[Q] the ultimate android build? not asking which is the best.. - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

ok so we are all aware of all the various android builds out there for different phones. some with sense, some stock. all the chefs have their own basic formula for the perfect rom when they try to cook them for us. now most builds we apply to our phones are mod's of builds for other phones. After working with so many builds and liking certain features of each, but only available to each, i found myself asking the following question.
Companies like htc, etc. are assigned to build a certain phone with a certain android build with certain features activated/deactivated (ex. some builds have tethering, but tmobile said to cut tethering option out of g2. or some builds have a 2g/3g on off option where as others don't) this must mean that there is a general android build they start with that has all features and they just decide to keep/omit things they want or things carriers don't want. (or add some version of sense ui to it or touchwiz). My question is, is there a general ultimate android build that is available that has every feature there? i'm not a developer so i've never cooked a rom, but it would be awesome to have one build with everything and a simple way for users to decide which options they want or to omit. i know it sounds simple in theory and will never be that easy. but it would be awesome to have one general build with all options and can choose which ones i want to use or not to use vs. a developer selecting them for me.
this is a major problem with many winmo builds i've worked with compared to android builds, but its still something that bugs me when i try a rom and say damn i wish there was a 2g/3g on off in the network options vs having to dig for gsm/wcdma options. like i said in theory it sound easy and i'm sure its not, thats why i give all the chefs credit. but just throwing it out there in case something were to exist like that. thanks

I think I understand what you mean.
I've played with the Android SDK and the BASE 2.2 (what we know as Froyo) has all you mention (tethering etc), but looks kinda bland, this may be that I'm now so used to Sense and it's niceties that anything less than Sense to me just looks wrong.
If you want to see Android as Google intended for us all to use just download the SDK and start a 2.2 session with no modifications and you'll see the differences that carriers and the cooks here do, it's amazing work.
Also, almost all cooks here in XDA will try and give you access to everything the phone itself can do, that's part of the fun of running a rooted OS.

thanks for the tip about trying out the sdk Reno, i'm gonna check it out this weekend. Don't get me wrong, i love all the fun of flashing and its an addiction since 2007 on my HTC 8525/G1/HD2 lol. and i give mad props to all the chefs, god knows if i started messing with code, my phone would be a brick an hour later lol. Android chefs are really good and don't tweak much like winmo chefs do at times which i like. so many builds for winmo you'll find are scraped down to bare minimum because the chefs wanted a bare rom that gave u the "most space and fastest speed" which all went to hell once u install crap you want on it anyway, but half of the features and options have been deleted! thank God android chefs are good with keeping things there.
woohoo sdk fun friday night! will i become a chef? do chefs need to wear the silly hat?

I'll be perfectly blunt you'll need more than just the SDK to get a build made. I only downloaded it out of pure curiosity. You'll hopefully see in the attachments exactly what default Froyo looks like and realise even more what a godsend these guys here are.
I would honestly love to make my own build (more for my own fun and use than for general consumption) but I realise after many hours of reading and research that it's ridiculously hard work and these guys deserve every penny we can afford to donate for their toil.
Going back to the original point though: I think to create one overarching build that upon install you could pick: stock/sense/launcherpro or whatever other flavour there is available out there would actually be impossible. The look of the build is so deeply embedded in the build itself and requires so many different parts of the operating system itself to be changed you would need several copies of each file with the different variations for each look/style you'd end up with HUGE download sizes and it would be more difficult to keep up with when there is an update.
As things stand now, I know I could never drop my Sense builds, I love hastarins kernel tree, and I have my favourite small group of cooks that I follow, and that helps me limit what builds I download and test. Having a couple of small spare memory cards helps and only cost me £20 or so to give me that choice.

Reno i feel that you are correct. i couldn't resist and went to download the SDK after replying to your post. its still downloading a bunch of things and as i read the android developer page i'm enticed to hit the cancel button! I think i'll just go back to picturing the chefs as the magicians and let them entertain, instead of being the guy who tries to figure out all the tricks lol.


General rant

I'm an intermediate (Windows) PC user and slightly more technically inclined than most of my friends and family. I bought the Dream because of it's tight integration with GMail and the promise of untold useful apps. I have some awesome apps such as 4 Timers, My Tracks, Wireless Tether, which are useful in my everyday life, and they were all free (although I donate to developers when i think its justified).
