3g battery drain - Epic 4G General

Does the evo have this?

Nope. In fact, when the Evo is on 3G, it starts recharging.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

on wifi i get good life but on 3g it goes meh

I've noticed that 3G mode murders the battery as well. I was out last Saturday night and put the phone into 3g only mode because I hadn't tweaked it enough to trust battery life under 4G or WiFi. The damn thing was dead in 4 hours of very little use.
Really, it's not much wonder though because the 3G chipset in it is the first Rev.A chipset Qualcomm ever produced. Why they chose it I'll never understand.


3g battery drain

is this phone as bad with 3g drain as the epic 4g?
It's bad with battery until you freeze all things verizon.
Did not use car charger once this week since purchasing titanium pro.
good day.
This phone is as good with battery as every other android phone i've ever had (its my 5th). For instance, I can watch a 1hr video on my phone with battery power and it will drop 10-15%. Thats not terrible, really.
no 3g bug?
Maybe you could elaborate on what the 3g bug would be from the epic.
good day.
Usage of 3g data would mean battery be dead much quicker than on wifi im talking bout 12 hrs to 4 or 5
sent from my epic 4g with no 4g
As you use the phone, it burns through battery life, but standby time is astounding. I have Juice defender and juice plotter on and have been testing it. It is actually amazing how long it can prolong your life. I unplugged my phone at 6:30 am and it is 1:03, it is at 78% and with my current usage projected to last an additional 24 hours on this one charge. Impressive indeed.
of course but a certain phone with similar power and screen can efficiently use 3g while epic cant

[Q] myTouch 4G battery

Anyone know what kind of battery are they using for myTouch 4G? Battery life is everything to me and I'm not the kind of person who carries around a charger all the time. I bought an EVO 4G batterry (1700mAH) for my G2 and it's amazing. With the EVO 4G battery my G2 can last up to a whole day of heavy usage.
I know myTouch 4G is running on a 1400mAH battery but is there an extended battery like how the EVO 4G battery can fit into the G2.
1700 is the highest so far
I would expect the battery life on the Mytouch 4G to be pretty good, certainly much better than the EVO.
The processor is basically the same processor as the G2 clocked a little faster (1Ghz vs 800Mhz) and running Sense instead of Vanilla Android which would hurt the battery life, but the battery is larger 1400 ma, vs 1300 so I would expect the battery life to be close.
The G2 battery life is excellent, I consistently get over 18hrs with moderate usage and connected to WiFi a good bit of the time.
The Mytouch 4G battery is not as long as the G2's battery.
the new 1ghz snapdragon should use less battery compared to the older version since the chip size is smaller.
Today I am at over 9 hours using the phone for calls for about a third if that. Used the WiFi all day and have moderate usage.
Phone comes with decent battery life. I can tell you exact #s but it requires a battery pull and I'm currently typing on it so I don't think it would turn out so well. Lol
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App

