Investing in a phone for development - Desire HD General

Hi guys I'm a veteran game programmer who is venturing into Android development.
I am looking at getting an android phone for development test but also communication purposes (I don't have a smart phone atm)
I am torn between the SGS and the HDH, the sgs appears to have the better gpu, but the hdh has htc, so it will most probably get 3.0.
I am in Australia and there isn't a viable option for a nexus one.
What do you guys think? Just keep developing on the emulator until the HDH is released?

Desire HD features the new Adreno 205 GPU, which is basically on par with the SGS GPU (at least according to the first benchmarks).

phunkycow said:
Desire HD features the new Adreno 205 GPU, which is basically on par with the SGS GPU (at least according to the first benchmarks).
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Not entirely true, since it depends for which architecture/API the application was written.
@Milali: for compatibility's sake as well as for the potential of developing on a constantly evolving platform in a timely manner, I would definitely recommend the DHD.

adwinp said:
Not entirely true, since it depends for which architecture/API the application was written.
@Milali: for compatibility's sake as well as for the potential of developing on a constantly evolving platform in a timely manner, I would definitely recommend the DHD.
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+1. I would like to add that CPU\Ram on the DHD will be better than on G2, so benchmarks and general performance will take a boost. Anyway I would like to see how the SGS scores when it takes Froyo onboard, last but not least, at the moment a lot of game are optimized for the SGX difficult to see real power of DHD with actual software but I'm planning to take a DHD as soon as available in Italy

adwinp said:
Not entirely true, since it depends for which architecture/API the application was written.
@Milali: for compatibility's sake as well as for the potential of developing on a constantly evolving platform in a timely manner, I would definitely recommend the DHD.
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thanks guys, I'll just sit and wait for the DHD to be released. here is hoping Vodafone has decent coverage around Canberra!

i never had an Android phone yet, but i already have 5 apps. I've been using the emulator to develop my apps, but for 3d games you should develop on a phone because the emulator isn't that perfect for 3D games.

Milali said:
thanks guys, I'll just sit and wait for the DHD to be released. here is hoping Vodafone has decent coverage around Canberra!
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If i was a proper full time developer, i would purchase a nexus one and a flagship htc device...
Reason being you can test so much more on the nexus as its 100 percent unlocked and open to whatever code you would like to chuck at it
Then once completed you can find a way of porting what you have built to the desire HD, if it needs any porting at all;P
A Serious Dev's phone is a Nexus one


From nexus one to T-Mobile G2/HTC desire z.