My Dream is a vastly better phone in many ways than my last (Nokia N85) and at first I enjoyed flashing new roms and the ability to change my phone in different ways.
I'm currently running Cyanogen 4.0.2 which is a great rom, but to get the most out of it and actually have a sweet running phone it seems almost required to keep up with the changes on the Dream Dev forum, read hundreds of posts, learn how to install scripts and tweek settings, add ext partitions on your sdcard for swap files, know what compcache is, etc etc.
I realise that the devs are doing everything they can to give us the best performance from our phones, and i am very grateful and applaud it. I just wish it was a little easier to keep my phone being the best it can be.
What I am really getting at is that the Dream has its obvious hardware limitations (lack of RAM and rubbish battery life being the most obvious) and I'm kind of getting to the point where I want a new phone that doesn't require so much work.
None of the recent Android phones that I have heard about offer a full 5 row qwerty keyboard. That's what i want, along with perhaps a flash on the camera and a battery that lasts a couple of days with moderate use.
I will not jump ship and go elsewhere, as I love Android, but i think a manufacturer would clean up if they released a phone with the above specs and perhaps 512mb RAM - I know i would buy it in a second, and at any price within reason.
Anyone else feel this way?
setspeed said:
I'm an intermediate (Windows) PC user and slightly more technically inclined than most of my friends and family. I bought the Dream because of it's tight integration with GMail and the promise of untold useful apps. I have some awesome apps such as 4 Timers, My Tracks, Wireless Tether, which are useful in my everyday life, and they were all free (although I donate to developers when i think its justified).
My Dream is a vastly better phone in many ways than my last (Nokia N85) and at first I enjoyed flashing new roms and the ability to change my phone in different ways.
I'm currently running Cyanogen 4.0.2 which is a great rom, but to get the most out of it and actually have a sweet running phone it seems almost required to keep up with the changes on the Dream Dev forum, read hundreds of posts, learn how to install scripts and tweek settings, add ext partitions on your sdcard for swap files, know what compcache is, etc etc.
I realise that the devs are doing everything they can to give us the best performance from our phones, and i am very grateful and applaud it. I just wish it was a little easier to keep my phone being the best it can be.
What I am really getting at is that the Dream has its obvious hardware limitations (lack of RAM and rubbish battery life being the most obvious) and I'm kind of getting to the point where I want a new phone that doesn't require so much work.
None of the recent Android phones that I have heard about offer a full 5 row qwerty keyboard. That's what i want, along with perhaps a flash on the camera and a battery that lasts a couple of days with moderate use.
I will not jump ship and go elsewhere, as I love Android, but i think a manufacturer would clean up if they released a phone with the above specs and perhaps 512mb RAM - I know i would buy it in a second, and at any price within reason.
Anyone else feel this way?
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You can always just load a rom that is stable and one you like and leave it. Your not forced to always update. If you always want the newest and greatest then you have to update, we all knew that when we started doing this.
The unfortunate thing is that ALL roms i've tried have problems with them - things that dont work, bugs introduced when things are changed. And the devs fix some of the probs in the next release, but then new bugs become apparent.
I know this is the nature of development, and I understand this is only way devs can work to push things forward. But it means living with bugs or upgrading the rom to the next version.
I've not found a rom that has the stabililty/simplicity i really want to just use the phone, and not have to mess around with it all the time, or get annoyed because it wont keep programs like the browser running when you change to do something else, or put up with not being able to rely on the phone for its core function of making and receiving calls and lagging left right & centre.
I think that Android's true requirements are beyond the Dream's hardware - and much as devs try, they will never get past that fact, they will just find progressively better workarounds which "sort of" do the job.
If I were you I would go with an older build instead of a newer one that still has bugs. I'm still on Cyanogens 3.9.5 and have no problems with it at all, no bugs or nothing and happy with it. There is also old dude's builds that I use to be on a long time ago that was stable with no bugs also. But of course since those are older builds it might be hard to find, but if your wanting to take a step back and go to something stable and no bugs let me know I still got all roms on my pc at home.
