[Q] network connection problem with all builds - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

I've tried a lot of builds from this forum (thanks to everyone who worked on them) but i noticed the following issue which i really can't understand why its happening.
the network connection does not work in all locations. i'd assume its a problem of the operator but.. if i reboot to windows mobile it works fine. i always experience the problem in the same locations (usually out of town) while when in town it works fine.
why does this happen? why is windows mobile different?
p.s i'm using the 2.12 radio.

try to set "aiplane mode" on and off... your network connection must be work.....
It's some problem for me..

same here. i've tried a plethora of builds and a couple of radios, but some builds have connections that work well and others work intermittently at best.
i have only been running an full nrg rom, but then everyone always yells that windows isn't running underneath anyways

+1 tried 2 builds and about 5 different radios... Phone with no data connection is a bit poor
Have you guys tried all the possible on/offs in windows before you boot through?

make sure data roaming is on, and GSM/WCDMA switch is auto.
then turn on airplane mode, and switch back.

unfortunately i tried all of that. mainly i even tried rebooting the phone in windows, checking that network works, then rebooting again and starting android (just to make sure it wasnt affected by wm) and trying to get a network connection but still.
its puzzling cause this doesnt seem like an instability its more of an inability to get a connection when the signal is low or in areas that possibly run a slightly different kind of mobile network broadcast? (i'm not really familiar with how the network works..)

found the solution on this end. I am in France, so needed to modify the last couple of lines in /system/build.prop to point not to google (I assume), but to the local operator DNS.
Great stuff guys, I'm amazed!!

that could be it. how do i change build.prop from within android?

I am very curious to which lines you changed, and where you exactally changed them to. Please share, this been buggin me for weeks.

mine problem is my 3G network connection is very slow..... someone know how to solve this problem? i'm using radio v2.14 before & now v2.15 seems like same problem...

I changed the build.prop using builddroid: Install, connect phone in android in usb debugging mode, change the build.prop and transfer the changes onto the phone and reboot.
Here the last few lines of the build.prop I'm using. The dns's are provider specific...
Hope this works for you too

Thanks for the share , im in school right now, so im gonna try as soon as i have a window of time ty in advanced

Could you tell me where you find that dns ip?
The only ip I could found was this:
But I highly doubt that its correct, because its so diffrent from yours, also my 3G didn't work with this one.
If you could help, would be great.


HSDPA, will donate for help!!