I was thinking. About getting the new T-Mobile g2 when it comes out. Is it worth it to switch. I read that the new processor is even better the samsungs. Do you think. Its worth it?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Unless you want a keyboard, of course not.
It's 99% the same phone, but with a keyboard.
I would wait until Q1 of 2011 when the dual-core 1.2ghz phones come out. Or at least that is what I am doing.
I know there are alot of similarities but i keep hearing that the phone has better battery a faster processor, and faster speeds in HSPA+ also witha keyboard. since I mainly use it for texting i find it hard to find a reason especialy since sliders are rare in android unless your on Verizon.(Tmobile) to not get it aside form the fact that in 3-4 months there will be alot of better dual core phones.
metalhead8816 said:
I would wait until Q1 of 2011 when the dual-core 1.2ghz phones come out. Or at least that is what I am doing.
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I highly doubt dual cores will be out that quick. It would be nice tho
Paul: its actually a very different phone, scorpion processor with adreno 205, big improvement on snapdragon
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
I'd switch in a heartbeat if I had a job to pay for it, if the device is as open as our beloved N1, and if the 3G was triband. We didn't read the final spec sheet but IIRC the 3G is only dual-band, making it impossible for us Europeans to roam to the USA.
That's pretty sad for such an awesome HSPA+ phone. But maybe the spec sheet I found is wrong and the radio actually IS triband!
G0belet said:
I'd switch in a heartbeat if I had a job to pay for it, if the device is as open as our beloved N1, and if the 3G was triband. We didn't read the final spec sheet but IIRC the 3G is only dual-band, making it impossible for us Europeans to roam to the USA.
That's pretty sad for such an awesome HSPA+ phone. But maybe the spec sheet I found is wrong and the radio actually IS triband!
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more importantly, it doesn't have vanilla android because you get some seperate preinstalled apps like swype. So you won't get Android updates as early as Nexus One Users with stock android. This is a KO criteria for me. I want to get the updates first, as soon as google rolls them out, and not wait for tmobile to release them.
Why is it that vanilla Android cannot be installed on a TMo phone?
I'm getting one. Sexy phone. To me, at least.
The phone is not that close to a nexus, the g 2 will run much faster than the nexus with second gen chipset and supports faster speeds, better battery life, keyboard and handles flash better its def a decent upgrade and its sexy
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
metalhead8816 said:
I would wait until Q1 of 2011 when the dual-core 1.2ghz phones come out. Or at least that is what I am doing.
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Agreed. The specs are too close to the N1 to try to ride out for a year(I know I can't go two years with the same phone so I try to get something that won't leave me mad for more than 6 months as new hardware comes out.) 5mp camera? No sale. I'm waiting for a dual core, higher megapixels, HD out, 720p video and a coupon for a half-price on a hooker.
RellikZephyr said:
I highly doubt dual cores will be out that quick. It would be nice tho
Paul: its actually a very different phone, scorpion processor with adreno 205, big improvement on snapdragon
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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Mytouch HD is coming out this year and has dual snapdragon processors.
I want to see some benchmarks and reviews before getting the G2. The N1 is still a great phone.
I will be waiting for something that has specs like the rumored HD7.. dual core 1.2g processors and 4.3-4.5 inch screen and 1g of ram. When i see this I will make the switch
I would wait for reviews before upgrading. At least that's what I'm going to do.
I may hold out until after the myTouch HD comes out. Because I'm wondering how many other dual core will follow for TMobile. I'm thinking TMobile may not see any other nicer higher end phones than the G2 and myT HD until Fall of 2011.
Shahpur.Azizpour said:
more importantly, it doesn't have vanilla android because you get some seperate preinstalled apps like swype. So you won't get Android updates as early as Nexus One Users with stock android. This is a KO criteria for me. I want to get the updates first, as soon as google rolls them out, and not wait for tmobile to release them.
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Preinstalled Apps, such as Swype, run on top of Vanilla Android. There is a very small modification that we make to the framework to make Swype work properly, but this is not nearly the same as complete frameworks like TouchWiz or SenseUI. Those types of frameworks need to be heavily modified to maintain compatibility with each release. In many ways, it is the driver support that holds back rapid rollouts for different phones, Vanilla Android or not. If the kernel is a new version, those drivers need to be recompiled and perhaps rewritten, and those come from the OEMs and their suppliers.
Quantumstate said:
Why is it that vanilla Android cannot be installed on a TMo phone?
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What are you talking about?
G1, MyTouch 3G, MyTouch Slide, Nexus One, and HD2(these are the only ones off the top of my head) all have vanilla ported onto them.
The Nexus one, Mytouch 3g, and g1 have always had vanilla android.
Godammit, this is why I'm asking. If Cyanogenmod can be installed on these other phones, why is there so much crowing about how the N1 is special? WTF is it that makes the N1 better than the others, from a software perspective? This is what I am trying to find out, but nobody seems to actually know, in their conscious mind anyway.
Quantumstate said:
, this is why I'm asking. If Cyanogenmod can be installed on these other phones, why is there so much crowing about how the N1 is special? WTF is it that makes the N1 better than the others, from a software perspective? This is what I am trying to find out, but nobody seems to actually know, in their conscious mind anyway.
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if you'll notice, the majority of folks are not crowing about the nexus from a software perspective, or any android based phone for that matter... the big deal is (ok WAS) the hardware.
each time a new android based phone is released, people don't get excited about android version 2.x.x.x, they want the HARDWARE because in most cases if it ships android, it can run any version android. the hardware makes a huge difference.
see ?