I am running cyan 4.02 and have no problems whatsoever from it, you really don't have to stay on top off it at all times since you are more technical than most as you say, you can turn around and read the first post and the change log and have a good idea of what is going on. You might have a problem with the costant devolpment but I find it great that people are taking the time to get the android platform better than it was in the beginning, don't be suprised if people from google are on here taking ideas and hard work to make the general source better. The better android gets will only get better with more devolpment, remember the magic and hero just came out still basiclly running the same base as we are. Oh and some of us just got into new contracts and just got their phones and don't want to run out and buy a new phone just cause it has better specs, I want my phone to live up to it's upmost performance possibe by these work arounds so that the next android phone that I get will be 100 times better and more efficent on that hardware
I think you're right - I've just restored my cyanogen 3.6.5 backup and I forgot how decent it is, using swapper it does respond quite well. To be fair, the only reason i upgraded past 3.6.5 was because I was always having a problem with the HTC_IME - it would never stay on "phone keypad" rather than "qwerty", and it also interfered with my physical keyboard by turning on the "enable prediction for qwerty keyboard" option. Other than that I never had any problems with it. This problem is a BIG annoyance though...
Oh - and the fact that the phone rings (silently) about 3 times before anything is shown on the screen or a ringtone is heard. Forgot about that one...
Also, I'd just like to add that I am in no way bashing cyanogen - i have found his roms to be the best/fastest/most stable out all i have tried, hence why i am using them. I have used a few other roms that were just a joke, with force closes all over the place, and much more serious bugs/errors than i have mentioned here.
Overall, for me, i think cyanogen is the best dev out there, consistently pushing the boundaries of performance, and regularly updating his rom. That much is obvious from the popularity of his roms' threads.
update withdraw
I agree with you that cyanogen is a great devolper but so are jac and drizzy and those other guys that are putting a ton of work into hero, maybe soon we will have a good working rosie but in the mean time I could rant how those are buggy and lag a lot, but even with a cupcake rom you have to break a few eggs to make an olmet and that are the bugs that we are gonna have to live with, truthfully I am addicted like a drug addict to all the constant update from cyan to see what is next to come, just the fact the I have been on 4.02 for a couple days is making me go through update withdraw, I flash a hero rom just for the hell of it just to see the progress, it was on my phone for maybe a whole 10 minutes before I booted my nandroid backup of 4.02
gridlock32404 said:
I am running cyan 4.02 and have no problems whatsoever from it, you really don't have to stay on top off it at all times since you are more technical than most as you say, you can turn around and read the first post and the change log and have a good idea of what is going on. You might have a problem with the costant devolpment but I find it great that people are taking the time to get the android platform better than it was in the beginning, don't be suprised if people from google are on here taking ideas and hard work to make the general source better. The better android gets will only get better with more devolpment, remember the magic and hero just came out still basiclly running the same base as we are. Oh and some of us just got into new contracts and just got their phones and don't want to run out and buy a new phone just cause it has better specs, I want my phone to live up to it's upmost performance possibe by these work arounds so that the next android phone that I get will be 100 times better and more efficent on that hardware
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I do appreciate what you're saying - that i want to have my cake and eat it! I suppose that's true in some respects. I can honestly say that my Dream is the best phone I've ever had, and the efforts the devs make to push the envelope are just amazing! Their knowledge and skills are something special - and to do it all for the love of it (and of course the respect of the community!) is definitely to be applauded.
I do also hope that google devs do read these forums, and incorporate the work into the official roms! I think they should pay the devs on xda, as they clearly do a lot of work that google ought to have done!
I hope that google does donate to these devs because they have done an amazing job with what they have to work with, I just wish I understood programming better and had the patience for it, I think my phone is better than my computer now, wait anything is better the my computer right now since I burned out my power supply. By far this is the best phone I have ever owned and now I am a android lifer because of the devs. When I first got my phone, it was worthless to me before I rooted it, good thing I found xda back when I had my wing so I knew right where to go and by the end of the first day I had it, it was already rooted
If google pays the devs or give them jobs then we will have to wait long time for our update and cool stuff, they need to just donate lots of money to them so they keep hooking us up first at xda and not the general masses all at once, I don't think they could handle the general awesomeness
setspeed said:
I'm an intermediate (Windows) PC user and slightly more technically inclined than most of my friends and family. I bought the Dream because of it's tight integration with GMail and the promise of untold useful apps. I have some awesome apps such as 4 Timers, My Tracks, Wireless Tether, which are useful in my everyday life, and they were all free (although I donate to developers when i think its justified).
