Transparent FRIENDS widget? - Desire Themes and Apps

I've tried those FB/Youtube/Twitter smoked/transparent widget but is there a FRIENDS widget, like the one from Launcher Pro that's transparent ? I rather use that widget than the FB one, seems more user friendly lol.

Anyone know? Or how can I mod it myself?

Check out signals23s thread
As far as I know there's no standalone "Friends" widget like LauncherPro Plus offers on the market.

Thanks, this is what I'm looking for, I have the LP plus (paid) and just wanted a better widgets from them. Seems a bit complicated but I'll have to digest this slowly.


Twitter and facebook feed widgets

I'm lookimgs fo widgets that are simlar to launcher pro widgets any one have any ideas
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You could try installing launcher pro. It's not in the market, but you should be able to find the apk with a little elbow grease.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
Ditto. Load LauncherPro. You have to buy it to get the widget but it is cheap and worth it. Attached is a screenshot of my screen. Upper left is Friends widget which combines FB and Twitter feeds. Totally worth it.
I used LP 0.8.3 plus since I got the Xoom. Wasn't sure how it would turn out but I figured it couldn't hurt. It's been fanatastic. Have to tweak some small settings to make it snappier transitioning screens but it does the job well. The ability to stretch the Widgets and the additional Widgets makes it worth the effort. Feels very customized and it works great.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
For those running Launcher Pro... Are you using the CNN stackable widget as well?
When I installed LP+ and would flip through the CNN widget stacks, I would constantly get Force Closes on Launcher Pro. I finally gave up on it... Maybe I will try again.
Anyone experiencing the same? Or different?
Cnn widget works fine for me (I have it resized a little smaller than what it looks like stock)
keitht said:
Ditto. Load LauncherPro. You have to buy it to get the widget but it is cheap and worth it. Attached is a screenshot of my screen. Upper left is Friends widget which combines FB and Twitter feeds. Totally worth it.
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Launcher Pro looks nice. I'll have to try it.
Is it your birthday Keith? Happy birthday, if it is.
New to Android... so this could possibly be a dumb question.
When using the stock Twitter widget, it only displays one tweet at a time and isn't scrollable. When reading up on Launcher Pro, it said that you can resize and create scrollable widgets. Could I take the stock Twitter app, resize it, AND make it scrollable?
Thanks in advance.
Here is another question related to Launcher Pro... I have my screens setup and all is working well, however, the stackable widgets (CNN, Youtube, etc) do not automatically flip every minute.
I know this is not a big deal, however, I am guessing they also do not refresh every minute as well.
Anyone seeing the same thing?
If this is a known problem, I am assuming this will be fixed when LP+ is actually released to use the Honeycomb engine.
green94 said:
New to Android... so this could possibly be a dumb question.
When using the stock Twitter widget, it only displays one tweet at a time and isn't scrollable. When reading up on Launcher Pro, it said that you can resize and create scrollable widgets. Could I take the stock Twitter app, resize it, AND make it scrollable?
Thanks in advance.
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LPP+ has a very nice twitter widget that is scrollable.
LPP+ does nothing to widgets that aren't LP widgets, other than allow you to resize them. The stock Twitter widget does not have the ability, that I've seen, to be scrollable, there for for me, it gets deleted.
Its very hard if not impossible to find LPP replacement widgets for the Calendar/Agenda, facebook, and twitter widgets. ADW an equally impressive launcher does not have these widgets, but has a couple other tweaks LP doesn't.
There are also themed versions for LPP+ and ADW which are very nice. I'm using a transparent theme, XTG and Love it.
Here's the thread for all the themed versions. Looks like he just added HC too. Make a backup of LP, delete it. Install the themed .apk and restore. Activation codes work and it really adds a nice touch.
Its sad that the stock Launcher is so inadequate. I really tried to like it but the lack of resizing the widgets is a complete fail imo.
Mandelbrot.Benoit said:
LPP+ has a very nice twitter widget that is scrollable.
LPP+ does nothing to widgets that aren't LP widgets, other than allow you to resize them. The stock Twitter widget does not have the ability, that I've seen, to be scrollable, there for for me, it gets deleted.
Its very hard if not impossible to find LPP replacement widgets for the Calendar/Agenda, facebook, and twitter widgets. ADW an equally impressive launcher does not have these widgets, but has a couple other tweaks LP doesn't.
There are also themed versions for LPP+ and ADW which are very nice. I'm using a transparent theme, XTG and Love it.
Here's the thread for all the themed versions. Looks like he just added HC too. Make a backup of LP, delete it. Install the themed .apk and restore. Activation codes work and it really adds a nice touch.
Its sad that the stock Launcher is so inadequate. I really tried to like it but the lack of resizing the widgets is a complete fail imo.
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First off, great information. Really appreciate it.
A few follow up questions:
What are the differences between LPP+ and ADW beyond widgets? Candidly scrollable widgets is my most pressing need at this time, but I'm interested in hearing about the other "tweaks".
Do you use both launchers at the same time?
How do these programs handle battery consumption?
Lastly, which do you recommend for use with Honeycomb?
Thanks again