What made the g2 so quickly unlockable

I recently read an article on the g2 where the hacking community has fully unlocked the g2 similar to what has been done to the g1 and nexus 1.
My question is, why have the g2, g1 and nexus 1 been fully unlocked and other android phones such as the desire, evo, etc and phones like the samsung vibrant/galaxy s haven't? What makes the g1/2, nexus 1 different? Looking at it from a purely superficial vantage point, I can see that
g1,g2, nexus 1 all have:
Close to stock ROM
All are made by HTC
Qualcomm processors
T mobile network
I doubt any of these similarities have anything to do with it being fully unlocked as HTC makes several android phones such as the evo with qualcomm processors. The vibrant is on the T mobile network which is not fully unlocked. That just leaves being close to Stock ROM. Can anyone give me a quick/brief answer on why these phones have been unlocked so quickly?
I ask this because my next phone will be a native android phone and I want to be able to manipulate my phone similar to what you can do with a nexus 1.
I would guess developer support.
jas0nw0ng said:
I recently read an article on the g2 where the hacking community has fully unlocked the g2 similar to what has been done to the g1 and nexus 1.
My question is, why have the g2, g1 and nexus 1 been fully unlocked and other android phones such as the desire, evo, etc and phones like the samsung vibrant/galaxy s haven't? What makes the g1/2, nexus 1 different? Looking at it from a purely superficial vantage point, I can see that
g1,g2, nexus 1 all have:
Close to stock ROM
All are made by HTC
Qualcomm processors
T mobile network
I doubt any of these similarities have anything to do with it being fully unlocked as HTC makes several android phones such as the evo with qualcomm processors. The vibrant is on the T mobile network which is not fully unlocked. That just leaves being close to Stock ROM. Can anyone give me a quick/brief answer on why these phones have been unlocked so quickly?
I ask this because my next phone will be a native android phone and I want to be able to manipulate my phone similar to what you can do with a nexus 1.
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first off i think it has to do with it being closely related to the nexus one, N1 being the benchmark developer phone. secondly, its a vanilla android handset, son to the godfather of android the G1, what other phone would you have fully unlocked? lastly, its probably due to the fact that it is by far, the best performing phone on the market ATM, with the semi stable 1.8 OC kernel and completely solid 1.5 oc kernel coupled with CM6.1. id also imagine that cyanogen has a little bit of say in it as he really pushed dev of CM6.1 to the g2 because of the hardware.
What exactly do you mean by fully unlocked? Vibrant is fully unlocked as well, AFAIK. Also, Desire HD, Desire Z & MT4G have the same protection as the G2. I'm sure they'll also be fully unlocked, just a matter of time, now that G2 is "fully unlocked".
jeallen0 said:
first off i think it has to do with it being closely related to the nexus one, N1 being the benchmark developer phone. secondly, its a vanilla android handset, son to the godfather of android the G1, what other phone would you have fully unlocked? lastly, its probably due to the fact that it is by far, the best performing phone on the market ATM, with the semi stable 1.8 OC kernel and completely solid 1.5 oc kernel coupled with CM6.1. id also imagine that cyanogen has a little bit of say in it as he really pushed dev of CM6.1 to the g2 because of the hardware.
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So how about a phone like the nexus s. That will be a vanilla android phone and is rumored to be one of the most powerful, but it will be immensely different than the nexus one as ther are using different parts because they are made by a different manufacturer
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
jas0nw0ng said:
So how about a phone like the nexus s. That will be a vanilla android phone and is rumored to be one of the most powerful, but it will be immensely different than the nexus one as ther are using different parts because they are made by a different manufacturer
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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the nexus s is supposedly gonna be the new dev phone, in which case, im sure that equally as much work will be put into hardware unlocking it as was put into the g1/n1/g2, but by more than likely different people familiar with samsung hardware, IE ppl that work on deving kernels and roms for the galaxy s phones.
theres really no way to tell as the nexus s isnt out yet... there isnt even a solid spec list for it.