My Dream is a vastly better phone in many ways than my last (Nokia N85) and at first I enjoyed flashing new roms and the ability to change my phone in different ways.
I'm currently running Cyanogen 4.0.2 which is a great rom, but to get the most out of it and actually have a sweet running phone it seems almost required to keep up with the changes on the Dream Dev forum, read hundreds of posts, learn how to install scripts and tweek settings, add ext partitions on your sdcard for swap files, know what compcache is, etc etc.
I realise that the devs are doing everything they can to give us the best performance from our phones, and i am very grateful and applaud it. I just wish it was a little easier to keep my phone being the best it can be.
What I am really getting at is that the Dream has its obvious hardware limitations (lack of RAM and rubbish battery life being the most obvious) and I'm kind of getting to the point where I want a new phone that doesn't require so much work.
None of the recent Android phones that I have heard about offer a full 5 row qwerty keyboard. That's what i want, along with perhaps a flash on the camera and a battery that lasts a couple of days with moderate use.
I will not jump ship and go elsewhere, as I love Android, but i think a manufacturer would clean up if they released a phone with the above specs and perhaps 512mb RAM - I know i would buy it in a second, and at any price within reason.
Anyone else feel this way?
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its like you read my mind

[Q] information overload, what do I want?

So I've had bad experiences with phone hacks in the past, namely bricking my iphone thinking I could jailbreak it only to spend the weekend learning that "oh sure it can be jailbroken, if you meet criteria A,B,C,D,A1,G4, Alpha 3, Section 12 subset 15 paragraph 9" etc etc.
Point is, I'm scarred for life now and really dont want to be doing a bunch of seemingly innocent rom flashing, only to find out because I missed the reply on page 192 of 568 that I needed version .18.1 instead of .18 and now my phone is now yet another glorious paperweight.
Youtube videos seem to indicate that you just copy an android build to your SD card and launch. I come here and theres 500 threads with 20 different builds and each build is tied to a certain radio which is tied to a certain rom which requires these 3 applications first and bla bla bla.
I want froyo 2.2 on my HD2. I dont want robotic voices. I want bluetooth and media player to work and stream to my car. I want functioning youtube. I dont want a sluggish piece of junk that is impossible to navigate. I want my 3G HSPDA connection to run as good as it does on WinMo, and I would like to be able to tether.
Is this a painless enough process? Or am I gonna go through 10 different downloads and hours of flashing and reflashing to probably ultimately end back up on WinMo to get **** done?
I mean if none of the android builds are really ready for primetime and are more or less for goofing around with then I wont bother. Im not in the mood to experiment, I still need a phone I can rely on.
I'll try to make it simple for you, having done all of the above:
1. don't do it yet (unless you are ready for some frustration)
2. touch screen unresponsive some of the time (infrequent to frequently), but I am fine with it personally
3. to guarantee problem free, you need to redo your WinMo ROM to the same as the one used by the android ROM chef, I did and it worked fine (before it did not and I got robot voice)
4. if you are ok with #1, 2, 3 then YES, all you have to do is copy the files to the SD card and boot away, you will not lose anything on the WinMo side
Hope it helps!
RunNgun42 said:
So I've had bad experiences with phone hacks in the past, namely bricking my iphone thinking I could jailbreak it only to spend the weekend learning that "oh sure it can be jailbroken, if you meet criteria A,B,C,D,A1,G4, Alpha 3, Section 12 subset 15 paragraph 9" etc etc.
Point is, I'm scarred for life now and really dont want to be doing a bunch of seemingly innocent rom flashing, only to find out because I missed the reply on page 192 of 568 that I needed version .18.1 instead of .18 and now my phone is now yet another glorious paperweight.
Youtube videos seem to indicate that you just copy an android build to your SD card and launch. I come here and theres 500 threads with 20 different builds and each build is tied to a certain radio which is tied to a certain rom which requires these 3 applications first and bla bla bla.
I want froyo 2.2 on my HD2. I dont want robotic voices. I want bluetooth and media player to work and stream to my car. I want functioning youtube. I dont want a sluggish piece of junk that is impossible to navigate. I want my 3G HSPDA connection to run as good as it does on WinMo, and I would like to be able to tether.
Is this a painless enough process? Or am I gonna go through 10 different downloads and hours of flashing and reflashing to probably ultimately end back up on WinMo to get **** done?