Hi guys, i know this is a common problem amongst some of us, there are several threads discussing the connection drops but please there must be someone out there who knows something about it.
Basically with HSDPA enabled, the connection will last a random period of time before disconnecting by itself and displaying: cannot connect for an unknown reason.
When HSDPA is turned off, only 3G is used, although this works fine, it is fairly slower.
I am on T-Mobile UK, I have phoned their technical support, we have established it is not the sim card but the phone itself and have tried a variety of steps to solve this, for example receiving band settings for WCDMA, this has not fixed the problem.
I have tried changing the username and password combinations and have tried every combination of every advanced network option. I have used the T-Mobile stock rom 1.43, official HTC ROM 1.66, duttys hg, energyROM, artemis 5.0 and artemis 5.5 (would recommend btw) using MTTY before every flash, and every single different radio combination.
Myself, and many people here would be very grateful for any help posted.
Thanks in advance
Why don't you try Settings > Connections > Advanced network > GPRS tab > change from PAP to CHAP.. and reset... or viceversa.. that helped for me..
Thanks for the post, i've tried all that i've tried all advanced settings, at most they last for a day or so but after a while the connection dropouts seem to worsen
Ok ive just gotten off the phone for the third time with the technical support
basically what they've said is that the hsdpa WILL disconnect because the mobile towers simply can't handle the traffic.
He said in his honest opinion I should disable it because it simply won't work well and there is no fix.
Taking the piss juuuuust a little bit
Mine on t-mobile uk will show H, but usually drop down to 3G. It won't give me an error when it drops down though.
It sounds like its not transferring from H to 3G.
To be honest, i was unaware t-mobile ran HSDPA till I got my HD2 (never showed on my BB).
mine switches between 3G and H too, this happens when the connection is being used (for example loading a web page) when the job is finished (page has finished loading) it turns back to 3G right?
are you saying that your connection never disconnects?
may i ask which radio and rom you are using?
For my personal experience, I have for over a month, on versions 1.48, 1.66 by HTC, artemis versions, versions of other French chefs. had no problems,
Login Exchange push 24/24 without any cuts, I solicited the network with opera I passed automatically 3g H, and since February it to completely fall with the problems that everyone encounters (lost connection for several minutes , unable to connect to 3G without hard reset)
to remove the sim chip, I try with another chip of the same operator, another chip from another operator, the problem is still there.
For several days I have also continued a Touch HD, it faces no problems, no problems in connection 24/24.
In short, impossible to challenge any operator, any base station, any sim card.
It is then that the problem come from HD2:
-Software: We all try every combination of rom and radio rom possible.
It is the hardware, maybe the chip integrated into a concern for design, manufacturing concerns on some series, may be dysfunctional due to incompatibilitée between several chips of the phone, short, HTC should look into the problem.
cgrec92 said:
mine switches between 3G and H too, this happens when the connection is being used (for example loading a web page) when the job is finished (page has finished loading) it turns back to 3G right?
are you saying that your connection never disconnects?
may i ask which radio and rom you are using?
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correct, it never disconnects.
It will switch seemlessly between them, when using or not using.
same one it came with. O2 HD2.
ROM (70315) WWE
I've also been struggling with this problem ever since I got my HD2 three weeks ago. However it seems like only a few people experience this.
My case is exactly like cgrec92 described. I'm on a 3.5G network in Denmark (3 Mobile), the phone shows the 3G connection at all times. When things do work and I use Opera/weather/Twitter/email etc, the symbol changes to H and I know the data connection is functioning. I can be using this for a whole hour without any problems.
However, if I put the phone down for a while and then pick it up again to use one of its data services, very often it does not connect to 3.5G (or H) anymore. It will still show the 3G icon on the screen, but there's no data connection. Then I go to Connection Manager and I can see that data connection shows as Off - and after a few seconds it goes back to On by itself That does not mean the problem is solved, as the phone still fails to establish any data connection. What I need to do then is manually turn off data connection and re-enable it again, which makes the 3G symbol immediately change to H. Then everything starts working again - until the next time it stops working...
I contacted the HTC customer service and they said it might be a driver-related issue, recommended a hard reset. I did that and for a few hours I thought it solved the problem, but no, data connection still disconnects by itself.
I spoke to 3 Mobile's technical service and they told me to update my software, which I had already done previously (I'm running stock 1.66 ROM Danish). They also said they never received any such complains about the HD2.
Like cgrec92 I've also played with all kinds of network/band settings, but it did not make any difference.
One question: isn't the phone supposed to automatically connect via EDGE when it cannot connect via HSDPA? Because in my case it will only establish data connection via H, never EDGE.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
My take on this FWIW
It's not the phone!
It's the radio ROM installed.
I live in an an area where T-mobile say I can't get HSDPA.
However, I know that I can. How? Because 3 network uses the same local cell and transmitter as T-mobile and their signal will rip your eyes out!!!!!!!!!
All information obtained from a good friend of mine who works for BT, who, service manage the cells for the networks.
Plus, in this location, the cell traffic is then handled by BTs digiatal backbone which takes it who knows where after that.
So I have a very isolated situation in which I know there is a decent HSDPA signal, but I have had trouble with drop outs on my two previous phones (Nokis 5800 and HTC Touch Diamond 2) and originally on my two T-mobile mobile broadband feeds using Huawei E220 cell network modems.
All fixed when I finally found the right Radio and flashed it on the phones and unlocked and flashed the latest modem firmware.
My broadband connections are always on and never drop out and my HSDPA signal on my HD2 is through the roof!
To further emphasise the point all the equipment is used (when home based) behind solar glass which is notorious for blocking mobile phone signals.
Land on the best one and you will get incresed battery life as well.
Bottom line is try the latest radios ( in my case) and I think you may be surprised at the results.
Current result of speed test 09.31 hours
3 minutes later
I have the same problem with the connection dropping. What I did to make it work was to disable HDSPA and putting GPRS to CHAP instead of PAP, and so far I have no problems at all
Thanks for the reply and tips. I also did the same earlier today, except that I did not change PAP to CHAP :O. I was waiting until tomorrow before I posted any results, but I gotta say so far the connection has been stable just like yours.