AOSP - What widgets do you use?

Aside from LP+
So I came accustomed to certain widgets from "Sense UI". What is a good widget to replace the contacts widget? I have been using a few different ones, but maybe there is one that I am not seeing...
Also what do you use for:
Any other cool widgets you wanna add...
I like photo contact widget. It looks good and works well. As for the others mentioned I bought LP plus and the widgets that come with it have replaced friend stream, bookmarks and calendar for me. I also use beautiful Widgets for clock, & weather. I also recommended purchasing LP icons and docks
If you are looking for widget outside of LP+ for friendstream and calendar then I recommend pure messenger and pure Cal both are very good.
I've never looked for an alternative For bookmarks so I don't know what out there for it.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
GatorsUF said:
Aside from LP+
So I came accustomed to certain widgets from "Sense UI". What is a good widget to replace the contacts widget? I have been using a few different ones, but maybe there is one that I am not seeing...
Also what do you use for:
Any other cool widgets you wanna add...
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I use GO Weather for the weather clock, and the Android built in for Calendar
"colorize widget" - seperate widgets for facebook, twitter, and people.
Better than sense for me.
GatorsUF said:
Also what do you use for:
Any other cool widgets you wanna add...
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Calender - LP Widget
Friendstream - Official Facebook & Twitter clients, I don't think any other widget/app is better than the official ones IMO.
Time & Date - Clockr Evolution
Battery - Battstatt pro
Weather - Beautiful Widgets
Streaming Media - Subsonic

[Updated 3/15] Replace HTC Widgets through 3rd party Widgets -- LIST!

So I wanted to create a list of widgets that look/function like the HTC Widgets..
Weather - Palmary Weather
Clock - Fancy Widget
Calendar - Pure Grid Calendar <-- Calendar reminders
Music - Player Pro
Contact/People Widget
Facebook/Twitter/Friendstream/Contacts Widget (AIO)
BookMark Widget
Launcher Pro + has a lot of Sense-esque widgets built in.
It's not actually a widget, but what about the calendar reminders. I find that the stock reminder I use Calendar Snooze.
This is a great source..
Thanks for this thread
STICKY PLEASE !! hahaha..
To the OP, please update the original post with all of the suggestions that are posted so that if this list grows to several pages, someone won't have to read through it all to see if it's already been suggested.
Thanks again.
Colorize widget - great replacement for Facebook/Friendstream and agenda calendar. You also have a contacts and messaging widget as well.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
keep em coming! just updated the list
063_XOBX said:
Launcher Pro + has a lot of Sense-esque widgets built in.
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yes it does.. but I don't people to be limited to just Launcher Pro. This is more if people want a HTC look with say GO launcher, ADW, Zeam, etc...
063_XOBX said:
Launcher Pro + has a lot of Sense-esque widgets built in.
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10 Characters
jamice4u said:
10 Characters
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see comment above! I don't want users to be limited to LauncherPRO when GOlauncher EX or ADW EX are worthy launchers..
would the colorize widget be scrollable on touchwiz or only for the previously mentioned launchers? ( I ask since touchwiz has other scrollable widgets.)
edit2: so i just tried to sign in with colorize and I got a suspicious activity alert, although i did get to play a fun guessing game at my friends photos to verify who i am.
edit: Also I just saw on appbrain the dev of visiual bookmarks also has visual contacts
Also if we are going for the look of sense the we need Fancy Widget v1.3 (picture) I can link it if it is not against the rules.