I mean if none of the android builds are really ready for primetime and are more or less for goofing around with then I wont bother. Im not in the mood to experiment, I still need a phone I can rely on.
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Wow were do I start.
Based on the fact that you have no info about your phone whats so ever I will assume you have a tmo us phone with atleast 2.08 radio.
Your radio will be ok if thats the case. As far as windows mobile rom its of personal choice. I've tried chuckydroid Ive tried Miri's 17 and always reverted back to a june version of energyrom that worked well for me.
The rom's and radio's you choose my help or hurt your call quality and battery life. Other than that they pretty much are just a big launcher.
Most builds you must place the folder called android In the root of the sdcard.
From there if you plan to manually run haret(the program that starts the linux kernal)
You must first selec clrad.exe( which will show no signs that it worked)
then select Haret.exe and the kernal will boot show a bunch of text then android should load.
If you should run into any problems please use the search function as not everyone has the same problem.
As far as the Iwants this is probably not ideal for you we are really just beta testers and if it works for us then it works. I didnt have robotic voices ever but I sounded like i was in a wind tunnel.
I Had sod's but I do not have them anymore My lock screen usually works every else is really hit or miss depending on the build you use.
You will have to do some searching on your own and it doesnt really sound like you are prepared.
This is the main thread that started it all It has the must info about the kernals
which is where most features are added.
This is the thread for the build I use and Like
Cyanogen based rom's are famous as he has given the android community alot.
shu8i does a great job of keeping us up to date
I hope that with this little bit of into you can get on the right track.
Coming from A g1 I had a hard time with winmo but I need to go back because android for the hd2 hadnt matured yet These guys have done a fantastic job getting it to work.
They have me saying I love my phone. Go in with no expectations.
Well I guess my biggest confusion is, why are there so many different builds? I had the impression there was really only 1 dev team porting the actual android OS. Are the other builds just people monkeying with their work to get other features functional? I see things like "energyrom" and other "x-rom" names but dont know why I should choose one over the other.
RunNgun42 said:
Well I guess my biggest confusion is, why are there so many different builds? I had the impression there was really only 1 dev team porting the actual android OS. Are the other builds just people monkeying with their work to get other features functional? I see things like "energyrom" and other "x-rom" names but dont know why I should choose one over the other.
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I think hazard99 hit the nail on the head. If you are not prepared to do the leg work then i would say just wait for a fully functional, fully flashable android port. Pick the one you want, whether it be the rom the desire uses, one with sense, one without or the newest android rom at that time.
I was adamant i would use android but have been rather unimpressed and other than not getting wifi to work (and i understand there is a workaround for that as well) it has all worked for me? So i have switched back to my glorious energy rom and will await a final build (maybe gingerbread)
So in summation maybe you should wait also?
Read as much as you can. Anything that says sticky or ref are most important. There is more risk with flashing radios and roms so be delicate with that. At this time android builds cannot brick your phone but they can be a little buggy as development is in progress.
Good luck
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
RunNgun42 said:
Well I guess my biggest confusion is, why are there so many different builds? I had the impression there was really only 1 dev team porting the actual android OS. Are the other builds just people monkeying with their work to get other features functional? I see things like "energyrom" and other "x-rom" names but dont know why I should choose one over the other.
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What dcordes and cotulla and the guys are doing is creating a working kernal for the hd2. The builds are just are just brought over from other devices.
You have to look though all the info. You cant be told pick this one and it will be golden.
I rock shubcraft because cyanogen is the man and I believe its smooth. Darkstones with be my second fav.

do we really need that many android builds?

why in the hell do we need so many builds?
theres now a dozen pages full of different kinds of builds and they all share same issues, just different interface.
i ve stopped updating my build since theres no point, i tried 4-5 dfferent ones and theres really not much change thats worth upgrading every week.
can we leave the builds to people that actually know what they re doing?
instead of turning this into another competition who can produce more builds per week/hour...
its becoming like the winmo section where its jut too much **** and most of people dont know whats goind on anymore...
its FLOODED with garbage. and builds that dont really bring anything new just people wanting to be COOL on the internetz.
i dont mean the developers or builders that actually produce some results, i mean the rest that are just repackaging builds as their own and adding some fkd up themes to it. of course someone will like the theme but you are not contributing to the development of the android platform you just clogging up the pipes with junk...