I also called HTC's customer service in Denmark and the fellow I spoke to was very helpful but he said he has never heard about such problems. He sent me updated network settings via sms, but it did not fix the problem.
I mean, only some users around the world suffer from this problem, right? So what is it that's wrong with our devices? Is it a production fault? If I exchange my phone for a brand new one maybe I won't be unlucky again? When 3 DK finally told you the problem was unfixable, did they mention other users with the same issue? Did they ever offer to replace your phone?
DORMIU said:
Thanks for the reply and tips. I also did the same earlier today, except that I did not change PAP to CHAP :O. I was waiting until tomorrow before I posted any results, but I gotta say so far the connection has been stable just like yours.
I also called HTC's customer service in Denmark and the fellow I spoke to was very helpful but he said he has never heard about such problems. He sent me updated network settings via sms, but it did not fix the problem.
I mean, only some users around the world suffer from this problem, right? So what is it that's wrong with our devices? Is it a production fault? If I exchange my phone for a brand new one maybe I won't be unlucky again? When 3 DK finally told you the problem was unfixable, did they mention other users with the same issue? Did they ever offer to replace your phone?
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It's your radio!
But, I think I did say that in a previous post.
You had a helpful fellow who sent you updated settings?
And he thought that was going to fix your problem?
That was helpful!
It's your radio!
The technicalities are beyond a customer assistant at the end of a phone. They work from a script.
I'll send you the settings.
Have you done this?
Have you done that ?
Never heard of anyone else with your problem!
It's your radio!
T-mobile uses PAP protocol (at least they do here in the UK) and it's a handshake protocol so changing that won't really do anything to the signal definition.
You have it or you don't.
It's your radio!
There is no "production fault".
You are not "lucky" or "unlucky".
You are in an area where you will suffer from this because of the ???????
I think I have made my point.
If it turns out that you don't have a radio issue then please feel free to admonish me.
Until then----------
It's your radio!
well I don't mean to sound rude but do you SERIOUSLY think we haven't tried that? ive tried every possible radio available here and every different rom, so excuse us for trying new things.im glad your not having any troubles yourself because it is really annoying
perhaps you could post us your rom and radio?
I don't suppose you could post us your settings in advanced network?
did you use the connection setup?
thanks for your help
Yes, I was about to mention something similar. I haven't tried combining different ROMS & Radios myself, but I know people like cgrec92 who have with no good results.
And if it is the radio, then every 3 Denmark user like me would be experiencing the same problem, correct? I don't think that's the case. Actually when you read the forums you will find users from different countries with this problem, and they/we are not the only ones with a certain combination of ROM/Radio.
So yes, by disabling HDSPA I finally managed to have a stable data connection (but no 3.5G, obviously). At this point no one seems to know the cause of this issue, but I suppose it's naive to expect a future ROM to solve it, after all it's not a widespread problem. Is HTC even working on it? Are we sure it's not our devices that are faulty?
I honestly have no idea, but I cannot just accept this problem and live with it after all the money I put into this phone. That's why I brought up the possibility of having it exchanged for a brand new one in hopes that it will not have this problem.
Any ideas?
cgrec92 said:
well I don't mean to sound rude but do you SERIOUSLY think we haven't tried that? ive tried every possible radio available here and every different rom, so excuse us for trying new things.im glad your not having any troubles yourself because it is really annoying
perhaps you could post us your rom and radio?
I don't suppose you could post us your settings in advanced network?
did you use the connection setup?
thanks for your help
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The post by pa49 was to DORMIU.
I'll pm you my t-mobile settings.
And I cant use the connection setup, being an O2 HD2, it only allows selection of O2.
cgrec92 said:
well I don't mean to sound rude but do you SERIOUSLY think we haven't tried that? ive tried every possible radio available here and every different rom, so excuse us for trying new things.im glad your not having any troubles yourself because it is really annoying
perhaps you could post us your rom and radio?
I don't suppose you could post us your settings in advanced network?
did you use the connection setup?
thanks for your help
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I referred to my radio in my previous post -
My OS ROM is Leo Lite 3.
Connection setup used and no further settings.
My explanation for this is the fringe nature of the received signal.
The radio its constantly 'hunting' for a signal and the radio software has difficulty in locking on.
BTW OS ROM and settings ready don't affect the efficiency of the radio signal.
MidnightDraven said:
The post by pa49 was to DORMIU.
I'll pm you my t-mobile settings.
And I cant use the connection setup, being an O2 HD2, it only allows selection of O2.
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I appreciate the help, but he doesn't seem to understand the issue here. It's not that we have low connection, or that we cannot connect to the 3.5G network. The problem is that the phone's data connection will automatically disconnect even when we are in an area with full 3.5G signal. The phone will connect for a while and then, moments later, in the same spot and with full signal, data connection is terminated. So I just can't see how the radio has anything to do with that, especially when there are hundreds of other users out there with the same ROM & Radio as us and in the same network. And yet they do not experience this problem.
Ive have similar issues but it depends where i am it appears that some towers its ok where others its not!
DORMIU said:
I appreciate the help, but he doesn't seem to understand the issue here. It's not that we have low connection, or that we cannot connect to the 3.5G network. The problem is that the phone's data connection will automatically disconnect even when we are in an area with full 3.5G signal. The phone will connect for a while and then, moments later, in the same spot and with full signal, data connection is terminated. So I just can't see how the radio has anything to do with that, especially when there are hundreds of other users out there with the
same ROM & Radio as us and in the same
network. And yet they do not experience this problem.
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The radio differentiates between all the different levels and types of signal and it depends on how exact it interprets the signal. They are supposedly optimized before release and then re optimized with each newly released version. Network operators then have their own network parameters and again the radio has to accommodate this as well. One radio will never satisfy all these criteria and some of you will be in the wrong place at the wrong time on the wrong network with the least effective radio.
I can assure you that I most certainly do understand the problem and that is why, in my own case, I have resolved it.