So the real reason I ask this is I want to know which phones will be the most customizable and what will be updated quickest. a heuristic would be to stick close to stock phones and developer phones?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
jas0nw0ng said:
So the real reason I ask this is I want to know which phones will be the most customizable and what will be updated quickest. a heuristic would be to stick close to stock phones and developer phones?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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exactly... updated the quickest are going to be the N1... only to be surpassed by the Nexus S when it finally comes out. Due to cyanogens dedicated team of devs, you can be sure that his releases will incorporate the latest updates mere weeks after they are officially released. RIGHT NOW, i rate phones G2 then N1 due to the physical keyboard. once the nexus s hits the market theres no telling what will happen... that order might change, but it might not (if the NS flops)
jeallen0 said:
exactly... updated the quickest are going to be the N1... only to be surpassed by the Nexus S when it finally comes out. Due to cyanogens dedicated team of devs, you can be sure that his releases will incorporate the latest updates mere weeks after they are officially released. RIGHT NOW, i rate phones G2 then N1 due to the physical keyboard. once the nexus s hits the market theres no telling what will happen... that order might change, but it might not (if the NS flops)
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Cool. Thanks
jeallen0 said:
exactly... updated the quickest are going to be the N1... only to be surpassed by the Nexus S when it finally comes out. Due to cyanogens dedicated team of devs, you can be sure that his releases will incorporate the latest updates mere weeks after they are officially released. RIGHT NOW, i rate phones G2 then N1 due to the physical keyboard. once the nexus s hits the market theres no telling what will happen... that order might change, but it might not (if the NS flops)
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The Nexus S only has its name to go on. Being a Samsung, makes me think it will not do that well. I will give Samsung credit for making great LCDs and the Hummingbird processor isnt bad either but the housing and Samsung software will not help things. It wont do as well as the HTC Nexus, imo. But rumors of a dual core processor included in this unit might give it an edge it needs. Why Google went with Samsung is beyond my understanding, still...
Another thing... I dont think the G2 was unlocked quickly at all. it took alot of time and effort. the only phones that remain to be unlocked are motorolas. they seem to just have things locked up more tightly than even the dreaded HTC NAND lock...
sino8r said:
The Nexus S only has its name to go on. Being a Samsung, makes me think it will not do that well. I will give Samsung credit for making great LCDs and the Hummingbird processor isnt bad either but the housing and Samsung software will not help things. It wont do as well as the HTC Nexus, imo. But rumors of a dual core processor included in this unit might give it an edge it needs. Why Google went with Samsung is beyond my understanding, still...
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i agree about how much of a completely WRONG decision it was to go with samsung for the next nexus... doesnt matter to me how fast or nice or current the phone is, i WILL NOT be purchasing one, mainly due to the shoddy build quality of the phones. i handle alot of samsung phones on a daily basis and the plastic housing is total garbage... gotta correct you though, the nexus s will be a vanilla gingy handset, so no crappy, bogged down, bloated to **** samsung software.
id rather flush my monies down the toilet than give it to samsung for an android phone(or just keep it in my pocket).
sino8r said:
The Nexus S only has its name to go on. Being a Samsung, makes me think it will not do that well. I will give Samsung credit for making great LCDs and the Hummingbird processor isnt bad either but the housing and Samsung software will not help things. It wont do as well as the HTC Nexus, imo. But rumors of a dual core processor included in this unit might give it an edge it needs. Why Google went with Samsung is beyond my understanding, still...
Another thing... I dont think the G2 was unlocked quickly at all. it took alot of time and effort. the only phones that remain to be unlocked are motorolas. they seem to just have things locked up more tightly than even the dreaded HTC NAND lock...
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When I used the term unlocked, I mean hardware unlocked with the Radio-S OFF. According to the article on android central, this goes beyond just flashing ROMs. I am not aware of any of the non htc android phones that have been unlocked as far these htc ones.
ostinq said:
I would guess developer support.
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Superfrag said:
What exactly do you mean by fully unlocked? Vibrant is fully unlocked as well, AFAIK. Also, Desire HD, Desire Z & MT4G have the same protection as the G2. I'm sure they'll also be fully unlocked, just a matter of time, now that G2 is "fully unlocked".