I just say thank you for the ones that work for me and don't use the ones that don't.
Its not like all these people do this for free or anything.
Again wow...
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Have to disagree with you. I came from the slide which had very little to choose from. It is a nice change to have a choice. If themes are your thing then you have a choice..if not then you can have abare bones build. If sense is for you then do it. If not therm load a nexus or CM build. I know you think some o of the themed build are garbage but I can tell you HTCClay releases themed builds that add functionality and are more stable then the original releases. Trust me that it is better to have a choice then have very little to choose from. Just my 2 cents.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
good luck trying to find ones that work.
i havent checked this page for a week or so and i come back here i dont know wtf is going on theres so many damn builds already and most of them share same issues. do we really need all that ?
i know theres people that actually have some progress here and a big thank you to them.
ut there are others that are just cluttering up the board with their repackaged builds without any improvements whatsoever..
u know theres such thing as too much choice.
eithr extremes is not too helpfull.
I agree with the OP. There really shouldn't be pages filled with them..
Well, I disagree. There is nothing like having too much choice. If you want a quick fix, just pick a random build and stick with it. Leave the other builds for us people who have the patience and time to check out all the various builds.
just be grateful at what there is.. and stop *****ing it aint do u good lol
Two words, yes.
what op said is so truE! i was thinking the same thing since the last 10 days ! i think we need perfection not variety ....we need stability not eye candy ....
coolbeer1990 said:
what op said is so truE! i was thinking the same thing since the last 10 days ! i think we need perfection not variety ....we need stability not eye candy ....
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Stop bumping this thread...LOL...NO ONE POINTING A M-16 at you and force you must try all the build,just find the one that suit you most...
More builds means more creativity, more creativity means more stability...
There is no perfect build out there until now...
Furthermore, by reading through every build's thread...Those chefs are learning from each other...for example, darkstone video tweak has been used in many builds now...
Give a chance for new cooker to learn...
^^^ Thanks to you, I found this thread
Yeah more creativity, new breed build EVO sense with Sprint craps in it.
it IS always good to have variety that stays in lead with the variety of tastes on here,however, i do see his point too.it WOULD be nice to have a totally stable build first and THEN theme em up or make different builds from that. ..besides, all these builds have turned me into a test junky. i'm currently seeking counseling.lol
Why are you even complaining?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I don't know about the others, but my HD2 is picky.
I need the variety, more possibilities to find a working one.
Some builds are horrible on my phone, mainly the most popular.
No GPS on HyperDroid (My favorite build)
No MMS on 95% of builds.
So yeah, I've spent countless hours going through Radios, WM ROMs and Android builds to find the next best thing for my phone.
Now I've only got an inconvenience of my screen's back light going dull after unlocking about once a day.
And if there wasn't such a variety of builds, even new ones with only the smallest of changes, I wouldn't have a workable build right now.
So it's a mild inconvenience for you to shift through the 2 or 3 pages to find the build you like, don't be bothered by it.
It helps in the big picture.
AmpJack said:
I don't know about the others, but my HD2 is picky.
I need the variety, more possibilities to find a working one.
Some builds are horrible on my phone, mainly the most popular.
No GPS on HyperDroid (My favorite build)
No MMS on 95% of builds.
So yeah, I've spent countless hours going through Radios, WM ROMs and Android builds to find the next best thing for my phone.
Now I've only got an inconvenience of my screen's back light going dull after unlocking about once a day.And if there wasn't such a variety of builds, even new ones with only the smallest of changes, I wouldn't have a workable build right now.
So it's a mild inconvenience for you to shift through the 2 or 3 pages to find the build you like, don't be bothered by it.
It helps in the big picture.
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Try to uncheck Automatic Brightness, if you didn't
r u seriously complaining? like reallllly....... r u like realllly like complaining? like really tho. foreals?
gtfohere. go live in a communist country where there is no variety.
There are some builds stand out of the group, because they used their own kernel, the rest is, well, same girl with different dress,...Victoria Secret,...Frederick's of Hollywood, get you excited at first, then... you know.
If you tried almost every build out there, you would realize, it just the same girl with different dress, that's all.
well someone had to say it. And I agree with the OP
First off, I appreciate every chef's work on the Android development on the HD2. After all none of this would be possible without these gentleman.