DEV: PPP Issues. Improvement + Summary

This possibly needs to be in the dev section but I will start here.
First off this is not a complaint. What I initially want to do is get an understanding (Technical) of the issues around the PPP dropouts and locks ups.
From where I sit this is the only outstanding issue around the current android builds. Simply the phone rocks on SD card and is ultra stable and fun.
I have noticed various wiki'sstate that internet access is complete however obviously not.
There are a number of issues such as
1: Network dropout. Data connectivity will stop responding. Restart of the radio or mobile data needed
2: Network freeze. Android restart as the radio will not turnoff.
3: console level networking not avail. Eg ping etc simply does not work. DNS does not resolve and ping cannot find a route. Std Android this works fine.
4: Related issues. GPS-A data not downloadable. Only via application layer tool.
Is PPP the default connection type on factory android builds?
What is the difference between the HD2 in dev and a std android with the implementation of the data connection.
How can I help. I have over 20 years in IT and have a thorough understanding of TCP IP layers and routing. I have reasonable understanding of Linux and the kernel IP stack but zero understanding of the android kernel or application layer.
I also have dollars to contribute.
Currently I am trying all four with isome improvements
1: Updated the Ril WRapper with no luck.
2: Change the phones default connection to GSM PL.
Change the setting found in the menu phone info when you "call" *#*#4636#*#*. There is a option to choose your preferred network. Set to GSM auto (PRL)
3: Update DNS settings.
4: Ensure the correct APN's are being used.
This is no internet versus unstable Internet.
Note. Currently trying all four and things are improving. Had my first dropout after 36 hours versus 2 per day. It happened whilst using the GPS and making a call which always tend to be a stresser anyway. Will try to keep this thread updated.
This thread also has a number of updates http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=813148
I am running a stock WinMo Rom (Latest European release 3.14 I believe). 2.15 radio on a Telstra Network in Australia. My phone is a T8585. Also running [19.10.10]|<<Mdeejay FroYo Sense Series>>|2.25.771.1| cos I like the transparent titlebars
Now I have been running all 4 of the above for around a week now and have to say there is a def improvement. Where it was common to get multiple disconnects per day I have only had 3 in the last week. Mainly when I use the GPS.
I am still searching and have yet to find a 100% fix the stability is now at a point of reasonable reliable. Also noted that the Devs are still hard at work on this.
Update 31-10-2010
A good test is to open google maps while driving. Its about the only time I get a drop out now.
The GPS kicking in always stresses the radio and that combined with the handover of cell sites is a great deal breaker.
This also seems to be consist with my suspicions around the poor handling of corrupt connections.
Eg the system on fresh boot only has a table for handling 50 connections line. This ensures it can handle multiple simultaneous connections as well as background coms.
Now when a connection is damaged or locked normally it should timeout and/or then be deleted from the table. My suspicions is that this is not happening and all the avail connection handling are slowly filling up until there are now free. Frozen this is why it seems to be very unlikely for a freeze to occur straight after a restart but more likely after a day. Also dependent on stress environments. Homes with lots of RF noise, Long way from cell towers, driving, lots of gps use, Wifi cut over.
Thanks for the response.
I was not looking for work around but more technical information to try and identify where the issue lies. curious to see if ppp is the default and if the ppp implementation should work or is it still a hack/work around.
The steps I have tried are
1: Updated the Ril WRapper with no luck. No improvement
2: Change the phones default connection to GSM PL. No improvement
3: Update DNS settings. Still testing however does not resolve console level network issues and unlikely related to ppp freeze. No logic?
4: Ensure the correct APN's are being used. No improvement
Note. Currently trying all three
This is also separate to a lot of people issues around APN's. From the application layer internet works fine except for the freeze.
I believe rmnet is android's default connection and ppp is winmo's. I think dft reengineered ppp for Android. Remember seeing it some where when ppp first started to appear. Of course this is how I remember it and my life is hectic so it might be the opposite.
Sent from my Mytouch HD2
So I understand that one of the issues with RMNET was dropped packets. Was this due to it not being correctly engineered/implemented or just a nature of the beast?
Also with the issues everyone is having why are we not continuing to investigate RMNET as at least this was initially more stable and more of a native option.
dusty_nz said:
So I understand that one of the issues with RMNET was dropped packets. Was this due to it not being correctly engineered/implemented or just a nature of the beast?
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That is because it isn't implemented correctly. The radio receiver in our phones was made for PPP, not for RMNET. Latter is standard in native android devices. And there it works very fast and stable. So the devs had to implement PPP in android, which isn't proper working. But they're working on it to improve the stability, I'm pretty sure 'bout that. At least it does work and I had never problems with loosing my connection and bad speeds.
Edit: Those are the known steps to get it at least halfways stable working.
Did some more playing.
Both RMNET and PPP allow pinging from the console. Just had to enable SU first.
Thanks everyone for your info. Will try my best to be patient.
dusty_nz said:
Did some more playing.
Both RMNET and PPP allow pinging from the console. Just had to enable SU first.
Thanks everyone for your info. Will try my best to be patient.
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But did you also have a delay till it worked? It took me about 20 seconds before any reply came up. And does your ping test work if you try it in the hidden menu when you "call" *#*#4636#*#*?
There was a delay and the hidden menu ping does not work either.
Still needs work.
dusty_nz said:
There was a delay and the hidden menu ping does not work either.
Still needs work.
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Have you seen this thread? It might be a possible solution.
Some people have reported that it works. But I had no time to test it. Had to move servers
That is fix number 3. Update DNS. Testing now. Only been 24 hours however no drops.
Seems strange thou. Hard to imagine it is a DNS issue.
On a side note. Does anyone know what changes to the Rom are needed when installing an RMNET kernel?
Eg If I took the latest MDeejay rom and changed the kernel?
Update on first post.
Def improvements to be found. DNS seems to be the biggest improvement for me but also running all 4 at once.
dusty_nz said:
On a side note. Does anyone know what changes to the Rom are needed when installing an RMNET kernel?
Eg If I took the latest MDeejay rom and changed the kernel?
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No one who knows cares enough to answer.
As far as I can tell, no 'modern' build uses an rmnet kernel anymore, because apparently the chefs either don't care about data reception, or don't think that there is a problem because they don't leave a build on long enough for it to start developing problems.
enneract said:
No one who knows cares enough to answer.
As far as I can tell, no 'modern' build uses an rmnet kernel anymore, because apparently the chefs either don't care about data reception, or don't think that there is a problem because they don't leave a build on long enough for it to start developing problems.
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any build that says it uses michyprima r11 is still rmnet based. I don't think the nexus one-based kernels worked with ppp at all.
on another note, I was getting loads of Network Freezes (where flicking airplane mode wouldn't reset the data connection) since last week despite not fundamentally changing anything in my Android setup (see sig). However been doing some research around xda yesterday and may have found something else that's improved my ppp connection stability (so far) and resolved my constant network freeze issue... will update when I've tested this for a few more days.
Some improvment?
APNs are correct, Did the RIL_WRAPPER with no significant improvment. This morning I changed to GSM PRL and noticed an improvment.
Before the GSM PRL, I had many PPP drops, especially when streaming large amounts of data. After the GSM PRL update, I did try streaming youtube, Last.FM, slingpalyer together and NetTest, concurrently, everything is working with no PPP drop.
This is not enough to reach a conclusion, but nevertheless, I never could have done it before
Have a look here.
Stock rom 1.48 WWE, radio 2.15.50 and Froyostone 3.2
Thanks for the support!
BTW: How can I obtain the DNS information for my mobile carrier?
Just report.
I didn't believe change dns will work.
But after I change dns, the data suddenly work ( no need to restart!).
So I think it have something relate to dns.
Same thing. Updating the DNS in the build.pro file seems to have the greatest benefit.
I have a suspicion that the issues are caused with the network driver not flushing dead connections. Eg outgoing requests that to not get a reply. Ideally they should be flushed other wise the connection cache will fill until it can no longer take more connections. Symptom dead/frozen internet
All the symptoms seem to relate to this sort of issue
Things like ppp drop out more likely when on the move (More dropped packets). GPS and wifi but back. etc.
Thanks for your help, this is a great thread and its certainly appreciated (the devs are busy enough as it is, xda member contributions are a great help).
As it was asked a few posts up, how do I obtain the DNS settings for my carrier? I am using TMobile US and I'd like to test your observations.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
tgtoys said:
Thanks for your help, this is a great thread and its certainly appreciated (the devs are busy enough as it is, xda member contributions are a great help).
As it was asked a few posts up, how do I obtain the DNS settings for my carrier? I am using TMobile US and I'd like to test your observations.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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Follow the link on post 3
will then lead you here.