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As far as I'm aware the Vibrant doesn't have radio S-OFF, which the G2/DZ do.
The degree of breaking in is directly related to the degree of effort that THEY put in to LOCKING YOU OUT.
DREAM and GN1 came in a configuration INTENTIONALLY trivial to work with (at least in the case of ADP1), and wasn't all that difficult to clone ADP1 to the locked out units sold by tmobile.
As a result, there wasn't much NEED to work on them in order to break in further. They were good enough, and good enough was... good enough.
With Vision though, the problem is that you couldn't do ANYTHING without significantly interfering with it, including CARRIER UNLOCK, which wouldn't just FAIL, but actually BREAK the thing.
And so THESE two things were focused on.... and once one was defeated (write protect disabled)... well I'm not going to say that it was EASY from there, but one thing naturally led to the next and all the pieces fell into place.... here you go, OWNED!
jas0nw0ng said:
from a purely superficial vantage point, I can see that
g1,g2, nexus 1 all have:
Close to stock ROM
All are made by HTC
Qualcomm processors
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Dream and GN1 are far more similar to each other than either is to Vision. The big difference is the use of NAND vs eMMC for storage. eMMC is a much more sophisticated storage system that has kind of has a mind of its own... so not only do you have to hack the phone, you have to hack the storage as well.
T mobile network
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You mean GSM? Because NONE of these phones have any particular ties to any particular service provider.. In fact, GN1 was NEVER EVEN SOLD BY TMOBILE AT ALL!!!
Not that this is in ANY way even REMOTELY relevant.
Superfrag said:
What exactly do you mean by fully unlocked? Vibrant is fully unlocked as well, AFAIK.
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Also, Desire HD, Desire Z & MT4G have the same protection as the G2. I'm sure they'll also be fully unlocked, just a matter of time, now that G2 is "fully unlocked".
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Virtually identical, and no, it is NOT a matter of time, they ARE, and WERE the moment the VISION was.
I doubt it has anything to do with tmobile as dhkr123 said, they probably just build the most recent batch of phones (desire hd/z g2 etc) with the same security measures so once one was freed, they all were! I don't think they were made this easy to root on purpose, just happened that way! I'm sure htc doesn't mind so much, means more sales in the long run, and perhaps a few extra bricked phones they have to replace... A bit off topic, but MS's kinect got "hacked" recently and they sales jumped when people saw 3d videos etc being made, and then MS had a press release basically saying they were hoping people would plug it into their pc's and develop, it's all on engadget somewhere
The nexus 1 & nexus s are unlocked. You just have to use adb with unlock command. Thats why the n1 was unlocked so fast. I dont get why you guys bash Samsung phones so much. They have the best hardware and there build quality is 100x better then htc. Thats why Google went with Samsung. I have never read a thread in any of the galaxy s forums about poor build quality. HTC cant even get a screen to stick in place let alone build a phone thats competitive. They finally have a competitive cpu (if its overclocked to 1.9 ghz) and everyone else is releasing duel core cpus. You wont see a HTC with a duel core snapdragon till late 2011 and it still wont benchmark higher then Samsung orion duel core cpu with quad core gpu that will be released q4 2010 or q1 2011. The only bad thing about Samsung is there software but the nexus s will be stock android so its a win win.
shep211 said:
The nexus 1 & nexus s are unlocked. You just have to use adb with unlock command. Thats why the n1 was unlocked so fast. I dont get why you guys bash Samsung phones so much. They have the best hardware and there build quality is 100x better then htc. Thats why Google went with Samsung. I have never read a thread in any of the galaxy s forums about poor build quality. HTC cant even get a screen to stick in place let alone build a phone thats competitive. They finally have a competitive cpu (if its overclocked to 1.9 ghz) and everyone else is releasing duel core cpus. You wont see a HTC with a duel core snapdragon till late 2011 and it still wont benchmark higher then Samsung orion duel core cpu with quad core gpu that will be released q4 2010 or q1 2011. The only bad thing about Samsung is there software but the nexus s will be stock android so its a win win.
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neither the g1, nexus 1, nor will the nexus s be radio s-off.
not even the android development phones have unlocked radios. radio s-off != hboot s-off != subsidy unlock.
fyi, the 800mhz snapdragon outperforms the 1ghz hummingbird in samsungs in all but direct gpu performance, and superlcd vastly outperforms amoled in terms of color fidelity and pixel density.