Atrix Battery life

How is everyone's battery life... I think I came in overhyped by some reviews like engadget's praising the battery life of this phone but in reality haven't been too impressed.
I have to change how I use my phone in order to make it through the day... I did cone from an iphone 4 though...
Give it a day or so. My initial full charge barely lasted a few hours. My next one, though, lasted 12+ hours with pandora running, and the screen on half the time.
Give it a little time. Battery and phone both need to calibrate their readings. I got ~7 hours with display on today (1.5 hours browsing, 5+ hours movie).
Got my phone a few days ago. Last night I went to bed at 12 and didn't plug in my phone, it had 50% remining. I woke up at 11 am and the phone was dead. I charged it to full, now its reporting 30% at 11 hours later. This is with night mode on and I barely touched the phone today, maybe 20 texts max. The thing using most of the battery is phone idle.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
mchimney said:
Got my phone a few days ago. Last night I went to bed at 12 and didn't plug in my phone, it had 50% remining. I woke up at 11 am and the phone was dead. I charged it to full, now its reporting 30% at 11 hours later. This is with night mode on and I barely touched the phone today, maybe 20 texts max. The thing using most of the battery is phone idle.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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This I too noticed. Uses too much battery when idle. I will charge to 100% and see how it fares while I sleep.
I plan on leaving mine unplugged for the night as well. I wonder why this phone idle is using so much battery though.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
1) this is like the 10th battery thread. Many answers can be found in the others.
2) Yes. Your battery needs to calibrate over time.
3) Android users more battery when on because of all the things it syncs with in the background: weather, mail, maps, etc.
4) again due to it's syncing it uses more in the background. To find out what dial *#*#info#*#* and look at the battery stats of what had been running. Look at Other Usage especially.
What size does your battery say on the actual battery? I thought it is advertised with 1930 but mine says 1850.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Im 19 hours unplugged and still at 15%, this phone is a beast
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
phillycreamboy said:
What size does your battery say on the actual battery? I thought it is advertised with 1930 but mine says 1850.
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Mine says 1880/1930 mAh (min/typ).
My battery seemed on the lower side of average when I first got it and then it got a lot better after a couple days.
Download Green Power in the Market. Insane improvement. I've used it on my Nexus One (Atrix is coming tomorooow!! for a month now and I've gone 50-60% plus on duration.
I have been running slacker and just web browsing for approx 1.5 hours and am down from 100% to 70%... This is after about four days of nightly charging. I am running green power too with no wifi managment. I have gps etc off. The battery analysis shows that the display is using 80% of the juice. Is any of this normal or is something wrong here?
Sent from my Atrix
The Atrix's battery is the best battery in an Android phone I've used to date. I just left Sprint and thought the Epic 4G's battery was decent. After using this for a few days, I realize that the battery in this thing is AWESOME!
While we were with Sprint, my wife had the EVO 4g and now has the Inspire 4G. NONE of these phone hold a candle to the battery life of the Atrix.
So i left mine unplugged over night again, just tried to turn it on and i got "Modem did not power up (0). Starting RSD protocol support. Battery is too Low to flash.
battery info and network searching
First post here and I'm not a developer but have some feedback for this. Couldn't share without registering first. Won't be a pest.
Had the battery issue with the atrix and called att. The suggested a microcell booster as i was only getting one bar here (H+) at home. The store in San Diego gave me one for free and I installed it and have been off the charger for well over 24 hours now and at 50%. granted I'm not using it much as I have computer at home too. However, just sitting on the table before the booster and it would be at 50% in 4 hours.
Went to the laguna mountains in the middle of nowhere two days ago and it had edge network only. The battery lasted all day and night. The drive out there had H+ and edge in the middle of the cleavland nat forest.
If the atrix is searching for networks it uses battery like crazy.
Also tech support said there was no way to force edge connectivity on the atrix. There has been a code suggested here (I don't recall it now) that is supposed to do it but it is only for international use.
Vangelis13 said:
Download Green Power in the Market. Insane improvement. I've used it on my Nexus One (Atrix is coming tomorooow!! for a month now and I've gone 50-60% plus on duration.
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Another vote for green power. Worked wonders on my Cappy.
psymont said:
I have been running slacker and just web browsing for approx 1.5 hours and am down from 100% to 70%... This is after about four days of nightly charging. I am running green power too with no wifi managment. I have gps etc off. The battery analysis shows that the display is using 80% of the juice. Is any of this normal or is something wrong here?
Sent from my Atrix
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I have Green Power on "Managing wifi & mobile netwotk". Does wonders..
Where you browsing on Wlan or Mobile? If your signal isn't good enough it'll obviously eat the battery much faster.
battery life much better than EVO or Epic and EVEN the Droid X. Better than my cousin's iPhone 4 as well. Really great.
I have been using the mobile connection. Havent used gps or wifi. I do only have 2 bars in my house. Can low signal really account for this massive drain. Display still says over 80% use. Now I have been unplugged for 3 hours and I am down to 40%. This cant be right...
Sent from my Atrix
psymont said:
I have been using the mobile connection. Havent used gps or wifi. I do only have 2 bars in my house. Can low signal really account for this massive drain. Display still says over 80% use. Now I have been unplugged for 3 hours and I am down to 40%. This cant be right...
Sent from my Atrix
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Of course!! Your phone is constantly looking for stronger signal & you're browsing at the same time, that certainly accounts for big portion of your battery usage

less battery life with epic 4g compare to skyrocket?