[Solved] Cyanogen Wifi connectivity issues (all models)

After flashing CM6.1 I got the notorious wifi connectivity issue that numerous people have been reporting around the web. The issue is the following:
1: Wifi discovers neighbor's AP but no longer home AP.
2: Wifi problem randomly fixes itself, but sometime comes back and home AP can't be found again.
Many random solutions on the web include removing all stored AP's on the phone, resetting the router, rebooting and power cycling the phone numerous times, etc. Most people report that wifi miraculously start working again after the above but there is no consistency to exactly why and what works.
I tried all of the above with no luck, and even flashed three different roms with different kernels, did wipes, formatted everything inculding boot partition etc.
Here is the ACTUAL problem:
Different regions use different wifi channels. North America uses the first 11, most of the world uses 13, and Japan uses all 14. After flashing CM6.1 it changed the regulatory domain on the phone to only scan the first 11 channels meaning my European router broadcasting on 13 wouldn't show up. This setting seems to be persistent and doesn't change just because a new rom is flashed.
The reason people report the problem to be randomly fixed after a few days (and sometimes coming back days later) is because most routers automatically select which channel to broadcast on and therefore might end up within the first 11 at occasion. If it changes to something higher after that however, the problem is back.
Open Settings, Wireless & network settings, Wi-Fi settings. Press "Menu" and select Advanced. Press regulatory domain and change to 14 channels.
To learn more about this and understand which channels are used in which countries, look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_WLAN_channels#2.4.C2.A0GHz_.28802.11b.2Fg.2Fn.29
Thanks man, even I still met an issue which was wifi disconnect frequently (usually after 12 seconds or less, it's re-scanning AP and trying to re-connect again) when I was trying to share my broadband internet from laptop to my legend.
BUT, after I update my wlan driver (now using for my Atheros AR5XXX), the issue seems gone.
I found that by updating wlan driver to the very latest driver (for mine is 9.2.0.xxx) is not a guarantee to resolve this problem.
Now, by combining your suggestion and an "appropriate" driver version for my wlan, it work flawlessly until now
PS: driver version which will work varies from devices to devices. Do trial and error if you must
edit: well, not 100% gone, but much better . the connection is far more stable
Could be a problem for some but not all the issues with WiFi. I knew about this and even posted one or two times this check for the number of channels in different other topics as a possible solution. Still there are times when the connection to the "home" AP is done very late after entering in range or switching on the WiFi and the signal is changing from none to full and back frequently, for the same relative position to the router (I'm standing in the same place). Also even if the signal is full or good, the Legend seems not to have Internet connection that is, the weather updates or XDA applications or browser could not connect. This is still happening even if the selection for the number of channels is correct. And also this is not happening with a stock ROM, I made some comparisons between my Legend and one of my friends that has stock ROM. He is having full signal and excellent browsing experience while I have random disconnects or drops in signal level. My thought is that the difference between drivers made by HTC and the ones in CM ROM is the cause. As it is with some other HTC proprietary developments (like Flash implementation or FM radio), could be that HTC spent some more development time in eliminating bugs and making a better driver.
Of course, this will not stop me use CM ROMS, it is a little bit frustrating, but the other things in CM ROM's makes the difference for me.
Rapier said:
My thought is that the difference between drivers made by HTC and the ones in CM ROM is the cause
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I think you're right. Yesterday, I tried my friend's phone (which has a stock ROM), using the same AP and there was no dropped signal or disconnected in wifi. I also tried using other android phone brand (5 series from samsung) which also has a stock ROM and there was no problem at all. Drivers is the culprit
Thanks u very much.worked on my milestone
Thanks. Actually worked.
Rapier said:
Could be a problem for some but not all the issues with WiFi. I knew about this and even posted one or two times this check for the number of channels in different other topics as a possible solution. Still there are times when the connection to the "home" AP is done very late after entering in range or switching on the WiFi and the signal is changing from none to full and back frequently, for the same relative position to the router (I'm standing in the same place). Also even if the signal is full or good, the Legend seems not to have Internet connection that is, the weather updates or XDA applications or browser could not connect. This is still happening even if the selection for the number of channels is correct. And also this is not happening with a stock ROM, I made some comparisons between my Legend and one of my friends that has stock ROM. He is having full signal and excellent browsing experience while I have random disconnects or drops in signal level. My thought is that the difference between drivers made by HTC and the ones in CM ROM is the cause. As it is with some other HTC proprietary developments (like Flash implementation or FM radio), could be that HTC spent some more development time in eliminating bugs and making a better driver.
Of course, this will not stop me use CM ROMS, it is a little bit frustrating, but the other things in CM ROM's makes the difference for me.
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Hello Rapier,
I have installed the CyanogenMod 6.1.1 (stable) on my HTC Desire (GSM / France) with latest radio image ( and taken some time to configure it. Now, everything seems to run well ... excepted the WiFi (and perhaps also the GSM). My problem is exactlw what you have described:
- on stock ROMs, the WiFi signal is stable and quite strong
- on Cyanogen ROM 6.1.1, the WiFi signal fluctuates, the connection is unstable and gets lost.
I like CyanogenMod ROMs very much. The WiFi issue is the only thing that I was not able to correct. You were speaking about WiFi drivers: would it be possible to extract the WiFi drivers from the latest HTC Desire stock ROM and copy them into the CyanogenMod installation?
My impression is that the CyanogenROM is scanning for networks in the background, even if a stable and strong WiFi network has been found and is currently connected. Perhaps there is a possibility to disable this scanning?
To finish, I have also the impression (I know, this is not very scientific ... but perhaps it could help to determinate where the issue comes from) that the GSM network is also fluctuating. I use WiFi Analyzer (available on the Android market) and when I plot a graph, without moving the phone or even without moving myself, the plot oscillates between -80dBm and -30dBm (I swear that there is nobody playing with the on/off button of my ZyXEL router ).
@sz1a: Thank you very much for your post: this helped me to discover these "hidden" settings, but my configuration is manual on the ZyXEL and everything was fine. Perhaps you should switch the thread to "unsolved".
I'n not a developer, only an ethusiast with a Legend. Also I'm not a Linux expert so I can only guess and experiment...threfore I cannot tell if porting HTC proprietary drivers is possible. I'd say not...if it was, we would have it by now. The main reason I think, is that those drivers are not open source, so nobody can port them since the sources are not available. I'm sure that if it was possible, they'll have been included in CM
Sent from my Legend using XDA App
pleaaaase help, im running CM 6.1 RC 1
wifi was working fine untill yesterday, i tried to connect to my friends router but couldnt.. i tried putting it in manually too.. then i couldnt connect to any router infact my phone wont even pick up any even my home one.. i tried switching to 14 channs like this said but no luck
any help please