Bad News for Archos - Update on Honeycomb (unconfirmed)
Not confirmed but.. still bad news..(at least for the long term as I suspect if the requirements are this high it will be a long time before developers develop specifically to that platform)
I have to say, I would be very surprised if that were the case. There is so much information flying around at the moment, I refuse to believe anything until it's confirmed.
Having the specs too high when so many people are converting to Android would be counter productive and risks splitting their market base. Not everyone (in fact, I would say fairly few) is able or willing to upgrade their phone and it's hardware every year in order to keep up with software.
Well, I say: let's cross the Honeycomb bridge after paying a visit to the Gingerbread man
I think Gingerbread will make this a much better alrounder than it already is. I have a feeling honeycomb will have the "Windows Vista" effect and then they'll start streamlining the programming again, without the fluff... Giving us the Android equivalent of Win7, but that's my opinion only
I have to admit that when I read this yesterday I was a bit disappointed. If this is in fact the case I will be highly upset due to the fact the honeycomb is supposedly the more "tablet specific" OS so lets hope that this is not the case
I 100% agree... It would be foolish for Google to introduce what would be a new platform and not build on what market penetration they have already with the phones (in other words they need to pull a play from Apple's playbook)
Why I dont believe this is true:
If the tablet comes in with minimums that are higher then the fastest supported phone platform OR the API changes enough that current apps break or future application development changes significantly it will be a very long adoption process. If the prices is the same or higher than the iPAD it will be a huge failure in the short term.
Dont get me wrong I love to see higher specs and newer more robust APIs as the experience will be much better for the consumer but reality is people buy these type of devices based on the number of apps that run on them. As you can see Apple kept to this strategy and has had record sales of their iPAD and will continue to... This approach with the lead unfortunately will be very difficult to overcomb - especially for the masses (us geeks are a different story but success of products depend on the masses not us geeks)
PLUS if they do change the API why havnt they released it to developers.. There is always a ramp up. Take Microsoft for example there is no larger community then the .Net developer community --- and only 5000 apps in all these weeks?
So again, why I dont believe its true:
Very Risky Option --- . Companies like to show huge profits and like less risk.. Apple has achieved a great balance with their phone/tablet products.
But this is Google (Young, Hip, Has a huge stash of cash, arrogant, etc.) ... So see below:
Events that leads me to believe that this IS true:
1. Google doesn't officially allow any tablets to access market place. "Current platform not optimized for tablet use" --- this BS as we can all see. The APIs fully support tablets with 2.2.
2. GalaxyTab released with Market ONLY for Cell model - WIFI only model delayed --- Why delayed?? NO reason technically. No work on WIFI model.. Hmmmm
2.5 Samsung announces v2 of the Galaxy will be Tegra based. (just added)
3. Who from the competitive companies (Toshiba, Vizio, Motorola, MSI, Acer, Asus, etc.) who have announced a new tablet coming in 2011, announce that their platform of choice IS NOT Tegra based?? Who who??? I haven't seen anyone. Why? - No one else has a dual core ready.
4. All Tegra based tablets have 512 meg ram --- Hmmm why? Its unnecessary for the platform (all you linux heads know what I mean). I see this as a nice to have. And for those you screaming that this is why the Archos is limited/poor performing -- use the iPAD.. It's interface/applications scream speed and the iPAD only has 256 Meg of ram (and guess what its using a Linux Kernel)
5. Tegra 2 is dual core ---- See 4..
6. Hush hush... Doesn't make sense why Google who "is an open source company" would keep the minimum specs/sdetails on this build so secretive... No leaks from vendors either... Nothing... I have more information on the iPAD 2 than Honeycomb.
7. New companies eLocity, etc. are coming out of the gate using an expensive chip as their first run??? Profit Profit Prof it is key to any new company.. If it would work on a lesser chip they would gone there first..
Simple fun to speculate either way though..
d31b0y said:
I have to say, I would be very surprised if that were the case. There is so much information flying around at the moment, I refuse to believe anything until it's confirmed.
Having the specs too high when so many people are converting to Android would be counter productive and risks splitting their market base. Not everyone (in fact, I would say fairly few) is able or willing to upgrade their phone and it's hardware every year in order to keep up with software.
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As long as we're able to eventually root the device and get a custom ROM installed I wouldn't worry about it. I had a G1 prior to my Nexus One phone. Installing Cyanogenmod on the G1 made the phone much more usable then the vanilla ROM that it came with. The custom ROM guys love to backport the newer stuff for older devices.
No minimums?
That's GingerBread, not Honeycomb.