However after reading through HUNDREDS of pages in various build threads I notice each build has a set of bugs or non-working parts. Sometime shared but often unique to its own build. Often time I think if build A was combined wih build B then everything would be excellent.
I wish these chefs could team up and make one stable build with everything working rather that the situation we have now.. but unfortunately I don't see that happening anytime soon so it might be time for me to jump ship and sell my HD2 at a lost and purchase a factory Android device.
I can honestly say this is the most hater thread I have seen so far. How can you complain about having a choice??? No one is forcing ANY of you to try every build, so if anything you should take a pen and write these complaints on your own forehead because you are to blame for any new builds YOU choose to apply or not apply. As for me, I like the look of others more than others, the stability of some over others, I have even found some where certain things from the market show up that does not show up on other builds.

A general discussion about an idea that makes perfect sense...

Now, I appreciate everything that these devs have had to offer. I've tried different Custom Roms (With Core Cell 3 being the most stable I've experienced, outside of the annoying Opera Mamory bug)...Android builds...and all that great efforts you guys Put forth.
I look at all these threads and Roms and see the same thing over and over...bugs...bugs....and more bugs...
The most stable Windows Rom I've truly experience is the stock one...lol...not being a smart a$$ at all. Everything just works. Take a registry editor to it and it's provided the most stable platform with Core Cell 3 a hair away from it.
Now, with Android, I see constant bug reports. I mean, people seem to have a great appreciation for the builds and love them, but it always follows up with a major bug...or even worse...lots of little bugs.
What I don't understand is why don't all you devs get together and build the "XDA" Custom Rom or "XDA" Android build that gets undiveded attention and all resources so to make it truly BUG free? Once that has been accomplished...then we can go ahead and try these test builds and play with them...
Now, I say this with a great deal of respect, having worked with developers before I know how fragile the ego's can be
It's also my experience with those same developers that taught me complete focus of resources surfaced the best result.
I mean, an effort like that is something I would pay...eeerrrrr....donate too.
Android seems to be the future for the HD2, at least I think so...some may have a different opinion...that's cool. But as much as I actually like WinMo 6.5...and WinMO 7 showing signs of being a demo at best on the HD2, Android has a future.
I think it would be a great idea for you guys to focus on one thing at a time until it's at a state you can consider it marketable...not that I'm saying that's what you should do...sell things and all.
I would even think it would be cool to take WinMo 6.5 and change it into something completely different and better than what Microsoft settled for...I always promote making Big Brother look silly with a superior view of their own product.
My point is...no matter what platform or approach...get together on it...I bet the result would be far more productive.
I fear though that this idea...no matter how much sense it makes...will not come to fruition...WHAT THE DEUCE!
Looking forward to your thoughts.
well i came up with this idea http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=902534 and would need a thew devs to work on it,about having our own unoficiall Android Rom,Something wich we can say is our own HD2 rom not direct ports if you know were im coming from and pretty much bug free and stable and fast.i know a thew devs came together to create nand so why not do it to create a rom
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App
Hah, bug free... That's an interesting idea. The last bug free thing I saw was my Nokia 3210. Since then even my microwave ovens get bugs.
The devs do work together for the most part... different problems get solved by different devs, and they credit each other. I think its amazing what they've accomplished. You should be more than happy with how well we have a port working. I never thought it would get as good as it has, especially as quick as it has. Just look at the Raphael or blackstone... they've been working on ports for those devices for years and are nowhere close to where we are, and might never be.
The devs are doing what they can. This is their hobby... they're gonna work on what interests them. You can't expect them to all work on what you want them to... they would lose interest and we wouldn't have so much innovation. Plus a little competition can bring the best out of a person.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Well most of the bugs in Android are at the kernel level, and there is already a group of developers working on that same piece of software together.
You also have to keep in mind, as other users in this thread have already said, that no software will be without bugs.
I guess...I just know with absolute confidence this idea will work best. Nonetheless, I understand. Also, it's not what I want?...its about completing a task these forums have already put in motion...just at a more effective manor.
i want sense build base on desire hd or z
its will be lite enuf to run from RAM and boot fast
the Data.img will be backed up in the nand but will work from SD card for better performance
that's what i think is perfect to me
RAM gives boot time and less battery drain
data.img on nand and sd card is for better iops and for backuping ur info fast with CWM
u can remove anything u dont use cos it wont be in the RAM
all most important things like email / messages / people browser will run from RAM to get the speed-est performance
As has been stated, aren't most the bugs pretty common to all builds in one way or another therefore indicating that the problem is at the programming level rather than the rom developer level.