[Q] WiFi issues on almost all ROMs - MB525 red lens

Hi All,
Since I got my DEFY I have WiFi problems. This issue only exists when WiFI has WPA/WPA2 PSK authorisation.
It is going like this: I connect over the wifi. Then connection works fine, I am able to browse www, check the emails etc, and after few seconds, minutes the connection stops working but still exist. I try to reconnect several times. Defy shows that is connected but nothing works fine. Internet apps or Market gives a message like the time is up, connection lost. I have to forget the conection in settings or reset device to get it working properly, but not for long.
And the thing is that there is only ONE ROM that works fine with WiFi on my DEFY. This is Cyanogenmod-7.1.0-RC1. Other ROMs have same issues. Doesn't mater if it is Cyanogen mod 7.1 stable or any MIUI or MS2Ginger. I tried almost all roms but nothing helped. So I had to go back to CM7.1.0-RC1.
Do you know what should I do to make WiFi working fine on other roms?
Please, just don't tell me that I should change authorisation on WiFi router. This is not a solution for me, because I use WiFi in a lot different places.
Same problem
I have the same problem with my Defy since a few months, no solutions!
I have the *EXACT* same issue. Was about to roll back to stock and send it in for repair, glad I found your post! I'll install the ROM you suggested and keep hoping this gets fixed
just fixed my wifi issue for the second time. If there are to many remembered networks no more wifi. You can turn it on but it cant find any. delete all remembered networks and back on line. that is the only conectivity problem I have ever had after months of cm7
wilson1813 said:
just fixed my wifi issue for the second time. If there are to many remembered networks no more wifi. You can turn it on but it cant find any. delete all remembered networks and back on line. that is the only conectivity problem I have ever had after months of cm7
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I think that's a different problem than we're having. It is finding the network just fine (and connecting) in our case. It's just that internet connectivity refuses to work after a few minutes, forcing us to disconnect-reconnect to get it working again
@OP: Thanks a lot! The ROM you mentioned does indeed not have this problem. It's not as stable as some of the more recent roms though, think I'll still be forced to revert to stock
i had exactly that problem with my first defy, no solution man, i send it to warranty and they give me other
maybe changing the regulatory domain channels from 11 to 14 could help. this option is hidden by default, you have to enable it: change the value of 'ro.debuggable' from 0 to 1 in /system/bootmenu/config/default.prop, save and reboot. after that, the regulatory domain setting will be shown in settings/wireless/wifi/advanced. simply change it to 14 channels.
Sent from my MB526 using xda premium
@OP: Apparently the issue still occurs on the version you mentioned as well...just happens less often.
cdlq456 said:
i had exactly that problem with my first defy, no solution man, i send it to warranty and they give me other
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Hmm..weird thing is, I never had this issue on the stock ROM
zakoo2 said:
maybe changing the regulatory domain channels from 11 to 14 could help. this option is hidden by default, you have to enable it: change the value of 'ro.debuggable' from 0 to 1 in /system/bootmenu/config/default.prop, save and reboot. after that, the regulatory domain setting will be shown in settings/wireless/wifi/advanced. simply change it to 14 channels.
Sent from my MB526 using xda premium
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Thank you for the suggestion! Just tried this, didn't resolve the issue sadly
I'm looking into rolling back to a stock Froyo rom but the information is scattered all over the place, I'm having a hard time figuring out if it's possible, and if so, how ;/
Anyone have any more ideas? ;/
darkdevil1 said:
Anyone have any more ideas? ;/
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OK, maybe I just passed the signpost but... do you still have the problem if you set your "select network" setting to 3G only?
I ask because (and it may be different on my phone as I am USA, stock ROM with wifi calling) if you go into the INFO menu > phone information > set preferred network type, mine toggles between three radio preferences: "GSM only" (when wifi is active), "GSM auto (prl)" and -- if I set for 3G Only, "WCDMA only".
I have noticed that when "select network" setting is at automatic (or 2G only) it often has trouble transitioning from cell to wifi. And, when wifi is an issue, I find that "GSM auto (prl)" has been selected (which on my USA phone prevents wifi connection). However, it seems to have no issue whatsoever transitioning from "WCDMA only" (3G only) to "GSM only", which on my phone then allows wifi connection. Again, this is a wifi calling phone so may be different.
Yep, same here BUT ! I get root browser, found my build.prop and change wifi chanells first time for 14 and it didnt help so i try other and my wifi works in 100% with 13 chanells. Try it
This is a widely know problem, many people are affected more or less. I'm also having nerve-blowing times with wifi sucking all over... Stock Froyo (and now Cyanogen 7.2) seems to be a bit more stable, sometimes everything is fine for a few hours, all downloads go lightning fast - and then suddenly things are screwed up. I tried a lot of MIUI releases as I like it most. MIUI seemed the most problematic so far. I don't know what is the cause, new stock Motorola Gingerbread ROM versions also have this issue (except one I think - look it up in the forum).
Agree, bothering with the router is not a solution. My Nokia E51, my EeePC, my girlfriend's Omnia and Lifebook - all work perfectly with all the four routers we use frequently. Not a single glitch - everything is stable and nice, except Defy.
I don't think is a hardware problem with certain devices, it seems more to do with the way Defy handles wireless connections.
Anyway, it's frustrating but CM7.2 and CEE Froyo gives a bit better experience than others.
masspl said:
Yep, same here BUT ! I get root browser, found my build.prop and change wifi chanells first time for 14 and it didnt help so i try other and my wifi works in 100% with 13 chanells. Try it
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You mean changing ro.wifichannels to 13?.
Don't do that, my phone wouldn't boot any more. Had to restore nandroid BU...
darkdevil1 said:
You mean changing ro.wifichannels to 13?.
Don't do that, my phone wouldn't boot any more. Had to restore nandroid BU...
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I didnt know that... it help me but i see for other its bad
Mine boots fine...
VTomi1975 said:
Mine boots fine...
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Strange, perhaps I messed up something else accidentally then. Has it resolved your problem?
My mate do same think but he leave space after "13" and there was some problems with boot after this ;/ So maybe u do same ... Im sory if i make some problem
darkdevil1 said:
Strange, perhaps I messed up something else accidentally then. Has it resolved your problem?
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No, problem still persists. Sometimes it works flawlessly for hours. Then... suddenly screwed :S In some cases a "switch wifi on/off" workout can help but not always.
VTomi1975 said:
No, problem still persist. Sometimes it works flawlessly for hours. Then... suddenly screwed :S In some cases a "switch wifi on/off" workout can help but not always.
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Same. Thanks for your response.
I've rolled back to 2.2 and no Wifi issues so far. I'll just stay on this stock ROM.
darkdevil1 said:
Same. Thanks for your response.
I've rolled back to 2.2 and no Wifi issues so far. I'll just stay on this stock ROM.
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Which Froyo version do you use? A few times this wifi-bug occured also under Froyo. I'm thinking about going back myself, as Froyo is the only acceptable release to record hiccups-free videos