Asus just demoed their EEPad guess what? Honeycomb tablet NOT running Tegra 2... Dont fret though.... Its using the Qualcom dual core processor... (Note the dual core processor)... Its out in June at 499..
This bothers me due to the fact that I just returned the GTab (the screen is terrible) and should have my 70 tab tomorrow or Thursday, wtf.
Sent from a Fresh Evo
See it this way... with the 70 you will have many many many many months of enjoyment before you are forced to upgrade. Even if Honeycomb comes out tomorrow I highly doubt there will be any proprietary/optimized applications for the OS. You wont see Honeycomb optimized applications till the 3rd or 4 quarter and applications will not use the dual core probably till later next year (though since the applications run through a JVM is is conceivable the JVM will have the added benefit of brining true multi threading without the developer needing to know how to implement the multi-threading)
Net net is... I still think the GTablet/Archos line of products are short term fixes for a need... the long term fix comes 2nd half when all tablets are out the market.. next year until we get hardware that is at a reasonable price.
Not for nothing if they come in at or around the 500 or 600 mark... Why wouldn't I get a IPAD 2(talking from my wifes point of view)?
hough77 said:
This bothers me due to the fact that I just returned the GTab (the screen is terrible) and should have my 70 tab tomorrow or Thursday, wtf.
Sent from a Fresh Evo
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stanglx said:
See it this way... with the 70 you will have many many many many months of enjoyment before you are forced to upgrade. Even if Honeycomb comes out tomorrow I highly doubt there will be any proprietary/optimized applications for the OS. You wont see Honeycomb optimized applications till the 3rd or 4 quarter and applications will not use the dual core probably till later next year (though since the applications run through a JVM is is conceivable the JVM will have the added benefit of brining true multi threading without the developer needing to know how to implement the multi-threading)
Net net is... I still think the GTablet/Archos line of products are short term fixes for a need... the long term fix comes 2nd half when all tablets are out the market.. next year until we get hardware that is at a reasonable price.
Not for nothing if they come in at or around the 500 or 600 mark... Why wouldn't I get a IPAD 2(talking from my wifes point of view)?
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Indeed, thanx for the positive outlook, it will be a fun toy, and its not hard on check book either! Like it will be the last tab I ever buy or something.
sent from a rooted EVO running Fresh Rom
Well... after seeing some of the demos and the units which have Honeycomb I can honestly say with some level of confidence that
1. HoneyComb will most certainly be a tablet only OS - I think this is a horrible approach. This will just splinter the development with Phones always having the priority as there are more of them. Apple did it right having the base OS the same and leaving the difference up to the developers on which form factor to target for their app (Microsoft is doing the same if you have ever developed on the new mobile,desktop or gaming platform you know what I mean)
2. It will most certainly require dual core. Everything is a dual core even the EEPAD (not tegra based) that has been talked about that will run Honeycomb...
Positive is Archos will drop in price in a few weeks once pre-orders start for these devices...
Now I want to see what move apple makes... (they will most certainly wait to hear HoneyComb release date and some prices)..
ASUS Eee Pad MeMO:
•BXL Qualcomm Snapdragon 8260 1.2Ghz
Motorola XOOM with no Button (back, home, menu, ect..)
All kind nearly with our cheap Archos... nothing to worry about Honeycomb... just how long they do ^_^
Not so bad now.
I just read on n-tv that a google developer said there will be no hard requirements like screen sizes or cpu cores for Android 3.0.
Thing is, with only 256 MiByte of Ram the Archos will most likely have to be modded to run it. Like adding swap space and overclock.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
It will install.. but will it run... I can install Windows Vista on an old 386... takes 2 days to install... but it boots.. and "technical runs"
Kashban said:
Not so bad now.
I just read on n-tv that a google developer said there will be no hard requirements like screen sizes or cpu cores for Android 3.0.
Thing is, with only 256 MiByte of Ram the Archos will most likely have to be modded to run it. Like adding swap space and overclock.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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as predicted, total BS!/morrildl/status/22845294886518785
#dejavu Random note: there's no hard minimum processor requirement for Honeycomb. Trust me, if there were I'd know.
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See this -->
czesiu said:
as predicted, total BS!/morrildl/status/22845294886518785
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stanglx said:
It will install.. but will it run... I can install Windows Vista on an old 386... takes 2 days to install... but it boots.. and "technical runs"
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Actually, you can't do that. There are hard minimums for supported architecture.
JasonOT said:
Actually, you can't do that. There are hard minimums for supported architecture.
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burn. just saying.

