the actual speed of the processor will continue to climb past my desired bottleneck. It looks like thecpu always stays between a range of 200 mhz and 1.2 ghz no matter what I set it at. If I change the style to something other than conservative it will change the behavior like performance will keep it at 1.2 or what I select and battery saver will keep it at the minimum. On demand and interactive seem to respond as well but are a little buggy and any little touch on the screen will make the processor jump straight to the maximum and stay there fr a bit which I would assume would kill my battery quite a bit faster. Does any one know if this is an issue with the phone, rom, kernal and if there is maybe a better settng than conservative or a different kernal I could use I was looking into the phoenix or fluff kernal. Any help or recomendations would begreatly appreciated. Thanks
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Its been a long time since Ive used it (2.2.1 scales pretty good) if I remeber right,interactive is what you want to select,but on some kernels conservtive is what you want to select.I never used the profiles,I think they dont work all the time.
That's odd I never had that problem with syndicate. And I know for sure that almost every overclocking kernel recommends conservative, for some reason the other profiles can cause problems. There's a couple things that I've learned.
Conservative, for one thing, is never going to be an on demand setting. Typically it will just up the cpu to the max you set it at whenever there is some sort of activity on the phone. Which begs the question, what do you have the max set at? if its 1ghz, remember that the kernel is overclocked, so a setting of 1ghz will allow you to go to 1.2ghz. (I'm almost positive you don't want to set it at 1.2, because then it will peak higher than that) I think the max you set it to should be the listed physical limit of the processor (ours is 1ghz obviously), and the overclocking handles it from there (at least that's been my experience).
Also, remember that when there is no activity (your phones in your pocket), the cpu will be at your minimum. So you save battery in that regard, because with out setting cpu limits, like if you're running stock, I think it might run at the max all the time. (I don't that for a fact tho) again, we pretty much have to run conservative, (I've read its something to do with these hummingbirds and setcpu and overclock widget aren't built fot them) so its an all or nothing deal, you can't get "just enough" processor setting.
Try creating different conditions to help yourself out. When I had syndiccate I had a different setting for the screen being off, for being plugged in to a wall, for being plugged in to a computer, and for being below a certain battery %. Those are really cool features and help out a lot.
And as far as other roms...I use baked snack right now with his ultimate kernel. Its only sllliggghttly less stable than syndicate (but most most most defintly stable enough for a daily driver), and I get much better battery life and performance. He recommends using overclock widget, which isn't as flexible as setcpu, but defintly gets the job done. You'll have to google baked snack and find his website since they kicked him off of here.
Hope that helps, let me know if I didn't quite answer your question correctly.
Sent from my baked and emotionless SPH-D700
From my experience,you need to set it to 1.2 to activate OC...That being said,there are some kernels that need the interactive setting to work right...and 2.2.1 scales to the lowest setting when screen off even without setcpu,thats why I dont use it anymore.I will again once we have an official OC kernel for 2.2.1.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I actually used to have bakedsnacks rom and I liked it but it became a bit glitchy on me but I did think the battery life was a bit better. I only am using eclair as I want to wait for a final build of froyo to come out from sprint so the developers can utilize it better. I tried some of the leaked ones but I prefered the 2.1 better, all of the 2.2 ones were missing minor things that I used so I switched back. Also interactive setting just keeps the processor at max clock for a really long time before it scales back down and I didn't like that. Has anyone used the fluff ondemand kernal that is supposed to be for bettery battery life with syndicated 2.1? So I have deleted setcpu but it seemed to eat my battery faster so I put it back on. Maybe I will try some other kernal configurations since I was told that I can swap kernals without looseing data.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Fluff was glitchy for me,I liked Xtreme kernel the best.

[Q] Cant Overclock???

Im getting kinda fustrated here... i tried CM7 and currently on Ice Glacier and im having a problem where when i try to overclock my phone (even if its not so high) it gets frozen and needs a battery pull... i know that some cpu's cant handle frequencies like 1.8ghz, but even at 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 etc. i still get it. I switched from smartass, ondemand, and other governers and still freezes... any advice? Or am i stuck with the weakest link??
mike21pr said:
Im getting kinda fustrated here... i tried CM7 and currently on Ice Glacier and im having a problem where when i try to overclock my phone (even if its not so high) it gets frozen and needs a battery pull... i know that some cpu's cant handle frequencies like 1.8ghz, but even at 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 etc. i still get it. I switched from smartass, ondemand, and other governers and still freezes... any advice? Or am i stuck with the weakest link??
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have you tried flashing another kernel?...maybe another Faux kernel on low voltage or maybe try Grankin v.05 kernel
Freek91 said:
have you tried flashing another kernel?...maybe another Faux kernel on low voltage or maybe try Grankin v.05 kernel
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im using faux right now. ill see if i can find another one thats good to try out
i always thought that stock voltage was the more stable of the two since thats why i flashed it first when i had this issue... Anyways, tried faux low voltage and cranked it up to 1.8ghz to see how it goes. PLayed around with it so see no freezing yet. but performance was pretty much the same so i tried quadrant and see... i get an average of 1600 so thats pretty low IMO. As soon as i change to ondemand governor... it froze
back to the drawing board
mike21pr said:
i always thought that stock voltage was the more stable of the two since thats why i flashed it first when i had this issue... Anyways, tried faux low voltage and cranked it up to 1.8ghz to see how it goes. PLayed around with it so see no freezing yet. but performance was pretty much the same so i tried quadrant and see... i get an average of 1600 so thats pretty low IMO. As soon as i change to ondemand governor... it froze
back to the drawing board
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well like im sure you've seen or heard...all hardware is different
so while 1.8ghz maybe slow...going down to 1.5 maybe quick and the opposite maybe true for someone elses phone...they may just totally fly at 1.8 while they grind to a halt at 1.5
so keep messing with it and see what happens...change clock speeds...change up the governors...just dont OC it to 1.8 and think the phone will magicly hit a 4100 quadrant and not have any issues
worse case...flash a different kernel and see how it acts
also on that said you were running IG...did you run the stock kernel for any length of time? did you try and OC that one?