[Q] Help with data and GSM losses of connection

I own a Verizon Motorola Razr M, bought in ebay to an US seller. I am in Spain and I use Movistar SIM card
The phone came with stock JB 4.1.2, and therefore I could not unlock the bootloader.
I started using it, but it had a problem that I am not been able to solve so far: after some hours of use, with no problems with GSM and data connections, it suddenly looses both connections, although the signals on the status bar still appear. I take care that signals have gone when I take the phone to make a call or surf the web.
I have tried the following procedures:
Change the net settings to GSM/UMTS
I rooted the phone with motochopper 1.1.2 exploit
I installed Safestrap 3.12 in order to be able to install other available locked compatible roms.
I tried these roms, following this thread here in XDA: Clean ROM 1.0. Clean ROM 1.1, Barebone New Base, Stock Deodexed.SDswap-Locked & UnLocked BLs-xt907-9.8.1Q-94-1, but no luck. This last one uses the last radio, but no way.
I also installed the [PATCH][GUIDE] Patch to fully enable GSM on Verizon CDMA Android phones. I could only install it on Clean ROM 1.1 however. It has been impossible to install it on the other ROMS. In any case, no luck again with the patch installed. Here I had a big problem because as I still had these problems, I got into *#*#4636#*#* in the dialer, and touched the band selection option: suddenly, the net showed no signal more and I was unable to make it work again: I finally solved this by installing the stock firmware from here with RSD lite.
No way. I still have this problem and I can not use the phone. I have also tried with another SIM card, but the problem remains. It is a shame because when the connection works, the phone runs very well.
Any help would be very appreciated
More details
errotaxar said:
I own a Verizon Motorola Razr M, bought in ebay to an US seller. I am in Spain and I use Movistar SIM card
The phone came with stock JB 4.1.2, and therefore I could not unlock the bootloader.
I started using it, but it had a problem that I am not been able to solve so far: after some hours of use, with no problems with GSM and data connections, it suddenly looses both connections, although the signals on the status bar still appear. I take care that signals have gone when I take the phone to make a call or surf the web.
I have tried the following procedures:
Change the net settings to GSM/UMTS
I rooted the phone with motochopper 1.1.2 exploit
I installed Safestrap 3.12 in order to be able to install other available locked compatible roms.
I tried these roms, following this thread here in XDA: Clean ROM 1.0. Clean ROM 1.1, Barebone New Base, Stock Deodexed.SDswap-Locked & UnLocked BLs-xt907-9.8.1Q-94-1, but no luck. This last one uses the last radio, but no way.
I also installed the [PATCH][GUIDE] Patch to fully enable GSM on Verizon CDMA Android phones. I could only install it on Clean ROM 1.1 however. It has been impossible to install it on the other ROMS. In any case, no luck again with the patch installed. Here I had a big problem because as I still had these problems, I got into *#*#4636#*#* in the dialer, and touched the band selection option: suddenly, the net showed no signal more and I was unable to make it work again: I finally solved this by installing the stock firmware from here with RSD lite.
No way. I still have this problem and I can not use the phone. I have also tried with another SIM card, but the problem remains. It is a shame because when the connection works, the phone runs very well.
Any help would be very appreciated
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The problem also seems to become worse with the use of the phone: at the beginning, coming from a factory reset, It can last some hours before the problem occurs. But since it happens from the first time, it happens more and more frequently and the phone can not be used any more. It seems that there could be a software issue.
Another try disabling fast dormancy
I´ve just disabled fast dormancy, because my operator Movistar apparently does not use this technology.
For this, I have modified 3 lines from build.prop system file, as indicated in another site.
The 3 lines are:
Having fast dormancy enabled when your operator does not support it, seems to drain battery, and could cause other problems. That´s why I´ve done this. I have used root explorer apk from Google store, it is free and it automatically creates a backup of build.prop file when you modify it.
I keep the fingers crossed, let´s see what happens.
Fast dormancy: yes but...
After some days using the phone with fast dormancy disabled (for this, I also added this line to build.prop: ro.ril.fast.dormancy.rule=0 ; I read this for ICS Roms, I do not know if this command is also valid for JB, any comment will be welcome), I still get some cuts (less I would say), but at least the phone tries to restart the connections. For this, I have also installed the apk from Google Play called 3g reconnect.
In any case, any comment would be appreciated.
Issue not solved
I still get data and voice disconnections when I use GSM/UMTS or only UMTS modes. They occur ransomly, and they also occur as soon as I use a WIFI connection. I can only use the phone on GSM only mode, which is frustrating.
Any advise?
errotaxar said:
I still get data and voice disconnections when I use GSM/UMTS or only UMTS modes. They occur ransomly, and they also occur as soon as I use a WIFI connection. I can only use the phone on GSM only mode, which is frustrating.
Any advise?
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I do not go near *#*#4636#*#* anymore. So tell me do you use that to make these changes (phone info is the app name).
Choosing GSM/UMTS or GSM only
aviwdoowks said:
I do not go near *#*#4636#*#* anymore. So tell me do you use that to make these changes (phone info is the app name).
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I have tried both: using *#*#4636#*#* or using the usual phone settings. Sometimes I have also checked that the changes made with the usual settings appeared also dialing *#*#4636#*#*.