New phone

Hello guys.
It has been a very nice year for me here in this forum but would like to move on with a new phone which i'm planing to buy in july.
I am realy into the arc or sensation, so if anyone has an oppinion or a suggestion to me please be comfortable to say it.
Samsung galaxy s2 is the best and most powerful android phone to date..
The arc is already outdated and in a few months will be unable to run many apps and games
Samsu galaxy s2 its one of the best phone out yet dual core by the way its a real iphone killer lol or you can wait till then to see whats new in july ;p
Sent from my X10i using XDA Premium App
End of q2 this is out i think. Im saving my pennies.....
Running WB cm 6.1.3 V061 modded and themed by me
Lg optimus g2 is the best ive seen so far super fast.
fiscidtox said:
Samsung galaxy s2 is the best and most powerful android phone to date..
The arc is already outdated and in a few months will be unable to run many apps and games
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Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Motorolla ATRIX!
nVidia GPU and Dual Core CPU along with 16gb inbuilt memory
An how about the sensation??
And is the evo 3d unlocked or for certain providers only ??
fiscidtox said:
Samsung galaxy s2 is the best and most powerful android phone to date..
The arc is already outdated and in a few months will be unable to run many apps and games
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I HIGHLY doubt it won't be able to run many apps
pngface said:
I HIGHLY doubt it won't be able to run many apps
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just wait.....
A lot of stuff is going towards either dual core or cortex.... (or both, tegra 2)
I will personally GUARANTEE that if you get an arc, it will be outdated shortly
fiscidtox said:
just wait.....
A lot of stuff is going towards either dual core or cortex.... (or both, tegra 2)
I will personally GUARANTEE that if you get an arc, it will be outdated shortly
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Kindly provide some examples of 'a lot of stuff'.
As for saying the arc will be outdated, that is pretty simplistic mate. It will only be considered outdated by a small minority of power users, if it does what you need it to then specs mean little.
How exactly will you personally guarantee anything?
Lord Takyon said:
Kindly provide some examples of 'a lot of stuff'.
As for saying the arc will be outdated, that is pretty simplistic mate. It will only be considered outdated by a small minority of power users, if it does what you need it to then specs mean little.
How exactly will you personally guarantee anything?
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I'm an electrical engineer and I do pay attention to where technology is going, as that is sort of my job.
You don't have to listen, like I said, just wait and see.
Many games/apps will be being developed that are dual core and/or cortex only...


XDA features such a good news for those of us who own SGS as their main phone and still believe in its power.
For those who know little about this phone, it features a single-core ARMv7 processor (codenamed Snapdragon S2). Although it's sporting as little as 512MB RAM and a 1GHz clock, it can run ICS out of the box.
Maybe some good devs could look under its hood and discover the secret of its stability? I know, it's a pretty different device but the point is, it's a mid-range device featuring the latest OS from google (plus Sensev4 and Beats), while our phone, which probably is better than this, will not EVER.
I hope this thread can stay up front, so that some strong willed dev can read about this. Also, everyone feel free to post your impressions.
For what is this thread
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk
Ummmm..... really? no thanks
1) Beat is ****. It's just an equalizer.
2) Sense is ****.
3) We are already running ICS
snapper.fishes said:
1) Beat is ****. It's just an equalizer.
2) Sense is ****.
3) We are already running ICS
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4) 10 same Threads like this one every day spams XDA
5) -.-
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
shatteringlass said:
XDA features such a good news for those of us who own SGS as their main phone and still believe in its power.
For those who know little about this phone, it features a single-core ARMv7 processor (codenamed Snapdragon S2). Although it's sporting as little as 512MB RAM and a 1GHz clock, it can run ICS out of the box.
Maybe some good devs could look under its hood and discover the secret of its stability? I know, it's a pretty different device but the point is, it's a mid-range device featuring the latest OS from google (plus Sensev4 and Beats), while our phone, which probably is better than this, will not EVER.
I hope this thread can stay up front, so that some strong willed dev can read about this. Also, everyone feel free to post your impressions.
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It looks like all previous posters misunderstood the OP. And it looks like the OP misunderstood Samsung.
When Samsung said that the Galaxy S wouldn't be receiving ICS because of hardware limitations, what they really meant was that they didn't want to spend the time and money on supporting a device that no longer makes them any money (really, how many people are buying a GS over a GS2?). We obviously already know that ICS can run just fine on our phones, hence the multitude of ICS ROMS available. Samsung just doesn't want to waste the money on a nearly 2 year old device.
upichie said:
It looks like all previous posters misunderstood the OP. And it looks like the OP misunderstood Samsung.
When Samsung said that the Galaxy S wouldn't be receiving ICS because of hardware limitations, what they really meant was that they didn't want to spend the time and money on supporting a device that no longer makes them any money (really, how many people are buying a GS over a GS2?). We obviously already know that ICS can run just fine on our phones, hence the multitude of ICS ROMS available. Samsung just doesn't want to waste the money on a nearly 2 year old device.
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Everyone knows that!
Samsung's support via e-mail stated that they won't implement TW4 on the Galaxy S due to hardware limitations...... Almost 12 months later... no ICS & unhappy users..... New ValuePack......JVU..... JW4!!=========>>>>> 99% Lag FREE TW4!!!
XDA Dev(s) proves that the SGS is more than capable of running a fully featured SGS2 ROM (excluds fancy panning features due to a lack of gyo sensor).