Is there less battery life with epic 4g compare to skyrocket?
I dont see as much threads about battery issue vs the skyrocket
Ummmmm I don't think your talking about the right phone your looking for the Samsung Epic 4g Touch which is sprints variant of the SGSII which is what skyrocket is but on At&T
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
We own an? Epic touch 4g and the old epic 4g. The epic touch has much better battery than my epic 4g...by far.
Either compared to a skyrocket I can't. But the et4g gets an average of 15 hours and 3 hour screen on time. My epic 4g is struggling w 12 hours and 2 hour screen on time. The et4g always has more left.
stkiswr said:
We own an? Epic touch 4g and the old epic 4g. The epic touch has much better battery than my epic 4g...by far.
Either compared to a skyrocket I can't. But the et4g gets an average of 15 hours and 3 hour screen on time. My epic 4g is struggling w 12 hours and 2 hour screen on time. The et4g always has more left.
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Not so I have pushed 16 hours with 5 hours of display really 23 hours but 7-8 was when I was sleeping and the phone idled.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
You also have to consider the stock battery on the OG Epic 4G is 1500 mAh and on the ET4G, it is 1800 mAh (20% more). Now you can put the 1800 mAh battery in the OG Epic 4G and then do a battery comparison test between the OG Epic 4G and the ET4G.
I consitently get 3-4 hours screen on time and 24 hours overall. Sounds like you need to reflash that Epic. I get 5 hours display time and 30 hours overall with the E4GT battery in mine.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
If I'm on wifi that's no problem...my numbers were all 3g in sub par signal area. I could believe better if I was blanketed in nice green 3g coverage.
stkiswr said:
If I'm on wifi that's no problem...my numbers were all 3g in sub par signal area. I could believe better if I was blanketed in nice green 3g coverage.
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Yeah also remember the ET4G has a 20% bigger battery and is a lot newer than the Epic which I am sure has a worn battery.

Wifi vs lte battery life?

Any one else notice better battery life on lte vs wifi? I'm on 4.4.2 but it has always been like this since I got 4g where I live. On my wifi at home I get about 3 hours screen on time(I even have it set to turn wifi off when screen is off) , vs on 4g I'm getting about 5 to 6 hours screen on time
On lte I get anywhere between 5 to 15Mb down(depending on time of day) and wifi I get about 17Mb down, I know that doesn't matter just saying anyways
Been testing my battery life for weeks and wasn't using wifi when testing lte and vice versa except when the screen was off it would revert to lte, before I got 4g where I am battery life was horrible on 3g. Maybe 2 hours screen on time and my gs4 would get hot
Anyways just seems odd that lte is more efficient than wifi so I don't even use wifi unless Sprint is having network problems.
Thanks for reading my crap lol
Sent from my Sprint Galaxy S4
Ever since I've gotten reliable LTE at home I never turn on wifi. I only use wifi when I'm in a poor signal building. My battery has never been better since going LTE all the time.
well that baffles me
i thought LTE takes the most juice
i for one always get much longer battery use if im on wifi all day instead of LTE
SayWhat10 said:
well that baffles me
i thought LTE takes the most juice
i for one always get much longer battery use if im on wifi all day instead of LTE
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maybe its based on the signal quality
I get much better battery life on wifi, lte sucks some battery! you're getting 5-6hrs screen time on lte? stock battery? most I saw was a little over 5hrs on mostly wifi
Sent from my S4 using tapatalk
It has to do with your signal strength. A strong LTE signal is much better than a weak Wifi signal. Beyond that, the Wifi DTIM interval can theoretically have an effect on your battery life. If you have a router that allows you to change some advanced settings or are running DD-WRT or Tomato, you can try raising the DTIM interval to maybe 3 or 5m which should improve your Wifi battery life.
scott_0 said:
I get much better battery life on wifi, lte sucks some battery! you're getting 5-6hrs screen time on lte? stock battery? most I saw was a little over 5hrs on mostly wifi
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Stock battery, guess I got really good 4g signal where I'm at. Sucks cause I'm moving soon tho lol
Sent from my Sprint Galaxy S4
Ever since they starting attaching the lte unit to the motherboard, the battery life has gotten a lot better. Though signal does effect it, battery is usually better on lte then on wifi.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