Yesterday evening, I tried selecting global mode instead of GSM/UMTS and it seemed to work for some hours, but today morming, the problem occured again. So far, the unique way I have found to avoid connection cuts off is using GSM ONLY mode. I have to say that I have tried with 2 different SIM cards but the result is identical.
errotaxar said:
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Did you select the 3 dot menu & mess with the "band" settings?
---------- Post added at 07:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 AM ----------
I did that once, and all the signals disappeared. I restored the phone with RSD Lite, that appeared to be the unique way to have again signals working. Now I do not even dare touching these 3 dots.
errotaxar said:
I did that once, and all the signals disappeared. I restored the phone with RSD Lite, that appeared to be the unique way to have again signals working. Now I do not even dare touching these 3 dots.
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What booby a trap? How many step into!
I don´t know if I am understanding you. I did that once because I did not know what else should I do to solve the problem. I saw that there was the possibility to choose theoritically between US bands and Cellular, and I entered in that menu. It is not so stupid to try that if you have already tried 100 other ways.
In any case, anybody has an idea about how to solve this problem? I´m sure I am not the unique person having this issue with this phone.
errotaxar said:
I don´t know if I am understanding you. I did that once because I did not know what else should I do to solve the problem. I saw that there was the possibility to choose theoritically between US bands and Cellular, and I entered in that menu. It is not so stupid to try that if you have already tried 100 other ways.
In any case, anybody has an idea about how to solve this problem? I´m sure I am not the unique person having this issue with this phone.
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You are saying the problem is now still there. Yet the radio partition is fixed. Please restate what has been fixed with the rsd flash & what remains unfixed.
Well I think I have fixed and solved the problem: I initially copied the APN settings I had with my previous HTC Sensation, because the phone operator was the same (MOVISTAR), the SIM card too, and I have not moved. In these APN settings, the proxy was "undefined" as well as the proxy gate. I wonder if the radio stucks looking for a proxy each time or whatever. I tried yesterday with completely different APN settings, with a concrete Proxy and a gate... and now I have not had any issue in the past 24 hours. I will still wait a couple of days to see if that was finally the reason.
Which in any case would be silly, because I just applied what was working OK with my sensation, but...
New APN settings: let´s see
Well I think I have fixed and solved the problem: I initially copied the APN settings I had with my previous HTC Sensation, because the phone operator was the same (MOVISTAR), the SIM card too, and I have not moved. In these APN settings, the proxy was "undefined" as well as the proxy gate. I wonder if the radio stucks looking for a proxy each time or whatever. I tried yesterday with completely different APN settings, with a concrete Proxy and a gate... and now I have not had any issue in the past 24 hours. I will still wait a couple of days to see if that was finally the reason.
Which in any case would be silly, because I just applied what was working OK with my sensation, but...
After several days, the problem is still there. After setting new values in APN, it happens less often, but it still happens. I have to switch to GSM only mode.
2 days ago, I was surfing the net at quite high speed with no interruptions, for half an hour. I then shutted off the screen, on again some seconds later, and the connection was blocked, I had to restart the phone. It has to be a software issue.
I finally sold the phone
After concluding that I could never get rid of this problem, I sold the phone, informing that he would have to use mainly GSM only connection. Great phone otherwise, but with this issue.
This sounds like a Baseband Issue.
Europe I have found baseband:
sm_bp_101031.027.32.81P to be the most stable so far, with no H+ support though.
But most Carriers in Europe don't have H+ or LTE.
That baseband is part of build 9.8.1Q-66
Which can be all downloaded here:
The baseband from 98.16.1 had H+ support in Europe but connections dropped like crazy.
Same with 98.12.4, we remedied that with Aussie Radio at the time.
Maybe this may help some International users with Data and GSM Loss
Germanese said:
This sounds like a Baseband Issue.
Europe I have found baseband:
sm_bp_101031.027.32.81P to be the most stable so far, with no H+ support though.
But most Carriers in Europe don't have H+ or LTE.
That baseband is part of build 9.8.1Q-66
Which can be all downloaded here:
The baseband from 98.16.1 had H+ support in Europe but connections dropped like crazy.
Same with 98.12.4, we remedied that with Aussie Radio at the time.
Maybe this may help some International users with Data and GSM Loss
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I'm on 9.8.1Q-94-1(98.30.1.XT907.Verizon.en.US) and wanna use it in Germany. any experiences with the radio compared to the suggested one. Or is there another way to boost the performance of the razr m? Compared to my razr I the signal and data quality is really poor...
edit: my baseband-version is: SM_BP_101032.021.32.80P
edit2: ok... now i've flashed several basebands... and the behaviour of the phone is always the same... with the australian baseband of xt905 it wasn't possible to get an hspa-connection. dunno if its enough just to flash the radio-fw?!?!?
so is there an other way to get more stability in my region? i tried to flash the radio from razr hd retail germany. but i think the razr m don't like it when I fool around. actually I love the mobile, so i don't want to make it angry... your suggestions are very much appreciated...