IMHO find one you're happy with and take the bugs with a pinch of salt - the HD2 is still one of the most exciting handsets about and to have the ability to experiment with all this thanks to the ROM guys and the tools developers on here is just blooming fantastic!
Stop moaning and appreciate what we have here!
Personally, I think this is a bad idea.
I'm very happy to have multiple developers all working on different projects and supplying us with different ROMs. For example, I hate HTC Sense and prefer stock Android, but lots of people disagree with that and think Sense builds are superior.
If all the devs worked on only 1 ROM then that's all we'd have. 1 ROM. My phone would be the same as yours, and yours would be the same as every other person on the forum. That would be pretty darn boring! If you ask me, more choice is better.
"If everybody looked the same, we'd get tired of looking at each other."
I never said stop working on different flavors of Roms. Just focus on an XDA Rom. Once refined, let the flavors flow...right?
You know, I approach this topic from a respective and open discussion approach with an expressed curiosity at most and the best you can do is confuse it for moaning?
It's guys like you that start all the flaming, when you have people who are simply exchanging ideas.
There's always a few out of the bunch that can't resist being abrasive aka a$$holes while others are just chatting.
AGxM said:
As has been stated, aren't most the bugs pretty common to all builds in one way or another therefore indicating that the problem is at the programming level rather than the rom developer level.
IMHO find one you're happy with and take the bugs with a pinch of salt - the HD2 is still one of the most exciting handsets about and to have the ability to experiment with all this thanks to the ROM guys and the tools developers on here is just blooming fantastic!
Stop moaning and appreciate what we have here!
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[Q] Why cook Android?

Hey guys and gals, this may seem like a reasonably stupid, long-winded question, but please bare with me.
I've been cooking WinMo ROMs for ages now, loving it, it's great as a hobby. Not to mention cooking enables you to experiment with / use the later versions of HTC packages and WinMo versions and builds. Honestly I found myself cooking and flashing on a weekly basis.
But when it comes to Android I find myself asking questions like "Why bother?" and "what can I achieve?"
I will admit I have only just begun with Android. I've never had any success with linux on any of my home computers but I've never been afraid to try. So I downloaded my first build of Android, DarkStones SuperRAM build. I have to say I'm insanely impressed with the speed, the stability and the insane level of cusomization that comes with such a build.
But that's just it, in my eyes it's an excellent build and not much could be done to improve upon it, with the exception of maybe some tweaks (I can't find any that I need atm), or addons (which are so small and easily installed via the market)
So again I beg the (n00b) question of why cook an Android ROM? Is it really worth learning to cook it when all I'll be doing is maybe upgrading a kernel here and there, or integrating some tiny little component that I'd otherwise be able to download and install in seconds? The only real thing I'd be doing right now if I new how to cook for Android is remove some basic integrated wallpapers and maybe change some settings so it's more of an HD2 build than an HTC desire build.
My mind is in a quandry, I'm loving DarkStones' build so much that I haven't used WinMo in days, yet I yearn to cook something LOLs
P.S DarkStone if you read this, I'm liking your build so much, you've done excellent work and provided me with an excellent first Android build. Keep a eye on my sig, I'm gonna try and create a decent looking DarkStone banner, got any ideas?
There are a few things that need to be fixed ie usb thetering, wifi hotspot, gps and some minor things..
I'm not that big on debugging or programming, so fixing bugs is one thing I probably couldn't do.
Maybe ill just keep darkstones build up to date and see what changes between builds, I should soon see what can be done when cooking and see then if it's something I can get into
Sent from my HD2 using the XDA Android app
Most builds start out as "I want something CLOSE to what you have"...
From there you tweak and change, add things you like, and remove things you don't... You end up with either:
A) A build which (as you say) is so close there's no point releasing it, but it's still AS you want it, with your settings, so you keep doing it in the background, updating kernels etc.
B) A build which has gone off on a tangent, and is dissimilar enough to be released.
I cook android to have my phone set up, how I want it, with what I want on it, as soon as I flash. It's (reasonably) close to the ROM I started with, so I don't release it, but I'm much happier after a flash, that the set-up is non existent, and everything is pre-configured. For this reason, I continue to do it.
