[Q]How to build a custom rom from Open Source? - Epic 4G General

if there is a way to build custom roms(completely usable) from samsung's open source?

wooooooo thats a loaded question.
In short - not really the only thing that is "open" is the kernel and whats left of Android it self....
The rest of the OS has been haggard up by touchwiz and is closed source.

This is essentially what the CyanogenMod project is.


[Q] Question about the need for sources...

Hey guys,
As a software developer myself I feel a bit embarrassed that I need to ask this, but I really can't think of the answer myself. Here goes:
Why do we always need the latest sources from Samsung to be able to build an AOSP rom?
The way I see it, unless the kernel's internal APIs that Samsung's device drivers use have changed dramatically between, say, Froyo and Gingerbread, wouldn't it be possible to simply check out AOSP, paste the driver source files from Froyo into the appropriate folder in the kernel tree, and compile? Even if the kernel's internal APIs have changed a bit, they would be minor and well documented changes, so it should only be a moderately difficult task to fix the Froyo sources to work with Gingerbread. Sure, the drivers would still be "Froyo quality," but they seem to work pretty well to me. I'd be happy with a Gingerbread AOSP build w/ Froyo drivers.
It's kind of like what VMWare's tools do in a Linux guest OS - if you update your distro's kernel, the ABI is broken and you just recompile the modules. Same VMWare source code, different kernel, but it works.

ICS - Question about how useful source is?

SO now that the source for ICS is out I have a question. Please excuse my ignorance as I am still trying to learn a few things.
The main question is if a kernel can be made for the note directly from the source and then the current modem files be flashed to it to make it work or do we have to wait for Samsung to release a version built of the source with custom drivers. I guess I am just not sure if the source contains drivers for some hardware or if it is all custom added on top of the rom.


Anyone know where AOSP jfltexx device,kernel, and vendor tree is
AOSP is open source program, ex Cyanogen now Lineage/Resurrection remix/Octo and few more are based on AOSP... There is no way to download device/kernel and whatelse from their site... Its all about source codes/porting... its complicated...
Be more specific, what do you want with your jfltexx?

Android 11

Will the developers port Android 11 (AOSP) to the Galaxy A205G?: D: D
Well, they did already. Just go to this page and pick this file
That should fit in your system partition.
At the moment only GSI's are available - They aren't stable. Someone mentioned that they are building the device tree for the A20 (not sure how true this is) - from there they will start making custom AOSP ROM's for the device.

Noob question about compiling AOSP from source

I want to learn more about Android kernel development so I'm trying to compile AOSP (Android 7) from source for my Nexus 7. I have prior experience doing Linux kernel development but the real hurdle for me is the Android build environment.
I have checked out android-7.1.2_r39 with the proprietary blobs for Nexus 7 and I've made it to the point where I need to choose a target.
However because I'm trying to compile Android 7, `full_grouper-userdebug` does not show up on the build target list when running `lunch`.
Is it enough to grab the /device/asus/grouper directory from a tree where it is included and add that to my AOSP tree or is there something else I need to do to compile Android 7 for this device?