Help me make my DHD look beautiful :P

So I have the DHD and have been using HTC Sense for the homescreens, but I've seen some very nice things in the post your homescreen thread, but no one ever posts what they are using
So please recommend me some things to make my device look great. I like Go Launcher, and this post looked rather nice:
Also, what should replace my HTC widgets? I like the people widget for favourite contacts and the HTC Calendar.
I'm open to suggestions for wallpaper, launcher, widgets, everything, help me make it look amazing please
Anyone got any ideas?
Launcherpro has some nice widgets in the paid version. You can see them on the free app, though.
The Beautiful Widgets add-on also has a few nice ones.
For wallpapers, I'd head to the Random section at These aren't really WVGA wallpapers, but some basic twiddling with the GIMP should have them at the right resolution in no time.
I think GoLauncher Ex has a nice interface, fast and pretty. Best of all, it's free. Nice tweaking options too.
Try some of these widgets as well from the market:
3G Watchdog
Smooth Calendar
Also do a search on the forum for "Modded Black Apps" - some really nice designs. Also you may want to check out the theming section of DHD forum.

Using Nova Launcher

I am thinking of using Nova Launcher, but wondering if I will loose any functionality. Does any one know if this is the case?
Try it and let us know!!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using xda app-developers app
I'm using it. You don't lose a great deal - page buddy and the very nice weather widgets are all I can think of that make a daily difference. All the big features still work, including multi-view.
You get rid of most of Touchwiz though, which is a massive advantage.
@ekerbuddyeker - am trying it, but as this is my first Samsung device (only got it today), and never used any of the Samsung features before; I wouldn't have known if I was missing out on anything. Thanks for your contribution though
Seems to be running well so far. Just reading up on "Page Buddy" to see if I think I need it (Thanks Robster83 for that info).
The main advantages of Nova so far are that I can increase the amount of rows and columns on the desktop. I have just come from Paranoid Android on the Galaxy Nexus and with the large screen and default DPI everything on the Note 2 looks VERY BIG. Also finding the swipe down gesture to open up the notifications useful as my fingers struggle to get to the top of the screen when holding the phone in one hand.
Im using Nova and I think its a better option. I can still get Snote to open when I remove the pen so for me losing page buddy doesn't matter. The extra customization is well worth it.
+1 to nova here, much better than tw
Nova is pretty good although does anyone know how to get the S Planner Calendar Widget working with it? The S Planner Calendar widget is so much more advanced than the standard calendar widget and it kinda sucks for that to be the one thing that gets removed when I use Nova.
Crazypinoy9 said:
Nova is pretty good although does anyone know how to get the S Planner Calendar Widget working with it? The S Planner Calendar widget is so much more advanced than the standard calendar widget and it kinda sucks for that to be the one thing that gets removed when I use Nova.
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same for me, using nova from day one and missing splanner widget...
using acalendar+ instead, but missing some features!
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda premium
PageBuddy does not work with Nova launcher or GO launcher.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
Crazypinoy9 said:
Nova is pretty good although does anyone know how to get the S Planner Calendar Widget working with it? The S Planner Calendar widget is so much more advanced than the standard calendar widget and it kinda sucks for that to be the one thing that gets removed when I use Nova.
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SPlanner is built into the TouchWiz Launcher, making it impossible to get the widget on anything else other than stock launcher.
Crazypinoy9 said:
Nova is pretty good although does anyone know how to get the S Planner Calendar Widget working with it? The S Planner Calendar widget is so much more advanced than the standard calendar widget and it kinda sucks for that to be the one thing that gets removed when I use Nova.
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I agree with everyone here. Definetly a +1 for Nova over TW.
But since I had page buddy setup to launch Rocket player when my headphones were attached, it seems as though it is locked into that setting. I tried going back to the TW environment to turn it off but it didn't work
Go Launcher is a better option for me, than any other launcher, I would urge those who haven't tried it to give it a go. Loads of customisation possible and the go ex notification add-on is nice.
In terms of calendar widget. Ive also tried loads and best I have found is Pure Calendar Widget.
+1 on Pure Calendar. Also Wizz widget is fine, also free.
I know its not a calendar thread, but if you have already mentioned calendars, then Business Calendar Free!
I'm using nova for two years. After installing it I immediately delete touchwiz launcher. Best launcher I ever tried.
